tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC January 19, 2017 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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she spoke english. her husband was named juan, he did not speak english. he also only had a third grade education. but together as a young couple, a very handsome young couple, i think they're adorable in these pictures, i have to say, they moved to new york. they moved to new york during world war ii. they found an apartment in the housing project in the east bronx. then in 1954, five weeks after "brown v. board of education" was decided.
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five weeks after the supreme court struck down the racial segregation of american schools and that landmark decision, five weeks after that, june 1954 when dwight d. eisenhower was president, they had their first child. they had a baby girl. 1954. three years later, they had baby number two, they had a little boy who they also named juan after his father. and the family spoke spanish at home because dad only spoke spanish, he didn't speak english. dad worked at a tool and die shop in the bronx. selena worked as a phone operator in the bronx. and when their oldest child, their little girl, was eight years old, she was diagnosed with diabetes. they learned she would need life long insulin injection to manage diabetes. and the following year when their little girl was nine years old and their boy was six years old, their father died.
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juan was only 42 years old when he died. he left selena widowed with these two small kids to raise in the bronx and she started working six days a week. she redoubled her efforts to get her kids fully fluent in english even though they had grown up in a spanish-speaking home with a mono lingual dad. she had been working as a phone operator in the bronx but she put herself through school. she got her licensed practical nurse certification and moved up to a better job that paid better. she got a job as a nurse in a methadone clinic the bronx and she raised her kids. she saved enough and finagled enough to get her kids into good catholic schools. she saved enough for the extravagant purchase of a complete set of encyclopedias which they kept in their apartment. people who grew up with them in that housing project in the bronx say selena and her kids were famous for those encyclopedias and she'd help the kids do their home work with her every night sitting at the kitchen table all together and
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their dad didn't live to see it because he died when they were little kids but that little boy went on to be a big success, he became a doctor, a successful doctor. and their little girl, she did okay, too. she went to this big catholic high school in the bronx, 2,000 kids, she was valedictorian. she ended up going from that high school to princeton university. she said she was intimidated when she first got there, took her a while to get her bearings but that wore off. while she was there, she did volunteer work, too. she travelled from princeton to trenton, new jersey, to help the spanish-speaking patients who were at the state psychiatric hospital at trenton. she did that on top of her school work. maybe because that initial nervousness at princeton, her grades started off a little shaky in her first year but she soon got her bearings and her grades took off like a rocket. by senior year she was phi beta kappa and she won the school's highest academic award. she went from princeton to yale law school.
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passed the bar, became a federal prosecutor. she then became a rather fearsome litigator in private practice. and she told people that when she'd been a little kid growing up with a single mom in that housing project in the bronx she had gotten herself addicted to the nancy drew books. she read all of the nancy drew books and they made her want to be a police detective. later, though, she said that evolved because after reading nancy drew she stumbled on to perry mason on tv and watching terry mason on tv made her not want to be a police detective anymore, it made her want to be a judge because even though perry mason was the star she was tell clearly the judge was the most important person on the show who got to make decisions. and ultimately that is what happened to her. after being raised in the bronx by a single widowed mother speaking english as a second language, working her tail off and making the absolute most of every opportunity she ever got and every institution she ever had any access to, she got there.
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and in may, 2009, a brand new president chose her to be his first nominee to the united states supreme court. and she bore some insults and some here? ing about her perceived intelligence from people in conservative media and from some republicans in the senate. she bore some insult along the way but ultimately they confirmed her nomination 68-31. in august, 2009, sonia sotomayor was sworn in and became the first hispanic person to ever serve on the united states supreme court. president barack obama should have been able to make three supreme court appointments during his time in office because three supreme court vacancies arose during his term, but republicans blocked him from making his final appointment, he was only able to name two justices to the highest court in the land while he was president, he named elena kagan and he
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named sonia sotomayor and they are the third and fourth women to ever serve as supreme court justices in our country and sonia sotomayor is the first latina. in president obama's two terms in office, he also named the most diverse cabinet that has ever served the united states government. today on the last full day of the obama administrati we learned the cabinet nominations for the incoming administration are now complete with at announcement that former georgia governor sonny purdue will be the choice to be the new agriculture secretary. with that announcement, we know we are about to get the first cabinet since the 1980s that doesn't have a single person in it who is latino. they have not announced a single latino for any cabinet positions. they have not announced a single latino for any subcabinet jobs they've announced, either. >> under president obama the
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high school graduation rate in this country hit 83%. that's the highest it has ever been in the history of this country. when president obama took office in 2009, the country was in an economic freefall, plunging into an economic abyss, unemployment hit 10%. unemployment is now at 4.7%. under president obama, we have had 82 straight months of private-sector job growth. that's the longest streak ever in the history of our country of consecutive months in which there have been job growth and not job losses. under president obama, we put a rover on mars. under president obama we have had the first drop in the federal prison population in decades. under president obama, after a concerted effort by his administration homelessness among american veterans dropped by half. under president obama, 16 countries around the globe gave up every last ounce of their highly enriched uranium, taking away the risk that it could be stolen or misused to assemble
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the core of a nuclear weapon or to make a dirty bomb. president obama convened biannual nuclear security summits for the first time in our country to convince other nations to get rid of their loose nuclear material and 16 of them did that completely. under president obama. your credit card company is no longer allowed to raise your interest rates without notifying you. under president obama, if you work for a fedal contractor, that company that you work for can no longer fire you just because you're gay or trans. under president obama, our country's dependence on foreign oil plummeted. today, on the last day of the obama administration, the cia published the final update to its online document file that it calls "bin laden's bookshelf," images and translations they took out of his bookshelf in pakistan. navy seals took them out.
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we have access to the contents in bin laden's bookshelf because president obama in 2011 ordered the navy seals into pakistan on that mission that killed bin laden. under president obama, we got our nation's first chief technology officer. under a deal engineered by president obama, syria got rid of its chemical weapons. for everything else wrong in syria, bashar al assad had a huge chemical weapons arsenal. under barack obama it was handed over and destroyed. certified destroyed by international observers. under president obama, the u.s. government banned torture by u.s. personnel in all circumstances. under president obama a u.s. embassy opened in cuba. he started to normalize relations between our two countries after a half century of the frozen failed cold war standoff. president obama overturned the ban on scientific research using
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stem cells. president obama upped by billions of dollars the resources available for mental health care in the v.a. the obama administration was the first administration ever to voluntarily release the lists of people who visited the white house. first presidency to ever do that. on marriage equality, president obama did a miraculous thing among politicians, he changed his mind and under this president gay coles finally got all the same options as straight couples. you can date, you can get married, you can gets or twoed, -- you can get divorced, you can live in sin. no more excuses, you guys. under this president, the fda started regulating tobacco meaning cigarette companies for the first time have to tell you what they put in their cigarettes. when president obama took office, the deficit was 10% of our gdp, it's now 3% of our gdp. under president obama, banks have to face stress tests so they can no longer take the
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whole economy down with them when they collapse because of their own risky practices. under president obama banks can no longer use your money that you deposit in that bank to make risky bets for their own profits. after 9/11, the previous administration built a government registry that targeted muslim men. under president obama, that registry was scrapped amid fears that the next administration might reup it. president obama cracked down on the scam for-profit colleges that happily took the money you borrowed with your student loan bus then didn't give you an education in exchange for that money. the obama administration shut down the creditor that said those colleges were real colleges when they were not. under president obama, solitary confinement was banned for juveniles serving time in federal prison. under president obama, our secret overseas prisons got shut down. under the previous administration, when the remains
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of u.s. service members were flown home in flag-draped caskets to the air base at dover, that was a secret and there were no cameras allowed. under president obama that secrecy order was undone. and now, under president obama the government will pay travel expenses for the families of fallen soldiers to be there when their loved one's remains arrive on that tarmac. under president obama, the "don't ask, don't tell" ban was repealed in the military, as was the ban on transgender soldiers serving openly and all combat positions were open to women. president obama, arguably, saved medicare. he made medicare solvent for years to come because he slowed down the growth of health care costs, that is what was eating that program. president obama also inarguably saved the u.s. auto industry. he saved the u.s. auto industry, reorganized gm that paid back their bailout money and american
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automakers are now among the largest most profitable car companies in the world and millions of american jobs tell that tale. tens of billions of dollars that used to get paid to the banks for writing student loan programs go to pell grants to help people go to college who otherwise wouldn't afford it. oh, and you can't be denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition and you can't be charged more for your health insurance because you're a woman and your health insurance can't put a lifetime cap on what you're allowed to need because of your health care. and 20 million americans got health insurance because of president obama and for the first time ever, the number of uninsured people in our country in single digits, more than 90% of the country has health insurance now. and quietly along the way, yes, he did appoint the most diverse cabinet ever and he a pointed a record number of women judges
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and minority judges and they will stay there after he is gone -- including the first latina supreme court justice. daughter of selena and juan who came from puerto rico. and so this is the last day of president obama's two terms in office. he's being replaced by someone who said that president obama was secretly foreign, not really american, fake, unqualified to be president. the incoming president called president obama "stupid." called him a disaster. he also fought to have a federal judge removed from a fraud case against him on the ser basis of the fact that the judge was latino. he's a mexican, he said. he's a mexican, as that is the sole reason why that judge should not be allowed to hear his case. everybody who supported what president obama was able to accomplish during his two terms in office now overnight moves into a different position as
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american citizens. and in this part of your life. if you like what president obama was able to do in his eight years in office, all those things i just mentioned, this is the part of your life now where you will become somebody who doesn't support those things, you will become someone who defends those things. because the incoming president and what we're about to experience tomorrow, that does reflect the continuous peaceful transfer of power in our country as we have had for more than two centuries but also at almost every level it indicates a reversal and ultimately an attack on everything that the outgoing president has stood for and has embodied over the last eight years and they will try to undo everything they can. but they can't undo everything. the judges, for example? the judges stay and the record stays and the supporters of our nation's first african-american president, the people who give
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him a 60% approval rating in this country as he leaves office, supporters of barack obama, they also stay. they also continue to be among us. that is still our country. that is still the people of this country. but if you appreciate what i think the extraordinary record of president obama as he leaves office tomorrow, you do now have a new job as citizen. it's called defense. largest broadband companies in the country. after expanding our fiber network coast to coast. these are the places we call home. we are centurylink. we believen the power of the digital world. the power to connect. and that's what drives us everyday.
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journalist was held hostage/prisoner in iran, it was bret mcgirt who negotiated his release and other american prisoners from iran as much fun now, mcgirt this is point man on isis as much fun isis is in his job title as much fun the special presidential envoy for the global coalition to counter he is the u.s. point guy for the u.s. government. so if you're the incoming president, donald trump, presumably you can't wait to get that guy out of the white house, right? >> isis is honoring president obama. he is the founder of isis. he's the founder of isis, okay? he's the founder. he founded isis. >> last night you said the president was the founder of
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isis. i know what you meant. you meant he created the vacuum, he lost the peace. >> no, i meant he's the founder of isis. i do. he's the most valuable player. i give you the most valuable player award. >> but he's not sympathetic to them. he hates them, he's trying to kill them. >> i don't care. he was the founder. >> so if president obama founded isis and he hired his hand picked guy to run his so-called war on isis which, of course is not really a war on isis because he founded it and he's all in favor of it, boy, once you got a chance you would want to get that guy out of there really fast, right? that guy's got to go. right? unless you don't have anybody else in mind to do that job. unless you don't have anybody lined up. actually, you don't have anybody lined up for most of the national security positions in the new administration all together and that new administration starts tomorrow. today we learned this is unbelievable. we learned that the president-elect at the very last minute hours before his inauguration the president-elect asked brett mcguirk to please
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stay. to stay on at his job as being the point person against isis, please stay on for a while yet, indefinitely, i guess, until they can get their bleep together because they don't have anybody for that job yet. the job of defeating isis. and it's not just him. the transition team today asked something like 50 high level obama appointees to stay on until the new administration gets on to finding replacements for all of those jobs. they've asked all these high-ranking obama officials to stay now. they literally asked them today as far as we can tell. the president-elect has asked the top officials at the state department to stay on, the director of the national counterterrorism center, the head of the drug enforcement agency, the guy who runs the treasury department office that fights terrorist financing, that guy, they've asked him to run the whole treasury department for a while because the trump
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folks didn't pick anybody else to start working there. hope you guydidn't have any plans. yoguys don't mind staying on indefinitely while the trump administration gets its act together, do you? you're just going to stay, right? the "washington post" is keeping a tally of nominations for the incoming administration. of the 690 key positions in the new administration that require senate confirmation, of those 690 positions, the president-elect has so far nominated 30. 30 out of 690 and those are just the ones that are important enough to need senate confirmation. even the positions the president-elect can just appoint including basically the entire director level staff of the national security council, those jobs are all empty. and then there are the key national security roles where we just don't know what's going to happen as of tomorrow at noon. here's one that's been keeping me up a little bit. a couple of weeks ago it was reported that the top officials
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at the national nuclear safety administration, the agency that keeps our nuclear stockpiles safe, that collects loose nuclear material from around the world, the people who prevent there from being a dirty bomb or a rogue nuclear explosion on earth? yeah, a couple weeks ago it was reported the top officials of that agency had been told by the trump transition that they're out. they need to pack and leave 12:01 p.m. on inauguration day. and of course nobody has been named to take their places. understand this is unusual. when president obama started he kept on the people who were in those jobs under the george w. bush administration. he kept them on for a while until his own nominees were ready. that's not the kind of job where you want there to be a thing where nobody's running things. he knew who he wanted to appoint but he wanted to make sure it was seamless. the trump folks are not planning on that as far as we know. whether the people who run the national nuclear safety agency will still be there at 12:01 tomorrow afternoon or off to
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tahiti we dot know. but the way they're piecing this together instead of asking existing administration folks to stay on, it doesn't appear to be a planned thing. it appears to be a last-minute operation that they're mounting on the last day of the transition before the inauguration. we don't even have a full list of the obama officials the transition has formally asked to stay on. and we don't know if those people know that three officials they asked at the last minute to stay on said no. including a top official in the office of the director of national intelligence. they told the trump transition you're asking us to stay on at the last minute? no. no. we're leaving. they were asked today to stay in their jobs. at least three of them have said no. how abnormal is this? how worried should we be? they are apparently asking a lot of top ranking officials including national security officials to stay at their jobs
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and while some may say the desert is desolate... we prefer secluded. what is the desert? it's absolutely what you need right now. absolutely scottsdale. i have been deeply concerned about press reports which indicate that this key leadership post literally the steward of our stockpile might be vacant during the presidential transition has a question of interim leadership
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at nsa been resolved. >> it would certainly be my desire to have that continuity. it is in the president-elect's office now and hopefully we will see that type of continuity in those very important places. >> i want to thank you for your efforts on that. i think it would serve the new administration well. we have about 25 hours and 20 minutes to figure this thing out. >> even less time now. >> when asked whether the people who oversee our national nuclear security, whether they are being pushed out the door at 12:01 tomorrow afternoon as they were told a couple of weeks ago, perry said today i hope not. fingers crossed, i don't want that to happen. he said it is in the president elect's office now. it is noon tomorrow. those are a couple of key
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security posts for which the president elect is yet to appoint or nominate people and we don't know if come noon tomorrow anybody will be in those jobs at all. joining us is christopher lu. he served as the executive director of the obama-biden transition when the obama-biden team first arrived in washington. good to have you with us tonight. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me. >> i have been trying to understand what is normal in a transition period and whether some of the things we are hearing on the surface level are disturbing or worrying, especially in national security whether they are unusual. let me ask you given your experience here, are there -- is it an unusually large number of national security positions and other high-profile positions where we don't have nominees and people in place right now? >> look, rachel, it's not unusual to keep a certain number of people in holdovers.
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you normally do that with a plan. you have made the decision at the outset that these are critical position. you can't get them filled immediately. you notify people well in advance. i would say it is highly unusual to tell people within 24 hour of inauguration day we need to keep you on. that is only the 50 that we know about in the national security stage. i don't know what is happening in the domestic agencies whether they have given thoughts to that or if they are scrambling around right now. >> one of the things i have been waiting for, and now, wondering about, is below cabinet level announcements. we have obviously got a complete roster of cabinet level nominations with the last announcement of the agriculture secretary nominee today. as far as i have been able to tell, we have had almost no announcements of anyone below the cabinet secretary level. compared to, for example, what
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happened in 2009 with obama and biden coming in, is that a particular hole in the schedule here? >> it is a particular hole in the schedule. if you look at 2009, at this point, just one example, we had already nominated or announced our intent to nominate the deputy secretaries ostate. so you know, rachel, that it is not just 30 people at the top of these agencies but all of the other deputy secretaries, under secretaries, assistant secretaries that make this place run. given where they are -- what appears to be where they are in the vetting process, it will be months before they get these folks on board. it calls in to question their overall preparedness. >> are you worried? do you think this is potentially dangerous? >> if you believe in good government, particularly in a post 9/11 world, of course you are worried. i always tell people, the measure of a good transition is not the day before the inauguration day or the day
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after inauguration day, it is 100 days, six months out. there is time to catch up but if the next six months are like the last two it doesn't give you great confidence. >> there were some alarmed reports a couple of week ago when we learn the top two people at that agency had been told they need to be out tomorrow at noon. especially since we know when president obama came in he kept on the george w. bush folks for a while until he got his own people in place. that is something planned as part of your transition. no surprise to anybody. if there isn't clarity about what is supposed to happen at that agency or other agencies like that and the standing order is the people in charge should leave, do they just get up and walk away? if you are in a key national security job and there's nobody to take it, do you just leave, even if there is nobody to hand your keys to? >> let me just say this. at the department of labor we
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are effectively closed tomorrow. it's a federal holiday for us. if the word has not come down to us and other agencies people have just left. as you pointed out, there are several people who have been asked to stay and they said i don't want to do this. i have other plans or i don't want to serve in this administration. these are decisions that should have been made weeks or months ago. >> incredible we are having this conversation tonight christopher lu, deputy labor secretary, unique insight in to whais starting to freak me out. >> thank you for having me. the "new york times" published some breaking news about new details concerning the investigation in to possible connections between russia and associates of the trump campaign. this is an explosive subject. this is particularly explosive development on the eve of the inauguration. we have that breaking news next. i wanted to know who i am and where i came from. i did my ancestrydna
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watry...duo fusiong heartburn relief? duo fusion goes to work in seconds and lasts up to 12 hours. tums only lasts up to 3. for longer lasting one chewable tablet try duo fusion from the makers of zantac the "new york times" just published a story titled intercepted russian communications partner inquiry in to trump associates. this is obviously an inflammatory, hot story. these w deils coming out the eve of the inauguration is a bombshell, in part because it's in the "new york times" and in part because of what they are alleging. i will read you the lead "american law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation in to possible
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links between russian officials and associates of president-elect trump, including his former campaign chairman paul manafort. it is not clear if the intercepted communications had anything to do with trump's campaign or trump himself. manafort is among three advisers that possible links to russia are under scrutiny, two others are carter page, policy adviser to the campaign and roger stone, a long-time republican operative. according to the times the fbi is leading the investigation aided by the nsa, cia, treasury department financial crimes community. the times says they have accelerated their effort in recent weeks. this is interesting. it's all anonymous sources. here's how the times explains why. representatives of the agencies involved decline to comment on this story. of the half dozen current and former officials that confirmed the existence of the investigation, get this, some said they were providing
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information because they feared the new administration would obstruct their efforts. all spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case. again, there's been multiple reports there's a multi agency inquiry in to the trump campaign, people associated with the president elect and the russian government. 17 u.s. intelligence agencies have concluded that the russian government actively intervened to try to get donald trump elected president of the united states. this inquiry, again, involving intercepted communications and financial transactions. this is new detail temperature also these new names in terms of who's being investigated. this, of course, will be a real challenge, a real test for the incoming administration, particularly the new head of the justice department, likely to be attorney general jeff sessions. will he recuse himself from overseeing something like this or the fbi's part of it. dramatic time. an take a universe of data - in your case literally - and turn it into medical discoveries,
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an absolutely stunning hotel as much fun i encourage you to go there if you haven't gone by as much fun. >> it's a beautiful place as much fun i encourage you to go there, i encourage you all go there as much fun two problems with that as much fun number one, all journalists have been banned from the premises of the trump hotel this week as much fun those in that room encour e encouraging them to go there, they're not allowing any journalists into that hotel, problem one. problem two, had this trump
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spokesperson said this same thing 15 hours from now, that would be illegal as much fun it would be an immediate ethics violation for him to say that as much fun schilling for the president-elect's businesses, that's one thing but shilling on behalf of the president's businesses isn't when you are a government employee working as a spokesperson for the government, that's an entirely different matter, that's illegal as much fun as a public official, you cannot promote a private enterprise let alone a private enterprise that belongs to another public official as much fun you guys need to memorize that as government employees it will be illegal for you to promote any private enterprise, especially the president's private enterprise as much fun you know that, right? starti at noon tomorrow, wn he loses the elect part of
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president-elect, all the myriad trump conflicts of interest we have been debating for an worr worrying about for months they will ceas to be a theoretical exercise as much fun the moment he is sworn in he will be in charge of making decisions that affect the business empire that the president still owns and that will still benefit him financially as much fun we no longer are just going to be worrying about this, we will be seeing it in action. take this as an example, for example, the trump organization right now has 100 or so trademark registrations as much fun trademarks are subject to challenges, defense actions and you have to keep them registered and there's legal action around them all the time as much fun the trump organization has been very aggressive with its trademarks as much fun proceedings involving the trump organization's trademarks, the trademarkses that belong to the president, those legal
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proceedings will now be overseen by the trademark trial and appeal board as much fun the judges of the trademark trial and appeal board are hand-picked by the trump administration as much fun here's another as much fun trump organization businesses every year request dozens or hundreds of foreign visas to bring in foreign work others to make beds and cook meals at his various properties as much fun starting tomorrow, the trump organization will be applying to the trump administration for those permission s to hire foreign workers as much fun you can imagine how that's going to go, right? how many foreign visas would you like, mr. president? trump golf courses that might previously have fought epa regulation, they will now be taking their complaints to the epa controlled by donald trump as much fun here's another one as much fun the president owns the soon to be president owns a 4% stake in staret city,
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brooklyn as much fun the largest public housing development in the country as much fun in 2007, trump and other wealthy developers tried to sell it off over the objections of tenants who rely on it for subsidized affordable housing as much fun they wanted to sell it but hud, federal agency hud stepped in and blocked the sale as much fun if the trump organization dec e decides they want to try again to sell now it will be trump's own housing department deciding whether or not that sale can go forward as much fun are they really going to say no? trump's stake there is reportedly like a $25 million stake as much fun can you imagine how much me on the president would be making on just that one deal if it could be sold? imagine how hud employees feel evaluating that potential sale thinking about how much money they could either earn or cost the president? sitting on stage with the president-elect at today's
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concert at the lincoln memorial was his son-in-law and soon to be advisor jared kushner despite neptizing laws to prevent that and his expanding role in foreign policy in the new administration, his expanded role in foreign policy in the new administration even as he a few weeks ago was seeking new business dealings for himself in china, reported the transition's preference all foreign policy matters that need to be brought to mr. trump's position should be relayed through his son-in-law and all foreign policy stuff has go through jared as much fun when the obama white house fielded a call from the chinese ambassador who was mad about trump taking that call with the taiwanese president, the white house relayed that information not through trump's national security team but instead through jared, through mr. kushner as much fun at that very time, jared kushner's company was pursuing a mega
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business deal with a company that has close ties to the chinese government. one of jared kushner's most recent projects was secured with 0 million in loans as much fun 50 mistak$50 mistake5$50 millii charged investors as much fun think about that for a second as much fun it's not just these areas seem muddy, no as much fun it appears that jared kushner is the most important advisor to his father-in-law, the most important advisory to the president of the united states on all foreign policy matters as much fun he, more than anybody else, is edadvicing his father-in-law the president of the united states, what to do about china as much fun with millions of dollars on the line that personally affect jared's bottom line, china gets to tell jared kushner what to do as much fun they're in a position they could call in their loans and cost him tens of millions of dollars to him personally and to
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his family's company as much fun china is in a position to yank their financing from any kushner projects if kushner tells the president something china doesn't like as much fun china has huge financial grappling hooks in jared kushner as much fun china can therefore tell jared kushner what to do and he's the guy telling the president what to do about stuff like china as much fun all of these conflicts we have worried about for months are about to become a reality tomorrow as much fun it's go time as much fun not theoretical anymore as much fun time to be on top of this stuff, time to pay attention as much fun what's the status? there's a meteor hurtling towards earth. how long until impact? less than a minute. what do you want to do, sir? listen carefully... if we all switch to geico we could save 15% or more on car insurance.
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william mckinley, president of the united states from 1897 to 1901 meaning he was president during the heyday of the horse and carriage snchlt president mckinley and his wife used to take daily carriage rides around d.c. snch.l he was a carriage man. he was in this car. it was steam powered. we don't have photographs of his first ride on the stanley ste steamer. i think it's fair to assume it
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wasn't a pleasant experience. it took about 20 minutes to get them going because that's how long it took to get enough steam to get the thing moving. as you can tell it's like a wagon, no side panels, open to the elements a messy proposition because the roads at that time were bumpy muddy pa paths. after that ride he reportedly said "stanley's overoptimistic i think when he says those things will some day replace horses. sorry, president mckinley. every president has used automobiles since then. the current presidential limo is called "the beast." it's bullet-proof and a plate that runs underneath to it protect it from grenades and sealed off in case of a chemical attack and comes with a front
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mounted tear gas canon. although i don't know where they mounteded it. maybe it pops up like james bond. they have special mounted night cameras should the windshield become compromised. it has reinforced kevlar and little chance the president will ever get a flat. if he did, thanks to the beast's superhero transformer like rims the car could still drive at high speeds with flat tires or no tires. it's stocked with bottles of the president's blood type in case the ambulance gets cut off and they need the president's blood. here's the thing. president-elect trump will get a new beast unveiled on inauguration day. it's supposedly to look like the old version president obama was using, with updated communications more high-tech than encrypted satellite phone
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and video system the current one has on board. it will reportedly get better suspension. that was the old one bottoming out in dublin back in 2011.l here's one other detail that may be surprising. i am surprised they are not f fixing or changing this for the new beast. it's about the doors.l obviously, they're armor plated. the armor plating on the car doors is reportedly so thick that the doors for the passenger compartment where the president sits those doors are nearly as heavy as the doors of a boeing 757, because of that it is nearly impossible inrior president to own his own door. you can't open that door from inside, it's too heavy. it seems like something they should be able to fix with a car this advanced with a tear gas
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canon and night vision and refrigerated blood supplies, you would think they could come wake up a hydraulic assist so the president can open the door if he wants to. they have not changed that. once he's in the back seat he's stuck there until somebody opens the door for him or he develops super human strength. get the popcorn or maybe get the coffee ready. tomorrow will begin a long day. our inauguration coverage starts at 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. i will be on with our colleagues at msnbc. if that's still not enough we'll be back with "the rachel maddow show," same time same place, new president.l that does it for us, see you in a few hours.
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