tv MSNBC Live MSNBC January 15, 2017 1:00pm-2:01pm PST
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>> i support him. >> congressman lewis is doing a great disservice to the people of the 5th district. >> good afternoon to you, i'm richard lui. there you heard it, war of words between donald trump and congressman john lewis. many coming to the congressman's defense, others defending the president-elect. all of this comes as congressman lewis called trump an illegitimate president, then trump saying lewis is all talk, no action. a major ice storm. we're watching that, gripping parts of the central united states. we'll take you to the hardest
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hit areas in a few minutes. say it isn't so. after nearly a century and a half of the greatest show on earth, ringling brothers and barnum & bailey circus are shutting down their tent. lead story, incoming trump administration officials answering for the president-elect today as he continues to come under fire for his response to congressman john lewis who, in an interview with nbc's chuck todd, says he does not see trump as a legitimate president, citing a conspiracy led by the russians. >> i think there was a conspiracy on behalf of the russians to get him elected. that's not right. that's not fair. it will be difficult, if not impossible for me to work with him. >> the president-elect took to twitter calling the civil rights leader, quote, all talk, no action. for some democrats, that was the
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final straw in this back and forth. a number of them now saying they will boycott this week's inauguration. kelly o'donnell is covering this. we talked to one representative last hour who said i'm not going to go. there's nothing being voted on. i don't need to be here. question the legitimacy but i don't favor this president. >> it is unusual because normally the inauguration day and the ceremonies around it are a chance for people to come together. and there's always a losing party and that's never easy, but this, like so many other things about campaign 2016, is just a different time where the inauguration itself is being used as a sign of if not prot t protests, certainly not that rallying around. we've got at least about 20 democrats who say they will not attend. is that something that will linger in terms of the kind of setting up the tone? perhaps it will. we also see that, as you point out, it was the way that donald trump criticized john lewis in terms of the specific kind of attack that really struck a
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nerve because lewis in his civil rights record and really 50 years of public life has been someone who has bled for the cause and has been very involved. so, it was sort of a hollow accusation and that really rallied people around lewis. he, of course, is saying there's an underpinning of his criticism, that the russian hacking could have had an affect. there's a debate that's broiled on for three days and it comes right at this point where we're marking the martin luther king holiday and in sort of the eve of inauguration week beginning. it is something that is, i th k think, almost resonating bigger because of those circumstances. >> you have been reporting in d.c. for years here, and you've spoken to just about all the representatives that we often are playing sound frchlt what's the sense on the ground as you follow these inaugurations in the past? what's the energy on the ground in d.c. right now as we lead up to friday? certainly this backdrop of certain representatives saying i'm not going to be there as
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part of it, what are you hearing? >> it does feel different. i've covered and been part of, as a journalist, several of these inaugurations. it's more of a fourth of july feeling, that patriotism, and even those who don't agree with the president who is the victor, out of a sense of respect for the office. i think it's a social media echo in effect. people want to show, want to say, want to do. and so it's not quite the celebration. barack obama had a lot of stars, and that brings interest from people. trump inaugural activities had trouble with that. the events will be notable this week. >> very interesting to see what happens friday, especially the energy on the mall which often the way we measure how it is. >> exactly. >> that energy you're talking about. kelly o'donnell, great to have you. >> good to see you. congressman lewis cited russian influence, something
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senate intelligence committee has announcedt will vestigate going forward. professor at the university of texas, rober tranum, political analyst and senior bush/cheney adviser and national political reporter for bloomburg politics, sahil kapur. what's happening, sahil? >> he has gone after john lewis. he is a hero on this cause. nobody has more integrity on this issue and a lot of admirers in and outside the democratic party this really chills the atmosphere going forward for relations with president-elect trump and democrats in congress in particular. trump has a negative approval rating. things like this don't help. the president-elect getting into fighti fig fights, even if a comment was
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directed at him that he believes is unfair, it's highly unusual and probably not the sort of thing that most voters expect of their president. it remains to be seen how it will be going forward this is who he has always been. he gets into fights and squabbles and seems to enjoy it. >> robert, you are now the trump whisperer. what are you whisper'ing into his ear? >> oh, my goodness, what an interesting position to be in. look, here is what we know. when you push donald trump, he is going to push back even harder. he i very thin skinned. i will tell him you speak for all americans regardless of whether or not they voted for you or not. what you say and what you do moves markets. it also could invoke fear around the world just with the bully pulpit that you have. stay above this stay above the fray. be presidential. to quote you, mr.
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president-ele president-elect, in the summertime you said you would be the most presidential person to ever hold office. live up to that. don't embarrass us and make us cringe if, in fact, someone pushes you in the direction that you don't feel comfortable in, you're above this. the office is above this. >> victoria, there in texas, in the great city of austin. >> what is the reaction from the comments from congressman john lewis and the president-elect. certainly you saw the headline hometown of john lewis, and of civil rights, many might say, clearly against what donald trump had said. how is it resonating where you're at in austin? >> you know, richard, here in texas, a couple of days after martin luther king day, we celebrate confederate heroes day, which is the birthday of robert e. lee, which is also an optional state holiday. i say this to highlight the fact
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that racial divisions are still a very real thing here in texas and throughout the united states. president obama in his farewell speech spoke to that. when donald trump talks about john lewis in this way, he knows exactly what he's doing. he's playing to some elements, not all. but some elements in his base who still have some racial and are against a barack obama presidency. he knows exactly what he's doing and john lewis speaking outnd otherrats coming forward and defendi jn lewis, we see a growing movement. we saw it in confirmation hearings with cory booker and kamala harris. the immigration fight is going to get really ugly and i think we'll see a new chapter in civil rights facts come january 20th.
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>> robert, we looked at 2014, 2015, 2016, ferguson, baltimore, new york. and this next presidency, whether it was going to be democratic or republican, this is what they were going to have to deal w does this new president, president-elect trump, does he come to the microphones, as did -- barack obama did early in his first administration and give that seminole speech on his view on race in america? >> that's an interesting question, richard. i could hit the rewind sbunt talk about the rodney king situation with george h.w. bush or the o.j. simpson with bill w. clintden. many presidents have to confront the nation or talk to the nation about race often times in a reactive mode because of something awful, awful happening. i go back to being presidential, about rising above this first of all let me hope that nothing like this happens during any
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presidency. if i had a magic wand, we wouldn't be talking about race. of course, i know that this is america. we probably will be talking about it. i just can hope and pray that if, in fact, god forbid acres president has to talk to america about this topic, that he appears to be presidential, that he brings us together, rises above the moment and tries to forge something forward. i sound idealistic but i'm an american and love this country and i hope that all americans can have a little bit of hope in this president, that he can rise to the occasion, god forbid, if he has to do so. >> robert brought up rodney king, sahil. that's one of the first stories ever reported on as we look at race relations today, some will say not much has changed in almost 25 years, at least those following this stuff. who in the trump administration, sahil, do you think will be that person that president-elect trump goes to, to get that advice on this very difficult
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topic of america? >> richard, that's a great question. i think one of the people who could be sort of a moderating force is reince priebus, incoming white house chief of staff. he understands the politics of this issue. after the 2012 election he, as rnc chairman, put out an autopsy report about what went wrong for republicans in the 2012 election, and one of his big thesis points was that republicans had alienated minorities too much and african-americans in particular vote for democrats in massive numbers. when we saw events like ferguson, more of those sorts of things happening and during the campaign donald trump said a lot of things that were widely seen and widely criticized as sort of racial co. any time he talked about intercities, he talked about crime, crime infested, poverty, no education, no jobs. there was a little bit of that in the way he went after john
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lewis, too, his district as being crime-infested. and i think he even used the word burning, which really takes you back to the '60s. this will be a major question into how he handles it. he has not calmed people who have been critical of him or who worry about the impact he will have on racial justice. >> go ahead, robert. quickly. >> just very quickly. if, in fact, there's another racial moment in this country, this is the moment where you need a john lewis. this is the moment when you need a tim scott from south carolina or cory booker from new jersey. if i'm in the white house and i'm not a person of color, regardless if i'm a person of color or not i want these people to come to the office to tell me what i should do, to tell me what their constituents are thinking, what the black community is thinking. i hope this is not a bridge that's been burned and would hope that donald trump would call a john lewis and people like him to come into the oval office.
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>> but why would -- >> victoria, we do this every year during mlk day, right? we think what would martin luther king jr. say today about where we're at? react, of course, to what robert and sahil said. as a researcher and academic, i know you do this every year. you think about topics like this. what would an mlk say today about where we're at? >> well, i think he would follow the course of saying, we need to make our positions known. we cannot engage in violent protests, but we need to exercise our constitutional rights to protest, nonviolent protests. this is going to be very important. and because donald trump has come out so strongly against the black lives matter and he sees folks of this movement as whiners, we know that the john lewises of the world need to take up that torch, be that emotional base and say you can't pin us with these negative stereotypes. we are here. we are pushing against something
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we think is wrong and this is in the spirit of martin luther king. >> victoria, robert, sahil, great conversation on this sunday afternoon. thank you so much. have a good weekend. >> you do the same. >> you, too. >> thank you. appreciate it. crippling ice storm is something we're watching for you in the midsection of the united states. some deadly accidents, power outages as well. just part of this huge problem covering a handful of states, as i was mentioning. latest on that storm and live update, coming up.
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people without electricity in america. nbc's blake mccoy in kansas city, missouri, where the chiefs/steelers game was delayed because of the weather. blake, talk about the ice. is it keeping any fans away right now? the weather certainly doesn't look good. >> reporter: yeah. you can see, check out the parking lot with tailgaters. it is packed. fans have been out here the last several hours. kickoff was supposed to be at noon central time. instead they pushed it back to 7:20 to give this storm more time to pass. as you can see, fans are not deterred. what was it like getting here? >> it wasn't that bad. they were talking about this big, giant ice storm but it was just like driving in the rain. it wasn't terrible. >> reporter: would any kind of weather kept you away today? >> oh, no. >> we weren't turning around for no reason whatsoever. >> reporter: were the roads icy heading here from colorado? >> not too bad. couple spots in kansas. once we got here, baes been
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great. >> reporter: check out these stunning images out of oklahoma, though. hardest-hit region with this ice, oklahoma panhandle. they got up to an inch of ice overnight, creating a lot of problems. once that ice starts coating trees and power lines, it becomes so heavy, they begin to topple and snap. thousands without power there. also, into st. louis overnight, they had power lines sparking. they had power outages there as well. the biggest impact, though, with this storm that we've seen throughout the region has been on the roads. very slick. at least six deaths reported in oklahoma, kansas and missouri related to this storm. troopers are urging people, especially on sunday, on the weekends, when people don't have to travel, they're urging people to stay home. right now here in kansas city, take a look on the ground. it's wet but it's not icing. that's because it is 33 degrees. so, just warm enough to keep that from icing. that's what makes predicting these ice storms so difficult. it's all about one or two degrees difference. that can mean all the difference
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between wet roads and a set of ice. main threats going into tonight will be up in nebraska and iowa. richard? >> all that energy there certainly in the parking lot, potentially melting the ice, too, as well as a couple of cozies here and there. blake mccoy, thank you. >> they're bringing the heat today even though mother nature isn't, someone told me. >> there you go. stay safe. hundreds are expected to descend on d.c. for president trump's inauguration, including thousands of women who will march in solidarity against president trump. we look at the legacy of president obama as he prepares for his final week in office.
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battle with cancer. long had been a pastor of one of the largest mega churches near atlanta since 1987. wwe hall of fame wrestler jimmy "superfly" snuka died at the age of 73. his daughter announced the passing on her facebook page a short time ago. wwe released a statement, giving their condolences to the family. the women's march on washington, which started out as a rallying cry for women to show their solidarity against trump, has exploded across social media, attracting thousands of participants, including many celebrities. about three times more parking permits for buses have been issued for the women's march than trump's inauguration. 1200 bus permits compared to 393 for trump's inauguration. those not traveling to washington, dozens of sister marches are being organized in
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cities across the country. and national co-chair of the women's march on washington joins us now. what do the numbers look like and what does the energy look like, linda? >> the energy is excited, coming from 42 states around the country, sister marches across the united states of america and 30 happening globally. this has become just an amazing grassroots effort, more than i can ever imagine. >> put yr arms around what you think the numbers might be, including in d. in the milons for sure. los angeles, san diego, san francisco, chicago, michigan. you name it where it's happening in some of the major cities and also some local areas. washington, d.c., you know, based on our bus permits, believe it or not, that was about rfk stadium. that's only one stadium. we're looking at, at least -- this is a minimal. conservative at least a quarter million people. >> what sorts of criticism have you heard? some saying why are you doing this?
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you should support the president. you've heard the conversation so far because of what's happened with john lewis and president-elect trump reacting and other democrats and republicans getting into the back and forth. support the president-elect because it is the office of the presidency. have you gotten those sorts of criticisms? >> yeah. we respect the presidency, but we will not respect this president of the united states of americas a man who won his election on the vilification of immigrants, muslim people, black people, people with disabilities, of women. people coming out here are basically sending a very strong message. we're united. we're watching you. it's going to be a reflection of the united states of america, people from different political backgrounds, different religious backgrounds, from rural towns to big cities. it will be one of the most remarkable things we've ever seen in u.s. history. >> the numbers the way they've been surging, is this because of the discussion of planned parenthood, defunding planned parenthood, something that's been resonating in the beltway? we covered it last weekend, for instance. is that something that's energizing the numbers here?
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>> that definitely is part of it. the repealing of the affordable care act. it's not a march on trump but on washington, to the senate, to congress, that women are a lot more sophisticated than they think we are. this is our moment to be leading our nation in the right direction. we may not have gotten the first woman president. i wasn't on that team anyway. but it doesn't mean that women can't lead us toward justice for our community. we'll be sending a message that will not be ignored january 21st. >> what's the first thing you want president trump at that time or the senate or, as you were mentioning, the house to do for all of these marchers? you have a sense of what the pulse is from the marchers. >> absolutely. first of all, hands off the affordable care act. we need our health insurance. hands off planned parenthood and reproductive rights, muslim hands off. hands off native american sisters and brothers. all the progressive and social justice issues in this country. again, it's one of the most intersectional movements and marches you've ever seen in u.s.
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history. >> and the numbers still growing. as such, you were telling me, the path is unknown until you get a sense of how many you'll have. >> that's a good problem to have. >> as organizer, that's what you want to have happen. we'll see you saturday, right? >> we will be there. >> as president obama prepares to leave the white house, we'll take a look back at his presidency and legacy with help from members of his team, an architect of the obama administration's economic policies. he spoke with senior white house correspondent chris jansing about one thing he and the president wish they could have accomplished. chris? >> reporter: you know, richard, the past month or so, we've seen the president get nostalgic. he talks about his accomplishments, he also leads with the economy and key architect is jason fehrman. i sat down to talk with him. >> he won the nobel peace prize. he does not have a nobel prize
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in economics. take us inside the room. what's it like with him tackling a big problem? >> it's usually given toward the end of your career -- >> so you think he might still get it? >> still a possibility for him. >> good afternoon. we've seen the longest streak of job growth on record and wages have grown faster over the past few years than at any time in the past 40. >> the thing that i love most about meetings with him ithat he always has the economic people in the room and he has the political people in the room and he always starts with the economic people. this is a guy who reads the memos we write. when i learned that he actually read all of them, beginning to end -- >> reporter: were you surprised? >> i didn't realize he was reading every word. once i realized that, we started to be a little more judicious and said maybe we don't have to give him eight different
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versions of the same analysis. >> reporter: you were called the wonkyest wonk in the white house. is the president even wonkier than you? does the president wish you had gotten something done that you didn't? >> immigration reform. >> i think it is heartbreaking for the millions of immigrants who have made lives here, who raised families here. >> to me, that's the biggest regret on the economic side. >> reporter: how closely will you be watching with something that you were key to putting together, and that's obamacare? >> i think it's going to be hard to do anything to it because it worked. >> reporter: what will you miss about the president? >> i'll miss talking about chinese science fiction novels with him. >> reporter: seriously? >> seriously. whenever he goes off on vacation, ps out a list of books he was reading and last year he put out a book "the
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three-body problem," chinese author translated into english. fantastic novel. i had read it. he read it. he ended up really liking it. we talked about this a bunch in a meeting. we both read the sequel at about the same time. and when the third one came out, i got an advanced copy of it for him, prepublication, gave it to him for his birthday and he ended up talking to his science adviser about some of the issues that it raised. i try not to be offended when i'm cut out of meetings. but the fact that he did discuss this novel with his science adviser and didn't include me in the discussion i think i might always be bitter about that. >> reporter: is that the low point of your service? >> me being cut out of that meeting, yeah. >> reporter: something they often share is a sense of comic timing, very dry humor. a lot of people tell the story about the second inaugural ball when the president said to jason, you dance well, for an economist.
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richard? >> thank you so much, chris. now i know what i need to read. five days away from president trump's inauguration. with any inauguration comes a lot of preparation and security. how is it planned and what keeps us safe if you're there? we'll dive into that, when we come back. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even mer-mutts. (1940s aqua music)
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who is excited for my inauguration day? [ cheers and applause ] >> yes, thank you to those people over there who i definitely did not pay to do that. we've got some of the biggest performers lined up. hang on to your [ bleep ] because we've got three doors down. also from america's got talent we've got jackie what's her face. best of all we've got the one rockette with the least amount of money in her savings. >> as you can probably tell there, "saturday night live" getting a couple of chuckles
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over the president-elect's trouble getting a-listers to perform at friday's inauguration. they have much more to plan than just that. in five days 700,000 people estimated will arrive at the nation's capital to attend the swearing in ceremonies. right there. three official inaugural balls will be held as well. then there are the protesters, hundreds of thousands also expected to descend on this area. 27 protest group as loan were granted permits to public grounds on inauguration day. this, as trump has an historically low approval rating for a president-elect. 44%. take a look at the other numbers and compare it to president obama, who took office with an 83% approval, george w. bush, who entered office at 61%. joining us now, john rogers jr., co-chair of president obama's 2009 inaugural committee. lot of folks planning to protest trump's inauguration. when you were helping to plan president obama's inauguration, he was highly liked, but the
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country was also going through some tough times when it comes to the economy. how do you put those two together now? >> well, i just remember how tough a time it was. i can remember being in the parade and getting texts on the stock market collapsing, because we were right in the midst of the financial crisis back then. as we know, things have turned around tremendously. the economy is in great shape. americans are getting more and more confidence and having higher employment, profits are growing. it's really a great time. i think there's really a good spirit that should hp the spirits of americans as we move through this. >> how did you talk through the planning of the inauguration for president obama? give us an insight, if you will. they're doing that right now for president-elect trump. >> tremendous honor to co-chair the inauguration for president obama's presidency. it's an enormous amount of
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effort. you're starting from ground zero and you have to scale to 300 full-time people, 15,000 volunteers in a very short period of time. we had to raise $55 million and we had the highest ethical standards in raising that money. we would only take it from individuals. so that was a lot of work to be able to do in a very, very short period of time. >> is there a book? do you get a book on how to plan the inaugurations from one administration to another? >> there say lot of history there. there's a building where everyone comes together and -- every four years and people come together and work extraordinarily hard. there is sort of protocol that they tell you how things have been done, inauguration after inauguration. it's a really exciting adventure to be part of. doing it with this historic president made it so special. >> that picture of a very young-looking barack obama as he
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stood up there on stage in that first inauguration of 2009, what goes through your mind here, john? >> such a magical experience when you're co-chair of the inauguration, you get to walk on to the stage and get introduced somewhere between the cabinet and the supreme court justes. so it's a pretty heady experience. i got a chance to do that with my daughter, victoria. to walk out there and see almost 2 million people in front of you. it's so special. of course, the president delivered a great, great talk. >> what did he say to you after his two inaugurations? >> i know he is looking forward to having a chance to get some rest. >> no, to you specifically. what did he say? did he say good job, john? >> he was -- i got to see him sort of the next day, after the inauguration. >> yeah. >> we saw him that night at all the parties. there was a big party at the white house. everyone was just in a celebrating mood. it wasn't any kind of special thank yous for us. it was thank yous for everyone.
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they brought everyone to a midnight reception for all the people who worked on the campaign and all the key players had a chance to come celebrate together with president obama. >> it is a time to celebrate america, no doubt. john rogers jr., thank you for that. >> thank you. >> pastor all of this, when we talk about inauguration day on friday, homeland security secretary saying there were no known threats to the inauguration friday but security there will be massive, he said. 28,000 security officials, 7,800 national guard troops on hand to protect the crowd and the president. john tomlinson from the u.s. secret service. it is a day to celebrate america, john, but for folks like you, you have to make it safe. what do we -- how do you talk about trying to keep all these people safe? >> well, it starts with a partnership. there are more than 50 law enforcement organizations,
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federal, state and local, that participate in this. there's 28 sub committees within those 50 organizations that come together under the secret service to make sure that our super bowl goes flawlessly. >> in this time that we have, unfortunately, had to cover lone wolfs, organized crime or terrorism, in this year, 2017, it's definitely different than it was in 2013 and 2009. are we ready for these new threats? >> no question, we're ready. the technology that's become available to adversaries, we also have the same technology that the good guys use that the organizations rely on to give us and allow us to prevail against attacks or threats. >> one of the things that -- when i remember back to the inauguration on the mall
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specifically and speaking with a lot of folks in '09 and '13, is that they drive in from all over the country. how do you keep them secure? how do you keep streets secure with so many vehicles coming in to this very small space? >> well, it's a combination of efforts. and you and the other public that would be in attendance will see certain very overt actions to preclude vehicular assaults but there's also a number of covert activities that are in place that have been tested and exercised previous to january 20. those come in to pla as well. andhey're less visible but they're, nonetheless, lethal. >> in the past, john, what sort of threat do you remember that was most worrisome to you in the past on this day? >> well, there's not an
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individual -- there's not an individual threat. and if you go about your business, targeting any particular kind of threat it leaves you vulnerable to others. so, it's a broad range. the intelligence community is certainly a significant part of it. and then the exercising that goes on and the implementation of a security scheme all come together to combat not a particular kind of threat, but threats in general. >> do you cover protesters any differently? >> no. protesters certainly -- living in america, everyone has a right to protest as long as it's done lawfully. in this particular circumstance there's going to be a variety of protests, some directed to the president, some directed at other civil issues. >> does it vary from president to president, john, or there's a book and this is just the way
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you do it? >> there's no cookie cutter approach, but when you look at the presidents, part of that is looking at what the scenarios are that can be impacted by a particular threat or particular group of individuals. that's what we have to be on guard against and, candidly the first line of defense is the american public, the people on the ground. see something, say something. that's critical to success. >> and there's concern about cell towers and their capacity along the way. john tomlinson, thank you with your perspective on the security for the inauguration friday. >> thank you, richard. sad news. if you're a circus fan, the greatest show on earth will soon be no more. reaction from one of the ringling brothers barnum & bailey performers.
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the greatest show on earth is now coming to an end. ringling brothers and barnum & bailey circus announcing the big top will come down for good this may after 146 years. joining us now, america's best clown, according to "time" magazine, who performed in four tours with ringling. bello, first of all, look at that hair. i guess if you're a clown you've got to do that. what does this mean? you're a seventh generation circus performer, right? >> yes. >> performed hundreds of shows with ringling. this is very personal. did you see this coming? >> uh, you know, boy, you can imagine how impactful this is. eight generations of my family have called the circus home. we have oldest circus that's stayed in the same family in europe and switzerland. i did thousands of shows with the ringling brothers in 2000
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and the last show tour that opened in 2006. did i see it coming? you know, it's really sad and unfortunate but in 2007, they sort of made the conscious effort to start taking away and some using headliners and started replacing it with stories to the show. so, you know and i know if you're goi to bake a cake and you remove ingredients after a while it doesn't have that same -- >> it fall. >> it's not a cake. >> we're showing some of the elephants there on our screen right now. one of ringling's, as you know, biggest critic is peta. they reacted, saying this heralds the end of what's been the saddest show on earth for wild animals. the owner of the circus, bello, says dramatic drop in tickets after the elephants left is part of the reason here. as we look at how things have
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changed in entertainment, you've got video games and everything else. is that really why? the way folks are getting entertainment has just changed? >> you know, circus has been around for a long time. i believe it will continue to be around. let's make sure we have a couple of facts straight. ringling is only one of circuses out there. there are 300 in italy alone, 400 in europe. there are circuses around the united states. ringling happens to be one of the biggest. i will say this, and by their own words they said that they've had a steady decline over the past ten years. i haven't been there for over ten years so i don't know what really went on. but elephants were one of the last elements removed just last year. i believe that was one of the final straws, but i will tell you, there are plenty of circuses out there in the united states that don't have elephants, that don't have the problem. >> and certainly many have enjoyed ringling and your work. >> millions. >> thank you so much, bello.
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a great brand. and enjoyed all of your colleagues' work, and yours as well. bello nock, appreciate it. >> you're welcome, sir. oath of citizenship friday after every inauguration, the ceremony changes. more on that, after this. i was energetic. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects
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a message by 5 million new american. >> we are a nation united not by any one culture, ethnicity or any one ideology but the principles of opportunity, equality and liberty. >> for eight years, that video played at every naturalization ceremony. sometimes a handful, sometimes hundreds in attendance. each new citizen carrying their own journey. >> down through the decades, irish catholics, fleeing hunger. italians, fleeing poverty,
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filled up our cities, rolled up their sleeves, built america. chinese laborers jammed in steerage under the decks of steam ships, making their way to california. >> there in 2015, a rare live welcome message from president obama to new citizens. those ceremonies happen nationwide almost weekly at military installations, at ralization centers in inana and fresno, california, where in the last ceremony as president welcomed 84 newcomers. i wasn't sure what to say i thought of grandma who took the oath at 65, of grandpa, an undocumented immigrant and mom, who landed here with a 2-year-old with a bad bowl haircut. this week's americans were surprised how their eyes teared how they could not stop laughing and hugging, all hailing from 45 countries and after several words, all hailing from just one country, the united states of
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