tv MSNBC Live MSNBC December 17, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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president-elect trump on his thank you tour. he had a message for his most passionate supporters. >> that's so terrible. so here's what i noticed. four weeks ago just prior to, and always prior to, you people were vicious, violent, screaming, "where's the wall? we want the wall?" now you're laidback, you're cool, you're mellow, right? you're basking in the glory of victory. and we're already getting to work. >> president obama threatening retaliation after intelligence officials determined russia interfered in the u.s. election to help donald trump win. so what options are available and what is the president-elect likely to do about it? fearing for their lives in aleppo, thousands of people desperately hoping today is the day they will finally be evacuated from the syrian city under siege by government forces.
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but first, president-elect donald trump is heading to way says is his last rally of the year. nbc's kelly o'donnell joins me live from mobile, alabama, where trump is set to take the stage in a couple of hours. a lot of talk about russia and hacking, an issue trump largely ignore ed last night in orlando. can we expect him to address it today? >> not largely ignored, completely ignored. both last night in orlando, earlier the week in hershey, pennsylvania, it's not a part of his stump speech post election. we've seen a pattern how donald trump likes to relive the election a bit. likes to talk about some of his plans for the new administration. likes to engage with his audiences. he talks about hot-button issues in the country and around the world but has not discussed russia. that's notable because of his past positive statements about vladimir putin. some questions raised about what the intent of the russian hacking was. president obama and others say
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there is no evidence that anything that russia did affected the outcome, but they do say it was russia at the highest levels of its government responsible for the hacks at the democratic national committee and a top aide to hillary clinton. it's something donald trump isn't talking about. in part, you can argue that there are associated of trump's, some of his advisors who say discussing this undercuts his victory. it's something he doesn't want to talk about. there are others who say it's at odds with the sort of relationship he's trying to project with russia when he becomes president. it's all very volatile ground because of russia's aggression on the world stage and the difficulty of dealing with a world leader like vladimir putin who crossed over borders and been a real advairy f adversary united states. we are here on a saturday afternoon with people who apparently have all their shopping done. he tweeted to the crowd saying
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he hopes it will be one of his biggest audiences. it will be the last of these events through the holidays. >> the crowd gathering behind you. on the transition front, trump adding another name to his team today, south carolinian congressman mick mullvaney. >> he is a congressman with a reputation being a fiscal hawk, a budget cutter. he's known as the freedom caucus, a group within the house republicans that are the most conservative. think of them as the people who were putting all that political pressure on john boehner that pushed him out. they are a potent group. mulvany will be responsible if confirmed in dealing with federal budgets, looking how the money is spent. he would have a big role on policy for regulations and things like that. it's not one of the more glamorous positions, but a powerful one.
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some say it's got sleeper power in the trump administration and mulvany is a very conservative member of congress getting the nod for that job. >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. president obama used his final press conference to take aim at russia for hacking the u.s. election. >> our goal continues to be to send a clear message to russia or others not to do this to us because we can do stuff to you. >> the president said he confronted vladimir putin personally at the g-20 summit in september and warned him there would be consequences. more on how and when the u.s. could retaliate, i want to bring in deputy director for the russia and eurasian program. there was a warning there would be consequences for russia and hacking. how is this different this time
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around? >> you have the conclusions of the cia and fbi that, one, russia was involved. two, that their involvement was specifically with the aim of affecting the outcome of the election, and three, as president obama said during his press conference, this was authorized at the highest levels of the russian government which presumably means president putin himself. >> president obama did talk about hitting back at the russians. he did express concern though about potential cyber warfare. >> we obviously have offensive capabilities as well as defensive capabilities, and my approach is not a situation which everybody's worse off because folks are constantly attacking each other back and forth. >> if you are president obama, how do you punish the russians without making this situation worse? >> it's a difficult situation because in some ways the u.s. is
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more vulnerable to cyber attack than russia is simply because of the fact our economy and political system are more dependent on access to the internet. so there is a real danger about escalation in a world where we don't know quite what the norms and restrictions on state's behavior is. that said, i mean there are things that one could do such as publishing details of the corruption of putin himself or his cronies, hacking into bank accounts for russian leaders, doing things like spreading unfavorable information about the russian political system and about russian political leaders to the russian people. all of those may in some sense fall short of what russia did to affect our elections in terms of
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their impact, but they would be a way of at least establishing that the u.s. has these tools, these capabilities and is willing to use them. i think if you start going beyond that and going into the realm of trying to take down the russian financial system or infrastructure, then you're in a much more dangerous world where the potential for real escalation becomes much higher. >> thanks for joining us today. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. let's get more on the reaction to the cia and fbi findings. i'm join all three of you, thank you for being with us. let my start with you, noel. at what point should the president-elect start doubting his conclusions and what's going to change his mind? >> i don't think anything will
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change his mind. they have proved there has been infiltration by the russians. i think we know that it's, there's been some hacking. i think depending on how he goes forward with his new administration, what they can do, what the boundaries and how they can counteract that going forward. we all know that there was hacking. everybody knows that. but what president-elect trump can do going forward is to make sure that we have some of the best fire walls protecting everyone, not just government, not just republicans or democrats. some of this happened, not with russia but on the other side with sony. so this is a horrible thing that's happening to the united states both with private companies and now that they can see -- i don't think this affected hillary clinton's campaign.
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i think if she were a better candidate, in my opinion, i don't think it would have mattered, but it sure was a huge headache for podesta, wasserman schultz. it was horrible and doesn't need to be happening. i won't cheer it on. something has got to be done. the united states has got to put together some fire wall to prohibit this happening, not only in government but in the private sector as well. this could affect markets. this could go far because you could expose things that could affect a corporation and affect stock holders. so the ramifications can go further than messing up campaigns or secrets. >> the president yesterday talked about this. he also talked about republicans basically saying that you didn't do enough to stop this. i want you to listen to his remarks. >> that wasn't news. the president-elect during the campaign said so, then after the
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elections, suddenly they're asking, why didn't you tell us that maybe the russias werussia trying to help our candidate? well, come on. >> did he do enough to stop the critics saying, you knew about it, but you didn't say much? >> we can all look back and say the media focused too much on these stories that didn't suggest the hype as suggested. obama didn't underscore the point loudly enough. hillary clinton's campaign didn't knock down this argument enough. there were questions about her use of a private server that had gone on for months. if they weren't able to put that aside, a hack would undermine it even more. there's going to be questions about 2016 how did this happen -- how did we get here? what donald trump can do going forward is stop undermining the intelligence community by
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preemptively rejecting their findings. he views their results about hacking as saying he's not a legitimate president. he's defending against his electoral victory. you can have russian hacking, putin putting his thumb on the scale to support trump and you can have hillary clinton not running the most effective campaign and not being the best candidate. all these can be true and donald trump can say you put america first, make america great again focusing on cyber security. he could meld his message with the issue at hand. >> i have to bring in victoria. hillary clinton is specifically talking about the comey letter and how it affected the outcome of the election. >> taken from nate silver who's pointed out swing state voters made their decisions in the final days breaking against me because of the fbi letter from our director comey, and nate silver believes, i happen to believe this, that that letter
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likely made a difference in if the outcome. >> she also described putin's personal beef with her as a factor. democratic donors are looking for much more of an explanation than that. one fund-raiser telling politico, a lot of people are saying i'm not putting another dime in until someone tells me what just happened. is clinton being short sided placing the blame on russia and the cia? >> a little bit. let's take a couple of steps back. hillary clinton had a very weak campaign to start from. hindsight is 20/20. we see that. so we had a fundamentally weak campaign, but on top of that in the last week or two you have the comey letter. let's not forget in the last days of the campaign is when there was news the obamacare premiums would go up. that got a lot of folks on the ground angry. they would feel it in their own pockets. finally we have that drip, drip,
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drip of the wikileaks. is that the determining point? i don't know. had she had a fundamentally strong campaign, one that was connected to the people, to the grassroots, these last couple of things that happened, in particular the comey letter, probably wouldn't have affected her. you put the comey letter, the wikileaks and the obamacare premiums together with the fundamentally weak campaign and we have what we have today. >> thank you all for joining us today. we appreciate it. u.n. secretary-general ban ki moon says another word for hell is aleppo. new efforts to evacuate tens of thousands of innocent civilians trapped by conflict. that crisis hitting home for many people with the story of a 7-year-old syrian girl and her mother using social media to beg first lady michelle obama for help. her
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evacuations from the besieged city of aleppo could resume today. yesterday's efforts were put on hold after shots rang out at a crossing point in the rebel enclave leaving thousands of people still inside, according to the red cross. matt bradley is in london with more on this. any indication on when evacuation efforts might resume? >> that's really tough to say. reuters is quoting a rebel leaving blaming iran-backed militia groups for holding up the evacuations after this agreement was reached today. according to this leader, the militia groups are demanding that injured people in two pro government towns west of aleppo be evacuated at the same time, but now that was a part of the original agreement. it's not clear these evacuations of these pro government towns is
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starting. it goes without saying, it's within his interest to lay blame on these pro government militia groups. this kind of hold-up is consistent with how these cease-fire deals have been going all week long. it was on then off, then on and off again, now seems to be back on. there's obviously very little reason for optimism. but for civilians trapped in this rebel holdout neighborhoods of aleppo, it's still their best hope for escape and ultimately for survival. the main sticking point for these on again/off again negotiations are a pair of towns to aleppo's west whereas these besieged areas of aleppo are dominated by sunni who oppose the town. and shiites support the president. rebels laid siege to those cities the way pro-government forces waged siege to eastern
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aleppo. syria and iran insisted that the two cities be evacuated simultaneously with east aleppo. most rebel groups have more or less conceded to that demand. one hard line rebel group with links to al qaeda resisted all week until just today. again, all of this is so delicate, it could break with one errant shot or one misunderstanding to send negotiators back to square one. >> it's a desperate situation. matt, thank you. many of the thousands trapped in aleppo are turning to social media to share their stories and plea for help. in a video abstained by nbc news, a 7-year-old and her mother make a direct plea to first lady michelle obama. >> this is for mrs. michelle obama. i would like to tell you we are still here in east aleppo.
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i am begging you to help us and make us in a safer place because we are so afraid. >> hello, mrs. obama. please help us. >> the tweets about her family's situation have gone viral. with chances of survival waning this week, many trapped civilians began taking to social media to broadcast their last good-byes to the world. can you imagine? cal perry joins with us more on this tell us more about vanna and how she captured the world's attention. >> she is 7 years old and started tweeting with her mother fatima. she is clearly being influenced by her mother. her mother tweets a lot. she sent us this video thursday night. they are both media-savvy. they found themselves at the center of a controversy when it comes to social media and what's happening in aleppo. we heard bashir al assad accuse her and her mother not being who
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they say they are or where they say they are. thursday night she was still in the rebel-held area of east aleppo. as you heard, we are now sort of swapping the last remaining living syrians. she's caught in an area that is no more than a dozen blocks. it's getting smaller and it's getting worse and getting colder and children are trapped and dying. we are waiting to hear from her. she tweeted the last time about three hours ago but we don't know her location. >> it's hard to wrap your brain around this situation of children. orphan children pleading to be evacuated. how has social media helped or maybe hurt in this situation? >> these 47 orphans have been putting out videos. they put out a good-bye video. it was put out thursday morning. they were saying good-bye to the
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world. they tried to get out thursday night. they were caught in the gun fire of one of those convoys. we don't know if they have gotten out. the issue of social media is fascinating. all this is happening in front of the world. there is so much misinformation and so much disinformation. >> and in the world of fake news, people are raising questions. >> right. you have rumors women are committing suicide in aleppo because they are afraid regime troops are raping them as they leave. there was an execution video that surfaced about three minutes ago from 2013 saying couldn't leave. that may be happening or not happening, we don't know. social media is lending oxygen to this fire that is misinformation in an absolutely desperate situation. >> cal perry trying to make sense of it all. thank you. south korea, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in the nation's capital.
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opponents of the south korean president are calling for her impeachment and immediate resignation as president. supporters rallying for her reinstatement. prosecutors accuse park of colluding with a long-time confidante to extort money and favors. dangerously cold weather and heavy snow this weekend. the look at many problems it's creating.
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a bitter blast of winter weather creates problems this weekend. in maryland, a tanker skidded off the road and burst into flames. crews are removing damaged vehicles this afternoon. three people died in separate crashes, more than 100 traffic accidents reported after freezing rain covered the roads. morgan radford is following this
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winter weather in new york. what is the latest there? >> the temperature is in the 20s here in suffern, new york. it started snowing earlier this morning then turned into freezing rain. that's what we are seeing happen throughout the northeast and eastern seaboard. in baltimore there was a multicar crash. first responders are removing vehicles from the side of the highway there. that has people throughout the northeast alert today, especially if they are getting on the roads. >> you have to go really slow. when you come to a stop sign, it's not the normal procedure. you've got to start slowing down way before would you normally do so in normal driving conditions. >> i think it got cold earlier and took people by surprise. we're ready for it. i have a four-wheel drive. it's no problem. >> there have been hundreds of flights canceled throughout the
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country and major airports had to close down their runways as more than 150 million americans remain under a winter weather advisory. >> morgan, thank you. >> uber and state of california could be headed to a courtroom showdown with self-driving cars. they navigate with the use of special sensors. state attorneys say uber does not have the proper permit for driverless cars and should stop immediately. uber argues it doesn't need the permit because the person always sits behind the wheel just in case. president-elect donald trump says he will not sell his businesses as he delays his much anticipated press conference to explain how he will manage a myriad of potential conflicts of interests. new challenge for dnc chairman.
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headquarters in new york. within the next hour, president-elect donald trump is scheduled to arrive in mobile, alabama, the final stop on his post election thank you tour. he attended a rally last night in orlando, florida, and right now funeral services are under way in columbus, ohio, for john glen, the first american to orbit the earth. he was a u.s. senator. glenn died at the age of 95. we'll have much more coming up. president obama is praising the newest candidate in the race to take control of the democratic national committee. labor secretary tom perez. challenging front-runner and minnesota congressman eat ellison. the president talked about perez yesterday. >> tom perez has been, i believe, one of the best secretaries of labor in our history. he is tireless.
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he is wicked smart. others declared also are my friends and fine people, as well. and the great thing is, i don't have a vote in this. >> whoever wins that vote will need to figure out how to set democrats back on track. with us to look at the party's next move, evan bayh. who would you like to see leave the dnc? >> a lot like the president, i don't have a vote in this thing. i do think it needs to be someone who can put a good face on the party, particularly in the midwest where many of the key senate races in two years will be decided. my home state of indiana, wyoming, west virginia, some of those places. the nuts and bolts we may be going through a tough time as a party so someone who can generate fund-raising support. that sort of thing. most of all, begin the process for choosing our next presidential nominee. i know that may seem like a long time from now and it is, but that's the person who will put
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the new face on the democratic party. >> i want to read an opinion piece in the "new york times" which calls on democrats to "buck up." it says "the republicans in 2000 threw everything they could muster against the wall to see if it stuck with no concern about potential blowback. the democrats in 2016 are apparently too worried about being called sore losers." why haven't we seen democrats raise their voices more since the election? >> there have been a lot of voices raised on your network and others. people frustrated by what appear to be the new policies of the president-elect. i suspect when the president nominate as very conservative potential justice to the supreme court, you'll see a great cry about that. you've got to balance that with winning the election in would years. in response to your first question, a lot of those key senate races are in purplish or reddish states. montana and north dakota can add to the mix. if you look like you're object
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strokting constantly, it is difficult to win those places and might play in the hands of the republicans. this is going to be a -- we have to learn to walk and chew gum. have principled opposition when we think that's warranted. also try and find some common ground to make progress for people who want us to be more than pure obstructionists, particularly the midwest. >> trying to find the path forward, do you expect we'll hear much from hillary clinton in 2017? >> i think she'll be reticent. she wouldn't want to be unseemly. she spoke out about the involvement of the russians, vladimir putin's dislike for her. that's appropriate. my guess is she will let a little time go by, pick her spots, maybe around the supreme court nominee, maybe later about something else she feels strongly about. she'll raise her voice then. my guess is she is not going to retire from public life entirely. >> "the washington post" talked with a veteran opposition guy
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cecil. he said, "we must do more than present our party as a loose confederation of interest groups and issues. i plan on spending a good deal of my time addressing a lack of compelling, juunifying message among progressives and our pa y party." >> i think the midterms will be defined what we disagree with the president-elect on if we are going to elect a president, we have to be more than the sum of our grievances. or more than just a collection of different ethnic interests and other groups. we have to have a broader unifying message how we'll move this country forward. particularly knows noncollege educated white folks. we have a lot in indiana and other parts of the midwest clearly disgruntled. what can we do in practical terms to improve the quality of their economic lives? better job security, more secure retirement, affordable college for their kids, rising wages
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over time. those bread and butter issues. a true agenda for addressing the anger, the frustration and desire for change in washington that manifested nifts this last election. that's the kind of message and agenda we need if we are going to win at the national level. >> you lost a bid to return to the senate last month. you then wrote your fellow hoosiers in indiana should set an example in the nation and find areas of agreement. how hard will that be with a trump white house? >> since i lost, maybe that should discount some of what i'm telling you. hoosiers are practical people. when you look across the midwest, the national polls were off by a little bit, but way off in the midwest. parts of western pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, wisconsin, indiana, missouri, iowa, places like that, even minnesota were close. if we are going to appeal to those folks, they want practical problem solvers. they are tired of partisanship. they are tired of a remote,
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elitist washington that they think doesn't care about them at all.election was a primal scream against the establishment. when we are opposed to the president, say why in practical terms. if he proposes something we think we can work with, work with it. each and every day, what can we do to make progress for the people out there who are yearning for it? it's a practical process. we can't just be obstructionists, but can't just knuckle under. it's what practically can we do to help real people? if we can convey that, the fact we did win the popular vote will manifest in senate seats, house seats, governorships and perhaps the presidency. >> former senator evan bayh, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. how president-elect trump will separate himself from his global business holdings was supposed to be answered by now. a news conference he planned for thursday was scrapped.
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an opinion piece in "usa today" declared president-elect donald trump and his nominees shatter all records when it comes to the amount and scope of wealth and investments and to potential conflicts, as well. many the author of that who also worked on president obama's executive order on ethics join us now. we saw plenty of criticism about the new trump hotel in washington which is part of a lease with the government mr. trump will oversee. >> we don't know how extensive the conflicts of interests are. trump will not release his tax returns. however, we do have pretty good indications that have evolved out of news accounts. we know for instance trump has some 500 corporations he has assets investments in. it spreads the globe some 23, at least 23 countries. he's got investments. in so this is a massive
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financial empire that is global in scope. we've never seen a president step into the office with these types of conflicts. i want to point out, it isn't just trump's conflicts of interest. the people he's bringing in to his administration are the titans of industry. these are the ceos of some of the biggest corporations we've ever seen. rex tillerson being nominated for secretary of state, for instance. these nominees are bringing their own baggage of conflicts of interests with them. so this is a very serious problem for the trump administration. >> you mentioned he hasn't released his tax returns just yet. once he does become president, will he be forced to do that for us to see what he owns and where the conflicts of interest might be? >> there are at least two different conflicts of interest laws or rules that apply to him that may apply. one is these statutory conflict
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of interest code that has been interpreted by the attorney general's office as exempting the president and vice president. nevertheless, every single president for the last 40 years has followed that conflict of interest code and divested themselves of conflicts of interests are placed it in a blind trust. however, statutorily, it doesn't necessarily apply to donald trump. he is pointing that out. however, another provision that is not so forgiving is the clause of the u.s. constitution. our founding fathers were very worried about foreign governments trying to essentially embrace and endear our presidents and office holders by giving them gifts. our founders wrote it right into the constitution someone like donald trump as president cannot accept gifts or salaries or
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financial rewards from foreign governments. that one directly, explicitly applies to donald trump. he cannot excuse himself from that one. >> all right. we'll see how this plays out. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. next, remembering an american legend. you're looking at a live memorial service in columbus, ohio, for former astronaut and senator john glenn. we'll talk to a fellow restaurant about glenn's amazing life. milissa rehberger will be here with what some are calling a highly political power grab in north carolina.
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space. in 1988, he flew one last mission at the age of 77 becoming the oldest man in space. glenn is being mem oralized today. vice president biden will speak shortly. joining me now is former astronaut scott altman. what are you feeling as the nation says good-bye to this extraordinary man? >> it's a bittersweet experience. at the same time, it's a celebration of the life of just an incredible american. the role model for me as an astronaut. >> what do you think did he specifically that touched the hearts of so many in the public throughout his life? >> he was just an incredible stand-up guy. you got that from him when you talk to him. from the beginning as one of the original mercury 7 through when he came back to nasa in 1998. i got to know him on a personal level after growing up looking
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at him on tv as somebody incredible, i don't think i realized back then astronauts were real people. john glenn seemed so incredible. he is the shoulders that all the rest of the astronauts stood on as we made advances over the years. >> personally, you got to know him. what was he like? >> i was excited to meet him. he had such a great attitude. and an incredible sense of humor. he liked playing jokes. he liked participating in the humor of the astronaut office. i saw him in the gym a bunch. we would workout together. all around, everything you thought john glenn would be, he was. it was real. it was him. just an incredible person. >> the real deal. retired astronaut mark kelly tweeting saying t"the word hero
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gets thrown around a lot, but john glooenn defined it." >> as i looked at him, he exemplified those things i thought were important. duty to country, service to the world as an astronaut, and that example is one i think all of us as astronauts tried to follow and exemplify. >> what do you want the current generation watching this to know about john glen and how much the space program meant to him? >> it's incredible because there is so much to john glenn. he was a fighter pilot in world war ii, served in korea, flew as a test pilot in the first supersonic aircraft. then becoming an restaurant. just someone who always challenged himself and kept moving forward. after his space flight when you thought that would be the peak,
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he decided to serve the country as a senator and did that longer than anyone frels ohio had. >> what do you think would be a fitting tribute to john glenn? should nasa name a mission in his honor? something along those lines? >> nasa renamed a few centers after other astronauts. last time i saw john glenn was neil armstrong's funeral. we had a chance to talk and visit. we already have a nasa glenn named in his honor. i think he would not really want any more than that, but that we remember what he did and honor that legacy. >> absolutely. former astronaut scott altman with his mem tories of john gle. in the spirit of the holiday season, idaho's secret santa giving away $100,000 to help families in need. we'll hear from those very
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surprised and grateful recipients. have fun with your replaced windows. run away! [ grunts ] leave him! leave him! [ music continues ] brick and mortar, what?! [ music continues ] [ tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and auto insurance with progressive, you get more than a big discount. that's what you get for bundling home and auto! jamie! you get sneaky-good coverage. thanks. we're gonna live forever!
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east idaho is feeling the magic of this season thanks to its very own secret santa. a benefactor and his elves are giving away $100,000 to people in need. the response has been overwhelming. jacob rascon followed the quest to spread holiday cheer. >> when they knocked on her door. >> how are you, ma'am? good to see you. >> michelle rich couldn't get up to greet them. >> oh, my gosh. >> for months, a chronic illness made it impossible to walk. michelle couldn't afford the treatments until now. >> you're serious? >> we're serious. >> the gift -- >> what's going on with the hats? >> we're the elves. >> where did you get those? >> dollar store.
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>> a local businessman wanted help giving away $100,000. the news team asked readers to nominate people who needed the money and got more than 1,400 names including the carsons. jim has stage 4 cancer. >> her daughter has spina bifida. >> what the wolf family wants for christmas is their husband and father. his brain timer has taken away his speech. >> get daddy better and so daddy can read a story with her. >> secret santa can only do so much, but the $5,000 gift will help pay off medical bills. >> i don't know what to say. thank you so much. just thank you. i'm speechless. >> when all hope seemed lost. >> this was just the biggest
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deal. >> ringing in the true spirit of the season. >> so touching and heart warming. love that. that's going to do it for me this hour. milissa rehberger picks things up after the break including a live update on the final stop of president-elect trump's thank you tour. ! you got it. just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new i don't want one that's had a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported pretty cool i like it that's the power of carfax® find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at
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now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. can you say thanks nicoderm cq? every great why needs a great how. good afternoon, i'm milissa rehberger. it is 3:00 on the east coast and 2:00 p.m. in mobile, alabama where president-elect donald trump will be landing soon, the latest stop on his thank you tour. a tour that brought him to orlando last night. the president-elect with a new response to supporters chanting, "lock her up." >> but now you're mellow and you're cool. and you're not nearly as vicious or violent, right? because we won, right? >> the temperature is mobile is expected to reach in the 70s
12:00 pm
today, a far cry from the weather elsewhere around the country with snow and ice causing dangerous driving conditions from denver to chicago to buffalo. first we go straight to alabama where president-elect donald trump will take the stage, his last rally before the holidays. kelly owe doab'donnell joins us. trump didn't mention anything about russia or the findings ned. should we expect to hear him talk about it today? >> i don't think it will be part of his planned remarks here. we've seen a pattern with donald trump at these thank you events as he calls them. he comes out to engage with his supporters, the people who voted him in. they relive a little of the election cycle. he does talk about policy, things domestic. he has did he
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