tv MSNBC Live MSNBC February 26, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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the president hosting a governor's dinner at the white house and prepping that address to congress. what will be the point of the speech? will he tackle jobs, obamacare and russia or reprise the more vague attacks on the press and when will the new travel ban come out? here is news you may not have seen yet. the trump administration soliciting contract bids for building a border wall, but who will pay for it? and the battle over obamacare, are republicans ready to replace the aca with a viable alternative? and then we get to our special segment tonight, how donald trump was name checked in more rap songs than just about anyone ever and what is changing in that unusual relationship. i'm going to be joined by rap experts from all and the nation's top rap station hot 97. bottom line, don't sleep on our hip-hop power panel. first, let's look at the big political story here, the president facing down some homework, that primetime address on tuesday night, to the joint session of congress, calls continuing for a special prosecutor to investigate russia
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ties, and the president pushing back today on all of that as, quote, fake news. meanwhile, the immigration front, the travel ban coming out as early as this week, and the new york times reporting today dhs getting tougher, reportedly, emboldened by donald trump's policies. the white house starting to pick the contractors i mentioned to build the border wall. we'll explain all of that. let's get right to it with howard dean and kristen tate, conservative columnist for the hill and author of "government gone wild." richard stengel, former top diplomat of the obama white house and msnbc analyst and joe conson, author of "it can happen here" a book about the risk of authoritarianism inside the u.s., a ton to get to. let me start with governor dean on a republican here in darrell issa calling for an independent investigation of russia. >> most interesting thing about that, darrell issa, one of the
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previous chairs that delighted in the benghazi investigation and all this other stuff. so what has happened? that has happened is he won by 2,000 votes in his district. there are 24 districts in which the republican congressman that hillary clinton won last year. and he's in one of them. so the first people who usually defect at your party, when the president is in trouble, are people in those kinds of districts. i think it is pretty significant and we'll see what happens over the next couple of weeks as this investigation into russia continues by the press. >> and, rick, to that point, people are out in the grassroots calling for this. >> i want to know if you, like senators mccain and graham, will call for an independent bipartisan -- to investigate president trump, his campaign, and his administration.
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>> you're wasting a lot of money on benghazi. waste a little on trump. >> well, it is an active digital warfare against the united states. and attack on our sovereignty and attack on the most sacred part of our political process, which protects everything else. the ties between trump and russia are so arcane, they seem to extend so deeply and so widely, there needs to be a special osecutor, special investigation. i'm not so sure that i agree with them, to trust congress to do that. >> joe, you have written about the risk of authoritarianism in the united states. we're not throwing that around loosely. but there is concern about independence, independent inquiries, whether this doj led by jeff sessions can make the call. let's be clear, fbi and other groups can gather the facts. it is only the prosecutor that decides what to do about it. >> you know, this just -- just the past few days we have seen a farcical re-enactment of what happened during watergate in the early phase when the white house attempted to manipulate the fbi,
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somewhat successfully, now we see these kind of brushbacks done publicly by the white house, with the president tweeting about the fbi and complaining about the leaks coming out, he also calls them fake new, which is a bit of a contribution, are they real or fake? and the white house chiefs of staff calling top fbi officials, which is completely out of bounds, so, yes, that's a big problem. if you don't have independent law enforcement that applies to everybody in government, then you have the seeds of a government of a kind that we don't want. >> kristen, would it be better for president trump to, if anything, talk less about the fbi, let them do their job? >> well, look, there is no hard evidence at this point that russia affected the outcome of this election. and i think the bigger point here that we should be talking about is that the democrats need to stop pointing their fingers and talking about russia and start asking themselves why did we lose this election?
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democrats still do not understand why donald trump won. i mean, hillary clinton literally went around the country, bragging about putting coal miners out of work and now they're shocked they won this election? democrats need to do some serious self-reflection here, stop blaming russia, stop blaming other people, and start asking what they did wrong to lose the voters. >> governor dean, you're a doctor, you're considered a reflective person. reflect for us. >> sure. nice try. nice try. that's a very trumpian attempt to diversion. this is the issue here, not why we lost the election. the issue is what do the russians do to influence it and how much influence they have over trump and did money change hands? we're talking about the potential of treason here. this is not about whether hillary clinton did or did not win. donald trump is president of the united states. we cannot have him be unduly influenced by the russians. it is not about just about the flexion. it is what does he know, what is
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he doing? what are the russians getting out of this and how much money do they put in? i'm pretty sure they put in some money. the question is what do they get out of it. >> a chance to respond. i suppose part of the question would be a republican party that held several inquiries into benghazi and other issues because investigations were seen as a part of oversight and governance. why not have an independent investigation here on that substantive question? >> if they want to do an independent investigation, fine, show me some proof, and i'll take this seriously. i think the american people, particularly moderate voters who are not mobilized by hillary clinton, they hear all of this and it sounds like diversions, sounds like distractions from the real issue, which is the problems and the turmoil going on within the democrat party. we just saw the dnc, you know, they're struggling with these two different sects of their parties. they have the populist people and the more establishment people. they're struggling with this. struggling with their messaging and still don't understand why they lost the election. sure, do your investigation,
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show me some proof and we'll talk about it, but right now, we don't have that proof. >> i hear you on that. the investigation is what reviews potential proof procedurally. the other big story we have to get to here is this demolishment of the argument for the travel ban according to trump's own dhs. john brennan, considered more hawkish than dovish, was speaking about this. take a listen. >> that report puts its finger on it by saying that citizenship is not the indicator of potential terrorist action. there are a lot of factors that go into it. i don't think the travel ban is going to help in any significant way. >> that's cia backing up dhs, saying not that there is an ideological commitment. that's a broad policy debate. but this ban was essentially illogical or stupid and arbitrarily picking countries and leaving them on the table regardless of the threat. >> and those seven countries, you know, produced exactly zero
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terrorist activity since 9/11. the other focus of the travel ban is on refugees. i dealt with the refugee issue at the state department. there is nobody who comes into this country, who is more extremely vetted than refugees. it is a two-year process, it involves biometrics, interviews on the spot, family interviews. there is a lot of people in the house and the senate on the republican side who could not get in here as refugees including probably mr. trump himself. >> i mean, you know, the problem, ari, we're looking at, it looks as if they're trying to destroy american foreign relations and foreign policy. they're trying to rip apart our relations with other countries with the muslim world, with our allies in europe, across the board, at the same time they're dismantling the state department. the state department has how many jobs filled now? you probably know. >> dozens. >> but -- >> zero, actually. >> political appointees, other than the secretary of state. >> right. >> omany unfilled.
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which means the job is not being done. foreign policy is being controlled in the white house by people who want to wreck our relations with the rest of the world. that is an incredibly dangerous thing. >> on that report, listen to what the ap found here again. these are complex issues. of the 82 people, half, just over half were americans. u.s. citizens born in the u.s. the others were from 26 countries, only somamaomalia anq were among the seven countries included in the ban. i guess the big question is, sooner or later, do trump voters and supporters want him to crack down on the countries that were dangerous or just any list of can countries might do? >> okay, well, first of all, let's just point out that these seven countries were identified as being a threat by the obama
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administration. that is how trump chose these seven countries. >> let me jump in and you can respond. you're referring to congressional action that obama signed that said that people who got visa waivers, traveling from europe, if they stopped in those countries, dangerous to visit, they would get extra vetting on the way. it was vetting for europeans because it did make sense that if they stopped in, somalia, you might give them an extra look. it was not, as you may know, it was not ever about immigrants natives to those countries. >> right. but these countries were seen as a threat. here's the thing. the american people who voted for trump, we have seen what happened in paris, what happened in cologne, what happened in europe, we don't want that happening here. this is just a simple common sense solution to prevent attacks in the u.s. it is a temporary ban. everyone is acting like this is a permanent muslim ban. first of all, it is not a muslim ban. it is not permanent. there is a lot of misinformation
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being put out by the media that has created mass had hysteria among a lot of americans. >> governor dean? >> if it is not a muslim ban, how comeau ham muhammad ali's s not allowed into the country. >> if this were a muslim ban, surely those countries would be on the list. >> in vermont, a woman got turned away, a canadian citizen, because she was a muslim. >> i think there was a lot of confusion. i'll give you this, i think the first draft of this order was rushed. it created confusion. there was confusion on the ground and that's why they're coming up with a more clear and concise order which will hopefully clear up these problems. >> let's go to final word to rick stengel. from a diplomatic perspective, the new order is coming. what would have to change, solutions based in your view to
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make this more practical? >> to echo what joe was saying, the commander in chief of the united states does not play dice with the global order the way president trump is doing. this executive order needs to be passed through the different agencies, needs to be vetted, that's how executive orders work. but doesn't just go through the white house. and by the way there are reforms about immigration that need to happen, but they need it happen with the bureau and the agencies around washington figuring it out. >> rick stengel, joe conson, howard dean and kristen tate, power panel in the business. thank you for joining. up next, we look beyond trump and ask why obamacare is getting more popular, even it faces an existential threat with the political panel. if you know my name, you know my e-mail, many of you have been writing in. up next, i'll tackle some of your questions live on air. dear predictable, there's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced.
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discussed, including healthcare. republicans have been talking about obamacare for some time. they voted to repeal it more than 60 times since 2011. that means the republican led house tried nearly once a month on average to strip or end the affordable care act during obama's term. not this month. which actually makes for an interesting fact. congressional republicans voted to repeal dozens of times right up until the moment that a republican actually got into the white house and could have signed a repeal bill into law. so what is the point? is this posturing hypocrisy or is it a slow and reasonable approach to actually find a replacement first? politico reporting there is a new draft replacement that would cut obamacare funding and the healthcare support for lower income americans who rely on medicaid. let's get to it with christina greer, associate professor of political science at ford , rick hertzburg back with us from the new yorker and in washington, brian darling, former senior communications director for
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senator rand paul. what do you make of these developments? >> well, it could have been predicted. there is no way, when you seriously examine the question of healthcare and how to get healthcare to everyone, which is what trump has promised to do, you discover that it cannot be done except the way obamacare does it, or by something way left of what obamacare does. >> christina? >> this is why i think the republicans are in such a bad position. they had seven years to come up with a better plan and they have -- they have nothing. what they had will hurt their constituents. this is also a plan that was upheld by the supreme court. so when we look at this particular administration, your point is really valid. why in an era of unified government where the president has the house and the senate of his same party why aren't they pushing through a legitimate
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plan? it is because they don't have one. whatever they're trying to propose will hurt their own constituents. >> so, brian, it is a fact that there were all these votes up until there was republican president. my question to you as a republican, do you think that's a good thing or bad thing? >> i think they should vote tomorrow for a full repeal of obamacare with no replacement. i think you could pass it in the house. hard time getting it through the senate, the democrats would filibuster. then come in with your repeal and replace measure. we already have seen this last year republicans passed a partial repeal bill, part of reconciliation. a bill that was vetoed by president obama. that was one of their plans. rand paul has his own plan. he has a replace plan that would expand hsas and provide more freedom to sell healthcare across state lines. >> are you worried politically if they don't just get the repeal part over, they'll never get around to it? >> i'm worried politically if they don't repeal obamacare, they're going to anger the base.
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the conservatives are going to say you lied to me, you said you were going to repeal this bill, this is a law that has not been proven to be very popular. i know we're seeing paul's move a little bit and people who are concerned about losing their healthcare. i can see that. but the bottom line is this was never a popular law. republicans ran on the idea of repealing it. they need to do it or they don't do it, guess who won't show up in the next election. conservatives. >> interesting. brian worried about the base getting angry. i heard both bases are already angry. you can always get angrier in life. i want to play nancy pelosi speaking about this today. take a listen. >> when we did the affordable care act, if everyone loved their care, everyone loved it, which they didn't, and their insurance, we would still have had to do it because escalating cost of healthcare in the country, unsustainable to individuals, families, small business, to corporate america, and to the public sector. if think come up with something
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that keeps lowering cost, expanding coverage and increasing -- the benefits, then we can have something to talk about. we haven't seen anything. >> that is the democratic message here, the white house sent us, we want to show their response today, brand-new. cited costs, but said families across the country have been hit with skyrocketing premiums. insurers are fleeing the system, leaving one in five with just one insurance option. president trump stands for patient centered solution. >> i think it is voters look at what the president has done thus far, we know this president looks out for himself and his own personal interests. i would be very cautious to think that any plan he has would actually put money back in their pockets. we know donald trump will put money in his pocket and the pocket of his friends. also the republicans are in a tight spot because the longer their constituents are on some version of obamacare it will be much harder to just rip that
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from underneath them and then wait a few months or even years to give them something in their stead. especially for older americans, especially for people who -- with pre-existing conditions. and so i mean there are so many areas where republicans have essentially wasted seven years of not really putting real thought behind how they could actually substantively repeal and replace and now they're in a position where they have unified government. if i were a republican, i would be demanding to know why you are not passing a law right now that gives me something ten times better than obama since you had a seven-year head start to figure it out. >> brian? >> i agree. i want to see something pass. i do want to see our system reform because the affordable care act has proven not to be affordable. premiums are through the roof. it costs so much money. the government, we see our national debt hitting $20 trillion, healthcare is a good portion of that. i do think this needs to be
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attacked. i think there are smart members of the house and senate that can figure it out. if they want to figure out a replacement plan, i agree. they need to work on it, do it all out in the open, but stop waiting. they need to do it now. the trump plan, trump ran on reforming healthcare, he ran on reforming our tax system, and for whatever reason, congress hasn't done anything in both those issues so i agree congress needs to do something and they need to do something quickly. we probably disagree on what they should do. >> major disagreement there. on the politics of this, you have john boehner saying, well, maybe don't do this repeal. >> yeah. the fact is that premiums have increased, but they have increased at a slower rate than they were increasing before. and millions, tens of millions more people actually have insurance. if they're going to -- when they talk about repealing the affordable care act, it is a
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fake. because they cannot and will not simply repeal it and throw 20 million people off their health insurance and throw out every -- all the great things that people are now discovering obamacare does. so they might do some sort of thing where they say, we repeal it, but the repeal doesn't take effect until some fuzzy time in the future. >> that's what is so remarkable at this, given this is something that matters to an enormous number of people, that healthcare bezefl ebedeviled administrations. here is john kasich, who is a republican, talking about why this is hard. >> i think there are some very conservative republicans in the house who are going to say, just get rid of the whole thing. and that's not acceptable when you have 20 million people or 700,000 people in my state. because where do the mentally ill go. where do the drug addicted go, the republicans can go and do
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what they want. and i'm going to talk to them. at the end of the day, i'm going to stand up for people that wouldn't have the coverage if they don't get this thing right. and i happen to believe that the best way to get this right, over time, is for actually both parties to work together. >> christina? >> this is a fascinating beginning argument. so much of donald trump's plans are thrown to states rights and because he knows he has the vast majority of governorships, he thinks the governors will implement whatever plan he wants. many republican governors are looking to their constituents and saying if i go with a trump plan, that could hurt me and the members of my state. so i think the division in the republican party and the factions that i keep talking about will only get stronger and stronger because they had seven years. if you are a republican, you're looking at your representative when they say, well, we're going to figure it out. where were you? you should have been figuring it out. you should have been day one, january 20th, with a bill ready for the president to sign. >> christina, rick, brian, thank
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you very much. interesting policy topic. like him or not, president trump has been a fixture in american culture long before he arrived at the white house. next, we take a deep dive in examining the beginnings of trump's long relationship with part of rap culture. how he began a friend to rap artist, inspiring the lyrics of hundreds of songs and how that's changing. i promise you, this report may not be what you think, but i hope it is worth your sunday night. that's next.
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welcome back. one of the keys to donald trump's success is no secret. he's been a famous irrepressable part of american culture for 30 years and not just celebrity culture, but also pop culture and music. including rap music. trump just visited the african-american history museum, met with civil rights leaders for black history month. and he thinks he has a relationship with black culture. so it is worth probing trump's unique relationship with rap. genre that came quite naturally to the billionaire. >> it is my esteemed pleasure to introduce mr. and mrs. donald
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trump. >> it's the donald. oh, my god. >> trump approached rap like any other cameo appearance, another chance to burnish his brand for free. he would go on rap shows, here he is on g unit radio with 50 cent. >> 50 cent and donald trump are my idols, man. >> that's a good combination. will we hear anything in the future with 50 cent and donald trump? >> maybe we'll do something together. let's do something, write up some good lyrics. >> oh , man. 50! oh, man. >> i'll tell you, it would be interesting. you write up some lyrics. i'm in more of these rap songs. my daughter calls me up, dad, you're in another one. like ten of them. >> that's not a trump exaggeration. he showed rap love and rap showed him love back. continuously invoking trump as the embodiment of success.
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ing on the song "trump," he raps, he's so rich, people call him donald trump. kendrick lamar raps, he doesn't want to be a dealer, he wants to be a trump. ludacris boasted he has meetings with donald trump, meek mill once explained he gets donald trump numbers on the corner. or even take the icon, jay-z, who tried to validate his own success by boasting he stays at a trump property. ♪ blast for me, i'm at the trump international, ask for me ♪ >> the approach to success fit perfectly into at least a slice of materialistic rap. he made it into 266 rap songs, more than clinton or bush. it is more than just money. the trump posture seems to tap into a cultural concept of being boss as ice cube explained this was before trump won the nomination.
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>> he looks like a boss to everybody. and americans love to have a boss. rich. powerful. do what you want to do, say what you want to say. be how you want to be. >> that may be why this trump obsession ultimately reached its logical conclusion. up like trump, 2014 anthem featuring that boss trump lifestyle by showing people partying and literally becoming trump, rocking out in trump masks. as new york magazine notes, rap videos embrace trump because with his blunt persona and unsavory associations, trump was short-hand not just for money, but for money godly displayed, money irrespective of taste or social convention. and donald trump's election may change some of that. kanye west could be the most prominent rapper to continue a flirtation with trump but did walk back that outreach, west facing criticism for meeting with president-elect trump from other rappers. even though west was really only doing what so many rappers had done before the trump brand was
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political. uncle murdo calling that out and citing the past criticism rapping, the people don't trust you, bush don't like black people, you think donald trump do, don't meet with donald trump and talk about us, ye. you ain't got the answers, just like you told sway, a reference to west's interview with sway. >> you ain't got the actions, man. you ain't got the answers. you ain't got the answers. you ain't got the answers, sway. >> in any event, many rappers are now calling out trump's policies. industry leaders like russell simmons renouncing his past friendship with the mogul, leading marches in the streets, advocating tolerance for muslims and opposing the immigration policies. this is a mixed and complex picture. before twitter comes from me, let me be clear, i am not saying rap music is solely responsible for donald trump's rise. music not usually the tipping
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factor in national american elections. i am reporting, however, on a history worth facing. a cultural shift that could be important. trump excelled within parts of the rap game for some of the same reasons he excelled in reality tv, popular culture and, yes, national politics. an exaltation and obsession with material wealth as the highest goal and ultimate indicator of status. a fondness for big boasts regardless of whether you can deliver and, yes, an indifference to casual sexism and misogyny when practiced by supposed big shots. these are issues in our culture as well as in our politics. and since both are central to a healthy community, let me close with a few bars from another forgotten lyricist, daniel patrick moynihan. who said the central conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society, the central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it
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from itself. are there parts of this culture worth changing? we have a very special panel from hot 97 and all to tackle the question after a quick break. marie starts her chicken pot pie with a crust made from scratch and mixes crisp vegetables with all white meat chicken, and bakes it to perfection. because making the perfect dinner isn't easy as pie but finding someone to enjoy it with sure is. marie callender's. it's time to savor. scalpel. i have no idea what i'm doing.
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so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. go long. and we are back with our special panel on donald trump's relationship in history with hip-hop. chuck creager, founder of the hip-hop news site, all and michael denzel smith, author of the best-seller "invisible man." we went through the history, what do you make of it? >> well, i mean, it is not surprising that hip-hop lauded donald trump. first of all, look at the timing of his emerge ence in the cultu. he was the guy, you go back and look at the classic tyson fights, fighting at trump
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properties in new jersey and atlantic city, donald trump's the guy right there, really important. rumored he had an affair with robin givens. as i'm reminded by new york deejays around in the late '80s, early '90s, trump partied in new york. trump would go out, like, not only was he the flashy guy on tv who you would see at the tyson fight who owns the casino, but also was the one at the club. he might go to the tunnel, like might go to the club for real gli don. >> i don't know about the tunnel. stories about seeing trump at the club, hip-hop clubs. and he would go out and try to be seen. so the idea that someone like that, who was brash and had tons of money would be celebrated, it is not surprising when at the time no one knew what ultimately his motives would turn out to be. >> i think there is a huge difference between celebrating a man in the '90s who represents one thing, which to some is just the american dream, and to then
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celebrating someone who is now calling, you know, a certain race, rapists or telling women, you know, and i think obviously we're all aspirational, we all want money, we all want success and all want to be wealthy, you know, but i think responsibly hip-hop comes from a certain segment of the population not necessarily wealthy, not necessarily rich, and at the root, once a quality, once an equal shot. >> and wants to aspire to that thing that is a dream in the song, a dream in his reality show, right? but what about the flip? >> it is interesting. because that moment that you're talking about, and happening now, probably should have happened in 1989, when donald trump took out the ads against the central park five. here he is, showing his colors. >> explain more about that. >> the central park five, five young black and latino men accused of raping a white woman
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in new york city in central park, later found they were not guilty of this, another man who committed this crime. donald trump took out ads in the four major new york newspapers talking about bring back our police, bring back the death penalty, in response to this. >> press conference too. he really went over -- remember, understandable at -- when the crimes initially reported, for people to be upset and dramatic about it, but the evidence that was there against these kids, turned out to not be true. >> like we're saying, not all rappers, you know, during the break, boots riley said disparaging things about donald trump in the early '90s, talking about his real estate deals. >> talking about one of the most woke guys of all time. >> a threat of hip-hop that is also defiant toward that aspiration. what we're seeing now is the return of a sort of defiance because donald trump now represents the establishment, and hip-hop draws a hard line on racism. they're very much into
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anti-racism, but all the other things, the aspirational wealth, the casual sexism, the violent sexism resonates with these guys. donald trump was the figure that one could look up to and aspire to be. we're looking at donald trump in a different light. >> i don't know how much anybody knew about him back then. when ray kwan and coco made the song black trump, i don't think -- all they thought, i believe, was rich, powerful, can do whatever he wants. that was it. and, remember, for as much as guys like us who really love hip-hop in a classic sense, and you as well, hip-hop as well, for all of us, you know, i believe in all the highest points of hip-hop, let's not forget, from 1977, this music was always also about getting money. that was always a big -- >> and having fun. >> and having fun. so donald trump, young new yorker, money, fun, women, it
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made sense. >> bought into the trump brand. we know now or assume that donald trump is not as rich as he purports to be. he's not a successful businessman. because of his branding and that's another thing that rappers associate with this. the ability to boast about things that you don't have. >> important to remember also, at the time in which trump was being celebrated, there weren't a lot of other options. this was before master p made hundreds of millions of dollars, before jay-z was nearly a billionaire. before oprah was oprah in the mid-'80s. there weren't necessarily icons that would have been more relatable. >> trying to find a black man worth nearly a billion dollars. >> bill cosby. >> we're doing jay-z says people should look up to his success, when you see me, see you. you can model a type of success. you're saying the history is not only that donald trump started
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as one thing and then increasingly became something else or politicized at least in his outward focus, though you make this important point about where he was on law and order, known in new york. but at the same time, chuck, the larger context being a real dearth, apositiviapocity of str >> for us, a lot of us looked up to malcolm x, martin luther king, if you were really into it, maybe someone like h rap brown or stokely carmichael. but when you talk about wealth, there were considerably less people for us to look up to. now, i personally looked up to someone like earl graves, but aside from those type of figures, there weren't that money. they weren't taught. so even me, growing up, i looked up to steve jobs, for example, when i was first starting my company. >> something you and kanye have in common. >> that's right. >> exactly. that might be the only thing.
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>> the next -- he's walt disney. >> i don't know. but, yes, there were very few affluent and rich and wealthy and hip-hop has the swagger. there is a swagger that goes with it as well. a lot of those guys were from another era, an older guard and didn't have the swagger that jay-z had. >> is there anything problematic with that swagger? >> yeah. >> absolutely. what it is drawing on is a lot of toxic masculinity and machismo we think that now we're having a conferenversation arou but we're talking about donald trump and the way he lines up with hip-hop. the swagger is derived from the ability to get money at any cost. right. whether you're exploiting other people, whether or not you're being abusive to other people, doesn't matter. the pursuit of the money and getting the money is all that matters. and that's a problem. the idea that what the most
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important thing has nothing to do with a moral code around how you treat people. >> it does need to be stated, that's not all that hip-hop is, like, let's be very, very clear. >> materialistic slice. #not all rappers. >> exactly. >> i don't know if the hash tag was going to go, but it was the right -- >> let's be very clear. america celebrates this. america s always celebrated this type of individual. amica has many different types of people and they can oftentimes be molded around someone similar to donald trump. this is very american. let's be very clear. >> it is very american. the donald trump story is essentially the ultimate story of white privilege. failing into success over and over and over again, in spite of the fact you're never that great at anything. then it upsets me the most from the hip-hop standpoint, how did anyone co-sign someone who addresses this badly? the ties are so repug. the entire suit, his ties go down to his crotch. this is not part of hip-hop.
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>> you talk about the hustle, what do you think of donald trump being part of what folks may have forgotten. he would go anywhere initially that would take it. >> yeah. he still does. go anywhere that accepts him. and hip-hop was too accepting. and now you -- we're at a point where -- >> wants to be accepted. >> if you look hard, a lot of hip-hop -- the song that can't be said on air that is against donald trump, in that beginning, he's talking about my people thought he was straight. because what we thought was -- what a lot of people thought was he's a model for what business should look like. and no one knew the secrets behind it. >> a lot we can't say on air, a lot you have said on air that is very interesting. thank you. where hip-hop lives. thank you. >> we can argue that one. >> sometimes.
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>> when i'm there. >> next up, to hollywood for a preview of tonight's oscars, which are reportedly the most diverse ever. some predictions and how politics might be on center stage tonight. at planters, we put fresh roasted flavor into every can, which has its drawbacks. guys, know anything about this missing inventory? wasn't me! the cheeks don't lie, chet... irresistibly planters.
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and the cloud runs on intel. ♪ i wonder what the other 2% runs on...(car horn) it is hollywood's most magical night tonight as the biggest stars in the entire movie business gather, of course, for the academy awards. 2016 was the year the movie musical made a comeback. "la la land" leads with best picture, gosling for best actor and stone for best actress. other best picture nominees include moonlight, fences, and hidden figures. i want to bring in tom o'neil of gold, and joining us, right from the oscars' red carpet, nicky novak from
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fandango. you are where everyone wants to be. what is going on out there? >> it is absolute madness. i don't know if you can hear the noise behind me. all the big stars are starting to arrive now. you feel the energy in the air. i'm hearing a lot of people being asked political questions. and some of the celebrities are dodging it. so far they're dodging some of the questions. there is a lot of excitement here now. >> i have no idea whether this is a fair question, but is there anything you can glean from the ground, from the buzz about who might be winning tonight or who seems look a crowd favorite? >> well, i just had the gentleman behind me was carrying the brief case with the winners and i said, blink once if it is la la land, twice if it is moonlight. he didn't blink at all. i got nothing from him. but my prediction, the prediction on the carpet, across the board, "la la land". >> we're hearing that so much. to tom, the all time record is
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about 11 oscars for one film. could that be in jeopardy tonight? >> i don't think it can be beaten, but it might be tied. the 14 nominations are in 13 categories, two awards, not going to win, probably best actor and probably screenplay. musical hasn't won a screenplay award in more than 60 years. you're down to 11. will it match that or not? we have 30 experts at gold derby from the top media including huffington post, l.a. times, usa today, we're predicting nine. >> and what about some of the hits here that really broke out? moonlight, a very serious and interesting film, the casey affleck film that people felt really took some risks, tom. >> well, they'll be rewarded in other categories. moonlight will do very well. it is going to win one of the screenplay awards and will likely win best supporting actor from herschel ali. and i guess there is a remote chance it could take down " "la la land" for best picture.
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in the race for best actor, that's where we have the most suspense. casey affleck is competing there against denzel washington. and from fences, and just a couple of days ago we had among other 13 experts, 15 for denzel, 15 for casey, now changing their prediction and up to 19 for denzel and 11 for casey, so it looks like he's pulling ahead. >> and, nicky, do you have a sense which were the most watched films so far this year, the true audience favorites? >> absolutely. fandango did a poll recently of 8,000 people. and 26% said that hidden figures was their favorite. i think a lot of it has to do with the box office and what people saw. that's the movie they get behind. it is because of that that hidden figures has gotten a lot of press lately. some say it may sneak in a win. won the big award.
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but that's the one that people are definitely talking about. and seems to be a fan favorite. >> tom, on the politics, meryl streep will be on the stage tonight. thoughts? >> well, she's not going to be on the stage as a winner. we think emma stone will take that or if an upset, the french actress isabel, but sthe will b a presenter. the presenters take over the stage, and suddenly things go off the rail. examples of that were richard gere, eddie murphy. she'll speak up tonight, but the question is, who else will and what will the oscars do? if you remember back to michael moore, when he was shouting from the podium, shame on you, mr. bush, shame on you, they cut him off. and now the word is -- now the word is the oscars will let those moments play out tonight. >> this environment, is so different, an interesting comparison. tom, got to ask, what are you wearing? >> i'm just wearing -- am what am i wearing, a brooks brothers
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suit. >> i'm in a burberry jacket. nicky, who are you wearing? >> you're asking it correctly. jovanni couture. >> thank you for sharing your insights with us, tom and nicky. >> thank you. >> as promised, i want to turn to a quick segment we said we would give you, tackling questions you have sent me. shelly lucas asked, i heard people do not have to open their doors to ice agents unless they have a warrant from a judge. is that true? yes. typically a warrant must be signed by a judge to search your home. if the agents want to enter, ask them if they have a warrant signed by a judge, and if they don't, you may refuse to open the door or let them in. i should tell you the major exception here would be a safety emergency. next question, digging into crates, the twitter account burning lips asked me what was the first rap album you picked and how old were you at the time?
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the first one i remember buying was the score by the fujis, 14, i remember walking to a cd store near my high school in seattle to get it. funny timing this question came in, last night i saw lauryn hill at radio city music hall, right here in manhattan. thanks for the question. and for next sunday, if you have one, e-mail me or tweet me. we will be right back. ha baby. (vo) it's being there when you're needed most. love is knowing... he's the one. (vo) was meant to be. and love always keeps you safe. we're fine. (vo) love is why we built a car you can trust. now and for a long time to come. the all-new subaru impreza sedan and five-door. a car you can love no matter what road you're on. the subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru.
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on tuesday night, president trump delivers his first address to a joint session of congress. we have a reminder for you, stay with msnbc all day for special coverage leading up to the address, only on msnbc, and bringing it right into the evening for that as well. that does it for our coverage here these two hours here on msnbc. find me on social media. tune back in next sunday 5:00 to 7:00. "meet the press" with chuck todd is next.
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this sunday, media bashing and the russia connection. president trump thrills supporters with his attacks on the press. >> a few days ago i called the fake news the enemy of the people and they are. they are the enemy of the people. >> but could his media attacks be designed to distract attention from those disturbing russia stories that just won't go away? i'll ask republican tom carton of arkansas who sits on the senate intelligence committee. also, those angry town halls. can republicans afford to ignore the growing opposition to repealing and replacing obamacare? plus, meet the new boss. former labor secretary tom perez
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