tv Caught on Camera MSNBC February 11, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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of aarp medicare supplement plans. sixty-five may get all the attention, but now is a good time to start thinking about how you want things to be. go long™. nbc news has lernds that north korea launched an unidentified projectile into the sea. it was launched fr, it flew fort 210 miles. it has not yet been identified. kier simmons joins us on the phone from south korea. what more are we learning about the nature of this test? >> it was fired in the morning here in the korean region. 7:55 local time. so it was sunday morning.
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it was fired, as you mentioned, measured in kilometers here. so 500 kilometers toward east sea. the announcement was made by the joint chiefs of staff of south korea and they plan to hold a meeting of the standing image of the national security council in south korea. today because this is a big concern to them. this is another test of a missile by north korea. albeit right now. as far as we know, an unidentified missile. but they want to establish as much as they can about what exactly this is. crucially, how far and what capability this missile has. how far it was able to go. north korea has been trying develop the ability to send a missile further and further. and that of course combined with the ongoing nuclear tests, two nuclear tests last year.
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again, a test that publicly at least, there are many things we don't understand. those two things raise the specter of north korea attempting to develop a nuclear missile. and the threat that would pose is very serious to the region and particularly south korea where i am. >> and we know this is not the first time that north korea has carried out such tests. walk us through in materials of previous tests that have taken place and the reaction from south korea. does this put south korea a heightened state of alert militarily? is this something south koreans are used to? how do they respond on these tests? >> the south koreans are used to it. the north koreans have tested more than 1,000 missiles of varying capabilities. including long range missiles. this is one of the reasons why the u.s. is most concerned.
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missile that's some believe, they could be capable of striking the u.s. they have that capability. playing it in a way with the asian region, to destabilize the region. so pyongyang's program has been since the 1960s and '70s. the real threat is they would have a missile would carry a nuclear warhead. we know they've carried out five nuclear tests, two last year. we don't know so many things about those nuclear tests. we don't know, for example, whether they are atomic or hydrogen tests. all of those make a difference to what those, how capable north korea is. but the real fear, and i suppose aim for north korea is to put
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the missile tests with the nuclear tests and come one a nuclear missile which would change the strategic position for had north korea and change risks for the countries that surround north korea. >> all right. nbc news foreign correspondent, i'm going to ask you to stick around for us. i would like the bring in victor cha at the national security council. it is great to have you with us. first, sir, let me get your initial reaction to this ballistic missile test. i should say, the south koreans are saying is a ballistic missile test carried out by north korea. what is your initial reading of the timing of this and perhaps the message the north koreans are sending? >> reporter: well, people have been expecting for a while that they would do something they haven't undertaken this activity really intensince about a month before the u.s. election.
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so one way to look at it is it is a first volley. a number of provocations from north korea over the course. the missile looks like it is an intermediate range ballistic missile. what the press report is saying. so it is not the big one, the icbm missile that people have been worrying about. one of the shorter range ones which they have tested in the past. parts of it has to do with the things in the region right now. abe offer japan coming together with president trump in mar-a-lago. >> so there's no doubt we'll get into a little politics of it. but the first test carried out by the north koreans in the trump presidency. i'm curious to get your thoughts on why do you think the north koreans felt the need to carry
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out this test now when we know that they have a new incoming administration. there is obviously a lot of tension under the previous administration with the white house's policy on north korea. is this going to send a confrontational message to washington that the north koreans are now back to business as bush carrying out these types of tests in a provocative manner? >> well, i would say, i'm not surprised recall in that i expected it to come sooner. i expected it to come shortly after the election or shortly after the inauguration. so in that sense, it is expected. yeah. i think it is a challenge. try to operate from a position of strength and they probably see themselves. >> we've seen it the first three weeks. some strong comments coming out of the white house.
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in particular on iran. putting the iranian government on notice and then followed up by sanctions. what do you expect the white house to do now? what tools are available, in dealing with china and more importantly, with snouk what is the objective for the trump administration going forward? >> reporter: i think the objective is clear. to not allow north korea to develop -- [ inaudible ] trump doesn't want his administration to be remembered as the administration allowed that to happen. in terms of steps going forward, i think there will be a statement in response to this. i don't expect to see any particular action. i think the administration -- how it will achieve that -- [ inaudible ]. >> former director of asian
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affairs, victor cha, thank you very much for joining us. i want to bring in colonel jack jacobs. this was on january 2nd, if i'm not mistaken, earlier this year. north korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the u.s. it won't happen. perhaps not anything different from what we've heard. two things we know. we know north korea has tested nuclear weapons. we know they're in the process of testing ballistic missiles including one that could reach the united states. from your perspective, what does the president do going forward to reconcile the tweet with the reality? >> i think he will hope that nobody remembers the tweet at all. although everybody will bring it up as wishful thinking.
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and it is uninformed. had north korea has been doing nothing but developing the capability to launch ballistic missiles and separately, to develop nuclear weapons. as it was mentioned earlier, it is really important to understand that it is extremely difficult to mate a nuclear weapon and a delivery system. but the north koreans only several years away from being able to do that. and when that happens, then things are really in a difficult state. >> all right. we're going to talk lot more about this. we want to take a quick break. before that, to recap, north korea launching a projectile toward the east sea that south korea says was a ballistic missile. dear predictable, there's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced,
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on some breaking news. in the past hour, north korea has launched a projectile toward its eastern sea. we've learned from the south korean news agency, attributable to that country's military, that projectile was in fact ballistic missile test that was launched about 45 minutes ago when we first started getting the reports. this comes as president trump meets with japanese prime minister in mar had laga. we will monitor to see more. for now i bring in the chief correspondent is that the host of andrea mitchell reports, it's great to have you on the phone for your perspective. by any accounts this could be described as the first foreign policy and national skirt crisis of the administration.
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>> reporter: that's exactly what had kim jong-un would the want. this is clearly a test of the new american president. the timing is as you that i shall because it is exactly as president trump is are dining with shinzo abe. kim jong-un has chosen american holidays to send political signals with his missile tests and with his nuclear experiments. the fact is that this is not what he has been threatening. this is not the long range icbm. he's been saying that he can reach the continental united states. that's been the big fearful i think jack jacobs just told you absolutely correctly that he is believed to be several years away from that goal. but the miniaturization of a warhead and the projection of the missile that could carry it are what they're aiming at. and they're trying to send a signal of strength. they're trying to get attention. it is no accident that president
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trump had a peace making conversation two nights ago with president xi of china after finally had on paper to the ambassador in washington that he believes in the one china policy that has been followed ever since the late '60s and early '70s by u.s. governments. bipartisan government. so that's one signal. china and the united states coming closer together. japan actually at the president's home at this hour, it could not be a stronger system to japan. the only missing component, south korea, which is currently without any political leadership. >> i've heard that all roads to north korea, at least addressing the north korea issue, all roads lead through beijing. we know the president and the chinese leadership off to a rocky start and even some harsh words for china on the campaign trail when he was a candidate at that time. how quickly is the
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administration going to modify its position on china now that they have this issue where they are going to need beijing's help? >> reporter: it has already begun, certainly in the last 48 hours. this conversation with president xi. general mattis, the defense secretary, the secretary of state, the others in the national security team are going to be moving very quickly to reinforce that message. the first trip by the defense secretary was to asia, to south korea and japan. that was very important. and now they have to repair damage with china. the first step was taken but the big picture now is that we have a security relationship with china and the china's aggressiveness in the south china sea has to take second place to gernls north korea.
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this was bonl fi this was only about 500 kilometers. they have not proven they have real missile threat that we are concerned about but they are a nuclear power. and they're right on the border with south korea, our major ally. and if you've been to pyongyang, if you've gone to the dmz. no american president can stand there and look out over the demilitarized zone and not realize just how big the threat of having that enormous army only, not only the missiles but the army itself, just minutes away from invading the south. it is a real threat. you spoke of the chinese piece of this puzzle. china has not lived up to the demand. they've been more concerned about their own economy and what war -- shutting down the border with north korea would mean than they've been concerned about the
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flood of refugees and the other problem that's would come if there were this confrontation. they have not stepped up to it. >> by that very same token, let me ask but another relationship the u.s. has, and that is with russia. had again, president trump has received some criticism for. his position has been he can work with roush a lot of issues. if there's a strong relationship with him and president putin, that could be good for the world and good for stability. is there anything to be said about the role russia can play here in this particular relationship with north korea? >> frankly, i don't think. so unless china steps up, the russian role is much less significant. and it is certainly true that the and u.s. russia have worked together. they worked together on the iran nuclear aaccord. what has been perplexing to observeser, president trump is talking about working with russia against isis. in fact, russia has been not
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targeting isis in syria, as you know well. you know that part of world better than anyone. the fact is that russia has not koom cooperated with the u.s. they have propped up assad, rescued assad from. they've been working with iran, working with everybody and not targeting isis as the vice president on "meet the press" a week ago and the president himself has said. the other perplexing things what president trump said during the campaign. he suggested at times many both television enter sxrus to the "new york times" and the "washington post" that he didn't have a problem with a nuclear peninsula. with south korea and japan getting nuclear weapons. he didn't seem to be speaking about a deterrent to north korea. we've seen a big change this week and that's probably the
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most positive thing we've seen since defense secretary mattis' trip. since there have been some counter weights to others in the white house who may have been giving him bad advice. >> i want to give you an update to information we're getting. this is according to the white house travel pool. we know the president was having a working dinner with president shinzo abe in florida. the president of the united states came out with prime minister abe to reporters, accompanied by both the first lady as well as mrs. abe. the president of the united states was asked how the visit was going and he responded by saying it was very, very good. he was asked some questions about a few other things including his reaction to the north korea missile test. according to the pool report, the president ignored the question. he made some comments bull didn't respond specifically when asked about north korea's
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missile launch other. than to stay meeting and the trip with the japanese prime minister was going very, very good. do you think the president obviously by now would have been briefed? his reaction a bit of a surprise? >> he should have been briefed. it's probably true they don't have very good information. they have to wait to assess where it went down. full coverage there. we'll know exactly what happened. they're probably waiting for a briefing from the south cleans have excellent coverage. for him to come out and not say anything about is it a bit surprising. i believe his national security adviser is traveling with him. he has access to information. and you could imagine that he would come out and say, we're waiting to assess it. we're waiting to be briefed. we'll have more on that. so it is surprising that he would not have had something to say to signal that he is on top of it. >> we do have the tape of that,
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according to the pool that is traveling with the president. we'll turn that tape around as soon as we ingest it. as soon as we have it. it was clear the president was asked a question about north korea. and more importantly, according to the poolers that are there, the journalists on the ground. he clearly heard the question. he did not offer a sponsor even condemnation of the missile test. he did not say there would be some test or reaction in the coming hours. certainly if there is a tweet or a statement from the white house, we'll have that. we'll turn it around as soon as we get the it. while i have you on the phone, i the want your poerms what has happened over the last three weeks the response toward iran when iran launched its ballistic missile test. michael flynn came out in a somewhat surprise message saying that iran has been put on notice followed by a new round of sanctions against the iranian
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government and the iran guardful are we going to expect something similar from north korea? >> that's hard to say. this had administration has been so unpredictable. north korea has sanctioned so completely already had that it would be difficult to figure out how they could come up with more sanctions. there has been no relaxation in the sanctions on north korea. so i'm not sure what they could do that would be effective. and there has been criticism on the sanctions on iran because the people who are sanctioned don't have that much int interactions with the u.s. they seem to be looking to send a signal of strength. you have the unusual statement by the national security adviser michael flynn saying that he was
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putting iran on notice. very ambiguously without saying what they were putting them on notice with. there was a back ground briefing matter didn't fill in the pieces. then we had the sanctions splanlds to us. it was also interesting that they did not say they were backing out trying to serve notice. the six-month notice that they were getting out of agreement on the iran nuclear development. they very much walled that off. and every signal has been that they don't plan to do that. even though the campaign criticized it as the worst deal ever made. so he has been moderating a lot of his positions foreign policy but he will have to show agility on. a day like today, we haven't sustain video. we have to take a closer look at i before coming to any conclusions. >> in the run-up to the election
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and obviously since the election, a lot of people that you and i speak to have been saying that north korea was the more serious threat because of the nuclear capabilities and the potential intercontinental ballistic missile. and the current administration has not been focusing up on the north korean threat throughout the campaign and in the first three weeks. do you see any valid criticism? has the administration struck right tone on the threat coming out of north korea or has it been ignored somewhat? >> perhaps there are internal deliberations. perhaps they're waiting to have their team in place. said that, every intelligence official, a lot of military officials have said they believe it is the biggest threat facing the world. because a it is led by such an
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unpredi unpredictable leader, kim jong-un. in contrast to iran which is not nuclear. it is you understand safeguards by the iaea. and despite what you say, they have check relationships with europe, the rest of the world. >> andrea, i want to cut you off really quickly. we have the video coming in from the white house press pool. with we'll listen in to this for just a moment. >> very, very good. really good. a good time. we got to know each other very well.
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>> the south korean military have reported that north korea -- can you comment on that? >> thank you very much. thank you. >> you are seeing the first take on that. very brief photo op of president donald trump and prime minister shinzo abe accompanied by the first lady for a quick photo op. they were had asked a few questions. the president responded about the trip saying it was very, very good. he was asked a question about playing golf. perhaps the most important expert the nethor, the most pert
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yes was thor missile test to which neither prime minister nor the president, president trump, responded before turning around and walking back into the mar-a-lago resort. so no official statement from the white house. no official comment from president trump. i want to bring you into this conversation and ask you to tap into your deep knowledge of the white house and tell us, if you seen a white house tested so oriole in its tenure, its first three weeks of any foreign policy crisis similar to what donald trump has seen. both the randle ballistic missile test and now had north korea missile test. >> reporter: i'm stunned by that. he didn't seem to be aware of the question. i mean, he heard the question,
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clearly. he didn't seem to be aware that this test had taken place. it is surprising to me that they would, that the aides would escort him out for that photo op without telling him. it would have been a completely appropriate thing to say. no one expects him not to have knowledge of it. there have been tests for other presidents. i'm trying to think of one that comes to mind immediately. this is not a missile test that was anywhere near our allies, apparently, so this is not that dramatic a test. it is just a flexing of the muscles, i think. the iran test is not the first test. this is not a full scale crisis but it is a test of the agility of this team. and it is only three weeks in. he have one gets their training
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wheels. but at least to protect the president by giving him information on a more instant taken just basis. >> and it comes at a time where there is some controversy revolcanoing around the national security adviser, his communications and dealings and some of the pressure on him. he also has a newly appointed secretary of state who i would suspect is still getting the lay of the land at the state department and being briefed on all these issues. perhaps the most experienced as you mentioned. the first cabinet member to travel to asia was the secretary of defense. what is his perspective? general mattis' perspective on the u.s. relationships with south korea? with japan, relationships that have been criticized by at that time candidate trump? >> reporter: i think mattis was very successful.
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obviously the abe meeting is a warm embrace, literal and figurative. let me take you back to what you said about rex tillerson. the new secretary of state had chosen an experienced hand, elliott abrams who met with the president tuesday night. the job was all but offered to the deputy secretary. the next day, opponents of elliott abrams had let the president know and put stories out correctly that elliott abrams back in may had written a column for the weekly standard, conservative magazine but an anti-trump magazine during the primaries, led by bill crystal, the editor. and he had written a column critical of donald trump. and it was very much at the surprise of rex tillerson who was told that co-pick his own deputy. and very much surprised to elliott abrams, according to
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people close to him. the offer was retracted and rex tillerson is back to ground zero without a deputy secretary of state. so not only have a lot of the top officials been told to leave but also, ambassadors and all over the world, we're told, to submit their resignations. that's normal from the career ambassadors. the career ambassadors in many of the countries often stay until new people can be put in place. we have heads of mission in all these countries but we don't have top diplomats anywhere in the world right now because the ambassadors all left january twith or before. >> we're getting more reports from various players across the region as well as back here. but we are getting confirmation, according to reuters, that the japanese defense minister said on sunday that japan was making he have effort to gather information ask monitor
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alongside u.s. forces as well. tuesday military is also gathering as. military as it possibly can on what is being detected as a north korean missile launch. let's talk about going forward in terms of the options for the trump administration. keep in mind not too long ago, at the beginning of january, donald trump vowed again through a sweet. and we'll put that tweet onscreen. he said that north korea will not, north korea just stated pits in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the u.s. it won't happen. as we were talking to ambassador hill earlier, sanctions have not proven to be a very successful tool in dealing with the north koreans. what options does president trump have going forward? >> there could be a show of force. they could do a joint exercise with south korea.
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our right. and chris hill was right. he's learned from hard experience after finding that they cheated, that they are not to be trusted. when they say they're suspending their nuclear program, they are not. i've been there a couple times. once with mad religion had albright and once with richard nixon. it is a very hard place to negotiate with. and the economic sanctions seem to be hurting the people but not the elites. certainly tnl military. they've been sanctioned fairly well but they have two-way trade with china and china has not shut that down. >> all right. andrea mitchell, we'll take quick break. before we do, i want to recap what we've learned. you see on the split screen. you see file footage on the right. on the left you're seeing donald
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trump accompanying the japanese prime minister shinzo abe just a short while ago after they concluded their working dinner at mar-a-lago. coming out for a photo op and they were given a few questions from the press pool that was there. the president responded to one of those questions saying he was having a very very good time with the japanese prime minister. when asked about the north korean missile test, the president didn't respond. he did not offer any condemnation. he did not say we're waiting for more information. the president turned around, walked back inside to the resort on. so at this stage, no official comment from the white house. no comment from the president. we'll have a lot more after this short break. . like what? like a second bee helmet with protective netting. or like a balm? you know?
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do you know what happened? >> thank you very much. thank you. >> all right. you are looking there at the video we just got a short while ago from mar-a-lago. this is according to the white house press. you saw there roughly about 38 seconds or so by my count. mabel even a little less. donald trump coming out to speak to reporters. it was exactly 33 seconds. 33 seconds, donald trump comes out. speaks to the media. photo op with the japanese prime minister. he is clearly hearing some of the questions being shouted at him because he responds to some
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of those questions saying things were going very, very good. he said we got to know each other very well. when he was asked about the north korean missile, there was no response from president donald trump. let me bring in our panel, political reporter, the campaign director, and republican strategist brandon bryce. great to have you with us. thank you for sticking around through all the breaking news. i don't want to overstate the silence from president will donald trump but i want to get your reaction across the board. clearly the president was told about this. he heard the question. no response no, condemnation. what do you think of this? >> first of all, when you're dealing with a disaster, the american people probably want more than a photo op. let's be clear, president trump during the campaign, it was very clear that he did not want to
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publicize his strategy when it came to rogue nations. however, anybody who has ever worked for a governor or a president knows when you have a time of crisis, you have to say we're looking into it. we'll get back to you. and now is the time for rex tillerson to stand up and interrogatory threat going on. >> let me give you a chance as well. your initial reaction to the president coming out. being asked the question. no response. >> it is concerning for sure. it really does, he is an unconventional president. he does not have the same bases of knowledge as presidents before him. and it makes you question, was he told? did he know when he was going out there? could he not reassure the country? is he really prepared to 3 on? does he only speak to the public when he creates the narrative? can he not answer questions? this will be his first true test and a real thing that i think we
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should be extra concerned about is that he had tweeted after the first of the year saying, they don't have them. they can't produce this. is that going to end it being a bright line for him? he feels like he has to have some sort of bravado around? and drawing united states into serious, a very serious situation, be it military or otherwise. >> i want to give you a chance, i don't want to short change the president in terms of the timing. we got the initial reports around 7:30ish eastern time. the president came bout 15 minutes ago, at least. so there was a good solid probably 45 minutes between missile test and the time the president came out to speak to reporters. certainly notified there was
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this test and possibly he was going to receive a question about it when he went to the photo op. so timing is of significance. what do you make of the silence? >> you know, i was with trump in florida during the primaries when news of the paris massacre broke. he ignored, shouted questions about the massacre going into a speaking engagement. then canceled a press conference that was scheduled afterwards and ended taking a couple hours to put out a statement on twitter about that. so there is some precedent for this silence. the context changed drastically. he is the he was one of many candidates in a presidential race. he is now the president. i think that the administration has projected an image of chaos in the first three weeks. especially in the arena of foreign policy and national security. raises the onus on the administration to come out quickly and make it clear they're on top of this
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situation. and have some sort of communication with the american people about it. >> and let's talk a little about the turmoil within the white house. the national security adviser coming under a little scrutiny about his dealings with the russian ambassador before trump was sworn into office. you have rex tillerson, new on the job. perhaps the most new of them all, general mattis who just returned from a trip to asia. advising the president this evening. how complicated will that be? >> very complicated. i think that flynn is most crucial here. he is alienating other members of the administration. just in the past couple of days, the cia rejected a security clearance for one of his top aides. basically a brush back pitch from the cia. trump's pick at cia. so flynn, there are questions
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that his job security right now. you don't want to have that when you're dealing with what may be a crisis like this. and obviously, tillerson at state is new to it. so mattis will play an important role. he is the most experienced of the trio. >> we were talking about the government agencies including the cia and some have described it as contend shus. some of the language was widely criticized by cia officials. he will have to rely on the intelligence community for the intelligence brief as to what happened. the nature of that missile test and implications for shaping his it's responsibility. >> i think it is times like this that continuing president and the administration wish they did not, refused to read the briefing that's the cia gave early on.
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these are the kind of critical times the administration is going to have to analyze to counter these effects. really quickly, let's go back to when we talked about flynn. one of the things is has the pure case of loose lips, unfortunately, fesenko sh lly s. you cannot give any information to a nation like russia. now we're talking about, to trump's credit, that individual has to be removed. now you're talking about not just being removed from the security council but anybody who reveals that type of information to someone like an ambassador even before they're in office. >> the significance of our allies, particularly the japan disease? the south koreans when it comes the north korea's missile tests. and even european allies who are within range of the missile came bilts. the president will have to
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re-evaluate the comments he's made. they have at some point felt alien participated japan should carry more of its weight. was perhaps milking the u.s., a lot bloorn the u.s. was getting out of it. >> re-evaluating is correct but always nice way to say it. our allies don't know what they can rely on for the u.s. anymore them don't know what our interests are. they don't who know will back up. he made very strong statements during the campaign that seemed to be based on his feelings. what he read that morning. it is very unclear. they really reverberated around the world. especially when you throw in these other aspects of immigration, of economics and trade. all these things are interplaying. he seems to be throwing out statements that are not tied at all. now that nation have to rely on,
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when he is given the possibility the come out and react in a quick way and he doesn't even acknowledge the question. it makes it very hard for people to figure out how they'll rely on the united states and what those responses will be. >> this was the argument that he did not foreign policy experience and perhaps tonlts we saw a little of that during the photo-op. we'll take a quick break. when we come back, we'll go live to seoul, south korea. we'll be joined for a live report. i never miss an early morning market.
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ops. we've been monitoring on breaking news. according to the south korean news agency and multiple sources there, the south korean government and military believe north korea has launched and test ad ballistic missile into its eastern sea. i want to bring in it's nbc news correspondent kier simmons who jones us live. i know it is early hours in the morning. the country obviously waking up to this news that north korea carried out a test. what are you seeing in terms of the response and the action from the government and the people? >> it is around 11:00 a.m. you can see life carries on as normal from south korea, seoul. we have had a standing meeting of the national security council. they have been looking at the details, trying to figure out what kind of missile this was. i think it is worth putting this into context.
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north korea has tested around thousand missiles. we don't know what kind of missile this was. had kim jong-un said his country was close to being able to test a nuclear capable long range missile. that's the real fear. that at some point north korea can put together its capability that it has been trying to develop, its nuclear capability ask missile capability and truly threaten the region and possibly even at some of the point somewhere in the united states. but we're a long way from that at the moment. it is important because of the timing. it is a first time that it has happened since president trump came into office. so is this a test for him? is the timing they're asking here connected to the fact he is meeting with the prime minister of japan right now? we don't know. this could be part of ongoing process they are going through of testing missiles as they try
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on develop missiles and that's what the leaders of sxouk other leaders around the sxreeg security officials in the u.s. will be trying on establish. we haven't had a comment here yet from a political leader in south korea. and that may be because they will want to know details before they begin to respond. >> all right. i want to ask to you stick with me. i want to bring in jack jacobs for potential reaction from the u.s. what are the options on the table for president trump? when you look at his tweets. we put this up from early january. this is before he became president. he vowed that north korea won't have a nuclear weapon. it won't happen. we've tried economic restraints on north korea. it hasn't worked. anything we do short of a blockade. and peeve may not work.
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it needs compliance and concurrence of china. without china's assistance, it's had it will be impossible and we've discovered that over a period of decades. so other than squeezing chinese banks who are assisting north korea other, than trying get together the chinese government to cease trading with china across the yellow river. they will carry on. i mentioned it earlier. 40% of the gdp of north korea goes to the military establishment. that's unprecedented anywhere in the world and we can't change that. >> sgg the political turmoil in that country, whether or not that could impact the relationship that south korea has with the trump administration as that country deals with its own political controversy. >> that's part of the complications of this.
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the fact the leader of south korea is going to have to be removed from office. that they are looking at a new leader for south korea. it's open as to who that leader will be. there have been some suggestions that the person who is the favorite, if you like, could edge the country closer to china. this region is a jigsaw. between china, japan, south korea, the mix changes. that's why it is so difficult to predict exactly how this had south korean internal situation will change. whether it does or not. >> and complicating matters even more, you have the uncertainty of what president donald trump and his new administration could possibly do.
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to recap what we've learned, north korea has test ad ballistic missile. according to the south korean news agency. we saw president trump come out the speak to reporters, ignoring the question about any reaction from the president. we'll have a lot more on this breaking news story through course of the evening. stay with us. ♪ if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio,
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6:00 pm
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