tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC February 22, 2017 11:30pm-12:01am PST
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as you know i have a running war with the media. they are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. they sort of made it sound like i had a feud with the intelligence community. i just want to let you know, your number one stop. it is exactly the opposite. the president in front of the wall of the fallen. those stars at langley representing really the arlington cemetery of the cia. using that opportunity to reassure the intelligence community that he had their back.
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that was back on his second day in office. if you wilrecall. it came after he criticized intelligence leaks on twitter using wordlike umerican. even asking at one point if we were living in nazi germany. former cia director and defense secretary leon panetta told this to "the new york times." i have never been so nervous in my lifetime about what may, may not happen in washington. i don't know whether this white house is capable of responding in a thoughtful or careful way should a crisis erupt. i spoke to leon panetta started asking him whether anything had changed since he delivered that quote. and whether he had any benchmarks for the president's first month in office. i am relieved they appointed general mcmaster as the new national security adviser. he is -- he is a tough soldier. a good soldier. more importantly, he is -- he really has written about what he
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called dereliction of duty. and the need for -- for the military to stand up to civilian authority if they're wrong. he's the right person. i am feeling a lot more confident about his ability to pull together the national security team. with regards to the first month. it has been a wild ride. and you know, i think i remember saying at the beginning. it wasn't clear which trump was going to show up to be president of the united states. i still feel that way. i'm not sure whether it is the entertainer. trump, the person who is tweeting out there. cares about himself and his ratings. whether the campaigner trump, still fighting the last election trying to appeal to his hard base by attacking the press,
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attacking the courts, attackin the telligence community. or whether the businessman, trump. more pragmatic trump. able to nominate somebody to the supreme court who has pretty good credentials. able to extend the pipelines in this country and do some things that were worthwhile. so -- i think we come to the end of the first month. frankly wondering which trump is going to show up for the rest of the term. >> you express sewed many times your concern for the young men and women who are doing the jobs in the ranks. below cabinet ranks. let me ask you this way. what do you think you would tell a young staff sergeant at fort brag or a young, intelligence officer, already embedded and in deep cover in ukraine. >> i would tell them what i think they are already committed
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to doing. which is their job. some of the best people who are working in our intelligence agencies. not republicans, democrats, good americans. the same thing is true for young men and women in uniform. they're committed to defending the nation. and doing their job. i would say to all of them. keep doing your job of trying to make sure we protect america. i do believe that -- with general mattis, with secretary turleson at state. with mike pompeo, at cia, i think there is a team now joined up with general mcmaster. that can actually begin to pull together. our foreign policy. too often, everybody has been speaking.
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giving different messages. the president said one thing. his team said something else. time you've pull everyone together including the president. so when it comes to foreign policy, everybody is saying the same thing. >> final question, mr. secretary. do you fear donald trump is being tested, perhaps in ways we're not let in on right now? and do you fear even worse and god forbid he will be tested in a more spectacular way in the weeks to come? i want to bleach that the president of the united states recognizes the awesome responsibility. he has to lead this country. at some point he will reach out and try to re-establish trust with the american people. try to re-establish trust on capitol hill. so that ultimately he can govern. that's my hope. i care about the country. i want the president to be a success.
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in many ways it depend on which donald trump. if he continues to tweet and aback our institutions, i worry about this country and a kay -- chaotic administration that it will face in a troubled world. if on the other hand heap is welling to pull it together. to become a lot more responsible about how he deals with the office of the presidency. then i think there is a chance the country can go in the right directs. >> from the panetta inls to the, beautiful coast of california, mr. secretary, leon panetta, join gin tonight. >> thank you, brian. >> another break for us. when we come back, chris matthews and i will talk to two of the white house correspondents on the front lines so far this month long administration.
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as you look live at the u.s. capitol, the light is out they're out of session. all home in their districts. boy are they hearing about the shape and scope of our government. next week we will see president trump take a new stage addressing in the house chamber, joint session of congress. today reporting from the newly named news organization axios, gave us an idea of what we may expect. it reports, officials swear the speech written by steven miller and others with heavy input from potus is decidedly more upbeat than his inaugural address using timist, uplifting. politico white house correspondent, with us once again tonight. also with us once again. its the white house kept and washington bureau chief, for urban radio networks, april ryan. welcome to you both. eli, here is the question. we remember, jfk, talked about
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this contemporaneously for ask not. because time and space have been compacted into 32 days. already remembered as the american carnage speech. i guess it has that bar to clear? that's what they want to do. they want to give cover to republicans in congress as you noted are out there at the town halls, wearing it, hearing it from their constituents this week. who are freaked out about what they're going to do. i think the president wants to come out and wants to sort of offer a unifying vision that can maybe give the republicans some space to operate. words to the public will seem cheap right now. also to some republican whose are already frustrated with what they're seeing out of the white house.
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daily controversies they're having to defend. also, just the mixed signals on policy. they thought hey had a shared agenda. tax reform. obama care. there are hard decisions coming. they have gotten mixed signals. thought we'll write the obama care repeal, and sean spicer said may be working on that at the white house. confounding to a lot of republicans on the hill what they're hearing day in and day out coming from the white house. >> you know, thinking about the theater and the tv aspect of a joint session. you know what is coming, don't you. here is my query, will republicans clab and applaud. will they be restrained and sit on their hands. will democrats all sit on their hand. all through the program. out of fear of clapping for trump. i think we are most polarize weed have ever been. since the great depression. i guess. and i wonder whether they will have to show that.
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that preference or disdane for the president. >> chris, you have hit the nail squarely. very polarized on capitol hill. what donald trump is going to have to do is try to ignite his own base. there is grumbling within his own party. he is going to have to come up. though not a state of the union address. an adress to congress because of the short period of time. he is going to have to come up with hope and optimism after talking about all of this carnage. on inauguration day. he is going to have to say, look, this is what we have done. accomplished on the campaign trail. democrats aren't happy as we know. i have a feeling we will see things we may have seen before. president obama spoke in the well of the house. there was a very derogatory comment towards him. or he said, that, congress person said july.
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i would not be surprised if you hear grumbling, loud grumbling or hear, different things. there will be some clapping. we are at such a time as this. there is such polarization. you can expect anything. a lot of people dormant. don't show of on television are on tv right now. the people, progressive side, liberal side. left side if you want to call it that, the democratic pty, this is their opening. everybody is expected to be out there. general quarters. you have to be out tre drump dumping on trump. talking dramatizing. >> cynical people, saying democrats could make money fund-raising if they're the one to get up and stand up and have some confrontational moment with trump in the house chamber. as we know, trump is some one
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that can be golded into reaction with a tweet. democrat maze be trying to figure out if that is a smart thing to do. certainly, trump is some one stands on the stage or podium. yes he can read from the teleprompter on occasion. doing that tuesday. but he also -- is always gauging and calibrating what he says. in receive action to the feedback he its getting from those in the room. you can bet he will respond to one side of the room. clapping the other side sitting on their hand to anything said. he will go off script. ad-lib and respond in the moment. whatever happens. >> two of the pros we will be counting on as we cover the run-up and reaction to the speech. april, i have you. i know your point. and i -- you hand i share a gel that, decorum survives the evening. >> decorum rules. yes. decorum rules. in an age of activism now. we have to see. i am praying there is decorum. and the respect for the office. what this night is. april ryan, contrary to fop lar
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11:52 eastern time. the last two guys standing out here in the shank of the evening. bring in the last three. msnbc's eugene robinson, steve schmidt, hugh hewitt. welcome back to you three gentlemen. steve schmidt, what kind of speech should the president give in that house chamber? what kind of speech will the president give in that house chamber? >> it shouldn't be an american carnage speech. should be america is a shining city on the hill. optimistic. forward looking. but should also acknowledge the divisions in the country. and it is the job of the president of the united states to try to unify the country. and that's been surely lacking in the first 30 days of this, this presidency. and lasty, it's important the
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speech be reality based not about election victory, about the crowd sizes. no false statistics, no fake news. real speech by the president of the united states. in a dangerous world to the american people. let me go to gene. what is the likelihood we will have bad behavior next tuesday night. i am worried. >> bad behavior. i actually don't think it is very likely. i don't think there is going to be, he is going to be hooted down or anything like that. i do worry the speech president trump gives will be nothing like the speech, steve schmidt described. i worry it will be a typical donald trump speech. it will be dark. dystopian. he will be trying to frighten everybody, he will succeed in frightening americans and allies especially.
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>> if there is going to be anything done, it is fair to say it will take across the aisle. some where down the road. we will need, if it is immigration or whatever it is. we will have to have participation by the democrats in less than a strong, unified republican party. will this be straight partisanship from here on out. >> you said the right word. immigration. hope in the speech he will bring up the fact he has not rescinded the executive order and not going to. he needs how to do a checklist. a defense, supplement appropriation. and if he names 1 circuit court judges for which there are vacancies he will get cheers from the republicans, invoke the read rule, get a chuckle from both side of the aisle in so doing. i don't expect it to be high flowing rhetoric. i expect more of a bill clinton here's what i would look to get done speech. that's what i am hoping for. >> and, let me go back to the
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guy in the middle. the reagan democrat, the working guy, voted trump, reagan. they're angry. they don't really like the establishment, they certainly dent like elite liberal media. any body in the establishment world. how does trump talk without losing the rest. two audiences. people covering it for "the new york times." and us. and then people voted for him with real passion. how does he do without belittling the other. >> the electorate, divided into people who benefited from the global revolution. and people who have been left behind. people who haven't seen a wage increase in a quarter century. need to talk to the people. need to talk to them abut their lives, they realities. how to get middle-income wages moving. bring jobs back.
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a lot of rhetoric. look at the plans. in the first 30 days. not clear to me if there is any real plan to get tax reform done. he is going to have to start to actualize the policies or eight, ten months. the voters who took a leap of faith. voted for donald trump are going to be very, very disappointed in him. >> eugene, can i ask you a question about language. i watched the president his rally live. watched his remarks at african-american history museum. saturday afternoon it was our people. a lot of our people. us, versus them. donald trump speaking to -- an audience of what was it, 9,000 of his supporters or, or some huge number. then at the museum. he said he will bring the country together. how to reconcile the two. that was a -- the language saturday was clearly -- clearly us and them. clearly distinctly two different groups. >> will you can't, you can't
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actually rationalize the two. if in fact he was sincere, speaking at the museum. that's what he intends to do. then, that has to become his new speaking style. i am skeptical would be happy to be proved wrong. skeptical he will change. that sort of me against the world, us against those, those smarty pants who said we wouldn't do it. that sort of attitude i think, that's donald trump. i think that's the president. i dent think that's going to go away. and i don't think the moments are going to, i don't think any body is going to believe in them. and impossible task, answer me this, why hasn't the president
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so far been able to speak about anti-semitism in a way that -- and all of those looking for, waiting for that full throated sincere answer. that talks about the holocaust, that talks about the jewish people have not yet heard? >> clearly an oversight on his part. he has clearly got to upgrade the speech and communication staff. they made a hire there this week. mike pence going to the jewish cemetery that was desecrated today to help restore it, was a gesture that will resound for a long time. and i think the president understands that sort of thing. and add one thing, brian. his best speech of his first months was at boeing. where he talked to the, to the people who put those planes together. that rejected membership in the international machinists union a week earlier. they love him. and boeing loves him. and lockheed loves him. intel building a $7 billion plant in arizona that they took off the shelf during the obama years.
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so, yeah, lots to talk about. >> thanks to hugh and our guests. thanks to my partner, chris and partners. thank you for being part of the special coverage tonight. tonight on "all in" -- welcome to the winter of voter discontent. as the eresistance grows to a fever pitch, the white house resorts to alternative facts. >> just because they're loud doesn't mean there are many. >> tonight, the town hall phenomenon sweeping america. the republicans who won't face their constituents and what such enormous and early protests mean for president trump. -- >> nothing was wrong with the first executive order. >> the white house gives up the game on the travel ban that started as a muslim ban. >> you're still going to have the same basic policy outcome
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