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tv   First Look  MSNBC  January 19, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PST

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now we'll wait and see if it actually works. that does it for us tonight. we will see you again tomorrow night. that's it tonight. first look is up next. it is true that behind closed doors i curse more than i do in public. and sometimes i get mad and frustrated like everybody else does, but at my core, i think we're going to be okay. we have to fight for it and work for it and not take it for granted. i know you all will do that. thank you very much, press corps, good luck. parting words from president obama. in his final news conference, he shared his hopes and fears for the country. >> and we're following george and barbara bush as they remain hospitalized in houston.
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and the presidential picks clash with obamacare, education, and more. ♪ ♪ good morning, everybody. it is thursday, january 19th. i'm alex witt alongside louisberg dorff. only one more day before donald trump is sworn in as president of the united states. yesterday, he tweeted a photo of himself with pen to pad quoting writing my inaugural address at the winter white house marr-a-lago three weeks ago, looking forward to friday. today, he will be laying a wreath at the arlington national cemetery followed by a make america great again at the lincoln memorial with performances by toby keith and
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lee greenwood. meanwhile, the work goes on. press secretary sean spicer says there could be three or four actions taking place on inauguration day. and former georgia governor sonny gray is nominated for agriculture secretary. former president george h.w. bush and ms. bush remain in a houston hospital this morning. the president was transferred to the intensive care unit where doctors inserted a tube to clear a blockage in his lungs. the complications stem from pneumonia. last night, a family spokesperson told nbc news that the former president was still
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sedated and doing well. >> doctors believe the procedure itself was a success and so now the president is stable, resting comfortably in the icu. he's going to remain in the icu for observation, and so he's on a better trajectory certainly than the one that landed him in the icu. as for mrs. bush, it's a precautionary measure to have her at the hospital. she woke up this morning with a cuffing fit and some fatigue and just general unease and she decided to let the medical experts take over on that one too. she's down there as well. >> our best wishes to them. we're also seeing a letter that the former president wrote to donald trump earlier this month. quote, dear donald, barbara and i are so sorry we can't be there for your inauguration on january 20th. my doctors say if i sit outside in january, it's likely it will put me six feet under. same for barbara, so i guess we're stuck in texas.
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but we will be with you and the country in spirit. i wish you the very best as you begin this incredible journey of leading out the great country. if i can ever be of help, please let me know. the president-elect responded on twitter thanking them for the letter and wishing them a speedy recovery. president obama also sent the former first couple well wishes with the message at the beginning of the fal news conference yesterday. >> we have been in touch with the bush family today after hearing about president george h.w. bush and barbara bush being admitted to the hospital this morning. they have not only dedicated their lives to this country, they have been a constant source of friendship and support and good counsel for michelle and me over the years. they are as fine a couple as we know, and so we want to send our prayers and our love to them.
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really good people. now, there's no word on when mr. and mrs. bush will be released from the hospital, but the family spokesperson said they are in month rush -- in no rush. it was a big day on capitol hill for hearings. donald trump's pick to head the health and human services department did not receive a warm welcome from democratic lawmakers as he faced tough questions over the future of obamacare and the stiemg of stock purchases of health care companies. congressman tom price went before the senate committee yesterday. he was grilled on the future of health care in this country but didn't go deep into specifics about how to replace the affordable care act and would not rule out cuts to medicare or medicaid. >> my question is in canada, in other countries, all people have the right to get health care. do you believe we should move in that direction? >> if you want to talk about other country's health care systems, there are consequences to the decisions that they have made just there are consequences to the decisions we've made. i believe and i look forward to
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working with you to make certain that every single american has access to the highest quality care and coverage as possible. >> has access to does not mean they are guaranteed health care. i have access to buying a $10 million home. i don't have the money to do that. >> and he faced questions on ethics rules. elizabeth warren questioned him. >> did you buy the stock and introduce a bill that would be helpful to the companies you just bought stock in? >> the stock was bought by a broker who was making those decisions. i wasn't making those decisions. >> okay. so you said you weren't making those decisions. let me just make sure that i understand. these are your stock trades, though? they are listed under your name, right? >> they are made on my behalf, yes. >> fers the stock purchaser an index fund? >> i don't believe so. >> through a passively managed
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mutual fund? >> no. >> for ak an actively managed mutual fund? >> it's a brokered directed account. >> through a blind trust? so let's just be clear. this is not just a stock broker, someone you pay to handle the paperwork. this is someone who buys stock at your direction. this is someone who buys and sell the stock that you want them to buy and sell? >> not true. >> so when you found out -- >> that's not true, senator. >> because i decide not to tell them, wink, wink, nod, nod, and we're all supposed to believe that? >> democratic senator patty murry also asked questions of price to buy shares of of an australian company. >> did representative collins tell you anything that could be considered quote, a stock tip, yes or no? >> i don't believe so, no. >> well, if you are telling me he gave you information about a company, you were offered shares
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in the company at prices not available to the public, you bought those shares, is that not a stock tip? >> that's not what happened. what happened was that he mentioned -- he talked about the company and the work that they were doing and trying to solve the challenge of progressive secondary multiple sclerosis which is a very debilitating disease and i had the opportunity to treat patients when i was practice. i studied the company for a period of time and felt that it had some significant merit and promise, and purchased the initial shares on the stock change itself. >> congressman, you told me that you did this on your own without the broker, yes? >> no, i did it through a broker. i directed the broker to purchase the stock, but i did it through a broker. >> you directed the broker to purchase particularly that stock? >> that's correct. >> now, the committee, which congressman price appeared before yesterday will not be the one to vote on his nomination. he goes before the senate finance committee next week. meanwhile, ahead of yesterday's hearing, vice president elect mike pence spoke to chuck todd
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about the controversy surrounding price's investments. >> his nomination, there's a lot of questions about stock sales, what did he know, i know there are two different stories here. let me ask it this way, if what he's been accused of doing, buying stock, then passing legislation to help that company, is that -- would that be acceptable in the trump administration? >> well, i think the facts are very clear here, and i expect they are coming out today in the course of his hearing that the stock that was purchased was purchased by a stock broker without any knowledge of dr. price and we just couldn't be more enthusiastic that someone with the extraordinary experience as a medical doctor -- >> you wouldn't -- if you were misled here -- >> he will be the next secretary of hhs. >> if you were misled here, though, you wouldn't accept that type of behavior in this administration? >> i'm confident we are not.
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i served with him in congress for many years. we couldn't be more enthusiastic, his understanding for the president-elect's vision for health care reform and his ability to replace that, with what that looks like. it's been a relatively simple process. since 1959, almost all nominees have been confirmed with unanimous vote or consent. one exception, president obama's second nominee, john king, jr. >> reporter: the typically tame hearing for education secretary turned fiery for betsy devos. >> your family has not made hundreds of millions of dollars to the republican party, you would not be sitting here today.
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>> i do think there is that possibility. >> more concerning is her lack of qualifications. pointing to this response. >> i'm talking about the debate between proficiency and growth. not what your thoughts are on them. >> well, i was just asking to clarify then -- >> well, this is a subject that has been debated in the education community for years. >> devos's biggest stumble on guns in school. >> you can't say that guns shouldn't be in schools. >> i will refer back to senator ense and the school he was talking about in wyoming. i think probably there -- i would imagine that there's probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies. >> potential grizzlies, going viral. if confirmed, devos would likely shape education policy through school choice, including voucher
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programs, something donald trump supports. the new administration pledging to put $20 billion for school choice. >> he picked her because he thinks she can help make that happen. now they have to see if they can get something like that through congress. >> our thanks to hallie jackson for that report. donald trump's nominee for ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley split with the president-elect on a number of issues during her confirmation hearing. in front of the foreign relations committee, she broke with trump on russia, the creation of a muslim registry and nato. >> russia is trying to show their muscle right now. that's what they do. we always have to be cautious. i don't think that we can trust them. i think that we have to make sure that we try and see what we can get from them before we give to them. >> what is your view on sanctions as it relates to russia? >> i certainly think they should be preserved and i don't think
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they should be lifted unless we see a strong change from the russian government. >> this administration and i don't think there should be any registry based on religion. what we need to do is make sure exactly which countries are a threat, which ones have terrorism and those are the ones that we need to watch and be careful and vet as we go forward in terms of who comes into the country. >> i understand vetting people who come to america. i'm talking about american citizens. is there any justification of any registration of subgroups of americans? >> no, there is not. do you agree with president-elect trump that nato is obsolete? do you agree with general mattis that it is vital? >> i think nato is an important alliance for us to have and now we need more allies than ever and we need more alliances than we've ever had and it's one that we need to strengthen. >> still ahead, we're one day away from donald trump's inauguration but the list of democrats boycotting the event continues to grow. we'll tell you about one
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outspoken democrat who will be there. parts of the country are getting hit big time with heavy rain. our meteorologist will look at the forecast across the country. those stories and a lot more when we come right back. it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good.
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and watch it offline. only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. download the xfinity tv app today. ♪ welcome back, everyone. as we mentioned earlier, we're just one day away from donald trump's inauguration and this morning a growing group of democratic lawmaker are planning to skip the event. 65 democrats have announced they are not going to attend the events. the number jumped shatterly -- sharply after trump tweeted regarding congressman john liu
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wis. >> on "morning joe" the congressman signaled a willingness to work with president-elect trump. >> i know the president-elect is watching and i would say to you, president-elect, i would be happy to meet with you at any moment, but we have work to do. the american people want us to get to work for them and lift them up and if you want to deal with prescription drugs and reducing the prices, i'm here with you. if you want to deal with health care for all, i'm here with you. >> and president-elect trump says the daily white house press briefing is staying in the west wing at least for now. it comes after there was talk from the incoming administration of relocating the space outside of the white house. president obama thanked the press while stake -- taking a subtle jab at the incoming president. >> sometimes i curse more and sometimes i get mat and frustrated like everybody else does, but at my core, i think
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we're going to be okay. we just have to fight for it. we have to work for it and not take it for granted and i know that you will help us do that. thank you very much, press corps. good luck. >> let's get a check on your weather now with bill karins. at least it was nice driving to work in the dark. you could see some stars. >> yo -- yes. some areas haven't seen the sun in a while. enjoy today. you will not see a lot of it after that. the inauguration forecast is a little iffy. the rainfall in texas is now in the southeast and will move up the mid atlantic. yesterday, we had horrendous flooding in the houston areas. this is from the thunderstorms yesterday at this time. the line of thunderstorms hadn't moved much. it's in louisiana and central louisiana. in mississippi, you need an umbrella. heavy rain throughout the day.
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heaviest rains in the purple and red, 1 to 2 inches from the tennessee valley. let's break down the timing for the d.c. area on friday for the inauguration. 9:00 a.m., cloudy skies, mild, no problems whatsoever. as we continue, 10:00 a.m., 11:00, a.m., the green is light rain, the yellow steady rain. this does not look like a big rain event. the timing is not great. the swearing-in ceremony is noon. light rain is right over the top of d.c. notice how quickly it exits. by 2:00 p.m., it could be gone parade time. it's going to be mild and cloudy. it's not going to ruin the inauguration and o of the issues will be the umbrellas are banned for people going in for security concerns. i think there's an 80% chance it will be damp for the
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swearing-in. it's not a wash-out by any means but the timing of the light rain it may happen to be right when the sarg-in -- swearing-in ceremony it taking place. still ahead, the baseball hall of fame is welcoming three new members. plus, what russell westdboo -- westbrook forget in yesterday's game against the warriors. we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. cigntogether, all the way. this is one gorgeous truck. special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel.
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ahalf century, three new members have been elected to the major league baseball hall of fame. jeff bagwell who received 82% of votes is the only first baseman to rerecord 230 homer seasons. and also elected one of the greatest lead-off hitters, tim raines rank fifth a time wh 808 stolen bases over 23 seasons in major leagu baseball an entering on his first year of eligibility after receiving for more votes is evan pudge rodriguez. he's the career leader among catchers in hits, runs, doubles and games played. they will be officially be enshrined in cooperstown in
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july. turning to tennis, australian open in melbourne continues. a rough morning for novak djokovic. it was unbelievable. djokovic is the only top five ranked player not advancing. on the women's side, agneiceska rad nevkas. the marquee match-up for oakland and the warriors.
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he's giving takes several steps down the court without dribbling. refs calling him on that. 121-100, warriors and the thunder. incredible game. they couldn't do it. >> those guys love it when they get on the board and hang. they are showing off. it's so fun to watch. louis, thank you for that. still ahead, we're following breaking news about a major avalanche in italy. plus there were heated exchanges in scott pruitt's confirmation hearing regarding climate change. we've got those stories coming up next. hold on, i can explain. you better have a good answer...
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♪ welcome back, everyone. i'm alex witt alongside louisbergdorf. the top stories, former president george h.w. bush and his wife, barbara bush are in the hospital this morning. mrs. bush was admitted yesterday as a precaution after experiencing a coughing fit and some fatigue. both mr. and mrs. bush are resting comfortably.
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state media in iran says 30 firefighters were killed after a building collapsed yesterday. 75 people were injured. the 17-floor building is mostly for commercial use and was tehran's highest building. and many are dead after an avalanche in italy. most of the hotels 29 staff and guests are missing or dead. two survivors made it out of that building located in rigopiano. one said he escaped when he got outside to get something out of his car. that's the snap of the lobby of the hotel right there. donald trump's pick for health and human services
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department was grilled yesterday. he was grilled on obamacare and his purchase of stock. >> reporter: on capitol hill fireworks over obamacare and the hhs nominee refusal to promise you won't want to print-out medicare or medicaid. >> you might want to print out president-elect trump's i'm not going to cut medicare or medicaid. >> senate democrats taking aim by congressman tom price, a surgeon by training. who makes it clear he wants to dismantle obamacare. price offered few specifics and insisted he wanted more access to affordable health insurances and more choices. congressman price is also under fire for trading more than $300,000 in medical stocks while
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he pushed legislation that could benefit those companies. in addition, last august, buying stock in an australian company, making a drug to treat ms on the recommendation of another congressman who is a big shareholder in the company. >> i directed the broker to purchase the stock, but i did it through a broker. >> you directed the broker to purchase particularly that stock. >> that's correct. >> everything we have done has been aboard, transparent, ethical. >> small groups of obamacare users went knocking on senators doors asking them to keep the law. logan came from nashville. >> my concern is being a cancer survivor with a preexisting condition, i will be denied affordable health care. >> the country is waiting to see what the trump plan might be. thanks to tom costello for that report. betsy devoss is facing a tougher confirmation.
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her hearing was contentious and divided among party lines. facing repeated prodding for questions by specifics by democrats. >> frankly, very few of her answers showed any kind of real grasp of education policy. i don't know if she -- she kind of didn't know much about education policy at all and what she does know is about -- defunding public schools through vouchers. i'm not going to vote for her. >> he adds his name to a growing list of no votes which includes cory booker. since 1979 nearly all nominees rb confirmed by a near unanimous vote, a voice vote or a unanimous consent. one exception, president obama's
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second nominee, john king jr who took office last year. the man tapped to lead the environmental protection agency broke with the president-elect on policy during a contentious confirmation hearing. appearing before the senate environment and public works committee yesterday, oklahoma attoey general scott pruitt told lawmakers that climate change is not a hoax and acknowledged that humans contributed to the problem. in 2014, donald trump claimed that climate change was in fact a hoax. pruitt suggested it's unclear how much of a role that humans play in affecting the climate. at one point, he and bernie sanders sparred over that problem along with the sharp increase in earthquake in oklahoma caused by the oil and natural gas industry. >> senator, the job of the administrator is to carry out the -- >> why is the climate changing? >> in response to the co 2 issue. we're constrained by statutes.
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>> i'm asking a personal opinion. >> my personal opinion is immaterial to the job i'm carrying out. >> you are going to be the head of the agency to protect the environment and your personal feelings about whether climate change is caused by human activity and carbon emissions is immaterial? >> senator, i've acknowledged that i'm concerned about -- >> you acknowledge that you are concerned. your state is having a record number -- well, if that's the kind of administrator for the a -- epa. if that's the kind of epa administrator you will be, you are not going to get my vote. >> nasa revealed last year was the hottest year on record, marking a third year in a row that global temperatures have reached record levels. during a senate confirmation hearing, wilbur ross promised to
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encourage trade. one of his top priorities is renegotiating natfa. >> i'm not anti trade. i'm pro trade, but i'm pro sensible trade. not pro trade that is to the disadvantage of the american worker and the american manufacturing community. as to canada and mexico, president-elect has made no secret in his public remarks, nor have i in earlier remarks during the campaign, that natfa is logically the first thing for us to deal with. >> joe biden has little more than 24 hours left in office and he's going out swinging. yesterday, he spoke at the world economic counsel in davos and he took on vladimir putin saying that the russian leader was actively trying to, quote, collapse the liberal international order through cyber attacks and
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misinformation. biden used his speech yesterday as a call to action for europe and the u.s. to work together to reject isolationism and protectionism. >> simply put, mr. putin has a different vision of the future, one in which russia is pursuing across the board. it seeks to return the world weaker nations have to fall in line. united states and europe has to lead the fight, to defend the values that have brought us where we are today. to fight to create a more equitible, more inclusive growth for peerm at every level, around the world. >> this morning, investors are waiting to hear what donald trump's nominee for treasury secretary steve mnuchin has to say when he testifies this morning. what should we expect from him today and how are markets going to react to that?
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>> good morning, louis. that's right. steve mnuchin is expected to take heat over his career in financial services. yes, he had a long career at goldman sachs but its time of ceo of one west bank that has come under criticism by senate democrats. they invited former borrowers of that bank to testify yesterday about their concerns about one west bank was not kind when it comes to their fore closure policy. steve mnuchin is expected to fire back at that criticism saying he did everything in his power to help that fore closure process. that's the concern for senate democrats on the one hand but investors are looking out for his comments on the strong dollar following donald trump's own comments about concerns of the dollar relative to the weaker chinese currency. look out for comments on that and whether or not the treasury would consider issuing longer dated bonds. plenty to keep investors on their seats during that hearing later this afternoon. elsewhere, keep an eye on
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shares lockheed martin. they are close to securing a near $9 billion deal for its f-35 fighter jets with the pentagon. why? donald trump has criticized the cost for the fighter jets. if it goes through, it will below the cost per jet below $100 million for the first time. nevertheless, it would be significant once this deal is sealed. guys, back to you for now. >> interesting news about lockheed martin now. president obama fielded questions from the white house press corps for the last time yesterday and among other things, underlined the importance of their role going forward. nbc white house correspondent
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kristen welker reports. >> at his final press conference, president obama defending one of his last decisions, commuting the sentence of soldier chelsea manning who leaked tens of ousands of documents to wikileaks. critics argue it sends a signal of weakness. >> chelsea manning has served a tough prison sentence. i feel very comfortable that justice has been served. >> while the president declined to comment on another controversy, more than 50 democrats say they will boycott trump's inauguration. >> i all i know is i'm going to be there. so is michelle. >> he did reveal what would bring him off the sidelines and back into the political fray, challenges to what he calls the nation's core values. >> if i saw systematic discrimination being ratified in some fashion and for me at least i will put in that category efforts to round-up kids who have grown up here and for all practical purposes are american kids, and send them someplace
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else. >> in a not so subtle shot at president-elect's trump frequent criticism, he touted the necessity of a strong press corps. >> you are not supposed to be sickco fants, you are supposed to ask me tough questions. >> the president acknowledging even his daughters were initially disappointed in the election results but have moved on. >> they don't mope. >> now the man who won the white house on a promise of hope and change leaves it asking disillusioned democrats to hold on to that optimism. >> sometimes i get mad and frustrated like everybody else does, but at my core, i think we're going to be okay. >> thank to nbc's kristen welker. one more thing, last night, the first lady tweeted this photo of her and the president overlooking the washington monday yum with the caption, being your first lady has been the honor of a lifetime, from the bottom of my heart, thank
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you. so which we say thank you, michelle. still another year, another record high for temperatures on earth. former texas governor rick perry goes before a senate panel today and he has to explain how he plans to run an agency that he once wanted to get rid of. we'll have a preview.
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all right. bill karins, take it away with the weather report. what's out there? >> we'll start with the climate news yesterday. noaa came out said 2016 edged out 2015 for the warmest global average temperature. this is the map that they included with that. the key here is when you get the ample temperatures it's in the gray. the warmer than average shows you the tannish color and the reddish color and you notice how much of the globe, this includes the land and ocean temperatures
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average compared to the baseline, and notice the continents, just north of australia was exceptionally warm and we were warmer than average here in north america and as a whole, obviously, the warmest ever recorded. edged out 2015 and 2015 edged out 2014. the three warmest years recorded have been the last three years. we continue with the theme. as far as the forecast goes for today, again, heavy rain coming up out of the kbufle -- gulful we're watching that in areas of louisiana and mississippi. we'll see good rain in the ohio valley. whatever snow is out there is long gone and it's the middle of the mud season. we're going to be as warm as 46 in boston. at least we get sunshine for once from d.c. north wards. too bad the inauguration wasn't today. 55 degrees is beautiful in dc for this time of year. friday, inauguration day, still mild in d.c. but we have that rain threat. very lying rain but it may be right there in the middle of the
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day and inauguration. some of that will head up to new york. other areas of concern, the west coast continues to get pounded with a lot of rain and snow. the mountains are going to get one to two feet. even areas like l.a. get one or two inches of rain and phoenix has a chance of getting rain for friday. inauguration, louis, a beef period of rain. not rained out. >> phoenix could use the rain. >> it's a big deal when it happens too. >> last night, the stars from film and television and music aligned in los angeles for the 43rd annual people's choice awards. justin timberlake honored ellen degeneres for being the most decorated people's choice award in history. bringing her all time total to 20. she took the stage to thank the people among others in true ellen fashion. >> you are the people who are responsible for me being up
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here. i say thank you, people, and the only thing that would make me happier, and not a lot happier, because this make me happy, if it was voted on my animals, because i love them and i think they know how much i love them but animals aren't organized enough to hold a ceremony and they have paws. dolphins are intelligent as well, but their flipper again would have a hard time hitting and the only reason we think they are smart because the people say the dolphins are smart. we have to trust. i guess the people are the smartest and they are the smartest because they gave me this again tonight. thank you all very much. i love you. >> the biggest winners of the night in film went to animated feature "finding dory." biggest winners on the small screen in comedy went to "the big bang theory."
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the highest achievements in music went to justin timberlake for favorite male artist, britney spears for favorite female and favorite group went to fifth harmony. let's get a check of the story we're not covering today. bernie sanders the fashion icon. it debuted its sanders' inspired men's line. some pieces featuring a design similar to his campaign logo and others reminiscent of what some would call his oversised suit jackets. the president-elect now has the honor having a new species of a moth named after him. according to scientists, it has white and yellow scales on its head that resembles trump's signature hairstyle. when we come back, we'll let you know why governor chris christie actually is going to explain at least who is partly to blame why
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he was not in the trump cabinet when we come right back. it's beautiful. was it a hard place to get to? (laughs) it wasn't too bad. with the chase mobile app, jimmy chin can master depositing his hard earned checks in a snap. easy to use chase technology for whatever you're trying to master. trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated? use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for dependable relief
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>> you know, the president-elect and i have developed a very close relationship and i'm honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, but i do think vice president biden has served his president well, but i -- when i think about this job, i have the privilege to know vice president cheney who zmier -- admire, vice president
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quayle. and george herbert walker bush. that vice president had the opportunity to serve a leader who came to washington, d.c. to bring transformational change and they did it and the truth is they -- under president reagan with the help of his vice president, they revived the nation's economy and literally changed the world. >> does that mean he will run for president? we'll see. former governor rick perry gets his confirmation hearing today for energy secretary. the governor is touting his experience running texas, one of the world's biggest economies in its own right and a power center in the global energy and paicularly petroleum trade. he's likely to face questions over his preous calls to get rid of the energy department as well as his commitment to renewable resources.
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"new york times" piece indicates the governor may not have fully grasped what he was taking on. mr. perry gladly accepted believing he was taking on a role as a global ambassador for the american oil and gas industry that he had long championed in his home state. in the days after, mr. perry discovered that he would be no such thing. that, in fact, if confirmed by the senate, he will become the steward of a vast national security complex he knew almost know nothing about it, the united states nuclear arsenal. one notable exception from trump's white house, new jersey governor chris christie, appearing on a radio show, he says his wife is partly to blame. >> he didn't offer me a job that i thought was exciting for me to leave the governorship. now why is that hard to believe? >> and your family. >> and my family. mary pat made it clear she wasn't going to d.c. if i win. the fact is i would really honest with him. i don't want to leave the
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governorship and leave my family for that. >> they reported last month that christie turn down several white house positions including homeland security and veterans affairs secretary and trump told the "wall street journal" earlier this week we're going to do something with chris. we'll see what happens after he's out of office there. when we come back, we'll take a look at the stories happening in the day ahead. it's not a quick fix. it's my decision to make beauty last. roc® retinol, started visibly reducing
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trump joins vice president-elect mike pence at a wreath laying ceremony at arlington national ceremony, followed by the make america great again welcome concert at the lincoln memorial. treasy secretary steve mnuchin will go before the senate finance committee and just as we mentioned former texas governor and energy secretary nominee rick perry also testifies. the u.s. air force launches
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into space a satellite to provide critical warnings on missiles. that does it for orbit. that does it for us on this thursday. "morning joe" is in washington! it starts right now. at the end of the day, if we work hard and true to those things in us that feel true and feel right, the world gets a little better each time and that is what this presidency has tried to be about. it is true behind doors i curse more than and get frustrated and mad like everybody else does, but at my core, i think we are going to be okay. we just have to fight for it and we have to work for it and not take it for granted and i k


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