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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  December 20, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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it would inflame an already tense situation. >> what sources tell us is neither the russians nor any foreign government intervened in any way on election day. there has not now or ever been a red phone. it is called the nuclear risk reduction center and the obama administration added a component back in 2013 and that's what was used here for the first time. >> another day, another fascinating story. thank you so much. that will do it for this hour. mtp daily with chuck todd starts now. >> if it's tuesday, an unpredictable president-elect is set to take office in an unpredictable world. the terror attack in berlin and assassination in turkey. highlighting the unstable world
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that will face a president trump. >> we will have to count on him as president. >> seeing everything through the red and blue goggles. the single greatest force in american politics. surprise, just when you thought politics couldn't get any crazier in north carolina. it does. it starts right now. good evening from washington and welcome to m trks prtp dail welcome to the world stage president-elect trump. an ambassador assassinate and an embassy threatened and it's only tuesday. he is about to inherit a global security crisis and it ignites on the day they made him the president-elect. we should warn you this footage
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is graphic and disturbing. 12 people were killed and 50 wounded when a truck slammed into a popular christmas market. the manhunt for the attacker and any accomplices continue. they claimed responsibility for the attack and provided no proof to back up the claim. in turkey, a turkish policeman shouting god is great in arabic and don't forget aleppo in arabic assassinated an ambassador while cameras were rolling. police arrested a man who fired a shotgun across the street and a gunman opened fire at a mosque wounding and committing suicide. president-elect trump responded aggressively calling it the work of a radical islamic terrorist that must be universally condemned and tweeted in reaction to germany and switzerland calling them terror attacks that are only getting
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worse. the civilized world must change thinking. they do not believe the incident was a terror attack though. so what the heck is going on around the world? when the midst of what some might call instability. you can trace a lot of it back to one moment perhaps or at least one issue. that is syria or even president obama's reaction not to act, warning to assad back in the summer of 2012. the resulting syrian civil war and migrant crisis has been massively destabilizing and particularly so for the west and europe in particular. it fuelled concerns and sparked a rise of immigration hard liners. think brexit or trump. don't forget aleppo. the ambassador was killed yesterday.
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assad, iran, and russia are battling groups and receiving u.s. weapons. it seems to have a common thread. syria. is syria unraveling the world? there is no way to know what would have happened if president obama and the west decided to be more aggressive and intervened more directly and gotten rid of assad. we could have a different set of circumstances we are staring at. no matter how you slice it, syria is a giant mess. president obama struggled to address it and so have western leaders. soon that mess will be on donald trump's desk. let's get out to the field for the latest. richard engle is in istanbul and the nbc correspondent bradley is in berlin. matt, i understand there is still a manhunt and they had somebody in custody and since released. are they any closer to finding
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either the cell or the individual that was behind this? >> chuck, so much has changed in this investigation in just the last several hours. i am no expert, but the police are back to square one. the suspect they arrest side pakistani who arrived in germany about a year ago almost to the day and tried to apply for asylum. he was release and now there are no suspects. whoever is the perpetrator of the crime killed 12 people and injured dozens of others. that person is still at large. to the claim of responsibility from islamic state. they could have directed this attack or they could be piggy backing off of an attack that would occur that may have nothing to do with terrorism. what we do know is that this claim of responsibility will actually spread rather far politically and vindicate the
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right wing politicians in europe throughout the region who have blamed angela merkel in her open door policy earlier last year when she opened the doors for migrants from the middle east and africa. it was widely praised throughout the world for showing german tolerance, but cost a lot of popularity in germany. if it turns out the perpetrator was acting on direction from islamic state from their center in syria and iraq, that will be a major problem for angela merkel as she heads into elections later next year. >> this is a major crisis security-wise for angela merkel and political one. i will go to richard engle and the story you are covering on monday, i'm sorry, i'm sure a lot of people had historical flash backs to what happened over 100 years ago and how a
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simple assassination triggered a world war. 24 hours later, turkish and russian officials are trying to make sure this incident doesn't escalate any further. >> just the opposite. urk turkey and russia are trying to use this as a point of departure to have closer relations. there has been animosity and accusing turkey of supporting terrorists. of supporting terrorists in syria. i think putin is hoping this tragedy will bring turkey closer and we are seeing that. turkey is reconciled with russia and officials are with iranian officials and russian officials today talking about finding a strategy for syria. that seemed impossible just a
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few months ago. no, i don't think this was that moment for sure for the world. >> where does the united states fit into this relationship these days? >> why do you think he is cozying up with russia? his traditional rival. the empire and the russian empire were always at odds. he is making this reproachment because the u.s. is not a major player in syria. they want a vested interest and it has long-term interests there because of the kurdish issue and turk men population and sunni opposition groups. it sees that russia is in syria engaged in this serious way. if turkey wants to continue to have influence there, it needs to find a partner. >> considering what we are seeing and the straw man that i set up at the top, do you trace
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all of this global instability back to syria? >> i think that is the one thing that links all of these kind of attacks together. there was another option as well. so many people look at syria and the way you presented it as binary. should they remove assad and everything would have been burden? the regime change in egypt didn't turn out well. there may have been an early stage when the rebels were marching to damascus and there was a point to have had a diplomatic solution instead of the position that assad must go. we heard that numerous times from president obama and people around him. what i thought was interesting was a few days ago in his final
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press conference of the year, a lot of attention was paid to the hacking issue and russia, but he really laid out what happened in syria and said effectively we tried our best, but russia and iran wanted it more than we did and we didn't therefore engage any more deeply. i think that's sort of what happened. he was into it and wanted to effect a change, but didn't have the same vested interest that you can include. turkey or russia or iran or backed away. that's why we areeeing this reproachment between turkey and russia. >> in is dan bull for us, thank you, sir. >> nicholas returns is ambassador to nato. he is now a professor at harvard. let me pick up on that issue of
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syria for a minute and what richard brought up with the president. where do we go from here now? i think there is a lot of back seat driving that plenty of folks are going to write books about going forward. what do we do now? >> between now and january 20th, one president at a time. we had the that addition and president-elect trump has been tweeting out and hearing two voices. i think donald trump ought to form the government and dig into the briefings and try to figure out a strategy. i think syria will present a major challenge to the new trump administration. how do you degrade and defeat
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the state overtime. he talked about that a lot. how do you win the trust of turkey so they are not realigning with yaush and blunt the impact of this powerful move over the last 15 months. we have a lot of moving parts here. syria is the cancer, the crisis in the mideast. it is metastasizing in europe and our closest friends, the dutch, the french, and europe face elections and syrian refugees and the crisis will be a big issue. >> you are not alone in saying this, but when you talk about the regime change and it didn't go well in egypt. i want to ask you the libya
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question. as unstable as kwlab feels today, the ren we went in was a crisis to save say slaughter in benghazi. we saved hundreds of thousands of lives in benghazi. it was ugly and it was messy and we lost an ambassador. is libya an example of what syria could look like or not. what aleppo could look like versus benghazi. >> i'm not sure it is the best example. i think president obama was right to go in. the mistake was not saying. syria is far worse off. no one wanted to put a big land army into syria.
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they proposed to put weight behind the groups and the president drew his own line. we could haved them and prevented them from using that. i admire president obama and we will miss him after january 20th, but syria is the biggest mistake. we can't take ourselves out of the equation for 40 years and we have been the dominant diplomats and now we are not even at the table. that's to the disadvantage of the united states. donald trump i hope will be able to rebuild that american influence in the mideast. >> it does seem that his inclination is -- look, i know how he thinks on syria. what is in it for the united
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states. that's the question he is going to ask and doesn't see it right away. what would you tell him? what's in it for the united states to get involved in syria? >> the first thing is to take out the map and look at the countries that surround syria. israel and lebanon and turkey and iraq and jordan. these are all countries that are important to the united states and one of the things we have to do at times is make sure we are a good coalition and alliance builder and they will be at risk from further refugee flows and from terrorist groups going beyond the borders and right in the middle of syria and i think that donald trump saw the interest in the campaign and fighting the islamic state and he needs a broader approach. i will repeat this and he needs to stay out of the political game publicly until he is inaugurated. he complicated things today.
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>> do you think he is undermining the outgoing president here? >> i don't know. i can't say whether he is intentionally doing that. i don't know. as a veteran of many different transitions, republican and democratic, the incoming president, the president-elect does not assert himself as he did in the under water drone crisis. you have to let president obama and secretary kerry and carter handle the issues for the united states and it will be complicating if he continues to do this. >> ambassador coming to us from harvard. appreciate you coming on. >> thanks, chuck. >> the great divide is a game changer. views on everything. we mean everything is now being shaped by a single prism. what political party do they view the world through? plus the first lady's
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conversation about years in the white house. that's next. stay tuned. and at progressive, we let you compare our progressive direct rate... great deals for reals! ...and our competitors' rates side-by-side, so you know you're getting a great deal. saving the moolah. [ chuckles ] as you can see, sometimes progressive isn't the lowest. not always the lowest! jamie. what are you doing? -i'm being your hype man. not right now. you said i was gonna be the hype man. no, we said we wouldn't do it. i'm sorry, we were talking about savings. i liked his way. cha-ching! talking about getting that moneeeey! talking about getting that moneeeey! savings worth the hype. now that's progressive.
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>> welcome back. michelle obama is arguably the most popular political figure in america. she sat down with oprah for a wide ranging interview that aired on cbs and spoke candidly about in the white house and the election and why she is not running. the hardest moments for her personally over the last eight years. >> when you were labeled that angry black woman, did that knock you back a bit? >> you sort of think dang, you don't even know me. you sort of feel like wow, where did that come from? that's the first blow back. you think that is so not me. but then you think this is not
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about me. this is about the person or people who write it. >> that's what i always used to say. >> it's so much about that and you think wow. we are so a freight of each other.
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welcome back. we talk a lot about the big forces in american politics, but the latest poll pretty much confirms that the greatest of all is partisanship. before you roll your eyes and say duh, you have to see this dramatic view. 68% of republicans say the economy will get better in the next year. for democrats 19%. heading into president obama's last year in office, that number was 37%. the truth was matter is this. the you should lying dynamics has not changed, but what has is
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the party in the white house next year. why does that matter? how much opinion is shaped through the partisan lens. how you see the world around you depends on whether you see them through rhett or blue glasses. you use a poll to figure out where the public is may not be useful. let me bring in the panel. the president and ceo and msnbc contributor. the staff writer. i'm sure you are an eye roller on that one. duh. what used to be political questions to see it politically. it's like turning to new topics and where you think it will look good for you. people are answering. >> increasingly, what party you belong to determines whether or not you are happy and your and
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the country. i would never roll my eyes at you, chuck. >> not in front of me. >> talking a lot about with people, you do see this long-term trend of people increasingly being loyal and the way they vote. there are few swing voters although clearly this election did change the party they supported. the parties have less power than ever. the democratic and republican parties are historically weak. i wonder if there is not a long-term collision. the parties are more useless than ever and the loyaltiy is stronger than ever. >> you can claim that the heritage foundation is stronger. they are the ones that are pulling the strings and you can get the same analysis on the same side. i can't point to an institution. the interest groups. >> they have more power than the
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party itself. >> when you peel back the layers of who voted republican or democratic,the working class voted democratic and the more diverse group voted democratic. the day after the trump election, many people felt less safe. that means you feel less that the economy is going to work for you. >> no doubt, but i remember that in the direction of the country. the day after obama got elected, democrats thought it was terrific and republicans thought it was the wrong direction and it stayed that way and it was the other way around. we have seen it in just that question. >> there have been interrelated trends that played out and first and foremost was the ideological sorting out of the parties where there used to be republicans and democrats in our lifetimes and overtime they went away. as the republicans became more uniformly conservative and the
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democrats more progressive and people stopped being in counties that were mixed and neighborhoods that were mixed, that polarization increased. >> there is a good point and the people answering the polls are not insane. >> that was not bad at all. >> if you are an ideological ral, you don't believe this president is going to be good for the economy. >> absent the two parties, there is an increase of most americans as independent. >> we haven't seen it. >> the behavior doesn't always match. >> they haven't had a candidate that wooed them enough. candidates disrupting both the democratic establishment and the primaries. those were people registered and coming in and voting for bernie
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sanders and donald trump. >> when the house member goes home and talks about what's going on, they are going partisan answers too. the house republican finds out over the last two years that immigration is the biggest problem. right? a democrat goes home and finds out infrastructure spending is the biggest problem. this becomes e enforcing. >> it depends on where they receive their information. we can't under estimate what it has. >> it's tribal politics.
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30% of americans have a better view of putin than ever before because he helped trump and hurt hillary clinton. we don't want that to play itself out. for there is anything i learned, this election was about identities and about policy or anything else. trump was the master of this. his supporters identify with donald trump like he was their ports team. they were going to root for him, win, lose, or scandal. >> let's go to what we were trying to tell people what the country thinks the president's job approval or the direction of the country or they feel good about the economy. it's all with the partisan lens
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or not. do we only poll independence now? >> a modern president is not going to have the saint patrick's day high approval ratings because the modern presidency except under exceptional circumstances like september 11th, they are not going to have the approval of the other party. >> that really depends on policies. what does he do with tax reform? does he really repeal obamacare? those are two issues that will resonate overnight. >> if that's real, that has a chance. >> public opinion polls are correct because people form
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their opinions based on what their leaders tell them. the putin thing is a great example. trump is the master of leadership. he convinced a large portion of republicans who thought that putin was bad to believe otherwise. i don't think they don't believe what they are telling the pollsters. they believe in trump so much that they are willing to change their opinions. >> evangelicals and character matters for the presidency. 2011 in the 60s and the 70s and it drops 40 points when donald trump. >> the bumper sticker the leaders will lead and the people will follow doesn't apply anymore? north carolina. are you as exhausted as i am? that's right, it took another bizarre turn and we will dig into the possible deal to repeal the state's controversial bathroom bill. stay tuned. (announcer vo) when you have type 2 diabetes
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we will have a lot more ahead. here's hampton pearson with what may be a record day. >> close, but not there yet. a banner day for stocks. the dow jumped points to the 17th record close, within strike distance of 20,000. the nasdaq climbing by 26 at another new high. fedex is sinking and earnings fell short while revenue was
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better than expected. the stock is down more than 3%. volkswagen will buy back another 20,000 vehicles involved in the cheating scandal and fix about 60,000 others. that's it from cnbc first in business worldwide. ♪ i want a hippopotamus for christmas ♪ ♪ only a hippopotamus will do at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too. ♪ so whatever your holiday priority, our priority is you.
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>> welcome back. we have been closely watching political upheaval over the past few months let alone the last weeks. the republican legislature stripped powers from the incoming democratic governor before he takes office. it has been another pr nightmare for the state. in the wake of that, they are trying to clean up another mess by fixing a different mess that restricted bathroom law could get repealed as soon as tomorrow as part of a deal between the state and city of charlotte. you may be wondering, what? now they cut the deal? let's try to get a better understanding of this.
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they have been following the story and we turn to him to understand what's going on. jim, explain. i have north carolina political whiplash at this point. >> we all do. >> explain how it happened and why we are suddenly -- this seems so easy now and so difficult during the campaign. >> if this whole thing couldn't get wackier after the summer we had and after last week, this has been a roller coaster. last weekend you talked about the special session where the republican legislators met and took powers from roy cooper. they had the republicans that signed the laws and now you have cooper playing the role of broker in bringing the city council and the state legislators together in a deal apparently to repeal hb 2.
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>> what is the likelihood there are enough votes to do this? the reason why i think governor mccrory never said it publicly is because there was a veto-proof passage. >> the republicans have a veto-proof majority in both houses, but this is unusual. a lot of democrats didn't vote for hb 2 to start with. presumably you will have most if not all democrats voting to repeal the bill and they are going back tomorrow. and they mead in caucus house republicans. just a few minutes. they have the votes they need and the leaders of the house and senate seem to think they do.
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they should have had this called. >> politically, it seems like this was bad politics and he lost. where two republican statewide figures won. president-elect trump and richard burr. has this been bad politics for the legislature in district by district or not? >> not necessarily. the districts are so different here. the legislators from urban area have felt this. we lost the all-star game and the acc football championship game. they lost the acc tournament and ncaa tournament. there have been a lot of effects from this and they have been isolate and a lot of rural legislators and they had the rural and suburban voters and
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they haven't felt the impact as much as others. the effect of this is not very evenly felt. >> let me ask on the pr front, how much is this legislature where they got a lot of criticism from the republicans for what they did. do they see this as an opportunity to at least leave the year with some having a better taste in their mouth. >> they are still getting pressure. they lost over $100 million and lost events and economic opportunities. that affects their bottom line. we have a deadline coming up to select the host of tournament sites for up to 2022.
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that is coming up in january or shortly after. there is a time clock. >> there is a real sense of urgency, it can put north carolina back to host again. >> they are looking for some of these events that start coming back if not right away, soon after they did this. >> i tell you, we think we are busy here in washington with a new president. you really have been busy with the post election drama. >> feels like it. >> hopefully you get a week or so of rest as well. >> i will my editors. >> will you? fair enough. up next, i'm obsessed about who makes the cut for the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. mitch mcconnell responds to the calls for a probe of russia's election interference. stay tuned. hi, we're the hulford quads.
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(laughter) we're in 8th grade. technology is the only thing that really entertains us. i'm gonna use this picture on sketchbook, and i'm going to draw mustaches on you all. using the pen instead of fingers, it just feels more comfortable for me. be like, boop! it's gone. i like that only i can get into it and that it recognizes my fingerprint. our old tablet couldn't do that. it kind of makes you feel like you're your own person, which is a rare opportunity in my family. (laughter) but i keep it growing by making every dollar count.
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that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? i'm obsessed with the voting process. not the one i am usual lie obsessed with. the election that gets music into the hall of fame. while some of the process makes perexpect sense, it seems like the better man gets left behind. pearl jam, first year hall of famer. of course they are in and they should be. a win for the election process.
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well done by the mysterious voters. tupac in his first year also in. is he going to show up for the ceremony. you know you are thinking that. who decides which members of the bands get inducted? guys getting the nod as numbers of yes, but ten others past and present members are not. you can call it a long distance run around. we can't leave it without noting that we have been covering it and they joined forces to get yes inducted. congrats, guys. then journey. guys getting ducted not including the front man who faithfully tweeted congratulations to the band. say what you want, but these guys are making money today
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because of panetta. we hope that will welcome panetta day. just say yes to bipartisanship. david. what's going on? oh hey! ♪ that's it? yeah. ♪ everybody two seconds! ♪ "dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance..." through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald's helps more people go to college. it's part of our commitment to being america's best first job. ♪
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with leases starting at $319 a month. infiniti. empower the drive. >> we have a senate intelligence committee run by knowledgeable responsible people. no question the russians were messing around with our election. it's a matter of genuine concern. it needs to be investigated and in the senate we will investigate in the regular order. >> that was mitch mcconnell on a pbs station in kentucky about the hacking in the election that has been called for for senators on both sides of the aisle. two things from that. he wanted to do regular order. he made it clear russia mucked
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around in the democracy. they may have. there was no qualifiers here. he is trying to walk a line between good relations and also realizing he has senators that want to do that this. >> that's right and he doesn't seem to want to defend the idea that russia wasn't interfering. he is not on the same page as president-elect trump on this issue. i think that when senator mcconnell said regular order, that is one of his favorite phrases in the english language and he just is on the regular order and his people are making the argument at least that standing at the select committee would take time and this is a distraction from the work that the senate intelligence committee is set up to do. >> isn't it that we end up with both and you start with the standing committee and if suddenly you realize this is bigger.
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that's how i feel like iran contra became that type of thing. >> i don't think the appetite of people like john mccain to have a interjurisdictional investigation here. argument is this isn't just about intelligence. this is about armed services, this is about foreign affairs. >> there's too many jurisdictions. >> jurisdictions across different committees with senators of different expertise. i think you're exactly right about the middle ground that mcconnell is trying to strike. i do not think there is any middle ground between donald trump saying this didn't happen and john mccain and lindsey graham and a lot of other republican senators saying russia is not our friend. >> i keep envisioning, like, bob gates at a 9/11 commission type of scenario. and i feel like bob gates is, of course, the one person you could actually be bipartisan in one individual. >> even when he was doing the shows this weekend, he was very -- he was very diligent about saying russia did mess, and we should be -- we should be concerned. and donald trump, he should actually -- if he were to pick a
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statement and say, we are concerned and we'll look into it, i think it also gives him more legitimacy when people keep criticizing him on the russians. but instead, he's doubling down on the russian side and that's a little bizarre. >> that's the part of this -- and that's always the hardest thing about reading trump. what seems politically exnepedit here would be to what maria says. >> but i think the criticism that russia interfered and therefore his election is illegitimate is something that really gets to him, just speculation on my part, but that is what he is reacting to. and it may be that post the electoral vote, when there was real sort of scattered and not terribly well organized attempt to deny him what he believes or what i think he really is legitimately owed, because of this russia involvement, maybe he'll come to a different view. >> i want to bring up another topic here that's kind of related, and that is the national security adviser, mike flynn. yet again, mike flynn, semi-controversial story today involves with him having a meeting with a far-right party
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in austria, who just signed a deal with putin's political party in russia, sort of, you know, as a friendly, you know, that -- look, other political parties do that around the world. that's not an uncommon thing. but that there is this now far-right alliance going on with putin and that mike flynn seems to be very comfortable operating in that space. how much more controversial press can mike flynn get and survive in trump world? >> probably a lot. i mean, i think that donald trump is very comfortable with the global far right. he's comfortable with putin. he's comfortable with nigel farage. he's comfortable with a lot of these figures of the far-right parties that have sprung up across europe. i don't see -- i don't see why -- i mean, i certainly understand why this guy in austria is controversial and admittedly so, but that flynn is comfortable with him, i think, is probably not something that bothers some people in the administration. >> i mean, the fact that the
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president-elect was basically supported by david duke, someone that is considered the extreme right within our own country and the fact that maybe as an auxiliary, this individual, mike flynn, also has those individuals with individuals that are also -- it's part of his larger narrative. this is not surprising, and i don't think that because he didn't take the hit of it politically, i don't think they'll back away from it now. >> i just don't know how much -- you hear, flynn doesn't -- flynn has his allies in trump world, ramesh, but he also has detractors inside the tower, as well. and that's why you wonder how many of these -- i've had some people tell me, hey, with you know, he had a lot of patience for corey lewandowski. he had a lot of patience for paul manafort, until he didn't. >> the patience is not -- >> all of a sudden, it's like, i may agree with you, but you're causing too much -- >> but this idea that there should be a kind of nationalist international, as odd as that -- >> weirdly odd, yeah. >> is not one that is unique to mike flynn.
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steve bannon has talked about creating a populist alliance -- >> spoken at conferences internationally in europe, about this, right? this is as much bannon as it is flynn. but i just wonder how much flynn can, when you've got the national security community and the foreign policy community, even on the republican side, quietly trying to undermine the guy. >> but the nationshtional commu and the foreign policy community very much worked against donald trump's election. i think you're right about, you know, trump always has these feuding power centers under him. but when he thinks someone's a kindred spirit, he is willing to go to bat for that person. >> and it's someone who's been with him since the very beginning. not just a lot of loyalty, but like-mindedness there. >> but if someone is taking too much heat like manafort and corey did, he basically dissolves himself from them. is that enough right now, i think they're aligned. >> this story, there's too much separation from trump himself for it to be a real problem. >> i will say this. i feel like mike flynn has --
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he's accumulated enough baggage where if they feel as if the heat's coming on them, he becomes the first sacrificial lamb. >> yeah. >> like, you know, you have to feed the washington wolves sometimes and you just wonder, has he set himself up for that. >> the nice thing about a presidential administration is you have literally hundreds of sacrificial lambs -- >> that's true! that's a warning for anybody -- anybody that accepts any presidential appointment, left or right, you have to know -- >> you too will know that the wheels on the bus go round and round, right over your legs. all right, ramesh, maria and molly, thank you very much. after the break, the electoral college vote reveals the depth of the democratic party's division these days. stay tuned. ♪
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does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ]
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finally tonight, in case you missed it, after all the talk this year of a divided republican party and all the speculation about republicans dumping trump in the end, on the final chance for democrats to unite, they didn't. there were seven faithless electors who did not vote for their candidate during yesterday's electoral college vote. it's the most since the 1808 election of james madison. five voters voted for someone other than hillary clinton. three picked colin powell, one for bernie sanders, and on the republican side, one voted for john kasich and one voted for ron paul. rand ran for president this year. ron paul's ran for president multiple times.
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first time he's ever gotten an electorate. but after spending most of 2016 talking about how divided the republican party is and how the divided party always loses, it turns out we're half right. the divided party always loses, but it's the democrats who were divided. those were sanders' elections out in washington state who said, no clinton, we want to make our sanders point. so the question for 2017 is who and what can bring democrats back together. because they've got to figure out how to fuse the sanders' wing and the clinton/obama wing. that's all for tonight. ari melber picks up our coverage right now. tonight, new allegations stirring up some big conflict of interest questions over the trump empire. some questions you may not have heard yet. we're digging into a brand-new report about trump cease son advertising apparently million-dollar access to their father, donald trump, and this is after the inauguration. also new, donald trump will go under oath in the lawsuit that he brought, and new


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