tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC November 30, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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find out what wall street is saying about the latest cabinet picks. right now. until tomorrow, we'll see you then. same bat time, same bat channel. coming up, "hardball" with chris matthews. >> stooping to conquer. let's play "hardball." a series of new announcements from the president-elect about his cabinet, his agendas, and not least of all, his sprawling business empire. last night mitt romney who is under consideration for secretary of state met with trump and be reince priebus over dinner eating frog legs and scallops. in his remark the former trump
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critic struck a notably deferential tone. >> it's not easy winning. he did something i didn't do. he won the general election. >> not too long ago romney was singing a different tune. >> donald trump is a phony, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as degree from trump university. >> last night the trump transition team announce think that he has announced the director and steven mnuchin to serve as treasury secretary. with his thank you tour. he said he had reached a great deal with carrier corporation to keep roughly 700,000 jobs. in exchange, carrier will get roughly $700,000 a year in state
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tax incentives. the president-elect said he would leave his business amid mounting pressure to separate it. but he said he wouldn't say how he would do it and said he wouldn't make the official announcement for another two weeks. until december 15. you're a political guy. i used to be one. one thinger you have to judge is a person's word. four years ago, mr. trump was available with all his money. what is his name, mitt romney, said you're a great guy. and we'll share the time. then when the campaign was throughout and trump was fighting for his life and in big trouble, mitt romney dumped all over him. really treated him like nothing and said he was almost like a disease. now he is back kissing up to him. you've worked in warrick. there are a lot of people who kiss up and kick down.
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not a very nice character trait. were. why would donald trump trust mitt romney now that he has something to give him rather handle the when he didn't? why trust him with he has done this 360? >> thank you very much for having me on. i think one of the things this goes to is that mr. trump is trying to put together almost a team of rivals. looking to pull in a number of different sveums and ideas as he starts to form this administration. and as the president-elect, i think one of the things where he has impressed people, he is reaching out to folks who haven't been against him saying who are the best and the brightest? it is a technique go president-elect used. he's used as a successful businessman over the years. and look, governor vom one of four finalists that the president-elect is considering for the secretary of state position. this really shows --
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>> you're changing the subject. does he trust mitt romney to be mitt romney? which one? the one who dumps on him when he's down or kisses up when he's up. look what he looked like when he was losing. he dumped all over him. why does mr. trump believe he is looking at the real mitt romney now? why did you think he trust this guy who is showing up at the audition? he is behaving nice. he has memorized the right things to say. it is like ground hog day. saying all the right things to win the love of donald trump. doesn't he know he just wants the job? pts why he behaving this way. >> there is always a little political theater. in all fairness, the president-elect was critical of governor romney over various points. again, as i said a moment ago, in addition to governor romney there are other folks under
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consideration. we don't know yet who the president-elect will choose. these closed door meetings. we'll have confidence that the president-elect is going to fick right person here. >> no matter what he said, no matter how outrageous and how much people criticized it. he wasn't one of them. he wasn't two faced politician. this looks like he is bringing ball with the team he beat. during his campaign, donald trump important trailed goldman saxs ceo as parpt of a of global power structure. >> it's a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handsful of large corporations and political entities. >> had steve mnuchin, does he
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fit the bill of someone who is anti-wall street? >> he will turn it into how we'll reform tax code. one of the things folks might not realize is that steve mnuchin was the one who largely wrote president-elect trump's tax plan. sometimes you have to go get folks who know how it works. who know how to turn it around. and we have will better ross, a recommendation for commerce secretary. and he will do the same thing on the trade deals to make sure we have trade dpeels actually work. >> this swhanlt trump ran. . . . this isn't what trump ran on. of course he owes him. he is giving him a reward. the spoil of victory. it is not what trump ran on. to pick a wall street guy who made a lot of money on wall street as he runs against wall street.
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>> i have to push back a little. steve mnuchin, the gentleman who largely wrote the president-elect's tax plan. we talk about this message of economic populism. how to get it away from the power centers and get it back to people. we talk about wilbur ross. how to put together deals with work for american workers. these are the president-elect's viewpoints. these guys have been winners wherever they've gone. they're the one who's have gone out and created jobs. you talk about steve mnuchin who is very successful as financier, a banker, a hollywood good producer. wilbur ross who has made more good deals than almost anyone out there. he talked about the art of the deal and that wilbur ross, who is the only -- >> you're basically defending
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the very stuff that trump ran against. did you understand clinton, the wall street guy, goldman sachs guy, under that president obama. another guy from wall street. and you said you're going to run against. that you advertised to regular people in youngstown, ohio, you wouldn't be part of that. and here you are dressing up your administration with the same kinds of guys. >> these the guys who wrote the policies which the president-elect campaigned on. >> in a series of tweets, he said he and his children are explain how he will remove himself from his business empire. i will be holding a major news conference in new york city with my children on december 15 to discuss the fact i will be leaving my great business in total in order to fully focus making america great again. i am. it is important to not have a conflict of interest. hence, legal documents are being
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written which take me completely out of business operations. as we discussed with your counsel. having a big dog and pony show with his children, does that suggest to you that the children will be the ones running the company? why put them on the stage with him if they don't have some role in this shift of snow shower to wh wh , shift of power to whom? the kids. >> he'll be moving the business efforts along to the children. and obviously, that takes a little time. >> who will own this company? that's what they're working through right now. the exact structure and the way it will go. i think, chris, you respect, a lot of folks at home watching, who realize when you have someone lou is a multibillionaire, the transfer,
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however they move that away from being under his control. >> again, i'm sorry to interrupt you. you give long answers. did he promise a blinds trust yof. i don't see how it can be a blinds trust. they're his kids. >> you have to give him until press conference to put it together. that's a perfectly reasonable amount of time. someone who has been one of the most successful businessmen in our nation's history. it takes time to do that. >> time doesn't pass quickly. that we can't hold someone to what they campaigned on. thank you. ladies, thank you for joining me. you saw what i was doing, looking for inconsistencies. mitt romney basically said he
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was a disease. as in 2012 when he was needing his help. i'm kissing when i need him. i'll dump him when i don't and i'll kiss him again. >> what he is doing, he took maybe the first initial appointment pts he made sessions, rewarded the loyalists. now if you look at the line that runs through all of these appointments. it is rich guys. the people who he respects are the millionaires and the billionaires. the card carrying members of the global elite. and mitt romney. i covered mitt romney -- one of the biggest down falls that he faced both in the senate campaign and his presidential bids is his private equity manager, ted kennedys ran a successful bid. it really hurt him with the closing of this hormel plant. it is not just the personal chemistry. the more global picture of how
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he is stacking up his cab. >> the people who voted for anymore wilkesboro, go places like that. they thought he was different. now he's bringing the people he hangs out with to come with him. >> of course he is. of course he is. as jason miller just said, the piece of evidence that is supposed to assuage kerngss look at his policiesful look at the policy that's steve of mnuchin has put forward in terms of tax plans. those are no better. they primarily help the wealthy. they went on cnbc saying they wouldn't help the wealthy but of course they are. >> let's look at this carrier thing. he is getting a lot of good ink. preventing it from going on mexico. at least half the company is
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turning around is tremendous tax concessions from the state. >> trump wanted a symbolic. carrier got beat up a lot the during the campaign. there is no structural or policy or even moral reason why the company did this with trump appealing to them. it was because the state that is by the way, still run by his running mate, gave them an inkrenli incentive. >> this is an incentive to every other semicompetent ceo to shake down government every time they that threaten, whether they're bluffing or otherwise to leave the country. my colleague said it is like turning various ceos into nfl managers. we're going to build unless you build as you great stadium. we're leave unless you give us hundreds of millions of taxpayer
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money. and as long as they give us the photo op. >> you saw if mitt romney call trump a phony and a fraud in march. fast forward to today and you he has changed his you tune completely. dole anything for this job. plus, the democrats are moving forward with the same leader in the job. nancy pelosi was voted in again. and the so-called victory tour trump plans to kick off tomorrow. finally, bradley whitford will be here to talk about the global challenge of climate change and what can be done to combat in the era of donald trump. world ugly and messy. they are the natural born enemy of the way things are.
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. every critic, every detractor will have to bow down. it is everyone who ever doubted, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. it is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe. that was donald trump support onner am rosa. it was suggested that donald trump might enjoy getting revenge on some of his harshest
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critics. among republicans, there was no harsher critic than mitt romney. he sang very different tune after dinner last night. in fact, comparing romney in march to romney last night is a case of political whiplash. watch this. >> donald trump is a phony, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. >> i had a wonderful evening with president-elect trump. >> if we choose donald trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished. >> i happen to think america's best days are ahead of us. i think you will see america continuing to lead to world in this century. >> he is not of the temperment of the kind of thoughtful, stable person we need as leader. his imagination must not be married to real power. >>er these conversations have been enlightening and interesting and engaging.
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>> his domestic policies would lead to recession. his foreign policies would make america and the world less safe. >> the last few weeks he's been carrying out a transition effort and i've been impressed. >> this is the very brand of anger that has led other nations into the abyss. >> all of those things combined give me increasing hope that president-elect trump is the very man who can lead us to that better future. >> this is why people don't trust politicians. i'm joined now by ron reagan. i have to go to you. if there is any justification for trump winning, he wasn't one of them. he wasn't a politician that will say anything to get job they want next. i want that job as secretary of state. i will say anything to get it. i will grovel.
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doy i will do anything to get this job. >> i think back to my father and george h.w. bush. he askeder bush to be his vice president even though he had turned to voodoo economics. there is a big difference between taking umbrage at somebody's policy prescriptions and the sort of citizen eke that romney engaged in prior to the election. he wasn't attack trump's policies as such, whatever those might be, he was attack the man, he was attacking the character. he said he was a fraud, a phony. a 70-year-old man doesn't just stop being a phony after a few months. so the question is, why is mitt romney doing this? is he doing it -- >> i think he wants to be secretary of state. >> do you think there could be a patriotic element in this? i'm giving them been if it of the doubt here. the people have said, look. a real adult has to be part of this administration or we're doomed. so you're it. i don't know. >> they could give him a lesser
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position to test his patriotism. >> well, is this the same old political donkey act? >> well, on romney aets part. if he still believes he is dangerous, it makes sense to serve in the administration. >> to carry out his orders? >> to be part of the team of rivals that jason talked about earlier. and from trump's perspective, he wants that wing covered. which romney does he believe? the one that trashed him that was down or the one that kissed him that was up? >> i don't think it matters. he is trying to assemble a you cabinet can bring the party back together. i don't think that's a bad idea. >> let's watch the 360, by the way, all fairness to anderson cooper. back in 2012, mitt romney had nothing but praise for trump when he was seeking his endorsement. >> being in donald trump's
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magnificent hotel and having his endorsement is a delight. i'm so honor asked pleased off the his endorsement and i'm looking for the endorsement of the people of nevada. >> that was the first run through the turnstile. and then went back through. it is not like he's been saved politically. he was down and then up. who is to think two years into the administration, he won't finds something objectionable? >> indeed. imagine the risk for romney or anybody, really, being go donald trump's secretary of state. imagine mitt romney or anybody in a very delicate negotiation with china or russia or iran or something like. that it has gotten to that really tough point where things are right on the edge. they think they will pull off the negotiation. all of a sudden, donald trump wakes up at 3:00 in the morning in the white house. he tunes into fox news. the next thing you know, he is
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on twitter blog the whole thing up saying something unfortunate about the country we're negotiating with. do you want to work a man like that? >> why do you want to work for a man who says you walk like penguin. i think he has something there. speaking of political whim lash, the new treasury secretary will be steve mnuchin. he is the former hedge fund manager. ander trump is also considering gary cohen. and during the campaign, he railed against goldman sachs. he mocked hillary clinton for being controlled by that bank. >> nnk gold thatm be. >> continuing guys at goldman sachs. they have total control over him. just like over hillary clinton. he talks about he will beron
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robin hood. he didn't disclose that he is boring overing money from goldman sachs. ett didn't wanted the owner to know that he is owned stock, block and barrel. >> i think people who voted for him said he happens to be a rich guy with a beautiful wife and all that. he is different from the rest of the guys. >> goldman sachs didn't like trump. they gave hillary clinton hundreds of thousands of dollars. the fact is trump won't control goldman sachs. he is the boss. they have good peach at goldman sachs. >> he didn't run are for sach sax. he ran against it. >> he wants to -- >> he is giving them the game.
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>> mnuchin is a guy he has relationship with. >>, let me give tron last word here. imagine if he said all this before the election. do you think the people who busted their butter to vote, them i'm going to try this guy. he seems different. by the way, i'm going to make mitt romney secretary of state. i'm going on make steve mnuchin of wall street. i don't think the voters would have voted for him. that's what i think. >> i think you're right. and i'll add one more thing tom. something we should remember when we talk about donald trump and whatever he is doing policywise. that is that donald trump rarely means what he says. what comes out of donald trump's mouth is essentially meaningless. it was meaningless during campaign and who knows, it is probably meaning lgs now. so don't speak with donald trump as if we're talking about a
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normal pitician who has an ideology and a theory of gomp governance. he has none of that. he has never thought of this before. he didn't think he would be elected president. now we're all saddled with a guy who is thoroughly incompetent and over his head. that's a happy thought. >> thank you. up next, house democrats put nancy pelosi back in the top job. her challenge her a surprisingly strong showing. about there'd of the caucus which is unknown to watch. and did it with him. pelosi did win. she is a smart politician. [burke] hot dog. seen it. covered it.
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here's what's happening. the north carolina police officer who fatally shot keith lamont scott in september will not face charges. prosecutors say the officer acted lawfully. scott failed to obey commands to drop the weapon at the time of the shooting. meanwhile, the jury gets the case of the police officer who shot walter scott in 2015. scott was unarmed while he was shot. and the death toll has risen to seven as the wildfires are raging in the great smoky mountains national park. 53 people have been treated for
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injuries. back to "hardball." welcome back to "hardball." it was billed as a day of reckoning for nancy pelosi as she retained her iron grip on the top leadership spot in the democratic caucus. bringing back the challenge by tim ryan. >> i have a special spring in my step today. because this opportunity is a special one to lead the house democrats, bring everyone together as we go forward. >> congressman ryan had a much stronger than expected challenge getting 63 votes. while maintaining her seat as minority leader, she represents the face of the democratic party that has, quote, failed to offer a compelling broad based economic message to the class voters in the midwest and south. just jouth youngstown, ohio,
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let's talk about this. give me a sense of the kinds of members who want to you win. >> i think if we had to guess, you don't always know. the people who are in close races. i think the people who are not in really safe democratic seats. i think if you look at the numbers, or people that were aware of that being a problem and we needed to correct our message in order the win the house back. and i think at the end of the day. it was those people who ended up supporting me. to the tune of 63. you know how it goes. there were a lot more people who agreed with what i said. for one reason or another, could not support me and vote for me. >> let's ask about how you can get your message across other ways. i think it was a dramatic challenge. you didn't win but i think there is a message behind your challenge. 63 votes is a lot of votes against the leadership. that's a lot.
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i've never heard of that before. you want to work for jobs. james carville was on the show election night. when everybody couldn't think of what was go going wrong, he said no economic message. there was no message for men and women about what the democrats can do for them. is that what the democrats need? >> no doubt about it. we've tried to slice this electorate up. who is black, brown, gay, straight, who is a man, who is a woman? and there's no juice in that kind of campaign. campaigns are magical because they bring people together and they have this common theme. what unites all of those different demographics is the economic go message. if you're gay or if you're black or if you're brown, you want good paying job. sometimes we focus too much on the minimum wage. which we're all for an increase in instead of the middle class wage which has been stagnant for 30 years. orrer people in youngstown or gary, i understand.
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the word pension hasn't even come out of any democrat's mouth for so long. but if you go to youngstown and you have a glass of wine with somebody there, they'll talk to you about their pension. and how it is tough on make ends meet. >> i don't want to be too sarcastic but you know why. why do you think mitt romney talked about the 47%? why did president obama in knob hill in had san francisco talk about people clinging to their guns and religion. you're talking on fund-raisers. rich people may care about abortion rights or gay rights. they don't get into the economic lives of the people who live paycheck to paycheck. as long as your colleagues spent all their time kissing up to fundraising types, they won't blank the american people's lives are like. >> you just hit the nail on the head. we're social animals. we become social culture, that
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we are immerse in the most of the time. that's just how we develop as a species. so if we're spending all of our time in those quarters, we are going to begin to develop and reflect the values or whatever, the opinions of those people that you're hanging around. and those people understand what we're talking about. i have a lot of calls from a lot of big donors over the course of the last two weeks that were like, go for it. you're doing great. this is exactly what we need. you can maintain a level of pragmatism even though you may drink, not the red wine in youngstown but some kinds of fancy napa valley wine. you can still understand what's going on. >> i wouldn't peuse that too often. >> you talk people's talk. up next, the trump transition
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welcome back to "hardball." with the transition in full swing, donald trump has come outs with a flurry of statements. chief among them, the announcement that he will hold a press conference with his family in two weeks on december 15 to say exactly how he'll separate himself from his multi-billion dollar global business. it comes after trump and his family repeatedly said on the campaign trail that the company would be put in what was called a blinds trust. let's watch him in action. >> my children are older and they're wiser and i think they're going to do a great job. if i put night blind trust, that wouldn't bother me. >> i will sever connections and i'll have my children sxhi executives run the company and i won't discuss it with them. >> the business would be very small potatoes compared to what
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he's doing this for. >> my father has already said that he will put the company into a blind trust and it will be run by us. >> he will put night blinds trust. he said to me, he is much more concerned about america. >> meanwhile, he. steve mnuchin operationed the president for the deal with carrier. >> carrier deal, i think it is terrific. the, president-elect called and said we want to keep jobs here. i can't remember the last time he did that. >> what was the deal? in exchange, the company is expected to receive state tax incentives to keep it here. the white house correspondent for american urban radio networks, and with reuters. this is the deal. let's talk about trump. how do you put something in
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blind trust and every time trump picks up the numb, the "wall street journal," he sees somebody bought a hotel and says get her on the phone. >> really what he's talking about is having his children run the operations. that's still creates a number of problems for him. one, that a hard time believing when they're talking on the phone or at the dinner table, that the subject won't come up. that his dealings with other countries won't be known to his children. >> is there a solution for this guy? except selling everything he owns? i don't know what the solution would be to make progressives happy. >> i think it would be to be open and honest and the statements against hillary clinton. calling her go kroobd hillary. how she had certain dealings.
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he has to come clean and show that he is not going down the questionable path of having his children as advisers possibly, and still run a business, and he is still hearing what's going. on you have to remember, we have seen other presidents. >> make prediction. >> he will do a memorandum of agreement with the office of the president-elect in january 2009, signed by valerie jarrett which she broke which said these are the days i will deal with my business ask the foundation. i want to repeat what rudolph giuliani said earlier. it does not apply to the president. it will be a memorandum of agreement. he has a great white house counsel. they will get it done. he will have to abide by it.
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i think this is so overblown. >> for the average person who doesn't understand with such sophistication, how you have an empire, watching it, moving hotels here and there. how does he not say, tell ivanka to keep that hotel. >> only thing for a president in the constitution is impeachment. there is no prosecution of a president. the only solution is impeachment. >> that's why he has to come clean. he's been able to skirt around the laws before and follow laws. he will to have show that he is doing everything above board. >> how do you stop guys from throwing stuff his way? when you interview yasser arafat, they always said, we'll state will in ramallah. he wanted to stay there because he owned the hotel. then the same in jerusalem somewhere. what stops himing, some third world guy to say by the way, i've got 20 room ts at the post office building.
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>> fred fielding. that's why ronald reagan did not gets had trouble. he had fred fielding. it requires your white house counsel office to be onton of yourheimer partisan loyalists. >> to keep the potent ates from trying on buy him. biggest problem is image. if he is trying pass an infrastructure bill and we're talking about who stayed many trump tower last night. that's a bigger problem for him than anyone pulling out codes or prosecuting him. >> i understand the difficulty of explaining it. the average guy, just like he doesn't understand why goldman sachs that is the treasury secretary. who did we vote for here? these guys? these tired old frauds? anyway, the rounds table is sticking with us. and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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sometimes progressive isn't the lowest. not always the lowest! jamie. what are you doing? -i'm being your hype man. not right now. you said i was gonna be the hype man. no, we said we wouldn't do it. i'm sorry, we were talking about savings. i liked his way. cha-ching! talking about getting that moneeeey! talking about getting that moneeeey! savings worth the hype. now that's progressive. you can keep one "hardball" any time online. follow show on instagram and twitter and like us. you'll get access to videos and behind the scenes photos as we cover the trump transition. they are the natural born enemy of the way things are. yes, ideas are scary, and messy and fragile. but under the proper care, they become something beautiful.
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allies and partners. they're thinking he will start off with what he knows best. business. doing business deals instead of looking to the intelligence community. there is a concern. >> got the briefing but it didn't do any good. >> we all talked about carrier today and the deal he struck with carrier, but we need to be looking at at&t, time warner, apple. those are the deals on the horizon. whether or not trump involves himself in trying to decide to make a role in those business deals is really going to be more key than a thousand jobs in indiana that really was mostly because his vice president is from the state. >> i believe that by friday the big two will be filled. we'll see mitt romney, i see rick grenle who was passed over for the u.n., tam talent in the running for defense and bolton who was in running for defense. >> former senator. >> jim knows what he's doing.
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grenle will end up in paris. >> you think trump would have ever been hired by mitt romney? >> to do certain things, yes. >> he would ever make him secretary of state, for example? >> no, he would make him secretary of commerce. >> you're being very generous. i don't believe a word of that. you know he looks down on this guy. when we come back, the emmy award winning actor bradley whitford on how to combat climate change.
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real life i'm a political junkie. and the biggest political issue of our time is climate change. now i'm back in washington to try to convince some real life republicans to take action and they need to. they haven't advanced a climate bill in congress in six years. . this is bradley whitford. would the senator be available today? i'm here in washington to talk about climate change. hello? hello? >> they lost the connection. we're back. that was actor bradley whitford in season two of the documentary about climate change "years of living dangerously" airs december 7th. the president-elect has called the science behind climate change a hoax. in 2012 he tweeted the concept of global warming was created by and for the chinese in order to make u.s. manufacturing
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noncompetitive. last week in an interview with editors and reporters from "the new york times" trump said he had now an open mind on the issue of climate change and when asked directly if he thinks human activity causes climate change, trump said i think there is some connectivity. this weekend his chief of staff dismissed the idea trump had shifted his position at all. >> as far as this issue on climate change, the only thing he was saying is after being asked a few questions about it, look, i'll have an open mind about it, but he has his default position, which is that most of it is a bunch of bunk, but he'll have an open mind and listen to people. >> i'm joined right now by actor and activist bradley whitford. thank you, i said it before. fantastic performance as hubert humphrey, one of our old heroes. >> well, thank you. >> anyway, let's talk about trump. because i don't know what he believes and what he used as cat nip to get the working white guy out there to vote for him in places like youngstown and erie. do you think he's intellectually
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incapable of understanding what experts say is real, that mankind and our behavior with fossil fuels is hurting our environment perhaps permanently? >> well, i don't know. i think it's very dangerous to give trump the cohesion of intention because there doesn't seem to be a strategy, there doesn't seem to be principles except for ever-changing self-interests. so it's alarm iing. should we be grateful that he says he has an open mind now? yes, in the same way that a kindergartner says they have an open mind. of course he should have an open mind on this. the consensus is absolutely universal. you know, if -- the frustrating thing to me about this issue is that it has become a political football. george bush sr. in, i believe,
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1990 said climate change is real. we need to lead. in 2006 john mccain had a cap and trade bill. and it became a political football in a way that it shouldn't. one of the encouraging things that i realized doing this documentary was that corporate america wants action on climate change aside from the fossil fuel industry for their selfish reasons, they don't. but corporate america wants predictability in the same way that defense department wants predictability. and they see that this is not only a moral obligation or stewardship of our delicate planet for the sake of our children, but it's also an economic opportunity. >> yeah. >> so i hope that corporate america will press upon donald trump to acknowledge science and
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take -- you know, we cannot -- nature does not wait for our political process. and we are way behind on this. because of some cynical politics that surround this issue. >> i love this -- they used the word "unsettled." everything's unsettled. here's a clip from "years of living dangerously" you're learning to interact, actually lobby lawmakers. here you are role playing a conversation with a conservative climate change critic. let's watch. >> the question i have is why we should ruin the economy when the science isn't settled? >> the science is settled, with all due respect, 97% of peer reviewed science has consensus. >> science is never settled. this is how you -- >> let's say 97 doctors come and say your child is sick and we know what's wrong and here's what you have to do about it. and 3 doctors go, eh, maybe okay. >> those people are paid to do
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research. >> i think you're not only a bad congressman but a bad father. >> thank you, bradley whitford. keep making the point. it's a good thing to have somebody fighting like you during this era of trump. that's hardball for now. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- >> i could be president of the united states and run my business 100%. >> the conflicts and the questions mount. >> so no theory i don't have to do anything. but i would like to do something. >> today the trump announcement that he would do something that so far doesn't amount to anything. >> then -- >> drain the swamp! >> how does trump square his goldman sachs pick. >> it's a global power structure that's responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class. >> plus -- growing fears over the president-elect's response to the attack in ohio. beyond
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