tv MSNBC Live MSNBC February 14, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PST
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>> that's completely unfair. you and i both know kellyanne conway, she is a person of integrity. >> she has yet to tell us facts. >> it's happening in the administration. chris, i'll give you the last word on that one. thank you for both being here. i'm sure we'll have plenty more to discuss the next time you're on. that actually wraps up this hour of msnbc news. now more with my colleague chris jansing. >> shock waves just weeks into the trump administration. national security adviser michael flynn is out. what the president is saying as questions emerge about the credibility of key members of the administration. plus members on both sides of
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aisle raisied. and growing fear over raids across the country resulting in hundreds of arrest. what top immigration and customs officials are saying about the stepped up policy. >> this morning calls for an immediate investigation after stunning late-night developments. michael flynn resigning after the shortest tenure ever in that post, just three weeks after being sworn in. flynn writing in his resignation letter "unfortunately because of the fast paced of events, i inadvertently briefed vice president elect mike pence and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the russian ambassador. i have sincerely apologized to the president and the vice president and ey have accepted my apology."
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senior white house councilor kellyanne conway responding on the "today" show this morning with matt lauer. >> i think misleading the president was really the key here. i spoke with the president this morning. he asked me to speak on his behalf. >> compare that to what see said seven hours before general flynn resigned. >> yes, general flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president. >> conway insisting that what she said yesterday afternoon was true at the time. and now a bomb shell report in the "washington post" confirmed that attorney general believed flynn misled senior administration officials and warned he was potentially vulnerable to russian blackmail. we begin with msnbc's kristen
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welker live from the white house. what else do we know about how all of this unfolded? >> chris, we know this was an agonizing decision for the president. remember, mike flynn was one of himself earliest supporters, was an adviser on the campaign trail, but ultimately there was just too much information, negative headlines, the pressure became too great for both of them and the white house is saying it really focused on that key issue, the fact that kellyanne conway talked about earlier on the "today" show that there was this sense that mike flynn had misled the vice president and the president. it's our understanding that the vice president was a proponent of the fact that he needed to tender his rest igs ig nation and ul mat wi-- resignation. now mike kellogg will be the acting national security adviser
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while they try to find a replacement and i was told earlier this morning that there's a real urgency to do that, that a replacement could come before the end of the week. >> it is going to be, to say the least, another interesting briefing with sean spicer. what did he know and when did he know it? >> reporter: those are the questions we've been asking overnight, trying to get answers to key questions, and did mike flynn have a discussion with the russian ambassador. how is it possible the president wasn't aware of the substance of that conversation? and of course you had the very next day russia essentially indicating it wasn't going to take any counteractions to those sanctions that the obama administration slapped on russia for meddling in the u.s. election and then that tweet,
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calling him smart for not taking any retaliatory measures. all of those incidents are raising a lot of eyebrows on capitol hill as lawmakers try to get to the bottom of exactly what happened here. that key question, what did the president know about that phone call? has he seen the transcripts? we know that they do exist of the conversation between mike flynn and the russian ambassador. and then of course, chris, that other question that's hovering over all of this, if the acting attorney general did in fact raise a red flag to the white house last month and say that mike flynn is potentially susceptible to being black mailed by russia, why did it take so long to get to this point, chris? >> and already president trump has tweeted this morning? >> that's right, he has tweeted and i think we have a graphic of the tweet.
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the other question is why are all these leaks coming out of washington? really trying to pivot here to put the focus on leaks. but the bottom line, whether or not these are leaks or otherwise, this information is something the white house has been dealing with in realtime and it's been influencing their decision making here and i think the broader question for the president was the pick of mike flynn a bad decision from the start and how does he right theship from the early days of his administration. those arell the questions sn spacer will be facing. >> we just heard in the last hour speaker of the house paul ryan's comments about flynn's resignation. >> i think the president made the right decision to ask for his resignation. you cannot have a national security adviser misleading the
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vice president and others. so i think the president was right to ask for his resignation. i'll leave it up to the administration to describe the circumstances surrounding what brought to this point. i think the key is this, that as soon as they pers-- the preside felt he lost his trust, he asked for his resignation. >> the question is are we going to get to the bottom of this? >> reporter: we are actually behind the doors that are usually closed. this is the room where we are told the topic of mike flynn did not come up at all. they were instead focused on talking about that president's health care -- the former president's health care law, how to repeal and replace it. and so far the reaction that
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you've seen from members of congress, republican members of congress, has been exactly that, to try to keep powering through this without really engaging in it. i spoke to jason chaffetz, the chairman of the oversight committee in the house about this. take a look to what he had to say. >> reporter: should there be a broug broader independent investigation into the situation with russia? >> i think that situation has taken care of itself. >> reporter: i'm getting the general sense here -- go ahead. >> i know you've been talking to other members of congress as well. but you were starting to answer moo question, it does seem to be right now the republicans are on thsame page with tt, right? >> reporter: i think that's
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right. you are not seeing renewed calls to a bipartisan, broader independent investigation. we should make sure to point out that both the house and senate intelligence committees are investigating what happened with russian meddling in the election in 2016. so those investigations are proceeding and you're starting to see democrats call for flynn to testify before those committees in the course of this investigation. we've heard mark warner, the ranking member on the senate side, adam schiff, the ranking member on the house side. both call for that. we have not heard yet from republicans. chairman of those committees, whether that is something that will happen. they have access in the emergencies much more classified information than and we do know there were top members of congress still geing briefed on this. >> kasie, we're going to go to
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white house where betsy devos is with the president. >> she had no doubt waiting for the final vote that night. i want to congratulate you on your toughness and genius. we want every child in america to have opportunity to climb the ladder to success. i want every child also to have a safe community, and we're going to do that very much. we're going to be helping you a lot. a great school and someday to get a rel well and a lot of people are looking at that. but it all begins with education and that's why we're here this morning. and i'm here also to celebrate a little bit with betsy because we started this journey a long time ago, having to do with choice and so many other good things with education, and i'm so happy that that all worked out. right now too many of our children doesn't have the opportunity to get that
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education that we all talk about. millions of poor, disadvantaged children are trapped in failing schools and this crisis, and it really is a crisis of education and communities working together, not working out. we're going to change it around, especially for the african-american communities. it's been very, very tough and unfair. and i know that's a priority and it's certainly a priority of mine. that's why i want every single disadvantaged child in america, no matter what their background or where they live to have a choice about where they go to school. it's worked out so well in some communities where it's been properly run and properly done and it's a terrific thing. charter schools in particular have demonstrated amazing gains in results. we have cases in new york city that have been amazing in providing education to disadvantaged children and the
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success of so many different schools that i can name throughout the country that i got to see during the campaign. i went to one in las vegas. it was the most unbelievable thing you've ever seen and they've done a fantastic job. so there are many such schools. we want to do that on a large-scale basis. we can never lose sight of the connection between education and job. and before i even took office we started the process and tremendous numbers of plants are coming back into this country, car plants and other plants. i have meetings next week with four or peeve education on makes things better. our goal is a clear and very safe community, great schools and we want those jobs that are
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high-paying jobs. we lost a lot of our best jobs to other countries and we're going to bring them back. om just to do it very formally, i want to congratulate you on having gone through a very tough trial and a very unfair trial and you won. and there's something real nice about that. and i'll tell you the real winner will be the children, and i guess a couple of adults, but will be the children of this country and i just want to congratulate you. >> thank you, mr. president. thank you very. >> perhaps we'll go around the room and everybody knows our fantastic vice president, mook pence. but if we went around the room, it would be very nice. why doesn't we start. you might want to say a few word, betsy. >> mr. president and mr. vice president, i'm very honored to have the opportunity to serve america's students.
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i'm really excited to be here today with parents and educators representing traditional public schools, charter public schools, home schools, private schools, a range of choices. we're eager to listen and learn from you how all of our kids can have an equal opportunity to high quality education. i'm honored to have the opportunity to serve and looking forward to fulfilling the mission that you set forward. >> it's our honor, believe me, betsy. >> kenneth? >> ken smith, educator, helping at-risk kid get through school. the vice president actually has the largest application of jobs for america in the country. >> i'm from falls church, virginia. i home school my 10 and
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13-year-old. >> my name is mary. i'm a charter school student here in d.c. it's one of the best schools in america. >> i like that. jennifer? >> i am jennifer coleman from virginia. i am a mother of six. i home school my oldest four, and before that i was a private school teacher. >> my kids have gone through both private and public schools and -- >> big deference? >> big difference. >> very good. >> good morning. i'm julie. i taken specieach special educaw jersey. >> i'm serving childrens ages 5 through 22 with autism and physically and medically fragile
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condions. >> how long have you been doing that? >> 12. >> have you seen a big increase in the autism -- >> yes. our school has shifted so more children with autism. >> what's going on with autism, when you look at the tremendous increase, it's such an incredible -- that's really a horrible thing to watch, the tremendous amount of increase. do you have aniy de? and you're seeing it in the scho school. >> well, maybe we can do something. >> i'm carol bonilla. i teach fourth through eighth grade. >> very good. thank you. >> good morning, mr. vice president and mr. president. i'm the apparent of two children, fifth grade and second
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grade. i live right outside of raleigh, north carolina. and i'm a former educator in public and private school. >> fantastic, thank you. thank you all very much. let's get going. thank you very much, everybody. >> thank you very much. >> thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> that's the president with parents and teachers and also the education secretary, betsy devos, a member of his cabinet, had a tougher time getting confirmed. we want to get back to the big controversy of the day, the resignation of mike flynn. all of it went to a new level when it came out that sally yates had infield the administration that he was potentially vulnerable to
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russian blackmail. we're joined now by the reporter who broke that story. walk us through how and why sally yates, a national security official before she became acting a.g. inform the white house about this and who did she consult onhether she should even do it? >> you have flynn and the fbi and the fbi is monitoring kislyak. they write an intelligent report based on the transcript and that finds its way to yates. when news breaks that there are these calls, it later in january, mid january, you know, that's when pence, the vice president-elect at that point, goes public and he defends flynn
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and makes a statement that yates and other intelligence officials who had read this intelligence report roar knew to be untrue, which is pence said that flynn had told him he did not discuss the sanctions in they know that the russian ambassador, kislyak, he reports to moscow on his conversations. so moscow knew what pence was saying was not accurate. so yates and for that matter the director of the national intelligence, james clapper and james brennan, the cia director, they were about to leave the administration. this was a concern that the russians could basically use this in a meeting with flynn and try to say that if he doesn't do something to help russia in a certain instance, that somehow this information could get out -- >> and this is obviously the heart of what has concerned a
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lot of people who have said so why the minute that the white house was informed wasn't flynn let go. let me play for you an exchange this morning by kellyanne conway who was pressed on this by matt lauer. >> the white house was warned that general flynn had misled them and as a result he was vulnerable to blackmail and at that moment he still had the complete trust of the president? >> matt, i'm telling what the president has said, that he's accepted general flynn's resignation and he wishes him well and he's moving on. >> you're starting to make me think perhaps jeb flynn -- general flynn was not freelancing on that call and may
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have been making that call on behalf of the administration. wouldbill ackma accurate? >> no. >> that's the big question. one would expect that flynn would coordinate a call like that. he has many calls that obviously he takes on a regular basis. the russian ambassador is one of those people. you would think before he has a conversation like that, he would coordinate it with the president-elect or somebody else close to the president-elect, and that after the call he would then provide a read-out of the discussion. you know, we don't know the answer to that. we're not sure when or if we're going to get the answer to that. it's just not clear. that is while the fbi is obviously listening to kislyak's phone, they are not, as far as we know, listening to flynn's phone. that's not something that would necessarily be picked up by u.s.
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intelligence. >> adam, thank you so much. great story in "the washington post." people can -- i'm so curious what you make of all this and the way it's played out because you have watched how the campaign operated, now watch how this white house operated. what do you make of what you're seeing? >> what i find interesting is that there were questions surrounding general mike flynn and there have been questions surrounding him now for months. this goes well before the inauguration, well before the transition. he's always somebody that has been a lightning rod in the donald trump world. especially when it comes to those who used to work with him, those in the intelligence community who say that he was a hot head. they say that he was very good at some roles but when the roles got expanded, he couldn't keep
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up. his view of the world didn't expand along with the responsibilities that may have grown in his roles. so they were worried about him period as an adviser to donald trump in terms of foreign policy. >> but they had a close relationship. >> they did. they built it. he was often times one of people that would go on stage and introduce donald trump at rallies and he was fiery. >> he defended him. >> he defended him, he was leading anti-hillary clinton cheers, he said "lock her up" during the convention. there were questions about him then and questions about him essentially being the air traffic controller, if you will, for the many intelligence agencies. what was he going to do with the intelligence that he was handed from the cia, from the fbi, from the defense department and how was he going to convey that to
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donald trump? so there was already a concerted effort to take flynn out of this role before he was even officially put on to this role. so thi is something that had been ongoing. it's kellogg who is effectively replacing him for the time being. we'll see if it goes any longer than this week. but he is somebody who is also quite close to general flynn. he worked with flynn in the nsa. he was the chief of staff for the council up until late last night when he got a phone call from somebody in the administration saying basically we need you to take over this role because general flynn has resigned. he's not well known in washington. he served for more than three decades in the army. he's a vietnam vet. he was also charged with helping lead the reconstruction of iraq. he's not someone who is well known and washington. and for all of general flynn's
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bluster, keith kellogg was quite quiet on the campaign. he was often on donald trump's campaign plane. he introduced him at a rally but his demeanor was markedly different. let's play that now. >> the white house is the people's house. it belongs to the people of washington, kansas, or grand junction, colorado or those of gettysburg, pennsylvania and not the special of money, elitism, of arrogance or corruption found at the highest levels. >> you can tell, much calmer, a much more stayed presence, if you will. so he is going to be in charge or be the national security adviser from now until we believe the end of the week. keith kellogg is somebody who is in the running. there's also david petraeus and
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bob harward, a former navy seal and deputy commander of centcom. general mattis is the favorite at the moment. >> joining me, senator chris coons of delaware, a member the ethics and judiciary committee. you sai yesterday on "morning joe" if you were president that you would dismiss general flynn. i want to get your take on what happened and what happens next. >> this is a striking development to learn that general flynn not on lied to the vice president and put him in the awkward situation of having to defend that misrepresentation but to know now that the department of justice notified the trump incoming administration that
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general flynn had been compromised and could be subject to influence by the russian government, that raises questions. why was flynn allowed to be in the highest level of security -- >> can i stop you there? i think it's important, senator, that kellyanne conway was unequivocal about that point you just made. let me play that. >> he continued in that position, he was part of the leaders called as recently as yesterday. >> last month the justice department warned the white house that general flynn had misled them and as a result he was vulnerable to blackmail and at that moment he still had the complete trust of the president? >> matt, i'm telling you what the president has said, which is that he's accepted general flynn's resignation and he wishes him well and that we're moving on.
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>> you've indicated your concern. how concerned are you that general flynn was still, according to kellyanne conway, a full member of the national security team even after these warnings came to the white house? >> i'm very concerned about this, chris. this raises obvious questions. general flynn served for decades as a senior military officer. i think a clear question is was he making these phone calls to the russian ambassador about our sanctioning against russia, for you'llly -- i frankly think this leads to an important question, chris. what did president trump know? what did he know and when did he know it and why wasn't there action taken sooner to protect or national security. we have ballistic missile going off in north korea and iran, an
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active military campaign against isis. this is no time for a national security council -- >> there are calls for hearings. "we need to know who else was in the white house, is a current and ongoing risk to our national security." what happens next, senator? >> well, chris, there is an ongoing investigation in the senate intelligence committee. that needs to be a thorough, wide open investigation of this entire trail. there also, frankly, should be a hearing and there should be an investigation on the senate foreign relations committee and the judiciary committee. this isn't just about what happened with general flynn. this is about russian interference in our last
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election and about upcoming elections in our vital allies in europe. we've already heard from national leaders in germany and france and holland that they're seeing exactly the kind of actions by the russians that interfere with and undermine their democratic elections as happened here. this is an important issue of national security, chris, and we need to address it in a bipartisan way. i am hopeful that ultimately republicans will join with democrats here in the senate and agree that we need an independent study. we need an independent commission to investigate this. but as of right now, the senate intelligence committee is the committee handling it. >> also i think it's going to be interesting to see over the weekend, mike pence is going to be meeting with german chancellor merkel. that conversation could get interesting. thank you. >> coming up, much more reaction to the abrupt resignation of president trump's national security adviser that has called for an investigation into his ties to russia.
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demonstrators vow to continue to gather in massive rallies throughout the country to put a permanent stop to that order. joining me, current candidate for governor of call, antonio, always good to talk you to. >> hi, chris. >> let's talk about where we are on immigration. one of the things the government tweeted was "see you in court." where do you see this going? >> he may have tweeted this. it doesn't look like they're doing anything to proceed in that direction. what they are doing is stepping up and intensifying raids in communities across the country. though they said the vast majority of the people they're picking up are violent criminals, they haven't shared the names of people for a way to prove that. in carolin and georgia there
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are reports of stopping vans coming out of trailer parks. in texas, there's about half the number they've deported. there as a great deal of concern, particularly in the context of the rhetoric, the ban, all of the tweets from the president. >> what you were referencing just there were these massive i.c.e. raids across the country, including los angeles and the homeland security secretary kelly said the individuals arrested posed a threat to safety. >> we have really done a great job. we're actually taking people that are criminals, very, very hardened criminals in some cases with a tremendous track record
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of abuse and problems and we're getting them out. that's what i said i would do. i'm just doing what i said i would do when we won by a very, very large electoral college vote. >> 161 people arrested in your city of los angeles. if it's just a small percentage of those who are deemed dangerous, is that a small price to pay in the name of public safety? >> first of all, nobody is defending violent criminals. they can and should be deported. we want the proof. anything that comes out of the president's mouth, i this 75% was documented by political facts were either a lie or misrepresentation of fact. the fact is very little of what he says most of us can rely on. what he has said is he's going to deport 11 million people. that's what's creating a climate of fear across the country. what we know is many of the people who have been stopped
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have committed minor crimes, crossing, you know, passing a stop sign, if you will. in the case, as i said, of places like the carolinas may have been just stopped coming out of a trailer park. there's a great deal of concern about this. why don't they show us, all of the people who have been deported, apprehended, what they've committed. i think you'll find there's a great deal of exaggeration if not a complete misrepresentation on the part of the president. >> thank you so much. with michael flynn out as mau national security director, there are concerns he could be black mailed. up next, one of the people on the short list for secretary of state.
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42 past the hour. we have some breaking news. kasie hunt just now catching up with senator john mccain to get his reaction to mike flynn's resignation. >> reporter: so does that mean you want flynn to come up and testify? >> no. it means ask the questions, see if they get sufficient answered and then you can calculate where to go from there. >> reporter: are you concerned about the possibility that
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president-elect trump discussed issues with the russian ambassador. >> have i no information so no comment. >> reporter: do you think the president should detail whether he had those discussions. >> i think our whole relations and our approach to russia, all those questions should be answered. >> all those questions should be answered. let's bring in the 16th supreme allied commander at nato overseeing operations in afghanistan, libya and syria and is now the chief international diplomacy analyst for msnbc and dean of law at tufts university. always good to see you, admiral. let me start with what we just heard from general john mccain. what questions do you think need to be answered here? >> i think i'd start with exactly what senator mccain articulated, which is the overall view of these relations between the united states and russia, which are extremely
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troubled because of syria, russia's support of assad and the invasion of ukraine, which has led to these sanctions. when you peel down one layer, you get very concerned about the punitive national security adviser, general flynn, having a cooked the deal in advance conversation, which is what this is increasingly looking like. i think you have to ask the question what did the president know and when did he know it. i think the answer of that will then inform the strategic relationship, which is what we need to get under control. >> echos obviously of the watergate scandal when that was the key questions that was asked. having said that, one of the calls to get to the bottom of this is for general flynn to come in and answer questions in front of congress. is that one way to start? >> i think it is. you mentioned watergate. i'd say we're probably closer to
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what some would call irangate during the reagan administration, when we had this contragate where we saw the national security adviser action officer in that case lieutenant colonel north come innd answer questions. it was quite a dramatic session. >> you think this is comparable in level of seriousness? >> i don't think we know that yet, but i think as senator mccain said, we need to learn a lot more before we start making those judgments. but i think it's fairly clear this is going to be bigger than the simple firing of the national security adviser, which in and of itself is quite remarkable three weeks into a new administration. >> admiral, always good to see you sir. thank you so much for your time. >> thanks a lot. >> still ahead, outraged americans bringing the heat to town halls and continued marching in their cities and towns. i sat down with election
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officials and organizers to discuss what we're seeing play out across the country. that conversation next. yeah, with liberty mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila! voila! (sigh) i wish my insurance company had that... wait! hold it... hold it boys... there's supposed to be three of you... where's your brother? where's your brother? hey, where's charlie? charlie?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance
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nitrites or artificial ham has preservatives.tes, now it's good for us all. like those who like... sweet. those who prefer heat. (blows a breath of air) and those who just love meat. for those in school. out of school. and old school. those who like their sandwich with pop. and those who like it with soda. for the star of the scene. cut! and the guys behind it. all the taste you want, nothing you don't. oscar mayer deli fresh. sweet! the resignation of mike flynn is just another of changes in the white house. with changes coming at breakneck
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speed, how should one resist the trump administration. that's a question i posed yesterday to a panel of well-known activists in atlanta. and just be fired. >> it seems like there's a firable offense every day but ultimately democrats and republicans agree, none of them want to see the president playing games with national security. none of them want to see the credibility of the office demeaned to the point that it has been now. >> alternative facts that don't exist. it's either it's fact or it's not a fact. i kind of reject that language because i think that is minimizes the severity of those actions. >> it's really about the character of a nation. now that the election is over, it seems that the campaign is still continuing, with the kind of alternative facts. >> what's your level of concern when you hear that potentially very sensitive matters were discussed at moar-a-lago in a public place where people are having dinner. >> i think that's how he's going
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to roll and nobody's stopping him. >> so much happening so difficult that it's very difficult for people to push back on some of that, because it's happening so fast. how do we keep up with that? >> i feel like every time there's a tweet i'm jumping. >> one of the things that donald trump has done is he' activated a lot of people, and they've shown themselves in protests, they've shown themselves here in georgia. >> i think that people are seeing just four weeks into this administration, that election has consequences, and i think it's up to us now to leverage that understanding and to try to get people organized. i'm really heartened by the way in which women are leading in this moment. >> janelle, you helped to organize the women's protest. >> it helped us to channel that fear and that anxiety into action. >> i've been very grateful for it. i think that as i sit on the couch watching the news for four hours, i think well what are you doing? if you're feeling this kind of despair, how do we translate
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that into action? >> i say it's important to harness this movement that's beginning to develop. you have to start winning elections, from city council races to state house races, to congressional races. i don't know how many folks have reached out to me saying hey you won, did it, you had a grassroots campaign. i want to run, too. >> how many of you are hopeful by what you're seeing in reaction to the things that concern you? >> absolutely. >> six out of six. >> you've got to be hopeful because for me i think that the reason why i'm hopeful, democracy if you work it up a little bit it gets stronger. >> i like to bring in congresswoman karen basset of california, just attended the weekly democratic caucus meeting. panelists have questions for leadership positions on the hill.
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source tells democratic congress.congressman adam schiff the ranking member of the intelligence committee in the house told house democrats today in their caucus meeting about the details about flynn's conversations with the russians only the beginning, that more information will come out in the next few days. can you confirm he said that and do you have any intel on what kinds of information we could be looking at here? >> i think the main thing that our ranking member adam schiff said is that there really needs to be a thorough, independent instigation because it's hard to believe considering how close flynn was to trump he didn't know well in advance number one that the conversations were going to took place before they took place so the whole issue of collusion, how long there was involvement with the trump campaign, and the russians, manafort, all of those issues really need to be delved into by
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an end peindependent commission main thing he was telling us. >> what do you think the chances are this will happen? >> i think my republican colleagues who i'm very clear don't want to have it happen might be put in a position where they don't have any choice. this is edpreenlgious. we are not 30 days into the administration and to have a scandal erupt it's difficult to imagine given the relationship that trump was had russia that they weren't very well aware of what flynn was going to do before he did it. very hard to believe that. >> you heard from some of the members of that panel in atlanta. i also did a similar panel out in los angeles. >> yes. >> i did one in new york, and it was interesting, the similarities about what people are feeling, and i think one of the main takeaways is they feel that everything is happening so fast, they don't know where to focus their energies and that's
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what worries them most about democrats on the hill. one said i'm afraid that my friends up on the hill are impotent was the word he used because they're not in the majority and things are coming at them so fast and furious. what do you do as the minority, and what guidance do you have for activists out there in states all around the country? >> let me tell you i am inspired by the level of activism. it's activism like i haven't seen in a long time. every time i'm back in loss ang less i am in house meetings and neighborhood meetings. i plan to have a series of town hall halls next week. i'm inspired by this. i tell people their contact in the community their encouragement to us, their pressure on the republicans is extremely important. going back to what we we just talking abouwith flynn, to me it's that level of activism that really will put the republicans back against the wall where they will have to come forward with some type of investigation. we can't have a breach like this
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and not have it thoroughly investigated, but i think it's that level of activism that demands it. one of the things that i say to people, because it has been in the last three weeks of this administration like you're drinking from a fire hose, all of us have worked and focused on different issues and i encourage people in the district to stay focused on the issue that you've been working on and that we all come together on one large tent, and you certainly saw that the day that the women's march happened. it wasn't just women marching, it wasn't just one issue, trump delivered on the very negative, divisive message that he campaigned on, he's delivering on it and that's what i believe can bring us all together, frankly. >> democratic congressman karen bass of california, always good to see you, thank you. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. help you,
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thanks for watching this hour of "msnbc live" i'm chris jansing. right now on a day tailor made for her incomparable experience, "andrea mitchell reports." >> and yours chris jansing. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," shakeup. national security adviser michael flynn is out officials say for lying to the vice president about his conversations with a russian am bassor. now questions about what the president knew and when did he know it. despite justice department warnings week ago that flynn could
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