tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC December 12, 2016 8:30pm-9:01pm PST
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going at trump tower, including carly fiorina being considered for director of national intelligence. and reminder, the elector's vote december 19. that's our program. "hardball" with chris matthews begins now. trump versus the cia. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. i'm not an adviser to president-elect donald trump. if i were, i would look him in the eye right now and tell him how wrong he is on this question of who to trust. donald trump is denying that russia intervened in the presidential campaign. he's attacking the cia for discovering the intervention. he's thinking of naming john bolton to the state department. how can he do such things? he ran against iraq where he said it was stupid, horrible,
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disastrous. but it wasn't the cia's fault we started that war. the chief briefer for the agency told me on air that no one in the ccia ever told an administration official that iraq had nuclear weapons. >> he has in fact reconstituted nuclear weapons. is that true or not? >> we were saying -- >> can you answer that question? is that true? >> no, that's not true. >> you're saying you made that case when you didn't. so they're using your credibility for making the case as dishonesty, as you just admitted. >> i'm telling you -- >> you just admitted it. they gave you false presentation on what you said to them. >> in some aspects. >> it wasn't them that took us into iraq, it was the vice president's office that pushed for the hard war since day one, and it was john bolton from the state office pushing it all the way. when we learned there were no
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nuclear weapons, they wanted to blame it on the cia. i watched dana priest and dan millbank cover that for weeks, and yes, i watched claims of undercover identity in order to throw off their claim for ruthless war. which dared conclude that russia messed with the campaign. trump's response to the news has been to impune the intelligence agency. in a statement he said, these are the same people who said d saddam hussein had weapons of destruction. no, it was dick cheney. mike morales said they never told cheney, that he ran with that himself. they dismissed the idea that russia was involved in the hacking, something the entire intelligence agency concludes. in fact, here's donald trump.
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>> i think it's ridiculous. i think it's just another excuse. i don't believe it. i don't know why, and i think -- they talked about all sorts of things. every week it's another excuse. you look at the story and you take a look at what they said, there is great confusion. nobody really knows. and hacking is very interesting. once they hack, if you don't catch them in the act, you're not going to catch them. they have no idea if it's russia or china or somebody. it could be somebody sitting in a bed someplace. they have no idea of this. >> why would the cia put out the story that the russians wanted you to iraq? >> personally it could be russia. i don't think it is. but who knows. they don't know and i don't know. >> the top republican in the senate, mitch mcconnell, was asked to do an investigation of
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russia's hacking. here he is. >> obviouslily any foreign breach of our sovereign security measures is disturbing and i strongly condemn any such efforts. i agree with senator schumer, chairman mccain, burr and others. this simply can't be a partisan issue. i have the highest respect for the intelligence agencies. >> from the "washington post," greg miller who broke the story friday and an intelligence officer himself. he's the author of "the plot to hack america." senator kuntz, what do you make of trump's claim that the cia is not to be trusted? he's just going on his own wits in terms of anything, no briefing, nothing. >> it's very disturbing as someone who is the president-elect has very limited experience in intelligence matters or international affairs says we should just disregard that russia is not our friend
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and all of the intelligence community, not just the cia, more than a dozen different intelligence agencies across the entire u.s. government has delivered a message to congress that with the highest confidence, they believe in the most senior levels of the russian government there was interference in our democracy. i'm very pleased that mitch mcconnell has joined with senators mccain, rubio and others in a partisan call to make sure we get to the bottom of this and that we respond appropriately. i think this is a very big deal, chris. >> what do you think as an american of the fact of the evidence now that the russian foreign minister over there got involved in the campaign and in this case trump won. what do you make of that as an american, not a politician? >> chris, first, i led a bipartisan delegation to eastern europe back in august when we first got news this was likely
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happening. and it's striking to me how many countries across central, eastern and western europe have already been victims of overt and covert russian interference in their elections. this is something the russians are doing all across europe. as an american, i think this goes right to the heart of our country. we are defined as a democracy. if we allow this to go unchallenged, if we allow this to go uninvestigated, and if we allow this to go without a robust response, i think we're letting down america. >> why are they picking trump? why do they want him? >> well, i think that's something we should be investigating more thoroughly. but his nominee, his potential nominee for secretary of state, just to give one example, rex tillerson, is someone who is such a close friend of vladimir putin and the kremlin that he's received a medal of friendship from vladimir putin. i'm concerned that anyone who is a close friend of vladimir putin may not really have the best interests of the united states at heart. >> let me go to greg.
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congratulations, greg, on this incredible reporting. what do you know drove them? do we know what drove the russians to intervene in our election on behalf of trump? >> the sense we have is that they were sort of trying lots of different things and then exploring lots of vulnerabilities from various parties and various candidates who were sort of equal opportunity hacking, and when it became clear that donald trump would become the republican nominee and he had a chance at winning, more was looked into that possibility. initially it just looked like they were out to undermine confidence in democratic institutions or just a simple presidential vote in the united states. and then over time, it became more of a concerted effort to try to get trump into office. >> when did they decide not to release the hacked information from the republican national committee as they had done with the democratic national
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committee? >> we've spent a fair amount of time reporting on that exact question, chris, and we have a story that we'll run tomorrow that will hopefully clear that up a bit. it's a little murky, but one of the big questions is whether they actually obtained a trove of republican material. they certainly tried. they certainly made attempts to get material. and if they didn't, there are questions of why they didn't try. a lot of security officials i talked to said the russians are certainly capable of getting into an unclassified network like the rnc computer systems. they don't appear necessarily to have gathered a comparable trove in this case. it's not obvious they had one and were sitting on it, it looks more likely they went after the democrats harder, got more material and put all of it or a lot of it out. >> how sophisticated are the russians at figuring out and basically plucking the stuff they knew would cause trouble? >> well, i think -- the russians are regarded as highly sophisticated, one of the most sophisticated cyber adversaries for the united states, and i
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think, though, you see here they have a pretty decent understanding of the vulnerabilities of the american system, and in some ways how little is required to sow confusion if not dissent. just the story lines we've seen even over the past several days, if these are true concludes from the cia, if they're accurate, this must be deeply satisfying to putin and the kremlin. >> because they pulled this stuff about donna brazil and palmeri about the catholics. i felt they really knew their stuff, unfortunately. in his interview with fox this week, donald trump also dismissed the idea of even having a daily intelligence briefing as president. let's watch. >> i just want to ask you about your skepticism about the intelligence committee. you are getting a presidential daily brief only once a week. >> well, i get it when i need it. first of all, these are very good people that are giving me the briefings. if something should change from
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this point, immediateliy call m. i'm available on one minute's notice. i don't have to be told -- i'm a smart person. i don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day for the next eight years. could be eight years, but eight years. i don't need that. but i do say if something should change, let us know. >> free opportunity for you to critique what you just heard. i don't know what to make of it, because thank god we had the cia telling us in august of 2001 that they were coming to attack us in this country, al qaeda. unfortunately, we had a president that didn't move on it, but he gave someone his pdb in august. here's the president-elect who doesn't seem to want the pdb every day. >> he doesn't seem to understand that the world changes on a very small scale every day. when he goes to sleep at night, if he hasn't read his p.h.
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dossier or his 2059 zulu report at night, the next morning the world will wake up different, and he needs to know that. although he says he can just come back to me when it changes, it's constantly changing. there are thousands of intelligence watch officers right now all around the world watching this program, smacking their foreheads wondering whether the president-elect of the united states is absolutely oblivious to the intelligence processes or he just doesn't care. >> you know, the medal of freedom dan patrick won in new york was wondering if it was a medal give ton intelligence officers overseas. it had to be done quietly. we've lost a lot of spies who have gone into horrible situations, have been brilliant for risking their lives and sometimes lost their lives for this country. what do you make of this attack on the intelligence community, mr. trump's, malcolm? >> i think it's absolutely
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disgrace fu disgraceful. it would be disqualifying, but we've used that word a lot. i have six i've worked with on nsa's wall of those who have lost their lives in the defense of this nation. there are tens of thousands of good people, men and women working 24/7, 365, to defend this nation and he discards them because he thinks he knows better. right now what we need to know is why does this man's policy track with the kremlin? why does this man's policy seem dismiss sie dismissive of 70 years of american defense policies and strategies? why does this man seem to have poor knowledge of intelligence operations which have occurred with the acquiescence or the direction of the kremlin? this requires investigation, and believe me, i certainly hope we get to the bottom of it. >> thank you, senator chris
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kuntz, greg miller and alfred mann. what do they want from him? this is "hardball," the place for politics. diabetes can be a daily struggle, even if you're trying your best. along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. ♪ let's groove tonight. ♪ share the spice of life. ♪ baby, from the makers of lantus®, ♪ slice it right. toujeo® provides blood sugar-lowering activity
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he's much more than a business executive. he's a world class player. he's in charge of, i guess, the largest company in the world. it's been a company that's been unbelievably managed, and to me a great advantage is he knows many of the players. and he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia, he does massive deals for the company. not for himself, for the company. >> that was president-elect trump, of course, speaking about exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson who nbc news reported over the weekend is expected to be named trump's secretary of state perhaps in a day or two. the reaction of tillerson could
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be greeted with a reaction between trump and the people on the hill. taking shots at u.s. intelligence officials is concerning, to put it lightly, to the republican party. the upwardly mobile report of the cia saying that russia may have helped trump win. they were given russia's reward of decoration. there he is getting the reward in 2012. they fired the first shots over the weekend. former senator marco rubio tweeted, being a friend of vladimir putin is not an attribute i am hoping for from the secretary of state. senator gram said, if you received an ward from the kremlin, order of friendship,
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then we're gonna have some talking. >> that would color his approach to vladimir putin and the russian threat. but that is a matter of concern. we will give him his chance. that's what the confirmation process, that's what advise and consent is all about. when he gets the friendship award from a butcher, it's something that needs to be examined. >> trump adviser kellyanne conway defended the future secretary of state. >> it's not like they're intimate friends, but they deal with each other through business interests, and i think most importantly, anybody who is in president trump a cabinet, particularly the secretary of state, the fourth ranking person in government, that person will be in advance of the u.s. everywhere. >> a former u.s. ambassador to russia. steve edwards is ambassador at
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large. what do you think of tillerson as secretary of state? >> well, i have the same concerns of the very senators you just had clips of. obviously, he's a very experienced ceo of a major company. he's been there for his entire career. and with respect to russia, i know his operation and his people in moscow well. they did some fantastic deals. a $300 billion deal with ross neff, the largest oil company in russia, and they did that deal because he developed a close, personal relationship with vladimir putin. that's the way that system works. you don't do that kind of deal without that relationship. and until this moment, they were very proud of the fact that they had that kind of access with putin that almost no other americans have. that said, our relationship with russia is not just about energy, it's not just about drilling in the arctic, it's about syria, it's about ukraine, it's about
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the annexation, the illegal annexation of crimea, it's about north korea, and i'm not convinced yet that he understands the full portfolio just in dealing with russia, let alone the rest of the world. >> let's talk about this problem. i grew up where we worried most about western china and we worried about the satellite countries like north korea because they had nuclear weapons and they could go to nuclear war, potentially. what would tillerson do if the north koreans dropped a bomb on seoul? these are horrible thoughts, but someone has to have them in their head. what do you do then? >> that said, john kerry has been trying to work with syria. there are going to be areas where our interests diverge dramatically and they will converge. if you drop a bomb on seoul, you're going to need russia and china and others aligned in an
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action. this notion that america moving unilaterally through the world is something to celebrate and boast about, it's just not the way the world works. >> i gave that extreme case and i hope in our life times we don't experience anything like t but you have to wonder what a guy with gut instinct would do. but you have to have a sense ahead of time. let's take something less drastic. he grabs one of the baltics. he just grabs one. he marches in and takes it because he got the wrong message -- remember april gillespie gave the wrong message to vietnam? how do we avoid a war with tillerson, because stupidity and ignorance do bring wars, and failure to lay down the law ahead of time is usually what will do it. your thoughts? >> of course, we'll have to engage, we'll have to avoid that
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through diplomacy. i do want to underscore if you've run exxonmobil, you have a lot of experience with diplomacy, with people around the world. that's important to say first and foremost. when we return let me finish with trump watch for tonight. this is "hardball," the place for politics. happy anniversary dinner, darlin' can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone.
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trump watch monday, december 12, 2016. you could certainly argue they should have seen this coming, this stark break between what donald trump is saying and the truth which is out there and available for those who pay good attention. the stark break here is between trump's denial that the russians intervened in the presidential race and the cia's assess thame that they did. one is right, the other is wrong. if trump has evidence to dispute the cia's finding, he should produce it. if not, his contempt for the agency is not warranted. why would the u.s. commander in
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chief ridicule the very intelligence services he's about to command? i repeat what i said at the top of the show. it wasn't the cia who got us in that stupid, terrible, destructive war in iraq. it was the festering in the pentagon and the vice president's office. it led to an uncovering of the nation's identity and the convicting of its own number. i would like to think donald trump would see this, but if he got it wrong it's his own fault. the cia did not tell us saddam hussein had nuclear weapons, dick cheney did. including john bolton who can't wait to get back into positions where they can do more of this, more wars, more regime changes, more killing of people for the offense daring to be in their way. mr. trump, please don't let john bolton back into power. he will do more of what he's done beforeme.
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he will bring more like him to do it. that's "hardball." thanks for joining us. join us again tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. see you then. ♪ ♪ see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition. experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at $319 a month. infiniti. empower the drive. i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice! and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph.
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happy monday night. thank you for joining us this hour. very happy to have you here. we've got a big show tonight. we've got a bunch of exclusive stuff. first of all, tonight in just a couple of minutes, we're going to have the first interview since the election with jen palmieri. she was a senior player, key player in that campaign, very close to the candidate herself. i should tell you that jen palmieri worked herself so hard during the campaign, she ended up in the hospital with exhaustion. it is just over one month since the election happened.
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