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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  November 30, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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it's that time of year. looking at this. that is the rockefeller center christmas tree. they are getting ready to light it up officially. that will be tonight. nbc 8:00 eastern. that will do it for this hour. mtp daily starts right now. >> if it's wednesday, the party that was predicting a permanent lock on the college discovered they can't win anything. tonight, are democrats out of touch. house democrats welcome back the same leadership that lost 63 seat in six years. >> i have a special spring in my step today. >> fire sale or firestorm. the choices president-elect faces as a president with a vast business empire. how the crisis in the mideast are threatening the world. >> we have a long-term approach
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to not just do fire drills. >> this is mtp daily and it starts right now. >> per good evening from washington. this is chuck todd. doesn't get much lower than this. democrats were measuring the drapes not just in the white house, that was in the bag. they were talking about the senate and even the house at one point. they thought they would narrow it in a big way or shall we see bigl bigley. they are facing a government after misjudging the electorate or coming up with the message of their own government. after years of trumpeting, democrats find themselves out of touch with working class white voters in the midwest. according to smart politics, democrats have now lost five consecutive presidential elections in these states.
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by increasingly larger margins. hillary clinton lost west virginia, once the strongest of democratic strongholds by 42 points. michael dukakis carried in 1988 and george h.w. bush won that year. take wisconsin in 2012. president obama won 25 by 16 points and donald trump narrowly beat her by two. that brings us to the election. the 76-year-old congresswoman nancy pelosi was reelected as house minority leader. defeating ohio. here's pelosi after the vote. >> we have a responsibility and we embrace the opportunity that is presented. we know how to win elections. we have done it in the past. we will do it again. >> it's not just pelosi.
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joe crowley is the caucus chair who joins his vice chair. the average age is now 66. for better or worse, the leadership reflects the caucus. role call did this and put this together. 57% of the 198-number caucus is 60 or older. it's not just an age problem, but a regional one as well. every member is from a state that touches an ocean. here's tim ryan after he lost to pelosi imploring democrats to talk economics. >> as democrats, we need to talk about economics. you heard me saying a million times. if we are going to win as democrats, we need a message that resonates in every corner of the country. >> the reaction from some inside was a lot more pointed. arizona congresswoman said in a statement this should be a time
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of critical reflection and clear-eyed change and not a chance to rubber stamp the past to the people. democrats were supposed to begin picking up the pieces and they are arranging them in the exact same order. joining me now is elijah cummings and the ranking member of the house oversight committee. you heard my last statement in particular. why did the democratic leadership and the house deserve reelection? >> because, chuck, we are in a difficult time with donald trump about to enter the white house. the things we stoods for are under fierce attack and we need people who are season and prepared to address the issues. we have to protect the gains that were made under the obama administration. we have to keep in mind in nancy pelosi, she is a proven leader. she was able to bring a very
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diverse caucus into to bring to fruition dodd frank and the affordable care act. i can go on and on. i think what we did today was say okay, we are going to stick with the leadership that we have. of course with mr. crowley and sanchez. we have younger leaders coming up, but for now, when you have a strategist who is second to none like a standing lawyer and jim clyburn, we had to stick with the folks that we have. >> i hear you and -- there is a lot of people that said what part of losing 63 states since 2010 collectively makes you comfortable that these folks know what they are doing. nancy pelosi is a terrific fund-raiser and that has not translated to house victories.
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they know how to move a bill on the floor. there no bills to move on the floor. we have to do some reevaluating with regard to the message and how we get that out. we do have a 50-state strategy and that has fought against foreclosures and things of that nature and created the affordable care act is not there for the economic interest of americans whether they be in the rust belt or whether they be on the east or west coast or the south. we have got our message out and get it out there clearly. we have to come up with practical solutions, but at the same time we have to hold on to the progress we made overall for the american people. we have to remind the american
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people what we stood for and what we fought against. >> one of the things i noticed in the leadership is not one member of the leadership comes from a district that is tough. comes from a swing district and knows what it's like to even be in a state that is governed by the other party other than jim clyburn. >> chuck, you know. come on now. >> i'm asking. i'm asking how the members have led the party in a direction that makes her feel comfortable running as a democrat in arizona. >> first of all, you know about the jergerry mandering and ther are not a lot of swing districts. you know that. the fact is that we have played in those districts and we are to do more. to get into the districts and let the american people know
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what we stand for. i have all the faith and confidence we will be able to do that. one other thing we seem to be passing by. if you look at the election that took place, a lot of what happened with regard to disappointment with the number of seats we may have gained or the fact that we hope to have gotten control of the senate had to do a lot with the trump-clinton race. here hillary clinton was being attacked from ever side. we had comey and wikileaks. a lot of forces going against her and that had a trickle down effect on the other races. you cannot blame all of that on nancy pelosi and jim clyburn. >> pete sessions represents a district that hillary clinton carried. the democratings didn't have a candidate against him. this is in texas.
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she overperformed all over the place in texas. this feels -- that's just one example, but is this a case where the leadership doesn't understand the electorate? >> we have to again as i said before, we have to play everywhere. we have to have a 50-state strategy and i think we need to broaden our hearings and get out there and let the american people know what we stand for. the democrats clearly feel the pain of the american people, but there are other things we have to do too. we have to help them keep more of the dollars we are making in their pocket and we have been doing everything in our power to make that happen while we have gone against forces that have been doing just the opposite. >> i asked a lot of democratings
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and i know there is when do you support things that trump is for and even if you like it. there is an argument that said oppose him on everything and it's good for the party even if there are things you would like to support personally. where are you on this? >> i am doing those things and i want to do those things that are good for the country. putting party aside and addressing issues that are good for the country. for example, in infrastructure. i want to be helpful to president trump with regard to infrastructu infrastructure, but i want to make sure we don't create the projects where by we are getting super duper tax breaks to the rich and at the same time having private companies end up owning the roads and charging high tolls to my constituents.
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we said his number one goal was to make sure he didn't serve a second term. democrats had the reputation of trying to work things through and work them out and to compromise when it's appropriate. i guarantee we will be reasonable and work with this president, but on the other hand if there are issues we don't believe in, we will have to go against him toe to toe. >> never shy and always good talk with you. >> msnbc contributor at "the washington post" and founder of the fix blog. eliana johnson. there is a new tag line for her. "washington post" columnist eugene rob upson. new gig. congratulations. i will give you first dibs here. democrats, everybody is talking about change and they did the
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same thing they do all the time. it's a testament to nancy pelosi's grip on this conference. >> it would be one thing if the leadership demonstrated that they understood there needed to be change. i was struck by her comment after the leadership election when she said tim ryan couldn't even carry his district for hillary clinton. i thought to myself, isn't that the point? he is from a district that donald trump carried and yet he managed to get elected and he is from a district that screws democratic by 34 points and doesn't seem to understand donald trump's appeal nor the appeal of having somebody, anybody in leadership who is from a district that trump won, but can none the less win as a democrat. >> eugene, i'm not surprised she won. i guess i'm surprised tim ryan was alone. nobody challenged clyburn. >> clyburn is appointed though.
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>> where were the challengers. if you decide she had her day and it's time for new leadership. is the answer tim ryan and or is there another answer out there and we never got to see basically. i had a long talk with leader pelosi on monday and the point she makes is that i have been here in the wilderness before. i did lead us out once and i can do it again. clearly there were things that the democrats did not get. they did not foresee and a lot of people didn't foresee including many pollsters. it was back to the drawing board on that. but the idea that there has to be an economic message.
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>> duh. that tim ryan kept saying. they got that right. >> i don't think the way out of the wilderness will be by poo-pooing people out of the wilderness. that added to it. >> that's the way she plays. >> she is tough. >> a lot of people who don't follow it closely. what happened 63 seats lost. 62 of them are moderate and conservatives. the shrinking. the shrinking of the caucus in a weird way made her stronger because it's more liberal. >> they did grow a little bit. >> six seats, but if you look at the broad, they lost one out of every five states they held. about 19% of the seats. most of those are the gene taylors of the world.
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i think we focus on her because she is the leader, but you have to take it in a trio. pelosi and clyburn. 76, pelosi, 77 hoyer. i looked this up this morning. both pelosi and hoyer were elected in the 80s. people who have been here a long time. paul ryan is 46. >> literally, the pelosi hoyer feud started before you and i were born. >> it goes way back. >> i feel like because she doesn't want to let him be leader, he doesn't want to give her the satisfaction of leaving. they hold on for dear life. don't you think this had something do with it? >> i do. you can't look at this one election in a vacuum. of course it has something to do
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with that long history of that. >> what happened in that time. just look at the problem this created. i have written about this and we talked about it. who is the obvious next up? i don't know. there is less buzz on becerra. >> he is 58. he's not the young gun anymore. >> debbie wassermann schultz. not happening. steve israel, former head of the house. he's out. you see what happens when you keep staying and keep staying and keep staying. >> tim ryan is running for governor. >> that's why he did it. he's not afraid of her. >> he did it so that republicans can't run the ad that said nancy pelosi democrat which they would run. >> he will run for governor. part of this is a consequence of losing all the state legislative seats over so many years. you don't have these rising stars coming out of the states
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who are ready to come into congress who by now have come in and will be moving up to leadership and the stars of tomorrow. this is a generation that is missing. >> donald trump is a spry 70-year-old compared to the few top leaders. >> 70? >> 70 is the new 17. >> coming up, what's in a name? trump said he is cutting ties with his company. can he really separate himself from the businesses that bear his name?
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belt residents are who not about to be put out of work. some still are, but the devil may be in the details. united technologies mak billions in revenue from the federal government. the pentagon is the largest customer. we don't know what was agreed upon. what did donald trump promise and did he overpromise? what are the consequences of this deal? justin wolvers tweeted every savvy ceo will threaten to ship jops and demand a statement to stay. it may not be a sustainable strategy, but politically this is a win for trump. unadult rated win. promise made, promise kept. we have to be on the look out for the long-term consequences of this transactional governing. we will be right back for the future of a different business. trump's. buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah!
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[ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ] why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. trump. it's a brand, it's a business, and it's about to be a
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president. and that could be a problem. mr. trump announced his intention to leave his strauling business after ethics watch dog, journalists and congress have been sounding the alarm over the significant conflicts of interest at the president-elect's multinational empire and a conflict of interesty interest does not mean anyone is guilty of anything. it puts people in potentially impossible situations to pick between one part of their life or another part. but, what does leaving the business actually mean? when is he going to do it and who will run it and how does it free him from conflicts of interest. we don't know. trump may not either. he is giving himself two weeks to figure it out before he holds a news conference on the subject. one would assume we would know today. they may not know yet. he doesn't seem to think this is that big of a deal. in a series of tweets, he said while i am not mandated to do this under the law, i feel it is
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visually important as president to no in no way have a conflict of business with my various businesses. it takes me out of business operations. here's the big thing. politics and ethics are all about perception. how does he leave the companies that bear his name. all 268 of them and how does he leave behind the conflicts they pose? liquidation or a fire sale. he has to avoid a firestorm of conflicts later. let me bring in again our chief legal correspondent. ari, i want to dive in on the one issue of why is it handing the company over to his kids saying i'm not longer an officer at any of the companies that bear my name? i have no fiduciary interest. i don't get paid for it. why is handing it to the kids not enough? >> handing management over means
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he is still the owner and that is what matters the most. he would stand to benefit or lose a great deal of money any time big things are going on. think about the financial crisis. that was a situation where all sorts of companies including strong companies and financial firms that never thought to have been in danger were looking 59 bankruptcy days away. he could have his kids or someone else further away than his kids running it. and a chunk of his fortune or own personal money on the line. he is personally guaranteed loans before. his future could still be hanging in the balance and thinking about that as well as the public interest of what's happening to the government and the markets if he is the owner. we spoke to several legal experts who said the ownership is the issue. >> is it possible then -- you are saying if his kids become the owner and he is no longer
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owner, that wouldn't say he was cabinet secretary. would that violate the conflict of interest law? >> if he put all of the ownership to somebody else, i don't think he would be as much in the cross hairs. the future fate of that company has a property interest wouldn't be his. what we have from the tweets and i interviewed several people about it, the mainstream interpretation is he is talking about who runs the company and not who owns it. divestment would be selling the companies or selling the ones in direct businesslike the post office hotel and other companies in direct business perhaps or negotiations with major foreign countries. it could be a process. i don't think he indicated anything like that. he is going to own the stuff, but spend less time on it. guess what. you don't need to be a lawyer to know the president is a busy job. he was going to spend less time on it either way. follow the ownership, not the
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meeting structure and not the other theater. >> our chief legal correspondent. thank you. let me bring in the panel. eliana, the trump business is one of his children. i say this. he cares that much about it. he is -- other than divestment, i don't know how he will never let his mind wonder to it. >> i say good for him. he loves his business. >> that's right. even if he does turn the ownership over to his children, it presents conflicts of interest given how closely he brought his children into the governing process. and how the chances that some of them may be involved in decision make. what we have seen is foreign countries without even being asked, making decisions that benefit trump businesses and the only thing that would really dissolve these conflicts is to liquidate the assets.
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it's the only thing he can do. >> we were talking two months before the election. there is no way hillary clinton would be president and the clinton foundation has to be handed over. no clinton can be involved. we were talking about a charity. >> a charity that saves millions of lives as opposed to a private business. >> but foreign governments did write them checks not knowing. >> this is the problem that is not going go away. and it's a problem that the president-elect is going to have to manage and had better manage carefully. it can jump up and bite him. he is not going divest. it would take years in any case if he said today i'm going to sell everything, it would take him years to unravel. >> there is no doubt this is complicated. >> real estate assets. you are selling at the top or the bottom. what country are you in?
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it's not going to happen. >> so much of it is not necessarily things he owns, but things he has lent his name to for a sum of money. they had an affiliation with the name. you have to sell. >> do trump properties get treated like u.s. buildings overseas. u.s. government buildings like they are targets. a great piece about this and you talked to security experts and say look what they have done. that's one building and the trump whatever in singapore, they have the governments summoned. >> the hotels overseas, trump doesn't. that's all. >> there are other places where they have partnerships and he may have a stake or whatever.
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where i used to live, like a day or two after the eltion, suddenly the permit for a new trump tower downtown got untangled. >> really? >> imagine that. it's a miracle. it's going to be a big building with trump's name on it in downtown buenos aires down the street where from the israeli embassy got blown up. these are places that are not soft targets. >> they know they made a mistake in the first years of the bush administration looking like they were rubber stamping and they lost their independence. they want to keep their independence this time. trump may not have a lot of friends, as many as he thinks. >> it remains to be seen how much they want to keep their independence. they rubber stamp a lot of things because 9/11 happened.
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there was an instinct to rally around a wartime president, but the infrastructure will be a test on where they stand on that. >> for policy we should be an ethical watch dog this year too. and perhaps barack obama and strategy of staying less involved in the mideast has leading the u.s. down a dangerous path. we'll be right back.
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>> still ahead at mtp daily, madeleine albright joined me on the crisis they see that the trump administration will be facing overseas and how a return is not their answer. first here hampton pearson with the market wrap. >> it was a solid month on the markets and the dow gained about two points today for november. it's up over 5%.
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the s&p fell and up more than 3% and the nasdaq slid by 56 and gained 2.6% for the month. opec announced it will cut production starting in january and oil surged over 9% to close at 49.21 a barrel on that news. and companies added 216,000 jobs, more than economists expected. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. david. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds! ♪ "dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations
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to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. >> welcome become to mtp daily as donald trump continues to mull over his decision of who will be secretary of state. what is the trump foreign policy going to look like. throughout the campaign, trump was full of contradictions. he talked about a form of isolationism. it seemed like that's where we were headed. he talked about aggressive intervention with bombing the heck out of isis.
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a new report said it is necessary to make changes and concludes that isolationism in that region is a dangerous illusion. joining me now are the cochairs of the mideast strategy task force. the secretary of state and president bush 43's adviser steven hadley. welcome to both of you. this is framed as a bipartisan critique of the obama foreign policy is where you think trump's foreign policy is. >> is that a fair assessment? >> it's bipartisan, but i wouldn't say it is a critique. it is looking forward at a part of the world that has been dominated by outside powers that is creating and has a crisis. crisis of the mideast that is now coming out of the mideast and affecting u.s. national security interests. what we have been doing, we spent a lot of time on this. this is consulting with experts
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in the region and going to the region and doing everything we can to understand what's happening there. approaching it with humility and saying that we have to have a long-term approach to the region and not just do fire drills. >> steven hadley, you feel like the report is saying our intervention has not been good and therefore we need to intervene and i'm being facetious. your prescription is more intervention. more involvement when the american public is going whoa. we want less. >> one of the things we found and madeline said damned if you do, damned if you do don't. with bush you did too much and with obama you do too little. why can't you americans get it right? >> we have never gotten it right. >> you look at the history and listen to the region in terms of what they wanted.
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we think we have come up to a 230er formulation to help to resolve the civil wars with unlimited intervention, not what we did in 2003 and at the same time supporting efforts within the region to empower the people to invest in the cap that will is the future of the mideast. that's our prescription. >> donald trump has the view of essentially why are we involved? are we too involved? we don't know who we are helping. why are we fighting the russians on this? what does syria matter that much anyway? how would you say to that? >> donald trump said we have been stereo too stloe get rtoo s and al qaeda. to go after isis and al qaeda. we think that will change the dynamics on the ground and give
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us leverage on the ground in the way the secretary kerry did he did not. we are talking about checking about the activity in the region and that is a way of putting the americans into the picture and we will both check our iran and russia. we will also increase to be able to negotiate a settlement. donald trump said that the countries and friends and allies ought to do more. that's in essence and they want to lead and we should help them succeed. >> let me go to a few other things today. they said it would be a mistake to rip up the iran deal. just in general, if you were here to give advice to president trump, the climate and iran deals and deals that president obama argues in the interview in the rolling stone today. any deal that president bush signed, i felt as if i had to continue it. i fought to change it and
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continue it. is that your advice to president trump? >> one of the things we found in the bush administration, they said we don't like the kyoto agreement. they said fine, what's now? we didn't have anything to put in its place. the critics of the iran deal said ripping it up is not the right starting point. the question is can you keep iran in the deal and insist i respects the terms and can you still deal with iranians disrupting activity in the region? that's what i think many people say. we have got to find a way to deal with iran's activity. that's why we talked about deterring and contaping iran even while we reach timeout to iran where we can. >> a question for you. if he is open to the job of secretary of state, explain the important relationship a
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secretary of state has to have and how in synch do they have to be for the relationship to work? i'm not getting into personaliz personalized, but mike flynn, what would be your advice about what questions to ask and what to know about the relationship before accepting? >> there is always the joke about the fact that the secretary of state and the national security adviser never got along unless henry kissinger had the job at the same time. >> you answered this question and not you. >> it's an essential relationship. it doesn't mean that you have agree on everything. i believe that a good national security adviser welcomes what happens in a principal's meeting where you will disagree. that's what this is all about. you don't want a bunch of people around whether you are secretary of state or the adviser that say yes, sir or yes, ma'am. the relationship is important. you can argue, but they are difficult. the most important relationship however is the one with the
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president. you have to be able to feel that you can call up or the president can call you in the middle of the night or you can have private time with the president and that is the relationship that is essential. >> you didn't run into that problem. connie rice had a separate relationship with george w. bush. >> the most successful secretaries of state are those who have the personal relationship who understand that their effectiveness will be dependent on how close their relationship is. at the end of the day, it is the president and the strategist for any administration. >> condi rice is close to president bush and you were close to president clinton. that matters a lot. >> absolutely. no question. >> we can go around the world, but this was great. thank you both. >> nice to be here. >> more importantly, i did go on with them. i taped that earlier this afternoon and there is more. we do a deep dive on syria that
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you won't want to miss. up ahead from foe to friend, mitt romney's 180 on donald trump. stay tuned. imy moderate to severeng crohn's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief.
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bill assumed his mayo was the best choice.
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assume nothing. unlike hellmann's, kraft real mayo spreads on smoother and still has no artificial flavors. no wonder the holidays taste so good. he creates scapegoats of muslims and mexican immigrants. he called for the killing of innocent children and family members of terrorists. he cheers assaults on protesters. >> he continues with a message of go bring people together and his vision is something which connected with the american people in a very powerful way. >> wow! what a difference eight months and a potential cabinet position can make. time for the lid. gene? look. mitt romney is a patriot. i get it but i don't get it. >> if i ran into that guy, i would say who are you and what
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have you done with mitt romney? >> or is at this time other guy? >> an evil twin. look. i don't get this. one of the things i don't get about mitt romney thinking about becoming secretary of state is two words, muslim ban. romney has strong principled objection to anything that has a whiff of that. >> and it became more -- >> he is mormon. >> exactly. the republicans broke with trump quick wrest mormons. >> this is a huge issue. even if it is extreme vetting for a cover of what is de facto muslim ban or if trump intends to go through anything like that, i don't see how romney can go along with that. >> i think it was matthew dowd, the former bush person over
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there at brand x, i think he tweeted something like, mitt romney looks like flip-flopper again. is he a patriot or a flip-flopper? >> it depends on your point of view. i've heard a lot of views but they go into two theory camps. one, he is a tremendous human who is able to say, i might even think donald trump is a little bit dangerous. that's why i'm doing it to put myself between him and the world. the other is he is the most ambitious dude ever. from the race against teddy kenlds to the governor's race to the positions on abortion and all these things. that the consistent thing is his ambition wins out when running into principle. i tend to think, i'm going with the former. i'm not willing to dismiss him as ambitious to a fault but those are the only two option
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that's make any sense. >> are we being unfair here? >> no. but given what we know about mitt romney, he is somebody who deserves the benefit of the doubt. i think he is a patriot the and someone who has demonstrated himself to be a real public servant. i would say he sees the opportunity to moderate some of trump's excesses. if he can do so, he would like to do that. >> what is hardest is let's say donald trump in these conversations, the muslim ban, extreme vetting. if he says on russia, yeah, russia, romney, are die met riskly opposed. that given what we know about trump candidate and politician, it would be hard to assume if you're mitt romney. well, did he tell me at that dinner we had. trump could change his minds. that's what is difficult. mitt romney has to be going into this with his eyes open.
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>> i think, trump is not a details guy. the people who sign on with him like mike pence see a considerable chance to change his views. i think secretary of states historically who have not seen eye to eye with the president have not fared very well. >> talk about russia, for example. rushing and syria. trump is very clear. we should cooperate with russia and get rid of isis. and romney has entirely the opposite position. how do they reconcile that? >> it feels like romney is getting played. we'll see. appreciate it. after the break, the billionaire's boys and girls club. mitt romney if he gets picked, would be one of the unusual ones. he is not a billionaire.
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in case you missed it, we're going to have a billionaire president. he named a billionaire as his secretary, and he named a billionaire as his education secretary. betsy devos. do you sense a theme? he named billionaire secretary, the son of a billionaire. the treasury secretary, steve mnuchin, and he is considered mitt romney who is worth a
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pastpast o , little bit. it is fascinating. trump is appointing he is familiar with. the people he is familiar with, billionaires. we'll see if this changes going forward. "with all due respect" starts three seconds late. >> with all due respect to steven mnuchin, your name i.d. needs a little work. >> today trump is expected to speak not steve munchin. >> steve munchin. >> steve, nukin. >> steve nunchin. >> the former goldman sachs executive. >> among them, that steven munchkin


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