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tv   Dateline Extra  MSNBC  February 18, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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trans-pacific partnership, tpp. we have just terminated our relationship to it. we're going to have tremendous trade deals all over the world, but they're going to be bilateral or, as we would say, one-on-one. none of these deals would you be caught in quick sand. by the way, nafta and so many others. my administration has begun plans to crack down on foreign cheating and currency manipulation which is killing our companies and really, really hurting our workers. we're going to end it. [ cheers and applause ] within a few days off taking the oath of office, i've taken steps to begin the construction of the
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keystone and the dakota access pipeline. [ cheers and applause ] anywhere from 30 to 40,000 jobs. and very importantly as i was about to sign it, i said who makes the pipe? who makes the pipe? something this audience understands very well, right? semb simple question. the lawyers put this complex document in front. i said who makes the pipe? they said, sir, it can be made anywhere. i said not anymore. soy put a little cause in the bottom, the pipe has to be made in the united states of america if we're going to have pipelines. [ cheers and applause ] we believe in two simple rules, and i can tell you, everybody in this massive -- this is a
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massive hangar. this is for the big planes. by the way, do you think that one media group back there, that one network whether show this crowd? not one. not one. [ booing ] they won't show the crowd. coming in on the plane, and the plane represents so much. just so you know, they were close to signing a $4.2 billion deal to have a new air force one. can you believe this? i said no way. i said i refuse to fly in a $4.2 billion airplane. i refuse. i got boeing. a lot of people don't know, thearious one project is actually two planes. why they need two planes, we'll have to talk about that, but they have two planes. we've got that price down by
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over a billion dollars, and i probably haven't spoken to be honest for more than an hour on the project, but i got the generals in who are fantastic. i got boeing in. but i told boeing it's not good enough. we're not going to do it. the price is still too high. on the f-35 fighter jet we were hundreds of millions of dollars over budget. seven years late, great plane, lockheed martin a great plane. think of it. there's seven years late. they're hundreds of billion dollars of dollars over budget. other than that, by the way, the projects is going extremely well. and i got the folks in from lockheed martin who are terrific people, and a terrific product, by the way. i also got boeing in. i said, do me a favor, give me a competing offer, and now they're competing and fighting.
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and we've gotten hundreds of millions of dollars off the price of a plane that was going to be ordered. in other words, if my opponent got in, there would have been no calls made to lock immediate and boeing. they would have signed contracts. so they're going to make plenty of money, but it'sing going to be lot less than trump, that i can tell you. you might as well know about it. by the way, that's for fighter jets. one of the biggest orders in aviation. it was a disaster turned last administration, a disaster. and now we have it running beautifully. in fact, when the prime minister of japan, prime minister abe who's a great, great guy, when he came over, he said, thank you. you saved us many, many millions ofollars on the f-35 fighter
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jet because when i negotiated, i took our allies into the same negotiation. the first thing he did was thanked me for saving them money. that's good. [ cheers ] i know the media will never thank me, so at least japan is thanking me. but we believe in two simple rules, buy american, and hire american. we believe in that. [ cheers and applause ] we've just issued a new order which requires that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated. [ cheers and applause ] and, by the way, a new director was just approved. can you imagine the length of time it's taken the democrats? i actually think it's an embarrassment to them.
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but this is getting into be record-setting territory. these are incredible people. scott pruitt was just now approved for the environmental protection agency. he'll do so good. he'll do so good. but he won't have projects going ten and 12 years and then getting rejected. they may be rejected, but that'll be rejected quickly. but for the most part they're going to be accepted, environmentally friendly, and he's going to be a great secretary. he will be amazing. so we're very happy. that took place yesterday. that's going to be a big difference because they were clogging up the veins of our country with the environmental impact statements and all of the rules and regulations. it was impossible to navigate for companies. what did it really mean? forget the companies. it meant no jobs, it meant
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companies heaving our country and going to foreign countries to do things they'd rather do here. so, so we're going to have a whole big situation. we're going to unfree all those companies. they are going to be -- they're going to have freedom. they're going to be able to build whatever they want to build. we're going to start producing jobs like you've never seen before. that's going to happen. that was a big thing. [ cheers and applause ] we're standing up for the incredible men and women always of law enforcement. we're standing up. [ cheers and applause ] i can tell you the military and law enforcement, they stood up big, i don't see for me. i'm the messenger. they stood up for us in this last election. we got numbers that nobody believed were possible from law enforcement and from military. basically people that wear
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uniforms like us. i saw this man on television just now. you, i just saw him on television. he said i lot of trump, let trump do what he has to do. that's my guy right there. it's true. [ cheers and applause ] come here. come here. i'm coming in. that's okay. let him up. i'm not worried about him. i'm only worried he's going to give me a kiss. this guy is so great. he was one of many people. they're interviewing people in the line. and i have to say, there's a tiny group of protesters out there and they were given as much visibility. come on up here. guy was great. hop over the fence. come on, he can do it. this guy's in good shape. look at him. look at this guy.
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come on. this guy is great. don't worry about him. no, no. come here. come on up. come here. [ cheers and applause ] this guy. so he's been all over television saying the best things. i see him standing. dungt here at 4:00 in the morning? >> i did, sir. >> say a couple words to this crowd. >> mr. president, thank you, sir. we the people, our movement is the reason why our president of the united states is standing here in front of us today. [ cheers and applause ] when president trump during the election promised all these
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things he was going to do for us, i knew he was going to do this for us. [ cheers and applause ] thank you mr. president. thank you so much, sir. >> a star is born. a star is born. thank you, man. [ cheers and applause ] that's fine. [ chanting ] i wouldn't say that secret service was thrilled with that. but we know our people, right? we know our people. [ cheers and applause ] great guy. so many others. i see some others being interviewed. i see them over here. they started, came at 4:00 in the morning.
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the media will give them no credit. the media as i told you, they won't show this crowd. all the way outside. this is as big a hangar you get. all the way outside way back to the fences. amazing. i want to thank you. but i want to thank everybody. so i've directed the department of justice to take a firm firm stance to protect our cops, sheriff's, and police from crimes of violence against them. [ cheers and applause ] we will work with our police, not against our police, our police do a great job. and they've never been troubled like they're troubled now. it's very unfair what's happening. so we want to cherish our law enforcement. we want to protect those who
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protect us. [ cheers ] we've directed the creation of a task force for reducing violent crime in america, including our inner cities. we're going to make our inner cities safe again. look at what's going on. look at what's happening in chicago. hundreds of shootings, hundreds of deaths. i'll tell you what's happening in chicago and many other plays. safety is a civil right and we will fight to make america totally safe again. [ cheers and applause ] i've ordered the department of homeland security and the department of justice to coordinate a plan to destroy criminal cartels which are all over the united states and we are going to stop the drugs from pouring into your country, into
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your community, into your cities and poisoning our youth. we're stopping it. we're stopping it. [ cheers and applause ] we've taken historic action to secure the southern border, and i've ordered the construction of a great border wall which will start very shortly. [ cheers and applause ] and i've taken decisive action to keep rallied islamic terrorist the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ] islamict the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ] islamic the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ] islamic the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ] islamic the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ]d islami the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ] islamic the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ] islamice hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ]d islami the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ]i islami the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ]c islami
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the hell out of our country. [ cheers and applause ]al islam terrorist the hell o so you probably read where we want to enforce the laws as existing. and so we signed an order a couple weeks ago. it was taken over by a court originally by a judge and then a -- [ booing ] yeah. it's very sad. and you know, the reason is for protection and safety. so the statute is so plain and so clear. i said last week i was speaking to a great group of sheriff's, the sheriff's group in washington. and i said if you have a college education, you can understand it. if you have a high school education, you can understand it. if upper byou were a bad studen high school, you can understand it. and i was told, i'll check, but i found it hard to believe, an over 30-page decision by the
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appellate court, you could tell the way they were acting because it was broadcast on television. everything we do gets a lot of people watching. so you could tell by the way that phone call went wasn't looking good. and when they wrote the decision, as i understand it, maybe i'm wrong, but they didn't write the statute we're making the decision about because every word of the statute is a total kill for the other side. so i thought i'd read it. here's what it says. this is what it says. whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the united states -- okay. so essentially whenever somebody comes in to the united states, right? if it would be debtry mental to
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the interests of the united states, you know the countries we're talking about of the these are countries picked by obama. they were picked by obama. so the president may by proclamation and for such period as he shall deem necessary -- now, because it's old it should have said he or she, right? they were not politically correct when they drew this. in fact that's the only thing that was actually wrong with it. he or she, i don't think the women care too much about that, right? i don't think so. we did very well with women by the way. [ cheers and applause ] my wife said when some of these phony polls were put out, the cnn poll was so far off t phony
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polls. she said, what's wrong with you and women? we did very nicely with women. we did nicely with a lot of groups they didn't think we were going to do so nicely with. that's why we're all here tonight, right? [ cheers and applause ] and it goes, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, spend the entry of all aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restriction he may deem to be appropriate. basically it says the president has the right to keep people out if he feels it's not in the best interest of our country, right? unbelievable. unbelievable. [ cheers and applause ] and i listen to these judges
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talk and talk and talk. so unfair. so we'll be doing something over the next couple of days. we don't give up. we never give up. we had a court that i disagree with. i disagree with. by the way, whether you read it or whether you watch it on television when other lawyers come on, many of them can't even understand. they're saying, how do you come up with that decision? it cannot be more simple. their ruling on what i just read you, they don't even quote it in their ruling because you can't because it's too obvious. let's see what happens. ehere's the bottom line. we've got to keep our country safe. you look at what's happening. we've got to keep our country safe. [ cheers and applause ] you look at what's happening in
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germany. you look at what's happening last night in sweden. sweden, who would believe this? sweden, they look in large numbers having problems like they they never thought possible. you look at what's happening in brussels. you look at what's happening all over the world. take a look at nice. take a look at paris. we've allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and this was no way to vet those people. there was no documentation. there was no nothing. so we're going to keep our country safe. [ cheers and applause ] and we all have heart, by the way. what i want to do is build safe zones in syria and other places so they can stay there and live
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safely until their cities and their country that mess that i was left by obama and everyone else. folks, we were left a mess like you wouldn't believe. but we're going to build safe groans. we've going to have those safe zones. we do owe $20 trillion. so we're going to have the gulf states pay for those. they have nothing but money. we're going to take massive numbers, tens of thousands of people into our country and we don't know anything about those people. we want people to come in to our country but we want people that love us, we want people that can cherish us and the traditions of our country. we want people that are going to be great for our country. we don't want people with bad, bad ideas. we don't want that. i've also directed the defense
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community headed by general and now -- you know. he said it. he said it. and now secretary, mad dog mattis. [ cheers and applause ] to develop a plan to totally destroy isis. [ cheers and applause ] i have ordered the department of defense to begin plans for the great rebuilding of the united states military. [ cheers and applause ] we will pursue peace through strength. our military is badly depleted. you have planes in the military where if father flew them and now the son is flying them. they're so old. we make the best equipment anywhere in the worldful we're going to start using our best and most modern equipment.
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[ cheers ] we're going to make sure our veterans have the care they need when they come home. [ cheers and applause ] we love our veterans. we're going to do a great job for our veterans. our veterans have been very, very sadly treated. these are our great, great people. we owe them so much. our veterans are going to be taken care of once and for all. our system and our country has let down our veterans. we are not going to let that go on any further. wait until you see what we're going to be doing for our great veterans. thank you, veterans. who's a veteran? we're going to take care of our veterans. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to downsize the bloated bureaucracies and make government lean and accountable. we are going to drain the swamp
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in washington, d.c. [ cheers and applause ] [ chanting ] i've already imposed -- i'm not sure they're too happy about it -- a five year lobbying ban on the executive branch officials and a lifetime ban on lobbying for a foreign government. [ cheers and applause ] and there's another mainly promise i have kept to the american people. i've nominated a fantastic justice to replace the late
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great justice scalia. [ cheers and applause ] his name is judge neil gorsuch and he comes from my list of 20 very, very highly qualified judges. he's an incredible -- he has an incredible resume. he's respected by all. his education is as good as it can get. his writings are truly amazing. he will be a true defender of our constitution. so let's tell the senate democrats to support his nomination for the good of the country because what's happening with the democrats -- no wonder they're doing so badly. you take a look. race after race -- i just want
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to tell you in case you didn't read it of course you're reading the fake news, but the democrats were supposed to twin presidency. that didn't happen. they were supposed to take over the senate. that didn't happen. and they were supposed to take over potentially even the house. it was going to be four weeks out the greatest defeat in the modern history of american politics. and it was, but it was for the democrats, not for the republicans. [ cheers and applause ] so we have to tell the democrats because they're doing the wrong thing for the american people to stop their tactics of delay and obstruction and destruction. they got to get on with it. my administration is also pushing ahead strongly with very
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historic tax reform. we are working to lower tax rates on the middle class, to reduce tax rates, big league on businesses, and to make our tax code more fair and very simple for all americans so it's understandable by everyone. [ cheers and applause ] senate democratic should work with us to lower taxes and bring back our jobs. but the democrats want to increase your taxes very substantially. we're not going to let that happen. it's also time for the senate democrats to take responsibility to obamacare and to work with us to replace it with new reforms that reverse this nationwide health care tragedy. it's a tragedy. you look at some states, arizona up 116% and your deduct belieibe
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so high. obamacare doesn't work. it's become totally unaffordable. remember they said the health care, it's unaffordable. it doesn't work. and i said to the republicans, i said you want to do something great politically, don't do anything. sit babbling for two years, let it explode. the democrats will come and beg for us to do something, but we can't do that to the american people. we have to fix it and we will. [ cheers and applause ] we need members of both parties to join hands and work with us to pass a one trillion dollars infrastructure plan to build new roads and bridges and airports and tunnels and rail ways all across your great nation. you are part of this incredible
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movement, this movement we talk about so much that's been written about on the cover of every magazine all over the world. it's a movement that is just sweeping, it's sweeping across our country. it's sweeping, frankly, across the gloechbbe. look at brexit. much smaller example, but it's still something you can look at. people want to take back control of their countries and they want to take back control of their lives and the lives of their family. [ cheers and applause ] the nation remains the best model for human happiness, and the american nation remains the greatest symbol of liberty, of freedom, and justice on the face of god's earth. [ cheers and applause ] and now we have spirit like
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we've never had before. it's now that we have our sacred duty and we have no choice, and we want this choice to defend our country to protect its values and to serve its great, great citizens. [ cheers and applause ] erasing national borders does not make people safer or more prosperous. it undermines democracy and trades away prosperity. we're giving it away. the so-called global elite have done very well for themselves, but have left working families with shrinking wages really -- i mean they are shrinking. 18 years ago many of you in this room made more money working one job than you're making right now working two and three jobs. [ cheers and applause ]
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instead of peace we've seen wars that every end and conflicts that never seem to go away. we don't fight to win. we fight politically correct wars. we don't win anymore. we don't win in trade. we don't win in any capacity. we're going to start winning again, believe me. and we have the chance now working together to deliver change for the ages. this will be change for the ages. change like never before to pursue real peace, real stability, and real prosperity. we want to secure our borders and protect our workers, to rebuild our military and our infrastructure, to fix our schools and restore safety to our neighbors, to bring hope and
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opportunity to our inner cities, to ensure a level playing field for all women in the workforce. [ cheers and applause ] to reform our tax code and remove the regulations that undermine growth and innovation and to replace chasms of distrust with new bridges of opportunity and cooperation. we must ignore the tired echos of yesterday's fights. we're fighting battles that no longer help us. we're fighting battles that other people aren't treating us fairly in the fight. i'm a nato fan, but many of the countries in nato, many of the countries that we protect, many of these countries are very rich countries. they're not paying their bills. they're not paying their bills.
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they have to help us. no longer are we chained down by the discredited approaches of the past. no longer must we listen to those who have nothing to brag about but failure. new circumstances demand new solutions. americans have fought and won wars together. our heroes have shed their blood together and lost their lives. our citizens have raised their children together, fought for justice together, and shared common hopes and dreams from one generation to the next, stretching back to the first day of our american independence. this is our legacy. it belongs to all of you and it belongs to every man, woman, and child in our nation. [ cheers ]
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now is the time to call upon these deep ties in the name of bold action. let us move past the differences of party and find a new loyalty rooted deeply in our country. we are all brothers and all sisters. we share one home, one destiny, and one glorious american flag. [ cheers and applause ] we're united together by history and by providence. we will make america strong again, i promise. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great
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again, greater than ever before. may god bliss and may god bless the united states of america. thank you. thank you. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ you can't always get what you want ♪ ♪ you can't always get what you want ♪ ♪ you can't always get what you want ♪ ♪ but if you try sometimes >> president trump and the first
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lady now with a victory walk shall we say after that rallying speech, part of a campaign event there in melbourne, florida, lasting for the better part of an hour. watching along with us as the president went through a long list of items that were similar to his speech from the white house on thursday. and then you saw a second part for the last five or six minutes that were more general in tone and consistent with reporting we had heard from our nbc reporters and producers on air force one that stated held be giving a message of unity. in the final five minutes that's what he was alluding to. but the first part very different messaging. as he makes his way back to air force one, perhaps saying hi to some of the supporters. there's about 9,000 there, the
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sweat gathering around his nose. it's a warm afternoon both for the president and the first lady and all those supporters on site. still with us is jeanne zane know. we saw two parts of a rally of a speech from president trump. this was a campaign event to be clear. the monies spent for this related to his campaign which you noted earlier. he opened up again that fundraising campaign fund come january 20th, the day that he was inaugurated. how would you look and break down what the president said during this campaign rally? >> i was struck by the fact that there seemed to be two different parts, two different tones to the speech. the first seemed to be almost a
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reiteration of what we heard on the campaign trail. in the inaugural address in particular not what some people expected the president to talk about. he reiterated some of that during the speech our side of the aisle to a very enthusiastic crowd of people. as he moved towards the end the tone changed to something more of unity. you wonder is this a signal donald trump is going to be kind of changing his rhetoric, changing his ways? i am one of those people who have said donald trump is probably not going to change his ways because he hasn't all along. it's important to note he hit on many different policy issues, a variety of issues. what we didn't hear once again were specifics on what it is he's going to do in terms of immigration reform, tax reform or health care reform. we heard an awful a lot of
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discussion hitting on key issues but not a lot of spichksz in terms of what metrics. you're going to bring down unemployment how fast, how far? we heard very little of that here. they can easily make the case that's not the case far campaign rally as it was, but it is appropriate when you're president of the united states and that's what i hope we hear as he moved forward. >> lenny, what did you think of the two parts of at least in his speech he gave? >> two tones, one goal. and the goal was not to move the needle. you move the needle by talking about policy. you move the needle by showing people how you're going to get there. that wasn't his goal. his goal was to rally the base. people that were anti-trump before are anti-trump after this speech. people that were pro-trump before the rally speech are going to be pro-trump again. this was not to move the needle. donald trump's vision of unity
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right now is not necessarily unifying the country. it's unifying those he needs in order to get certain things accomplished. unifying the ren party so he can get more people confirmed o his nominations. so that they can get through both the house of representatives and the u.s. senate. we have to look at not necessarily the tone. we have to look at what is the goal of what transpired today. it was not to move the needles but to make sure those in his camp stay in his camp. nard in that regard he was successful. does that mean he moved people on this speech but that wasn't his goal the first place. this was the same guy he was coming down the escalator 2015. >> if that was his goal, why did he need to do it then?
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this base hasn't been wavering? >> again, richard, this is about redefining. when you're approval come out one month in at 39%, you have to redefine why it's 39%. when you're being, quote/unquote, attacked by, quote, un, quote, fake news, you have to redefine why that is transpairing. when your nsa advisory ends up going out of the administration, you have to redefine why that transla happened. you have to be able to listen to this president redefine what happened. >> it might be said, i go if your treats, you go back to what makes you conferral, you go wac back to what energizes you. for this president, he's natural out there, he draws energy from the crowd. we saw a tone and an energy.
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it was leveraged in different ways. we can get into that in a couple seconds, but he clearly was drawing from this event, and maybe he needed that. he's in the white house alone. the first lady is in new york. she's now down there in florida for this event and for the weekend, but now this is a place where he can say, this is, again, why i'm doing what i'm doing? >> absolutely. he said presidents going back to george washington, thomas jefferson, abraham lincoln famously had relationships with the press and it's an isolating place to be. i think that's all understandable. we've seen presidents, he's not the first president early in the administration to leave the white house and go back to seek what he's comfortable with on the campaign trail and his supports. my question is that 39%. yes, turf support of your base. he has the support of that basing. if east going to achieve the
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objectivities he's talking about, he's talking about changing the united states, you need the support not just of 39% of the base, you need the support of the democratic party, the republicans. you need to reach out to the american public. >> you don't think that message did that? >> i don't think that message did that. i would say we have to have an open mind, he could. this rally is not going to do that. and yes, he needs to rally his base, but he's president of the united states. he is not a candidate for the presidency. he is the president. he needs to accept that and he needs to govern. that requires. he can't we're in a bad state because i inherited a bad country. he's going to have to govern. >> would this work if we saw this speech in a year? >> it might.
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think about this. it will now be an election year where he can add to this message and say that we need to hold on to the senate, folks. because you saw what happened under obamacare. it's a disaster. that's what he would say. we saw what happened in the unemployment rate in 2008, 2009. he can take what he did and add that you do to it. again, will that unite folks? no. what we're missing is the fact he doesn't need democrats. he doesn't need independents. when you allow the nuclear option to be played in the senate already, when you see the affordable care act passed when not when you had gatorade, you've already set the tone for somebody to say if you have the house and senate i could
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occasion less about the minority party and independents. that's the path we're on in the united states of america. right now president 45, this president right now, mr. trump is not as inclined to unify all those folks as he is to try to get an agenda down. >> that will not get him reelected. you're talking about legacy at the moment. mitch mcconnell and paul ryan will probably say, mr. president, we need your help in washington, d.c. that's probably what they would say, specifically obamacare. but before we go further i want to play a little bit. start from the stop top here. he really kind of read from that script. i'll play a little bit of that first. take a listen. >> lies, misrepresentations and false stories. they could not defeat us in the primaries and they could not defeat us in the general
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election, and we will continue to expose them for what they are and, most importantly, we will continue to win, win, win. >> jeanne, he was talking about, again, the media, specifically news organizations, one of our cameras was focused on him at that moment. he made the claim, falsely i might note, that the news media broadcast specifically was not taking a up and down shot of him, of the crowd, of those who were out there, the 9,000. in fact the shot was taken of the entire crowd as air force one had made its way as you and i were talking about from stage right. this is only one of five or six false statements that he sticks to. it was stated by the white house that the plane, air force one,
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would not be used as a prop in the background. it would be off to the side. maybe they knew but as he made the approach, that was picture perfect air force one for a campaign event arriving. we saw the finishing shot as well of him walking back toarious one. what's your take on that? >> he reiterated so many of the arguments during the press conference on thursday including the media bashing which is obviously very popular with his base. and he also to understand make false statements. the one about the panning of the crowd was obviously a false statement as the crowd was up and down on many occasions before she showed up and the size of his victory. these are things he continues to say despite being called out on them. the problem for the president is
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at some point, vast majorities of the american pick up will say can we trust somebody who's not honest with us about basic facts? we all misstate things, we all get confused. it's one thing if he's saying something if he doesn't realize it's false. but if you're told the information is incorrect and say it for political reasons is something vast majorities of americans will take exception to eventually if they haven't already. >> staying on his attack to news organizations. i want to play a response from senator john mccain a republican. >> we need you. we need a free press. it's vital. if you want to preserve, i'm very serious now. if you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press. without it i'm afraid we would
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lose so much of our individual liberties over time. that's how dictators get started. >> senator saying he is not calling president trump a dictator. your reaction to a key member of donald trump's own party saying be careful when you are making these sorts of statements,er go, the media, news media, is the american people's enemy. >> i think it's dangerous as well. senator mccane is right. when you want politicians to be the very best when they're debuting with the media. so that the best ideas can rise to the top. i would like to think as a constitutional conservative that those ideas that i would espouse would rise to the top and do the best for the most amount of people in the united states of america. unfortunately we've seen over many years over the last 15 to
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20 years the news media has did i have have ied itself up into liberal versus equivalent. you've seen leaks of questions when it comes to debuts going to certain candidates. you've seen stories being shifted and things being leaked from the news media. this has been going on for a while. so when you have this, it provides people such as mr. trump an opportunity to say that they're not fair. and that's emotionallyism. that has nothing to do with fact. you can drive that point home kpuk resent with a base to allow yourself to carry on to victories that you shouldn't have in the primary process, and you shouldn't have in the general election. that's what ends up being dangerous. yes, you need a fair and free press. when you don't have that, that's when you provide opportunities for the left or the right political to take advantage of that. senator mccane is is not making
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just an appeal, but to go back to the media as well and saying we need you to be the very best of who you are be more walter cronkite than the 8:00 shows we see. >> since you're talking about facts here, lenny, is president of the united states, the leader of the free world should also try to get his facts right. i was taking notes throughout his speech here. he talked again about the greatest win in modern history, that is not true. yet he stated that again. bill clinton and barack obama all having bigger wins than he did. he also noted that women supported him in a bigger way. they actually did not. only in relationship to mitt romney he lost women.
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he said he drained the swamp. he has many billnaries in his cabinet and individuals that have been part of the beltway infrastructure for some time. the one thing that i did note, it did say the optimism is better than ever. we look at the current trend since he was elected, it's true an average of optimism and polls according to real clear politics has bumped up since the election for him. yet he is doubling down on some of the statements that are not true, that are false statements. jean jeanne zaino, most president of the united states would go back and say why didn't i know this and lets get it right. >> another falsehood was the
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judges who heard the case were all democrats and liberals. we had four judges. that's an untrue statement in and of itself. but you're right, this is where we keep seeing donald trump may turn the corner, helping me act more presidency. that doesn't seem to be happening. here's a president who keeps making false statements and not correcting them e. those are going to come back to the american pick up because they have to be able to trust the president and the white house. he cannot go out making false zpamts false claims. so again, people make mistakes but that's not what we're talking about here. he's being corrected and repeating those same mistakes. >> the jobs numbers are not of the time he's been in the white
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house. adding to this, lenny. i want to show you a quick tweet had he put out on november 3rd, 2016. it reads this. looking at air force one at mia. why is he campaigning instead of creating jobs and fixing obamacare? get back to work for the american people. a lot of democrats are saying get to work here, mr. president? >> and they are. they will say that. some of that will be politically driven. it does seem obviously rather -- of that's the word i was going for. has a tinge of hip pocksy. -- hypocrisy. does him having five or six
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false statements, doesn't matter? >> it's not going to matter to his base because they're going to bring up a president obama example. hex there were ready jobs and turned around a year later and said they weren't as ready as i thought they were. he lied too. unfortunately that's where we are in america these days where rather than saying we need truth, we're just trying to slam one side with the other on who lies more. when you have that dynamic going on, people are less inclined to focus on the truth than they are to focus on who feels them the most. right now his base could care less about facts. they care about the president feels them more. >> that's a good point there, lenny. who feels the voters better is what you're saying, and feels him in response to that. he used get the hell out of here twice, i'm paraphrasing.
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just talking about issues of immigrants here in the united states illegally who may have committed crimes. and he said bad, bad, bad people. it was the tone that he had that was -- it was borderline from those in the crowd very i am passioned maybe. jeanne zaino? >> sluchlt he's been doing this since he started his run for office. and immigration is the key issue of his campaign and he is continued that in his first few weeks in office. he's tapped into absolutely real sentiments of anger and frustration. but the thing is for leaders you need to lift us up and give us answers. regardless of how obama did
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trump should do pert. >> some say, mr. president, please concentrate on the last five manuscripts on your speech more. 30 seconds. >> donald trump is going to be donald trump and he's more inclined to focus on what he feels he shouldn't do as the 45th president rather than look at models before him. because of that you're going to see a very unorthodox white house administration from donald trump on down. >> as unorthodox as those three guys were behind who were giving the peace sign. quite entertaining i'm sure for many. probably not what donald trump wanted. thank you so much for sticking around for the last hour and a half. great perspective on what was said. stay with us here at msnbc. we'll be here throughout the night. we just finishing covering the president's speech in melbourne, florida. it was called, dubbed here a campaign event, not related to
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what he does during the day, if you will, as president of the united states. that wraps up our conch of president trump's rally in florida. stay with us throughout the night here on msnbc. i'm richmond louis. thank you for staying with us. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something... set it free. see you around, giulia ♪ the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance.
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