tv AM Joy MSNBC January 21, 2017 7:00am-9:01am PST
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beat the pain and enjoy life. good morning. and welcome to "am joy" live from washington, d.c. today, the resistance will be televised. live from washington, d.c. where more than 200,000 people are expected to gather to join the women's march on washington. the crowd may even top the one that gathered for trump's inauguration. the final count is isn't in yet, but it doesn't quite hold up to president obama's 2009 crowd size of 1.8 million people. does it? so, there are more than, there are more than 600 solidarity
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marches taking place around the country and in 60 countries around the world. marked organizers say today is about citizens ensuring equal rights for women and defending marginalized people. meanwhile, donald trump is jumping right into the job. he issued his first executive orders on friday. republicans have apparently decided they are actually in favor of executive action now that barack obama is gone. the one-page document that inissued by trump instructs federal agencies to begin rolling back whatever regulations and whatever parts of the affordable care act that they deem too costly for insurers, drug companies, et cetera. no word yet on how they're going to do that. but it's clear that trump's administration is trying to gut the act even before congress repeals it. trump also immediately made a change to housing policy that will increase mortgage payments for up to 850,000 americans and low-income home buyers.
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trump's doj also pressed pause on the consent decree that was reached with the state of -- the city of baltimore following the freddy gray case. we'll have more on that later, as well. and we're going to talk a little bit more of that direct action. trump also asked for a 30-day delay in a federal challenge to voter i.d. laws in texas. president obama had issued that challenge against the state of texas, which has one of the strictest voter i.d. laws in the country. joining me now are congresswoman evet clark, president and ceo of the center for global policy solutions and joan walsh, national affairs for the nation. shining bright lights in my face and let's talk a little bit about the stakes here today. i have to first start by asking you about this consent decree delay in baltimore. i mean, we saw the freddy gray case and the uprisings that took place because of the killing of
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freddie gray or death of freddie gray and what do you think? >> we are really concerned. how police are treating the citizens of baltimore. we were pleased and really had to make sure that a final agreement was made before the trump administration came in. but now that they're in, the first action that they do is actually seek to delay the judge actually having a hearing on it. we're actually concerned and we're wondering whether this is a first attempt to try to roll back the decree. >> congresswoman, you know, on the affordable care act before congress, before your body even gets a chance to weigh in on what to do with the aca, trump comes in and it's really interesting and explicit that the decree, very vaguely worded and don't do anything that is too costly for insurance companies, drug companies and states. >> absolutely. >> i think you need to take mr. trump at his word. he says he wants to repeal the affordable care act. and he's already made actions,
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the very first axz ction is to so. we need all americans who understand what's at stake here, which is really life and limb. to stand up, stand out and make their preferences known because the congress will have actions to take, as well. and they need to know that their job's on the line. >> if republicans do go through, just veer off for a moment to affordable care act and are democrats going to cooperate in sort of a substandard replacement or make them literally live with what they've done until 2018? >> i am under the impression. i will tell you that i will personally make sure they live up to what they've done and i get the feeling from my colleagues as you can see by the boycott of the inauguration yesterday, that they are going to make sure they own that. they own that. >> something like 60 democrats. no senators. i have to talk a little bit about this march to the reason that we're here. the way of looking at this as
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saying why didn't all of these women. we're already seeing the crowds here are much thicker, substantial, growing early than we saw yesterday. why didn't these women have this energy to march to the polls and vote for a woman president? i think that is what a lot of people have rattling around in the back of their minds. >> i'm sure a lot of these women out here, joy, did do that. we can't overestimate. but 47% of them voted for her. not great. but, you know, she got a lot of votes. she got the most votes. but i hear what you're asking and i know some people who worked on the campaign who will not be marching today. i read a really moving piece on medium by a young clinton campaign worker who said, i did my marching and where were you when i was marching in the cold in iowa and all through this country. so, yeah, you know, they deserved a little bit more help than they got. but i think the people here have been fired up. are fired up. the fact that this is a woman's march. men are welcome --
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>> lots of men are coming down. >> it was incredible. but i just want to speak to one thing that you raise which is what kind of a person as one of its first actions goes and tells low and middle income, first-time home buyers you're going to pay another $500 next year in insurance. i have to make sure i finish my lunch and i'm going to cut that for you. i'm going to cut that credit for you. who does that? how could that be your first action? >> not only that, but also going on to the white house standard which is standard. when a new administration comes in they wipe what's on the white house website and some of these changes. law and order. this sort of veiled message saying we will no longer tolerate, basically, protests. and these veiled messages saying we're going to be the law and order presidency. 100% supporting police and then climate change. no, we're not going to talk about that.
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that's gone from the website. we have women out here marching. as joan very, i think, honestly said, there is a sense among women of color that women of color have actually been here already and already alarmed. do you feel, i don't know, any way about that? >> so, absolutely. climate denialism seems to be the order of the day for this administration. they are asserting their own identity, but they don't want anybody else to actually have any rights based on their identity. so, you know, i think that there is a lot of concern about the lgbt community and african-americans are very concerned. law and order are not so veiled. it's clear that the fraternal order of the police actually campaigned and came out in support of the trump administration and the police view this, i think, and many african-americans view this at open season on our communities and we're concerned. in his speech yesterday, he indicated that this is going to be, we're going to restore law and order. and for african-americans, not
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only that, but for women. women cannot get justice in communities around the country. that is why rape kits are sitting untested and unseen in baltimore as a part of the consent decree. there were issues around gender and sexism. even if anybody who had a complaint, they were finding their complaints were being diverted or not heard at all or not being taken seriously. this is not just about people of color. this is about women. this is what is exciting about today. the organizers of the march were actually intersectional in their planning and their stratogizing. this is about all marginalized population and an inclusion revolution making sure we are the voice for all the people who are trying to be marginalized. >> and, congresswoman, i think this is the point. you're seeing not just in the united states and really around the world women suddenly coming to the realization of just how at-risk your fundamental right and just decency towards women. the idea that somebody who boasted about assaulting women and what he could grab on their
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bodies, which sparked the reason you have the pink hats on everyone. >> absolutely. >> the idea that somebody like that would be affirmed by the american people. is it a depressing moment or an uplifting one? >> it's an empowering one. i believe that people recognize that in a democracy all of our voices count. you know, we may have fallen short on election day, but we did carry the popular vote. and, so, there are many more americans who are in tune with the fact that we're in the 21st century. and we're not turning back the clock. we're not going to stand for the type of, if you will, fascism. and i'm going to use that word. that many use to their advantage while suppressing and oppressing marginalized communities in this nation. and people across the spectrum, across economic status, across religions have come to that eureka moment and that's what we see here on the mall today. we see people coming together
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from across this nation making their way to the capital to let we know as a member of congress that they're not going to stand for this. and i'm here to receive them. >> it's important. i'm glad you said that. the 1963 march on washington was not a march to celebrate the congress, but a march to instruct the congress to get to work on a civil rights bill. you know, joan, i think that is the sort of sense. women around the world have had this shock to the system. the idea that women's rights are considered to be a throw away and that maybe the respect for women that a lot of young women. we both have young daughters kind of took for granted. do you see that when you talk to your daughter and you talk to her friends, her peer group that this is a wakeup call? >> absolutely. >> as you know, my daughter did work for hillary clinton across five states, including the bronx. and she, you know, it was, i think, completely shock. none of us were predicting this. i had plans to be here for six months ago expecting different circumstances. i came because i wanted to be
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part of this march. i think it is a necessary wake-up call. a lot of people who didn't do what they could in the final days because they thought the election was in the bag. and now they're seeing and they're learning anew and it's inspiring and sobering, as well. >> interesting that hillary clinton probably 30 years ago went to the u.n. and said human rights are women's rights and you're seeing that message here again. we should show the parade route to my producers back in new york. sort of mapping what the inaugural walk is. what do you think is the big take away that women should get from what they're seeing today and men? >> action. there was a big bruhaha about hillary clinton not being invited and the fact of the matter is, she is here. the reason people are out there. two reasons. anger because she was the most qualified candidate in recent modern history. we are behind the rest of the world in having a woman lead our nation. we're behind pakistan and india and places like liberia. and, yet, what we saw is that if
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the election was taken from her. so, with that i think people are angry because women are finding that there is a glass ceiling still here in america and they're fearful that they know the gop agenda is one that is anti-women. not only is the president mu sau challenge their right to reproductive health and other things important for women's lives. >> what is the congress going to do? what are democrats going to do? work with the administration for fight for them? >> i think a big fight ahead, quite frankly. where we can work with them, we stand ready to do so. >> whenever you say that, people literally cringe. no, no, no, republicans can't do that. >> i have to say this, if there is something that will uplift the people that i represent in the ninth congressional district, i'm duty bound to make sure that's done. i'm not compromising. a big difference between working
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with someone and compromising on the values that hold your community together. >> they call the congressional black congress the conscious of the congress and you know we're going to be watching you. if not, now you know people will show up and march. >> listen, my mother will show up and march and we don't want that. >> thank you very much. and joan walsh will be back later in the show. next up, we'll ask a woman who supports donald trump what she thinks of today's rally. stay with us. just like the people
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women's march on washington is largely aimed at sending a message to the incoming president. whose agenda could have serious consequences for women on reproductive rights, health care and equal pay. joining me now is civil rights lawyer lisa bloom. thank you, all, for being here. i know you're both out of your weather zone. california and miami in the house. >> i'm fired up. >> you're fired up. absolutely. i want to go, first to you because, congratulations, your side won. do you have -- what are your thoughts on this women's march on washington? >> i think this is a wonderful thing. as a matter of fact this should be a gd example for any future mishaps. let's say he does not fire through on a lot of things that he's talking about. but when you say that my side won, i think we all won in the long run if we can get these ideas out the way it's being done today and if we can at some
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point begin to work together. i think -- >> what are the things you want to see done and what ideals do you think we have in common? >> i'd like to see less taxes and a better affordable health care act and i would like tasee rights and privileges for everyone. i would like to see all of us coexist and see us be as one. >> do you think trump wants that based on what he said? >> yes. i think many times, joy, i find that they macro into little things and they just don't get the big picture. we'll see in the long run what mr. trump will do for the country. >> lisa, your thoughts. >> well, there's a reason why women are out. i'm sitting here and i'm watching thousands and thousands of women stream by right behind us and in 281 cities around the world and on several continents because we think he will be true to his promise to roll back reproductive rights. this is a man who sexualizes his own daughter and had a dozen
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women, including four of my clients accuse him of sexual misconduct, who bragged about sexual assault. this is not a friend to women and we are here today in the tradition of -- >> i love your sash. >> i am wearing a sash and i have one for you, joy. >> oh, look at this. >> i'm going to be stylish. >> this was made by a group of sisters in colorado and the tradition of suffrage 100 years ago who had to get out there and fight for our rights and that's we're doing today. you're such a wonderful for all people and you speak truth to power. >> go colorado. you know, i'm always going to represent denver. so when you hear that, iliana. you do have a guy who the way he talks about women, humiliating her and we talked about this before. you know the infamous "access hollywood" when i talk to women, young iwomen, especially, of a shock that somebody who is just
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in the way he speaks about woman is so denigrating to be president. >> i don't find it that way in the contrary. you have four clients who have lawsuits against him -- >> they don't have lawsuits. they spoke out against him. >> he's really not guilty. he needs to be indicted to be guilty. >> that's not true. first of all in the media we talk about facts every day where people haven't gone to court and been proven one way or another. >> if i can respond to the question you asked. this man caught on tape bragging about sexual assault. three weeks later very quickly he came to the table and settled her lawsuit. so, i think that does speak volumes and how many women have to come out and speak out about him before 1 or 2 or 12 of them would be believed. >> to that point, let's talk a little bit about the latest case. and your mom, gloria allred, civil rights attorney. a defamation suit now filed against donald trump, accused
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donald trump of sexually assaulting her. he defamed her when she made up the assault. that could go to court. we could have the spectacle of a sitting president of the united states sued by somebody who alleges she sexually assaulted him. does that give you any? >> we wea've seen how he has overcome many obstacles. you can throw all these ingredients in. i think that the movement, this movement, i would want it to be a woman's movement and not a man bashing movement. that's how i would like tasee this movement as a movement pro-country. not white men bashing -- >> is it bashing white men to say this particular white man, donald trump, they have assaulted up to 13 women. >> but has it been proven? in order for it to be legitimate in journalism and also in the law, it needs to be proven.
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and he needs to be indicted. >> this is proactive to what you want to do today. women's rights. >> the point. let's see. i like you and i want to -- >> i like you, too. >> i want tafind common ground with you because i think you're a reasonable person. i thought about the sign i wanted to make for the women's march a lot. i wanted it to be very positive. let's see if we can agree. would you call yourself a fierce fabulous feminist? >> i call myself a fierce fabulous person. feminist can be someone who in reality wants to go out and make sure that women don't get, don't consider aren't considered female sex like they do in hollywood with the stereotypes. but there's also a feminist movement that is men bashing. i love men. i don't want to bash men. >> feminists think they should have equal rights. >> we have equal rights. >> we don't. we don't have equal pay laws and don't have the equal rights amendment.
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>> how are women's rights being rolled back this time? >> let me give you one way. trump has come in and one of the things that he may do, according to the plan, the budget plan that they've put out is to cut back against the violence against women act. that is a demonstrable against the protections of women. what do you make of that? >> i don't know the details of that. >> has it helped us so far? >> you're saying you're not sure it helped us. >> up to this point it's been vital? >> it is of course vital. the women assaulted by their husbands. >> this today will make sure, this today will make sure that he doesn't do all of this. you know something, i'm absolutely positively certain that none of this is going to e be, be anything but positive for the whole campaign in general. if he's got to stand up to this whole movement in order to prove it wrong and make sure that all of us have equal rights because we're all americans, i'm sure he will do it, joy. >> don't you think this would be
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a good day for donald trump to apologize to women. for saying, you know, laughing along who said his own daughter is -- >> lisa, if he did that, what else would you want him to do? >> that would be a good start. >> yeah. >> and then after that and then after that and after that and after that. >> but the idea, and i don't want to approach this as everyone is a christian. the idea of apology -- for christians and i grew up in the church. the idea of apology is not the start of a slippery slope for yourself. it's the idea of your own spiritual it is a value. so the idea that i say i will never apologize because it will lead to a slippery slope and happy to apologize again and again and again is sort of anti-scripttual. we apologize because we were wrong and that in and of itself has value. donald trump never apologizes and he has never sought forgiveness. it is very bizarre to me. just to say as someone who has
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grew up in the church. he is at the prayer breakfast today. >> he calls all of his accusers liars and he said he would sue them all, which was a lie. >> if he sat there and watched tv every single day to know exactly what it is he needs to do. he needs to get to business and prove everybody wrong. >> he's gotten to business. we are going to go. i love having you two together. you have your hat. >> i am here for this march. >> can you get lisa's hat on camera. let's get a shot of the hat. this is the symbol of the march. this is what women are wearing. >> i am so excited. >> big allies. thank you fo showing up for the women's march. we love you. oh, thank you. i love you and i love you both. >> people who came out are doing something. that's the way it should always be. >> we agree on that. that's good. >> sisterhood is powerful. the women's march is a good and positive thing. lisa bloom back later in the show. and i hope you'll come back often.
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305, i'm going to rep that as well as denver. we're going to look back at the original million women march. an aoriginal one 20 years ago. stay with us. t i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing.
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cover the women's march here in washington. what you see on your screen the national, every year the national prayer breakfast donald trump is going to speak at it. if he says anything newsworthy we'll definitely bring that to you. back here in washington, today's women's march is not without controversy. the original organizers of the protest almost all of them white women at first called it the women's march. the million women's march but there was already a million women march nearly 20 years ago
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in philadelphia. on october 25th, 1997, hundreds of thousands of people nearly all of them black women marched through the streets in a show of center sisterhood to speak out for themselves. the million women march and it was organized by local black women. they did it on a shoe string budget with little advertising or involvement of big national civil rights groups and few bold name speakers. incidentally before the admin of social media. >> we come to you sisters, mothers, daughters, friends. we come bringing love, support. >> wherever you have come from, i am glad to see you here in philadelphia today. >> are we the black people going to be the only people who suffered and didn't get paid? i hope you will give a resounding no and you will do
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whatever it takes for us to collect our long, over do, much needed -- >> will you join us in a -- well, we were going to bring you more on the original million women's march and hopefully we'll have a chance to do that later. but i'm told we now have to bring you more of the national cathedral and the national prayer breakfast. ♪
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all those who call this land their home. as we mark this moment of political transition, let us all draw strength and courage from the sacred texts and songs and petitions from the many traditions of our land. and may they inspire us always to seek divine assistance, care for one another and live according to the highest aspiration god calls us as individuals and a nation. >> let all the people praise you -- >> day by day we bless you. >> we praise your name forever. >> blessed be the one holy and living god.
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>> glory to god forever and ever. >> let us pray. oh god you made us in your own image and redeemed us through jesus your son. look with compassion on the whole human family. take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts. break down the walls that separate us. unite in bonds of love and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth that in your good time all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne. through jesus christ our lord. amen. ♪
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peace. give to the people of our country a zeal for justice and the strength of forbearance. that we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will. keep this nation under your care. >> almighty and ever living god, ruler of all things in heaven and earth. grant to the president, vice president and members of the cabinet wisdom and grace in the exercise of their duties.
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world. we commend this nation to thigh merciful care that being guarded by thy providence we dwell secure in thy peace. grant to donald john trump, president of the united states and to all in authority by grace and favor. give him wisdom and strength and to know and to do thy will and do them with thy heavenly gifts. fill them with the love of truth and righteousness and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve this people in thy fear. through jesus christ our lord who lives and reigns with thooe thee and the holy spirit one god world without end.
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♪ how great thou art how great thou art ♪ ♪ then sings my soul my savior, god, to thee ♪ ♪ how great thou art how great thou art ♪ ♪ and when i think that god his son not sparring ♪ ♪ sent him to die i scarce can take it in ♪ ♪ that on the cross my burden gladly bearing ♪ ♪ he bled and died to take away
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my sin ♪ ♪ when christ shall come with shout of acclimation ♪ ♪ and take me home what joy shall fill my heart ♪ ♪ then i shall bow with humbled a adoration ♪ ♪ and then proclaim my god how great thou art ♪ ♪ then sings my soul my savior, god, to thee ♪ ♪ how great thou art how great thou art ♪ ♪ then sings my soul may savior, god, to thee ♪
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>> rets let's pray. our father in heaven and god of compassion, ow prayer today is that you would be near to all who call upon your name. that is the name that is above every name. we pray in their daily life and work and service and whatever form of service they are engaged in they would be devoted to our nation. we commend to your gracious care
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and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad defend them day by day with your divine protection and places of danger. give them courage and loyalty. and guide those also who represent our nation as members of the dein lomatic core. that they may be ambassadors of hope working for peace and good will among all people. give us grace to do your will and all that we undertake. almighty god, we also pray that you would instill in the governors of states and the mayors of cities and towns and civil servants and those that serve on school boards and councils and all governmental authority that they would have the spirit of wisdom and love and justice and compassion. that with steadfast purpose they may faithfully serve in their
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offices to promote the well being of all people. give us the grace to do your will and all that we undertake. i pray this in the name of jesus christ, amen. >> pray with me. god in our savior, one who is the way the truth and the light and the fountain of all wisdom. enlightened by your holy spirit all teachers and educators give them a spirit of grace and compassion that they may have the strength and endurance to instill a love of learning. new discovery and the pursuit of wisdom in those they teach. give us grace to do your will and all that we undertake.
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god of help and hope, surround with your loving care all first responders. police, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and all health care workers. those who devote their lives to helping others. grant them courage when they are afraid and strength when wary that they may serve you and their neighbor. in jesus give us grace to do your will in all that we undertake. >> all the people of our land health and hope and love. the desire to serve you. deliver us in our various
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>> reading from the new testament and paul's letter to the roman church. therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ. by whom also we have access by faith into this grace where in we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of god. and not only so, but we glory in
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tribulations, also, knowing that tribulation works patience. and patience experience. and experience hope and hope makes not ashamed because the love of god is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy spirit which is given unto us. >> may the power of god's word be our source as well as our shield everywhere we walk today.
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from psalm 23 verse 1. the lord is my shepard. i shall not want. he maketh me to lie down in green pastures. he leadth me beside the still waters. he restoreth my soul. he leadth me in the path of righteousness for his namesake. though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil. for thou art with me. thy rod and staff comfort me. now prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. anointest my head with oil and my cup ruth over.
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surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i would dwell in the house of the lord forever. may the lord that is blessing to the reading of his holy word. >> the word of the lord as we find it in the gospel of matthew chapter 51 through 10. when jesus saw the crowds he went up the mountain and after he sat down his disciples came to him. then he began to speak and taught them, saying, blessed are the poor in spirit. for theirs is the kingdom of heav heaven. blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. blessed are the meek, for they
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will inherit the earth. blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled. blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. blessed are the pure at heart, for they will see god. blessed the peacemakers, for they will be called children of god. blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is kingdom of heaven. this is the word of the lord. amen.
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. >> truth is god. as we embark on this journey on a path of justice, freedom and equality for all under our true leaders president donald j. trump and vice president mike pence, i would like to recite a prayer from the tenth of the sixth. which means almighty god, give me that i do not deviate from the path of righteousness, good deeds, justice and equality for all. amen. oh god whom we cannot love unless we love our neighbor, let us pray for the most wonderful in our community and lead us to be present with them in their
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suffering. lord, you have taught us that we are members of one another. hear our prayer for all who do the tedious, dirty and dangerous work, which is necessary to sustain our life. blessed those who work for the fields and grant that all who depend upon their service may remember them with thankful hearts. bless all whose lives are closely linked with ours. >> we remember before you the poor and neglected. the unemployed and underemployed.
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the homeless and the destitute, the sick and the suffering. the rejected and dissempowered. give them the blessing of your presence that all in need may be relieved and protected. bless all whose lives are closely linked with ours. >> look with compassion oh heavenly father. upon the widowed and orphans, outcasts and refugees, prisoners and all who are in danger that they may find you and be comforted. bless all whose lives are
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closely linked with ours. >> our heavenly father, we pray you start a fire in every heart, the true love of peace. and guide with your wisdom those who take counsel for this country and the nations of the earth. that in peace your kingdom may increase until the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love through your son jesus christ, our lord, the prince of peace, the king of kings and the lord of lords. who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit one god now and forever.
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in jesus name we pray. amen. >> now we invite the entire nation and people all over the world to join out loud in agreement as we sum up all our petitions let us pray each in our own language the prayer that jesus has taught us. our father who art in heaven, hallow be thy name. thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass
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against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever, amen. >> almighty god, you have given us this good land as our heritage. make us always remember your generosity and constancy so that we do your will. bless our land with honest industry. sound learning and an honorable way of life. save us from violence, discord and confusion. from pride and arrogance and from every evil way. make us who come from many nations with many different
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languages a united people. defend our liberties and give those whom we have entrusted with the authority of government the spirit of wisdom. that there might be justice and peace in our land. when times are prosperous, let our hearts be thankful. and in troubled times, do not let our trust in you fail. we ask all of this through christ jesus our lord. >> amen.
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>> look righteously almighty god upon this land. where it is in pride, subdue it. where it is in need, supply it. where it is in error, rectify it. where it is in default, restore it. and where it holds to that which is just and compassionate, support it. in your holy name we pray. amen. >> now go forth into the world in peace. be of good courage, hold fast to that which is good. render to no one evil.
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as far as it depends on you, with all but make no peace for oppression. strengthen the faint hearted and support the weak, help the afflicted. honor all people. love and serve your god whose spirit working in you can do infinitely more than you can ask for or imagine. and may the blessing of god almighty, our creator, sustainer and giver of life be with you and remain with you. this day and forever more. amen.
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>> go forth in peace and be watchful and stand firm in your faith and be courageous, be strong in all that you do and be done in love. god bless you. >> thanks be to god. ♪ >> all right. with a closing prayer from darr darrell scott that was the picture you saw in the lower right-hand side of your screen. it is a tradition every year and we are here in washington, d.c., live at the national mall for the national women's, actually international women's march on washington where hundreds of thousands of people. look at that picture there. hundreds of thousands of people gathered to demand equal rights.
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joining me now, joan walsh, and lawrence o'donnell, host of msnbc "the last word" and also the only man that we allowed to be on this show today. lawrence, and you know what because you are the lonely only lawrence, i'll let you talk first. how about that. i'll let you have your final say. what do you make of this march on washington here today? >> well, there are already some preliminary estimates including that it may be a bigger crowd than we saw there yesterday. truly by the end of the day we'll have something more definitive on that. this is a precedent that began in 1969. the election of richard nixon was the first one to have protests, significant protests at inauguration, especially the day before that inauguration. when nixon was re-elected in 1972, that's when it went huge.
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that protest was much, much bigger. 100,000 people on the same day as the inauguration. and that, that inauguration that they were protesting no one knew that day that that president being sworn in was a year and a half away from being driven out of washington through impeachment proceedings and forced to resign. so, the history of inaugural massive inaugural protests, which we between 1972 and now, there has not been another massive one. but the history of that massive inaugural protest is rather, is a rather powerful message for just how right the protesters can be. >> yeah, absolutely. the invoking of nixon and we talk about nixon for a moment because the guy who also invoked law and order and elected supposedly to put down these marches in the streets. the riots that were making a
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certain quarter of america feel like they were losing their country. >> he was behind the silent majority. as a result, he had a lot of scrutiny because, i want to say the time when the voting rights was actually taking place and taking hold and we were recognizing the diversity of americans in our rights and i think the hard thing now is that 50 years later we feel like we were having the exact same conversations. what is amazing about these marches, though, yes, it's the women's march. it's happening globally, but men marching next to us and saying and women's issues, let's be very clear. we're talking about pay equequi and we're talking about women being one and whole and that's why we're marching today. >> that is michael moore. you can see michael moore is one of the speakers at the march. he has been wearing that red cap since he did his recent film and it is meant to signify cauline kaepernick and his solidarity and the other nixon sort of
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connection here is that watergate was about the break in of the democratic national committee. how ironic that here we are with the breakin done by the russians. >> this feels like the third, richard nixon's third term, really. he didn't get to serve out his second term. this is his third term. but we're much better at fighting it. and i think what we're seeing is people putting aside narrow agendas to come together for a march like this. i think it's really the beginning of something. i think this is something very, very different. >> and you work for which is an advocacy organization that got started during the clinton era when conservatives were the ones saying it is the president sort of bringing down our national discourse. is there something about donald trump that evokes what we're seeing behind us. this huge reaction and is it really just as simple as him being vulgar on an "access hollywood" video? >> what they're doing right now they're planning to defund planned parenthood.
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they're not a friend of women at all. in the $10 trillion plan that's coming out that's supposed to work on the deficit. in that plan, they are including trying to get rid of, wanting to get rid of the office of violence against women. and that is incredibly, it would be daunting and awful if they were to do that because that may have programs that support women with domestic violence, dating violence and this is what they're doing right now. so, they are not, they are being haasile. they are putting together an administration that is going to be hostile against women. >> you worked on the hill and very knowledgeable in the way of washington. give us a sense of how much damage or how much can donald trump actually do to implement his agenda without even having to go to congress. i mean, a lot of people here are talking about what trump can do. we know that the congress does most of it. how much can he do on his own? >> well, i think the executive order yesterday on the affordable care act is the most vivid example so far. it could be a devastating
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executive order. it was to all department heads, especially the head of health and human services saying you should use all of your discretion to basically delay or stop the unenforcement of elements, any element at all of the affordable care act that imposes any kind of cost or any kind of burden just use the word burden on anyone. so that means instant elimination of the individual mandate if the secretary of health and human services believes he has that authority. and i think they do believe they have that authority and i think they believe they have the authority to do basically any dismantling they want and then let someone go to court and take years trying to fight that implementation of the executive order. in the meantime, the structure of the affordable care act gets damaged so badly that the republicans months down the road get to say, look how dysfunctional it is, we have to
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get rid of it. >> then they can sort of claim to let it collapse. one of the other things, by the way, that was ashley judd. back up there, again. let's listen to ashley judd a little bit. >> america turning rainbows into suicide notes. i am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, mesogany, ignorance, white privilege. i'm not as nasty as using little girls like pokemon before their bodies have even developed. i am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol. like your dreams infused with
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your own jean gegenes but, yeah nasty woman. a loud, vulgar proud woman. i'm not nasty. like the combo of trump and pence being served up to me in my voting booth. i'm nasty like the battles my grandmothers fought to get me into that voting booth. i'm nasty. like the fight for wage equality. scarlett johansson, why were the female actors paid less than half of what the male actors earned last year? see, even when we do go into higher paying jobs our wages are still cut with blades. >> that's ashley judd getting, bringing the fire there. talking about all the ways in which she is not as nasty coming in. one of the other things that i think is quite nasty that has been done is this stay of the
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voting rights case in texas that you've now had the trump administration come in and essentially say they want to relook at it, potentially with jeff sessions in the ag chair. >> that's the challenge. because basically what the texas case said is, wait a second, we have to revisit the voting rights because people were disenfranchised. >> 600,000. >> 200 voting booths in north carolina alone were all of a sudden eliminated this election. it was something that was real that was impactful. jeff sessions his own words saying i find the voting rights obtrusive. i find it something -- and every american should really be figuring out where are they going to stand because as we are increasingly a diverse country when we are learning new laws and trying to participate and we have an administration that is haasile to participation, we have to be adamant and make sure that we are not going to let this happen because our democracy is as strong as our participation. >> another announcement of an appointment to the trump administration, a supporter of hb2. >> the office of civil rights.
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>> running the -- the robert kennedy seat in the justice department. >> and this is why i want this march to really strengthen the spine of democratic senators. because that, that hearing was a travesty with african-american leaders going at the tail end. >> at the back of the bus, they said. >> back at the bus, back of the hearing, folks. and it's going to be very hard to stop him. may be impossible and they have to try everything that is in their power including the filibuster. they have to drag out that vote and more things will come up. it's not over. it's not over. i just want to say that. you know, people say they don't have the votes, but more can come out about jeff sessions and the more he gets to implement his agenda and people see that this -- they were not kidding about this, folks. we are going to have a roll back of the ability to vote in the south and else where. maybe people will get religion. not all republicans want that.
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>> it is realistic to say that we are going to see probably a breathtaking rollback and the right to vote. john lewis who, you know, people are accusing him of partisanship of all things. but is he sort of setting the tone for the way that democrats should at least comport themselves in terms of the fight? >> absolutely. one advice i would give to donald trump and this is the only advice i would give to him. if you have issues with your own civil rights kind of record, you do not go after a civil rights leader because you will lose every time. and, so, i hope that, i mean too, the point that joan was making. i hope democrats see this today and they and on the hill and they see this and they realize, okay, we have the support. we have the support from the people. and we need to come out and fight. and use our procedural power as much as we can in every way to stop what's going on. >> is anything this election taught us, the fact that both parties had populous folks rise up among the ranks. the american people at the end of the day, they want their
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leadership fighting. if they cannot get that clear message, then basically they already -- >> let's talk about that on that procedural thing. i am a little obsessed with this, as well. we saw no senators boycott the inaugural. they all went. you heard a lot of senators come out and where they can work with trump, they'll try to do it. can the democrats in the minority status they have right now do anything at all, really, to block the trump agenda and, if so, what can they do? >> oh, sure. it's all up to that 60-vote rule. everything that is done outside of reconciliation, which is basically the budget bill, is subject to that 60-vote rule in the senate. and republicans, obviously, exploited it on a daily basis and the democrats should be able to do that, too. and this could be a little different from republican obstructionism of the obama agenda in the senate because we already know that there are republicans in the senate who do
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not share donald trump's views on several issues. and, so, there will be opportunities for the democrats to possibly pull over. this is kind of an old-fashioned idea, by the way. this is the way it used to work in the 1980s and the early 1990s is that each party, democrats would look across the aisle and say, i think we have three or four we can pull over for this and you can identify three or four right now. who could be pulled over in certain things, john mccain, lindsey graham, marco rubio, possibly. so, we're going to see, we're going to see that 60-vote threshold being used by the democrats to stop whatever they can. >> and at the same time, i'll throw this out to the panel, there are also i can think of two or three democrats who, joe manchin who seem open to being pulled over in the other direction. how do democrats hold their line and hold it together? i'll start with you, >> this is the way we see it. joe manchin, if you don't get in line with the people and with the democrats, then be careful
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for your re-election. right? we're going to be there. we're not going to let him forget what's going on at all. we're going to watch where he stands with the people and if it's not with us and not with the people, we will be out there making sure that we make his re-election incredible. >> i have to go to you first on this and then joan. you know, there was this belief that i think both of us talked about on air that the latino vote, actually, could be that hammer. that could actually bring the democrats over the finish line and be decisive. it didn't seem to happen. can it happen going forward? >> so, i think there's a lot of misconceptions of the latino vote. but everything that we're finding and we're waiting to match files and too much image detail. 18% of latinos voted for trump. 79% of them voted for hillary clinton. that was -- they showed up. they showed up. that is historical. >> thank you for that correction. that's good to know. >> 64% of them early voted. that had never happened before. i would say, we showed up. the problem is, this is what i keep saying.
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it's the old girl scouts. now, make new friends but keep the old. the progressive party forget to keep their old friends and talk to them. right now everybody is paying attention. everybodyattention. everybody has -- there's a little bit -- in some cases a lot of fear. there is fear and apprehension. when people are prime to pay attention to politics, news organizations have to make sure we keep people honest. donald trump does very well is he obfiskates. he knows how to do it. he needs a headline. we can not give him a headline that's all he need to say i saved a 1,000 jobs, no you didn't not. >> 2,600 gm employees got laid off. you know, this is sort of the puzzle for democrats. they keep wanting to go in and poach white republican women. they keep wanting to expand the tent in that direction. i'll come to you and put you on the spot. it delved into the new deal generation began to pull away
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from the new deal programs and walk away from the democratic party. is there a way to keep grounded in the base make sure african-american and latino voters are brought out to vote and given the due we deserve but change the minds of white women voters who voted for donald trump or jill stein. >> white men, too. i think that what we saw was a lot of people stayed home. we do know some people flipped trump. you know, i get frustrated when i hear people say clinton wasn't radical or strong enough. everything in this platform, the march on washington platform was in hillary clinton's platform. i mean, the problem was, on the economy in particular, her message wasn't getting out there. if you go to her speeches, it's not that she wasn't talking about it. it's thought we didn't cover her speeches the way we covered donald trump unless she was bashing trump. the news media turned away frut the meat in her speeches.
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she deserves some of the blame. >> e-mails, e-mails, e-mails. i want to put up a picture, we have a photographic representation, this was the national mall yesterday for donald trump's inaugural. you can see the empty space. little pockets that are dark color, that is the people. now let's look at today. and producers, this isn't the national mall, this is what we're looking at now, can you give me the streets where we are right now. i think this is near the capitol. we're at north capitol. >> museum right there. >> oh, that is the mall. okay. that is the mall. let's go back and show the first 1 aga one again. that's the crowd yesterday. let's come back and let's look at the crowd again today. all right. and lawrence o'donnell, we talk about donald trump, you talk a lot about him. these things do matter to him, the size of his crowds. and the robustness of his
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movement. what do you think seeing these two side by side split screens, not the mention the split screens with barack obama and how fast he'll be tweeting. >> he has a method of ignoring all realities around him. but these numbers what we're seeing today are important to history, joy. it is official now. this is the biggest inaugural protest in history. the one in 1972 was estimated to be 100,000 people. this crowd is at least double that and could be getting bigger than that. and so this is it now. from 1972 to here, was basically no real significant inaugural protests. 1972 was the biggest. now we have broken that record today. so this makes this an historic day. this protest now, historically is the largest inaugural protest
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in history. >> look at that crowd. you know, joan, it's not just in the united states. it's 50 states and it's global. 66 countries. i woke up this morning to new zealand. >> oh, my gosh. >> i saw london. >> paris. it's all over the world. >> why do you think trump triggers that -- we get it in this country because a lot of women feel robbed of the white house. what is it about around the world? >> i think they feel threatened and they're coming out to do something for us. you know, the perception is the american people help others. and they're coming out to support us. and i also want to say about the composition of this crowd. if the democratic party thinks it should move away from its female centered base is crazy. >> let's shout out to the men out there. when i got on the amtrak, the last amtrak out of new york this morning, which was jam packed, sold out, there were a lot of guys out there, it wasn't just
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women. >> it's what -- donald trump's election, he had for the very first time open dialogue between men and women. lawrence was the leader in having these conversations during the -- and really, saying, i had no idea walking late at night to your car was a problem. those basic issues. i think men feel like they have more skin in the game than before. we have to make sure that we double down on the awareness. we make sure we're opening the conversations and do not close the violence against women shop. >> with men, they think about their own daughters, especially when you saw the access hollywood tape. i remember men saying they were in the car, their daughters were in the car and they heard the tape and they had to explain to their daughters that our presidential candidate, one of our presidential candidate is talking this way. you know what, i remind myself of, in 2008 in november when president obama won the election and we saw how globally people
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were reacting to him becoming the first black president after eight years of bush. now we had obama. and now i think what is happening is, also globally, we're using -- we've lost obama. he's now gone and look who we're getting now. >> absolutely. >> and true to form, i'm going to give you the last word lawren lawrence lawrence o'donnell. >> i defer to authorities in washington to get the last word today. >> you're too g, lawrence. thank you so much for joining us from new york. thank you, of course, to our panel and lawrence o'donnell. appreciate you coming out and getting up on a saturday. i'll be back at 2:00 p.m. eastern with another pal, thomas roberts, we're going to co-pilot. we're going to cover the ongoing protests, historic protests throughout the country. don't miss tonight's back to back editions of for the record
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you're looking at just a few of the gatherings in cities across the country and around the world today. hundreds of thousands rallying and marching to send a message to the trump administration. women's rights are human rights. hello everyone it's high noon in the east and 9:00 out west. i i'm kristen welker live in washington, d.c. we're doing joint anchoring today on what has become a monumental day of activity. i'm overlooking capitol hill right now. we have reporters from coast to coast, covering every angle of today's events. morgan
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