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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  December 10, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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just serve classy snacks and bew a gracious host,iday party. no matter who shows up. do you like nuts? good afternoon, i'm chanel jones. breaking news, exxon mobil ceo rex tillerson is president-elect trump's pick for secretary of state. trump transition spokesperson hope hicks confirmed tillerson met with the president-elect today at trump tower.
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tillerson has spent his entire career at the company that is now exxon mobil, and is known to have a close business relationship with russian president vladimir putin. tillerson represented exxon's interests in russia when boris yeltsin was in power. he was later ordered the order of friendship, one of russia's highest honors for foreigners. andrea mitchell joins me on the phone. besides experience dealing with the russian government, what other qualifications does tillerson have? can you give us perspective here? >> reporter: well his qualifications certainly as a global business executive are vast in terms of his context around the world, that's on the plus side. the negatives and i think an hour ago you were talking to the former ambassador to russia, mccall, the downside is no experience in diplomacy, no experience in running the state department. of course running exxon mobil as he has for all of these years is certainly a huge management plus, but he doesn't have experience in other aspects of
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diplomacy. so that would be the downside. when we broke this story about an hour ago on your program, chanel, what two sources. telling me close to the transition is that he is the voice, but of course in the world of donald trump, once the president-elect, until the president-elect announces it i would say anything can happen. he had been reported as the leading candidate. he, mitt romney, bob corker as a possible fallback, the senate foreign relations chair but i was told rex tillerson is indeed the choice and it is like lick he could be paired with the former ambassador to the u.n., john bolton. bolton is controversial. he was very very much to the right of some of the people he was working with in the state department, criticized even by some at the state department in the republican administration, george w. bush's administration but bolton is an experienced diplomat and he certainly knows the state department a lot better so he would be a very
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important management choice to be the deputy secretary of state. tillerson as you pointed out has a very close relationship with the russians, and this comes at a really inflection point with russia in the middle of another unrelated controversy, of course, the accusation and analysis from the cia that donald trump and his transition are soundly rejecting that the russians were involved not just in hacking democratic targets, but in hacking democratic targets with the motivation to influence the u.s. election. chanel? >> that's why i wanted to ask you about mitt romney. we obviously know how he dealt with russia and how he talked about russia and he was certainly known to be in the running here. why do you believe tillerson was ultimately chosen over romney? any hint? >> there's a big difference on the relationship with russia. mitt romney is on the record in 2012 and more recently as saying that russia is a real threat, that russia has to be dealt
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with, pushed back against and you've got donald trump who was elected on a platform of closer relations, closer ties with russia, and praising vladimir putin along the way, much to the dismay of a lot of the critics of putin. big factor here is going to be what does rex tillerson, assuming this nomination goes through, assuming that he gets confirmed, how does he handle the issue of ukraine? because the sanctions against the russians over ukraine pushed by the obama administration and followed through by european, by the european union as well, and nato reaffirmed that just a few days ago in brussels, those sanctions included $500 billion exxon mobil joint venture with russia in the arctic, and that was canceled because of those sanctions, and now what's the future of that very important policy regarding ukraine and russia from the leftover from the obama administration?
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i think that's one of the first things that will be in play here. >> an dree why mitchell thank you for calling in. this is a saturday afternoon and you broke this story we recognize that, so thank you. kasie hunt joins me from baltimore where the president-elect is attending the army/navy football game later today. tillerson was at trump tower today. what do we know? >> reporter: we do know that meeting happened earlier today. the spokeswoman hope hicks confirming to the pool that he visited trump tower and of course our andrea mitchell as you just talked about at length breaking the news that tillerson is going to be secretary of state, or has been offered the position of secretary of state, and that exxon mobil is taking steps to make that happen. so the question of course then, what happens next, and what in particular happens with the focus on tillerson's ties to russia? you were talking a little bit about that with andrea mitchell and that takes on particular
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significance in light of what we have also been talking about today, which is the cia assessment that russia interfered in the united states elections for the benefit of donald trump. that piece of it specifically is new. donald trump's team reacting within minutes of "the washington post" putting this story up last night, saying about the intelligence community that these were the same people who said that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction, really unprecedented words from a president-elect to the intelligence community that is essentially tasked with serving him, and his interests going forward. so unclear how these remarks are going to affect donald trump's relationship wit the intelligence community as he prepares to take office. we know his last intelligence briefing was on wednesday. he has been having less frequent briefings than some presidents-elect past. his vice president-elect mike pence has been taking more of them, as many as six days a week.
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donald trump not taking those intelligence briefings as frequently. so question going forward, we may hear from donald trump later today. he's going to talk to cbs sports hosts here at the game. he's going to spend some time on the army side and the navy side while he's here, traditionally a president coming to this game would essentially do that, there's a formal ceremony if you are president of the united states. trump will not participate in that because he is still president-elect but he's going to try to follow that tradition. we know he is on his way down here to baltimore from new york at this point. kickoff is at 3:00 this afternoon. >> really quickly, casey, with that backdrop, what are the odds that he would say anything or at least any word from the transition team on how they'll handle his connections to putin? that's a big talker today. >> reporter: it is. it's unlikely in that context that he might but we also do know we are going to hear from him on fox news sunday tomorrow morning so it seems we'll hear one way or the other from donald trump on some of these questions. >> all right, msnbc's kasie hunt, thank you for checking in
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this afternoon. of course this pick comes at a time where the president called for an investigation into russian hacking. hans nichols joins us with more from the white house. >> reporter: this is an investigation not just into russia, this will be a deep dive and it will take investigators to wherever they find any sort of influence, whether that's state actors, non-state actors. we know china was involved in the 2008 election to hack into john mccain's account as well as senator obama's trying to get into their respective campaigns. it will be a broad investigation. crucially there's a time line, january 20th, when it president leaves. he wants that investigation completed. one quick note since i mentioned mccain, we've heard from mark salter, who used to be a top adviser to john mccain, still very much in touch with him. salter is on twitter suggesting that rex tillerson should have a tough senate confirmation vote because of his position on russia. you look at where john mccain is, and you look at where we think donald trump is on the
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issue of russia. mccain is much more hawkish, much more skeptical of russian intentions. looking towards conflict, looking towards potential confirmation battles, john mccain and rex tillerson, it could be one to watch. >> that's a good point. we wondered about the pushback he would receive. hans nichols, thank you for checking in with us. joining me on the phone is msnbc's ali velshi. what do we know about tillerson's background and tenure as ceo at exxon mobil? >> he's been the ceo for a long time, ten years as ceo but he joined in the 1970s. what's most interesting about this development is that in 2010 andrea mitchell referred to this, exxon mobil made a deal with the russians to explore in the arctic. the russians do not possess the capability to drill for oil in the arctic. it's somewhere that they really want to do work. they were set to do it. they were within days possibly weeks of drilling in the arctic
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as part of a partnership with exxon mobil and the u.s. imposed those sanctions because of what russia had done at ukraine. rex tillerson and exxon mobil shareholders ended up suffering because of that, although that company has done very well and rex tillerson is on the record as saying he does not believe sanctions work. he doesn't believe they should be in place. he's made that statement very generally but he's made it specifically with respect to the sanctions against russia. now on one hand he may really believe that as a businessman. on the other hand, russia and exxon mobil had a very specific deal for which exxon mobil shareholders had a lot to gain. he's a very wealthy man. he's got over $150 million worth of exxon shares at this point. he'll have to divest of those shares. so it's an interesting choice for secretary of state, given that one of the greatest foreign policy priorities right now for the united states government is how to deal with russia alongside china and what's going
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on in the middle east. russia has a hand in it all. rex tillerson is very pro-russia, enjoys a very good relationship with president putin and has done very well for exxon mobil shareholders. the other issue, of course, chanel, is that for years we sort of point out how much money exxon mobil makes. major oil companies make, coming and going, so it will be an interesting sell to donald trump supporters that we may be draining one swamp in a different way but we've got goldman sachs and exxon mobil people populating the cabinet. at this point all we need is a pharma ceo and somebody from big tobacco and we rounded it out. >> i can't wait to hear the sunday shows tomorrow. so many people are wondering about his world view and also there's talk about the fact that he technically doesn't have diplomatic experience. >> he doesn't, although i will say this. he is the head of one of these types of companies. it's a global energy company. >> sure.
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>> while the fifth most valuable company publicly listed company in the world, it's global. so he has had to deal with leaders and politics and what we found in previous administrations is, when certain deals need to be made with governments with whom the united states does not deal that well, they tend to reach out to ceos of major companies like the fedex and u.p.s., like the banks and energy companies, so you know, there are cabinet picks of people who have absolutely no experience in doing what they do. rex tillerson does fly around the world and meet with world leaders all the time. i'm less worried about that, but he is a very, very strong believer that sanctions are not an important tool. >> that's an excellent point. i wonder if that was a draw. we'll have to talk about that in the days ahead. msnbc's ali velshi thank you for calling in. joining me is the deputy national political editor at
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"the washington post," rick gaylen republican stratiest and basils michael, director of the new york state democratic party and former aide to senator hillary clinton. thank you for joining me this afternoon. we said it earlier, breaking news just thrown into our lap here. rebecca, about tillerson, he's done business in russia, you heard ali velshi on behalf of exxon. he has publicly spoken out on sanctions against russia. what is your take? could he conceivably get through a confirmation hearing? we're already hearing about pushback. >> you think about the timing looking ahead to the launch, the beginning of the trump presidency. you're going to have this report president obama reported landing on the eve of his inauguration likely, you're going to have hearings that senator lindsey graham is pushing for to get to the bottom of what happened with russia's attempts to hack the election and you're going to have these confirmation hearings so you're looking ahead to an early part of the trump presidency where russia is very
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much going to dominate the conversation and certainly you can expect ohear a lot of tough questions at this confirmation hearing. >> rich, i want to play a clip and get your take. kellyanne conway on the putin criteria so-called when it comes to cabinet picks. >> is the candidate's position on putin part of the criteria? >> the candidates being tillerson and romney? >> yes, ma'am. >> i believe, chuck, that everybody should recognize it is president-elect trump's position on putin that will dominate the secretary of state role at foggy bottom and across the globe. >> how should republicans in particular use this new intelligence information when approaching these confirmation hearings? what's your take? >> i think everything's on the table. events change, new information comes out. i think the trump people clearly want to avoid a somewhere where his legitimacy as president is called into question, fully understanding the ironic nature of that trump having spent all
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those years trying to delegitimate president obama. so these are the sorts of things that presidents and their staffs have to deal with, and we'll see, it's a test and we'll see whether or not president trump and his people can deal with it without kind of flying around in little baby circles. it's tough. it's very difficult. as for rex tillerson, one of the things to give trump credit he said he was going to try to surround himself with really successful people who did well, and what do we find? ceos, people at the top of their professions, ceo is like a four-star general in that especially tillerson who is at exxon mobil forever, that pyramid gets really, really thin when you get near the top, and tillerson is the guy that kind of outlasted his rivals, four-star generals are guys that outlasted their rivals and their rivals are really smart people, really intelligent people, really skilled people so having people around trump like that, i
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think is probably a good sign. >> well on that note, rich, let me stick with you for a moment. mark salter, former adviser and confidant to john mccain tweeted yesterday that mccain could vote against confirmation for tillerson. do you see more republicans reacting this way? >> i don't know. we'll see what happens during the hearing. nobody's closer to mccain's thinking than mark, but the republicans have a two-seat majority and thank you harry reid for doing away with the filibuster, which would obviously be put in here. we'll see what happens. we'll see what happens with some of the midwestern governors -- senators, they may come over the other way. >> loom like you're looking at my notes. speaking of harry reid, basel this morning on msnbc harry reid called on the chamber to investigate fbi director james comey. take a listen to this and then we'll talk. >> i think he should be investigated by the senate. i think he should be
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investigated by other agencies of the government, including the security agencies, because if there were ever a matter of security, it's this. it's clear. it's so clear. >> is that what the democrats should be focusing on right now? >> you know, i respect senator reid. i don't know if that's what we should be spending a lot of time on. democrats as we start the new year with the new president are going to have to walk a very fine line. we have to be able to stand up for democratic values without being obstructionist in the way that republicans were throughout the obama administration. and in that same vain, it's going to take a lot of work and a tremendous amount of cohesion to be able to do that with the kind of congress that we have right now, and the concern i think sort of was touched on earlier, you have a lot of these cabinet picks who do not have a tremendous amount of public service, save the generals of course they do but you have a lot of very wealthy people with not a lot of public service experience and there will be substantial conflicts of interest, things that in these
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hearings need to come out and be brought into the public eye. i don't know if it's something that we should be focused on but i do think a larger conversation about what happened in the last election especially when you hear about russia's potential involvement. i do think some of that does need to be brought to the forefront. >> what about, i agree with everything you just said, but what about the disappointments in the senate, disappointments in the governor's races, disappointment at the state level. the russians weren't running around jefferson city, missouri. >> well, no, they weren't doing that necessarily but what they were doing was hacking dnc and hillary clinton campaign emails. interestingly enough, didn't hear enough of that on the republican side. that was all done on the democratic side. there has to be a reason for that. so those things did actually impact the narrative around the democrats in this election. it impacted the narrative around
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hillary clinton's candidacy. >> we're going to talk about that. there's talk about whether that influenced news coverage or fake news, we've been talking a lot about that today. rebecca, based on your colleagues reporting how concerned were top obama administration officials about a potential escalation with russia when they were debating how to respond to this intelligence? >> well it seemed as though the focus for the obama administration was presenting a united bipartisan front against russia to basically have everyone come out and say that this is the reality of what's happening during this election, this is the reality of what russia is trying to do, trying to avoid just this situation we're having right now, where you have almost a partisan take on the intelligence whether or not you believe the intelligence seems to be a function of which party you are in and which team you're on, so that's the situation the administration was focused on, and it looks as though their worst dreams are coming true. >> kind of dangerous. >> this happened on obama's
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watch, let's remember that. >> i have to leave it there. great discussion this afternoon. next his expertise is in medicine so speaking of which, what does retired neurosurgeon ben carson bring to the job of secretary of housing and urban development? we will explore that and the fate of the fair housing act next with the man who held the job under president george w. bush. reat on the inside. her advice? strengthen both. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. it's uniquely formulated to strengthen teeth inside... ...and is better at strengthening the outside... ...than colgate total. my check-up was great. my hygienist told me to try... ...a mouthwash. so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest pro-health mouthwash. checkup? nailed it.
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and we have to do it. electing john kennedy will help ensure that government stops listening to the special interests and starts delivering for the national interest for our country, for our people, the people that showed up to vote. >> even though this race is the democrats' last hope to pick up a senate seat, campbell says his party hasn't given him much support. >> i don't know what they're doing. they're up under the bed with the covers pulled over their head or something. i don't know what they're doing but they need to come back down to the south and let's reestablish a democratic politics in the south because we can win down here. there are working people down here. >> if kennedy wins the runoff election, republicans will have a 52-48 senate majority in the next congress. dr. ben carson, president-elect trump's choice to run housing and urban development, vowing not to dismantle social programs if he gets confirmed. carson telling a yale audience that talk of him wanting to end housing programs for the poor is "a bunch of crap."
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mr. trump, who toured carson's neighborhood with him during the campaign calling his nominee passionate about strengthening communities and families within the communities. carson is being challenged about his lack of experience and past views on the government's role in housing. let's explore that with steven preston, served as hud secretary under president george w. bush. >> it's good to be here. >> you've done the job in a republican white house. what changes do you expect if ben carson is confirmed. >> well i think what ben carson is going to bring to this is a real heart for the city, and somebody who is really coming to this agency specifically understanding the situation that people that he's serving, and i think bringing that heart to the job is critically important. the other thing i think he's going to bring to this job is just tremendous leadership heft. we sort of a lot of times we think that there's sort of one model for leadership in these
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agencies and got to be somebody that's got deep policy expertise, but he's going to be surrounded by policy experts. they're going to be bringing in any number of other appointed positions, and what's most important for this role is for somebody who can come in, who can immerse themselves in the issues, work with teams and local constituencies and other agencies to formulate the right kind of policies to take the agency forward and then implement them. and so i think what he's going to bring is compassion and passion for the city. i think he's going to bring a searing intelligence to the role, and i think he's not going to be beholden to sort of old models or old ideas. he's going to come to this with a bit of an open mind. >> steven, carson has said the fair housing act did greatly reduce discrimination but he slammed new rules created in the obama era to enforce the act. he wrote that they're an example of "government-engineered attempts to legislate racial equality."
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will the fair housing act suffer with ben carson in charge? >> oh, i don't think so. the fair housing act is still obviously very important to our country, and he's going to be the one who is charged with ensuring that it operates effectively. but i think it's important to separate the importance of the regulation and the outcome we're trying to achieve with how that regulation is being implemented. so most of the critics from my understanding have said that the way it's been implemented, the way that oversight is being managed is putting undue pressure on a lot of local authorities to provide a lot of data, a lot of tracking, a lot of things that are very onerous to them and may not have the intended outcome so i don't think it's as much abissue with the goal of it. i think it's more an issue with how it's being implemented in the oversight process, and so it's very important when you look at any of these regulations to understand how effective they are and the best way to get them done. >> i have to leave it here. steven, i think that's an important point. lot of people were worried he would do away with it and
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worried what he would do and there's also buzz about the fact people questioning his experience. >> let me just say one quick thing. he's a terrific leader. he's been recognized as one of america's great leaders by the harvard center for public policy. he's a congressional or a presidential medal of freedom award winner. he's on corporate boards. this is a person that brings not only sort of brilliance as a surgeon, he brings significant leadership heft, and it's very important for the role. >> clearly you don't like him. i'm just kidding. >> he's going to be a bold and courageous leader. i really believe it. >> steven preston thank you for your time this afternoon. >> thank you. still to come the latest on the cia's classified assessment that russia intervened in the election to try to help donald trump win. up next, heavy snow and bitterly cold temperatures are gripping much of the country and forecasters say it could get even worse.
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sources have told her president-elect trump has chosen exxon mobil ceo rex tillerson to be his secretary of state. for more reaction we're joined on the phone by ambassador whitney sherman, former undersecretary of state for political affairs under president obama. let's dig right in here. what's your reaction to trump choosing really a business insider versus someone perhaps who has experience in government? >> my understanding chanel is that andrea has reported both rex tillerson and secretary of state and john bolton as deputy and both will be very challenging confirmations. there's no doubt that mr. tillerson has run a successful company. he's known to be a good ceo of that company, but we all know about his close ties with president putin and with russia. he was given the order of friendship by the russians and you know the reality is the responsibilities of secretary of state are quite different than
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the responsibilities of ceo. you're responsible for the national security of the united states, and we all have seen that russia is being quite aggressive in the neighborhood, not only with its illegal attempt to annex crimea and its efforts in the east and ukraine, but also taking quite aggressive action throughout the region and in syria, of course, and so i'm sure he will be asked if he is the nominee, he will be asked by the u.s. senate how he's going to separate his relationship with russia to make sure that u.s. national security interests are followed. he will have to confront conflicts that he has all over the world, because of the interests that exxon mobil has in countries worldwide. i'm a big supporter of business. i work for businesses as an international consultant, but the objectives of business are quite different than the objectives when you are a member
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of a president's cabinet, and you also come to learn that you don't have the same executive authority that you do when you're head of a company, where mr. bolton is concerned, where ambassador bolton is concerned, your listeners may recall that he in fact was not confirmed as u.n. ambassador. he was not able to get through that process and president bush ultimately did a recess appointment because he was quite controversial, even among republican leaders he was quite controversial. he is known as abrupt and abrasive. there hasn't been a war that he hasn't been interested in fighting, and although he believes it is his strength, it say kind of strength that can be very abusive and doesn't always pay attention to the facts, and that's why he couldn't get through the confirmation process. >> so then with everything you just said, do you think tillerson's personal
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relationship with putin will raise enough red flags, if you will, enough pushback that perhaps this wouldn't ultimately happen? >> well i think there will be a lot of questions asked. he is as i said a very successful ceo. he has a good reputation as a ceo, but the responsibilities of a ceo is different. i listened to an interview where he said that he doesn't agree with everything that putin says but he's a businessman and that's what his interests are. as secretary of state, as a member of the president's cabinet your interests are not just business. your interests are first and foremost the national security of the united states, and i think everyone could take a deep breath and really get behind the effort that elijah cummings started in the house, to set up a commission, bipartisan, to look into whether, in fact, and how russia did engage in
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affecting our election. i thought the report in "the washington post" this morning was very, very disturbing, that the intelligence community absolutely has come to an assessment that russia not only was involved in our election but was trying to make sure that mr. trump won. i think this is critical to the preservation of our democracy to understand what is happening and i would hope that this is something where republicans and democrats would put the interests of the united states of america first, of our democracy first, put partisan politics aside. we all know that mr. trump is the president-elect. no one is questioning that, but it is quite critical that we preserve our democracy, and that we preserve our national security, and that calls for a very, very serious investigation, one that president obama is undertaking but i personally think this idea of a bipartisan commission is important because these are very, very serious circumstances. >> i tell you what, the
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conversation certainly won't end here and it will continue. ambassador wendy sherman thank you for your time this afternoon >> thank you. still ahead the official start of winter is over a week away but the bitter cold has arrived early. people in much of the country are seeing temperatures well below average but it's not just the arctic air. parts of the country are seeing snow and lots of it. whiteout conditions are being blamed for an accident that closed part of a pennsylvania highway. look at this.
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welcome back. i'm sheinelle jones. andrea mitchell learned rex tillerson is president-elect trump's pick as secretary of state. he met with the president-elect today at trump tower and of course until the president-elect makes an announcement himself, nothing is set in stone. for more on the u.s. and russia relationship going forward let me bring in foreign affairs
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reporter for politico welcome nance, nbc terrorism analyst. good afternoon to both of you. naha, tillerson we've been talking about the fact he is very close to putin professionally and lobbied against sanctions on russia. does that present a problem for the u.s. especially think about the timing as it investigates russia for hacking the election. >> the relations are probably at the lowest point since the cold war and hacking the election possibly to help donald trump coming just as mr. trump is apparently leaning toward mr. tillerson as secretary of state. i think it will raise red flags in congress including among republicans who happen to be some of the hawkish lawmakers out there when it comes to russia. >> malcolm, talk about what conflicts of interests this might present. >> a myriad of conflicts of interest. he represented exxon mobil in russia and their development. to we want a secretary of state
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who is going to be working hand in hand first and foremost for the u.s. and russian petrochemical industries, but most importantly, he has a very deep relationship with vladimir putin that extends back to when putin was the director of the fsb, which is the modified version of the kgb, and as my compatriot said a moment ago this is going to raise great questions in front of congress. does this person who speaks very highly of putin, who has got the order of friendship from russia, will he accurately represent the interests of the united states first or will he still be part of that kabal from the kremlin that donald trump appears to have assembled in his cabinet. >> let's take this a step further. nahal you have calls from hacking and republicans like lindsey graham and john mccain. how will the investigations affect relations with russia
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going forward and to this next administration? >> i don't think they're going to help the relationship but sometimes simply calling for an investigation proceeding to launch one. might have something to have a deterrent effect. we might see a drop off in some of the hacking but the real interesting thing is that trump has dismissed the reports of the cia's assessments of the hacking. so if you have an incoming president who says he doesn't believe what his intelligence agencies tell him about russia, maybe moscow will feel more emboldened. >> i feel like i have to mention this, malkohl. president-elect trump continues to say he doesn't believe the intelligence communities reports that russia tried to hack the u.s. elections saying in a statement last night "these are the same guys who said saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction." what impact does publicly disagreeing with the intelligence community over russia have and you think about as they're trying to brief trump in the future on putin's global ambitions and their bombing campaign in syria, for example.
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>> you know, i was a career u.s. intelligence community member, and this is absolutely despicable. you do not as the potential, as the president-elect of the united states go to the hundreds of thousands of people, you know, who work in the intelligence community in the military intelligence and then insult them and imply technically that their information is worthless, and that it brings to question who is he going to go to for intelligence? his ties are so close to russia at this point, and i wrote this in my book "the plot to hack america" that there has to be an investigation. there has to be a counter intelligence investigation to determine does he have strings to russian intelligence, maybe not trump personally but certainly people in his staff, because he appears to have nothing but disdain for the men and women who keep this nation safe. >> i have to leave it there,
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"the plot to hack america: how they tried to steal the 2016 election." thank you for joining us this afternoon. next a look at donald trump's man to lead the labor department. he opposes the $15 minimum wage and likes the idea of machines replacing human work. and bet innguyen will be along in the next hour and look at the fake news phenomena and how one totally madeup story about a pizza restaurant could have had deadly consequences you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain.
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. >> president-elect trump's labor secretary nominee andrew pudzer getting grilled how he does business. listen to what chris murphy told andrea mitchell yesterday. >> donald trump has given a big middle finger to the entire department nominating somebody who was found to have 50% of his restaurants in noncompliance with labor laws. this is the guy essentially been
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a labor law scoff. >> some of the biggest scrutiny comes with his views on pay and replacing humans with machine. withis christine owens, an crew pudzer thinks it would hurt businesses and jobs. what would his confirmation mean in the battle to raise minimum wage to $is aan hour? >> we're looking at putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. not only has he opposed meanful increases to the minimum wage. he's opposed the adjustment to the overtime rules, to protect overtime rights for mid level managers, including many who work in his business. he's opposed obamacare, which has made health coverage possible for a lot of low wage workers in his industry, and he is a leader in an industry that has very high rates of
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violations, basically standards like minimum wage and overtime and child labor protection, so putting him in charge of the department of labor, which is supposed to protect the rights and interests of workers particularly the most vulnerable workers really is a very threatening and frightening prospect. >> let's look at a quote puzder said machines in the workplace. they're always polite, they everyupsell, never take a vacation, never show up late, never a slip afternoon hen an fall or an age, sex or race discrim nation case. when it comes to protecting jobs when you consider trump campaigned on protecting jobs. >> absolutely. you know, president-elect trump carried states like michigan and wisconsin and ohio, pennsylvania, because he talked about issues affecting working people, and yet in his employment or his announcement about who he intends to appoint
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to the most important position in the federal government to protect working people, he's chosen someone who has talked glibly about replacing human beings with machines because machines don't have the kind of problems that all of us as humans have, nor do they raise complaints if they're treated under fairly on the job, if they're injured on the job, et cetera. that is not what voters in the heartland or voters across america were looking for when they elected the president. they were looking for someone who really will stand up and protect working people, and there's just no evidence to date that andrew puzder is that person. >> we'll have to see what happens ahead. christine owens thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. you may have heard of sanctuary cities for undocumented immigrants. now several colleges are planning to create sanctuary
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campuses, what that could mean for tens of thousands of students.
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the most important thing for us is that the uccs remains a place where all students can come and feel secure learning. >> that was a professor at the university of colorado and colorado springs, it is among the more than 100 colleges across the country seeking sanctuary campus designations to protect students and staff from deportation and harassment. 28 schools adopted the title since donald trump was elected but some colleges are resisting fearful trump will cut off federal funding to schools as he threatened to do for sanctuary cities. join me is the dean of ucla's graduate school of education and information studies. let's start with the funding issue. how real is the threat of losing federal funding?
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>> well we don't know. so this is a work in progress, and clearly the test, the mission of a great public research university like the university of california is to grow the next generation of nobel prize winners is to find cures for cancer. our job is not to work on behalf of the immigration system in the country, so we need to get our priorities straight. we have now very large number of young people, young people that grew up in our country that went to our schools, they played little league, they sold their lemonade in lemonade stands. they're american in every way on paper, and the university of california, as an example of a great public research university will commit itself to protect the basic privacy and civil rights of all our students. we believe that the students
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that have come unthe protection of daca are students who have played by the rules. they've swam against a very powerful undertow to get into one of the most competitive universities in the country. they need to be protected. >> you mentioned da daca, stands for deferred action for childhood arrivals and gave many undocumented students some relief from deportation. so i think a lot of people feel like they're especially vulnerable. what happens to these students now? >> well, with the protections of daca, what we've seen in our research and in the research of others is that it's given the students really the ability to come out of the shadows, to get a permit to work, to work legally, which really freed them from exploitation, poverty, all kinds of issues, really strong winds that they face, so it is a temporary protection that really
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provides relief from deportation and the ability to work, the ability to do what they want to do, which is to contribute to the society, to become civically engaged, to volunteer and yes, to pay, to get paid for the work they do. >> marcello, this is a topic not going away. i'm sure i'll have you back in again. thank you for your time. betty nguyen picks things up after the break, more reaction to andrea mitchell's report that trump chose exxon mobil ceo rex tillerson as secretary of state. [ sneezes ]
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