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tv   Lockup Raw  MSNBC  January 28, 2017 2:00am-2:31am PST

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>>up i mean, all these inmates can say what they want to say. they're punks. the people that are in control a know they're punks. >> abel first came to spring creek in 2003 after he was convicted of murdering a co-worker. >> i caved his head in. caved it in totally. i think the biggest fragment of bone they found was about the size of a half dollar. i've probably got a little out of hand later on. i kept on hanging out and beating on him some more. there was -- it was -- are you interested in the gory stuff? well -- i was interested in how the decomposition would be. it was pretty interesting. but it was kind of twisted there. >> the raw interview footage
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goes on to reveal perhaps the most grisly fact of abel's crime. >> so your whole sentence is what now? >> 70 years. i got six months too for cruelty to animals. >> the guy's doing life for killing his mom.
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i killed mommy, i'm getting out in two years. blah, blah, blah. i have to listen to garbage and i can't tell because if you tell you're a [ bleep ] rat. some of them call me a [ bleep ] rat, hey dude, [ bleep ], you call me a >> i have zero tolerance for certain behaviors in other men. they disrespect a woman, they try to take sexually, i'll put them in the ground. there's people with certain criteria. rape-os, child molesters, you can't cure them. there's no cure for them. you kill them. that's how you deal with the problem. there's no more problem there. >> abel went on to give this graphic account of how he murdered his cellmate. >> he was talking about how he was going to strangle this lady. so i took the sheet and i
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wrapped it around his said and i said, nope. you ain't doing nothing. you go say hi to mommy. >> how did he die? >> he kept on breathing. i thought i was doing it wrong because i didn't have the appropriate -- a garrot, a wire garrot, you can decapitate somebody, yank on it. a sheet's kind of hard. i think it was about five minutes of fighting around, i finally yared on his neck. that's when he stopped. then i shoved his handkerchief down his throat to shut him down. i'm the first guy that killed a man on this yard, i guess. they still run their moets back here, the little punks running their mouth to me. >> moments after abel was placed back in his cell, he was in conflict with the inmate in the neighboring cell.
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>> this is what they call cell warriors. no one can get at each other so they just try to stir each other up. >> abel is expected to serve out the rest of his sentence, if not his life in the highly restrictive, single-person cells of the spring creek's max unit. he left our crew with these words. >> i try to think positive. there's always things getting worse. things can get worse. i hope they don't. >> when we traveled to river bend maximum security institution in tennessee, we encountered a young inmate who was also driven to kill.
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and his story was absolutely chilling. >> i murdered my aunt. brown cover alls and brown boots. i had bottled-up anger. i was mad at my mom all my life the way she treated me. i figured i'd kill her sister. i didn't want to kill my mom, i figured i'd kill my sister, slowly kill her in emotion. >> luis ramon ras 15 years old at the time of the murder. when we met him six years later he told our producer he relates to killers. >> killer, jason vorhees on friday the 13th. i heard voices like jason vorhees, one of the character is. they told me how to kill people, when to do it. the devil, i was possessed of the devil for six years. he's lived in me for 17. >> how about now addais?
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>> there's a demon lives outside the window right now. he's a demon. >> what does he tell you? >> most of the time he sings to me, hums. he aggravates me sometimes and i can't sleep. >> when our producer noticed his scarred arms she learned that sometimes ramon directs violence at himself as well. >> what are these scars? >> i cut my vein open about three times. twice with a spoon, once with a razor blade. just watched the blood come out. i do it sometimes just for the hell of it are it took 15 years of bottled anger to do what i did on the streets. if i keep it bottled up again, i may end up doing something like that again. >> he's not going to get that chance any time soon. ramon isn't eligible for parole until 2057. >>fy could go back in time, escape when i had the chance. or at least took out at least 30 people.
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have a little fun while i was out there. >> our interview ended with ramon's chilling outlook on his life. >> i figure that's what i was put on earth for, to be a serial killer, like that's my job. if i get a chance to get out i'll do that. since i got no chance of getting out i might as well carry on my plan. to kill as many people as i can before i die. >> i've been told i'm pretty hardcore. >> next, on "lockup raw" -- >> i start to turn off the camera. slowly as i inch my way backwards out of the cell. >> a logicup producer has a close call with one of the most dangerous inmates in kentucky. >> i took a knife and i stabbed him business him with it three or four times, then i butchered him with it. a flat-screen tv, and a laptop. luckily the geico insurance agency had helped the bears with homeowners insurance. they were able to replace all their items...
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at virtually every prison we profile, we've met inmates who have spent the majority of their lives behind bars, and are never getting out. in many cases, these lifers committed their crimes as teenagers. and with each passing decade, have slowly adjusted to the strict rules and rigorous demands of prison life. still, there are those inmates like alex bennett, at the kentucky state penitentiary, who don't always agree with, or abide by, the rules. >> i'm a person that's been in the joint all of my life. i've been told i'm pretty hard core. and i need a certain type of environment. >> now, you got something you want to say to me now? we can get it on national tv here.
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>> everything about alex's mannerisms, his appearance, and the words that he spoke, said -- convict. alex just embodied that. >> bennett was 54 years old when we met him and had spent 33 of those years behind bars for armed robbery, kidnapping, and murder. >> the system today isn't like the system that i came into 36 years ago. the system today has the majority of their inmates programmed to do what they're told when they're told to do it. and so they get to the point where they expect that from everybody. well, there's still a few old dogs around who like to do things their own way. >> bennett's way of doing things, however, has had horrifying results. after adapting to life in a single person cell here, he was transferred to a lower security
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prison in 1998. he had more privileges there, but also had to share a cell. that's when things began to go very wrong. >> i'm not going to live with child molesters. i'm not going to live with punks. i'm not going to live with rats. i need my privacy and that's the most important thing to me. and i was determined to get that, and i got it. >> after his request to return to a single maximum security cell at kentucky state was denied, bennett took matters in his own hands, and at the expense of his new cell mate. >> i took a knife, and i stabbed him with it, three or four times until he was dead. and then i butchered him with it. i cut him up into little pieces, because, like i told the warden down there, that's -- you know, this is what i left you, now you'll give me a transfer, or
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one of you all will be next. and i meant what i said. i have a choice, because i have nothing to lose, you see my point? i don't have nothing to lose. usually, i hang out right here. this is my spot. i used to stay over there, but the child killers took it over, and they can have it. i don't argue with nobody about spots. i feel like the whole joint belongs to me since i killed to get here to get it. a whole lot of guys think that i'm an insane, psycho pathic, you know, murderer. they don't know anything about me. >> but later, bennett revealed he did care what the "lockup" audience would think of him. >> deputy warden nancy dune took me to meet alex in his cell so i could get a few extra shots of him. he was taking a long pull off a cigarette. i could start to see the gears turning in alex's mind a little t. and he said to me, why do you
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need all this footage. i just don't get it. why do you need all this footage about me? >> it don't make a whole lot of sense to me. >> what's that? >> just sitting here looking goofy. >> he was upset. and it was like a switch. he went from being terribly cooperative, to not being happy about this situation, and there was a really, really discernible shift in his demeanor. >> i'll just film you, whatever you want to do. i just want to get a shot of you in your cell. >> i'm thinking you all are going through all these prisons, talking to all these people such as myself, you know. people who's never getting out. this thing ain't recording is it? >> i start to turn off the camera, and i stand up, and i begin reasoning with alex, slowly as i inch my way backwards towards nancy out of the cell. alex, it's important we tell
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this story. we want to hear your voice. i don't know if i was getting through to alex, but i do know that i was getting closer to the entrance of that cell. we turned and we started walking down the cell tier and we get to the entrance of the cell block, and nancy is white. and she says to me, i don't know if you realize how lucky you are right now. >> hale might have been lucky, and he made it out of kentucky state knowing, alex bennett never will, but bennett has accepted that. >> i never think about the outside world anymore. never, ever. i don't dream about the outside world. i don't dream about the outside. i am 100% prison. i'm 100%. this is my life. coming up on "lockup: raw." a prolific prison killer reflects on his crimes on the inside.
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>> i stabbed him 36 times. i wanted to put so many holes in him that there was no chance that he could survive.
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these are places where the inmates are really kind of the true-life hannibal lecters. they require extra security, shackles, three, four correctional officers at a time. it really puts our crews on a one-on-one basis with some of the most dangerous inmates in america. and in many cases the interview process has to happen through glass. >> such was the case when the "lockup" production team first encountered 38-year-old steven hugueley at the brushy mountain correctional complex in eastern tennessee. when we met him, hugueley had already been in prison for more than 20 years and was scheduled to be executed the following month.
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>> i shot my mother and threw her off a bridge. we had had problems for years, and it just finally reached the end. a girl that i had a date with called there, and when i answered the phone, my mother, she come out of her bedroom and started coming down the hallway, and she said -- screamed, is that another one of them little whores calling here, and it was just like i snapped. i told the girl that i had a date with, i said i'll be out there to get you in a little bit. i said i'm fixing to kill this bitch. i hung up the phone and i went and got a rifle and shot her. then i carried her, dumped her in the river and went on my day. i felt a great deal of contempt toward her, because of the way she belittled my father, and was constantly putting him down, and after a few years of that, it
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just made me to where i really didn't feel anything toward her. >> throughout the hour-long interview, hugueley rarely hugueley rarely displayed emotion exception when recalling how his mother broke the news of his father's death when he was only 12 years old. >> she hung up the phone, she turned around and said ronny's dead, they found him dead in his car. he committed suicide. i'll put you on the bus and send you to michigan for the funeral, and that was it. and that made me hate her, because, from that day forward, i knew i was going to kill her, eventually. >> hugueley was sentenced to life in prison for killing his mother. but it wouldn't be the last time he'd commit murder. five years later, while incarcerated at a different prison, he stabbed an inmate 67 times after the man and two friends allegedly threatened
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him. >> all three of them come up to my cell, which was a single cell, and i slaughtered him, and went after them two, and they took off running and hid. but i was going to kill them all three. >> after receiving an additional life sentence for killing the inmate, 13 years later hugueley murdered again. in this unedited footage, hugueley describes how and why he killed a prison counselor. >> the plan was kill him, get the death penalty, use the state of tennessee's lethal injection as a means of suicide, since i didn't have the guts to do it myself, and then in january, i killed him. and the first thing i did, is said i want the death penalty, i want to be executed. and so here we are. >> how did you kill him? >> stabbed him 36 times.
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i wanted to put so many holes in him that there was no chance that he could survive. my philosophy always has been, if you put enough holes in him, they can't plug them all and chances are they're going to die. i've seen people stabbed 17, 18 times and get up and walk away. >> that's really incredibly graphic, and horrible. >> i agree. >> it's horrible. i mean -- >> i agree. i've never lost a minute of sleep over anything i've ever done. if somebody who commits premeditated first degree murder tells you they have remorse, they are a liar. it's impossible to commit premeditated first degree murder and turn around and say you have remorse for it. how are you going to be remorseful about something you intended to do? >> hugueley was sentenced to
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death for killing the counselor and was transferred to tennessee's death row located at the river bend maximum security institution, more than 100 miles away. "lockup" cameras were there as hugueley left brushy mountain. >> see you later. days after this footage was shot, hugueley reinstated his appeal of the death sentence, because the prison would not grant him a contact visit with his daughter. he was granted a stay of execution and returned to brushy mountain.
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coming up on msnbc's "your business," as president trump moves from trump tower to the white house, small business owners are upbeat about what his administration is going to do to help them when it comes to deregulation and tax reform. that plus two fraternity brothers who turned their partying lifestyle into a lifestyle brand. and how to reach an incredibly influential demographic, millennial moms. we've got that and a whole lot more coming up next on "your business."


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