tv Meet the Press MSNBC January 22, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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this sunday, a divided country on a split screen weekend. it began with the inauguration of a new president. >> yes, together, we will make america great again. >> that brought out hope in some. >> it's amazing to see our democratic process. >> and prompted millions of women to march across the country. >> we are america, and we are here to stay. and around the world. to march for women's rights and against the new president.
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plus the bizarre fight over crowd size. >> it looked like a million or a million and a half people. >> donald trump accuses the media of lying about the size of the crowd. but the photos comparing friday's crowd with obama's first inaugural tell a very different story. and that inaugural address that was a call for renewed american strength, and a dark portrait of the nation that president trump now leads. >> this american carnage stops right here and stops right now. my guests this morning, kellyanne conway, chuck schumer of new york. joining me is chris matthews, kristen welker.
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hugh hewitt, and elliana johnson. welcome to a special edition of "meet the press." good sunday morning on this most remarkable of inauguration weekends. hundreds of thousands of people gathered on the washington mall to celebrate. the big stories turn out to be the massive demonstrations and then the head scratching decision by president trump to pick another fight with the press. two million people, mostly women, took to the streets to fight for women's rights and to rebuke president trump. some had to cancel marches. the crowds rattled the white
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house. sean spicer gathered reporters, took no questions, and then flatly accused the media of lying intentionally. >> this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration period both in person and around the globe. >> spicer says the pictures tell the story, so here are the pictures. on the left, a shot taking moments before noon the day of president obama's inaugural. on the right, moments before noon on friday, from the same camera. which crowd is larger. all of this came a day after president trump's inaugural address that delighted supporters and will be remembered domestically as the american carnage speech. leaving the image of crime, drugs, and rusted out factories. but it was the marches in their
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stunning size, scope, and number, that stole the weekend. in washington dc and around the nati from new york city to boston. chicago, seattle, los angeles, and even every continent around the world millions of women marched in protest. the message? a historic rebuke to mr. trump and a declaration of feminism in a polarized america. >> thank you for understanding that sometimes we must put our bodies where our beliefs are. >> with signs many made of poster board, kids in tow, women, and men showed up in other cities. houston, indianapolis, miami, phoenix, miami, and juneau, alaska and arkansas, covered the steps. >> we had a massive field of
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people, you saw that, packed. i get up this morning and i turn on one of the networks and they show an empty field. >> a country divided fully on display. among president trump supporters there is hope. >> making history, changing america. >> i think this will be a dizzying first 100 days. >> 70 pktt of americans believe that under president trump divisions will continue or get worse. past presidents in divided times reached out to opponents. nixon in the vietnam war. >> we cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another. >> george w. bush after a disputed election. >> sometimes our differences run so deep it seems we share a continent but not a country. we do not accept this. >> mr. trump's 16 minute
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inaugural address crafted by steve bannon and steve miller, while pleasing supporter s a declaration of combat. he painted a dark picture of the country he is inheriting. >> forgotten men and women, trapped in poverty, rusted out factories, deprived of all knowledge, the crime, the gangs, and the drugs. this american carnage stops right here and stops right now. >> president trump proposed a solution more populist and nationalist. his rallying cry, america first is borrowed from charles lindberg. around the world, some leaders were rattled by the "america first" promise. joining me now is the
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counsellor to president trump, kellyanne conway. welcome to the white house north lawn that will become a familiar place for you, i think. the presidency is about choices, so i'm curious why president trump chose yesterday to send out his press secretary to essentially litigate a provable falsehood when it comes to a small and petty thing like inaugural crowd size. my question to you is why do that. >> the president did many things yesterday and the day before that are very meaningful to america. he signed executive orders to stop obama care and it's problems. millions of people lost their insurance, doctors, plans. that stops right now. he will replace it with something much more free market and patient-centric. for crowd size, i think the most quantifiable points of interest for america should billion what just happened a few months ago
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that brought him here, the states and counties that were for president obama that went to president trump, and the fact of how many women voted for trump. someone should cover their voices as well. i'm about things that are quantifiable and important, i don't think they're judged by crowd sizes, i think they're judged by their accomplishments. on the matter of crowd size, i think it is a symbol for the unfair and incomplete treatment this president often receives. i'm very heartenned to see that 31 million people watched the inauguration. president obama had 20.5 million watch his inauguration four short years ago. they're watching it on different screens and different modes, and for me there was a prediction of a downpour of rain that deterred many of people from coming.
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there was hundreds of thousands of people on the mall and many people were enthused. >> you make a very reasonable and rational case for why crowd sizes don't matter, you did not answer the question. why did the president send out his press secretary who is not just the spokesperson for trump, he is also the spokesperson for all of america at times. he speaks for all of the country at times, why put him out there for the very first time in front of that podium to utter a provable falsehood. it's the first time, but the first time he confronts the public it's a falsehood? >> chuck, if we're going to keep referring to our press secretary in those terms, we have to rethink our relationship. i want a great open relationship with our press. look what happened the day before. we allowed the press to come into the oval office and witness president trump signing
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executive orders. of course the senate just confirmed general mathis and kelly. and what happened almost immediately is a falsehood about removing the -- >> it was corrected immediately. >> chuck, why was it said in the first place because everyone is so presumptively negative. >> i don't know, climb in the head of that reporter. >> that reporter was writing on behalf of the press pool, that falsehood that spread 3,000 times, that report was corrected and it's still out there. >> you did not answer the question. >> i did answer your question. >> no you did not. why did the president ask the white house press secretary to come out in front of the podium for the first time and utter a falsehood. why did he do that? it undermines the credibility of
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the entire white house press office on day one. >> don't with so automatically dramatic about it. sean spicer gave alternative facts to that. >> alternative facts for the facts he uttered. the one thing he got right was zeke miller. alternative facts are not facts, their falsehoods. >> is it a fact or not that millions of people lost their plans, health insurance, doctors under president obama. is it a fact that everything we heard from the women yesterday happened on the watch of barack obama. he was president for eight years, trump has been here eight hours. is it a fact that millions of women, 16.1 million women, as i stand here along today are in poverty with their kids. millions don't have health care. that we spent billions on education in the last eight years to have millions of kids still stuck in schools that fail them every single day. these are the facts that i want
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the press corp to cover. >> i understand this, what i don't understand is that that is not what yesterday was about. you did not answer the question. >> that is what his presidency will be about. >> you sent the press secretary to go out and utter a falsehood on the smallest pettiest thing. >> i don't think you can prove those numbers one way or the other. there is no way to quantify crowds. you can laugh at me all you want, but i'm -- i think it is symbolic by the way we're treated by the press. the way you laughed at me is representative of the way we're represented by the press. i'll ignore it. i'm glad you're so thrilled to cover crowd control. we were mocked talking about the historic crowds for our
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campaigns. he brought in historic crowds and on great days we were ignored, and on most days we were mocked. those crowds mattered, he built a movement. >> of course they matter, why is he litigating this. why stand in front of a memorial at the cia, and talk about crowd sizes. >> you don't want to talk about the rest of what he said. first his very presence at the cia sent a great message to our brave men and women in the intelligence community. he went to the cia. he thought he was going to see the swearing in of mike pompeao. >> that will be a question i have for him. >> ask why they they have nominated 21 of 21 and two confirmed while he takes office.
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the democrat senate wants to hold up treasury, commerce, energy, education, the list goes on. we should a cabinet setted so so this transfer of power happens properly. he went to the cia because lies have been told about his relationship and respect for the intelligence community. he went right there. we had over 1,000 requests to attend. >> can i ask you to tell me what lies about the intelligence community were uttered about president trump's relationship with the intelligence community? >> that he doesn't respect them. do you think what the outgoing cia director said, the language and vocabulary he used "improves our relationship with the intelligence community." it is irresponsible. >> is this responsible? the agencies that allowed information so false and fake
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out that is something that nazi germany would have done, a disgrace. >> w was it right to compare them with the nazi germany. >> you had people releasing a dossier of junk and lies and fake news. and why did they release it? they knew that russian hacking had been totally dismissed. hillary clinton lost that election fairly and square life running on the same message that's we have seen here. i heard like a repeat. it was an awful sequel. we just litigated all of this. donald trump, president trump is very concerned about the leaks that occurred, and concerned that people would denigrate the respect for people he has in the intelligence community. why don't you go back to his
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statement after he had an intelligence briefing that he and vice president pence won't talk about it sfwabecause it is secret. they're protecting us by not leaking, put that statement up. he said i respect the service of our great men and women in the intelligence community, and the last part of the statement was that he looks forward to directing his own intelligence team within 90 days of welcom b president of the united states to get a better view of cybersecurity. >> i want to go back to a question that you continue to deflect. why was it necessary to send out the press secretary on his first day in office to utter a provable falsehood that now
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makes a question for everything that he says from here on out. >> i'm answering your questions. you want them to hear that we can't trust the press secretary. >> what was the motive for the ridiculous litigation of crowd size. >> chuck, your job is not call things ridiculous. you're a news person, not an opinion columnist. >> please answer the question, why did he do it? >> think about what you just said to your viewers, that's why we feel compelled to go out and clear the air. >> it is a political tactic to come up with alternative facts and try to set up the press as your enemy? >> no, i didn't say that at all. i'm here because of all of the provable quantifiable facts. because of the devastation and destruction in our schools, with
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our health care, with our economy, our small business owners, and yes, certainly with terrorism. infrastructure -- this guy will do so much in the first week, he will speak to benjamin netanyahu today. he will end the week receiving prime minister teresa may from the u.k. here. they're going to help renegotiate u.s. and u.k. trade. you want to talk about things the media doesn't want to cover. you missed brexit, you missed teresa may. you missed it all along. and america -- you have 14% approval rating. you want to push back on us and yet you have -- >> all i'm looking for is an answer to a simple question. you never answered why or the motivation of what was necessary about doing that yesterday. >> tell me why you just referred to us as ridiculous. why were we lied about. >> i didn't say anything, look,
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you're deflecting in order to avoid answering a question. >> nbc covered that report along with other article that's are still online. you can't have a press coming in on day one of the mad min strags. we were open and gracious, and they wrote a false report, days after president trump met with martin luther king the third. his son, in new york city. had a very constructive open conversation where martin luther king jr.'s son said we have to unify and help heal the country together. and any snarky attempt to under mine this president. we can't have this relationship. >> i agree, but i'm trying to ask basic questions, and you're
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attacking me with a weird twitter feed that you're obsessed with. you have another interview, i have the rest of the show. >> ask chuck schumer why we don't have cabinet secretaries arrived. >> i will, among the questions i have for him. thank you kellyanne conwa the man that many people are looking to tostop trump, senate democratic leader, chuck schumer. >> january 20th, 2017, will be >> january 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the which you are you? >> january 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis.
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before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®.
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be the majority leader. he joins me now. senator, let me start with a question that i was going to ask you, and it's one that kellyanne c conway, the counsellor for the president wanted to ask you. why hold up mike pompeo's nomination for the weekend. it looks politically petty. >> no cia director has been confirmed the day of the inauguration. the cia is in very good hands, i suggested to the vice president on wednesday to have brennan stay. he would be willing to stay. there are very serious questions about mike pompeo.
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he may consider going against waterboarding. just came out yesterday. so to have a discussion for a few days when he will have enormous power, and be in office for maybe up to four years, makes eminent sense sdplp b. >> the waterboarding question was asked and answered, and he said in front of everybody there under oath, that he was not in favor of it. >> yeah, but in the questions that just came back friday, he said he consults experts, there seems to be a backtracking. this is why we have to have discussion. >> it will be voted on tomorrow -- >> what discussion, it seems like a petty delay tactic, what discussion is left. >> that is silly. ask snathder -- there is presle
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of -- they did not want any debate on the floor. senator widen has very serious questions. it does no harm to have that debate and vote monday night. >> let me ask you about your relationship with the new president. we had reporting that you told the president that you have issues with two particular cabinet members. tom price one of them. when we were eves droppings on the signing of the nominations, what does that mean? are you looking at a long hold up of the nominations or do you think you can defeat them. >> the cabinet is unlike any other we have seen on two basis. a swamp cabinet, billionaires and bankers. there are more people with huge financial holdings, which they
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have to divest under law so they don't have conflicts of interest. this takes a tremendous amount of time. they did not submit ethics reorts, fbi ports, they were poorly prepared and we need to examine the conflicts of interest. mulvaney for years didn't pay taxes on a household employee. and there is an additional problem. a lot of these nominees have views directly against what donald trump campaigned on. we naeheard in his inaugural speech. privatizing medicare, trump said he would not touch medicare. no one talked about that. there is so many of these
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nominee that's have different views than what the president campaigned on. of course there will be scrutiny. will he win some of the fights? possibly. i will tell you this, chuck, these people will have enormous power over americans for years. to have a little debate and discussion before they take office. if i was the republicans of course i would want to ram a cabinet like this through, i'm embarrassed by it. >> let me drill down on mick mulvaney. you defended tom daschell and said it was not a withdrawable defense. >> my objections to mulvaney for more relate to his views in the congress, and as omb director he has tremendous, tremendous power. but there are many people who
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feel that the household nonpayment should have been a reason, and republicans themselves said it. we should have a thorough discussion. there ought to be thorough discussion. >> so you don't believe that was disqualify able? >> i want to see the whole record. my conflicts are far different. >> you're a student of politics, and you will acknowledge when someone does something well, and if you can, take a tactic. what have you learned from trump's success. >> when you lose and election like we do, you don't blink or flinch. we did not have a sharp or strong enough economic message. many people thought that trump had a stronger economic message than we did.
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we'll take the blame for that. a really sharp edged bold democratic plan, that will help us at the same time, the affordable care act, et cetera. >> we had a polarized eight years with president obama. >> we're not going to impose something because of said. we will work with them on trade. if he was to repeal carried against exemption, we'll support them, but where the values are different we'll oppose them. the affordable care act, rolling back, clean air, clean water, it is our values that will decide things. >> appreciate you coming on.
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hewitt, let's get your book plug in, "the fourth way." let me set up the conversation. the conversation that i had with kellyanne conway up for debate here, let me play sean spicer from yesterday to reorient everybody. here it is. >> this kind of dishonesty in the media, the challenging bringing about our nation together is making it more difficult. there has been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold donald trump accountable. it goes two ways. we're going to hold the press accountable as well. >> hugh hewitt, like i began my question, the presidency is about choices. you make choices. they made a choice they wanted to litigate this, can you explain? >> i believe a lot of it has to do -- i believe in grace. zeek miller made a mistake, sean spicer made a mistake. it is not good to begin your presidency at war with the
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media. so i'm hoping that we don't relitigate it. the most important thing over the weekend was that we didn't have brussels, nice, or san bernardino. and the most important thing said in the inaugural speech is that we will radicate radical islamism. >> yeah, i think -- why did they choose to do that. >> it is the most important day, you have to say to the press i'm here to serve you to get the news out, we'll disagree occasionally, but that's what it is about. you were addressing observable checkable facts, and she made other points that were valid and political, but not on that
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point. that's what you have to do in journalism. take the heat for asking the question. take the heat for asking four times before you get the answer. it was the marks line all of the time, will you believe me or your lying eyes. >> people do things for a reason. trump does best when he has a foil. he called the media the new opposition party. he is making the media his foil, he sent sean spicer out to do it. he did it with the intelligence community, i think this is is not something that can't be explained. it's an intentional tactic. >> it is a real missed opportunity. president trump will be meeting with teresa may on friday, why not talk about that or the fact
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that he has been talking to to her about a new trade deal. this was a warning to the press. >> if scene spicer wanted to make sure tv cameras are turned on, i think he did a good job of that. >> right now they're talking to former press secretaries, democrats and republicans, saying when you walk out, you have a responsibility to try to tell the truth and answer questions, and he didn't -- >> some people make mistakes. he was given bad data i think on the metro. some poor staffer gave him bad data. >> but this was an intentional tactic towards the media. >> let's give him a little grace, it was his first day, he didn't know how to organize the pool, right? >> there is a little sense of the first day of school. >> i watched sean with great
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sympathy. it's like he was a babysitter and he knew the camera was on him. everything he said was being watched by donald trump and donald trump said shove it at those guys. >> he raised his voice and yelled and screamed. it was odd. and let me go to the inaugural speech and ask you this question. if there was a more unifying note somewhere, do you think yesterday's crowds on the march would have been as intense? do you think we would have seen what we saw yesterday in the press briefing. >> i don't think the president could have done anything to stop the crowds yesterday. that was an interesting moment in history. it was spontaneous. it was a grim speech, but it was realistic. i encourage everyone to read "field of flight." i think that informs that
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press secretary sean spicer says donald trump's crowds were larger than obama's inauguration. the district never voted for republican for president and the re john itself is turning bluer. when ronald reagan was elected, he lost dc badly. he didn't need to go far to find friendly territory. george hw bush had to go 5.8 miles away. in maryland you had to go to howard county.
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in 2004, the nearest wins were both 25 miles from 1600 pennsylvania avenue. and now donald trump who won only 4% of the vote in washington dc lost all of the surrounding counties. so find a county that voted red, he has to go 27 miles or 42 miles. by the way, from trump tower in new york, which some are calling white house north, the closest supporting county was richmond. a bit close if he takes the ferry. it is true that large metro areas have been trending democratic, but this sets up an awkward situation. besides having a hard time getting local residents to show up for inauguration. it is important for the president to have a good relationship with employees and vice versa. this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour.
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to win, every millisecond matters. both on the track and thousands of miles away. with the help of at&t, red bull racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. brakes are getting warm. confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision. because no one knows & like at&t. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths
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or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®.
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we need to be ready for my name's scott strenfel and r i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. we're back with the panel and the man who may best be able to explain donald trump for those who didn't vote for him. he is a long time friend of donald trump. he was chairman of the presidential nominating committee. mr. barrick, welcome, sir, president trump put out a tweet this morning, peaceful protests
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are a hallmark of our democracy, even if i don't always agree, i recognize the rights of people to prozest. help explain the different impulses of the new president. >> yesterday was an amazing day, right? the first day, a major demonstration, the women's march, beautifully executed. it was a great display of democracy. and he really feels this way. embracing different points of view is part of the fabric of -- on the first day of his presidency. the controversy of the crowds, something that doesn't need to be done. another great tribute to america, and president trump's inauguration was equally brilliant. the controversy and the problem all starts with me, as chairman
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of the presidential inauguration. so a presidential inauguration committee comes together at the conclusion of an election. so it is not formed until 57 days ago. larger than the olympics. 21 events in six days. the joint task force that was brilliantly run at the capital, starts 18 months earlier. so now you a nonpartisan group, 350 employees, the president said look, this is the most important first fingerprint that the world will see on democracy as to how this is run. so the key is no goof ups, safe, protected, and secure. >> i think i go back to -- why
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did he want to litigate crowd size. >> he was correct from the information that he was given, given from us. we have 350 employees, the security people, facts, when he concluded the armed services ball, brilliant, he asked me how did we do, i said it was the best inauguration in history. i'm marketing, right? did i have a count? thank goodness the senate didn't confirm me as a statistical warrior. i went to the team, they say fantastic, here is how it went. i gave him the information, and he said what was the estimate, and i said in the viewing and hearing area, based on our facts and our sight team, about a million and a half people.
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it's an accurate number, looking at the pictures that are difficult to curuate, it's difficult to tell. >> i want to move to why is he bothered by it. >> here is what his issue is. it wasn't the side of the crowds. his issue was why in a tweet is the point of view by the press and my first day of work, showing a disparity between my success as a president on the first day, and our past president, who he has great respect for, it is a point of view that was wrongfully expressed. if he is held accountable to tweets and accuracy, why isn't the press, and the first tweet that came out from the new york times reporter, that was retweeted by the park service --
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we're getting too much into the weeds here, but explain sort of how president trump won't -- how do you keep him from getting distracted by small things to not interfere with big things. >> my experience with him, he doesn't get distracted. he is consumed by detail and big things. he is relentlessly focused. he is looking at this, that issue, full stop for him, it wasn't about the numbers or the size, i want parody. if i'm scrutinized for my tweets, i want the press scrutinized as well. it is chaos. moving in, people say what happened to the spanish part of the web? what happened to the -- >> can i jump to a big issue. you could dazzle us by speaking in arabic right now if you
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wanted to, fluently. we said we will eradicate radical islamists. have you been able to check with them on that speech? >> they embrace it. they're so excited to have a president that says look, we're going to support our allies and draw hard lines on those that are not. you have to have the just supported for a consistent -- preaching eradicated infidels, if we say we're going to put him in jail, don't cop at us with human rights. when you don't like who our family is running the country, i'm going to sneak in a day,
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barrack. >> you you call for him to ban refugees, and what should it look like in office. >> we very very talented people around him. i don't attempt to be in that, but i think from my humble point of view, when you're in crisis, the first thing you need to do is stabilize the situation. so when we talk about refugees, the saddest situation, refugees across europe and the u.s., it is controllable. i think all he is saying is look, put a hold for a minute until we figure out how to control it. put your own oxygen mask on, take a few deep breaths.
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he seems like you when you're with him. he seems like a charming guy. he is funny, he listens. he has an intake valve, and when he gets in front of the public, it was not imclnclusive, it's n charming, he's like i know you voted against me, i'm going to change your mind. 29% of hispanic people that voted for me, i'm going to vote for you. 22% of women, i'm going to make you proud. why didn't he talk to the people that stuck their necks out to vote for him. there was no charm to the speech. it was all "screw my enemies, i'm going to get them, we'll get them now." it was so unpleasant. you're a charmer. why couldn't he be a charmer? >> he was elected president of the united states and i go back to a day job. so charm doesn't work much.
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>> but it does. >> if you take the woman's march yesterday, his thought was why don't i invite 15 of them into the rose garden, we'll discuss points of view. the advice from the security team -- he had the right instinct. as president of the united states is. >> townsend: is very difficu-- t is hard to do that. i was looking at president obama and president trump. you could see compassion in president obama's eyes saying i feel for you with the weight of the responsibility you're going to take. and yesterday i could see in president trump, the glibness is gone. he feels the weight. he is there, he will do it, we need to give him a break. a 100 day peace treaty on all sides, his side, media side. >> america first, a movement to
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keep the country out of world war ii, his inaugural seemed to me a case that the responsibility that the country is taking in the post world war ii era for global stability did not serve american citizens well. what is your take on the meaning of the term? >> what does it mean to him? >> marshall plan, foreign policy, 1948, right? all of these multilateral organizations in which we exported our accountability don't work. they don't work because the marbmar shall plan, it was all based on treaties that don't work and it is gone. tom barrack. thank you for coming on. that will do it for today. we'll be back next week, i hope to preview a packers super bowl. watch out dirty birds. if it is sunday, it is "meet the
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press." >> you can see more end game and he grabbed it. took it from me. >> an inmate with a reputation for trouble takes on a no-nonsense warden. >> i run this jail. i give me the right. >> it's very rare that you see an older person came into a facility. when she first came into my area, she looked like she waa
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