tv First Look MSNBC February 17, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PST
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but now, you know more now. thanks, nick. that does it for us tonight. we will see you again tomorrow. we will see you again tomorrow. first look is up next. this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. there has never been a presidency that's done so much in such a short period of time, and we haven't even started the big work. >> it was a fiery, combative press conference for a president. donald trump is defending his accomplishments, listing his accomplishments and berating the media. the white house continues its search for an admiral. senate democrats have taken the floor to protest.
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this time it's for nominee scott pruitt. good morning, everyone. friday, february 17th. i'm eamon mohyeldin alongside louis bergdorff. in just the past four weeks trump has hastily rolled out his controversial travel ban, raised tensions with mexico and australia, questioned the legitimacy of the courts on twitter and sacked his security adviser over the deal with russia. >> to be honest, i inherited a mess. it's a mess, at home and abroad, a mess. low pay low wages, mass instability over seas no matter where you look. the middle east, a disaster.
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north korea, we'll take care of it, folks. we're going to take care of it all, i just want to let you know. i inherited a mess. i turned on the tv, open the newspapers and i see stories of chaos. chaos. yet it is the exact opposite. this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. there has never been a presidency that's done so much in such a short period of time and we haven't even started the big work. story after story after story is bad. i won. i won. and the other thing, chaos. zero chaos. we are running -- this is a fine-tuned machine. >> president trump weighed in against recent reports linking campaign advisers to russia while decrying the news and urging more favorable coverage. >> you can talk all you want about russia, which is all a,
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you know, fake news fabricated deal to try and make up for the loss of the democrats and the press plays right into it. in fact, i saw a couple of the people that were supposedly involved with all of this. they know nothing about it. they worked in russia. they never made a phone call to russia. they never received a phone call. it's all fake news. when i was called out on mexico i was shocked. all of this equipment, all of this incredible phone equipment. when i was called out on mexico i was -- honestly, i was really, really surprised. same thing with australia. i said, that's terrible that it importt.ed, but it wasn't that what happens when i'm dealing with the problemf north korea. what happens when i'm dealing with the problems in the middle east? are you folks going to be recording all of that very, very confidential information? >> you said that the leaks are real but the news is fake. i guess i don't understand. it seems that there's a
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disconnect there. if the information coming from those leaks is real, then how can the stories be fake. >> the reporting is fake. >> jim, you know what it is, here's -- the public isn't -- you know, they read newspapers, they see television, they watch. they don't know if it's true or false because they're not involved. i'm involved. i've been involved with this stuff all my life, but i'm involved so i know when you're telling the truth or when you're not. i just see many, many untruthful things. i'll tell you what else i see, i see tone. the word tone. the tone is such hatred. i'm really not a bad person, by the way. no, but the tone is such -- i do get good ratings, you have to admit that. the tone is such hatred. >> all right. for more on what is a called an epic press conference let's bring kristen welker in with an up front look. >> reporter: hi, ayman.
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this was a news conference like no other. it lasted 1:17. the president firing lashing out at the press trying to turn the page on what has been a series of negative headlines. for the first time he addressed the departure of mike flynn acknowledging that he did, in fact, ask for his resignation insii insisting he did not give the order to discuss sanctions and saying the reason why he asked for his resignation was because he misled the vice president. he also insisted that to the best of his knowledge, no one from his campaign had discussions with russian officials, but the news conference covered a number of other topics. he lashed out at leakers and said that he's going to crack down on them. he also talked about the uptick in anti-semitism. he was pressed on that and what he would do about it. he said he's the least anti-sem met particular person and vowed to bring the country together. this news conference had a stream of consciousness feel to
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it. the president seemed to relish every minute of it. i was sitting behind some of his top adviser who wrapped him in the very end. >> thanks for that. joining us from capitol hill, molly cooper. great to have you with us this morning. yesterday's news conference, it seemed like a rorschach test for much of the country. we're seeing one thing, president trump is seeing something completely different. >> reporter: up on capitol hill where i was listening to it and watching it, we had 535 different interpretations of what was said and, you know, you can say fake news, fake narratives, alternative facts, you know, working on capitol hill and covering politicians and finally donald trump said yesterday he had to concede that now he is in fact a politician, they operate in talking points. they try to steer the narrative of the stories that we tell every day and sometimes those narratives just don't go the way that they -- the politicians
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want to steer them and i think that that's why donald trump, you know, he's been one of those guys. if somebody else can't get the job done, i want to get the job done. i want to speak for myself, and based on reports, you know, from years ago donald trump would -- again, this is based on reporting from years ago, donald trump would call up reporters and, you know, act as his own spokesperson under the name john baron. so, i mean, he wants to be out there and he's his best representative. >> speaking of being out there, i understand the president is heading to charleston today. he's expected to make another stop over the weekend in florida. the stops tend to have a bit of a campaigneel to them. when you jtapose that with the media saying he's not getting favorable coverage. is this a return to what he is comfortable with, where rallies and the crowd is 100% behind him cheering him on. >> reporter: you know what's interesting about that, he said this as well, he said, i don't mind the bad stories if they're
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warranted. i like the good stories. you guys don't tell enough good stories. the thing is he likes -- it seems like he thrives off energy, whether it's negative energy, whether it's positive energy. he really gets into that and he's able to stand his ground in the way that he does on a stage, in an arena. he was very dramatic yesterday pointing at the reporters with his finger, calling on you, yes, it seems like he is getting back to more of a campaign feel, getting out there and touching base with the people who elected him. it's something that members of congress actually kind of want to see again especially -- well, obviously republicans want to see that because, you know, congress and the president have not moved the big items that he's talking about. >> right. >> reporter: and that includes tax reform, health care. you see these members going home for the week long recess starting today for the house and they have to face rowdy crowds. they want somebody out there on
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the stump like donald trump does, you know, not backing down. >> something tells me the media will be featured heavily in both of those speeches over the weekend. thanks for getting up. great to have you with us. the man at the top of the list to succeed michael flynn as national security adviser has decided to pass on the opportunity. nbc news has learned robert harewardas offered the job but declined. he spent 40 years in the navy and was on george w. bush's national security council. he spoke with the associated press last night on his decision saying, quote, it is purely a personal issue adding that, quote, i'm in a unique position finally after being in the military for 40 years to enjoy some personal time. speaking with nbc news white house press secretary sean spicer downplayed the idea that an official offer was made. cia director mike pompeo is not mincing words.
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they have withheld sensitive information from the president due to concerns it could be leaked or compromised. in a statement he says it is cia's mission to provide the president with the best intelligence possible and to explain the basis for that intelligence. the cia does not, has not, and will never hide intelligence from the president, period. we are not aware of any instance when that has actually occurred. "the wall street journal" story is dead wrong and impugns the integrity of thousands of professional intelligence officers by peddling gossip without citing a single example to support its claims. president trump tells prime minister netanyahu to hold back. the prime minister addressed the settlement issue. >> i think it's an issue but i don't think it's the issue because the real ce of ts conflict between us and the
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palestinians, it's the persistent enduring palestine yal refusal to recognize a jewish state in any boundary. the issue is not this or that settle, the issue is do you accept a jewish state for god's sake and i think that's the main issue. i said that to president obama and i said it to president trump as well. >> the prime minister said in their closed door meeting which netanyahu calls very, very warm he spoke with the president about the fight against isis and the growing tensions with iran. in fact, added that many muslim nations now see israel as an ally in those two fights. the one or two state solutions for peace which the president said he could, quote, live with either one also came up. >> we talked about this but i've always said the labels are not important, it's the substance that's important. peace requires, a, that the palestinians accept the jewish
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state and secondly that israel will retain the security control. otherwise, you just get another islamist dictatorship that will explode peace. >> you don't want to miss that second part of greta's interview which hairs right here on msnbc. david friedman, anoutspon proponent of settlements appeared before the senate foreign relations committee yesterday. during his remarks, which were disrupted by multiple protesters, freedman apologized for highly controversial statements he made in the past. he called president barack obama anti-sem might. >> i provided context for my remarks, but that is not an excuse. if you want me to rationalize
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it, i cannot. these were hurtful words and i deeply regret them. >> joining us here on set is msnbc's cal perry. he has a lot of controversial questions. did the hearing yesterday try and comfort any of those who may have been on the fence about his appointment to israel? >> no. in fact, i think it probably flushed out these comments. he called the antidefamation league, morons. he said they were part of the political campaign. this is about settlements. this is a man who is not just ideologically in support for settlements, he raises money for the settlement in ramala. the obama administration calling that the major impediment to peace. the israelis have seen this appointment as dangerous. a man with simplistic dangerous world view, a member of the
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extreme right who accepts annexing territory. you saw the map of the settlements in the west bank. israelis are split. some think they're 100% for settlements. that's not true. they see it as potentially counter productive. >> you look at the fact the administration is coming to shape particularly on the issue of peace in the middle east. do you get a sense of which direction is going. the president on one hand saying he doesn't feature one or two state solution. you and ambassador nikki haley standing by the two-state solution. >> it's strange. the last person in the room with president trump carries the banner. when he met with the king of jordan he seemingly was going to be a neutral player. then he meets with benjamin netanyahu, it seems like he'll >>ha you.tlents. still ahead, secretary of state x tillerson makes his debut at the g-20 summit. all eyes were on his meeting
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welcome back. everyone. russia's love affair with president trump may be cooling as the kremlin has reportedly told state media to dial back its flattering coverage of mr. trump. the decision by officials stems from fading hopes by senior leadership that the relations with the united states will improve under the trump administration. in fact, a report adds that vladimir putin's administration justified the move by saying that russians are no longer interested in president trump's transition. we're also getting our first look at secretary of state rex tillerson representing the u.s. on the world stage. he's in germany for the g20
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summit. all eyes are on one in particular. that is russian foreign minister sergei lavrov who tillerson meets today. we have more from lucy cavanaugh from the summit in germany. good morning, lucy. >> reporter: it's day two of the g20 talks in germany. rex tillerson expected to go to a meeting on syria. they're discussing the conflict. also of significance tillerson is expected to meet with the chinese foreign minister before departing back to washington. a packed agenda for him. the new secretary of state, however, keeping a very low profile, not taking any questions from the press. in fact, since he took office two weeks ago he did meet with the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov yesterday behind closed doors. we don't know the details of what the two men discussed. afterwards rex tillerson making
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a very stement to the media, five sentences saying that the two countries will be looking into areas where they can cooperate together but also that the united states will stand up to russia when the two countries do not see eye to eye. he did mention the crisis in ukraine calling on russia to use its influence to try to de-escalate the violence there. besides that, we simply don't know whether he took a tough approach or a warm approach. there's been coverage coming out of moscow of the meeting portraying this as a sign of a thaw in relations between the two countries, but rex tillerson, again, keeping a very low profile keeping his cards close to his chest and not revealing the strategic talks that he's been hosting behind closed doors. >> nbc's lucy kavanov in vaughan, germany. thank you. let's get a check on your weather from meteorologist bonnie snyder. >> this weekend as we look at afternoon highs in the 20s and
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30s in northern new england, new york city 4rks 3 today. things are changing in time for the weekend. warmup, 62 on sunday in new york city and also temperatures really mild from dallas to chicago back out to denver but as we look to the west, it's not really the temperatures that are making the news. it's a big storm. heavy rain is working its way across california, particularly for today. this could be dangerous. these storms are likely to bring drenching rain and very strong wind. the flood risk persists for southern california all the way down through san diego. 34 million people are at risk all the wayrom until further south. the wind so fierce that the gusts could get up to 50 miles an hour. this could be the worst storm la has seen in the last six or seven years. we're watching for the storms to climax but then as we go into saturday we'll watch for scattered showers. keep your eye on those rainfall totals. not as much of a snowstorm as a
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rainstorm. watching it closely. >> bonnie schneider, thank you for that. still ahead, one of the new york jets star players facing charges after reportedly leaving two men unconscious. louis has that story next in sports. . did not feel like a cloud... that driverless car? i have seen it all. intel's driving...the future! traffic lights, street lamps. business runs on the cloud... and the cloud runs on intel. ♪ i wonder what the other 2% runs on...(car horn) new aveeno®... don't just eat yogurt... wear it. daily moisturizing body yogurt. enriched with the nutrients found in greek yogurt, intensely nourishes skin for 48 hours. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results®. ♪ ♪
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sunday morning. two men say they were punched by revis during a verbal altercation. witnesses add that those men were left unconscious. revis's attorney tells espn that revis, quote, was the victim in all of this and that he was physically assaulted by a group of at least five people and that he feared for his safety. a spokesperson for the jets say the team is aware and has spoken to revis and the nfl says it will investigate. i'm sure we'll get more details as the story unfolds. turning to an old school nba battle between two of the eastern conferences best. the chicago bulls hosting the boston celtics. straight to the closing seconds. bulls down by one. jimmie butler's last second shot comes up short but not so fast. there was a late whistle calling a foul on boston's marcus smart. as you can see, the celtics were not happy about this one. we'll let you decide if there was actually a foul or not. nonetheless, butler would go on to sink both free throws and chicago steals this one away i think 104-103.
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let's go to the ice and congratulations to pittsrgh penguins star sidney crosby. he joins the 1,000 point club on assists last night. the 29th year old is the 12th fastest to reach the milestone and joins mario lemeiux and jaromir jagr. sid the kid capped the night with the game-winning goal in overtime. obviously his night there. >> exceeding to watch sid crosby and evgeni malkin together. playing at the same team same time. still ahead, it was a national strike with protests across the country. we'll take a look at how the day without immigrants played out. we're following the latest on bombings in pakistan that isis has now taken responsibility for. we'll be right back. anged... now she's into disc sports. ah, no she's not. since when? since now. she's into tai chi. she found disc sports too stressful. hold on. let me ask you this... what's she gonna like six months from now?
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welcome back, everyone. i'm ayman mohyeldin alongside louis bergdorf. a look at the other stories we're following for you this morning. a bit of a scare in phoenix last night when two planes clipped wings on the tarmac. the faa said it happened as frontier airlines flight was departing and that southwest airlines flight was arriving. no injuries were reported and no word yet on what led to the miscommunication. the trump administration is asking the federal appeals court considering his travel ban to place the case on hold. according to the justice department, the president intends to reskinned the ccind d
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wants to rectify the erroneous constitutional concerns. the president says expect a new executive order by next week. the president's choice to replace michael flynn as national security adviser has turned down the offer. robert harward turned it down. he held the position with lockheed martin since 2014. president trump's news conference yesterday he denied that anyone from his campaign had contact with russian officials. quote, to the best of my knowledge. and he defended his friendly stance towards russia. floating a hypothetical about a russian spy ship on a routine operation in international waters off the eastern seaboard. >> i didn't do anything for russia. i've done nothing for russia. hillary clinton gave them 20% of our uranium. hillary clinton did a reset, remember, with the stupid plastic button that made us all look like a bunch of jerks here.
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he looked at her like, what the hell is she doing. it said reset. now if i do that, oh, i'm a bad guy. if we could get along with russia, that's a positive thing. we have a very talented man, rex tillerson, who's going to be meeting with them shortly and i told him, i said, i know politically it's not good. the greatest thing i could do is shoot that ship that's 30 miles off shore right out of the water. everyone in this country is going to say, oh, it's so great. that's not great. that's not great. >> and even though he's out of office, the controversy hasn't ended for michael flynn. washington post reports that he denied to fbi agents during an interview last month that he had discussed u.s. sanctions with russia with their ambassador before the president was sworn in. the paper cites current and former u.s. officials that say that contradicts intercepted
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conversations. lying to the fbi is a federal offense. flynn may parse the definition of the word sanctions. flynn's spokesperson says they have no response. president trump spoke about his national security adviser's departure. >> mike flynn, i asked for his resignation. he respectfully gave it. he is a man who there was a certain amount of information given to vice president pence who's with us today and i was not happy with the way that information was given. >> did you direct mike flynn to discuss sanctions with the russian ambassador. >> no, i didn't. >> prior to your inauguration. >> no, i didn't. >> excuse me. >> would you have fired him because the information leaked out in. >> no, i fired him because of what he said to mike pence. he was doing his job. i would have directed him to do
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it if i thought he wasn't doing it. i didn't direct him, but i would have directed him because that's his job. >> president trump talked a lot about leaks yesterday but he spoke about his plans to find those responsible for them. responding to a question while meeting with congressional republicans who were early campaign supporters. >> the leakers, mr. president? >> we're going to find the leakers. we're going to find the leakers. they're going to pay a big price for leaking. i've actually called the justice department to look into the leaks. those are criminal leaks. they're put out by people either in agencies. i think you'll see it stopping because we have our people in. again, we don't have our people in because we can't get them approved by the senate. we are looking into that very seriously. it's a criminal act. >> joining us from capitol hill, jonathan swan. jonathan, good morning to you. i'm going to ask you this question knowing that we probably have two minutes for this whole segment. what stood out the most from the
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president's freewheeling news conference yesterday? >> there were a couple of things. firstly, it was telling to me that he didn't think there was anything substantively wrong with what michael flynn did. he thought there was no problem with him discussing sanctions. the only thing that i can tell is that the vice president was enraged of being cut out of the process. so we know that he only found out about it in the newspaper. i think if there was not that rage from the vice president, trump would have rode this whole thing out and i doubt that flynn would have been fired. i think the other thing to point out is that yesterday was the most fully realized version we've seen of the trump/bannon strategy to inflict maximum damage on theainstream media, and now it's not just breitbart who's pushing this line, can actually use the mainstream media to destroy it because they have to cover trump. yesterday was really a spectacle
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of him trying to discredit, delegitimize and they love it because they have these people broadcasting it. >> he's obviously made the point as well that the media has been pretty much against him from day one. we know that president trump is returning to all places, the campaign trail which stops in south carolina as well as florida. we are 1,353 days from the 2020 election. yes, i did say that so i'm going to ask you. do you think this is a calculated move or simply something he enjoys doing to try to energize himself, his base, supporters of the republican party? >> this has nothing to do with the 2020 election. this has much more to do with donald trump being a creature of habit and needing at a very primal level the affection and adoration of large crowds. they're calling it a campaign event because they can't possibly justify the term governing on saturday but that's what this is. >> jonathan swan, great to have you with us this morning. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. it's becoming a familiar
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ritual. democrats took to the senate floor once again overnight, this time in protest of oklahoma attorney general scott pruitt, the pick to lead the epa. mitch mcconnell delayed the vote yesterday. a judge in oklahoma ordered pruitt to release e-mails about fossil fuel industry. he's violated the oklahoma open records act by declining to make the records public. the judge ordered them to turn over the e-mails by tuesday. at this point senate democrats are asking to delay pruitt's nomination until his office complies with that court order. >> senate republicans are forcing us to vote before tuesday because they know, they know the american people will be alarmed and shocked by what his correspondences will reveal. >> in a choice between corporate
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polluters and people who want to breathe air and drink water, scott pruitt sides with the corporate polluters. he has no business as the head of the epa. >> mr. pruitt represents a step backward, not a step forward. he is maybe the last person who should be the leader of the epa. >> pruitt is expected to sale through his confirmation vote. two red state democrats, heidi high camp and joe manchin of west virginia have said they will vote for pruitt. senator susan collins of maine is the lone republican to come out against pruitt. her vote will be offset by high camp and manchin. in pakistan a slew of revenge killings and in baghdad a car bombing at an auto dealership has left 55 people
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dead. the common threat in both of those attacks claimed by isis. joining us on set, msnbc's cal perry. great to have you with us. claiming responsibility, isis, we often talk about isis being set back in the fight in syria and iraq. they have the ability and far reaching ability to carry out these types of attacks. >> they're trying to drive a wedge into islam and society. we have this claim of responsibility for the pakistan and iraq attacks. one of the reasons for that is in their claim of responsibility for the pakistan attacks they said they were targeting a shia shrine. it wasn't a shia shrine, it was a hoothi shrine. this has been a repeated problem for pakistan. they have had six attacks in six days. the most recent one killing more than 70 people. onof the problems, you look at the location in the southeast of the country. there wasn't a hospital within 100 kilometers of this shrine.
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one of the holiest shrine in pakistan. the closest hospital 100 miles away, 35 beds. baghdad has seen repeated attacks throughout the capital. we saw the attack in satr city. the system where the hospitals in baghdad are completely overwhelmed. >> cal, great to have your perspective. thanks for joining us. across this country thousands took to the streets yesterday to protest president trump's rollout of a new immigration policy, but the demonstrations had an added twist as immigrants were encouraged not to work, shop, or go to school to show their importance to the u.s. nbc's dotty schwartz has more on the day without immigrants. >> reporter: in many of the same neighborhoods where i.c.e. agents rounded up immigrants, stores closed. >> it looked like a ghost town.
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>> reporter: they were shutting down streets as well. in chicago, minneapolis, atlanta demonstrations lashing out against president donald trump's executive orders on immigration. his comments on mexico and recent deportations of undocumented immigrants. she's home marching with her mother. >> these families, they are happy here with their family and america's already great with all immigrants here. >> reporter: you built all of this? the owner of this bakery showed what would normally be a bustle ing store. she immigrated with a backpack and less than $300. today she's closing down two of her stores at the cost of thousands of dollars but says it's about principle. >> this is about the dream. the dream i'm living the american dream, i want to pass that to every single employee that i have. >> reporter: schools seeing a drop in attendance. some seeing more than half the students missing class.
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walkouts in dallas where students formed an impromptu mariachi band. tens of thousands send a message that america is a nation of immigrants. >> what a story. thanks to nbc's scotty schwartz for that report. still ahead, is snap chat worth as much as they think it is. now the arrest of the company's chief. we'll have the latest on what's been a difficult year for samsung when we look back in a moment. ♪(music plays)
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wait. wait. quiet, quiet, quiet. sit down, i understand the rest of your question. i am the least racist person. i am the least antisem met particular. i do get good ratings, you have to admit that. donald trump rants -- i'm not ranting and raving. >> wow. there you go. well, that's -- >> all right. time now for business. president trump continues rolling back obamacare era environmental regulations. yesterday he signed a bill that put an end to a rule that protects water waste from coal mining waste. earlier this week he signed a congressional review act that reverses a financial disclosure agreemt for energy companies. let's turn oversea now. the scandal that led to the impeachment of south korea's president. it has led to the arrest of samsung. the allegations say donations for government favors. let's go to carolyn roth live in
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london. this has been an ongoing investigation. it only seems to be deepening. >> yes. it is incredibly complex, but let me try and break it down for you. essentially the group chief of samson lee jae-yong was arrested friday in seoul over his alleged role in a corruption scandal that led to the south korean parliament impeaching the south korean president park. they accused samsung of paying bribes of more than $37 million to organizations linked to park friend, to the president's friend only for the government to back the merger of two samsung units. samsung and the group's chief are denying any wrongdoing. i want to move on and talk about ipos. the biggest one is that of snap, the mother of snap chat. this company was forced to set a lower than expected target for its valuation range for that ipo. previously expected to be valued
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at between 20 to $25 billion, now that has dropped to 19.5 billion to $22.3 billion. why? initial investor feedback. investors there concerned about the fact that user growth is slowing at the firm. also the fact that there's increasing competition from the likes of instagram and of course the fact that its business model at this point is unproven. last but not least, united health group, it is accused of allowing its subsidiaries and other insurers to improperly overcharge medicare over the last decade by hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of dollars. once again, united health is saying they're denying any wrongdoing in this case. back over to you. >> tough year for samsung electronics. carolyn roth live from london. thanks so much. let's get a check on your weather with meteorologist bonnie schneider. a mixed story. >> absolutely. in the northeast cold and blustery. warmer temperatures in the forecast for the weekend.
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let's focus to the west. a huge storm starting to crank up. look at all the heavy rain coming into california. wind will pick up. the worst that southern california has seen since 2010 with 34 million people at risk for the very fierce winds. gusts in san diego could get up to 60 miles per hour. breaking down the timing, the flood threat has heavy rain throughout the day. by the time we're looking into the afternoon we're dialing with heavy rain. the flood watch will persist as well. notice the rain heading up to northern california. near oroville expecting a few more inches potentially near the dam area. i believe that won't make a difference. what we're looking at for the weekend is a wet weekend and another storm coming in on sunday. unfortunately, rough weather ahead for california. >> bonnie schneider, thank you for that. i'm sure we'll be tracking that throughout the course of the day. when we come back, switching
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gears. is president trump considering sending more troops into syria? we'll come back with the secretary discussing that. we're back with more in a moment. where's frank? it's league night! 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. wiback like it could used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid
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he also would not commit to putting combat troops in syria and iraq to fight isis. nbc news has learned a proposal to do just that could soon be presented to president trump. joining us from munich, germany, hans nichols is with us. great to have you with us. what more do we know about the proposal? how do secretary mattis's comments at nato play into all of this? >> reporter: well -- good morning, what mattis said at nato when he was asked about additional troops for syria, he sort of stalled. he said, i'm -- i'm not the right person to ask. that was a strong hint that, a, he needs to get approval from president trump but also approval from allies. that's why this conference here in munich is so important. he'll be meeting with his counterpart. he met with the israeli defense minister already this morning. lots of sideline meetings here. when we get to the actual proposal, again, this is just what we think may happen. pentagon planning.
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they like to plan for things. we're talking about apache attack helicopters. ground troops. in some way the campaign between isis and syria would look like the campaign between isis and iraq. you have u.s. ground troops in a supporting role. we already have some special forces inside syria moving forward, helping out, directing fire. you could also potentially have some artillery. more artillery being moved in. it would be a clear escalation. one other thing they're debating. this was debated at the end of the obama administration. the obama pentagon wanted to arm the kurds directly in syria. the white house rejected that. that's another plan that is percolating up. that could throw the alliance into a potential crisis is too strong but it needs to be discussed and that's on the conversation here at munich. it will also be in the conversation in the middle east. >> all of this against the backup against continued fighting. nbc's hans nichols in germany. up next, a look at the stories happening in the day ahead. coming up on "morning joe,"
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much more from the president's combative 77 minute news conference. >> torrow they will say, donald trump rants and raves at the press. i'm not ranting and raving, i'm just telling you, you're dishonest people. but i'm not ranting and raving. i love this. i'm having a good time doing it. >> the president once again lays into the press claiming news about russia is a ruse and that he's been the most productive president in the 28 days. joe and mika talk about it. three white house correspondents part of what many are calling an unprecedented moment in presidential history. "morning joe" just moments away, folks. you got it. just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new but, i don' want one that's had a bunch of owners just say, show me cars with only one owner pretty cool
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all right. welcome back, everyone. before we toss it over to "morning joe" let's get a check on the stories you'll be hearing about today. vice president mike pence heads to germany. president trump is heading out of town as he prepares to make a pair of stops over the weekend. nbc news's kelly o'donnell has more from the white house. good morning, kelly. >> reporter: good morning,
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louis. president trump on the road today making a trip to south carolina where he will be at boeing for the unveiling of their new dreamliner. south carolina, of course, was important for president trump during the campaign season. his first visit as president and one of his most loyal supporters was the new governor, henry mcmaster. governor nikki haley is now the president's ambassador to the u.n. it will kick off a weekend of travel. the president will also be in orlando on saturday. and this will not be a white house event, this is actually a campaign event paid for by the donald j. trump, inc., campaign, and it will be very much the kind of rally style back and forth that we saw during the campaign. and president trump will be doing that saturday afternoon. and spending the weekend, which is, of course, a holiday weekend, president's day weekend, at mar-a-lago, his home in palm beach. >> busy weekend for the president. our thanks to kelly o'donnell for that report. >> that does it for us on this
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friday. "morning joe" starts right now. >> with the media present, which is an honor to have you, the press has become so dishonest. some of the media's fantastic, i have to say. the press the press is out of control. the leaks are absolutely real. the news is fake. i know how good everybody ratings are right now. the ratings aren't as good as some of the other people. >> they are pretty good right now. >> i know they are good and bad. i would be a good reporter. >> where are you from? >> bbc. >> quiet. the people don't believe you any more. i certainly didn't win by listening to you people, that's for sure. i inherited a mess at home and abroad. a mess. ini hert i inherited a mess. this administration is running like a fine-tuned machine. the rollout was perfect. the zero chaos, we are running -- this is a fine-tuned machine. russia is fake news. i don't want to be
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