tv Morning Joe MSNBC February 7, 2017 3:00am-6:01am PST
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mohyeldin and louis burgdorf. "morning joe" starts right now. good morning, it is tuesday, february 7th. with us onset here on "morning >> this is exciting. >> political analyst and author of "game change" mark's dad. >> contracts in negotiation. >> at some point he loses -- >> donny deutsch is with us. on capitol hill commentary editor from washington examiner and visiting fellow from american enterprise institute. >> good morning. >> before we jump into, this can you believe we get all these calls from people in the press. >> off the hook. >> they are still pushing this story. the bannon story. what have we said here from day
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one about donald trump. what's donald trump's management style. >> last one in the room. leaves everyone guessing. >> this "time" magazine cover they put out last week. >> he runs the place. >> you've done this a lot. we know trump. trump runs the white house. steve bannon doesn't run the white house. >> they keep pushing it. >> first of all, i know trump more than 20 years. nobody has bashed him more than i do. autocratic. one thing, he's a decisionmaker. this story is not about trump, bannon being the puppeteer. >> not what they are saying. >> i've been around the press business. steve bannon is probably talking to the press and leaking more things than anybody -- he's a steve bannon reporter. >> multiple sources say bannon is in charge. >> what ban on is in charge
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offes promoting bannon. if i'm donald trump and i'm wondering where stuff is coming out of the white house, the fact he ended up on the cover of "time" magazine. >> you can trace the executive order and all sorts of things to things that bannon has said before. >> he could be signing paperwork he doesn't know what he's signing. but at the end of the day, steve bannon more than anything else is in the business of promoting steve bannon. you don't end up on the cover of "time." if you think donald trump is the great promoter, i think we have somebody to match him in terms of managing the press. basically in the business, carnival barking business. >> you know, this promotion business, you don't accidentally end up on the cover of "time" magazine automotive i've worked with guys who end up on the cover of ad week. no, they just -- bs.
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>> i don't know. so many different layers of reporting. >> this doesn't happen by accident. what i find so fascinating is the press has been saying for months steve bannon, he's behind it, "saturday night live," "time" magazine. it's trump. it starts and it ends with trump. i've had people come up to me in the press going, this trade deal that trump is doing now, that's all steve bannon. i said donald trump was talking that way a decade ago. they just don't want to listen to it because somebody keeps leaking, it's all bannon, it's all bannon. >> "time" magazine is one cover. if you slip that across donald trump without approving it by him it's going to -- i'm surprised it hasn't already. mika, you know donald trump. you think it's likely he said put your self on the cover. >> no. >> by the way, if the first week
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i were a member of congress my chief of staff were on the cover of "roll call" i would call my chief of staff. tim carney you're laughing. i'd say, listen, i don't really care, dude, if you're on the cover of the hill or not, like the first week i'm in congress, but that don't just happen. why don't you keep your head down and work for me instead of working for you. >> i think if you look at -- i think donny is right, if you look what bannon did with breitbart, that wasn't just a website, that was a media production. they helped turn schweitzer's backs, clinton, help turn those spoke best sellers. he was tied in with print media. he was tied in with fox. he was tied in with a lot of tv. bannon he's this alt-right guy as his critics put it he's out on the fringes. he's tied in with a lot of
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things. he knows his job has to be a promoter. as far as the question how much has he been making the decideses or manipulating, i think the way to look at it, bannon saw the stuff trump was talking about, the protectionism, all that stuff, he said, donald, there's a philosophy behind what you're saying. it's populism, nationalism. it goes way back. it has a great pedigree in measure history. i can explain to you the populism behind the ideas. i think that's why bannon has purchase on donald trump's mind. he's saying you're really articulating a philosophy that goes way back in this country, this nationalist populism. that's how to understand his influence. >> "the new york times" reporting sunday and people i've talked to as wells this idea steve bannon put himselfn the national security council principle's committee without fully understanding what that means. >> that can't be true. >> trump took belowback.
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>> trump must have known. >> that goes to trump eventually. the buck stops -- you've got to know what you're signing. the guy running your white house -- >> that didn't happen. i don't believe it. it's fantastical. >> by the way, another thing that "new york times" article said bannon decided i was going to use the chaos inside of -- he was going to rush into the void and chaos to exploit the chaos and get his stuff through. that's another thing, i would call my person and say, listen, if you see chaos here, you come talk to me and we'll organize it. don't try to build your little kingdoms inside my white house. >> it was basically that cover was donald trump was this and i'm this big. >> "saturday night live" even picked up on it where they had bannon behind the desk and they had donald trump at a little desk, which is exactly the story that's being promoted.
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it's outrageous. >> this began when bannon fought and won to be named in the press release in his job as not reporting to white house chief of staff, unprecedented move in white house history. everyone reports to chief of staff. >> everybody. >> there's never been anything like it. he has used that position. the fact that reince priebus is not as driven by what bannon is driven by and therefore there's a huge vacuum and he's stepped into it. >> the truth of the matter is everybody tells me from the white house, reince priebus, like jared, wants to run an efficient white house that wants done what the president wants done. have you seen reince priebus' picture. let's look at that "time" magazine picture again. is that reince on the cover? have you seen reince priebus on
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the cover of "time"? have you seen jared's picture on the cover of "time." . >> that's because they are keeping their head down and trying to run an efficient white house. ribz wasn't pushing himself on any national security councils. >> he should be more alpha in that group. that job really does require that. by the way, somebody working for you, joe -- >> interesting your take, donny. >> once again, i've met this guy in business before, forget that he's a dangerous guy, a white nationalist and all these horrible things. >> you're talking about bannon. >> beyond that, he's more of a promoter than trump. i don't think we could have ever topped this. this guy in a matter of time went from anonymity to the guy that's running the world. that doesn't happen on its own. >> being on the cover of "time" magazine, as donny said, does not happen on its own. >> we have this, justice department filed a brief in the western federal appeals court
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urging them to immediately reinstate the president's seven-nation travel ban as a guard to america's safety. the justice department is asking the court to limit their injunction to previously admitted aliens who are temporarily abroad now or who wish to travel and return to the unin the future. blocking those who have never entered the country. foreign visitors are hurrying to reach the u.s. and pass through customs ahead of the hearing scheduled for 3:00 pacific time today. the ninth circuit holding oral arguments by telephone. an unusual and urgent step for such a major case. late last night the president tweeted, threat from radical islamic terrorism is very real. look what is happening in europe and middle east. courts must act fast. >> by the way -- by the way, that's fine. him saying, th that, him playine
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refs, totally legitimate. when he's talking about so-called judges, way out of line. that's equivalent of what barack obama did, which i thought was outrageous and out of line and much worse than that. it's okay to say we have national security problems. i keep thinking, ninth circuit, liberal circuit, they will keep the travel ban in place. i find it hard to believe with all the deference that's historically been given to the executive branch on matters about border control and national security that at the end of the day some form of these travel restrictions are going to be put in place. >> well, eventually perhaps. but the supreme court may not grant cert to take the case. if you're right and perhaps the panel and whole ninth circuit rule against the president, he
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may be stuck and not get a supreme court review. there may be a case elsewhere in the country they may take it. in the short-term unless he gets a favorable decisive rule in the panel he's going to suffer legal losses on this. you're right. it's fine to criticizes decisions or predict a victory, every president does that. he could lose today in a quick ruling and although i think he's on firmer legal ground than political ground, an adverse legal ruling could create limbo for a good while. >> for a little while. again, the ninth circuit we all agree, the ninth circuit is the most liberal circuit. if liberals had to pick a circuit where they wanted this to be heard, it would be the ninth. >> absolutely. >> again, i just find it hard to believe at the end of the day, if you look at the language of the district court judge that struck down the ban, the travel restriction, whatever you want to call it -- >> put a hold on it.
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>> put a hold on it. none of that, none of his rational, at least from what i learned in law school, none of his rational rose to the level of the considerations that the court usually gives to presidents, again, to protect america's borders and to protect america's national security. they are extraordinarily deferential. >> if you look exclusively at the immigration law behind this, executive order at the very top, trump cites immigration and nationalization act and that law explicitly says the president has the power for whenever he thinks it's in the national interest to restrict immigration of all sorts of classes. when you read the underlying law that the executive order cites, it's almost impossible to see what the president couldn't do in this regard unless it clashes with some aspect of the constitution, equal protection. but is there equal protection
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for people who aren't in this country? i'm a conservative guy. i read the constitution the way conservatives do. i read the text of the law. maybe these guys are more creative, see hidden text i don't see. the text of the law, not just the tradition of the president having authority over national security but the text of the law on immigration is so clear that the president has this power. congress gave him that power. the constitution gave him that power. for a court to say, i don't like the executive order but i think he's got the authority to issue it. >> same here. i don't like the executive order. but one thing they did that i think really protects them down the road or should protect them down the road, willie, as horribly as this was drafted out, i thought it was a brilliant move to say these are the countries that we are going to limit. these are the seven countries right here. the seven countries they picked were not countries they picked. they were the seven countries determined by the obama
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administration and a bipartisan vote in congress to actually be the most dangerous. the trump administration had said that the seven countries -- it was first identified by obama administration as part of a federal law passed in 2015, and it required that anybody that traveled from iran, iraq, sudan, syria would have to obtain a u.s. visa before getting to this country. the department of homeland security then added libya, somalia and yemen to the list in 2016. so this isn't donald trump's list. i wish they would stop saying it on tv, because it makes me so tired. hold on. i know they are not that stupid. i just hope they don't think people are that stupid when they say, well, you know, none of these seven countries had anybody this that bombed the world trade center. right. i know. that was in 2001. barack obama tried to figure out the seven most dangerous countries today. that's what they did. there is such a rational
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relationship between this list and what the administration is trying to do. again, i will say given the deference the courts give to presidents in this area, i just find it hard to believe that they are not going to enact a part of this. >> the trump administration rolled it out so poorly that they could have said that before they rolled it out. they allowed it to be framed in a week -- >> other options that didn't make sense. >> people could call it a muslim ban. that will be the core question, if this rises to the supreme court. it's not on its face a muslim ban. if you allow it to be framed that way as they have been for two weeks. >> they wanted that. i wonder if that's a bannon thing you roll it out the way you roll it out. it's branded a muslim brand. how would you brand it? >> that's the way it was branded at the end of the day. that's the brand they sold. >> again, we go back to steve bannon. steve bannon and steven miller
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pushed this out. if somebody else pushed this t out. just the communication part of this, it would be so easy to say these are the seven countries barack obama chose with congress as the seven most dangerous countries. >> they wanted it pushed out this way. >> who said? >> bannon. >> listen to me. hold on. >> be more exact. steve bannon and miller. >> same two when it was holocaust remembrance day deliberately, it wasn't an accident, mention the day but not jews, the fact 6 million were killed. it wasn't an accident people with visas were included. >> why would bannon and miller do it deliberately? they are hurting the president when they do that. >> they are destructionist. when you read writings over the last years they want a do-over
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of world war ii, nato, making trump look like an idiot. >> they are. >> happening right now, democratic senators continue -- >> they are getting press out of it. "time" magazine. >> a "gq" cover next week. >> dl senators continue their all night talkathon. democrats hoping to convince one more republican to vote against her. >> good luck there. >> vice president of intelligence committee joins us plus tom cotton who had two combat tours. first bill karins with the forecast. >> bill, i've got a question for you. we live in connecticut. >> yes. >> my kids want to see snow. >> your kids may not have school, they are seeing freezing rain. >> i need snow. >> thursday 5:00 p.m. i'll give you snow at your house. >> you know it's been two years.
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we had one snow last year. >> one big one last year, melted quickly and it's going to happen again this year. >> that's kind of frightening, really is. >> bill -- >> i was calling "morning joe" hot line to see if it's a cancellation. >> please do the weather. >> let's get into this because we've got everything today. severe thunderstorms overnight near little rock, continue to roll to memphis, paducah, 27 million people at risk, a severe weather system with a lot of warm air, humidity, pop those thunderstorms maybe isolated tornadoes, alabama mississippi watch out later this afternoon. i was mentioning to joe, areas of connecticut with freezing rain that's moving in now, the pink here. blue is snow. northern portions of new england, dealing with snow. mostly northwards areas of i-95, portland area northward dealing with a lot of that. as far as the other issues out there, just a lot of heavy rain out there early this morning in areas of columbus, cleveland, that will continue as we go through the afternoon, too.
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areas further north we'll get a little snow out of this area, michigan. again, a lot of concerns. some pictures from overnight. hail was actually falling. here we are in the middle of february almost now. we have hail and lightning in areas of arkansas. little rock is one of those areas that dealt with that. some pictures of that. on and off through the day. final pictures to show you, seattle, tacoma area, don't want to leave our friends on the west coast out. this was seven inches of snow. second largest snowfall they have had in 70 years. pretty incredible travel weather across the country today. we'll give you updates on the forecast and also that snowstorm coming from the northeast on thursday. new york city, just plain on rain for you. that will be a snow covered scene about 48 hours from now. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. this is the story of green mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's take a trip to la plata, colombia. this is boris calvo. that's pepe. boris doesn't just grow good coffee, boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price,
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>> obviously speechless right now. this is what it's like right now. absolutely electric. >> that reporter is still missing by the way, if you've seen them. if is this is a crazy 24 hours for the players. they go out all night celebrating then have to get up and do interviews. this is sportscenter patriots tight end martellus bennett did his best to keep it together. >> martellus bennett. good morning and congratulations. >> good morning. >> how are you feeling this morning? what was the celebration like? >> i'm feeling like a champion. i never knew how champions really felt, but this morning i woke up and felt like a champion. so this is how a champion feels. >> i always wondered. >> he's a little tired.
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>> i'll take one of what he's got. >> has not done morning tv. >> it's so hard. uh-oh. get off twitter right now. get off twitter. >> i thought sean spicer would think that was very funny. i would laugh. i would think that's funny. >> melissa mccarthy. >> if melissa mccarthy was imitating me, i would be like, i've made it. he thought it was mean. >> he thought it was cute. he did a couple of interviews, thought it was cute. >> i want to clear this up. he thought this was cute? >> he did. >> another interview. >> he also said there are more important things to talk about. >> no, there are really not. >> he's trying to diffuse it. >> what i'm saying is this headline says sean spicer hits back after mean "snl" parody. you're telling me that's not true. so this is fake news. >> i think the preponderance of
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what he did was try to diffuse it and say it's fine but let's move on. >> so this is fake news. >> stop. >> as a whole, yes. this headline is written to say he struck back at the mean "snl" parody. you know the federalist, by the way, i think i sent it to you guys. they listed, and it's shocking, 16 outright false news stories, that we've all heard and all reviewed. >> sometimes -- >> that ended up just being false. >> joe, you're not pushing the trump fake negative polls are fake. obviously with the plethora of what i'll call infinite information. >> let me again, i'm saying mainstream media outlets that should be doing better, they will admit this, and i've noticed recognition over the last week -- i'm not saying the polls. all i said was i'll forward you this federalist list and you'll
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look at it and go, i heard eight or nine and thought they were true. tim carney, you know what article i'm talking about? it wasn't like some third rate writer at fourth rate magazine, these are like major stories. half of them, i'm like, wait, that's not true? because you never see the follow-up. part of this herd mentality. >> like what? >> like what, okay. we can start on inauguration day where davenport "new york times" said white house has purged climate change from the website. boom. every reporter. this is a tell, if you want to watch mika, every time you see a reporter tweet out a story with trump being awful with the word, wow, there's a 50% chance that story is false or lacking all context. the point is every white house comes in and changes white that was within the first hour of the trump administration, we got an idea this new extra
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aggressive press wasn't going to be extra aggressive, should be extra aggressive, wasn't going to be checking and find context. martin luther king's bust removed from the white house. we have stories about resignations. the whole top level of the state department has gone ahead and resigned. it was not the top level unless you defined it that way. >> weren't top level. rick said himself from the state department later, that wasn't a big deal at all. keep going. >> i said i had a wow moment where i fell for this. i had my guard down. i was making dinner for my kids, let my guard down on twitter. president obama says -- president trump says he's going to invade mexico. then you look at it, and it was obviously in context a joke. can we argue that the -- >> i need to jump in before we destroy the press.
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reports of planes that land on time. when you have administration that says cnn is fake news, "new york times" is fake news. that's not true. are there inaccurate stories, false hoods in the millions of millions of millions of information released. we do have an administration that's trying to push an agenda that basically says what i say is true. if you disagree with me, it's not true. >> so donny, i'm sure everybody around the table would agree with this, one, donald trump exaggerating and getting facts wrong and pushing false narratives sometimes does not preclude the press from doing their job accurately. i've seen and i'll get the complete federalist list, everybody out there, all fair minded people out there will be saying -- as you were saying, tim, my god, there are all these stories out there that the press wouldn't have jumped to this conclusion with barack obama as president. >> no. >> the thing is, as you've noticed, a lot of teams they will get something wrong and the correction won't even list what
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they have gotten wrong. i'm looking this up and i'll give you guys a list. how many times on twitter just over the past week have you had somebody, mark halperin, say we just found out, boom. five minutes later. wait, that actually ended up not being true. we just found out such and such -- wait, got to pull back on that. >> tim is right. retweets are not meaningless because they put the reporter's imprint on it. we're all guilty of lax standards on retweets. i think the other phenomena going on that's related is reporters and news organizations picking personal fights with the president and administration. it's just not the role of the media. hold them accountable, fight for truth, try to report for things voters care about. but to be in option to the government in a way that is personal i just think is a mistake. >> mark, i hate to go back to
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the schoolyard but who started. when you do have a president that declared war on the press. >> what don't you get. >> turn the other cheek. hold them accountable but don't let it get personal. >> the press has to do their job regardless of what donald -- part of the problem with the press, willie, is trump has got them off their game. >> plays right into his hands. >> by the way, this goes back to june of 2015. >> i've got the transcript. i wrote op-eds, saying the press overplays their hand. trump does something outrageous. they over play their hand. they have got the tore wrong. they are both right and they are still doing it. >> tim. >> we use the image of crying wolf so much that it's almost played out. we've had about two or thee editorials on this but it's
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absolutely true. we are out there on the hill. i'm going to get a little melodramatic but we're out there on the hill to tell the country, republic, liberties, good government, self-government is being attacked. when we scream and cry every five minutes and then there's a retweet, correction tweet, by the way, always gets about .001. >> we've got the list. here we go. this is from the federalist november 22nd, tri-state hacking conspiracy theory bombshell report from the magazine talking results in michigan, wisconsin, have been hacked. the evidence was no evidence. it was retweeted 2,000 times. the story was retweeted 4,000 times. "new york times" opinion columnist paul krugman shared
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the story. then came out and said that's not true. there was no hacking. that was false. the 27 cent foreclosure. you're asking questions. let me answer. does this matter? yes, it matters. three people come up to me in church saying why aren't you talking about the hacking that went on in michigan. these are educated people with advanced degree. i called alex after i got home from church. what happened? is there hacking? did we miss a story? yeah. 27% foreclosure, that was false. nancy sinatra. nancy sinatra complained "my way" used at the inauguration, false. website percentage, false. great mlk bust conspiracy, false. betsy devos, griszzly fighter, false. resignations state department,
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false. photo shop hands affair. the observer wrote they tweeted out a screen shot of trump that in their eyes had photoshopped his hands bigger. it was shared 9500 times as well. 29, reuters account hoax. false. the white house scotus twitter mistake. false. white house set up two twitter accounts, remember, for the two justices. guess what, who was that -- that was cnn said that. it ended up being false. the big travel ban lie. fox affiliate out of detroit reported that a local business owner flew to iraq to bring his mother back, couldn't get medical treatment. she died of an illness. everybody ran with that. 123,000 shares on the "huffington post," 9,000 shares other media personalities, i could go down the list. i don't want to embarrass them all.
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that ended up false. potus invading mexico, easing of russian sanctions. you asked i'm going to answer. >> yes, there are going to be some i object accuracynaccuraci >> it is the media's job to do their job even if -- >> there's consternation in a lot of press shops because they have been rushing to try to get trump. wow, this is not saying trump is not making stuff up. this is not saying we're not all disturbed by what everybody else is disturbed by. this is to say they have got to do a better job. by the way you have media editors saying we've got to do a better job. >> it plays into their hands. clintons do this, too. you find one mistake the press made and discredit the media. if we're going to do our job to hold them accountable.
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>> twitter, online, getting it out quick. >> public interest, hold them accountable. not a personal fight. >> there's a small handful of stories compared to the ones that are correct allow donald trump to say, look, there goes the press again. tweet yesterday, any negative polls are fake news. people who follow donald trump, people who like donald trump, they go along with what he says because they can point to a handful of stories like that that's the problem wit. >> it's not just his followers, people on the left think it's bad, too. he's playing into our negative stereotype and our negative reputation. the only way to do our job is to not make it personal but to hold him accountable and not make errors driven by animus. >> pretend it's the '70s and there's only three networks and your deadline is 6:00 p.m. sometime in the next week. stop lurching and just puking stuff out there, like the purge
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of the website, which could have been thought out, couple of phone calls made. good lord, this is not hard. >> russian sanctions is an example. you have the two people going in. by the way, we were vicious. >> vicious. >> mocked and ridiculed kellyanne conway for making up the bowling green massacre. this is the attitude you have right here, donny. to many in the press, he's bad. no, this isn't about this. this is about media. >> buckling up. >> buckling up and not let trump get them off their game, which they have done. >> the story speaks for itself. >> we have to be credible story tellers. >> can you give me a month where there are this many -- again, we believe half of this. was there a story in the eight years of the obama administration where there were this many false stories from
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mainstream national outlets about barack obama. >> not if you're talking mainstream. >> that's what we're talking about. >> there were plenty of false, inaccurate stories in the media. >> things on the right make me crazy and scream at my relatives and say stop sending me this trash. stop reading this trash. there is fake news on the right. as max fisher says, fake news on the left. it is up to the media in the middle or center left to get the story right. >> donny is right. this is a sidebar compared to the main responsibility. read my column in the "washington post" about all the things the president has done in the first two weeks. >> that makes this more important because we can't cover this unless we're credible. >> we are responsible to stay vigilant when the president screws up, stay vigilant every day. that's our responsibility as a media. it's media's responsibility if they want people to believe them
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and get the story right. these i listed came from the top news magazines, top newspapers, top networks if the world. >> one last thing. >> okay. >> the context of all this frames what he said yesterday when he was talking about the press not covering terrorist attacks, which is patently false. but all this stuff allows him to say that and have some people believe him, although it's completely untrue. >> we'll be right back with more "morning joe."
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with every early morning... every late night... and moment away... with every and paycheck... you've earned your medicare. it was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. thankfully, president trump does too. "i am going to protect and save your social security
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more than 111 million americans watched the game. the most watched broadcast of all time. advertisers made $5 million for a 30 second commercial which seems like too much money to remind us avocados exist. i feel like mexico bought that ad time to say it's not that we don't have the money for the wall, we're just not giving it to you. in fact, rather than give you that money we'd rather waste it on a commercial for a dip you'll make maybe twice a year. >> donny, you know what was so interesting and a little depressing, as you watch the
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super bowl, you could actually pick out, first time ever, that's a red state ad, that's a blue state ad, that's a blue state ad, that's a red state ad. >> even the performers. mika asked me, so why didn't they have the women from "hamilton" sing "star spangled banner." >> that would have been good. >> you need a red stater to sing the national anthem since they sang before that and you've got a blue stater doing halftime show. >> one advertiser covered red and blue, that was budweiser. i don't care which side of the aisle you're on. they did it with a soft hand, basically a blue message in there, we are based on immigrants coming to this country. that was the most american message you could have. whatever side of the color spectrum you're on -- >> what was the red part of the ad, beer? >> budweiser. what's more american than budweiser.
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they did it in an elegant way, wasn't a political statement, they were just telling the story of their history. clearly that was a message about our borders overall should be open to people done in a phaseful, beautiful way. >> i thought some good ads. >> i liked the audi ad, that was awesome. equal pay. >> did you fact check the tweet that said no one on the audi board was a woman. >> i saw a tweet. >> just a tweet. >> i was just asking if it was true, fact checking it live. >> equal pay, hire women. >> also car industry very hard. >> skyler sisters were unbelievable. >> gaga, whether you're a fan or not, she can put on a show. >> i'm not a huge gaga fan. she owned it. >> oh, my god. >> she grabbed it and shook it and said, for the next 15 minutes, baby, you are mine.
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and she owned it. it was a sight to behold. i'm serious. it was a sight to behold. >> i want to watch the whole thing again. >> a new york girl, just a tough new york girl on the biggest stage in the world. this is the toughest venue in the world. it has made the greatest superstars look like idiots, i'm going to just own it. and she just owned the whole thing. >> i've tried to dance in heels like that, it's not easy. to do what she did. >> the flying, how scary that is. to jump off. >> she's flipping around. you know what she's thinking while i flip around. you know, if i die, i'm going to die in super bowl and i don't really care because i'm going to own dying. that really was -- that is something. >> how does she -- >> that is a message to all of our children, which is -- i mean seriously. >> i don't know what the message is. >> own it. whatever you do, go in and own
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it. >> you're right. that stage can gobble up huge stars. >> she was tap dancing on the top -- >> forgetly forgettable. >> lady gaga. >> imprinted in our brains. >> get her on "morning joe." how has she not been here before. >> she's from lennox, you know. >> upper west side. >> who is? >> lady gaga.
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>> she was there all the time. her parents had a restaurant. >> i met you there. we had iced tea. >> we had gaga tea. >> director for sustainable development economist dr. jeffrey sachs, "building the new american economy, smart, fair, sustainable." it's out today. congratulations. get the book. >> all the travel bans, now we're moving into economics. what trump has to offer unfortunately would bankrupt us. that's the basic problem. more military spending. >> throw the book away. >> simple, quick terms says what we ought to do? >> let me ask you, some opportunity since talking about spending a trillion dollars in
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infrastructu infrastructure. let's talk about how that fits in here. how should they spend that money to line up what's in this book. >> infrastructure should not be pipelines for polluting fossil fuels. >> you've got to turn that frown upside down. we're trying to be positive. how do you spend that trillion dollars the right way from what you've written in this book. >> driving in electric vehicles, living in clean cities without the pollution. that's the number one. >> how do we do that? where do you invest to make that happen? >> absolutely smart. that's the smart part. we have technology to save a lot of energy by deploying artificial intelligence, new smart systems. we have renewable energy all over this country. instead of the fracking and dirty oils, we have the wind in the dakotas and offshore wind in the u.s. northeast. we have hydropower in canada. we have solar power. >> and you're developing that. what can we do right now.
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>> that's what we should do. >> we can invest in that. we're not going to move an economy that's driven primarily by that over the next 10 years or so. so what do we do with that infrastructure money and spend it wisely so we don't keep repeating the same mistakes? >> first thing, we don't believe in the quick fix. we have to invest in a new infrastructure. the first thing we should do is actually think a little bit, which we don't do in this country very well. >> we're thinking, thinking, thinking and come to the conclusion we should spend this money on? >> smart grids, clean energy, new intercity fast rail, electric vehicles. the new 21st century infrastructure, not the -- >> can i ask everybody else, why can japan, why can france, why can other advanced countries move millions of people around on rails and yet when i look up
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i-95 in connecticut and there are a zillion automobiles on the road polluting, why can't we do what the japanese do, the french do off. >> our attention span is down to a tweet. >> you just lost me. it's a joke. >> if you want fast rail, you have to plan for it. you can't just say we want it. it's not just wish fulfillment, you need a plan. where is our plan? obama didn't give us one? whether this guy -- we never had one. we had no energy plan in the country. we had no fast rail plan. we had the idea, why don't we have fast rail. eight years later, not one mile built. >> lowering corporate tax rate, good idea or bad idea for the future. >> if we gut revenues right now, young people in this country are going to be absolutely driven to craziness because we built up the debt so high that what trump
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is saying, lay on more debt for tax cuts for the richest people in the country. reform would be fine but they have to put on the table a program that is reform plus revenues. not just tax cuts. what he's got on offer is just tax cuts for the rich but he wants deficits for millennials. that's the trick. >> corporate tax cuts o. >> if a corporate tax cut were combined with something like progressive consumption tax, so you're taxing wealthy people and making up the revenues, that could be a good idea. if you just cut the corporate taxes and you blow up the deficit, which is what they are planning to do, that is a disaster for yuck people in the country. >> building the new american economy. thank you, dr. jeffrey sachs. i see the forward is by bernie
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sanders. >> yes and joe scarborough. >> didn't read it all. will you come back this weeks. >> this is a great week. let's do it. >> we'll talk more. >> we'll talk exclusively with new york's attorney general eric schneiderman, no stranger to legal battles with donald trump. how he's now involved in the lawsuit with the president's executive order on immigration. "morning joe" is coming right back. the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines,
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"morning joe." it's tuesday february 7th. who do we have with us? >> polmark halperin, jeffrey -- >> at least we don't have jeffrey goldberg. >> join the conversation. >> oh, that's embarrassing. >> okay. you know, once in a while we have to do it. >> i feel bad. >> under contract somewhere. >> how are you doing? how is the atlantic? >> it's strong. >> have you taken control like a good autocrat. >> slow towards you a stock raise. >> erdogan style. >> who is your steve bannon. >> i'm looking for one.
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>> i mean, he can -- >> things like that just happen. >> they can happe organically. >> get in front of a microphone and say if you read constitution. >> media is chaos. it happens. it happens, believe me. i have a cover, i know. >> he's on the cover of the atlantic. >> a story on "how to build an autocracy." >> is that steve bannon. >> mika and i were talking and she wants to build an autocracy. >> ensure hens around you. >> they have to be quiet. >> ensure on the part of congress.
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>> what happens if they aren't quiet. >> you have trouble building an autocracy. >> how are we doing on that? we were talking about steps the press have taken, they are vigilant. >> they are vigilant. we don't cover terrorism enough obviously. >> the opposition has remained vigilant, right? >> i would say so. >> are we doing okay -- i'm dead serious about this, are we doing okay? >> this story is careful, prospective. it doesn't say brown shirts marching in the streets. i think things are fine. >> we're doing okay right now, null one. >> i feel like this is a trick question for some reason, but i feel like things are holding together. i feel like there are checks and balances on the system so far. >> do you still feel as i feel -- >> he's a prosecutor. i feel it. >> this is something i started worrying about more. it will never happen. we need to remain vigilant. when you have a president who questions legitimacy of a federal court judge, it's time to focus, bear down a little
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more than we have the day before. >> absolutely. >> i'm genuinely curious. >> not for undermining, judiciary, press. those are dangerous, unusual, even novel things going on. yes, cause for worry. >> the press is being vigilant, opposition being vigilant, john mccain being vigilant. what did you make of the trip to centcom yesterday. i saw this as a positive thing. attacked the media and media stat there and stared. >> better than having the applause crowd in the back. that was -- i think from what i understand, people have been told at government agencies when donald trump is going to come, he's going to say some things that are traditional things to say and then there are nontraditional things to say. be very vigilant about not showing approval for nontraditional things.
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i have to imagine disciplined people at centcom said this is a trap and i'm not going to fall into this trap. >> what's number two? from the article. >> number one, remain vigilant. what's number two? >> number two, i think just watching, allowing -- there's a lot in that. >> asking you about number two, jeff. can you just not be difficult? >> it's a complicated article. >> be nice. >> this is not a list of the the top ten steps to allowing your cat to become an autocrat. we don't do that. >> my cat is an autocrat, controls the entire place. what sticks out in your mind in this article if you don't have -- what's another thing that seriously we need to remain vigilant about? >> it's norms. it's all about norms. to me certainly, i think to david, this is not a dramatic
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story -- i probably should be selling it as a dramatic story. it is not. it is nuanced and reasoned. you don't have to invoke the names of famous fascists to do this. it's about vigilence and norms. one thing we've learned over the past month, we are as much a norm-based society as we are a law-based society. if you don't adhere to these norms, if the president violates these norms with regularity and people don't say, whoa, defend the norms at all costs, that's when you fray the roots of this democracy, i guess you would say. is that fair? >> i think you're right if the press is doing that. you mentioned ben sasse. it feels to a lot of people. >> it's a short list. >> it's a short list. >> lindsey graham, flake. >> three, four. >> whether a republican or democrat when the president calls someone a so-called judge and the decision will make us
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less safe. if something happens to the country, blame that guy, the judge in seattle. that he something republicans as well as americans should want to call out as well. >>ics. you don't want that used against your own people the next time there's a democratic president. ic the republicans have to do a better job. i understand donald trump's discourse. i'm from the same part of new york as he is. it's always -- >> are you really? >> not in luxury like jamaica estates. >> where? >> brooklyn, hopped over jamaica and moved to queens, nassau border. >> you're such a social climber. >> did you ever punch anybody in the nose. >> this is too much information. so this is where you want them to say, no, no, no. you can't do this anymore. you're actually president. you have power. you have actual power. you don't have to behave in this way. every word you say can move markets, can cause wars, can undermine the constitution.
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it's just a lesson that has to be learned. >> i'm not sure is learnable. >> you don't think there's a learning curve? >> no. a whole new style. >> after putin -- flake, sasse, mccain, collins, along with every democrat, that's a majority in the senate. >> depending on the issue. >> i'm just saying if the norms are violated to a certain degree, i can already find five republicans. >> i would just like to see some very smart republicans i know people like tom cotton pretty well. tom is very smart. >> what would you like tom cotton to say? >> i would like him to not make as many excuses for aber ant behavior. is that a good word? >> very, very critical. >> a choice there.
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>> i interviewed him last week. look, watch what he does, not what he says. the point is, of course, if president obama had said any of the things that have been said over the past couple of weeks, tom cotton would have slaughtered him. so i've been in washington -- i'm sorry to sound like that, but i've been in washington and i understand positioning and the level of cynicism. but on the other hand -- >> also though, i think what's important, though, you've got to figure out what you let go, hold onto. hollywood stars, you let that go by. you have somebody attacking an alibi that's been fighting beside us -- >> that was weird. >> you bring it up. that's outside the norm. you hope that other people do exactly what they did, which is reach out to the australians and say, it's okay. you attack a federal judge's legitimacy, that's when the alarm should be going off everywhere.
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also, tim, you compare the united states of america to russia, led by a leader that calls the fall of the soviet union the worse tragedy of the 20th century when they killed 50 million of their own people starting in 1918. that also is something we should be concerned about. >> that's our examiner editorial today saying, i don't think he's realized he's moved from one job to another. whatever donald trump's old job was, it was sort of "new york post," tabloid star, twitter gadfly, reality tv show. for him to say, i'm from new york as well. our public schools, our teachers would say stuff like that all the time. don't get on your high horse about islam, soviet union, christianity, west, u.s. if you're a columnist for the nation or a guest on msnbc, you're allowed to make those arguments. >> that really hurts me. come on, tim. you're a guest on msnbc you commie. go ahead, i'm sorry. >> you're not allowed to say
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that. that's throwing 300 million people under the bus. you're supposed to be our advocate, cheerleader. like, i'll criticizes my brothers in private but you don't go out in public. if you criticize them i'll punch you in the face. that's the way trump is supposed to be about the u.s. not sticking up for the country when he's a president, it's almost like it kills our spirit. >> this is trump's latest tweet. i don't know putin, have no deals in russia and the haters are going crazy. yet obama can make a deal wit iran, number one interror, no oblem. >> let me say, that was a huge problem. people like tim carney -- i'm sure, tim carney, the examiner did exactly what i did, iran is the epicenter of terrorism, this is a dangerous deal. it is stupid. it snubs all of our sunni allies. it takes us -- we could not have been more critical of the iran
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deal. so there's a huge problem here. >> on the set here. >> the bigger problem is a lot of fights, mika loves iranians, epicenter of terrorist since 1979. >> you don't know what's going on in the actual room where the deal is being made. but go on. >> where the deal is being made you have somebody on -- >> at least there is a deal. >> let's go to war. better option. >> let's not do that. >> so the problem is, the president has got this wrong. it's not what he says about vladimir putin, it's what he says about our country. just like we said back in december 2015 when we were pressing him. but putin kills journalists, putin kills -- >> you're saying it's a bad thing, i want to make clear. >> what's interesting is, we had to push him. he said, well, we kill a lot of people here, too. i said, do you? actually criticized vladimir putin. yeah, sure. he did the same thing yesterday,
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two days ago, comparing the united nations. >> bill o'reilly. >> united states to putin's russia. you look at putin and the regime he worked for, the 50 million, there's just no comparison. somebody has to tell him, he can't do that again. he cannot do that again. >> donald trump has taken away the ability to take our breath away. people that don't live in it like us, aren't political junkies, they went oh, my god. did he just say what i think he said. because of the point you made, we understand russia is bad, russia has flaws, putin kills journalists, et cetera, et cetera, but the reflection made on the country we live in with americans, you know what, we're like them. we're like russia, we kill people, too. for him to say it so glibly stunned a lot of people. >> all he had to say was, yes, he did. guess what, we were allies with stalin during second world war, for a bigger cause, to defeat
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naziism. sometimes you have to deal with people that aren't the greatest characters in the world but we have to do that. he can say that without denigrating the united states of america. >> given a list of everything putin has done and what he stands for, the president can say i can't respect that. >> but i still have to work with him. >> i have to work with him. why is it so hard. >> what i don't understand president obama had this tick. he would go to another country, indonesia, malaysia, whatever, he would say, look, our record in america isn't perfect, now i' going to lecture you about human rights and people would come down on hill like a ton of bricks. so moderate compared to, yeah, we're not so innocent. this is that hypocrisy i'm wondering about on the part of many republicans. come on, guys. >> so let me ask you -- >> obama was self depracating to
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america. >> have you -- if it were democrat they will called it anti-american statements. how many republicans have come out on the hill and criticized him for that. >> marco rubio was definitely the first one. you notice the pattern. you guys mentioned lindsey graham, john mccain, marco rubio. these are the three most hawkish members of the u.s. senate by far, and they are the ones who will come out and criticize trump when he's talking this way. is there something between defending putin and wanting to go to war with russia over syria. that's one of our concerns. the hawks -- tom cotton is another guy that fits into the hawk group, the four of them. they are the ones that really don't like trump's accommodation of putin but their hawkishness is not something -- that's
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something i would like to see a debate on. if trump pointed out and said i don't want to go to war, i think trump would win in a poll in that regard. we're not finding middle ground. >> seems republicans would speak out. >> you don't have to -- as a political party, you don't have to have a president who supports vladimir putin to get regulatory reform. it shouldn't be -- >> that's not the deal you should have to make. >> you shouldn't have to -- >> it's not minimizing the other things he said that are false and strange to single this one out and say, there's something about this that's unlike everything else he says and for republicans to say, i wouldn't say it like that. >> they have got to speak out strongly against this. >> tim carney, thank you so much. jeffrey goldberg, i guess it was good to have you on the show today. >> jeffrey, it's never long enough. >> come back. >> i've got nothing to do. >> you've got nothing to do?
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can you stick around. >> i'm not inviting myself, i'm just saying theoretically. >> hold on a second, still ahead aforementioned tom cotton will be our guest. perhaps you would like to stay. and our political roundtable continues. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. right now, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. go to for a store near you.
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wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] . okay. joining us now pulitzer prize winning columnist, associate editor of "washington post" and msnbc analyst gene robinson. columnist frankie bernie. me, me, me. he's out with a new book "a meat loaf in eve oven." tw chatty cooks, one iconic dish and dozens of recipe from moms to mario batali's. i love that.
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i need a meat loaf, i'm going to make one. i did love me, me, me. it was very good. your subpiece. everyone should check it out. you write in the "washington post" trump implementation is all trant rums all the time. you say trump supporters may convince themselves that trant rums are part of a clever act but if they were, trump's closest aides wouldn't be leaking walking columnist to the dishonest media. it's potentially a crisis not just for the nation but also the world. i realize there's something -- some method to go along with all this madness. i understand that trump wants to be disruptive and has disdain for traditional norms but how does feuding with australia further those ends? what rational purpose is served by lashing out at a federal judge for fulfilling his constitutional role? i've seen no indication that trump is able to control his need to retaliate. we saw it throughout his
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campaign, and 70-year-old men usually don't change. we had an interesting conversation at the end of the show yesterday. we showed the putin sound bite with bill o'reilly and everyone at the table, maybe business ties, scandal, nick said maybe it's just the way he is and what he thinks. >> you guys have known him for a while. have you seen in him -- do you think he has the ability to control this impulse, spasmodic impulse to respond when challenged. >> he has -- do you want to go first? >> i've seen if you spend time to talk with him about an issue, he can be reasoned with. >> okay. that's a start. >> but i don't necessarily trust that the team around him -- i'm not saying they all have bad intentions but it doesn't seem like there's proper order there. the chief of staff ought to be in charge. >> let me answer your question, though. a couple things.
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first of all, this is one thing we found with trump. you get all the information in front of him, all of it in front of him, he'll make the right choice. he'll pick general mattis. he will pick rex tillerson, he will pick general kelly. if given all the information. right now he does not have a staff, an internal staff set up in a way that would allow that all the time. that's one. number two. has he controlled it yet? this is a part of trump where you sit there and think sometimes he's crazy like a fox. every time he got in trouble, real trouble, he attacked judge curiel, got killed in wisconsin. what happened? he retreated. what happened? silence. blew through the northeast primaries. he's on his way. he wins the nomination. it all explodes again and he starts attacking the khan family, starts attacking this universe. then his poll numbers start going down and he's eight, nine, ten, 11.
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then the last ten days of the campaign, he does it again. >> that's kind of my point. it happens again and again. so there was -- >> you asked -- >> there's no learning from judge curiel that would carry over to the khan's carry over to -- >> you asked is he capable of doing it. he's capable of doing it when he has to do it. >> in the moment with that circumstance. what i think is worrisome. >> you're absolutely right. >> it keeps happening. it just keeps happening. >> making a defense here. >> very clear the dynamics to play to. whose was the last voice in his ear. we've seen time and again that's what he says has to do with whom he talks to and what crowd he's in front of. what time of day is it. has his staff gotten to him or is he sitting there tweeting by himself. is it the sabbath, jared and ivanka around to restrain him, all those things. >> i said friday, you go back
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and some enterprising reporter should do this look at tweets on saturday mornings. you will find the ones that get him in the most trouble, this saturday morning he actually challenged a federal judge. that's crisis. attacked john lewis. time and again -- i actually joke with-yard say, hey, you may have to become a southern baptist because we can still pick up our phones on sunday. >> sunday, fairest minded tweet, after a women's march, a hall mark of american democracy. that happened sunday. >> thank you, willie. willie needs to get in. i know what you're saying. >> the thing about what we're saying, the direction of the republic hinging on whether or not jared and ivanka are observing the sabbath. i'm sorry, that's totally insane. >> is that any crazier than
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other things? >> the fact that's even on the table is insane. i think the real problem is people say there has to be somebody near him who can stop him from doing things. does that person exist on earth? >> no. >> who should say, you should not say it's a so-called judge. that's a dangerous thing for a president to say. he's going to do what he wants to do. >> bannon does not control donald trump. donald trump controls donald trump. >> joining us now from capitol hill, republican congressman com cole of oklahoma -- >> tom cole controls his own office. has he a shotgun he walks away with. >> in the air. hey, everybody. >> who has been leaking out of my office. >> exactly. so congressman, we have so much to talk to you about. we want to start by saying how much we like you. we think you're a great guy, not just because you're carrying a shotgun.
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let's start with the putin remark. it just causes a lot of concern not only around here but around the country. are you concerned when the president says what he says about the united states being as bad as russia? >> i am, because i don't think that's an accurate characterization of who we are as a country or what our record is really over the course of 200 plus years of american history. on the other hand, i'm pretty heartened when i hear ambassador haley's remarks at the u.n. were pretty tough on the russians. i don't have any doubt about where jim mattis stands on this issue. frankly, i think rex tillerson, even though he caught a lot of heat for having a relationship with putin, is actually a very pragmatic, tough minded guy. i think the president is going to get good advice. i think in the end he'll do the right thing. i agree. i think that rhetoric isn't appropriate. really it hurt the president and frankly it's something that's just not good when a president
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mischaracterizes who we are as a people. >> what about where he called that appeals judge a so-called judge or his posture to the federal judiciary. >> it's certainly not a phrase i would have used, particularly if i were headed into federal court. but i also watched president obama dress down the supreme court in the tate of the union over citizens united case. i think presidents are well advised not to yell at the refs. learn something from really good coaches, which is you might try and play it to them a little bit but don't do it to their face and don't be disrespectful. again, i don't think that's worthy of him. i don't think that's generally the way he acts when people are around him. social media, you have a tendency to go over the top. i think that can be dangerous. >> congressman, gene robinson. you mentioned ambassador haley, who is from my home state of carolina. i know she's impressed some of the career diplomats in her part
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of the state department. but is it a good thing that she's going to have to spend so much time kind of apologizing and saying what the president meant to say was this? we actually do uphold traditional american values. we're actually not like vladimir putin. is that a good charge for her? >> i think this is a different kind of president. let's be honest about that. i think he is a disruptive force and needs to be. frankly that's what the american people wanted, certainly in washington, d.c. so again, i think probably this all gets better over time. i've never seen anybody walk into the oval office seamlessly. it's a bigger stage with more observation. there's just no adequate preparation. again, i'm very heartened by the team he selected around him. i think they are going to get the job done for the country. >> congressman, let's ask you questions so you don't have to respond to something donald trump said. instead looking at a couple headlines here.
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one from "new york times." health care law, ambition shift from quick repeal. what are we looking at? i ask not only for the media but also for a lot of my republican friends who voted for donald trump and also are on obama care. what can we expect? >> i think we're going to do a phased repeal, replace. we can't repeal everything because we don't have 60 in the senate. we'll move to reconciliation. we're doing that now. there will be several pieces of legislation. we won't write one monstrous bill. remember, the insurance company themselves literally are writing the policies for next year now. so nobody this year is going to be losing insurance. probably next year, just given the way the system works. it took president obama 14 months to write obama care and years to phase it in. it's not all phased in to this day. i think you can change the impact fairly quickly.
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look, in my home state, we're down now to one single provider for an entire state if you're on obama care exchange. our rates are going up 69%. so standing around doing nothing is not an option for anybody that represents oklahoma and a lot of other states. >> congressman, i mean, is there any concept for replacement in the works? do you expect a gap in coverage? >> well, i don't know about gaps in coverage. i'm not on a committee jurisdiction. yes, i met with chairman for energy and commerce about this a couple days ago. i actually his counterpart as an appropriator. we talked about some of the measures that would be needed to support insurance companies, you know, while they are in this marketplace. because again, many, many, many of the people on obama care, vast majority get some sort of subsidy. remember, this is 4% of the u.s. insurance market that's actually on obama care.
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and a percentage beyond that certainly that are getting medicare -- excuse me, medicaid expansion support in 31 states. so it's a complex problem. we've got exactly the right speaker in paul ryan. he's a policy guy. we've got really good chairmen and we're moving quickly. it won't happen overnight. can't do it that way. >> congressman, quick question. ninth circuit obviously going to be reviewing the president's executive order on immigration. should the president have the right to make these determinations? should the court allow this to move forward? >> well, i think so. honestly, let's put the policy aside. there's a legitimate debate over that. the administration itself changed the policy on green card holders and interpreters. that suggests it wasn't thought through, evenly implemented. i'm not a lawyer. the way i read the law, the president's power is strong. ninth circuit is a liberal
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circuit but full of talented people. we'll see. but the good thing is, number one, it's being resolved judicially. number two, the administration respected the courts. they implemented the stay. so i think we'll come to an orderly conclusion here and maybe clarify a murky area. i think the president is awfully strongly on the side of the administration. >> congressman com cole, thank you so much for being on the show. good to see you as always. >> thank you. >> frank bruni, thank you as well. frank's new book, which i'm bringing home and starting to cook today. i just have the greatest idea. i love that. yes. >> we sat around, willie, trying to figure out what republican opponent donald trump could have promised to defeat him. >> i love meat loaf. >> meat loaf -- >> iconic dish and dozens of recipes. >> clean out the frig meat loaf. that just sounds good. >> i love meat loaf.
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thank you very much. me, me, me. i love that piece. >> if we don't go to break -- >> gene robinson, thank you so much. challenges surrounding donald trump's executive order on extreme vetting, senator tom cotton will unveil his own legislation on immigration today. senator cotton joins us next. ♪ looking for clear answers for your retirement plan? start here. or here. even here. and definitely here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler. we let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your retirement plan, you'll always be absolutely...clear. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand.
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so donny -- >> another one. >> what the heck. >> the cover of "time" magazine -- i mean the cover of "politico" magazine. what steve bannon wants you to read. >> the paper version. >> bannon brand. >> that's in every airport when you get off the delta shuttle. you see that. >> if i was the ceo of a company and my chief operating officer was all of a sudden everywhere, getting the press, the guy pulling the switches, not only would i be missed, i would know he was the one pulling the switches on the guy pulling the switches. >> two weeks in. >> two weeks in he's on the cover of "time" magazine. two weeks in he's on the cover
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of "politico" magazine. he's going to be on the cover of the atlantic jeffrey goldberg tells us. >> #fake news. >> reminds me of bratton thing, he lost his job because he got on the cover of "time." no police commissioner on the cover. >> reporting donald trump is annoyed by the "time" cover. >> he's fine wit. >> i'm sure he's fine. i'm just telling you, if i got into congress and my chief of staff was on the cover of all these magazines, i would be like, why don't you sit at your little desk and do your little work. >> what if the chief of staff wrote a book about himself. >> wait a second, are you talking about -- >> joining us now from capitol hill. we love him. >> you gave him a brain hemorrhage. >> no, you did. >> that was you. >> you yelled at him for the
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whole show and he went to the hospital and the rest is history. read the book. >> we love chris. >> member of select committee on intelligence and armed services committee republican tom cotton from arkansas. >> your wife is still pushing you to grow that beard, isn't she? hold on. we've got to ask about the beard. >> i don't like it. gives me the creeps. >> my wife loves the beard. why would i shave it in the middle of winter. >> good point. senator, you've been very outspoken against russia, putin, we had tom cole, he was disappointed comparing russia to america. >> moral equivalency. >> how concerned are you the president of the united states said we're no better than vladimir putin's russia. >> i wouldn't characterize him that way. he's kgb, an adversary of the united states. to compare reminds me of old
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line from cold war kgb and cia, the kgb is like a man who pushes an old woman in front of a bus. cia is the man who pushes an old woman out of the front of the bus. they are the same. they both push old women. >> you're saying bad and dangerous thing to say. >> i wouldn't characterize it that way. >> how would you? >> i wouldn't based on one interview. >> not one interview. he said it in december 2015. he said it time and time again. and he said it again on sunday. this is something that i think in the course of 18 months could have been googled. he knows what he's saying. >> mika, there's other, too, last month he was more clear eyed about russia.
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what he says, take what he does. what our u.n. ambassador said about ukraine or the fact we now have secretary of defense and secretary of state and cia director and director of homeland security all of whom see russia clear eyed. e psident rebuilding military, expanding military arsenal. none of those things look good if you're sitting in moscow. i think it's time to take a moment and wait for president trump to have a fully staffed cabinet and explain the posture he wants to take toward russia. it would be good if we had a better relationship. frankly i don't see that relationship happening on any grounds other than american strength and pressure against russian provocations. >> senator cotton, it's jeff goldberg. you and i have spoken quite a bit about putin and donald trump. my question is simply this. if president obama had said -- had made the moral equation between the united states and russia, i don't think your reaction would have been the same. so why are you so for giving of
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donald trump when i think you would have gone -- >> mince his words. >> you would have gone totally ballistic, appropriately so, if president obama said, look, we're no better than russia? >> jeff, please. i never go ballistic. i'm always measured and tempered. >> he's anti-ballistics. he hates the missile program. >> we're two weeks into the administration. a lot of opposition to president obama's policies had behind them five, six, seven years of bad policies that made america less safe in my regard. i think it's appropriate that we take a moment to judge the whole circumstances of what trump has said and the policies he's going to pursue before we reach a definitive judgment. we're still just three weeks into his presidency. >> senator, donny deutsch. so nice to talk to you. beyond last few weeks of his presidency, let's look at the last 15, 18 months. i can't find an explanation,
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just me personally, just somebody watching and analyzes people, other than nancy pelosi's, wait a second, there's got to be some connection with russia we don't know about. no other logic from political, moral, strategic point of view for him to constaen, constantly be promoting this kind of bromance. it doesn't make any sense other than that conclusion. >> well, donny, i would say as donald trump has said. he doesn't know vladimir putin, does not have any deals or relationship with him. he's also pursuing or proposing a path barack obama pursued early in his presidency, which is trying to have a better relationship with russia given overlapping interest we have. that relationship would be good. part of the problem president obama and previous two presidents had dealing with vladimir putin, they thought they could deal with him equal basis without coming at him from a position of strength and trying to put pressure on russia all the provocations of u.s.
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interest. that's what i would encourage donald trump to do. if he wants to deal with vladimir putin, do so from soviet leaders. do so from a position of strength and force them to make concessions. don't give them one-sided concessions. >> immigration, a lot of talk around president trump's executive order. you're gout to come with senator purdue from georgia with a new idea about immigration. what are some of the details about it? >> willie, there's a couple of features of modern life related. one, last few decades people who work with their hands, feet, haven't had a pay raise. high school diploma or less. i don't think our immigration system is working for working americans. therefore i'm proposing legislation today that would get our green card system, the people we allow to come on a permanent basis and become residents, refocus on nuclear family reunification. spouses and unmarried minor
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children and reduce the number of total green cards we give out from a million to about 500,000, cutting in half. legislation doesn't touch employment-based immigration at all, simply tries to get a handle on a million immigrants coming here a year, virtually none of him are coming based on employment, skills or demonstrated economic need. i think that's a good step to reforming our immigration system, so it focuses more on immediate family and on high-skilled individuals that can come and help our economy that makes our system more rational. kind of like the point system immigration policy of canada and australia is based on. >> senator tom cotton, thank you so much for being on the show. >> grow that beard. i want zz top action. >> i don't think my wife will like zz top. i'll keep it on a little more, close cropped. up next he investigated trump university and foundation now new york state attorney general is going after the president's executive order on immigration. he's not stopping. the question from political, is
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eric schneiderman the man to take down trump. the attorney general of new york joins us next to answer that. it's an important question you ask, but one i think with a simple answer. we have this need to peek over our neighbor's fence. and once we do, we see wonder waiting. every step you take, narrows the influence of narrow minds. bridges continents and brings this world one step closer. so, the question you asked me. what is the key? it's you.
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52 past the hour. yesterday, 16 attorneys general joined forces to file a brief in a federal appeals force opposing president trump's immigration ban. joining us, the general of new york, eric schneiderman. great to have you. >> good to see you this morning. if you could flush out. you got 16 attorneys general. what is the argument against president trump? >> we have more than that. we have 18. there are other ags that have cases. this is about a stay of the order. this is not the constitutionality of the order, this is about the chaos it's
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created and whether the court can sort it. two issues have been raised. this is what was raised by the justice department through intervention. one is, they say we don't have a standing. we think the law is clear we have the standing to protect business and interest of our states. the second is judiciability. the case laws against us. he has broad powers, but subject to the limitations of the judiciary. >> by the way, we have been critical of some of the things he said about the judiciary, but they followed the order. >> earlier administrations have. >> no, this administration has. the dhs attorneys and everybody else have followed the stay. >> it is not clear, joe. it's not clear. >> what is not clear?
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>> it's not clear they have. they say they have. we are hearing reports there are people who are not being admitted or are -- it was activities that have been chilled by the order. they say they are following the order, we appreciate that. they should follow the order. >> is there evidence they are not? any specific evidence? if they are not following the judge's order, obviously that is serious. >> it is. >> is there evidence? >> there is. i want to be very careful about this. i don't want to blame dhs central, department of homeland security, state, had no notice it was going into effect. there was inconsistent enforcement. there have been dozens of cases filed on behalf of individuals detained or intimidated to signing orders. >> we say it's unconstitutional. how is it unconstitutional?
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>> the core is it violates people's right to due process. more offensively, the establishment clause that says you can't favor one religion over another. for all of the rhetoric on both sides, the intent and the effect of this order is to discriminate against muslims and favor christians over muslims that is constitution nally offensive by courts across the country. it permeates the order. all we are looking at now is a stay of the immediate provisions. >> i know. you are talking about it being unconstitutional. >> yes. >> i find it hard to believe the courts find this unconstitutional. i wonder what the ground for that is. >> the most essential ground, there are a host of constitutional things and a violation of right of due process under law under the fifth amendment. to me, the most offensive part is, it is absolutely clear the
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intent is discriminating muslims and the effect is to discriminate against muslims. trump putting out a statement when he issued the order saying i have passed measures to prevent radical islamics from getting into the country. couldn't be more clear, it is based on religion. >> i would like you to be successful, i'm just wondering some countries that are muslim are not involved in this ban. >> over 1 billion muslims are not affected. >> it makes it, again, it is a requirement of the constitution that a provision like this be rationally raelated to the purpose. one and two set forth the purpose and policies. they are not rationally related to the seven countries identified to ban. >> why not? >> not one sent someone who committed a terrorist attack. >> you had the last administration pick out the
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seven countries along with bipartisan members of the house and the senate saying in 2016 these are the seven countries we are the most concerned about. any court would look at that and say this does appear to be rationally related because barack obama helped. >> you are buying into rhetoric that is false. >> i'm not buying into rhetoric, i read the order. i read the actual authority of it. >> you did? great. then you will agree with me. this was in a completely different context. it had to do with the visa waiver program. >> based on what? >> friendly relationships like the uk and france saying we want more information about this set of countries. >> and they picked the seven countries they were most concerned about. >> we were concerned about our allies not getting enough information. other countries were satisfied. they produced more terrorists. >> it goes to the underlying argument. not that i'm questioning the
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brief but it goes to the underlying argument in the campaign. we have to put a temporary hold. that's what it goes to. we have to put a temporary hold on immigration from countries that don't have a problemer vetting system which is exactly what you said, they are the seven countries barack obama and congress said these countries don't have proper vetting. we are the concerned most -- >> i'm sorry. you are wrong about the history. >> no, i'm not. >> this is about a visa waiver program. >> why is that? >> we said because we are not concerned about people from britain. we want to have free commerce. >> right. >> that's strong interest. >> they are concerned about people coming from these seven countries they are concerned about their vetting process. >> no, not having enough information. not to say they weren't more worried about other countries. >> you are saying the same exact thing and you can look at the transcript and see we are saying the same thing.
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there's no need for us to keep going in circles. it was wonderful dancing with you. you are making their argument. mark halperin, you go. >> there's a lot of intention behind this order, badly drafted. is there a way to negotiate with the administration to preserve the intention to satisfy you? >> we are always open to negotiation. >> what would it look like? >> they have to dial back. keep in mind, the seven countries that are identifies, in section three, that provision provides that homeland security and state are to review every other country in the world. if they don't produce a data base to identity fi with certainty who is coming from the countries and they are not a security risk, they are to be added to the country's excluded. >> right. >> most countries have no such data base. we are looking at a vast expansion of countries that cannot send their citizens to the united states. >> wish we had five hours to do this. mika says we have to wrap. >> thank you very much. we continue to follow several
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developing stories including the senate all nighter. this is a live look at the senate floor where democrats are 20 hours into their 24 hour protest against the president's nominee. >> senior senator richard -- >> you are watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. fees? what did you have in mind? i don't know. $6.95 per trade? uhhh- and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee? guarantee? where we can get our fees and commissions back if we're not happy. so can you offer me what schwab is offering? what's with all the questions? ask your broker if they're offering $6.95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab.
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>> good morning, it's tuesday, february 7th. here with us on set, political analyst and awe thor of "game change," james' dad. do i get to hold him during the news. >> comcast is involved in the negotiations. >> i understand that. he loses his opportunity to be helped by mommy. donny deutsche is with us. there he is. >> yep. >> on capitol hill, from "the washington examiner," a visiting fellow from the american institute, tim carney.
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>> we get all these calls from people in the press. >> off the hook. >> and they -- they are still pushing this story. >> oh. >> the bannon story. what have we said here from day one about donald trump? what's his management style? >> he's the last person in the room leaves everyone guessing. >> it's donald trump. it's not bannon. this "time" magazine cover they put out last week, i mean -- >> he runs the place, they say. >> donny, you have done this a lot. why is it, like we know trump. >> right. >> trump runs the white house. steve bannon doesn't run the white house. >> let me tell you what this "time" magazine says. i have known trump 20 years. the one thing the guy is, he's a decision maker. this story is not about trump -- >> he's in charge. always. >> this is not about bannon. >> that's not what they are
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saying. >> listen, i have been arnds the press business. steve bannon is probably talking to the press and leaking more things than anybody in the history. he is a steve bannon promoter. >> a lot of reporters say multiple reporters -- >> listen to me. what bannon is in charge of is promoting bannon. if i'm donald trump and i'm wondering where stuff is coming out of the white house, the fact he ended up on the cover of "time" magazine, that doesn't happen. >> a week and a half in. >> you can trace the executive order and things that bannon has said. >> he could be signing paperwork that he doesn't know what he's signing. at the end of the day, steve bannon, more than anything else is in the business of promoting steve bannon. you don't end up on the cover of "time" magazine. if you think donald trump is the promoter, we have somebody to match him in terms of managing the press and in terms of basically in the business, the
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carnival barking. >> you don't just end up on the cover of "time" magazine. >> i remember guys who were ending up on the cover of ad week. what happened? >> oh, no, no, no, they just -- bs. >> willie, we know donald. we have known donald for a long time. this doesn't just happen by accident. again, what i find so fascinating is the press has been saying for months steve bannon, he's behind it. "saturday night live" said it. "time" magazine said it. we have been saying, no, it's trump. it starts and ends with trump. i have had people coming up to me in the press going all this trade deal that trump is doing now, that's all steve bannon. i said donald trump was talking that way a decade ago. they just don't want to listen to it. somebody in the white house keeps leaking, it's all bannon, it's all bannon.
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it's not. >> the "time" magazine is one cover. if you slip it past donald trump, it's going to cost you. mika, you know donald trump, do you think it's likely? put yourself on the cover? >> no. >> by the way, if the first week i were a member of congress my chief of staff were on the cover of "roll call" i would call my chief of staff in. you are laughing, right? i would say, listen, i don't real care, dude, if you are on the cover of the hill or not, li my first week i'm in congress, but that don't just happen. why don't you keep your head down and work for me instead of working for you. >> i think if you look at, i think donney is exactly right. if you look at what bannon did with breitbart, and that wasn't just a website, that was part of a big media production. they helped turn peter
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schweitzer book. helped turn them into best sellers. he was tied in with print media and fox and a lot of tv. people think bannon because he's this right guy as the critics put it. he's tied in with a lot of things. he knows, his job is to be a promoter. as far as the question of how much has he been making the decisions or manipulating, the way to look is bannon saw the stuff trump was talking about, the protectionism and all that stuff. he said, donald, there's a philosophy behind what you are saying, it's populism and nationalism. it goes back. there's a pedigree in american history. i can explain to you the populism behind your ideas. i think that's why bannon has purchase on donald trump's mind. he's saying donald, you are articulating a philosophy that goes way back in this country,
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this nationalist pop ligs. >> the other thing donald trump is not happy with is this idea that steve bannon put himself on the national security council principles committee without explaining what it means. >> that can't be true. trump must have floknown. >> that goes to trump, the buck stops, you have to know what you are signing. the guy running your white house has to explain. >> i don't believe it. it's fantastical. >> they said bannon was going to use the chaos inside, he was going to rush into the void and chaos to exploit the chaos and get his stuff through. that's another thing. i would call my person and go, hey, listen. if you see chaos here, you come talk to me. we'll organize it. don't try to build your little kingdoms inside my white house.
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>> that was donald trump is this and i'm this big. >> "saturday night live" even picked up on it where they had bannon behind the desk and they had donald trump at the little desk, which is exactly what is the story being promoted. it's outrageous. >> it began when bannon fought and won and reporting as the white house chief of staff. everyone reports to the chief of staff. >> everybody. >> yeah. i was surprised how spread out. >> there's never been anything like it. he has used that position and the fact that reince priebus is not as driven by what bannon is driven by. there's a huge vacuum and he stepped into it. >> reince priebus, like jared, want to run an efficient,
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organized white house that does what the president wants done. right? have you seen reince priebus' picture? let's look at that picture on "time" magazine. have you seen his picture on the cover of "newsweek" or "time"? have you seen jared's picture? i haven't. they are keeping their head down and they are trying to run an efficient white house. reince wasn't pushing himself on the national security panels. >> but he should be more alpha in that group. that job involves, really does require that. somebody working for you, joe -- >> it's interesting your take, donny. >> once again, i met this guy in business before. forget that he's a dangerous guy, he's a white nationalist and horrible things. >> you are talking bannon? >> yeah. more than a promoter of trump.
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i don't think we could have topped this. he went from an minty to the guy running the world. that doesn't happen on its own. >> and being on the cover of "time" magazine, does not happen on its own. still ahead on "morning joe," senator mark warner is going to join us live after democrats talk all night on the senate floor ahead of the vote on betsy devos. we'll talk about whether it will amount to more than theatrics. first, the trump administration gets a day in court over the travel ban. we'll be right back. you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™.
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admitted aliens temporarily abroad or wish to travel and return to the united states in the future, blocking those who have never entered the country. foreign visitors are hurrying to reach the u.s. and pass through customs before 3:00 pacific time today. the ninth circuit is holding oral arguments by telephone, an unusual step in a major case. late last night, the president tweeted, the threat from islamic terrorism is very real. courts must act fast. >> by the way, that's fine. him saying that, him playing the refs, totally legitimate when talking about so-called judges, way out of line. that's just the equivalent of what barack obama did. which i thought was outrageous and out of line. it's okay to say we have
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national security problems. again, i keep thinking, this is the ninth circuit, the most liberal circuit and will keep the travel ban in place. i find it hard to believe, mark, with all the deference that's been given to the executive branch on matters about border control and also about national security that, at the end of the day, some form of these travel restrictions are going to be put in place. >> well, eventually. >> the court is going to uphold. >> perhaps. the supreme court may not take the case. if you are right, this full ninth circuit rule against the president, he may be stuck and not get a supreme court review. there may be cases in the country to take it. i think in the short term, unless he gets a favorable, decisive ruling from the panel, he's going to suffer legal losses on this. you are right, it's fine to
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criticize decisions or predict a victory, every president does that. >> yeah. >> he could lose today in a quick ruling and, although, i think he's on firmer legal ground than political ground, it could create limbo for a long while. >> for a little while, tim. but, again, the ninth circuit, we all agree, is the most liberal circuit. if liberals hads to pick a circuit where it had to be heard, it would be the ninth. >> absolutely. >> i find it hard to believe, at the end of the day, if you look at the language of the district court judge that struck down the ban, the travel restriction, whatever you want to call it -- >> put a hold on it. >> put a hold on it. none of that, none of his rational, at least from what i learned in law school, none of his rational rose to the level of the considerations that the court usually gives to
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presidents, again, to protect america's borders and to protect the national security. they are extraordinarily deferential in that. >> if youexpolicically at that, the nationalization act and the law says that the president has the power for whatever he thinks is in the national interest to restrict immigration of all sorts of classes. when you read the underlying law of what the executive order cites, it's almost impossible to see what the president couldn't do in this regard, unless it clashes with some aspect of the institution, equal protection. is there equal protection for people not in this country? i'm a conservative guy. i read the constitution the way conservatives do. i read the text of the law. maybe they are creative and see hidden law that i don't see. the text of the law, not just
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the tradition but the text of the law on immigration is so clear that the president has this power. congress gave them that power. the constitution gave him that power. for the court to say i don't like the executive order, but he that has authority. >> i don't like the executive order, but one thing that protects them down the road, willie, as horribly as this was drafted out, i thought it was a brilliant move to say these are the countries that we are going to limit. these are the seven countries right here. the seven countries they picked were not countries they picked. they were the seven countries determined by the obama administration and a bipartisan vote in congress to actually be the most dangerous. the trump administration said the seven countries, it was first identified by the obama administration, part of a federal law passed in 2015.
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anybody that tharaveled from ir, iraq, sudan from getting to this country, they added libya, somalia and yemen to the list in 2016. so, this isn't donald trump's list. >> coming up on "morning joe," a morning of reckoning. >> it's about time. good lord, driving me crazy. >> i'm writing a book about millennials, i'm learning a lot. despite the country being deeply divided, he's seeing one thing bringing people together. we'll get him to explain what is driving that, ahead on "morning joe." tech: at safelite, we know how busy your life can be. mom: oh no... tech: this mom didn't have time to worry about a cracked windshield. so she scheduled at
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severe storms could affect millions of people across the country today. here is bill karins with a check of the forecast. bill? >> we have taken 10 million people out of the slight risk, we are down to 17 million. they upped the chances of the tornado possibility around the gulf coast. areas of concern right now toward the memphis and jackson, tennessee line of thunderstorm and gusty winds, no tornado activity overnight or this morning. we have indianapolis, columbus,
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out of the slight risk and put you in the marginal risk. mississippi and alabama and down here in areas around new orleans. this is the best chance of the tornado threat. they upgraded the orange to severe weather. we'll watch this afternoon as the storms roll through. what a mess this morning from ohio valley to the northeast. thunderstorms overnight in the middle of february, thunderstorms in chicago, almost unheard of. the air is up here in northern new england. we are going to see the icy mess starting as snow. the only areas that are going to stay all snow are interior sections of maine. this storm system also in the west here. we are getting drenched with heavy rain. snow in higher elevations. yesterday, we had a lot of snow around seattle. look at these pictures. this is seattle area. this is the second largest snowfall in seattle-tacoma airport in 70 years. we are going to have travel delays throughout this tuesday.
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and i haven't talked about the snowstorm for d.c., baltimore, filly and new york. that's thursday morning in new york city. you are watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. with every early morning... every late night... and moment away... with every and paycheck... you've earned your medicare. it was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. thankfully, president trump does too. "i am going to protect and save your social security
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she said that government, when it comes to education, quote, government really sucks, close quote. government education really sucks. what gives dwrou right to say that? >> a live look at the senate floor right now. today, the senate is poised to vote on the nomination of betsy devos for education secretary. it's controversial, for sure. democrats led an all-night offensive against her. it started yesterday and is expected to last until noon today when the senate is scheduled to vote on devos' confirmation. republican senators are still planning to vote against devos, putting the tally at 50-50.
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doesn't pence decide that? democrats are trying to convince one more republican to oppose devos. otherwise, the vice president will cast that tie-breaking vote. senate ma minority leader chuck schumer led off. >> she is the least qualified nominee. the nominee for secretary of education doesn't know some of the most basic facts about education and policy. we need just one more vote and we can get a lot better secretary of education than the with one who was nominated. >> seems this gridlock and opposition has far less to do with the nominees before us than the man who nominated them. the democratic leader and colleagues are under pressure from those on the left who cannot, cannot accept the results of a democratic
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election. they are calling for a democrat to delay and taunt and block the serious work of the senate at any cost. >> joining us from capitol hill, democratic senator mark warner of virginia. senator, always good to see you, sir. betsy devos, you said you are a no vote for the nominee to be the secretary of education. >> that's right. >> do you believe there is one republican vote to be plucked off to throw this in your favor? >> we'll know that in three or four hours. we had 41,000 incoming messages against betsy devos. that was back to obamacare numbers when there was concern. this individual does not understand the law about special education or the understand the law about guns in schools or understand the law of how to measure progress in a student's achievement. this is an easy decision for me. i hope another republican will
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come around. >> do you believe they are functioning well? >> i think there are needs for improoumplt. i have been a long time supporter of public charter schools. you need secretary of education that understands reform and the basics of federal education law. she didn't exhibit those qualities. >> what is an example you think is appropriate? >> i think there ought to be more evaluation of how students make progress. as i said, i'm open to public charter schools, i have supported those on my own and in legislative activity when i was governor. i think we need to make sure there are high standards and high school diploma out of inner city, rural or suburban and measures things that people know. there's a lot of places for common cause on reform. we saw, in this candidate, and i had an open mind. her testimony was really the thing that sunk her in my mind and generated this unecedented
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41,000 contacts. >> senator warner, donny deutsche. i want to switch to the trump-putin bromance. an agreement aganls democrats and republicans that go far beyond the pale, referring to trump comparing our actions in the iraqi war to basically trump's killing of politicians and killing of journalists. >> putin. >> excuse me, putin, of course. can you give me an explanation of why donald trump seems to continuely time and time again play nice with this obviously international thug? >> i have absolutely no idea. it baffles me. i know it baffles a lot of colleagues. i's one of the reasons why this investigation we are launching in the senate intelligence committee that's going to look at both what the russians did in terms of fake news, the fact they had 1,00 internet trolls
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trying to manipulate our news, feed outlets in terms of siding with trump over clinton. the selective release of e-mail. we look into whether there were contacts and russian operatives before the auction. we have a lot of investigating to do there. >> any business ties would be reveals in his tax returns. is there any mechanism or legislative measure, anything within the law that will ever get our president to release that? >> you know, again, a great question. i think we are kind of in unchartered territory. every presidential candidate in the past, democrat and republican have released their tax returns. this is, again, with mr. trump, it seems like one where there's criticism of the judiciary and doesn't understand three branches of government in the checks and balances. two, a saying that is beyond reproach and isn't going to
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follow previous accord in terms of tax returns. >> right. >> they really bother a lot of americans, not just the media. >> the wall street journal writes about trump and putin. an american president has an enormous leeway on foreign policy. that's better than being micromanaged by congress. there are exceptions. one could be president trump and russia. he's made eminently clear he -- to the point of sounding like an apoll gist. that might embarrass jane fonda and the best you can say for it is mr. trump doesn't give much thought to what he says. working with democrats like senator ben cardin could make him pay a political price for lifting sanctions. this is what democrats should have done more of with president obama and republicans should do
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better with mr. trump. also on this topic, former national security adviser wrapped up the second part of his wide ranging discussion on pbs. in it, my dad reflected on reports that vladimir putin is perhaps the richest person on the planet. but, as he explains, the level of wealth doesn't come without added pressures and risks. >> this is a guy who is head of the communist movement in russia until recently when he no longer exercises that special title, but certainly part of that tradition. i'm sure that's going to raise questions. what kind of commitment is it to whom for who is good and so forth. so, yes, a lot to risk. he has shown common sense with problems, but people can be driven out of balance either by
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excessive ambition or restlessness or fear of being denied assets, so i think it will take time for putin to adjust or for successor to emerge. that will begin increasing to realize that in significant aspects, russia is no longer a communist state. >> mark halperin, the risks are many, given the fact. my father comes back sometimes from trips abroad, often there and talks about the enormous wealth and personality of vladimir putin and the danger he poses. >> the fact he has a strangle hold on the country makes it impossible to imagine change anytime soon. the guy wants to stay in power. senator, i want to go back to the devos nomination. who are you talking about in the cloak room as the one or two most likely republicans who haven't said they would vote? >> you think i want to expose those folks? >> i do.
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>> come on, guys. >> the white house is confident you are not going to get the 50. now is your chance. who would you like to call out? >> somebody i would call out today means i will not be able to work with them tomorrow. i have my fingers crossed. the switch boards are jammed on every senator. people's voices are being meard. >> there should be. you should have the support. senator mark warner, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> there's another potential roadblock for trump's labor secretary. andrew puzder says he once hired an undocumented household employee. he said we employed a housekeeper during which i was unaware she was not legally permitted to work in the u.s. when i learned of her status, we offered her assistance to get legal status. we have fully paid back taxes to the irs and california and
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submitted paperwork regarding her employment. i remember these issues in the past often hurt candidates, nominees. >> you shouldn't increase the minimum wage. >> senator lamar lal exander, the chairman overseeing that said he reported his mistake and shouldn't be disqualified. it's been delayed several times. it's time now for business before the bell. cnbcs dominic chu. >> corporate earnings report getting attention. one from general motors, disney after the bell, gm shares, they are higher after the auto maker posed better than expected profits. they expect to sell more cars than previously thought.
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disney stock a focus. the media giant reports earnings after the closing bell today, a lot of attention will be paid to subscriber growth overall and the outlook of movies, including the marvel st"star wars" titles. america's public pension fund and investments to the dakota pipeline process. this is the retirement system. it manages $300 billion on behalf of members. a proposed law would require that the plan sell any stock it has in companies involved in dakota access. they say they should keep the investment to influence future decisions about the pipeline project. finally, at least talking turkey or chatting chickens, tieson foods told investors they are being investigated about allegations they manipulated chicken prices.
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tyson denied the accusations. tyson and meat processors are stocks to watch. back to you. >> thank you, dominic chu. i have to watch closely. >> you are. >> that's one night i'm going to go in and kill and try to sell them on the open market. >> no, listen. my chickens are dena, donna and nugget. they are fabulous. nugget makes blue eggs. >> totally. >> do you want to see a picture. >> i want a micropig. have you seen those? >> my dog, i have three dogs. >> it's weird. >> they are so pretty. let me get a picture for you. >> can i tell them? >> sure. stop it. they are so cute. jen, do you want to see them. >> i'm going to talk ability "star wars" for a second. did you see "rogue one"? >> i took george.
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how amazing is "rogue one? >> phenomenally. maybe the hype wasn't what "first awakens" was. new characters, new story lines. >> no other "star wars" movie, i think, has grown on me like that has, other than empire. it's really strong. >> we have chickens. >> these are my chickens. >> if somebody comes to you. donna likes to get in front. you can see her feathers. >> what kind of sauce does anythinget nugget come with. >> if somebody came to you with a lot of money, would they be on a grill? >> i like them, they are wonderful. they are really good. >> do they have personalities? >> absolutely, gina is outgoing, donna is sassy. nugget is shy. >> she's crazy.
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president trump, donald was right about that, donald got that right, even during the tweet. >> he said that was neurotic. >> exactly. you admitted that. you admitted it. >> i'm neurotic, but it's not crazy. >> he's right. >> nailed it. >> president trump is going to sit down with rex tillerson this afternoon as he decides whether to bring a prominent critic into the fold. the official in the reagan and george w. bush administrations is actually under consideration for the number two spot at the state department. abrams, an architect of the policies of trump, once predicted the collapse of the republican party after donald trump took over. he wrote an article, when you can't stand your candidate. abrams appointment has been on hold for weeks. white house officials led by, guess who? steve bannon.
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mr. i think i'm the president of the united states instead of the president. >> no, that's what people say about him. >> reviewed the past criticism in whether he could be trusted. president bannon is trying to figure out whether president trump can trust abrams, who has a history. wasn't he involved in the iran contra? >> he was. he pled guilty, then he was pardoned. rand paul is opposing him. >> right. >> they can't lose anybody else. >> he's a full blown neocon, right? >> he is. >> does rex want him? >> he is rex's choice. >> then tillerson should get what tillerson wants. >> they hit it off. he helped tillerson through the confirmation process. >> good. >> he's for foreign policy. he has democratic support, though. but, you know, the question of whether he's confirmed will be with rand paul saying he's against.
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we'll see if other republicans oppose. >> the thing is, though, donny, in management, it is so important. of course you have to go through all the other stuff in the background. it is so important that you have your woman or your man that you need as your number two, especially if you are at steak. that's one of the most important things in the world. some people were trying to push john bollton on him. that would have never, ever worked. as any manager or ceo, you want the lieutenant put on the flip side. it's a process. the fact he wants him doesn't make him the right guy for the job. >> very smart and experienced in foreign policy. he has democratic support. if you get votes in the senate, that would be rare. >> i would not say this of many people, many leaders, many public officials, but with all that rex tillerson has done through the years, if rex tillerson says that's who he needs as his number two, i am
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totally -- >> i think it's an interesting choice. i wouldn't put him in the madice category. >> they said what he has done at the state department is remarkable. what he did that first day when he spoke there, unbelievable. i mean, i have never heard the praise that i heard about this guy. he was -- he was really deferential to the people at the agency. he was humble. he also, he just struck all the right -- internally. for those that were there, it said that it was one of -- it was a tour deforce. >> bob gates is for him. >> and condy rice is for him. >> up next, hillary clinton beat donald trump among millennials, but didn't do as well as
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president obama did. just ahead, somehow millennials see the country. >> any insight on how we see them? >> those we can't say. >> those punks. tell them to get off your lawn. >> i'm writing a book on millennials. it's fascinating. they are running the place. >> we love them. their x-box and narrow shoulders. ♪ why do so many businesses rely on the u.s. postal service? because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. ♪ that's why we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ here, there, everywhere. united states postal service priority : you
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>> in a moment, we are going to bring in the director of har vard university with interesting numbers on millenials reactions to trump's presidency so far. first, a look at the stories we covered so far on this busy -- >> trump killing journalists? >> no. >> the bannon story. what have we said here from day one? trump runs the white house. steve bannon doesn't run the white house. >> bannon saw the stuff that trump was talking about and said i can explain to you the populism behind ideas. >> not reporting to the white house chief of staff. everyone reports. >> have owe seen reince priebus' picture on the cover of a magazine ar jareds picture? because they are trying to run an efficient white house. >> a brief to reinstate the travel ban. >> the president has the power to restrict immigration of all sorts of class zs. >> it is clear that the intent of this is discriminating
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muslims. >> the president is strongly on the side of the administration. >> they listed 16 news stories. nonexistent climate change website purge. >> that's a big one. >> mlk jr., false. >> it basically says what i say is true. if you disagree with me, it's not. >> crying wolf so much that it's not playing out. >> picking fights. >> it is the media's responsibilities to do their job correctly. >> they hate the president. >> you would have gone totally ballistic if president obama said look, we are no better than them. >> i never go ballistic. i'm always measured and tempered. >> yes, he is. >> they left that part out. >> yes, they did. joining us for a look at how young people view america at the start of the trump area, from the institute of harvard politics, don.
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>> i have to say, really surprising millennials on president trump's inaugural address, actually hopeful. >> wow. >> those who watched it, joe. i think there's two messages coming out of the survey. the first of which isn't surprising. america, millennials divided, related to trump and policies. >> we are going to get to that. starting here, that's surprising. >> i think so. certainly, among republicans overwhelmingly more hope. >> millennials on trump's job during the transition far more disapprove than approve. >> at this stage, 2-1 disapprove than approve. >> civility, a big concern about itdecreased. >> again, not surprising. this is beginning when we see both democrats and republicans coming together to agree on something. they don't agree on barack obama or trump, but they do in terms of the status of civility.
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>> the final one before passing over to everyone else, millennials plan to get involved after an election. >> this is so millennial of them because they are playing x-box and 12 fantasy football leagues to be in. 25% more motivated. 23 less motivated, 42% no change. >> god. >> how does that line up with the pictures we have seen, people marching through the streets. if only a quarter of the people are outrages or not why don't they want to get more involved? >> i think they want to. 25% more motivated since the election, which accounts for 14 million young people. 14 million young people, certainly more democrats than republicans, but the lesson the last couple years, young people will show up when they are empowered and trust the institutions and the leaders who lead the institutions. so, they are not apathetic in any way. i think the most significant finding in this, 60% of this
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generation wants to actually roll up their sleeves and get involved in national service, something they can do to make activities for the greater good of america. >> do you see anything in your studies we talked about? fake news, real news? this is a generation that is growing up with this thing more so, which obviously has more of a propensity to twist and turn. any perceptions that skew the rest of us? >> they are incredibly concerned about fake news. we hosted 70 young students from across 27 colleges to west point to tennessee to usc on campus this weekend. they xlited to working on solutions to slee major problems. one is civility and citizenship. the third is trying to better create a better network for news and social mead ya. this is the beginning of an exciting weekend on campus. stay tuned to see what these young people will do for themselves. >> i don't think you asked about
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it specifically this time around. i'm interested to see what college students feel is happening. it's a time of great activism and rioting as we saw at cal berkeley. how do they feel about the culture, climate on their campuses? >> i think there's some significant number of young people who don't feel comfortable talking ability politics because of the nature of civility is unfortunately waiting. it doesn't mean they want to be committed to solving the issues. they have very specific programs developing with them over the next couple months to create conversations or opportunities for conversations and listening. >> i didn't see it on here. civil war beers, where is that coming? >> decline 2017. >> i haven't seen it yet. i haven't seen it. >> before we wrap up for the day, president trump is facing increased opposition from british lawmakers for the upcoming visit to the uk.
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the house of commons gave a scathing rebuke that an address before parliament is not an automatic right, but an earned honor. >> that before the imposition of the migrant ban i would, myself, have been strongly opposed to an address by president trump in westminster hall. after the imposition of the migrant ban, by president trump, i am even more strongly opposed to an address by president trump in westminster hall. we value our relationship with the united states, however, as far as this place is concerned, i feel very strongly that our opposition to racism and to sexism and our support for equality before the law and an
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independent judiciary are hugely important considerations in the house of commons. >> the speaker is one of three people who has final say to who speaks to the parliament. three u.s. presidents addresses the parliament, president obama, president clinton and president reagan. >> what a day that would be. >> we would have to go. we would be there. live. >> heckling, questioning. >> the prime minister, hugh grant in "love actually" was a great prime minister. >> you find a way to bring that show in. we were doing so good this morning, donny. >> we'll go into business. >> we just can't. >> love the polls. great to have you on. that does it for us this morning. that does it for us this
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morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage right now. >> good morning, i'm stephanie ruhle. so much to cover. breaking overnight, the last stand. senate democrats in one final all-out, all attempt to stop betsy devos, holding the floor for 21 hours and still going. >> betsy devos is completely unqualified to serve as secretary of education in this great nation. >> if they get one more republican to flip, devos is done. and the battle over the ban rages on. legal arguments set for today. president trump's justice department arguing to reinstate the travel ban calling it a matter of national security. terror. terror, truth and the news. the president claims the media
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