tv AM Joy MSNBC February 25, 2017 7:00am-9:01am PST
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>> the media didn't think we would win. we are fighting the fake news. it's fake. phoney, fake. a few days ago i called the fake news the enemy of the people, and they are. they are the enemy of the people. they make up sources. they're very dishonest people. i say it doesn't represent the people, it never will represent the people and we're going to do something about it. good morning and welcome to
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a.m. joy, i'm jonathan cape heart filling in for joy reid. donald trump said he's going to do something about the press and within hours the white house was making good on that promise because on friday afternoon, the white house barred several major news outlets from an off camera press session with press secretary sean spicer, the move was in retaliation against news organizations that have criticized the administration in their reporting, including the "the new york times," cnn and buzzfeed but conservative trump friendly outfits, breitbart news, the "the washington post" and one american news network were among those in the permitted entry. a rotating group of journalist that covers the white house and shares its reporting with other outlets oong with some additional reporters. because the pool was present, every media format had access to the information that came from the gaggle, even if they weren't there to pose questions themselves.
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nbc news did attend and our reporter hallie jackson along with others asked spicer while they're colleagues had been barred. >> i think that we have shown an abundance of accessibility. we've brought more reporters into this process and the idea that every time that every single person can't get their question answed t fit in a room. we've gone above and beyond with making ourselves, our team and our briefing room more accessible than any prior administration. >> joining me now by phone is veteran tom defrank. he's also a contributing editor at the national journal. thanks very much for being with us this morning. >> glad to be here. >> so tom, are we making too much of this? there's always an adversary ideal relationship between the president and the white house and the press, but for some reason this feels different. am i wrong in thinking this? >> well, no. i don't think you're wrong. you're certainly right that there's always an adversary
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ideal relationship between any white house and any white house press core, that's the nature of the game. this feels a little bit different and i think part of the problem here was that reporters i think rightly or wrongly maybe wrongly had an expectation that since the gaggle was going to be in the briefing room or so reporters thought, everybody would be available and then when it turned out that wasn't the case, the white house made -- had some lower level staffers say sign a list, give us your e-mail, sign your name here and we'll call you if you're going to be invited. the bottom line is it's a little murky but this president doesn't like the "the new york times," this president doesn't like cnn and i think that anybody who's been in the military command, chain of command knows that bad stuff rolls downhill. so i think part of this is
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reflecting president trump's great animosity toward the press and also steve bannon's, his chief strategist desire to make the press part of a sttegy. >> and tom, one othe things anotr peon who is sort of pushing the administration's animosity toward the president is the press secretary sean spicer. let's play something he said on friday. >> we're going to aggressively push back. we're just not going to sit back and let false narratives, false stories, inaccurate facts get out there. >> now tom, this notion that there are false facts and nar tifsz, again all white house's they really don't like stories that they don't like, but there's something different going on here when you have the white house saying that there are false facts and you can pick up the "the washington post" and "the new york times," the new york daly news, any newspaper around the country and see all of those things that the administration says are false
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facts and narratives actually are based in fact and are true. >> john, president trump is the 10th president i have covered. i started covering the white house as a rookie in the last few months of johnson so i've seen this rodeo a few times. every president, every white house doesn't want to tell it the way it is. they want to tell it the way they want you to think it is. and sometimes often times there's a difference there. and so i don't -- i don't begrudge any white house from trying to spin their view on the facts but the whole notion that everything in the media is madeup is ridiculous and the notion that reporters make up sources i have to say, with all due respect, is fairl ridiculous as well. >> tom defrank was at the new york daily news when i was there. it's so great to have you on the phone to help explain all this.
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thank you very much. >> thanks. >> joining me now is john pierre. jamal simmons, michelle bernard is the president and katie dawson is the national public consultant and former chair of the south carolina gop. it's like the brady bunch. thank you all for being on the show this morning. i want to put to all of you maybe go round robin. start with and just ask you the question that i asked tom defrank there, white house's always have an adversarial relationship with the press. but this feels different. tell me why you think so if you agree and explain why. >> you have a president for the last several months in particular during the campaign has called, you know, the press
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fake news and has made the press a foil and so when you do that and you see what happened yesterday at the white house with sean spicer it makes you think, okay, this is not just tad ver sarial there's something more to this. we also have to remember what was the catalyst to this. there's a reason why yesterday happened and a lot of it is connected to the russia story, the stori about his administration and reince priebus and the fbi and the reporting that has been done by those publications and networks that were pushed out yesterday and so then you start thinking, well, what are you hiding? what's going on with russia? what is there? what more troubling stories are out there and i think that's what this is all about. it's a smoke screen but yet he always needs an enemy and the press is now that. >> we're still going to around on this but i want to bring kateen on this.
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>> jonathan, i think the trump white house has used the media to its advantage even candidate trump has udsing the media to its advantage special cable tv. if you wanted ten years from now, journalism schools are going to write books on how they changed the narrative whenever they want to and how they mold their message. i will tell you from the republican standpoint, donald trump keeps getting stronger in the republican numbers i see. there's two places where the republicans don't like, they don't like the "the new york times" and any of the massachusetts newspapers so for donald trump and them to do that is just a real plus on our side. >> you can't run the country with just republican support so if the president -- if i remember correctly, his support in the republican party is like 80% and meanwhile the rest of the country is like had a the heck is going on. how doe i feel different or
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does it feel different this animosity between the press and the white house? >> it mostly feels different, jonathan, because the president has called the media the enemy of the people. the first amendment gave us the right to free speech and then talked about free press. this is a -- for people who are strict constructionist, i want all though conservatives to step up and say the founding fathers of this country decided this was something that was important. we need to protect it and not attack it. let's not forget, yesterday the president was talking about unnamed sources, remember trump used to pretend to be a spokesperson named john miller or john bar ron and would call new york newspapers to try to get stories about himself under a false identity. everybody recognized that it was him. this is not a president who really has any credibility on these issues? michelle? >> it looks like pretext and for
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a very important reason. we come on the heels of donald trump speaking at cpac and he's talking about the fake news. reince priebus was reported to have a meeting with some members of the press where he said we're going to go after every story, we're going to go after the fake news. you got steve bannon speaking and he says that one of the objectives of this administration is to deconstruct the administrative state and so what we see is it's not just a perception, it is real that people who are invited into -- into the press corp to hear what is going on in the administration are sometimes organizations that at least appear to accept as truth what the administration is telling them versus news organizations and members of the media who are investigating and trying to figure out what the truth is and that's why it feels like all of this is pretext. yes, they had -- yes, they had because of the pool, they were able to get access to what was said during this press briefing,
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however, you have to ask yourself, why did this happen right after the president spoke at cpac and went on this die tribe about the fact news. >> this is very much so feels like a deflection from the russia problem, the fbi problem and we are not talking about reinceriebusalking to the fbi which is a clear problem -- >> we are going to be talking about russia and all of those things in this show, so folks need to stay tuned for that. i want to play a clip from sean spicer who at that point was working for the president-elect. this is from december 16th 2016. take a listen to what he said then. >> we have a respect for the press when it comes to the government, that that is something that you can't ban an entity from. conservative, liberal or otherwise, i think that's what
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makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship. >> so caton, what happened? >>, you know, i'd like to tell you certain things back it up. when you talk about the poll numbers and stuff, barack obama had a liberal base. it was solid behind him for eight years and if you're going to do big stuff you better have a strong political base behind you and that's part of what the trump white house is doing right now. it wasn't -- it's made the base more solid as he gets into legislative stuff and -- can you please answer. >> not go back to the first question. what happened -- >> i'll be glad to. >> what happened to be the incredible and thoughtful statement made by sean spicer in december 2016 and where we are now where we're talking about a news organizations that are doing very aggressive reporting about this administration being barred from a press gaggle.
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>> jonathan, the strategy changed. that's what it did. the strategy changed into being -- >> democracy should not be a strategy. democracy is democracy. >> that's right. >> and early on jonathan, you talked about restrict constructionist, people who are always throughouting the messages that were contained in the federalist papers and what our founding fathers told us. there is a reason why we have a free press. you've probably seen it jonatn where you walkver at the time "the washington post." democracy cannot succeed in darkness and what has happened between when shauns spicer made that statement in 2016 is the inauguration of donald trump. it is the same thing that happened to betsy devos where she on one day felt we had a moral obligation to take care of our lbgt people and she got hauld over to the white house and she had to change her
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opinion. that is what has happened. >> i think the thing to remember is the staffers they work at the pleasure of and donald trump the buck stops with him. he's the one that makes these decisions and what he likes to do is have enemies and the reason why he has enemies is so he can push his radio active policies and that's what he does. when he calls the opposition party on the press, when he goes after hillary clinton, when he goes after the democrats, it's all a smoke screen because he wants to push these really hateful, terrible policies and that's what this is all about. >> michelle, just to give you a little correction, the new "the washington post" statement is democracy dies in darkness. >> thank you for correcting me. it's on my facebook page. >> and it's a very stark statement but it is one that surely resonates now.
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up next the tea party did it in 2009 and now progressives are turning the table. stay with us. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? come home withe! it's truck month! find your tag for an ara total lue over $11,000 on chevy silverado all star editions when you finance through gm financial.
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>> before i get in to it, i would like everyone who is effected by the affordable care act and effected by health care to stand up. without the coverage for preexisting conditions, i will die. that is not -- i will die. will you commit to replacements in the same way that you have kmieted to the repeal? >> thank you. let's take a couple more comments or questions about health care.
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>> anger is boiling over again at congressional town halls across the country as republican lawmakers continue to face constituents who are upset about donald trump's immigration actions and efforts to repeal and replace obamacare. the white house is blaming professional protesters for the turb ulent town halls but is this really a tea party moment for the left. joining me now is izra levine and jenny beth martin. thank you both very much for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> one of the things we hear from the white house and other republicans is that these folks are professional protesters and that was something that democrats said back in 2009. are republicans making the same mistake that was made by democrats in 2009 in not taking those -- hundreds or thousands
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of people depending on the town hall, not taking them seriously. start with you mary beth. >> so i think that in eight years ago in 2009, the democrats were absolutely doing that and accusing the tea party of being funded by big organizations. that simply was not happening. i know because i've lived and breathed this for the last eight years. i think that republicans need to understand that the emotion that we are seeing on the left is very -- there's real anger and that there are people who are showing up. i've seen it on facebook. i've read the commentary from people that are showing up at these events and they're saying they've never been active before. i think that that is real and genuine. there's a difference in the organizational support behind them than what we had at the very beginning of the tea party movement, but there's real righteous anger among many on
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the left. >> and i want to apologize for getting your name wrong. i want you to talk about -- about this accusation that those protesters at the town halls are paid professionals. >> yeah t well, it's just flat out lies. i think it's clearly easier for folks who support donald trump to try to think that in some way this isn't real anger, there isn't real opposition out there to the trump agenda. but the bottom line is, we see a growing movement that's being led creatively by nurses and school teachers and people who have day jobs who are coming out on the nights and weekends, i'm worried in the direction this country is headed and i'm going to stand up and make my voices is heard. there are groups in every single congressional district. there are groups in alabama, idaho and virginia, this is in
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red states and blue states and purple states in really inspiring ways. >> can they level of intensity and activism be maintained? one of the things that has me concerned quite frankly, all of this passion and energy and activism and anger right now that needs to be maintained through 2018 if democrats are going to be able to do anything to help become an effective check on president trump. is that possible? >> so i think you're absolutely right. in order for this to have impact it's got to be a habua action. i will say the point of all this work on the ground is not purely positioning for 2018. there are battles to be had right now that are important. we're discussing repeal of the aca, we're discussing things that have the effect on millions of americans, so i don't think we should be just looking forward several months or years
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into what the next election looks like. they're important things that we should be discussing and that's what we're seeing in the town halls right now. that's why people are standing up. they don't like the racist and unconstitutional muslim ban. they don't like health care taken away from 32 million americans. yes, there is something called elections that are happening sometime in our future but there's something called legislation that is happening right now. and i think we should be really excited that folks are getting involved in that legislative process. >> in response to my first question, you talked about -- you've been there from the beginning with tea party activism and as we saw back in 2009 those folks were not only energized and showing up at town hall meetings across the country but they did turn that anger from 2009 to electoral success in 2010 in taking the house back from democrats. from what you're seeing with this opposite reaction, this anger from the left, also
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surrounding the aca or obamacare or health care. from what you see that's coming from the left, do you think that that energy that we're seeing in activism can be maintained through 2018? >> we'll have to see what the future holds. there's a real difference in what i'm seeing on the left versus what we did with the tea party movement. the left right now it is very much based on anger and based on fear. >> some would say in 2009 that it was based on anger and fear from the right. >> in 2009 what i can tell you for certain we stood for three core principals and those have been -- have united us the entire time. we talked about it in terms of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets. today we -- we talk about the same things. we use personal freedom, economic freedom and a debt-free future. that's been consistent from the very beginning from our very
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first tea party eight years ago, monday on february 27th of 2009, we stood for fiscal responsibility. and it's been the same the entire time. it's a uniting principal. it's not just standing against something. and frankly, these principals, the rso the tea party movement has been able to stay active for eight years is because they're based in our constitution's founding principles which have led to the success of our country for over 200 years. >> gjenny let me play -- this i the pushback on your notion that this is all based in anger and fear, all though it is fear arraign let's hear about the fear that katie mcfarland has. >> i just thought, you know, if they're going to do this, if it's going to possibly kill me in the next couple years without health care, i have to get my story out and my face out when i can and maybe if i put a human
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face and human voice on it, give them something they can really recognize, like they're daughter or their niece, then maybe it would change their heart. >> so in 2009 we had folks who were protesting against something that hadn't even been formulated yet in terms of legislation with health care and now here we are eight years -- one second, here we are eight years later where we have a new health care law where 16 million people are covered under the affordable care act and now congress and the president are talking about taking away coverage. why shouldn't people be afraid, genie? >> you're missing the point of what started the tea party movement. we started on february 27th 2009 it was a protest against the stimulus bill and that was building on anger that we had seen from president bush with the tarp bill from october of 2008. the people who are involved in
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the tea party movement have stood for principles against both the republicans and the democrats. we're standing for principles that unite all americans. it's not just based on fear. >> and easira let me give you the last words. i think the tea party made a real smart strategic point earlier on. they said no. when the tea party was doing it they were using that against historically popular president and a mandate to give more people health insurance and to save the economy from a second rate recession. i think that's smart. i think even more importantly we have a moral responsibility to use every tool in the toolbox because if we don't the people are going to be negatively impacted are the folks using theirealth care, the children who no longer have public education, it's going to be the rest of americans that are going to get sunk when the economy
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goes into the toilet. as progressives figure out their game plan going forward they should take a lesson from what the tea party did and say no. >> on that point we'll have to leave it there. thank you both very much for being here. betsy devos fails her first test of the leadership. that's next. before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain.
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>> i, however, pride myself on being called a mother, gram, a life partner of 38 years tomorrow and perhaps the first person to tell bernie sanders to his face that there's no such thing as a free lunch. >> that was house secretary of education betsy devos introduced herself to the audience at the conservative political action conference on thursday. her free lunch punch line got an enthusiastic round of applause from the crowd of activists gathered at cpac. the group of people she is most
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responsible for getting to know are the 50 million public school students in the u.s. and for 31 million of those students who are at or below the poverty line they're not only is such a thing as free or reduced lunch, those lunches may be one of their only opportunities to eat a balanced meal each day. now, devos is both a billionaire and the first education secretary in american history to have never been a public school student or parent. in her confirmation hearings made headlines for her ignorance of some of the most fundamental aspects of education policies. she's still got some both up to do like the ones that provide poor kids with free lunch. but this week we got our first chance to see how secretary devos handled another federal policy to support vulnerable students and that story is up next.
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be facts to that. >> they were the master minds behind the bold and massacre. >> what take grace boss he is to women. >> so donald trump has done take complete -- on thursday civil rights officials in the departments of justice and education issued a joint letter reversing obama administration guidance that required students to allow students that are consistent with their gender identity. the policy change which would leave the decision up to states comes as the supreme court prepares to hear oral arguments in a transgender bathroom case next month. joining me now are chase strungio, and staff attorney for the lgbt protect, mara keesling, and poet and educator jay mace
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the third. >> chaseet me start with you. what is the actual impact of what trump did by rescinding the obama administration rules? >> so i think first it's important to note that title 9 is a federal law passed by congress, separate branch of government that prohibts sex discrimination in educational settings and that has been interpreted by the courts to protect trans jendserred individuals. the trump administration actually cannot change that law. the protections are still in place. they haven't been rolled back. what he has done, however, is to send a cruel and mean spirited message to transgendered young people that they are not value, that their protections are not worthy by defense by the federal government and that's going to make way to the very types of bullying both by schools and individuals that the same statement proports to be against. thankfully i think it's important to note as well that
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we are already at the supreme court defending the rights of transgender students, the court will have the final say, not president. >> it's not that it was that the obama administration decided to interpret from its perspective that title 9 would protect students and their gender identity. this is just set in law and precedent opinion. >> i think people wanted the obama guidance to sound like this radical departure from everything they had known. but the reality was they spend years investigating out to best protect students in schools. they heard from schools that were looking for guidance and that guide aents is consistent with what federal courts have been saying for a decade. >> one of the things, well, not one of the things the trump administration says we need to leave it to the states so this is a states rights issue, that the state should decide, how likely is it that states and low
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kalts will opt to continue to follow the administration -- obama administration's rules rather than go along with what the trump administration has decided to do? >> thanks jonathan. i think most schools or a lot of schools any way will continue on their course of being decent -- decent people. we're more worried about the ones who naturally would want to be -- would want to be bad on this issue. i think chase's organization the aclu and ours are going to be very clear schools all over the country that you still have to follow title 9. you still have to respectfully welcome and educate trans students. this is about trans students and title 9. it's not about some political red meat that their trying to gin up to make president obama look bad and make themselves look good. >> mace, what do you say to folks that might look at this issue and say, why should i care
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about this? that has nothing to do with me and, in fact, it creeps me out a little bit because there are people out there who think that? >> i can't -- for the people who are sitting here and thinking about as we look at -- as mara and chase are saying, what this means for the law and what this actually means for practice, there are people that need to accept that if you are promoting this kind of political action you are promoting violence that impacts young peoplend young children. so you're impacting people like blake brockington whom i used to share a burj day with who killed himself two years ago. you're promoting violence like jo jo striker, jamie lee, black trans woman they were killed just this year. if you are okay with accepting that this kind of violence happens to young people, than yeah, by all means promote stuff
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that does not allow for the dignity of trans young people in schools and trans people who might even be too afraid to go to school. if you envision a world in which young people are safe and have access to their rights, then you need to reconsider the ways that you deal with trans people. >> just in case anyone thinks that mace is being just an emotional response to reaction. the american academy of ped at tricks put out a statement about president trump's transgender bathroom policy. they're already at risk for violence, bullying harassment and suicide. they may be more prone to depression and gauging in self harm. these children need acceptance. the simple act of using the rest room may subject transgender students to further harm. again, that is from the american academy of ped at tricks. i think you wanted to jump in
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there. >> what i would also say is thinking about when we're talking about transgender we're talking a lot about young people because a lot of us as trans people, looking at the lack of access to care, a lot of us unfortunately haven't gotten to be elders and might not get to be elders. so a lot of those issues are relating directly to young people. >> speaking -- speaking of elders and transgender people who are elders, caitlyn jenner sent out a tweet. i remember when president trump did what he did on this issue, there were people who are asking where's caitlyn jenner, the most high profile trans person in america, in the world and this tweet said, well, from one republican to another, this is a disaster. you made a promise to protect the lgbtq community. call me. mara, how important is it to
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have someone like caitlyn jenner a fellow republican to speak up on this issue and how likely is it that she will be heard by her fellow republicans? >> they better hear her. we've seen a lot of republicans jump in on our side on this. we saw statements from congresswoman -- we have to keep in mind that what we're looking at here always with president trump we've got to be watching the traffic, not the traffic accidents. now this is a traffic accident he's created but there's also some bad traffic behind it. we have an attorney general who we were all worried about who pledged to be a great civil libertarian and a week in he's taking about civil rights and claiming states rights. that's the traffic here. the traffic is that there are kids all over the country that are terrified by this administration, kids who are immigrant kids, refugee kids,
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transgender kids. i stood with my friend j.r. at the white house and this is a young father of a young 6-year-old trans girl and to see a father crying because he is worried that the president of the united states is bullying his child. i just read a letter from a woman in new york, isabelle who is talk about the importance of her child and how she's now afraid for her children, the traffic here is they are scarring people and there's more coming and we've got to be ready to stand up for it. >> betsy devos said at cpac, this issue was a very huge example of the obama administration's overreach to suggest an oversize one size fits all approach to issues that are best felt at a personal level and a local level. >> i'm not sure what she means by the personal level. the federal siflg rights laws are just that. and i just want the trans community to know and trans young people to know that we are never going to stop fighting for
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them and we're going to defend their rights in courts, in the streets and in state legislatures across the country. >> on that note, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you for having us. >> we'll have the latest on trump's potential ties to russia and the democrats are picking a new leader today. who will it be? more a.m. joy after the break.
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to all our viewers make sure you join in on the "a.m. joy" buzz by using the hashtag pam joy. follow us on twitter and facebook at "a.m. joy" show. also on snapchat the and instagram @jr reid. which can be found on itunes and google play. up next the comeback of kellyanne conway. has it already hit a snag? stay with us.
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sean spic press secretary gave alternative facts to that. they were the master mind because the massacre. most people don't know that because it didn't get covered. >> go buy it today. >> what a great boss he is to women. he has been promoting an elevating women in the trump corporation in the trump campaign, in the trump cabinet -- on thursday 15 law professors from around the country objected to kellyanne conway's conway loose connection to the truth. the professors who all specialize in legal ethics filed a professional complaint against conway with the office that handles misconduct. the place cites conway's massac massacre along with her commercial conduct involving dishonest. all this comes as conway
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responds to the spotlight this week. thank you both for coming back. i've got to play and i should've warned the control room about this before but let's play element 6 and this is conway talking about women in power. >> turns out that a lot of women just have a problem with women in power. this whole sisterhood for let's go march, constantly talking about what women look like or what they wear or making fun of their choices or presuming that they're not as powerful as the men around. this prumstive negativity of about women in power is unfortunate. >> when i saw this clip and read about it, i just -- the irony here is just so thick? >> yeah. there's so much irony that you can't even -- it's just unbelievable. i watched and listened to the clip. what are you talking about. it doesn't make any type of
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sense. i wanted to say one thing is that, look, conway, yes, conway lies but so does sean spicer, so does steven miller and priebus. the biggest liar of them all is donald trump. and there's a saying that goes, a fish rots from its head and while conway is not doing herself any favors or disservice and she's become the face of the white house who's now losing credibility but we can't just blame conway, we also have to blame the president because he sends his people out there and tries to defend all of his lies. >> what about that, caton? there's a lot of lying, shading of the truth, false narratives. let's call it fake news coming out of the white house. doesn't she have a point here? >> certainly we're all part sans here this morning.
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kellyanne conway's personal story was a very powerful story she gave about her mother raising her, her two aunts. is everything going to be perfect in a new white house? no. have there been some misconceptions and things that ren't exactly adding up but i heard what she said as a guy who elects people for a living, who recruited someone named nikki haley to run for office as a woman, i heard exactly what she was saying. i heard the double standard. i've seen it and felt it. there's a lot of work to be done by both parties in that section. and kellyanne conway she was just being frank and honest and you can criticize her for it. you can do whatever you need to. i like her. i think she's a responsible adult, four children and is a remarkable person. >> fine. clearly you know her and you say she's a fine and remarkable person, but is she doing a disservice or actually being
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mids served -- i don't think that's a word, she goes out on televisi television and says one thing and is kron tra dicted either by the president or chief of staff or the secretary and we've seen this happen over and over and over again. why do you think that is happening? and why is she constantly -- she's putting herself in that position or why is she the one who's basically being made to look bad within the trump administration? >> i'm doing to give her some latitude. i do communications for a living. and i do have some frustration there with the message getting mixed out of the entities, so it's my hope that the machine that is the white house will have a little more fluidity among the players, but still i'm not going to blame that on her or say that she's being set up. at the end of the day, kellyanne conway's done a good job for the president and a good job for the
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conservative cause. >> we'll be back in our next hour. the early trump report card, 36 days in. there's more "a.m. joy" at the top of the hour. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash backs thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out
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because no one knows & like at&t. we're going to win. we're going to win big folks. we're going to win, believe me. >> usa! usa! welcome back to "a.m. joy," i'm jonathan capeheart filling in for joy reid. at the annual political conservative conference on friday, interrupted the conference with fascist. the white house excluded certain press from a gaggle. just another day in this new administration that is only one
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month old. if you feel like it's been more like 36 years than 36 days, look at my face, you know you are not alone. here's a recap of just some of trump's first month in office. >> this american carnage stops right here and stops right now. believe me when you hear about the tough phone calls i'm having. don't worry about it and we're going to have a very, very strict ban. it may not be pretty for a little while and it's a military provision because what has been allowed to come into our country -- they sort of made it sound like i had a feud with the intelligence community. the leaks are absolutely real. the news is fake. i think the media's the opposition party in many ways. god looked down and we're not going to let it rain on your speech. joining me now malcolm mense
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democratic strategist, michelle bernard, and caton dawson are all back and joining me at the table. i'm going to go round robin and start with math ison because he's at the table. 36 days. >> we're not going to make it. >> we're all laughing and you're laughing. we're not going to make it. why do you think that? >> first off, i'm laughing like i would laugh at the scene of a suicide bombing because if you don't you will not be able to manage the trauma that's going on and that's what i'm starting to see here. i'm a relatively essential truss kind of guy but i do see disaster unfolding before our eyes. this shift away from normal democratic values to the
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dedemocratic values. these obvious fascist, pro-putin, autocratic things that have never been seen in the 240 years in america and they seem to love it. unfortunately, they are not governing for the other 75% of the united states. but just that crazy 25 that voted for him. >> michelle, 36 days or 400 years? how does it feel? >> when you see 400 years you know what that harkens back to is slavery coming back. >> that's not what i meant. >> i know, but the point is you can't help but think it. and that's what's really sad. jamal simmons brought it to my attention earlier and i checked some reporting on it, let's just talk about immigration. yesterday muhammad ali junior, son of the greatest, was detained at an airport on florida on his way back from
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jamaica. he has a u.s. citizen, born in the united states and detained at an airport in florida and they wanted to know how he got the name muhammad. now, tell me, does that not -- does that make any sense to you whatsoever? would that have even happened under the presidency of any of the bush presidents? >> any other president. >> jump in here, 36 days or longer. >> jonathan, i feel like i'm from mars here. >> oh, come on. >> i tried to warn everybody early on, especially in cleveland when we all went out, this is not going to be anything conventional. we got a guy that's never been a politician. he's really rich. we've surround himself with conservatives which makes us happy on my side, but if anybody thinks it's going to get better any time soon. it's not. the surprise to me was that the style that he's able to bring to
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the table has been rewarded by some and attacked by others. so he's using the media in a bring yaent strategy here that continues to put the message out and then walk all over the messages he doesn't want you to hear. >> this is why i am completely confused. how is it that conservatives and especially sort of -- by today's standards, middle of the road conservatives who put god, faith, country, mom, apple pie at the center of everything, how can you look at this president and what he's doing, especially in the way he's doing it and the way that malcolm described it at the top of this segment, how can conservatives be happy at all with what the president is doing and how he's doing it? >> they're happy with the people he put in office, that's what they're happy with. they're happy with his cabinet picks and his supreme court justice pick. the proof in the pudding is going to be -- 2020 is a long
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way away and soon you're going to have to start creating some policies and there's a whole gang of conservatives up there in washington that are going to be watching this federal spending and watching the out of control gornment and that's what trump i think setting the play for because that's going to be a real battle. as you know donald trump wasn't the love of the republican party nor the democrat party when he came into this. he's donald trump. >> right. by new york standards he would be probably a member of the democratic party. i want you to jump in here after we play this clip of steve bannon at cpac speaking of cabinet appointments. >> if you look at these cabinet appointees they were selected for a reason and that is the deconstruction, the way the progressive left runs is if they can't get it past, they'll put it in some sort of regulation in an agency. that's all going to be deconstruction. >> he makes it sound like
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deconstruction. we're just going to undo what the last administration did. but when steve bannon uses the word deconstructed, it has a whole different more scary meaning. >> anything that he says has a very, very dark and ugly meaning. this is the guy as we all know was behind breitbart and is essentially a white supremacist. that's what he ran if you look -- if you spend five minutes on that website, you will see exactly who steve bannon is all about. and to the point of cabinet picks, the cabinet picks are all extreme. majority of them are billionaires. some of them don't even believe in the agency that they are now been picked to run. and also we talked about this earlier is that they don't even have respect from world leaders, like tillerson, like kelly, so the cabinet secretaries are not going to save us from donald trump radio active policies so i can't imagine what conservatives
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would even be comfortable about that. >> malcolm? >> this is what sort of bugs me, i'm biassed i'm from the intelligence community. i'm like an enemy of the state just like you and the media is. ns what bothers me the most. they're loyalty does not seem to start with this country. my values start like this. country, family, service. ese guys seem to be ideology, party, money. and it's upsetting because no one in the history of this nation except for the success in 1860 has ever put their ideology ahead of this nation. i was conservative most of my career, saw the light eventually, but i watched these guys now, they're nothing like ronald reagan. ronald reagan should be spinning in his grave. they are about them and that is essentially a nail in the coffin of american democracy.
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>> caton? does malcolm have a point here? >> everybody has a point and opinion. i'll tell you that i think from the steve bannon standpoint is he did make -- he did make one thing abuntly clear at cpac it's going to be a really hard job on their side every single day of draining the swamp or whatever they want to call it, but the people who voted for donald trump want a systematic change in washington and he was right. that's really hard to do. barack obama found out. it's really hard to do. so whether you label it ideological or you can label it any way you want. >> it ain't american. >> they're doing what they told people he was going to do and he won and barack obama did the same thing. >> i have to say -- jonathan, when steve bannon said, you know, i think it was incredibly incendiary and potentially very
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dangerous, one of the other comments he said was, if you thought that it was going to be easy to take back the country and i'm paraphrasing, but take back the country without a fight, that's a very dangerous and incendiary comment. who are you taking the back country from? and when you say you want to drain the swamp? who are you draining out of the swamp? the people who built the country, the coalitions, the multi-racial society that we have built? what exactly does draining the swamp mean because i fear that draining the swamp means getting rid of most of the people that we know from popular discourse. 's very undemocratic. >> let's take a look at this public policy polling poll about trump's favorability. you were talking about how is it a hard job, systematic change and that's why people voted for donald trump and that's why they're excited about it, but if you look at those -- that job favorable rating 44% and it's been at that level or below depending on the poll, since he took the oath of office.
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how can you -- how can he get systematic change and why won't his job be that much harder when -- it's hard for me to see given everything that the president has done, from immigration, yes, the transgender bathroom issue, the travel ban, you name it, how is it possible for him to get those numbers up and get a majority of the country behind him when he's doing so many things that's turning off a majority of the country? >> at the end of the day this polling numbers you're giving me and i'm seeing and ppp i'm family with, i want to move those a little to the side because the numbers are going to get worse. if you look at the early moments of barack obama, you look at the affordable care act and you want to compare all the poll numbers, i got to throw those out the way because 2020's a long way away and talk about 2018. that's going to be the bench mark of trump's favorability.
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25 democratic senators are up for reelection. republicans don't have a comfortable margin in the united states senate. that's where we're going to find out the real trajectory of the trump's policies, his success and failures and people are starting to run for those seats right now. i'll put that in context for you. there are two congressional races in america. the democrats have yet to even file somebody to run in those seats of substance. so to tell you right now, 2018 the special elections right now, the democratic party better get their act together today by electing a new chairman to move forward but 2018 is what we're going to watch. that's when we care about the poll numbers. >> okay, one the democrats are going to choose their leader if they haven't done so -- they probably haven't done so. they're starting to vote -- they started the vote at 10:00 a.m., but also, you know, when my question was about the poll numbers and how that's going to
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impact his governing, president trump's governing now. it was not a question about 2018 or 2020. there are people out there who are angry and frightened by what they're seeing out of this administration after just 36 days. and so i think we make a mistake by trying to turn every poll number, every story into how does this impact 2018 or 2020 and not focusing on how what's happening impacts real people every day in their everyday lives? >> that's exactly right. the administration likes to say that they have this chaos theory but there's no theory it's just chaos. if you look at the last 30 days, they have -- donald trump has just not reached out to the people who didn't vote for him. every tweet, every event, every speech that he has done is starting from the inauguration day has been only to his base
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and it's a small base. it is 25% of eligible voters voted for him. how about the 5u7% like malcolm was saying? how about us? there is a fear here and if they don't wake up and watch what's going on, this is going to be really problematic for our country. >> last word. >> really quick. i've carried out intelligence operations against iraq, syria and iran and just in a fairius regimes and one thing about all of them, they don't care what the remainder of the country thinks. and they are governing for that 25% and the rest of us be damned. i think that's going to lead to trouble in the future. >> we have to leave it there. coming up the white house is trying to kill news reports about alleges contacts between trump campaign aids and russian officials. stay with us.
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>> i mean we've spent days talking about a story that says that our campaign had constant contacts with russian spies and i can tell you, i've talked to the top levels of the intelligence community and they've assured me that that "the new york times" story was grossly overstated and inaccurate and totally wrong. >> we learned this week that white house chief-of-staff reince priebus asked the fbi to publicly discredit news reports that trump's campaign aids had contact with russian officials during the campaign. the white house confirmed they made the request saying that fbi officials had privately said they believed the news reports were false. but fbi director james comey refused to say so publicly according to cnn because his agency is still investigating
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whether trump's campaign colluded in russian's interference in the election. the white house said there was nothing inappropriate about their request. back with me now is counter terrorism expert malcolm nance. joining me now and naveed and author of how to catch a russian spy. how problematic was that statement made by reince priebus on the sunday show last week? >> i go back to the comey letter. this is -- what it comes down to this is essentially delegitimating the investigation, no matter which way that investigation goes, the right thing to do is to let it run its course and present it. not to interfere with it. not to say anything publicly about it and what it does to the rank and file, the rank and file
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are not happy with comey at the fbi. it essentially says, you know, we're not going to let you do what you're going to do. we're not going to let you run this to ground and that perhaps is the biggest thing. i have to say the story is frankly, it's a red herring. the focus really has to be was there collusion between the trump campaign and trump himself and the russians. that's the question. the rest of this is just shaft and flares st off to district the heat sinking missile. it's r herring. i have to say. >> kind of to your point, this comes from nbc story about the contacts between russia and trump. while sources told nbc news there were not, quote, constant contacts with russian spies, there is evidence of contacts never admitted or explained by the trump campaign with russians at a time when russia was carrying out a covert cyber campaign intended in part to help trump. malcolm, that right -- that is
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the story right there. how enhangled are those -- not relationships but contacts between russians and folks in the trump campaign? >> that's been the story since last july. this has been litigated about a thousand times but like he said, this is just trying to get your eye off the ball. russia conducted a full scale national cyber warfare operation against the united states and in doing that, they may have and it appeared and i wrote about this in my book it appeared there was some level of coordination, roger stone seemed to have advanced information about leaks that were coming out. rudy giuliani was coming out and saying this. donald trump went as an active participant when he said, russia, if you're listening,
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please release these hacked e-mails. he is trying to divert the message by going and playing the very people who should not be talking to him about some of this tamp this down. they're very worried and i think they're preparing for stage one of their cover-up. >> oh, that's a little hand grenade you put out there. sara, you're a journalist and scholar and -- is what we're seeing now in the united states, does that follow patterns that you have seen in other pces around the world? >> yes, of course. they don't care about our national security. they don't care about public safety. they don't care about the integrity of the law. the only thing they care about is getting caught and i think the difference between what's happened in the united states now is that we actually still have asemblance of a functioning
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system in which there could be repercussions for their actions. normally when auto krats get into power they rewriter the law, there's no accountability. i think that that's what the trump administration is trying to do. they're trying to pressure the fbi against investigating things honestly and i think as this continues particularly if it falls under the jurisdiction of jeff sessions you're going to see even more obfuse indication of what russia did and that's something we need to watch out for in the future. >> this is all gotten the attention of congress -- congressman jim heinz of connecticut had something to say about this. >> the key thing here of course is the fact that the president's people went to the fbi and said we want you to do this. that is a profound violation of the way we do business. >> and so like i said,
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congressman heinz is a democratic for connecticut but this is a bipartisan concern here. the congressman from california was on last night talking about how he thinks that there should be an investigation into this and there's a poll asking whether congress should investigate possible contracts between trump campaigns and russia. as you see there 53% of the american people say yes. now right now there's been sort of a little bit of official resistance and by official i mean the chairman both in the house and the senate to actually full scale do an investigation of this, but howong can they resist basically doing their job when you've got 53% of the american people saying this should be done? >> it's like i said in the last segment. they are not governing for the
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75% of the people that didn't vote for donald trump. they're governing for their parties coalition and, again, they are ideology party and some where back there is country after money. and this is really dangerous. these two chairman of these two commits, the senate intelligence and the house intelligence commit, they have an oath and loyalty to this nation's security first. and if they're going to cover-up because that's what it is -- no matter how insignificant the contacts that they had with the russians, this nation was attacked and if they're sole focus is not getting that attack investigated and susing out any american that had any contact, then they are doing a disservice to this nation and they should just give up their positions. >> i should've mentioned the white house in the "the washington post" today there's a story about how the white house asked the chairman of the
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intelligence committees and the house and the senate to make phone calls to the press to knock down -- to knock down the russia stories and so even though 53% of the american people want this to be investigated, even though you have democrats and republicans both sides of the aisle saying, we really should take a look at this, you have the white house and the senate intelligence -- senate and house intelligence chairman both or all trying to -- you said it was a cover-up, malcolm, but certainly not doing their job in getting to the bottom of something. so fundamental to our constitutional democracy and that is free and fair and open elections. how concerned are you that malcolm's right? we're at the beginning of a white house trying to cover-up something that the american people should know about? >> i would say to malcolm, the
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senior chief forgotten more than i've ever known but in this place i have to take a little bit of disagreement here. i think -- i spent four years with the russians. i sold their trade craft. they're very good at what they do when it comes to manipulating and running assets. if people thinks there's going to be this gotcha moment where there's going to be audio released, where the russians are sitting down with someone saying if you give us this, i'm going to help you with the elections, i think they're going to be sorely wrong. that's not how they conduct the trade craft, the russians. i say that because without that kind of conversation, the likelihood of getting a conviction or even a trial or even a prosecutoring somebody, it's pretty low. it's pretty unlikely. meeting with russian intelligence officers as distasteful as it is, as loejsome at it was that this happened, it's not necessarily
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illegal. so you have to separate the fact that a lot of the things that happened here may not rise to the level of something that's prosecutorable versus things that are totally distasteful and should be politically career ending. that's the focus. as malcolm said in the last segment, what concerns me the most is the ideology. the russians are not making bannon be a white supremacist. that we have a white supremacist who's essentially writing executive orders and i think that is the focus. >> it steps wipe from the oval office. sara, let me give you the last word. maybe we won't have that gotcha moment on tape. that sort of proves the connection between all of these entities, but how damaging is it to just the overall psyche of the nation to know that their elections were hacked, were interfered with by a foreign power that for generations was our number one enemy?
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>> ye it's extremely damaging. i agree that we may not get that gotcha moment from the russians because they're more seasoned at this because i think it's completely possible that we may get it from trump and his campaign team and his stuff. because they're notorious for letting things slip. the july 27th incident that malcolm referred to is tan example of that. it's damaging. we had weakened institutions going into the election. they've been further weakened. it's causing americans to not take these rights for granted, to not take our sovereignty for granted and to rise up and even not take the media in its capacity to investigate for granted. i think people will keep pursuing the truth regardless of what the administration wants. >> thank you very much for being on the show today. up next, democrats pick their new leader today. the latest on that next.
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there's an important election underway within the next hour. the democratic national committee is slated to pick a new leader at their meeting in atlanta. seven people are vying to be the dnc chair but minnesota congressman keith ellison and tom perez are the leading candidates. both have been campaigning aggressively for months in both public forums across the country. perez is the favorite of the party while ellison hails from the bernie sanders wing of the democratic party. it's a race with national stakes and long-term implications. so who do i think should win? i'll tell you when we come back. o accidents reported find the cars you want, avoid the ones you don't plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing i like it start your used car search at
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the elections we must win this year and next. let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country. >> that's hillary clinton rallying the democratic party as it picks its new leader today. the next chair of the democratic national committee could be announced within the next couple of hours and he or she will have to outline a vision of how to counter donald trump's administration while defining the democrats agenda. also joining us former dnc chair howard dean and crystal ball a democratic strategist and the author of "reversing the apocalypse." . i'm going to do this as like an all skate question to you. crystal, what's the mest important job of the dnc chair? is it to be a counter weight a vocal counter weight to donald trump or rebuilding the party?
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to be ready for 2018 and 2020. >> i think you've got to rebuild, in that particular role, you've got to rebuild the party at the state level. which i think all of these candidates are committed to doing. we've got to be doing everything at once because we're not talking about a presidential loss, we're talking about the destruction of this party at virtually every level of government. so you got to rebuild at the state level and raise a bunch of money. none of this matters until we as a party have an answer for the central question of our time, which is how do we make sure that everybody can benefit when the country pros perz and that's the thing? we used to have this relationship when gdp rose and productivity rose, everybody benefited. as a party if we don't answer that, if we don't just have a political strategy but a policy and moral strategy for dealing with that question, none of this is going to matter. >> governor dean, i should have
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started with you since you are actually the chair of the democratic party. here we are now 2017, which do you think is more important for the next dnc chair to do, being a counter weight to donald trump or rebuild the party? >> first of all, we got to do all of them and a third one you haven't mentioned. i love chals's analysis. she's 100% correct. the congress chuck schumer and nancy pelosi and others will take care of the counterweight to donald trump. that's what they do and that's what's important. there's a third thing that nobody's talking about and this is why i'm rooting for the guy i'm rooting for in this whose 35 years old. we've got to find a way to -- he's the underdog. we've got to find a way to bring the first global generation into institutional politics. they elected barack obama twice. they voted heavily for hillary
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clinton. they're not democrats and they don't think of themselves as democrats and as a jergs they don't like, trust or needs institutions. now trumps victory that there are some institutions but we're not anywhere near to get this generation politics. for the first time we're going to have to follow their lead rather than ours following ours. they're great organizers. they did the airport protest and women's marches. they're incredible organizers. they're not coordinated and they don't believe in institutions. the dnc is going to require but it's going to require a very different leadership from what we've had in the past. >> what do you think of what crystal said in terms of how the party needs to talk to the american people and what governor dean said in terms of rebuilding, rebuilding trust in the institution? >> i think crystal's dead on right. one of the biggest challenges of the obama area was that the president was really good with coming up with policies that
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were going to impact the questions about how to people to participate and enjoy the fruits of american society. he was not very good at telling that story in a way that was compelling to people who weren't paying attention to him every single day. he needed to do a better job of doing that and secretary clinton did a better job of doing that. at the same time there's something else that i think the governor dean just started to hit on which is there's something happening on the streets of the united states of america. people are out. you have millions of people hitting the streets and thousands of people going to airports and people rallying at ezra levine, rallying at members of congresss office. the dnc and the democrats have got to prove that we are not just sitting around having committee meetings, we are going to be channelling that energy into elections. the next chair has to have some real credibility doing when we have a 50 state strategy and we did focus down ballot. and the last thing is that chair
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has to be strong enough as governor dean was to stand up to nancy pelosi and chuck schumer while they try to my jack all the money and put in into congressional races. i really want a strong chair who understands their role is to be a national chairman not just a congressional chairman. >> green, you get the benefit of having heard everybody, so give me your sort of one minute critique or analysis or your thoughts? >> yeah. so i agree with everybody on the panel. i mean governor dean, i think set an amazing example for what a 50 state strategy should look like and what it should be and it's a -- we need an actual real investment. the person that i'm supporting is keith ellison. i believe he's the focus to grassroots activist and that's going to be incredibly important for the party to go back out there, get out of the beltway, really communicate a proactive vision, what does that look like and be able to sell that and
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work with the state party chairs and rebuilding that state, that state when it comes to finding, recruiting good democrats and so all of those things are going to be incredibly important and also don't give the republicans an edge. we need to compete in these really important races out there and it's going to be in 2017, in 2018 leading up to 2020. >> i got a chance to interview both leading candidates, secretary perez and congressman ellison. and both of them, what struck me for someone who's from the bernie sanders wing and someone from the so-called establishment, tom perez, they both had the similar, if not the same vision for where the party should go, how they should get there. secretary perez was all about not just a 50 state strategy but an all zip code strategy. they both talked about reaching out to all americans with the democratic party message but for
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me what swayed me was the way congressman ellison talked about the american people and how the derm message applies to everyone and he did it in this way by talking about this mythical person who's been pouring coffee at the same diner for 20 years, who has a main in her knee, who has a sister who had breast cancer, who worries about the plant or the factory in her town closing down, to me being able to talk in very real personal ways with street level ways about where people are in this country and how the democratic party can help them and how they're policies are right for them, was what made me think, you know, this guy all things being equal with perez and ellison both having the same message, ellison got the edge. am i wrong in thinking that that's the way the party needs to go? and i'll throw that to governor dean. >> look, keith is my second
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choice. i think he's absolutely terrific. he's not a millennial. i don't think it's possible for somebody in our generation to understand how big the gap is between us and the people who are most likely to vote for us. i call this the 50 year strategy. this voting age group is going to be voting for the next 50 years and they vote for us but they don't vote down ballot. they don't vote off year elections and it's killing us. we got killed not because hillary clinton. hillary clinton got more votes than trump. we got killed because of the state house races. we're getting crushed every single time we run a candidate, unless you get pete buttigieg's generation into institutional politics we are not going to be able to recover from this. we have to do it. it's urgent and it requires turning our world upside down the way my generation and previous generations have thought about politics. >> it also requires making sure that we bring new people into the party, not just the
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leadership, but the people who are working and consulting on some of these races. gf dean was good at that. we haven't seen that kind of diversity in the party. we've got to have more of it. >> and no matter who wins the dnc chairman today, they all must be a part of the dnc going forward no matter who the next chairman is. thank you jamal simmons and howard dean and crystal ball great to see you even if by split screen. planned parenthood takes his fight to paul ryan. while todays rally in wisconsin comes at a critical time. i'll ask my guest who won the week coming up next.
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time to ask our favorite question. who won the week? michelle bernard to start. >> i'm going to say, jonathan, the winner of the week is democracy, and chief justice john roberts. and the reason i say that is, earlier this week, justice roberts, despite all of the politics that is happening in the nation, wrote a majority opinion for the supreme court reversing a case in texas where a gentleman who had been convicted of murder and sentenced to death based on evidence submitted by his own attorney that introduced expert testimony that said that this individual statistically was
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more likely to commit a violent crime in the future based on the fact that he was black, and the texas courts refused to allow him to be resentenced. justice roberts reversed that decision coming out of texas, and in writing the majority opinion for the court said that in the united states we punish people for the crimes they commit not because of their race. ironically, justice thomas dissented, disagreed with justice roberts. justice alito agreed with justice thomas. this individual will now have an opportunity to plead for his life not based on the fact that someone believes statistically he was going to commit another crime because he's black. >> katon dawson? >> thank you for being on this morning and i appreciate your friendship. what i've got is not as deep as michelle's. steve nn, navy veteran, came out to the white house, went to cpac, not one of his favorite
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places, and did a pretty good job. the second is the beautiful kellyanne conway who laid it all on the table, mother of four, came out from the week both with personal sides and i think for me, those were the winners of the week. >> karine jean-pierre? >> the resistance won the week. he saw town halls flooded by constituents who showed up to tell their stories as to why losing obamacare would really hurt them personally or their families, or their kids. and i think we saw something that is just the beginning, which is the majority of americans out there really stepping up and saying this is not okay, you can't take away health care from us, you can't take away the democracy from our country. and people really voiced their opinions and we saw it over and over again on all the networks. >> my winner of the week came in about mid-afternoon yesterday. the one, the only, the former
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president of the united states, barack obama, people screaming on fifth avenue when he came out of a meeting, getting into the back of his car, no tie, waving to the crowd, got that latte in his hand, looking around. as he gets there, watch what happens. he is getting into the back of that car. he puts the sunglasses on. come on, man! how cool is that? if we can put that tweet back up, this tweet that went out yesterday summarizes the feeling. when you break up with america and start dating freedom. look at that face. the former president of the united states giving the people of new york city and america a little bit of that obama magic. so that's who i think won the week. we don't have enough time to go around and talk about that and all the stuff we talked about. thank you to karine jean-pierre, michelle bernard and katon dawson.
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hello, i'm sheinelle jones in new york. it at the white house, pushback after an apparently leaked memo at the department of homeland security that appears to counter some of the reasoning behind the president's travel ban. the race to lead the democratic party, the vote happening today. could a dark horse candidate surprise everyone? president trump heads to capitol hill tuesday to address a joint session of congress. what should we expect to hear? will it be another campaign-like stump speech? and a big moment on the
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