tv Lockup Wichita Extended Stay MSNBC February 18, 2017 1:00am-2:01am PST
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aid. at that wales summit in 2014, all 28 members of nato declared their intention to move towards a minimum security commitment of 2% of their gross domestic product within the decade. in the words of the summit, such investments were necessary in meeting nato's capability targets and filling nato's capability shortfalls. as of this moment, the united states and only four other nato members meet this basic standard. now, while we commend the few nations that are on track to achieve that goal, the truth is that many others, including some of our largest allies, still lack a clear and credible path to meeting this minimum goal. let me be clear on this point. the president of the united states expects our allies to keep their word, to fulfill this commitment, and for most, that means the time has come to do
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more. [ applause ] >> we must shoulder this responsibility together, because the dangers we face are growing and changing every day. >> the world is now a more dangerous place than a quarter century ago. the threats to our safety span the globe from the rise of radical islamic terrorism to the threats posed by iran and north korea and the many others who threaten our security and our way of life. the rise of adversaries new and old demands a strong response from all of us. in the east, nato has improved its deterrent posture, by stationing four combat ready battalions in poland and the baltic states, in the wake of russian efforts to redraw international borders, rest assured the united states, along with the united kingdom, canada, and germany, will continue its leadership role as a framework nation in the enhanced forward
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presence initiative, and we will support other joint critical actions to support this alliance. and with regard to ukraine -- [ applause ] and with regard to ukraine, we must hold russia accountable, and demand that they honor the minsk agreements beginning by deescalating the violence in eastern ukraine. know this, the united states will continue to hold russia accountable. even as we search for new common ground, which, as you know president trump believes can be found. to the south, upheavals in africa and the middle east have sent violence rippling in every direction, reaching not only europe but the united states. today the leading state sponsor of terrorism continues to destabilize the middle east. and thanks to the end of nuclear related sanksings under the joint comprehensive plan of action, iran now has additional resources to devote to these efforts. let me be clear again.
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under president trump, the united states will remain fully committed to ensuring that iran never obtains a nuclear weapon capable of threatening our countries, our allies in the region, especially israel. [ applause ] >> throughout the middle east, radical islamic terrorists have found safe havens and secured vast resources. that have allowed them to launch attacks here in europe and inspire attacks in the united states. driven by evil, they target their own communities, their fellow muslims, indiscriminately killing or enslaving those who reject their apocalyptic mania. the rise of extremist groups ranging from isis and al qaeda to al shabaab and boko haram, endanger millions, including many faith-based peoples whose roots in their homelands extend
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into the midst of history. isis is perhaps the greatest evil of them all. it's shown a savagery unseen in the middle east since the middle ages. as president trump has made clear, the united states will fight tirelessly to crush these enemies, especially isis and it's so-called caliphate and consign them to the ash heap of history where they thibelong. [ applause ] >> last month, the president ordered the development of a comprehensive plan to defeat isis. president trump has no higher priority than the safety and security of the american people and ensuring the security of our treaty allies. to confront the threats facing our alliance today, nato must build upon its 20th century tactics and continue to evolve to front the crises of today and tomorrow. last summer, president trump called on nato to step up its efforts to disrupt terrorist
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plots before they reach our borders and we made great progress in expanding cooperation and information-sharing between our intelligence and security services in recent years, but we must do more. much more. consistent with the president's call, we're heartened to see that nato has taken steps to increase focus on counterterrorism and collaboration. the appointment of a new intelligence chief, charged with facilitating collaboration on counterterrorism marks a positive shift in nato's ability to fulfill its mission. but going forward, we must intensify our efforts to cut off terrorist funding, increase our cyber capabilities. we must be as dominant in the digital world as we are in the physical world. ou we must always stay one step
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ahead of our adversaries. for our part, thanks to president trump, the united states will be stronger than ever before. our leadership of the free world will not falter. even for a moment. our strength and that of this alliance is not derived solely from our strength of arms. it's born of our shared principles, the principles and ideals that we cherish -- freedom, democracy, justice, and the rule of law. these are the well spring of the united states strength and of europe's strength. they spring from the time leless of rights and liberty are not granted by sovereigns or kings. they the american found afters observed and creator he. marshalling the will to confront the evils of the 21st century
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will require faith. fact faith in the timeless ideals. as president trump said in his inauguration address. it is important to know. i quote, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather let it shine as an example for everyone to follow. this then is our cause. this is why nato exists. why after so many centuries of strive and division, europe is unified. the united states is faithful to europe for generations. and we will keep the faith. that drove our forefathers to defense our nation. we share a past. after all we've been through, we share a future. today, tomorrow and every day. be confident that the united states is now and will always be your greatest ally. [ applause ]
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>> be assured. president trump and the american people are fully devoted to transatlantic union. our are choice today is the same as it was in ages past. security through shared sacrifice and strength for an uncertain future characterized by disunity and faltering will. the united states chooses strength. the united states chooses friendship with europe and a strong north atlantic alliance. in all of the names of the generations who have gone before and fought and bled with the alliance, with confidence with you and reliancreliance, i know best days for america and europe and the free world are yet to come. thank you for the honor of joining you today.
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god bless you all. [ applause ] >> that's vice president mike pence speaking at the unity security conference. talking about how president trump sent a message to nato and allies saying the united states will stand behind nato and reaffirming the support and commitment to nato and transatlantic alliance. you can see at the conference, vice president pence will take questions from the audience. as he was speaking to the audience, he reaffirmed the united states is firm in the stance and fight against isis. also the u.s. will hold russia for the actions and the united states will stand behind the backing that iran does not get any nuclear devices and develop
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any capabilities. that concludes our coverage of vice president mike pence at the security conference. he will meet with angela merkel and speak with leaders from other countries. we will have a wrap up of the munich security conference on msnbc live at 7:00 eastern. back to programming in progress.
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to his cell a half mile away in the sedgwick county jail. >> this is what i have before it turns into. >> he was a cook before his arrest, makes jailhouse cookies. he faces a possibility of lifetime in prison if found gilt guilty of current charges. he is charged with trafficking and two counts of exploitation.
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he has pled not guilty. >> i'm going to trial monday and potentially going to prison the rest of my life. 50 years. >> bacon's current charges with the republicsult of the relatio with a 17-year-old girl who was in trouble and in need of help. >> a buddy says he needs a favor. he knows a girl in a bad way and needs help. he tells me the story of her getting beat on and she wants out. i said she wants to crash on the couch, she is welcome to as long as gets together. >> she was actually 17 when she stayed with him. she was battling heroin addiction as bacon did prior to his recent stay. >> i was there.
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i knew what it was like to need he help. >> bacon bought other toilet tries and food. he says she offered to get a job to meet expenses. >> to days goes by. she says i'm leaving. she takes off. comes back. she wants to buy some [ bleep ]. i said whatever. she talked about selling herself and [ bleep ] like that. now i'm sketchy about it all. the next night, she wants me give her a ride somewhere. when i give her a ride. i'm not from down here. we get down to where she wanted to go, i can tell it is not a good area. >> the area was broadway street. bacon says the girl was going to take in prostitution with or without him. he says he stayed to protect her. on the second night, they were stopped by also for a minor
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violation. it resulted in her in foster care and in laymans terms him being a pimp. >> she wants to put the blame on somebody else. she gets in trouble if she is doing this of her own free will. >> sara is an attorney known throughout the state defending men and women accused of sex crimes. >> almost all are facing life in prison if they get convicted. my experience is in a large number of cases, they are falsely accused. what i do representing them makes a difference between if they go to prison or if they don't go to prison or a registered sex offender the rest of their life or if they get out of jail or get to work again or find places to rent to them. the consequences of them accused of a sex crime. in the age of the internet t
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nevit never goes away. the girl who was 17 at the time that you were basically forcing her to engage in sexual acts as a prostitute. in the state of kansas, that is considered aggravated human trafficking. with the convictions on your e record with the one from the previous case, you are facing -- >> 618 months. >> over 50 years in prison if convicted of this crime. and i find it very interesting that as part the discovery in the case, they have your text messages where you're referring to this girl as someone you just were trying to help. >> bacon's arrest occurred 14 months earlier. his lawyer was a public defender
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who brought a plea deal for ten years. when he inherited money, she urged him not to take the deal and in urge of an acquittal and hired sara. >> it was a big decision. caused problems with her and her husband. he definitely wouldn't tell her not to do it. he said he was not on board with it. >> and money is a factor in bac bacon's case because he accepted money from the girl following acts of prostitution. good did good. >> did i receive money? yeah. i was taking care of her. i guess that was her way, get cigarettes and let's get gas in the car. it was a joint thing like it was prior to that when i was spending the money for the both of us. >> swain's greatest challenge is she was hired less than three days before trial begins.
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the judge felt bacon had sufficient time to prepare defense. he did not accept the change of attorney as a reason to delay trial. >> 14 years of being an attorney, i have never been in this situation where a judge denies my request to continue a jury trial and i have three days to prepare when my client is facing prison for 50 or 60 years. it's never happened to me. it is absolutely essential that you and i both are on our game for the next three days. >> i don't have any records. i don't have any witnesses under subpoena. i essentially have this weekend to prepare defense for trial on monday. >> i'm going to be working nonstop from the moment i walk out the door until the moment i walk into the courtroom monday morning for jury selection for you. >> i need to get out of here as soon as possible subpoenas
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issued and putting together his alibi defense. it is stressful. it is not my life on the line. it is my client's life on the line. i don't take that lightly. >> you can call thes office and tell them to do subpoenas with monday's date and go to g-mail and get out and start serving them. >> she remind me of my mother. cocky and confident. we're fighting for my life. >> coming up. >> how does it feel to be in these clothes? >> this is life. i mean, street clothes. you feel like a person. >> scot bacon's trial begins and day one brings a huge development.
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inside wichita's sedgwick county jail, surveillance cameras caught antonio bell's brutal assault of antonio cooper. awaiting trial for second degree murder, bell threw cooper to the floor and continued beating him. cooper was transported to a local hospital. bell was treated in the jail's medical clinic for a minor wrist
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injury and placed in the segregation cell. >> i took him to the corner to talk to him and he spit on me. i kind of beat him up a little bit, kind of too bad. i wasn't meaning to, you know. i just kind of blacked out a little bit. it's all gas and no brakes, you know? i walked away once i seen the blood. i kind of snapped back. but like i said, i blacked out, you know. he wasn't my friend i would have continued to maul him, you know. you're going to be all right, you know. it's going to be a good lesson that he learns, you know. i didn't kill him. i could have but i didn't. >> last thing i remember is me being up in the air. emts and all kinds of doctors surrounding me. i just remember getting picked up on the gurney and getting brought out here.
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i was awake from when we got outside. i didn't really feel anything until i got there and then they started suturing me in my face. >> doctors discovered no serious injuries to cooper. they gave him four stitches above his right eye and a return to the jail a few hours later. cooper, who is serving time for domestic violence, denies spitting at bell. >> i didn't spit on nobody or he didn't spit on me. it started like yesterday, he started talking bad on my name with some other guys. i'm like hey, man, why you talking [ bleep ] on my name. he felt like i was challenging him. >> bell will soon have a disciplinary hearing in which he could be placed in segregation for up to 25 days and lose all privileges. in addition, officials have told cooper that he can press criminal charges against bell, but he has declined to do so.
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>> being called a snitch is bad for any man of any race. that being on my name does scare me because people who snitch on people, they get treated different. i know i stand my ground to the best i could and he did his little extra cheap shot afterwards where i'm unconscious. to me, he's going to look like more of a weakling on his part than i would. >> though cooper has declined to file charges, the state can still file without his cooperation. >> he's going to be out right here. >> that's where he was out. >> detective noll has been assigned to investigate the assault. >> i have seen several fights now in the jail. this was i would say the worst one that i've seen. it was pretty -- i compare it to an mma fight. >> that's it. he blacked out. when he saw the blood that's when he stopped. >> well, that doesn't appear that you blacked out because you went and got your bag and everything else.
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>> he ain't blacked out. >> whenever there's an incident where there is great bodily harm involved, what we do is come in and interview any witnesses, try to interview the suspect if they're willing to talk to us, interview the victim. then we also have to interview all the deputies that were involved in that scenario, too. we want to make sure that if charges need to be drawn on somebody, that it comes to fruition. >> unlike bell, scot bacon has been a model inmate during his 14 months at sedgwick county. he has just returned to jail for the first day of his trial. >> mr. bacon, you get changed out. court clothes in there. put on your issued jump suit. >> how does it feel to be in these clothes? >> this is life. i mean, street clothes. you feel like a person. feel like somebody that is innocent instead of somebody that's guilty going in in an orange jumpsuit.
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>> bacon is accused of forcing a 17-year-old girl into prostitution, a crime he vehemently denies. but he received some good news today. the prosecution has dropped its most serious charge, human trafficking. >> it changes the amount of time that i'm facing by 40 years. if convicted. >> bacon still, however, faces two charges of commercial sexual exploitation of a child. each charge carries a maximum of ten years in prison. bacon's attorney, sarah swain, had little more than a weekend in which to prepare for trial. >> i believe right now that i did everything that i could do given the circumstances, but it's absolute craziness to expect an attorney to get a case, get police reports on thursday, file motions on friday, and be in trial monday morning when your client is facing any amount of time in
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prison let alone what scot bacon is facing. >> bacon's first day of trial revolved largely around jury selection. >> you got 31 people in there and just back and forth picking. what they're basically doing is they're asking questions to see which ones they want to keep, which ones he wants to get rid of, which ones we want to keep, which ones we want to get rid of. you know, so they get into the nitty-gritty. >> did they have certain jurors that you felt like you wanted on your team? they kicked them off? >> yeah. and a lot of it is more just like a gut feeling or something that you see like oh, that dude won't even look at me or you know, this person -- >> you try to read the body language? >> right. lot of body language reading and just seeing how people are reacting to other people's comments for real. >> bacon will be back in court tomorrow, where testimony in the trial is expected to begin. >> i feel good. she feels good. >> that's good. that's good.
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>> but essentially it's in those 12 people's hands. you know what i mean? i can't do anything to change it now. >> sit back and be cool. >> sit back and be cool and let them do their thing. that's when they get paid for. >> coming up -- >> you owe that young man an apology putting your hands on him. >> oh, no. no apology. >> pastor tina tries to get through to antonio bell.
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comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. i'm dara brown. vice president mike pence wrapped up the speech at munich security conference where he stated america's commitment to alliance. he is scheduled to speak with angela merkel and other leaders about u.s. policy. the pick to head the epa has been confirmed by the senate. scott pruitt was sworn in friday afternoon. now back to "lock up." due to mature subject
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matter, viewer discretion is advised. located in downtown wichita, the sedgwick county jail has more than 400 surveillance cameras. one of them provided the only evidence detective noll needed to determine if new criminal charges should be filed against antonio bell for his assault on antonio cooper. that's because neither inmate had much to say about the matter. >> when i talked to the suspect, he said everything's on video, i've got nothing to say to you so i just stopped that interview right then and there. >> i don't talk to them. they don't mean me no good. they're just there to twist and turn words, do what's best for them and the d.a. i ain't got nothing for them. never have, never will. >> the victim was willing to talk to me. he said that they had been arguing about a football game.
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>> bell has already been sanctioned by the jail with 25 days in disciplinary detention. he's locked in a cell 23 hours a day and has lost most privileges like visitation and singing in the jail's church choir. >> pastor tina aware of your situation? >> no, she probably -- well, she probably is already. >> what do you think she's going to say about this? >> probably pray for me. >> detective noll's investigation concluded, bell already awaiting trial for second degree murder, might now face a new criminal charge. >> i plan on hopefully monday morning presenting this case to the d.a.'s office. i have hopes that they will charge it and the charges that i guess i'm looking at is aggravated battery which is a felony in the state of kansas. >> scot bacon has just concluded day four of his trial. most of that time was dedicated to jury selection and motions with little more than three hours of actual testimony.
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the case is now in the hands of a jury and bacon is back in his housing unit's rec yard eager to work off anxiety. >> this all around helps you out. sleep better, appetite, relieve stress and anger. >> bacon is charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of a child for taking a 17-year-old girl to broadway street, a stretch of wichita known for prostitution, on two consecutive nights. prosecutors say he was her pimp. >> essentially i cared for that girl and i wanted to help her. >> fortunately for bacon, the young woman, now 18 years old, testified on his behalf at trial. >> just really confirmed everything that i have been saying the whole time. she was doing it by herself, nobody forced her to do anything. she was going to do it regardless if i was there or not. it wasn't fun for her, i'm sure, to express these things to people that she doesn't know. the dangerous and crazy
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behaviors she was doing before she ever met me. >> during their first day of deliberation, the jury asked for testimony to be read back to them. specifically what bacon told police his intention was on the two nights he escorted the young woman to broadway. >> my argument to the jury in closing arguments was that his intent was not to assist her in selling sexual relations. his intent was to be there to protect her. that's what scot said that night to the police, that's what the girl said that night to the police, that's what the police officers testified to when they took the stand during trial. >> bacon's attorney, sarah swain, feels good that the jury has not rushed to a verdict. >> considering that they only heard about three hours of evidence and they have been deliberating four hours, that's amazing. i think that really points heavily to the fact that they have a lot of doubts about the case that the state put on, and i'm hopeful that that will mean a not guilty verdict or at a
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minimum, that maybe we will end up with a hung jury. either one of those would be an incredible victory considering the uphill battle that we've had with this case. >> coming up -- >> in the matter of the state of kansas versus scot bacon, as to count one, we the jury find the defendant, scot bacon -- >> the verdict is in.
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behind the walls of the sedgwick county jail in wichita, kansas, pastor tina was recently informed that her inmate choir will be shy one member for the next several weeks. >> i can pull video of the fight up in here and show you what happened. >> antonio bell has been given 25 days disciplinary detention for his assault on antonio
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cooper. bell's sanctions also include a loss of privileges such as participation in the choir. and pastor tina has asked to view footage of the fight. >> there's one, boom. then he'll stomp on -- >> my god. >> yeah. >> boy's not moving. oh, jesus. >> then cooper's not moving at all. >> that's savage. >> i don't think we need to see that again. >> no, man. what triggered that kind of rage in him? >> at pastor tina's request, bell is released from his disciplinary detention cell so she can meet with him. >> you beat him like you don't know jesus. >> you know i know jesus. >> well, i don't know, because we're created in his image and his likeness. where you beat that man down, i
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don't know. would you beat jesus like that? >> no. >> that's what i'm saying. it was a rage up in you. you didn't even look like yourself. i've known him since he's been in and out of here. he's a challenge but i also see a lot of hurt in him. there's a lot of hurt. i just hate to see him allow the enemy to set him back. i don't think it's going to sink in yet. it hasn't really sunk into him yet but i think it will. think you owe that young man an apology putting your hands on him? >> oh, no. no apology, you know. >> why not? >> because he shouldn't have did what he did, you know. >> again, like i told you, i looked at the video. i didn't see no spitting. >> the sergeant is the one, he wiped it all off. i had water and everything on me. >> that's your story and you're sticking to it, huh? >> yeah. it's the truth. i'm glad he all right, you know what i mean? kind of upset with myself that he got hurt, because you know, like he did.
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but no, no apology at all. you know? >> well, you know i care about you. just a little disappointed in your actions, that's all. >> i don't like for you to be disappointed in me, either. >> how many children you got? >> two. >> boy or girl? >> little boy and a girl. >> okay. so your son and your daughter actually but especially your son, is subject to what you're doing. do you want that for him? >> no. >> because at the end of the day, that young man that you harmed, he was somebody's son. he was somebody's brother. he might have even been somebody's daddy. that make you think about it, huh?
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>> yeah. i mean, but i understand what you're saying, you know. >> i seen the wheels rolling. sometimes when we do things, we don't look at other people as human. so that's one of the things that i try to bring them back to because at the end of the day, humanity got to overrule, somewhere you got to look at people as humans. i want to spend some more one-on-one time with you. because god willing, we're going to pull this out your life. it's got to come out. you don't like people to know about that teddy bear side of you because i've seen that side of you. i do care about you, man. i want to see you make it. i knew i wouldn't get much out of him now because sometimes it gets pretty raw. it's hard for a young man at that age to break and just tell you what's really going on. i'm going to bring him back down, we're just going to chop at it. i'm going to chop at it until we chop it down. all right.
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well, that's it for today, soldier. head on our next journey. >> scot bacon's next journey is now in the hands of 12 jurors who have just reached their verdict. they could send him home or send him to prison on two counts of sexual exploitation of a child. each count is for one of two nights that he escorted a 17-year-old girl as she prostituted herself in wichita's red light district. >> all rise, please. >> bacon had originally been represented by a public defender, who brought him a plea deal of ten years. not satisfied, his mother hired a private defense attorney, sarah swain, only three days before the start of trial. >> regardless of what happens here with this verdict,
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at least you made theme [ bleep ] work for it. >> thank you. you may be seated. jennifer, if you please announce the verdict and publish it to the court. >> in the matter of the state of kansas versus scot bacon, as to count one, we the jury find the defendant scot bacon not guilty of commercial sexual exploitation of a child. as to count two, we the jury find the defendant scot bacon guilty of commercial sexual exploitation of a child. signed by the presiding jury. >> thank you, jennifer. mr. rounton, is that the jury's verdict? >> yes, it is. >> the verdict seems puzzling since bacon took the same actions on two nights but was acquitted for one and convicted for the other. the judge will sentence him at a later time. he could receive up to ten years in prison. >> they found me guilty of one charge and not the other. it don't make no sense to me. if you have the evidence to prove me not guilty, prove me not guilty.
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not guilty on one and not the other. it's all said and done now. there ain't no more guessing, no more hoping. it's over. >> i think it was a win because the only alternative we had was taking a plea. in this case, he was looking at ten years. we went to trial. he's still looking at ten years and we gained all of the appeal issues in regards to all of the errors that were committed. i mean, i believe it's error that i was not granted a continuance. i believe that it was error for me not to have time to do any investigation. >> bacon has finished. he can change out. >> i really think that after he reflects on it for a little bit, he will be happy that he chose to go to trial and i guarantee you the day that his appeal comes down, reversing this conviction, he will be even happier at that point that he chose to do this. >> i'm just beside myself on this.
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the evidence to convict me you don't have so you find me not guilty. then on the other one, you find me -- it should have never been split like that. like if you got the evidence, to find me guilty on one, i should have been guilty on both of them. if i'm not guilty, find me not guilty on both of them. there was no difference from one case to the other. >> the jury foreman says there was a difference. >> when we first got in there, there was maybe one or two guilty and everyone was not guilty. for i would probably say 80% of the time. >> he says part of the jury's job was to determine if bacon knowingly assisted the young woman in committing prostitution. that's why they asked for a key piece of testimony to be read back. >> the detective asked scot how did you assist in it. he said well, i protected her, i walked behind her, made sure she got in the van. we got back in the room and flipped drastically. so on that first night, it was
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never really proven that he actually assisted her, but when he said i was protecting her, walking her to the van, we don't know if it happened both nights but we knew it happened one of the nights. so once again, that's why we found a not guilty and a guilty, because the first time life happens, he made a mistake. but on the second night, it's kind of, you knew what you were doing. we all kind of came to that conclusion. >> coming up -- >> you exploited and pimped a 17-year-old child. you have a significant criminal history. you committed this offense while on post-release supervision. >> scot bacon receives his sentence.
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prostitution, scot bacon is about to learn his sentence. he says his judge does not have a reputation for leniency, especially when it comes to those with prior criminal records like him. >> he's going to continue to be the same judge he has been through my whole trial and max the sentence out. he's not even going to go with the low or medium number. he's going to give 128 months probably. >> miss swain for the defense? >> bacon's attorney, sarah swain, will argue for a sentence of only five years. >> the court was present, heard the testimony of the victim in this case. it was clear from the statements made by both of the parties that the idea to go down and sell sexual services was an idea that the victim came up with and presented to mr. bacon, who had simply told her that if she was going to stay with him, he was going to help her get clean, he was going to put a roof over her head, but she needed to be
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working to help pay the bills, that the two of them would be accruing in living together in this apartment. she stated repeatedly on cross-examination that mr. bacon did not bring up the idea. it was her idea. he did not encourage her to do that. in fact, he didn't want her to do that. but when she made the decision that she was going to do that, he decided that he would go with her and he would be there to do what he could to try to keep her safe. did he make a terrible decision by getting in his car that night and agreeing to drive her down to broadway? yes. is one car ride from his apartment to broadway, whatever that distance is, is that worthy of a ten-year sentence being imposed by this court? i don't believe that it is. >> after swain concludes her argument, the prosecution addresses the court. >> this is more than about
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driving a young girl to engage in acts of prostitution. this is about driving a girl, taking the money, being there to provide protection, being there in case something goes wrong. i don't know how the court might define what a pimp is, but that certainly comes as close to being a pimp as i can think of a definition. >> after hearing additional arguments and motions from both sides, the judge is ready to hand down his sentence. >> the crime that mr. bacon, you were found guilty of is commercial sexual exploitation of a child. human trafficking is a significant problem in sedgwick county, across the country, but here in sedgwick county in particular. it has devastating impact on the victims and on our community. in this case, we had a victim that was a minor, 17 years old, a child.
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you know, we all make mistakes. that's what you're here admitting. none of us are perfect. the fact that somebody makes a mistake doesn't mean you just throw them away, that well, they prostituted one time so a little more prostitution's just not a big deal, or it's less severe. mr. bacon, this is the bottom line. you exploited and pimped a 17-year-old child, you have a significant criminal history and you committed this offense while on post-release supervision. this provides little legitimate options available to the court. due to the fact that this was a limited period of time in which you were found guilty, limited exposure rather than it being days, weeks and months, for that reason i will grant 14 months off the mitigated or 20 months off the standard sentence in this case and impose 100 months
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in prison. >> in addition to more than eight years in prison, bacon is fined $2500 and must register as a sex offender. >> mr. bacon, you are of individual worth. you deserve better than the choices you have been making, the crimes you have committed. certainly the victim in this case deserved much better and this community deserves much better. please spend this time productively, coming up with a plan, written plan, journal it, on how you can live a successful life when you get out. you deserve better. thank you all for your time and attention. we're in recess. >> swain believes the 100 month sentence was a step in the right direction and she plans to file an appeal. >> prior to trial, mr. bacon's, the only offer he had pending was for 120 months. we went to trial on one day's preparation and came out of it with 100 months.
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i would say that's a win. some people might say well, it's only 20 months. 20 months is almost two years of someone's life. i'll take that. >> you've just got to have your hope and your faith that everything is going to work out like it's supposed to. i mean, i've said it before, it's not over. at the end of the day, it's giving somebody a ride somewhere they wanted to go, somewhere they asked to go. i'm going to go do eight years for it.
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