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tv   AM Joy  MSNBC  December 31, 2016 7:00am-9:01am PST

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you can do anything. grab them by the -- >> reporter: the president-elect told you what? >> let there be an arms race, we will outmatch them at every pass. >> i think you will be very impressed. >> good morning. welcome to "am joy." i'm jonathan, in for joy. with the close of the leap year, we've been looking for a word to encapsulate all 366 days s os n unexpected events of trump quotes and brexit and numerous attacks across the globe and the election this year, this year has been -- hmm -- what is the word? should i buy a vowel? maybe i will phone a friend. miriam webster? yes. they say the word of the year is surreal. the dictionary said "surreal" is looked up both in tragedy and
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surprise. we'll leave it to you to decide which was the common denominator behind the popular word search. it seems many people have literally searched for some way to define the afternoon unbelievable shocking nonsensical dream-like events of 2016 which continue even on this last day of this year with this tweet from donald trump. happy new year to all including my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. love exclamation point. as we near the end of this tr tripty 2016 dream, when it comes to u.s. politics, we have to how -- no, really, how did we get here. here with me are mtv news national correspondent, mr. ith and political reporter juan manls ben this tiz and democratic strategist, miss pierre and jennifer rubin.
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i have to start wu one of the biggest moments of the campaign was the in ffamous "access hollywood" tape. we don't have to play it because we bleeped it out but he bragged about sexual assault. in the 2016 election white women voters went for donald trump 52% to 42% for hillary clinton. after all the things we saw happen with dond trump, including that "access hollywood" tape, why do you think? how do you think the majority of white women went for donald trump? >> as a white woman, i'm puzzled, too. there was a difference, based on education, that cut across gender. college educated versus non-college educated. hillary clinton did much bet we are the college educated. i think that we in the elite media and i do include myself, tended to overlook this
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overriding sense of identity that overrode gender, that overrode race to a certain extent. remember, donald trump did better with hispanics than mitt romney did. this was this populist anger. some of it race-based, i do agree. some of it purely economic, but the sense of loss identity and trump knew how to tap into that. i think that's what overrode a lot of these things you and i thought would be the end of trump, whether "access hollywood," judge curio, that we thought people would respond to it, particularly people of those groups that were attacked and dem demonized. but it didn't. what happened was we had this burgeoning white working class, based in the rust belt, kind of revolt. we didn't see it coming or didn't see it coming sharply enough. that overrode a lot of things
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that normal elections really determine the outcome. >> one of the things that trump said, that i thought was going to be the death snell of his campaign, because in normal times it would have been the death knell of any campaign, when he dispairnled the service of senator john mccain, the 2008 republican presidential nominee. let's just play that sound of what donald trump said. >> i don't like losers, but -- let me get to it. he hit -- he's not a war hero. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured, hate to tell you. >> that is horrendous. there was anger over it and the thing that got me to stop saying this was the end of donald trump, his poll numbers went up. why didn't the anger of that horrendous thing knock him out? >> let me say as the son of a
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vietnam veteran, that absolutely infuriated me. they went up because he managed to tap into the greater trend happening throughout our culture, the erosion of public trust in trusted institutions, such as the press and really government, all these different things we've been taught to trust and he found a way to erode that trust and used his celebrity status as a gateway to doing that. >> another instance that came up shocking to a lot of people, by the way time it happened that was when donald trump made fun of a reporter at the "new york times" with a physical disability. let's see th. >> written by a nice reporter, now the poor guy, you ought to see this guy, ah, i don't know what i said, i don't remember, he's going,i don't remember, maybe that's what i said.
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li >> like i said by the time this happened we had seen and heard so much from him, why do you think even that wasn't enough to knock him out? >> the clue was on his very first day as a presidential candidate, when mexico sends its people, they're not send their best. after that, there was some sort of outrage and boycotts. really, quickly, everybody backtracked and they said, you know what, he's not a convent n conventional candidate, he's good for ratings, he's given us copy everyday here in the media so we can talk about it. once we started normalizing that kind of behavior and message. z zenphobic message, anything that came after that was fair game. this was a change election. people wanted drastic change. that means many white women might have said in a regular election i'm supposed to vote for the female candidate, like a black voter can say i should
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vote for the black candidate. in this case, all these people say, you know what, i want to break all conventions, i want to vote for this guy because he will bring something new, something fresh, because we're tired of the paralysis in washington and business as usual. >> i know people wanted drastic change, but corrine, did they want such drastic change they were willing to overlook a political candidate who couldn't find it within himself to d disavow support from david duke? before you answer, let's play this astoundi ining tape. >> you wouldn't want me to condemn a group i know nothing about. i'd have to look. if you would send me a list of the groups, i will do research on them and certainly i would disavow if i thought there was something wrong. you may have groups there in totally fine and would be totally unfair. >> klu klux klan? i'm talking about david duke and the klu klux klan.
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>> honestly, i don't know david duke. i don't believe i've ever met him. >> i don't know david duke. corrine, come on. >> when that happened, it was quite shocking and really disappointing he didn't disavow and went back and forth with it. it was quite confusing. to go back to what you said, we didn't take him seriously, because we didn't take him seriously we normalized him at the same time. all of these things should have disqualified him. it didn't. there were a series of things to donald trump being elected, the fake news, the kremlin super pac behind him. voter suppression, let's not forget that. a series of things, a toxic brew that led us to donald trump being our president very very soon. >> jennifer, we just have a minute left. i have to bring you in here. karine mentioned the normalizing
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of donald trump. by the time this particular thing happened -- i don't know if i have time to play the tape -- once i mentioned the gold star family, it was incredible to have a presidential nominee attack a gold star family, families who have given the ultimate sacrifice to this country and yet nothing happened to him. let's play that sound bite. >> his wife, if you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably, maybe she wasn't al w allowed to have anything to say, you tell me. >> what sacrifices have you made for the country? >> i think i made a lot of sacrifi crifices. i work very very hard. i created thousan and thousands of jobs,erbs of thousands of jobs. >> those are sacrifices? >> i have to agree, jennifer, those are sacrifices? >> i think part of the problem has been really the intellectual and ethical moral collapse of what used to be a republican party and now has become some weird pop you list nativist
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party. we've been talking about the collapse of values and collapse of institutions. someone like this got traction because his party let him get traction and that's why so many of us have thrown in this towel on the republican party and hold them responsible for this. we haven't talked about but should also be honest hillary clinton was not the best candidate and those who would have otherwise voted democratic either stayed home or voted for donald trump. some were of her own making and some were not. >> we have to leave it there. amazing how 11 minutes can go by like that. my guests coming up, it was the best of times,t was the worst of time, a tale of two presidents, after the break.
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another set ballistic for the u.s.-russian relationship a malcode has been detected in the system of a vermont utility. a burlington electrical department says it was in a single laptop not connected to its grid but raises concerns the u.s. electrical grid could be vulnerable to hackers. it comes out amid the fall-out that russian hackers interfered with the election. and president-elect trump says he will meet with the election officials next week. russian president, vladamir putin, on friday announce head will not expel any u.s. diplo t diplomats or close any u.s. facilities, that despite new u.s. sanctions announced by the white house which include expelling 35 russians and their families, who have until sunday
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to leave the country. trump tweeted this response to putin's decision to not reta retalia retaliate. great move on delay by v. putin. i always knew he was very smart. back with me, joining me now is charles senate, executive director of the root project and syndicated columnist, bob. >> trump refuses to implicate russia for interfering with our election. instead, this is who he thinks the culprit is. let's listen. >> i think we ought to get on with our lives and i think the computers have complicated lives very greatly. the age of the computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what's going on. we have speed and a lot of other things. i'm not sure we have the kind of security we need. >> i'm sorry, bob. what do you make of that, bob? >> maybe when he makes america great again there won't be any
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computers, he'll eliminate them since he's taking us back to the 1950s or before anyway. the fact of the matter is he is now discovering if he hadn't discovered it before maybe he doesn't have the intellectual heft to be president of the united states. it's one thing to campaign, it's another to govern and we're finding out right now maybe he's really not up to the job. >> bob, let me stick with you on this. i believe this was a tweet from donald trump on december 22nd, where he wrote the united states must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nu nukes. what's this danger here in oversimplifying and using twitter to talk about nuclear weapons? >> well, you know, that pretty much captures the complexity of the whole nuclear weapons debate. it is something he says perhaps the world will come to its se e
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senses. of course the other possibility is that it will blow itself to smithereens. >> we have to talk about more mixed messages from donald trump. in this his relationship with president obama during the transition period. he was asked about it on wednesday. take a look. >> mr. president, you tweeted this morning that the transition of power wasn't going smoothly as it relates to president obama. can you elaborate on that? is it going smoothly? >> very smooth. very good. >> charles, one more thing before i have you answer. here's what president-elect trump tweeted. doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory president o. statements and road blocks. thought it was going be a smooth transition. not! is the honeymoon between president obama and president-elect trump over? can you even consider this a
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honeymoon? >> it's definitely not a honeymoon. the whole framing of the best of times, worst of time, definitely the most surreal of times. we have a crisis going on where you have president obama taking action against russia for its med delling in the election and coming in between us and appl d applauding our rival, putin and russia. that's never happened before. that is d concerting, to put it mildly. i really think this is a very interesting and critical moment for the republican congress. we have to really see where they go next week with hearings. senator mccain has been very clear he's aware thiis a serious problem. he's going to really try to language an investigation and committee hearings and get to the bottom of this. i think it needs to happen in a bipartisan way, very serious tenor and tone to the differences between obama and
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trump right now. >> jennifer rubin, another flash point, move from russia to israel, let's take a listen to donald trump's surrogate, former mayor of new york city, rudy guiliani guiliani hhad to say a happened at the u.n. make i more difficult for a future president first double crosses israel and condemnation fo israel taking the settleme settlements. he does it and creates lack of leverage for israel and the united states in trying to trade land for peace or try other negotiations in the last hours of his presidency, he completely double crosses one of our biggest allies. >> double crosses one of our biggest allies, yet israel is getting a $38 billion military assistance aid package from the united states, the biggest in
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u.s. history. is rudy guiliani guilty of hyperbole here in how he ae's charactering of what's happening between president obama and happening between the united states and israel right now? >> every time he opens his mouth he's probably guilty of hyperbole. my thought s is probably different than yours. his vision not to veto the decision at the u.n. was probably misguided. the speech following by john kerry was even worse. we had allies, britain and australia criticizing that. be that as it may, it's very weird, frankly, to talk about what the president is doing as some kind of slight against donald trump. this is certainly the most egocentric man and egocentric advisors we've ever seen.
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it's not about you, donald, not all the time. >> the united kingdom did vote in favor of that resolution at the u.n., let's put that out there. we've gone from russia to israel to what could be a future flashpoint. that is china. i want to play this sound bite from donald trump about the one china policy. >> i fully understand the one china policy, but i don't know why we have to be bound by the one china policy unless we make a deal with china, having to do with other things including trade. >> so he's casting doubt on the one china policy and now there's reporting the president of taiwan is going to be making stops in the united states. what on earth could happen if he actually meets with the president of taiwan? >> continue to exacerbate tensions with china for one. what this is about is donald trump trying to be president before he's actually president.
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now, there's reports now he's even upset with president obama taking actual presidential steps in these last few lame duck days. how uppity of him. >> oh, jameel. we will be talking about all of this throughout the show. the thing that people have to understand when it comes to china, the united states needs china not simply because, you know, loans and stuff like that, but also because china is the united states partner in dealing with north korea. to get back to the question about normalizing loose talks about nukes, if the united states wants to keep kim jung unc in line or at least in check when it comes to nuclear weapons we need china, 2340no? >> of course. here's the thing. donald trump doesn't actually know what he's talking about. doesn't know the history of these tensions. doesn't know or care what his words or tweets actually do.
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we have to look forward to a presidency of a person who doesn't choose to do the research but chooses to act anyway. >> bob, let me pull you in on this china conversation. how damaging do you think it would be if president trump at the time, meets with the president of taiwan? >> i think it would be quite dama damaging. i think you're talking about a complexity really beyond donald trump's comprehension, at least at this point. he's being played by taiwan and being played by israel and being played by suburb sh-- russia. he will discover you can't vern in a world full of complexities in 140 characters or less. >> let me get you in on this conversation about china, charlie. >> just a quick thought that, you know, we definitely are seeing a president-elect who has an indifference to the facts on the ground, to looking at the
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reality, looking at truth. i also would say this may be the one place president-elect trump can bring different grounding and experience. his policy is all transactional. there are parts of the world that will work terribly and parts it could be a reset. trade is one of them. choon china is a big issue. if there is one area we can give the president-elect some hope he can figure out these complicated situations out, it is in the trade policy. in that one area i will hold out hope he makes moves indeed more challenging to china, as long as he keeps tough on them for human rights and pushing for better trade agreements for the united states, i think there is some room for president-elect trump to learn and do well. >> do you really think a president trump will push china on human rights. does he even care?
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>> i think he has to. >> you really think he has to? >> i think he has to and -- to say he doesn't care. we don't know that yet. i would say, let's see where he takes that. i think he's surrounded himself with some people in his cabinet who are quite worrisome and some are excellent including general mattis, who will be a voice of reason and help him understand the strategic threats in south china seas. it's a reality greg into this -- going into this presidency there is a lot to worry about. this apresident who defied facts, ignores truth. has contempt for intelligence. it's not my point of view we're in great shape going into the next four years. i do think this area of trade has been something we haven't been strong enough. it will be interesting to see a business person try to take on and reshape a new policy with china when it comes to trade agreeme agreements. >> with that we have to leave it
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there. thank you, charlie and bob. up next, president obama may only have 20 days left in office. he i making the most of them. more on "am joy" when we come right back.
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keep america moving forward is a task that falls to all of us. sustaining and building on all whef achieved from helping more young people afford a higher education to ending discrimination based on pre-existing conditions to tightening rules on wall street, to protecting this planet for our kids. that's going to take all of us working together. >> as president obama approaches his final weeks in office, donald trump continues to openly challenge him on a host of issues, break fwraimg the long-held tradition there is just one president at a time. despite trump trying to rewrite that rule, the reality is that barack obama is still, for the next 20 days, the sitting president of the united states. in the days ahead, president
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obama is looking for ways to insure his most significant accomplishments survive once he leaves the white house. that clgcincludes a meeting nex week with congressional democrats to shield obamacare from republican efforts to dismantle it. they have enacted new measures during their final days in power yet recent executive actions around the white house involve key issues the president and president-elect trump disagree requiing the requirement of immigranmen from predominantly muslim countries to register with the federal government. trump, who has expressed support for the program may now have a harder time from launching the system or language agnew registry entirely. earlier this month, president obama finalized a rule that t e takes effect two days before the presidential naurks binaugurati barring them from not providing
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fus to those who provide abortion. earlier week, the president degnated two national monume monuments in southern utah and swatch of nevada desert. both sides have deep cultural importance for native americans and at the center of contentious battles for land protection for years. the president has pardoned 78 people and shortened the sentences of 153 others convicted of federal crimes. end of term pardons are a tradition. this move by president obama reflects the greatest number of individual clemencies in a single day by any president ever. the last minute flurry of priorities is not the end for the president who will purportedly give a farewell address in chicago on januariry 10th. president-elect trump may become president in 20 days but president obama has 20 days left. next, plans for the
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president once he leaves the white house. first, pete souza has released his annual collection of the best pictures of the year. here are a few of our favorites. as soon as i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot, i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me?
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i am confident in this vision because i'm confident that if i -- if i had run again
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and articulated it, i think i could have mobilized a majority of the american people to rally behind it. i know in conversations i've had with people around the country, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards is the right one. >> president obama's confidence in what might have happened if he ran again is well-placed when you consider what did happen when he ran before. american voters gave him a popular mandate to enact the vision he laid out for the country not once but twice. it's a legacy that clgcedinclud long list of accomplishments, one of the largest economic and unemployment records on record, an unemployment rate at the lowest level than nearly a
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decade. extending docker protection to dreamers. the climate deal and iran nuclear agreement. a justice department that has worked aggressively to defend and protect civil rights and tens of millions newly insured under obamacare. these are just a few i can name. now, all of it, the entire policy agenda that has defined the obama era is vulnerable to a successor who pledged to roll it all back. what happens to the obama legacy now. back with me, the group here, and i put out my top moments in the obama legacy. jerome, one of them was when president obama said in the rose garden when he was talking about trayvon martin. >> yes. >> here's what he said at the time. >> when trayvon martin was first shot, i said that this could have been my son.
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another way of saying that is trayvon martin could have been me 35 years ago. >> i was in the white house press briefing room when that extraordinary moment of political and america's racial history happened, what are your reflexes about that moment? >> i remember it coming and not to be too critical, i remember it coming a little bit late. i wish that had been the very first thing he said but that said it was extraordinarily powerful to see an african-american president take ownership of the african-american community in that way in a moment of pain and strife we're fighting to get basically our humanity recognized through this 17-year-old boy who was killed. >> we should have seen this in a joint session of congress on december 10th, 2009, that should have been the omen what the next
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eight years will be like. let's refresh everyone's memory of that remarkable moment. >> the forms i am proposing would not apply to those who are here illegal. [ yelling ]. >> that's not true. >> that was a winning strategy. that's normal now in the political world we live in. going back to what obama said, he would have won the election against trump? >> he said, i could have won. >> there are a lot of qualifi qualifiers. >> i think the country wanted change. that's what they voted for, right? we say in all the western world this notion of free markets, like open borders and free trade, it's going -- it's in recession in a way. obama is an interrogation list. right now, the country is going for nationalism. the best example, i think you have, disagreements you had within the democratic party with
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a tpp. >> i know you want to jump in, let's keep in mind, hillary clinton did get 3 million more votes than donald trump. go ahead. >> we have to remember obams one of two democrats who was able to get elected -- get two terms since fdr. that says a lot. bill clinton was the other. he has 56% approval rating. donald trump has one of the lowest of a president-elect. >> do you think he could have won in michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin? >> i think he could have. he saved the automobile industry. he helped create almost close to a million jobs. the message is there and he is a campaigner in chief when he is it there a i believe he would have made the point, i believe so. >> jennifer, i will pull you in here because i'm sure you have a
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different perspective whether you think president obama could have won a third term, if he were able to. >> i tend to agree this was a change election. i also think it was an almost cruel thing to say. hillary clinton ran the best campaign she could have and she did win the popular vote. it was an unnecessary statement by the president. i would say, i think two of the most lasting contributions that he made, which will not be affected by donald trump, first, the economic recovery begun by george bush, both t.a.r.p. and the beginnings of the saving of the auto industry were we gun. to his credit, president obama stuck with that. growth is not what we want and equality is not what we want and he did and we give him credit. he did change healthcare. talking about if the republicans have a plan to do as well as
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obamacare, they're not going to be able, i think, to pull it out by its roots without coming up with an alternative, what this magic alternative is, i'm not sure. he changed the debate. no one is really arguing seriously about going back to a pro obamacare. that's a sea change in policy and how the parties are positioned. i think -- >> do you think that repeal of obamacare actually is not going to happen? >> i think it's going to be really interesting. they may try to repeal it without a replacement, but i would commend their attention to senator collins and senator flake, and many others in the senate who do not think it is fair game and i agree with them wholeheartedly to pull the rug out from people, we willive you something but we're not going to tell you what that something is, send a really the remaining ex changes into a tailspin. i think that's going to be a lot tougher than they imagine. if they do pull it off, i think it's a horrible mistake and they
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will pay for it in 2018. >> in the time we have left. i want to show news anchor's prerogative. there are two pictures for me that will define the obama legacy. one is the picture in the oval office of the president bowing his head down to a then 5-year-old jacob philadelphia in the ovalffice taking a picture with his family. his father was doing the departure from white house staff photograph. to me, i don't know if we have time to pull it up, to, to me, that picture defines right there how much the president of the united states was able to talk about race in america without ever opening his mouth. the second picture is the one, june 26th, 2015, as the sun set over washington, without any fanfare or announcement, the white house glowed in the rainbow colors of the lbgt pride flag, the day the supreme court announced its decision that
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legalized marriage equality throughout the land. there's the picture there. to me, it was amazing because, as i've written, as an openly gay african-american man, to have the people's house aglow in those colors and to have that man in the white house fight for me and fight for us is something i will never forget. so thank you, mr. president. my panel is sticking around. coming up in our next hour, how the media can hold trump accountable and reverend william barber joins me to talk about faith leaders message to the president-elect. first, michelle obama has a legacy of her own. stay with us. g new cars.
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ca capeha capehartj. make sure to tune in tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern for a very special best of "am joy." up next, what is the legacy of first lady, michelle obama? stay with us. tal one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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i have a very good sense of who i am. my view is always a challenge. oh, you think that? i'll show you because i'm going to work so hard and i'm going to be so on it. >> yep. >> that my actions will speak for themselves. i don't have to say anything. >> and she didn't have to say much, but we are so glad she did. first lady, michelle obama is leaving the white house with a sky high 72% favorability rating through the national poll, pugh. having left an indelible imprint what it means to be first lady
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and made a contribution to her legacy. she has made herself front and center as most visible proponent of healthy lifestyles and education particularly for young girls around the world. she did it all with style and the indomitable grace exempla exemplified by the rallying force of politics, when they go low, we go high. back with me, our analysts. i will come to you with this fist question bause oprah asked the fir lady the number one question on all of their minds the first lady answered definitively in the oprah interview. >> would you ever run for office? >> no. >> i have to ask you. no kind of office? >> that's one thing i do. i don't make stuff up. i'm not coy. i haven't proven that.
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i'm pretty dreck. if i were interested in it, i'd say it. i don't believe in playing games. it's not something i would do. >> jennifer, the first lady has been asked this question over and over and over again. oprah asks her one more time and the answer is, no. why do you think this is a question the first lady keeps getting? >> i think her popularity is very high, 72%. i think it's also a function of democrats not knowing who the future of the democratic party is with. there's no natural successor to the obamas. i think there is an again affection for her. she was probably the best thing about the 2016 campaign, i'll be honest. i think she gave great speeches, she showed great energy. she did a stylistic way mode modernized the first lady. most of them looked and acted like bess truman and she was a
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lawyer herself, as hillary clinton was, but in style and directness cut a different cloth from her predecessors. >> karine. >> we can't forget she received such criticism from the moment obama jumped into the frey of the election in 2008 all the way up to the white house, right? a lot of it was because she was so real. michelle obama is one of the most authentic political figures we will ever see in our lifetime. what she did is, while she changed the white house, she didn't let it change her. because going back to what i was saying she was so honest and was surreal, she got unjustified criticism. that's why. i'm not doing this. i've seen my husband the way he's been treated, especially by the president-elect for five years he talked about how he was not born in this country, to her own criticism she felt. i do not blame her at all.
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i would love to se flotus for potus. i'm pretty sure she has no interest and i don't blame her. >> the first lady had 72% approval rating, she doesn't want to get into politics, we got that, we understand, madam first lady. there is going to be pressure on her to be vocal and be present in a lot of things we anticipate will happen in the trump presidency. how likely do you think that is? >> i think it's very likely. i think it's very likely you continue to see her be a strong voice particularly on obesity issues. a number of different ways she made inroads culturally have nothing to do with elective office. she's made pathways for young black women to be politically involved when you don't actually have to run for office. we need them to run for office. that's an important. she's given an example of the first lady how to be politically
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involved while still be completely authentic. >> i have to play one of my favorite moments in the oprah interview. >> let us not forget i didn't just wake up first lady. i went to law school and practiced law and worked for the city and a hospital executive and worked for the hospital. i've been in every sector and you don't do that without coming up against some stuff, having your feelings hurt, having people say things that aren't true. >> and she did it in chicago. >> yes. i love that part of the interview. she was like, no, listen, i'm not just first lady, i had my own career and an independent woman and established before you ever heard the name, barack obama. i appreciate that part of the interview. one of the other things that stood out for me she talked about as a black woman waking up everyday and dealing with the small indignities that cut to your soul and i thought she
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demonstrated to all black women how to deal with that with grace and humor and that spirit of authenticity i think we all try to get. we try to get to that point we can be our true and authenticselves and deal with the different aggressions that happen to us everyday and she dealt with it under a spotlight we couldn't imagine. >> one of the things she said was so powerful, i am a desce descendent of slaves raising these two little girls in the white house. >> in her convention speech. >> it is so powerful the image of the black family in the white house raising these two beautiful girls, they are going to be such a role model for us going forward. they were now and will be for us going forward. >> incredible interview with the first lady, jameel, and jennifer, will be back in the next hour. up next, donald trump is still dodging questions about his tax returns and business intere interests. will the media stay on top of these questions after the
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that's very routine. honestly, that's routine. it's not a big deal. you people are making it routine. when i won, they all knew i had a big business all over the place. >> welcome back. i'm jonathan capehart filling in for joy reed. concerns for donald trump's conflicts of interest are gr growing by the day. according to the president-elect, it's not a big deal. the media and american public remain in the dark about trump's financial endanglements all over the globe. we've never seen a tax return and now saying a presser is scheduled quote sometime in january. trump has not held a true press conference since july and tweets
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and pressers outside his mar-a-lago resort don't count amidst outright lies from the president-elect. the millions have illegals that voted for his opponent means the media must be vigilant with accuracy, context and tireless questioning. how do we in the media arise to the occasion? back to me from mtv news and ben n ny tez from new york one and current eichenald, senior writer at "newsweek" and national report the heart "new york times." thank you all for being here. i have to start with rather than address the legal controversy, trump defends it on twitter and complains about his son being pressured out of doing a fund-raiser. here's the tweet below, my wonderful son, eric, will no longer be allowed to raise money
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for cancer because of a possible conflict with my presidency. isn't this a ridiculous shame? he loves these kids and raised millions of dollars for them and now must stop. wrong answer. the trump foundation is a major source of contention. he says he'll resolve it but the new york state attorney general says he can't. what is going on here and how should the media go about rep t reporting on this mixed messa messaging? >> the first thing we need to do is face reality. if eric trump is so upset, write a check. we've got to stop acting like everything that happens to this guy when they complain about how difficult it is, if they want to give to charity, give to charity, they can write the money themselves, they don't need to raise it from us. secondly, this is the most important. we have a president-elect who has been treated completely differently from anybody else. the press has unfortunately
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gotten into this thing where they're afraid of propaganda outlets like fox news, coming in and calling them biased. there is no bias here. we have got to grow a backbone. we have got to demand press conferen conferences. we have got to stop covering his tweets like they're news. this man has some very serious questions to answer. we're getting to the point we should start to wonder, is the problem he can't answer? he doesn't have the intelligence to answer? he's afraid to answer? we have to bear down on him and let the american public know that this is not anymore. when the foxes of the world object to acting like a normal reporter as being biased, we should just point them out and say, they're lying, just ignore them. >> in the split screen we had up there a second ago, on either side of you, you had on your
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left, michele and on the left, jennifer rubin of the "washington post." how likely is it your editors would come to you and say, you know what, not going to cover his tweets any longer. i understand the motivation of what kurt is saying. how likely is that to happen? >> wishful thinking. >> in my mind, i don't care it's very likely our editors or myself as a journalist would stop covering donald trump's twe tweets. what we want to do and will continue to do and should do is push past those tweets and demand press conference, as he said. it's perfectly feasible if donald trump is tweeting to millions of people and millions of people are repeating we can't ignore these tweets especially he's talking about china and israel and saving jobs. we have to ask if you're saving j jobs, we have to say he said he saved jobs, we have to say, what jobs?
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what does that mean? how many people? where are the union workers. we have to follow up on these tweets. the tweets are news no way to deny that. >> can i make one thing very clear what i'm saying here. for example, he came out the other day and said, i saved 5,000 jobs at sprint. that was a lie. he was talking about the same jobs tt had come from softbank. those jobs had been announced in october. what happens we have all these headlines all over t country with news organizations saying, trump says he saved 5,000 jobs. it was a lie and one we perpetua perpetuated. if you dig into the stories, ultima ultimately, somewhere, many of them would say this isn't true. if you cover the tweets you have to start off with saying it's a lie. >> let's play the president-elect saying the lie. let's play it. >> i was just called by the head people at sprint and they're going to be bringing 5,000 jobs back to the united states,
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they're taking them from other count countries, they're bringing them back to the united states. >> sprint tells us this 5,000 jobs you announced today were port of the 50,000 -- >> no. sprint will give you -- i spoke to the head person. he said, because of me, they're doing 5,000 jobs in this country. >> jennifer, here, you have the president-elect trying to take credit for something that we all know now he shouldn't be taking credit for. how do we, in the press, the "washington post," "new york times," "newsweek," "north carolina "new york 1," "mtv," push to get the truth out to leaders. >> i think kurt is being a little unfair. came change a little late in the general election. that is to use the l word. i grew up in media never using the "l" word, t lie. when appropriate it has to be
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used. the headline should be trump lies. the substance of the article should be this is a lie and a long series of lies and then the report should go to sprint and have sprint explain thiss not an accurate telling. we can do all of that and we should do all of that. what we can't do is make people believe it. this is sometimes unfair to the media. simply because we report it doesn't mean it changes people's minds or they believe what we write. that's a differe problem. look at our colleague, david. brilliant reporting on trump's foundation by the way now shut down. i'm sure he and others will be courageous keeping his feet to the fire. >> let me bring jameel and juan manuel into this conversation. i know when we played, hey, i saved 5,000 jobs you were like, i want to talk about this. >> covering tweets is nothing new. it is a sound bite. i will save you print reporters
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from this one. television news has been working with sound bites a long time. president-elect trump thoknows to play the game. >> we're talking about demanding press conferences. the end of the day, we reporters care about that because we feel we have something to ask and want to do our jobs well, rit? the normal geral public, they don't really care about repor r reporters getting the chance to ask a question. this conversation for them, okay, be part of the system. we're part of the system in a way, too. we have toal to ourselves and think of ways to consolidate that right now is institution that is collapsing and people don't trust. >> we should consider the fact america, his voters, i shouldn't say america, his voters are putting into office a man who inspired mob intimidation and potential violence against
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journali journalists, who counts vladamir putin, who killed journalists, as a role model and thinks he's a very smart guy. i don't think people underand how bad this is going to get and the press is a perfect example of that we need to survive and resist and keep telling the truth since that's what seems to anger him the most. >> if the president-elect doesn't want to be a press conference maybe he will sit down with a journalist for a one-on-one with a journalist. hugh hewitt had a particular person in mind. let's play that sound bite. >> there are critics out there like my colleague, joy reid at msnbc. joy's a great professional. we don't agree with me. and she would do a tough interview. but donald trump has never seemed to be afraid of tough intervi interviews. do you see that happening with those that are not normally
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favorable to conservatives to engage? >> well, that would be everyone on the media except conservative media. that would come in january, as he already talked about. >> i throw it out to the table and the three of you out there on remote. to juan's point, are we in the press getting too worked up and caught up in our own stuff about press conferences and not focusing more on what he said and that is to push beyond that to do real tough reporting on this president? kurt. >> one thing we really have to face here, which is a question -- this man is not -- has no public persona prior to this other than a reality tv show. a press conference would demonstrate does he know what's going on in current events, does he have a strategy?
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if we think this is just inside baseball, it's not. a press conference is a test of a president's knowledge and intelligence. if he dodges it, we have to start raising the question, is the problem he's not capable of handling it, which is a big concern -- should be a big concern for the united states if we have somebody who's not come tent as president of the united states. >> yameish? >> i'll add as someone out on the campaign trail and talking to a lot of trump supporters, i push back on the idea trump supporters don't want answers. and those excited that he's president, he is a wild card and i trust he will do a good job. i still don't know what he will do about jobs or schools or education or replace okbamacare with. there are people who like him that want answers. if sprint is telling us this is something that happened in october, president-elect trump, please explain to us why you're
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taking credit for this. who in the world called you to tell you you're the reason why those jobs are staying. press conferences are why this happens. we can't tweet questions to him. >> we could but he won't answer. >> as someone who works for a paper j i think a sit-down interview with one tv journalist isn't enough. i think he has to regularly come out and talk to the press. i think the press are the people. we are a preserepresentation of american people and explain that when we say we want press conferences and want to ask the questions people on the street want to know. >> less than two minutes left. jameel and jennifer and juan. >> the press reflects what the public is interested in. the public need to show the interest in getting these facts. that interest needs to be reflected sometimes in clicking on different stories instead of random fluff generated by the president-elect. >> jennifer. >> it's the press' job to hold
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the president accountable by putting forth the facts to the american people. if he doesn't want to sit for or stand for press conferences we should be writing stories questioning whether he is competent to hold press conferences and move on and do the legwork journalists do to discover whether it's true or false. we will have to put on our big boy pants and go after this guy. >> i think this election has proven that voters have said to us, you reporters, mainstream media, you don't speak for me, so i don't really care if you get to ask a question to the president-elect or not. >> i would say, just again, anchor's prerogative here, we have a responsibility as the media to cover the incoming president. the public has a responsibility to watch the stories we produce and click on the stories we spend a whole lot of time writing for them. at's my editorial comment on
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that. jameel smith and manuel will be back. thank you to those leaving. one person pretty consist t consistently anti-trump, hollywood stars. will they continue speaking out once trump is inaugurated? stay with us. fe. st. jude! sí, mi amor. we created a treatment at st. jude children's research hospital just for tamara... one that canelp save kids like her everywhere. including ne you. i love st. jude. me too and so do parents everywhere. give thanks for the healthy kids in your life. donate now at or shop where you see the st. jude logo.
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there is a reason donald tweets so much. he does it to distract people from conflicts and other scary people in his cabinet. >> that makes sense. >> very clever, sir. >> actually, that's not why i do it, i do it because my brain is -- >> if there was one group of people pretty uniformly never trump this year, it was hollywood and other celebrities except for, say, kanye. as we crept closer to that fa
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fateful day, many musical art t artists and actors and other performers ramped up to persuade people to get out the vote for hillary clinton. some felt so strongly about their political choices they even shed tears or protested when their candidate lost since election night some like alec baldwin used their artistic platforms to speak out against donald trump. how will our artists fare after the four years that come after january 20th. back with me and joining me on set, serious xm host and co-creator of ""the daily show."" where are you, liz? >> i'm in this frozen tundra of minnesota. >> minnesota. i was just in north dakota for christmas. i know all about the tundra. liz, let me start with you, the latest inaurguration news, the mormon tabernacle choir will be
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performing but a member quit the group and gave an interview on facebook. let's play a bit of that. >> therere a number of people thatl that going out to sing for this particular candidate expresses conflicted message, that might undermine the beautiful message choir has for so many decades worked so hard to cultivate with so many people. it's not just america's choir, it's also the world's choir, too. for me, this is a moral issue where i'm concerned about our freedoms being in danger as time goes by. >> the mormon tab bernacle choi is a world famous choir. she is a regular everyday person a member of that choir taking a very public stand. do you think we will see more people like her taking a stand so publicly like this? >> yeah. i think the reason you saw it in the ramp up and campaign, so
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many -- entertainers are crazy messy people who have found solace and found a way through entertainment to express who they are. also, it's a really hard road to get to be an entertainer. when people put obstacles in front of you, it's where i don't want to be a dance monkey as a performer for somebody who has said, i would like to victimlize the fact you would -- criminalize the fact you want to have an abortion or demon niizee fact you are gay. it's important for people who come from alternative lifestyles to say, no, it is not my job to make you feel joy. >> another famous entertainment group, the rockettes, will be performing for the president-elect and by then the president during the inaurguration and one gave an interview where-in she wrote,
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mary said that as far as she knew, none of the women of color in the rockets signed up to perform at trump's inaurguration. it's almost worse to have 18 pretty white girls behind the president and embarrassing lack of diversity. >> no group should be forced to perform during the inaurguration. that letter they received pressuring them j i guess from their union pressuring them to perform is completely out-of-pocket. if they want to protest, i suspect a great number of them do, i think there are ways to manifest that protest in their performance. i don't suggest maybe they do it in pant suits or anything like that. >> i'm for that. i vote for that. >> totally. >> i think what would maybe important for them to do, if they can't sit out, do something to signify they are not happy to be there. >> we talked about the rockets
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and morgan tabernacle choir. now, we have chrissy teigen out there going back after trump about his comment about a-listers not wanting to perform for him. donald trump tweeted the so-called "a" list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inaurguration. look what they did for hillary. nothing! i want the people. chrissy tweet, hi, we are people. you are our president, too. i don't want you to be but you are. also, we all know you are dying without the approval. deal -- sorry. that's dear. that's my old eyes. i like deal better. but dear. sorry. >> firstf all, kellyanne coay said a few weeks ago, bruno mars and kellyanne conway, give us a call. quincy jones was said to be coming to the new year's eve party. he said, he's not coming. he wants celebrities.
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maybe there are some or maybe the band -- riders. it works for trump. >> oh! >> as a performer, you are going there, you are validating mainstreaming donald trump's racism and bigotry, you say it's okay to demonize muslims and latinos and women who should come forward and say they've been victimized. stand strong, don't perform for this man. you're honoring him and valid e validating him and mainstreaming his hate. >> i don't know what to say after that. >> entertainers broadly don't want to be associated with donald trump. the core of creativity comes from resistance. over the course of the trump administration we will see some really great art because we will have somebody in the president, like dean said, demonizes so many different people that will want to speak back to that kind of division. >> also, several -- >> it's early and it's pretty
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scary. oh. >> go ahead, liz. >> i was going to say, i would normally agree with you in every other administration. when you hear things like from kellyanne conway, people better be careful what they say about the president, my fear is that we're going to be punished for speaking out. my job is to hold the powerful accountable. if that's going to be threat threatened, i don't care, throw me in jail bringing up the hip poc pockcracy of trump. i'm not kidding, jail will be super fun. >> we're kind of kidding. to my mind, there is concern how seemingly overnight we have gone from, hey, america is more united and more free and more open to people actually talking about with just half joking about going to jail for exerc e exercising their right to free speech.
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>> i've never been concerned in my life actually all the articles i've written about donald trump, countless, dem demonizing him in the daily least could be used against me to president me at some level. daily beast. and that's what he wants, a chilling effect. this is not democrat versus republican. george bush in 2000 had destiny's child including beyonce and ricky martin was huge, there were no issues. this is specific to donald trump, a man who traffics in sexism and bigotry and racism. they're not saying no to conservative, no to this man. >> in the sports world a different phase of entertainers. i seriously doubt the next nba champion will perform the ceremonial duty of showing up at the white house and letting donald trump lift their jersey. i seriously doubt that. there will be other sports, baseball, perhaps the nfl that will show up. i guarantee you, there will be black players and other players
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of color who sit out and don't want to go because a man has a white nationalist chief of strategy. >> and aired recently, the kennedy center honors. it was taped a few weeks ago. i remember hearing from folks in attendance, folks were talking about, oh, my god, what is this going to be like next year? who is going to accept an honor to be there with donald trump and who are those people going to be? is this ted nugent's opportunity finally? >> i think so. to finally get recognized. >> what, liz? >> scott baio's work will finally be recognized. i mean, you can go through charles in charge, and really parse that out and see the brilliance. >> gary busey. >> one thing to keep in mind, the kennedy center honors are not picked by the president, an
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independent committee. this year, stephen colbert made fun of president obama next year. and i wonder next year will it be allowed. how will he try to chill our impact and freedom of expression. >> i want to play this "snl" clip. one of my favorite clips of all time on "saturday night live," when it's done, is "black jeopardy." it was brilliant. just play it. >> let's go to they out here y saying for 8. >> they out here saying that every vote counts. oh, doug again. >> they already decided who w wins, even before it happens. >> yes! yes! >> let's go to big girls for 0 $200. >> the answer there, skinny women can do this for you. doug? >> what is not a damned thing? >> the brilliance of this hit
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was that you saw, through comedy, the commonalities between african-americans and so-called white working class. culturally, they are the same. as that skit goes on, when it hits race -- >> when you remember how it is, remember how it is, when it gets to which lives matter, oops. >> nice while it lasted, doug. >> i worked at "snl" for eight seasons. at its best it's educating you, making you laugh and educating you. this year they did a good job with president-elect trump and going after him and i hope donald trump's attempt to silence them does not work. >> it's like everything else we talk about with citizens having to rise up and put their voices out, there is so many ways for comics and people who respond to the world to not really on big media, just take a stand, do it on youtube, do it on your
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facebook page. you can do it everywhere now. to be a present voice is more important than ever. >> i think kate mckinnon the saturday after the elections singing "hallelujah," if you want to know the show has its pulses on the finger of the country, that was it. thank you. and liz from minnesota, thank you for being with us. check out liz in review show, "controversy," available on pay-per-view tonight. up next, not all was doom and gloom in 2016. some good things that happened this year, after the break. don and i met because i'm a
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overlooked. the incoming 115th congress will have the most vairbly diverse ever with asians and latino-americans. and maine decided to raise their state's minimum wage. >> and victory for the dakota tribe when they were reminded a protest still works. becoming a highlight this year, a new one taking over the social media feed timeline everyday. when the reality sunk in president obama and vice president biden would be leaving office, we channeled the nostalgia and trepidation with some of the best means of the year. harriet tubman to appear on the $20 bill bumping alexander
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hamilton to the back. and the giant panda no longer on the endangered species. and the chicago cubs broke a 108-year-old drought from the world series. and lebron james and the cleveland cavaliers giving chicago the first sports championship in 52 years. congratulations, jameel. you worked so hard for that. coming up next, my panel on the most snificant ments of 2016. ccal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. she st started to decline rapidly. i was rushed to the hospital... my symptoms were devastating. the doctor said, "pam! if you'd have waited two more days, you would've died." if i'd have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it.
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. as was said at the top of the show, 2016 has been surreal. i asked my panel what they thought were the most surreal moments of the year besides election night, and jameel is joined by juan manuel and karine. >> no year can be that bad when
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my hometown team cavaliers won a aship and i got go to it with my father. >> do we have a picture? >> you do. >> yep. that's me and my dad. >> little jameel. >> at that parade in cleveland. no year can be that bad when something like that happens. i want to reflect on the people behind you on the wall. that's the david bowie, prince and george michael in particular, three incredible artists not only were exemplary in their art but also helped to redefine masculinity for the popular culture, especially in a year a cultural neanderthal got to be president, it helps to have different representations of masculinity in the popular culture. we will miss them and the void not filled very soon. >> preach, jamil. i lik that. i didn't know you were going to do that. juan manuel. >> it was hard to find a non-political event. your producer, michelle was asking. everything was about trump, even
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in par culture. we have to really stress how to important this was in the whole western world, western europe also how the white working class rebelled against the system in a way with brexit and also with donald trump's victory here. also, i would say the paris climate change agreement, how important it was for 190 coun y countries to get together and try to agree on something how to fight climate change. we'll see what happens with that agreement. now that new political realities exist not only in the united states but also in europe, we'll see what comes out of it. i think the consensus is soon, it's not about how to stop the country, the world from warming up, it will be more about how to find scientific, how to innovate scientifically, to reall adapt to a new reality that is climate change. >> karine.
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>> for me, it was bck women. the all involved black women d and #blackgirlmagic. how that came into play and played a powerful role in 2016 and starts for me with the mothers of the movement, the voice they had during this campaign. black women being the leading voting block for hillary clinton. we don't talk about that enough. once again, they showed up and came out. the simones from the 2016 olympics, simone biles and manuel and joy reid, who made history with her team in this time slot. that's all black girl magic. >> keep in mind the mothers of the movement are the mothers of slain unarmed african-american boys and young men. we see them there on the screen now at the democratic convention in philadelphia. >> the biggest day of the year, may 7th, the day "am joy"
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premi premiered. it made america greater that day. two other quick things, one was with the passing of muhammad ali. imus lim, and was a personal loss and inspiration, role model in our community and made the idea of standing up for your principles even if you would suffer the slings and arrows of public opinion when he wouldn't serve in vietnam and even if it affected his income and there was a muslim at his funeral that was muslim and proud to be american. we don't see that that much. president obama talked about it in his first mosque visit, you can be proud to be muslim and muslim american and muhammad showed that. none of that go back to your own country. i've seen the mood from mourning to fight mode and now we will be ready. the resistance is building and we will be strong, speak out, martin luther king said the
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greatest moments are tragedies, the good people are standing up and speaking out and 2017 will be good for us and we will ght and evaiprevail. >> i think you're right. my significant moment for 2016 is actually from 2011. >> no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate a matter rest than the donald. that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter, like did we fake the moon landing? what really happened in roswell? and where are biggie and tupac? >> that was the white house correspondent's dinner in washington, d.c. in 2011, and as the "new york times" reported, that that is -- seems to be the moment when donald trump decided that he want god from political hunchline and political punching bag to, as we now know,
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president-elect of the united states. and of all the things that we know about this man now as to how thin skinned he is, who knew he was so thin skinned that he would run for president and not just run for president, but win the republican nomination and win the november election? >> that's right. >> he didn't know who tupac or biggie was another. >> i don't know. he probably did. thank you. coming up at noon, it's already 2017 in parts of the world. at the top of the hour, we'll take a closer look at new year's celebrations among security concerns in the midwest. fist, more "am joy" after the break. coming up on "look! famous people!"
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we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ]
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tonight, a century-old new year's tradition in the black church will come to the nation's capital. they held watch night services in 1862 as they awaited president lincoln's signing of the emancipation proclamation. tonight they gather in washington for a revival poor people's campaign, watch night service. two of those leaders are joining me now. reverend dr. liz theo harris, co director of the center for rights, religious and social justice. thank you both for being here. reverend theo harris, i start with you. what message -- i'm sorry, what does a policy agenda that centers motrality and justice look like for you? >> we have a five-point agenda
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about voting rights, pro labor, anti poverty and anti racist policies, quality, education, health care for all, fairness in the criminal justice system and bringing those together to say that poverty and racism are the real immoral issues oh of our day. >> how likely do you think the incoming president and his administration will take that agenda to heart? >> well, we know that we're taking it to heart. and we're calling on all americans to take it to heart and all people of faith and conscience to join in the fight for justice, truth and love. we know that that is what is powerful and meaningful in our nation. and so we know that it's true of our faith traditions and what we need to stand for. >> reverend barber, you -- you led the moral monday movement in north carolina. one of the things that you and the watch night folks want to get is a meeting with president elect donald trump, or by then
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president trump. what message other than this agenda do you want to communicate to a president trump? >> well, first of all, you remember jonathan, that in that first watch night service, actually black and white abolitionists and they were having the services because they knew at 12:01 they would join the fight nor freedom. they were still in the midst of slavery. we visited more than 22 states. every moral leader, every generation, needs moral leaders that will say to people, here's the politics of god. here's the agenda of god, here's the agenda of justice. mr. trump has surrounded himself with so-called white evangeli l evangelica evangelicals, it does not deal with the 2,000 issues around poverty and justice and mercy the scriptures bring up. we are offerings to meet with him. this is an attempt to say, listen, here is a real moral agenda that should be pursued. but other than that, he can listen.
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we hope he would. if he doesn't, when we move, when we protest, when we challenge the public, they will know exactly why, exactly what is at stake. we have had over 1,700 clergy sign this letter since just yesterday. and thousands of people who joined in this, say we need a moral revolution of values. it's not about left and right, democrat versus republican, but a true moral agenda for the times in which we live. >> reverend barber, given what you just said, the democratic party, what advice would you give the democratic party as it seeks to repair itself, but also seeks to oppose whatever might come from the trump administration? >> well, our theme tonight is standing down is not an option. and actually, our moral agenda challenges both parties. on one hand you have republicans that say if you just give tax cuts to the wealthy, you'll deal with the issue of poverty, if you ignore racism, you have the issue of race. on the other hand, democrats who say if you just find a way to cut across the issue of race and find something you can deal
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with, you have to cut into race. we need to deal with the moral center, and we challenge all persons to step up and be statesmen and stateswomen. when you live in a time, jonathan and run for office and say i'll take your health care, give you more guns, deny you living wages, focus more on nuclear weapons than negotiation, i'll spend time turning people against one another and you can get votes and win, we are in a moral crisis and there has to be a challenge in the moment in which we live. >> this is a very important moment in which we are in, in this country, as we go from the presidency of barack obama, to the presidency of donald j. trump. i thank you both for being here. thank you to reverend william barber and reverend liz theo harris. that's our show for today. thank you for joining us and you happy new year. be sure to tune in tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern for the best of "a.m. joy." next, stephanie gosk has the latest on the new tensions between the united states and
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no corn, wheat or soy. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. a live look in vietnam. now welcoming in the new year. one of several countries bidding farewell to 2016. this was the scene in hong kong, a short time ago. spectators crowded the waterfront to watch this dramatic fireworks display over victoria harbor. and tokyo also joining the early celebrations with the traditional release of balloons into the night sky. a spectacular sight, just a short time ago. earlier, new zealanders celebrated with a brightly colored fireworks display, erupting from automatic land's 328-meter tall sky tower. and perhaps the most


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