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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  February 4, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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would have been different if people had spoken out. >> i come from the same place he does. new yorkers know how to recognize it. >> when we last spoke, you were watching the crowds grow in number and grow in volume. what are you seeing right now? >> reporter: hi, richard. this is some of the crowd that's going through and headed to m mar-a-lago. they are marching two miles. there have to be at least a thousand people who started from trump plaza. you'll see people in yellow vests that look like safety vests, they're marshals. they've been trained by the women's march people in the south florida action network to help keep this crowd contained.
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they say they want this protest to be polite and want everything to go very well. you'll notice there's people in green hats. the people in green hats are attorneys. they are here as observers in case something happens and they want to make sure things are legal. they say the cops have been great and very polite to them. if it gets a little loud now, we're going under a bridge. the thing that has struck me about this protest, two things. domestical demographically it's overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly made up of women. part of that reason is one of the two organizers with the women's march of palm beach county. the other thing, these are
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people who say they don't like the first two weeks of the trump administration. they don't like the way the president behaviors and they do not like his tweets. but the thing that galvanized them is the travel ban, that the country woo stop admitting rooechlgz for four months and have a people from seven countries for 0 days. they are going to march and it will take them about an hour. let me show you why they're in the not going to get close to mar-a-lago. they are the air coastal water way in palm beach. they're never going to be able to cross the beach. they have to stay on this side. the protesters say that's fine, they understand it. but what they hope is the president of the united states this and starts paying teengs
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what they want, a better america, a more united america. >> what are you hearing them chant? what are some of the signs you've seen? >> stop tweeting, you twit is one of the signs that just went past. we can see diversity, tolerance, and unity, make america great. resist so-called president. that's obviously a reference to today's tweet when president trump called the federal judge in washington state a so-called judge. christians for refugees. we need a leader is very popular. deport trump, that's another one. just look this crowd. these are people from all walks of life and parties. someone was selling t-shirts and buttons. and the two twitters, one was
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"not my president" with a picture of president trump, and the other was michelle 2020 for people who want michelle obama to run for office. >> thank you so much with the very latest. a very active group. that's what we've seen here own msnbc throughout this afternoon. it's the 6:00 hour and we'll take you to other locations across the country. i want to get to president trump's reaction to what he's seen so far, not only the protests, but also thing executive order and how it was essentially overturned. this is what he tweeted. what is our country coming to when a judge can halt a homeland security travel ban and anyone even with bad intention can come into the united states. beth, as we were talking about, for those of you who are just joining us, the difference is
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from 24 hours ago everything has been rehearsed on the executive order. the last shoe to drop was when the state department said those visas that were revoked last friday, they are now in effect. if you come into the united states, you will now be accepted. that's the big change. and then you saw the response from president trump. what do you make of the reaction on the streets? that's a live picture we're watching right now. >> it makes sense because this temporary stop is simply temporary. the justice department is going to go to court. the judge in washington state issued the order to stop the ban, and they are going to appeal it. there's a chance the justice department could win. donald trump is not wrong that the president of the united states does have very broad authority to set immigration policy in this country. at issue here is whether or not this ban essentially singles out muslim, people who observe
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islam. if the administration can argue this is not discriminatory on the basis of religion, that this is an effort to do extreme vetting, they could twin appeal, and everything you said, the fact that everything is back to where it was a week ago, it's going to change again. and a lot of those people who are coming in into the country because they believe they can because of the temporary stop could be held an airports, asked to get off planes just as they were a week ago. >> as they protests and these activists have hit the streets, we haven't seen a direct response from the president of the united states to these individuals or to what they're doing. why? >> it's been sort of extraordinary, hasn't it? >> yeah. >> with these enormous women's marches all over the country and all over the world. we had big protests when the travel ban was put into effect. he's at his resort playing golf or at least hanging out at his
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golf course, he's got protesters all around, in new york, washington, d.c., this is a huge uprising against the donald trump presidency. he's singling out the judge. >> each and every weekend as you noted. thank you so much for your perspective on that. i want to go to california where there's another protesting at lax for the seeking week in a row. my colleague katie beck is there. you spoke to one of the pro-trump supporters a little bit earlier. what's the scene like now? >> well, it is a headed situation as both sides have converged here. both the pro-trump side and the side that is protesting against
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the travel ban are marching around the airport stainless right now. lapd is taking that seriously. as you can see over my shoulder, the police presence here is pretty intense, and they've closed the lane, the arrivals area where people come to pick folks up because there is simply so much activity. they're taking the fact that there are two sides to the issue, and both side are confronting each other at this point. we did see a little brush happen between the two sides. the police had to come in and remove two people from the crowd to avoid a future scuffle. there's a heightened intensity here as both sides are trying to get their message out. the pro-trump folks arrived a little later in the day. their message is make america safe again, that basically we need these tougher vetting processes and they support what president trump has tonight they also feel he will ultimately be successful. they feel this is a temporary
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setback and things will move forward. here's what one pro-trumper had to say. >> yes. i think it was. we have open borders with who knows who's coming across. we need to address what we have in our country first and then create this line to come in legally into our country and i think it's necessary. it's dangerous for americans. we want to feel safe in our own home. >> those protesters are making their way around the airport. police taking that very seriously. there is a huge police presence. we just saw 100 officers dercscd on the airport. now we take you to new york city, also a very busy day. protesters gathering at
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stonewall national monument, supporters of lgbt rights expressing solidarity with the immigrant community. morgan rad ford has been covering that story all day. sun about to set there, morgan, and a couple degrees cooler than it is in los angeles too. >> quite a few degrees cooler. thousands were stand out here in the cold today. minutes before the rally began we saw hundreds of people packing the square. of course, they've been out here a lot longer since that rally was scheduled to end at 4:00 p.m. people were chanting they were saying immigrants are welcome here. i also want to introduce you to victoria. victoria, you were here at the rally, correct? ? >> yes, i was. >> why did you think it was importance to come out today? >> if one of us is oppressed, all of us are oppressed, and
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new york will never be silent. >> was the immigration issue such a big issue for the lgbt community? >> it's what the city is made on. we're all immigrants here. >> some people have said we understand president trump is already in office. just very quickly, why do you think protesting was still the right answer today, even though he is still our president? >> we must have a voice, and we won the popular vote. we're not going to be silenced ever. >> people like victoria coming out to say they want their voices heard and they want people across the world to know america is a safe place for immigrants. >> rounding out three cities we were visiting right now now with marches. just three stops we selected here, the lgbtq community,
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communities across the country that aren't necessarily associate with, we heard from ann thompson, women, and we're seeing white is what she was reporting. >> right >> this isn't the target of the executive order, but we have them out in the streets opposing it. >> the last reignition of the progressive movement. it was asleep in the 2016 election. we saw diminished turnout. donald trump is now the president. many of those people you described, urban residents, lgbt world, and women who did not support hillary clinton in the numbers that were expected and another reason she didn't win, they are coming alive and saying we're going to opposite this presidency. perhaps weir not seeing trump supporters leading the charge, but the people leading the charge are the people who stayed home, were a little bit uninterested, appear pathetic.
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it's really something that you've been so they've this for us. thank you so much, beth. in response to the executive order's rehearsal, -- reversib, i want to bring in stacey who's been working with the aclu. let's look forward first if we can, stacey. we're waiting to see if an appeal happens if that appeal happens what do you expect? >> if there is an appeal -- we've heard from the department of homeland security that there will be an appeal to the 9th circuit: and we expect them to act quickly.
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the 9th circuit will be reviewing the temporary restraining order to review the legal claims that have been presented. the 9th circuit is a fantastic court, a fair court. we look forward to waiting for their decision. >> there's that decision, and then we also have 15 other states at least at this point who are condemning the executive order and several states taking legal action. we also have the decision coming out of massachusetts where they upheld the executive order. many are saying it's going to go to the supreme court and if that happens, how are you planning for that? >> just to be clear, the boston order that was just a refusal to extend the initial temporary restraining order. there hasn't been a decision on the merits of that case. now that there's been a halt to the entire executive order, all the lawsuits are on hold because
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of that. we don't know exactly what will happen at the 9th circuit, but most likely we'll wait to see if there's an injunction which will come out of the seattle court. if you'll recall in the texas case, that was an appeal of a preliminary injunction where texas sued on president obama's deferred action program. >> citiessy, thank you for your perspective. appreciate it. we're watching live pictures at the moment. these coming out of west palm beach. west palm beach, another city there in florida where the president is in mar-a-lago not too far away. the question now is how democrats in congress are planning to fight president
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trump's executive orders in total? we'll be joined by democratic congresswoman barbara lee. h befe leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. ♪ everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. beneful healthy weight because the first ingredient is chicken. (riley) man, this chicken is spectacular! (jessica) i feel like when he eats beneful, he turns into a puppy again. you love it, don't you? you love it so much! (vo) try beneful healthy weight with chicken.
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built for business. [ cheers and applause ] an emotional scene. boston's airport, a family reuniting. bernie sanders saying it's a good day for our system of checks and balances. chuck schumer calling it a victory for the constitution. 55% disapprove of the president's travel ban. joining us from california representative is barbara lee.
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i was getting a report from katie beck out of los angeles. a supporter says i went through a process of becoming a u.s. citizen and i would hope everyone else has to go through that same process. i'm also concerned about safety in america. that's what that one pro-trump marcher said to her. what would you say to that californian? >> first i would say we all are concerned about safety in america, but this is a ban against muslim entering our country. it provides for a religious test and that's un-american. i really applaud the judge's decision because it is unconstitutional. this is a judge appointed by george bush. people need to really continue to protest and speak out because this ban is wrong and it's morally wrong and untooshl.
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>> you've even the historic marches across the country. it's been three weekends where we have a new president at the same time. are democrats ready to take advantage of this energy, and if they are, how are they doing it? >> we're here in baltimore here progressives talking about our strategy for fighting. i think already you have seen democrats within the house of representatives and the senate provide that wall of resistance. many of us have been protesting the ban, the wall, the threat to cut off funding for sanctuary cities. some of those protested the electoral college. so this resistance movement is
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part of a movement that we're working with democrats on the inside and people on the outside, not necessarily democrats, but a people's movement that has developed. >> representative, as you gather there, what are some of the ideas you're coming up with that will work that we're seeing in the streets here across the country? >> one of the strategies we've been talking about is the whole notion of intersectionality and how we've come together. the young women who organized the women's march really got it right. you saw all around the country people from all aspects of life from all backgrounds come together because there were common issues we all cared about. people who can agree on several issues but may not agree on all issues ever issues, to come together. and then we have to organize, register to vote, and, of
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course, for me and many of us, we have to take back the house and senate in two years. >> being from california this idea of intersectionality. the gap in wealth that has been reported on that is seen there in baltimore where you're meeting, many are saying the democrats also didn't address that in recent years. how would you answer that criticism? >> well, democrats in the last few years of course in the house of representatives, we've had a strong agenda addressing criminal justice reform, addressing health care, addressing affordable housing, addressing systemic racism. what's happened is unfortunately our economic message with regard to job creation didn't seem to break through when in fact it's been democrats and president
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obama who thougfought like you not believe, how we helped turn the economy around. that message hasn't broken through yet, so we are working on a strong economic message so we can talk to the entire country with regard to why we must create good-paying union jobs for all americans. >> who is that voice that will carry that message for the democratic party? >> i think the voices of people who are protesting, who are organizing, the voices of young people. i think it's the power of the of people as we say in northern california that will resent in this next election. people have to recognize this is still a democracy and we have to really use the mechanisms of our democratic processes that make sure we take back the house and senate in two years. >> more specifically and quickly, who do you want to lead
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the dnc? >> i have endorsed keith ellison. i'm a member of the dnc, and i think next month we're going to see an election that's really going to be exciting and it's going to be an election that's going to day care the democratic party forward. >> fellow californian, congresswoman barbara lee. president trump has hit iran with new sanctions following a ballistic missile test. the white house says defies a u.s. resolution. as tensions heat up there as we continue to follow protests around the country to the immigration ban including this scene in houston.
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of us across the country and around the world come tomorrow. but today the energy is really about, at least on the streets, a protest against the immigration ban an executive order order that was signed last friday. that's what we're watching this hour at the bottom of the hour. also take place in miami, washington, d.c., new york city, los angeles, as well as around the world, in london, tel aviv, in paris, thousands gathering to voice opposition to president trump's immigration ban in the united states. now, a federal judge temporarily lifting trump's ban on immigrants from seven predominantly muslim countries. government agencies including the state department and the department of homeland security have reverse these restrictions happening in the last 24 hours. president trump calling these
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moves by the judge ridiculo"rid. president trump has vowed that it will be overturned as they appeal it. that appeal has not come through as of yet today, although we've been watching very carefully because it was expected to happen sometime told potentially. president trump's new sanctions against iran is also something we're watching. this happening after its ballistic missile tests were creating backlash. iran is blocking a group of u.s. wrestlers. state media saying tehran will keep going with its missile program. the president of the iran counsel with with us now. iran as you know is on the immigration ban list.
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how are iranian americans reacting to the stay by the seattle judge? i don't know if you saw the pictures of the family that was reunited. ? >> iran americans are absolutely elaid, but at the same time people are still in shock that this could happen in the first place, and also terrified something will happen in the next two or so days that could reverse this. iran americans are the most affected by this. most of them are students, people who need through a tremendous amount of vetting to be able to get these visas. they tend to be quite pro-american because many of them woo like to stay here and they're contributing tremendously to america. and they've been absolutely shocked that even green card holders have been deported from the united states, and this ban has targeted iran to the extent
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it has. >> what are the amount of family visas? >> we don't have the exact numbers. but i will tell you this. i don't know a single iran american family who may have been citizens for 30, 40 years who don't every year or so get a relatively from iran to come and visit them. for an iranian to get an american visa means they have to travel to a third country several times in order to be able to get that visa. it's extremely difficult already as it is, and there's not a single case, zero, of any of those iranian visa holders having come to the united states and conduct a terrorist attack that killed an american, zero. >> we saw backlash after 9/11 and seen it throughout the
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years. in this particular case, has there been recent backlash after the executive order? >> i think there's a tense atmosphere in the sense that people are at the same time very perplexed that there are folks in this country, perhaps their neighbor, despite the 35k9 they've been living there so long that support this. i think that may be because a lot of people don't understand what this ban actually is. they don't understand it's targeting people who had already gone through extreme vetting to get visas, green card holders. i don't think they fully understand the seven countries that have been targeted account for zero deaths in terrorist attacks on u.s. soil. i think a lot of people have just become very scared by the rhetoric of the trump administration and mr. trump during the campaign. now they're yearning for anything that gives them the illusion of security. if they're educated and actually the learned facts about this, i
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doubt there will be more than 10% or 15% support for such a measure. >> president trump in his reaction today has used words such as, if we continue with this reversal that came out of the washington state that it's big proubl, and he's also saying because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad, dangerous people may be pouring into the country, a terrible decision. put together his responses with your responses. >> he is scaring the american people to think that these students and these other people who have come through after extreme vetting and have gone through tremendous difficulties to get visas are the threat and they're not. if he was truly serious, held put in some significant vetting when it comes to folks coming from countries that have
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committed acts of terrorism like the u.e.. if you truly want to make the world safer, if you truly want to make america safe, there are some measures you can take, but just completely bands people from countries who didn't have anything to do with this doesn't give security to people who are terrified reading his tweets. >> thank you for stopping by. >> thank you so much for having me. going forward our political panel joins us with what has happened just within the last 24 hours and what this means for the trump administration as well as the critics of it. s why a cue university counts on centurylink to keep their global campus connected. and why a pro football team chose us to deliver fiber-enabled broadband to more than 65,000 fans.
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now i want to take a moment to get us up to day. it's been a busy 24 hours when it comes to that executive order that was signed by president trump with regard to immigration. we have attorneys general now in 16 different states. from new york to hawaii and everything in between challenge this executive order. it's the kmalg in washington state that triggered a
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nationwide restraining order by a federal judge allowing entry into the united states from individuals from those seven majority muslim countries. "the new york times" specifies exactly who's impacted by the executive order. temporary visitors, new immigrants, as well as all refugees. and then "the washington post" website has a detailed map showing that the seven countries in this executive order are not the source of terrorist attackers in the u.s. places like saudi arabia, egypt, and of course in the united states. with us lanhee chen, marco rubio as well he's worked with. he's now at the hoover institution. bill sher and eleanor clift who
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covers politics for the "daily beast." >> i'll share one of his tweets with you. the immigration bans stay by a seattle judge last night was a terrible decision because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into the country. how far will centrist moderate republicans continue to support president trump? we've seen that happen in this first two weeks of the administration, before that rubber band snaps? >> i think the challenge of the procedural issues behind how this policy was rolled out interfered with the ability for centrist and moderate republicans to be supportive for longer with the underlying
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policy, a igneous if there ought to be restrictions to countries's travel to the united states. they have been overwhelmed by infighting and in some cases jiha jihady terrorists. i think it made it difficult for republicans to stay on board for much longer. as this continues to follow its course, it will be even more difficult for republicans to remain on board. >> this questioning critics of donald trump the opening. >> it sparked protests around the world as you were correctly pointing out and it's given energy to the democratic party with eight years of president obama in the white house. democrats didn't pay attention to their party. this order, i think the substance of it in addition to the way it was rolled out,
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really challenged the way americans think of themselves. and i think it's going to be very difficult for the trump administration to recreate this executive order in a way that can past muster. it will be a challenge in the courts, obviously. but you can't overcome the bad odor this has left in this first two weeks of his presidency. >> eleanor, that bad odor can actually be worse than that. we had senator patrick leahy with us and this is the way he described the situation. take a listen. >> it's amazing. i've never seen any president, republican or democrat, act in such a childish way. if anyone else was doing it, we'd say it was a temper tantrum. the president of the united states doing it, it's like he wants to anticipate a
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constitutional crisis. >> are we in the makings of one? >> only if trump does not following judicial rulings which at least so far they're saying they will. we'll see what actually happens on the ground. let's remember that even though there are legal openings for progressive lawyers, morale on the left is much higher. politically speaking, trump likes fights, trump likes pushing the boundaries of the checks and balances of our constitution. trump likes attacking elite judges and allied heads of states and his voters like that as well. there's a lot of reason to be optimistic that trump can be checked thankfully because of our constitutional system. it remains to be seen if that's going to hurt trump politically with his own voters. >> this happened during the
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election, it's happening right now. you have republican leaders biting their tongue. you have your ear to the ground. do they want to do something else right now? >> i think obviously these first hundred days are a time generally when presidents have a lot of authority, a lot of impact potentially. they could do a lot on policy. obviously republicans have been talking for a long time about the replacement of obamacare. there are a lot of different policy areas where republicans want to be able to make progress. i think the question is is what we're seeing now noise or in fact is it going to hurt the ability of republicans to advance the policy agenda on those very important toipics? that ultimately is what these guys got elected to congress to
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do. >> we have houston, new york, washington, d.c., a lot of different pictures. is this an opportunity for democrats or is this also an opportunity for folks like you, republicans? >> i think it is an opportunity both for republicans and democrats to say let's try to come together on areas where we can agree. i think the challenge is that it makes it hard for people to come together and to find common ground. at the end of the day we're having this discussion about what america is, what it's supposed to be. >> eleanor, what's your thought on this question? is this an opportunity for democrats and republicans? >> you see members of congress being besieged at their offices by people who suddenly discover they like obamacare. you've seen a voter gramengagem
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here. i can't imagine him delivering a thoughtful speech to the american people trying to put in perspective what his goals are. instead it's chaos every day, and that is his management style. i don't think we should be surprised. >> i want to build on the point you made there, eleanor. and to you, bill, he hasn't come together and put together a message. why hasn't it come out and just talk to them? it's not like we're talking about one city or two cities or an isolated day. we're talking about many days and many people. >> i think what trump wants, and what steve bannon wants is chaos. they want destabilization. they want to disorient the public at large. fact that this was rolled out in a sloppy way was by design.
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the challenge for those in the resistance is not just resist, but resist in a way that seizes the higher ground so there's no race to the bottom . >> disorganized chaos or organized chaos, and which one will be more effective. thank you for being with us on a saturday here on msnbc. concerns about trump's relationship now with vladimir putin. we'll talk about that and how it could affect his foreign policy agenda. we'll have brand new sound from the president. stick with us. did you make that? i did... n't. hey, come look what lisa made. wow. you grilled that chicken? yup! i did... n't. mhm, lisa. you roasted this?
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. we continue to watch what is happening not only in the protests across the country, but we also have new sound. this coming in from a discussion with bill o'reilly from fox news, that with donald trump, a typical annual event that does happen. it's an interview that happens they play during halftime. >> do you respect putin. >> i do respect him. >> why. >> i respect a lot of people, but that doesn't mean i'm going to get along with them. he's a leader of his country. i say it's better to get along with russia than not. if russia helps us in the fight against isis and islamic terrorism all over the world, that's a good thing. ly get along with him. >> he's a killer though.
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putin's a killer. >> we got a lot of killers. you think our country's so innocent? >> a little preview of the interview with the president of the united states. joining us is michael mcfall, former ambassador to russia. what's your reaction to what president trump said about his relationship with vladimir putin? >> i got to tell you the thing that most outrages me, when he soinz moral equivalencesy to putin, be sure that's objectionable to me. those are two kinds of killing when we do killing and what mr. putin does, the way he fights terrorism in syria is different than the way we fight terrorism. i wish he would stop doing that.
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that is offensive to every american that fights turned american flag. he's right we should try to get along with putin. i would like president trump to divine what he thinks are the national interests that we can do together. fighting isis is something the obama administration tried to do with russia for two years and it didn't work. >> what do you think that he made equivalence? >> i don't know. he made it when he was a candidate. he made it on "morning joe." i remember it very vividly. many i'm not sure it's been repeated. that he feels compelled to double down on it and somehow equate the united states of america with putin's russia is just wrong. >> we cannot help but bring out ukraine, political reporting about a private meeting at this
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year's national prayer breakfast between mr. trump and another ukrainen politician that was lifting a promise with sanctions. it will remain in place. >> i've seen the reporting. i don't know exactly what was said. i think it's interesting to note that the trump administration seems divided on this issue >> yeah. >> and the u.n. ambassador, secretary mattis in testimony, secretary tillerson in testimony made it clear they support the obama administration's policy. that's at odds with what candidate trump and president-elect trump said. maybe they're not carrying the day. >> what do you think might be the next step that the trump white house might take in diplomacy with japan? >> putin is to fight isis.
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they will probably take another run like the obama administration did to think about ways to cooperate on those counterterrorist activities. i think there's going to be a lot of problems but it's worth attempting to do so, maybe in our margins we might improve our margins with isis. a lot coming up for you next hour. stay with us. our coverage continues as we watch a lot of pictures like this coming out of houston and protests across the country. it's looking up not down. it's feeling up thinking up living up. it's being in motion... in body in spirit in the now. boost. it's not just nutrition. it's intelligent nutrition. with 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. all in 3 delicious flavors. it's choosing to go in one direction...
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3:59 pm
thanks for staying with us on this saturday seeing. i'm richard lui live in new york city. the department of justice expected to challenge the nationwide hold placed on parts of president trump's immigration ban. mr. trump reacting to that federal order in a tweet this
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evening saying, quote, because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country, a terrible decision, end quote. that as protesters converge on palm beach florida where the president is tenanting gala for the red cross. hey, kelly. >> reporter: good to be with you, richard. another tweet from the president who asked the question why is the court ruling from boston which sided with his view not being used? so the president is not letting go of this issue, of his wanting to stand up for his immigration policy that he believes is to protect the country in the face of all these protests that included some near his home in mar-a-lago. at the same time we're expecting new steps from the white house to push


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