tv MTP Daily MSNBC January 27, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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astra zeneca may be able to help. with not food, become food? thankfully at panera, 100% of our food is 100% clean. no artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. panera. food as it should be. all right. this does it for this hour. sorry for going long, chuck, mtp daily starts right now. if it's friday, two american allies, two very different white house strategies. tonight, a tale of two relationships. president trump has a warm welcome for one key ally across the ocean, but a cooler reception for the country that's connected to the south. >> we're no longer going to be the country that doesn't know what it's doing. >> plus a historic first. >> life is winning again in
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america. >> the first ever sitting vice president to address the and yul march for life. and president trump's first week in the white house. characterize just like his campaign. a bit chaotic. this is mtp daily and it starts right now. good evening, i'm chuck todd in washington. welcome to president trump's baptism by fire on the world stage. with the president himself fanning some of the flames. just moments ago, president trump signed two executive orders. we haven't seen the text yet, but mr. trump said one order is designed to give the military more resources and the other establishes new vetting measures for entry into the united states aimed at combatting terrorism. we haven't seen the text of this order, so we don't know that the
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specifics yet of which countries. on top of all that, the president continues to put pressure on the third biggest trading partner, mexico, calling for one. the immediate construction of a wall on the southern border and two a major overhaul of trade dealing all while publicly publicly shaming them. as part of an interview and airing this weekend on the christian broadcasting network. will trump threatened to him pose a massive tax on mexican goods, proposal which the white house kind of walked back yesterday, but didn't. and i'm going to get into it what it means, but here's the exchange just moments ago. >> this 20% border tax, we've released this tax on mexico or imports into the united states. how serious are you about something like that? >> well it's something i have the right to do. it's something that i can impose if i want. we are getting along actually very well with the mexican government. we'll see what happens. >> do you believe that that is strong move going forward? do you see or do you --
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>> it's certainly an option. i can do that. i can do it if i want. but we're dealing with the mexican government, i just had a conversation with the mexican government with the president of mexico. he's a very good man and we'll see where it all goes. >> here's what the president said had a joint press conference this afternoon. >> they've made us look foolish. we have a trade deficit of $60 billion with mexico. on top of that, the border is soft and weak. we are going to renegotiate our trade deals and we are going to renegotiate other aspects of our relationship with mexico. and in the end, i think it'll be good for both countries. >> that came just hours after
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president trump tweeted earlier thatquote, mexic has taken advantage of the u.s. for long enough. a little help on the weak border must change now. all this said, there were some signs much president trump and the mexican president he spoke for roughly an hour. and he also insisted about the personal relationship with the mexico president and the phone call. the mexican government said that mr. trump agreed to a truce, at least publicly over the back and forth about the wall. saying quote. the president's also agreed to at this point, not to speak publicly about this controversial issue. is that a promise president trump made? if so, can it be kept? folks, the stakes don't get bigger than this. smex our second biggest export partner. our third biggest trading partner and third largest
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supplier of foreign oil, hint, hint, there are massive implications for u.s. consumers and regional stability. there are signs that political forces in reaction. their next election is a couple years away. boy they can make a hard shift to anti-american liftism. there are dozens of states in this country, red states and blue states from california to ohio whose economies are tied to mexican markets. these are just the states that count mexico as their biggest or second biggest export market. that's a whole heck o a lot of u.s. territory, folks. joined now by jorge cast nay da, who was the foreign minister of mexico. and now a professor at nyu. always good to see you, sir. >> great, chuck, to see you also. >> all right, let me start with this, this 20% export tax. the argument when you talk to paul ryan, speaker paul ryan, this really is his brain child.
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it would be something that would apply to all countries, not just mexico. their argument is hey, every other country does this to u.s. exports. what kind of tax does mexico put on u.s. exports? >> we don't have a tax on u.s. exports strictly speaking, chuck, because of nafta. what we have in mexico is a value added tax, vat, like in europe which the united states does not have. so all imports from the u.s. and stuff we import in mexico from the u.s. are subject to a vat tax in mexico of 16%. from the u.s. and from all over the world by the way. so, there's no discrimination against the united states. this is a function of our tax system in mexico. it's not a tariff, and it's not linked to our foreign trade. it's almost identical to what all of the countries of the european union and other countries in the world have. >> well the argument that some
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in the trump administration though as you can tell, president trump's not yet sold on this idea. he's pondering it, but speaker ryan is sold on this idea. hey wait, if this is what the u.s. does across the board, that this is no less fair than what you describe. what would you say to that? >> yeah. well, he's not entirely wrong. the question is one whether this will benefit u.s. consumers, probably not, and two, what effects it will have on trade from other nations with the united states. especially if one you have a free trade agreement which is a case between the united states and mexico. and canada by the way and i'm not clear if this would be allowed or not and secondly if it confirms to world organization rules which is not that clear either. so, it's not just a domestic legitimative issue in the united states, it has to do with american commitments, legal commitments, both on bilateral
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trade agreements and on multi-lateral commitments that the u.s. has made over the year, chuck. >> tell me this, look, we know that the current president of mexico, he has his own popularity issues. we know he's getting a lot of pressure. there is almost unanimous opposition i think to president trump in mexico. he's not very popular in the country. explain the political pressure that pena nieto is under right now. >> there's three things we should try to remember, chuck. one, there has never been a u.s. president so -- who has taken office so soon who is as well known everywhere in mexico as donald trump is. you know, american presidents are not necessarily household names in mexico until a year or two or three after they have taken office. trump is. secondly, he is immensely disliked in mexico. he has a disapproval rating,
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which is worse than pena nieto's which is not easy. pena nieto's around 9 or 10% approv approval, trump is about 3%. people really hate him here. it's really terrible. and third, you know, mexican national sentiment against an american bully is a very easy thing to awaken. a lot of us have worked hard over the last 25 years, chuck, to let -- leave our mexican resentments in the past. they were justified resentments, justified, anger over what happened in the night and century, blah, blah, blah, we put it behind us. now if trump wants to really awaken this again, it's right there ready to be awakened. >> and i want to read you something for the wall street journal. i ve to say it's the first time i heard -- we blah, blah, blahhed our way through the mexican american war. it's cable, we have an issue of time here. but let me read you the wall street journal editorial page. this is the moment that mexico's
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left, dormant, but not dead, has waiting for. anti-american lopez prepares to run for president again in 2018, mr. trump is a fight, but he's already learning that nationed can't be bullied, they have their own nationalist political dynamics and when attacked, they push back. the pro-business sector of mexico, i got to think is panicked now about what the populist anger may happen, correct? >> not only the pro-business sector which is the one the wall street journal is most worried about of course, but also, you know, professionals, every day mexicans and men on the street. people who have families in the united states. one of every four mexicans has family in the united states. people who work or teach in the united states like myself, part of the year. you know, we've worked real hard over these last few years to change this. and we don't want that leftist,
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anti-american sentiment to spring again. we want a strong national sentiment in mexico, of course we do. many people believe in mexico that perhaps our policies, our economic and social policies have been too conservative over the past 20 years. they ma be true, but this is playing with fire. what trump is doing is not only risking awakening the sentiment in mexico, but awakening instability in mexico. the u.s. should count it's blessings. >> quickly. if you were currently foreign minister and you were asked about give me a retaliatory measure. you were asked by your president, i need a tangible retaliatory measure against the united states to send a message here, don't do this. what would you recommend? >> i'd recommend three one after the other. the first one would be cease communications between the existing american security military and drug enforcement
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people in mexico and their mexican counterparts. the americans can stay here, but we won't take their phone calls anymore. if that doesn't work, then i'd take half of the dea agents, probably 50 out of 100 and have them leave. and if that doesn't work, then we'll start looking at the central american immigrant situation on mexico's southern border, which we have been helping the u.s. on since july of 2014 at frankly i don't see any reason why we should continue to do that. if the kids from el salvador want to seek asylum in the u.s., let them do so. >> well, and all right, there it is. jorge, former foreign minister in mexico. appreciate your views. thank you for coming on. good to see you. >> thank you, chuck. let me bring in the panel, chris, michelle, jennifer.
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okay. chris, i thought it was interesting there, and it was that last answer there from jorge that i have heard from others of what would the most likely retaliatory things that can be done. and that's the can of worms that may be opened up here. larger immigration problem. >> and i heard you earlier on andrea's show talking about for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. we all learned and forgot it. my son's learning this week in fourth grade. >> memorize laws. >> there are things that my second grade eer asks me to help him to remember, but the point is politics, it ordinary, reasonable, and prudents under that as well. this idea that we will simply put a 20% tariff, let's say, whether that's a thought, a balloon float, or a policy proposal, we do that, and mexico will just say, well, that's it, we give up. seems unlikely. light, and that's the promise. this is a moving, fundable
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thing. and this idea that you can just dictate terms is not how it works. >> the issue is throwing the wall in with the tax thing. i mean, this tax thing, there's a lot of it -- and i see how it's politically appealing. i get why it's appealing. >> not totally new. >> again. >> no. >> not something he brought to the table. it's been there. >> left and right have come up with it over years. >> well, this is just a grab bag of stuff. let's start with the wall. the wall in and of itself is unnecessary. what kicked this off was something that was a boondoggle that is unnecessary because we now have immigration going to mexico, not from mexico. the notion that we're going to build this wing, create a furer in mexico, we're going to create all kinds of legal environmental issues in the united states. that wasn't a good idea to begin with. then you move on to the tariff idea. and it's ironic that paul ryan of all people would have the nerve to come up with a proposal like this. which is the definition of picking winners and losers.
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it is the definition of the government meddling in the economy. >> this is cross the board. not just for mexico. it is for all exports. >> and it would be across the board, not a good idea. because it's going to be paid by parents who are buying kids clothes at target, not by the billionaires. and the notion that he's going to give this has this as part of the tax reform bill when he's giving billionaires millions in tax cuts and he's going to enact this which falls on the american's consumer. that's political nightmare. >> go ahead. >> well, the thing that i heard from you said that i think was most interesting was this idea who's going to pay for the most issues. his base and the people out there who voted for him. they don't understand, at least in my conversation with them, what this means if we start doing stuff like putting these tariffs on there. who's going to pay for this. what this wall means. i think what they are saying is donald trump's doing a good job because he's doing all this stuff. i was just out on march for life
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ab peen are so excited about the fact that he's doing all this stuff, but they don't understand the details. >> i don't think anyfs know how it's going to operate. there is a larger conversation to be had. and i thought joe's column captured it, as a society, as we race towards there, have we gone so fast that we have left the working class -- we just don't have enough jobs. and it's like, so will we have the trade-off of i'll pay label the more if my wage goes up. the question is, will that actually happen? >> what typically happens, and i always say typically because typically donald trump isn't president of the united states. right. so what typically happens in these situations, sit in a focus group, look at the poll. let's take health care. people will say yes, that's a good idea. can we raise your taxes? >> i'm not going -- >> but if i raise her taxes to fund your health care. >> yes. >> so the rub is that he's not
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laid out the specifics yet. it's like seven days and five hours into his presidency. but that's where it's going to be the issue. how do they sell it trump is a better salesman than barack obama, politically speaking, right? takes credit for everything. how do they sell it and do people buy it? >> mexico is not the reason why we have this problem. you just said it, chuck. it has very little to do with trade. donald trump has gotten into his head. he's sold is to his base that our jobs are being stolen by mexico. he thinks the trade deficit is a bad thing. i have a trade deficit with safeway grocery store because i pay the money and they give me groceries. we're both better off. it's not inherently a bad thing. problems in america are not going to be solved by starting a trade war with mexico that's going to be born by his base. they are going to be dealt with by education, training, infrastructure, those are the
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heart of things. they're not flashy and they didn't work. >> but he's such salesman that i think that he's -- if he can sell this to people and say i did this. i took care of you. and i don't think people -- when i talk to people in ohio or in pennsylvania, they don't understand that the factories close because your job didn't exist anymore. he's caricatured mexico in a way that has gotten people to buy into this idea that they are all criminals, they're all terrible, they're coming over the border and doing terrible things. and what i hear there is this anti-sentiment in mexico, if you're caricatured a whole country, of course they're going to push back. >> that was the most i'm going to pause here, that was the most important thing that i thought somebody, who has served in mexican government can explain better than we can. anti-american sentiment is always under the surface in mexico. it doesn't take much to bring it. >> ample. >> ample. >> all right. you guys are sticking around for the hour. > coming up, pro life activists take their message to the nation's capital.
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and major support from the administration. president of the march for life joins me next. stay tuned. 't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that...
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welcome back. oh to be a fly on the wall during this conversation. tomorrow, president trump is expected to speak by phone, but the man it feels like we've been talking about nonstop since election day, russian president vladimir putin. anyway, president trump is also scheduled so speak with the french president and angela merkel, but of course it's that trump-putin phone call that everybody's wondering about. comes after kellyanne conway apparently acknowledged this morning in an interview with fox news that the administration is considering lifting sanctions against russia put in place by president obama. which sanctions? that is unclear. mr. trump himself dodged when asked about that issue of sanctions today. >> we'll see what happens. as far as the sanctions very early to be talking about that. as far as again putin and
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russia, i don't say good, bad, or indifferent. i don't know the gentlemen, i hope we have a fantastic relationship. that's possible, and it's also possible that we won't. we will see what happens. >> doesn't know the ygentleman long way from the stable mates. we'll be right back. managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb.
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moves. and one of his first acts after being sworn in, after the broadening the mexico city policy that denies aid to programs or groups that provide abortion procedures. president trump tweeted out his support for the rally this morning. joining me now, janeman seeny. welcome to the show. >> i'm happy to be here. thanks for having me. >> you know, for years, i've always felt as if the march for life paid a lot of lip service by republican administrations, you get the phone call, but it seemed different. >> i don't believe that the march for life has come up with a white house press briefing until in this weekend. i think the white house made a concerted effort to talk about 12 and ask the media to report about it. and to send kellyanne conway and the vice president was a huge sign of support for us. yeah, absolutely. >> symbolism doesn't, it only is
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symbolism if it doesn't give me your priority list. what do you think that president trump and this republican congress can do to advance your agenda. >> the first is supreme court justice. number one, number two, enacting or signing into law which is passed athe house this week. three would be enacting when passed, late term abortion ban, paying capable bills. and that's popular with the american people just to poll this week came out 77% of americans are in favor of limiting abortion at most to the first three months of pregnancy. and then fourth, defunding our nation's largest abortion providing, planned parenthood as long as they continue to do abortions. >> let me ask you this on the issue of when -- who should make this decision about abortion procedures? government officials or medical officials? >> oh, it's a great point, yeah. >> and this is i think -- let's try to take the politics out of this. and it's very difficult.
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but i think there's a lot of discomfort about the idea that a politician makes that decision. >> in terms of the timing. >> exactly. >> the truth of the matter is, a large majority of abortions do happen within the first three months of pregnancy. and it's very, very rare that a woman needs to be an abortion if she's got an issue with health later in pregnancy. and there are expectaticeptions those cases. i'm not sure that the health part of it of, you know, preserving abortion to the first three months would be a huge issue. >> i understand that, but do you think this should be threat be up the doctors at the end of the day? not let it be put as doctors decision about whether hey look, this is a major health issue for this pregnant mother? >> well, yes, and that's -- that would be included in the law at this stage in the game. so right. >> let me ask you about other life issues. where is the march for life when it comes to the death penalty? march for life when it comes to refugee kps. >> right. so the march for life of course was started as a reaction to roe
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vs wade -- >> totally get that. >> it was about specific issues. >> and so for the most part, we tried to stick to beginning of life issues. we don't take a stance, per se on some of these things. broadly, we're in favor of protecting and defending the inherent dignity of the human person from conception to natural death. we focus on beginning of life issues. we have five staff. there's only so much that we can do. >> let me ask you this. it feels as if the abortion debate has been now a red versus blue. and you had pro life democrats, pro choice democrats, pro choice republicans, pro life republicans. everybody will complain, look, everybody he has a the description they want, and that's my decision on how i'm going to do that. you know, do you think your movement's become too politicized, are you concerned politically? >> first of all the march for life is not partisan and we always seek to get a democrat to
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speak this year, for example we were hoping and planning on having senator manchin speak. we tried to work behind the scenes as well. part of the march for life conference in expo. so it's something that we're always seeking to work on because it's important. i think it's unhealthy for everyone. >> were you uncomfortable with the way that all the sudden you felt as if your march, which has been an annual march was suddenly -- did you feel extra pressure for turnout because there was so many comparison made to the womens marches? >> oh no, we're very different that the women's march. we're 44 years strong. we're very youthful. anybody who attended the march for life today knows we're a young march. we're here in blizzards, we marched last year in the blizzard. we're here in subzero temperatures -- >> you need to move your anniversary out of january. >> get into may or something
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like that. we're also a one issue group. you'll never hear a speaker threaten to blow up the white house for example, our mission is love. and it's really build agriculture of life. so you know, not great comparisons. now that said, i have been asked a whole lot about numbers and what i'm really wanting to say to people is the number we're concerned about is 58 million. >> uh-huh. >> 58 million is the number of americans that have been lost to abortions since 1973. that's not rare. >> do you accept the fact that roe v wade is going to stay law of the land. >> we'll see. to be honest, my more important goal, the harder goal, changing hearts and minds. it's a culture where abortion sun thinkable. and especially to encourage adoption. in our country, there are almost a million abortions every single year, almost a million, that's a lot. 22,000 infant doopadoptions? it's noble, it's heroic, it's
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sack official. that's something we work on. >> here's something i know is not going to happen today. i don't think there's going to be any, any -- we're going to get any closer to resolving this bedate, but over time perhaps it'll be more a civil discourse. >> i hope. and i invite that that much. thanks for coming. >> thanks for having me. >> we'll be watching and thanks for sharing. >> thanks so much. >> fighting president trump's agenda. the deep blue state that's gearing up to take on the white house. in a pretty big way. stay tuned.
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welcome back to mtp daily, extraordinary moment at the white house today. president trump repeated his belief that torture works. straight up. an approach to obtaining information, that's been denounced by democrats and republicans alike. standing on the world stage today during his first press conference, sitting next to a world leader. uk prime minister theresa may, trump acknowledged that torture is a major disagreement between him and his own advisors including his defense secretary. >> secretary of defense, general james mattis and he has stated, publicly, that he does not necessarily believe in torture or waterboarding, or however you want to define it. i don't necessarily agree, but i would tell you that he will override because i'm giving him that power. he's an expert. he's highly respected. he's the general's general.
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i happen to feel that it does work. i've been open about that for a long period of time. but i am going with our leaders. >> more mtp daily just ahead. first josh lipton with the friday cnbc market wrap. stocks endinghe day flat the dow lost seven poin. the s&p dropped 2 and the nasdaq wroez 5. early readings show the economy grew at a pace of 1.9% this fall. below forecasts and well offpace from this summer's 3.5% growth. nestle is cutting back on shug you are a. new formula in an effort to attract consumers who shied away from artificially sweet drinks. that's it from cnbc first in business worldwide. owing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on
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republicans now have control of the white house and both houses of congress in washington. but all the way on the other side of the country, the biggest state in the union, california is deeply blue as ever and could become the epicenter of the resistance to president trump's agenda. california governor jerry brown gave a fiery state of the state address earlier this week. laying out the way they're prepared to fight against the trump white house. >> we will defend everybody, every man, woman, and child who's come here for a better life and has contributed to the well being of our state. i attend to join with other governs ansenatorsnd with you to do everything we can to protect the health care of our people. we can't fall back and give into the climate deniers. the science is clear, the danger is real. >> just before delivering that speech, governor brown sboer in the man who will be in charge of leading california's legal fight against the trump administration. it's former congressman and now attorney general for california,
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halve yar. mr. attorney general, welcome to a show you've been on plenty of times. >> great to be with you. >> i take it you're here in washington. are you already ready to file a lawsuit against the trump administration? >> doing business, but it's not setting in a lawsuit. >> let me start with a specific here, and that's the issue of sanctuary cities. a lot of mayors to want resist. there's been chatter that the state, california essentially wants to codify itself as a sanctuary state. explain that. >> essentially saying that we want to make sure we're not mistreating people who are in our state who are working hard. who depend on our public safety or general welfare provisions. we're going to continue to do what we've done. we've already got legislation laws in our books that say that our local law enforcement authorities will do everything they can to prevent crime, take dangerous people off the streets, but we're not going to go out there and do the bidding of the federal government when it violates people's constitutional rights. >> what is this line? and in that -- so, what some in
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the trump administration, frankly some republicans will argue is that okay, but, there's -- that it's gone too far. that they understand the argument that says okay, this is not about show me your paper, show me your papers and searching for people that might have broken the law. what is -- is there something that actually cities could be tougher on? >> well, see, it used to be that. that was the problem. the federal government was asking states and local law enforcement to do exactly what you said they don't do. and that was what caused the problems. is that you had a whole bunch of communities in california that no longer wanted to cooperate but the police or sheriff when it came to investigating crimes in the neighborhood because they were afraid in the process of becoming witnesses, they'd be kept subject to deportation. >> san francisco's a specific issue and it's a specific case, did they do too little? is that a case where they did mess up? >> it wasn't an issue of harbor, peel who really should be in the hands of law enforcement.
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and may be in deportation proceed pgs. >> let me change subjects. >> what would be your standing to sue the trump administration on issues of climate change? what's a specific you might have standing on. >> there are any number of causes of actions raised for any of the things that donald trump has talked about. what they exactly would be depends on what he tries to do. we have moved guard with the blessing of the federal government, pretty far forward on a number of items. and we relied on the representations of the federal government to take actis. we're not pulling back. we're going to continue to go forward. we have the right under the constitution of the united states to provide for the general welfare of our people. >> at the end of the day, are you going to sue the trump administration because they're not doing some things or do you have to have something that california wants to do and the federal government won't let them and that has to be your standing? whatever it is. what's that line between sort of political lawsuit to okay, this prevents california from doing what it wants to do. >> first, i didn't take this office so i could sue people.
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i took this office so i could protect people. and we're going to do everything we need to do to protect californians. and that includes a lawsuit. but, a a lawsuit is like what the federal government has the power to do when it comes to war. you should really not be looking as the first cause -- or the first action you take to file a lawsuit. you should do everything you can to resolve things short of, but if you have to, you'll do what you need to on the business of california, we'll do what we need to be do. >> is there something and it's going to create a lot of problems. trade, and culture and otherwise. is there any way that the state of california would try to take action to prevent certain policies from going forward when it comeso mexico? >> if they intrude on the rights of the state and the people of
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california? absolutely. >> would building a wall, is that something the federal government, there's nothing california can do about preventing a wall from being built in the state of california? >> that's not true. that's not true. >> is there a way to stop the wall from being built in california? >> depending on what they try to do, absolutely. you cannot force people to have a wall built on their own property. you cannot force a state to accept something that has not passed the muster of -- the current statutes that require whether it's environmental standards to be met or standards of public safety to be met. and so there are any number of hurdles that any administration in washington, d.c. would have to jump before they can build a medieval wall which probably will never work. >> is it safe to say that you're looking at whatever ways knows find legal standing to slow or stop this wall from being built? >> i will find whatever ways to do what i have to do. it doesn't have to mean only
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includes ways within a court of justice. and fortunately for once and a court of justice alternative facts have no standing. the only thing that counts is the truth. and so, i think we'll be able to show that the truth matters if we end up having to go to court. >> how much of your time do you think is going to be spent in combatting the trump administration your time in office? >> as much as the trump administration tries to come at california. we're going in a direction. we didn't come by sticking back. we're creating jobs. we're providing safety and opportunities for our people. we've got some of the greatest industries and sectors of employment in the nation. we're going to move forward, and we're going to do what makes us a strong state. economic power in the world. if they want to get in our way, we'll have move forward. >> if the trump administration essentially asks you to at least conduct an investigation into allegations of voter fraud. would you do that? >> i think we're ready to do
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that because we have said before, countless times that we have a system with a great deal of integrity. we to want track down any voter fraud. we'd like the president to show us some evidence that there has been voter fraud. he's making all sorts of allegations as i said, alternative facts don't count in a court of law. maybe they count when you're doing a press interview. we need to have facts. if he wants us to do investigations. he has to give us the premise for that investigation. what facts does he have that there was cheating going on in our voting system? >> all right. i will leave it there. the new attorney general of california, you're going to become a familiar face to many people in the trump administration as well. >> so be it. >> should be interesting. >> thank you, sir. >> safe travels back to california. this sunday on "meet the press," virginia senator and former candidate tim kaine joins me for an exclusive interview to discuss our democrats plan to oppose the trump agenda. his first sunday interview since the election. busy first week for the trump administration. the panel weighs in on what they
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believe are the most impactful actions of the week. stay tuned. when my doctor told me i have age-related macular degeneration, amd, he told me to look at this grid every day. and we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression, including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moof clinical s preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything.
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welcome back. tonight, i'm obsessed with one of our own. and i'm not going to try anymore. tom brokaw is celebrating his 50 years. correction, make that the first 50 years here at nbc news. it is no exaggeration to say that those of us here at nbc news are always in awe of this man and what he's done. correspondent at our l.a. bureau, covering everything from
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the rise of ronald reagan to the assassination of bobby kennedy. white house correspondent during watergate. seven years as anchor of the "today" show. and of course, for more than two decades, the anchor and managing editor of the nbc nightly news. ample spare time, he wrote books including one that added a new phrase, the greatest generation. there's a lot more and you can see it in a two hour special sunday night at 9:00, 8:00 central. but wait, there's more. tom will be my guest on "meet the press" this sunday along with white house chief of staff reince priebus and former democratic vice presidential candidate tim kaine. just don't forget. in his spare time, tom brokaw did meet the press action. we will be kicking off a separation of hur 70th year on the air. so tom's 50th and our 70th. come join the party on sunday. just like the people who own them, every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow.
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we're going to look back at the most impactful moment of president trump first week in office. the panel is back. you were all asked to give me your most impactful chris, elisa impactful moment was. >> donald trump talking about crowd size. baffling to me. >> on day five. >> yeah, i understand that one level why this is important to them because rating and appearance matter a lot. if you thought of supreme court justice that person will fit it. impactful in terms it revealed something about this person who is not different than person who ran for the office. the person in the office still cares about appearances,
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ratings, and settle scores, rather reel or imagined. >> mine was the fact he was doing this in front. cia wall and the fact this was a place where people, a hallow ground where people talk about serious things in front of the wall. he talked about crowd size. what it signals to me the next four years is going to be him challenge the media, pushing back to delegitimize us. focus on how people view him whether or not he looks likes he winning. the moment he feels he not winning, that's going to sway how he has policy or what decisions are. >> you went substance, they both went style. style and substance do matter for him. >> style may matter more.
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>> your most impact of the. >> the leak today on the obamacare. they are confuse as i thought thae have been. their major issues like the roll back of medicaid which there's no agreement on. they are going to be responsible for the disruption, they are going to be responsibility if it's perceived as being less genius than obamacare. repeal and replace is not going to happen, and i may be right inc. >> i can say, the interview attorney general of california they believe they now how to gum up the works on the wall. it would be years before the construction of the wall beagainst if you think about the lawsuit they think they can file. >> buy the way to bring it full circle, this is what we talked about the beginning of the show, action, equal and oosite reaction. you don't do things without --
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we're going to throw a hurdle, see how you handle it: it's not like running with business. >> businessman find out in general how hard this is. after the break, president trump puts issue of d.c. state hood on his plate. did he mean to? stay tuned. imy moderate to severeng crohn's disease. i didn't think there was anything else to talk about.
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in case you missed it. most of washington, d.c. and the residents who drive cars participated in protesters and new since the year 2000 the standard d.c. license has fee chaer -- president bill clinton had the plates put on as shoon as they were available and used hem for his final weeks in office as his own little protest. george w. bush had plates removed but the number stayed the same. 800 -- 002. president obama did not use them but they were put back on the limo. now it seems president trump is the first republican president to have his limo sport the
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official protests plate. spotted taxation without representation. we're not sure whether president is aware of the plate, d.c. resident are and are happleap - "for the record" with greta starts right now. "for the record," extreme vetting that's what president trump said he was going to do and what he just did. his plan with a stroke of a pen is it religious discriminations. all this amid a few
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