tv MSNBC Live MSNBC March 4, 2017 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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zblnch hi, i'm richard lui in new york city. we're going to start this hour with the president's amizati ac saying former president obama wiretapped trump tower in the weeks before the election. trump called it mccarthyism, yet offering no direct evidence, source or atrick tribution to h claim. in a separate tweet, compared to nixon and watergate, also called former president obama a, "bad guy." just hours ago, former president obama's spokesperson kevin lewis responded to that. he said, "a cardinal rule of the obama administration was that no white house official ever interfeinte interfered with any independent investigation led by the department of justice as part of that practice" he goes on to say, "neither president obama nor any white house official ever ordered surveillance on any u.s. citizen. any suggestion otherwise is simply false." straight to msnbc's senior editor for politics, beth with
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us, nbc intelligence and national security reporter ken d delan delanian. ken, start us off here as beth and i sit on the table, is there any evidence, to the claim, that president trump is making? >> no, there's no known evidence, that's an important point to make. more than that, a senior u.s. official told our own pete williams that he and others who are in a position to know have no idea what trump was talking about. and that trump did not consult with law enforcement officials who may know about something like this before he made this allegation. that said, we should be careful because the way trump phrased it was in a cartoon manner. the president of the united states wouldn't order such a wiretap. if there was a national security warrant, it would take place in a different way. our source didn't explicitly deny that. the problem is it's a highly classified matter they can neither confirm nor deny. we should be careful. we can't completely rule it out but it's looking pretty dubious at this point.
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>> talk about the checks and balances here, if the president, let's just say according to what president obama is saying, president obama wanted to do that, would he do that through the fisa court? seems like that's not possible, could he do it through other means, through the fbi? >> it wouldn't be the president. i spoke to somebody today about how this works. it's the fbi, would go through the justice department to in the case of a national security investigation, go to the fisa court. they have to show probable cause to believe that a person at trump tower was an agent of a foreign power breaking u.s. law. that's a pretty high standard. in a criminal case, it would be probable cause to believe a crime had been committed. and so we just don't know of any evidence that that's happened in either of these cases and just have to -- the other interesting thing is trump said he learned -- he didn't say he read, or had been told, he said he learned which made me at first think he'd been briefed on it but doesn't seem to be the case. >> beth, to you on this, as we listen to what ken is telling us, if there is no evidence, it,
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why is he doing this? another diversionary tactic to take us away from are russia? >> brings us right back to russia, that's the strange thing. if he wanted to divert attention from the ongoing controversy around russia and general sessions, recusing himself from the investigation, he could have done what his advisers said he was going to do this weekend and go down to florida and play a round of golf, have meetings and change the subject. he's brought everything back to russia basically suggesting as ken said, there could be a deeper investigation going on into whether trump or any of his associates were corresponding or communicating with russia and that would have merited this wiretap. now, yes, it is diversionary in that he is blaming president obama personally, which is a great way for him to rile up his base, suggest that everything that's going on with this russia investigation is politically motivated and not motivated through the legal structure which we know is actually what's going on. we know that the fbi, or we've
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been led to believe that the fbi and federal officials are looking purely as a law enforcement exercise, not a political witch hunt, which is what the trump operation wants us to believe. and certainly accusing president obama this way in a tweet is going to put it right back on to political grounds. >> and it has so far, at least in the last 12 or 24 hours. beth, i know you're going to be with us next hour. thanks for being here. ken as well for breaking it down for us in terms after what we know. i want to get to a statement released as part of all this. beth was talking about sessions, the attorney general, the questions around that. russia as well as the other cabinet connections that are in question right now. we're just getting this in here to msnbc. we understand that having dinner with president trump at mar-a-lago today and we are understanding that the attorney general will be there to have dinner as well as the secretary of commerce, wilbur ross and mrs. ross, attorney generals
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sessions just described. john kelly we're getting in this note, steven miller, don mcgahn and steve bannon. jeff sessions is going to be here, after hearing president trump wasn't so happy, didn't want so many staff necessarily being with him at mar-a-lag ox right n right now. i'm not happy you recused yourself, mr. attorney general? >> most the people you listed who are going to be at the dinner, steve bannon, stephen miller are the brain trust. we know from donald trump he's publicly seemed to chastise jeff sessions for what we now know, didn't disclose the fact he communicated with the russian ambassador in his hearing. donald trump said he should have answered a little differently. he did sort of throw his guy under the bus. this is perhaps a way to recalibrate, figure out what to do next. >> if you're sitting close enough, who knows where they'll
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be sitting when they're shaving the dinner. >> that would be great, in mar-a-lago, people can hear a lot of things. >> beth, we'll be talking to you in a couple hours. joining us now, congressman ted lieu of california. thanks for being with us. want to get to this note we received here, that's attorney general jeff sessions will be in mar-a-lago, will be in florida, will be sitting down, if you will, the trump administration brain trust here. all this swirling around what's going to be happening on monday, as you're very aware, he will be resubmitting some of these testimony on monday. we don't know what those words will be. what he will say. what he will be correcting. but this after -- we got that announcement last night. this after a flurry of fst around his connections and inability to put "a" and "b" together during the week about russia. what's your response to this latest development about the meeting in florida, if at all, here? >> thank you, richard, for that question.
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i hope attorney general sessions has a nice dinner because lying before congress under oath qualifies to be sent to prison. what attorney general sessions did was he lied under oath which violated 18 usc 1001. we need to have a special prosecute eor investigate and s if he should be indicted. >> just adding more information as we get it in here to msnbc for you, representative, we understand there will be a separate meeting, at least this just put on the schedule for the president, with the attorney general as well as the head of dhs. 6:30 for about an hour. then 7:30 they'll sit down and break bread thereafter. okay, you just stated what you would like to see, what you would like to hear from jeff sessions. the question, is there enough energy here? there certainly has been a call from your side of the aisle here at the attorney general revisit in person and actually be asked questions again that he may be able to offer some new details on not likely, though, do you think? >> attorney general sessions
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cannot take back what he said. he specifically said that he did not have communications with the russians. we now know that was false. and not only did he not have the honesty to tell the truth, his meeting with the russian ambassad ambassador, they talked about ukraine. that was enormously important to a trump campaign. they did all sorts of things to side with russia on ukraine. both last year, as well as this year. this is highly relevant information. attorney general sessions needs to resign. >> part of this -- the recusal versus resignation, there are many calls from your side of the aisle for resignation. folks watching this not seeing the amount of evidence as of yet who might be a little bit more down the middle. the attorney general is saying here that he was responding to a question, and i'm going back again to his testimony, about whether meetings were had in his capacity as a trump campaign surrogate, not his capacity as a senator. is that acceptable? is that reasonable for you?
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>> absolutely not because his declarative statement was he did not have any communications with the russians. not only did he have it in his capacity as a senator, but also met with the russians using campaign funds of his own at the rnc convention. so he was caught red handed either way. that's why he needs to resign. i'm on the house judiciary committee. we have oversight over the partment of justice and congress cannot conduct effective oversight if executive bran officials are going to lie to congress. that's why there's an entire law, not just on perjury, but on executive branch officials saying you cannot lie under oath to congress. >> it has not been established it is a lie, that he has perjured himself as of yet to make the point and clarify here. congressman, on that point, though, president trump as you were probably watching points to senator chuck schumer, leader nancy pelosi, their meetings with russian officials. inability to state clearly exactly that they did have this,
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in fact, misstating. does this, in effect, show that sessions is -- in his response, that he may have misstated something? is that reasonable? does it make it reasonable? because two on your aisle have done the same. >> if the russians launch a massive cyber attack to help nancy pelo nancy pelosi or chuck schumer become president, absolutely that would be a problem. the whole reason this is a problem is because the russians interfered with our election to elect donald trump as president and that's why the tweet by donald trump this morning was such an explosive charge where he said that trump tower was wiret wiretapped. that means a federal judge looked at evidence and believed there was probable cause and agent of a foreign power was involved. that means we need a special prosecutor right now to investigate these charges. >> and you're alluding to a fisa court there in your statements. congressman ted lieu. and as we were talking about earlier with ken dilanian, we're not sure how that request was or may have been made based on the accusation unfounded by
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president trump as of yet. congressman ted lieu, we cover a lot of stuff in a short amount of time. democrat from california, thanks for stopping by. >> thank you, richard. president trump made an unfounded whirlwind of an accusation to a former president, of a former president. his supporters have taken to the streets today. all across the country. in denver, a torrent of chants from both trump supporters and opponents facing off outside the state capitol happened there. then in new york city, trump supporters gathered in front of trump tower. that's where nbc's morgan radford has been. morgan, what's the message, what are the signs that they were hold, if any? what do they want people to hear here? >> reporter: they were chanting things like "don't tap me obama" and "we are the real patriots." the message of today, it's not time to fight, instead it's time to unite behind the president. in fact, i want to introduce you to edward who's here, came all the way from new jersey and in fact, you used to be a democrat. so what is it about the president's values that brought you out here in this freezing
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cold today all the way to new york? >> well, our president, my president, our president, your president, donald trump, is bringing us back to the foundation of what made this country great. he's making america great again and he doesn't mean it in terms of hopping in a time machine and going back. >> reporter: what does he mean? >> he means restoring the foundation of what this country is about. i am a former democrat as you said. i was with the democratic party for 23 years. actually worked as a lobbyist for a while. >> reporter: why now? what about president trump is attracting you? >> i have watched the democratic party go over the cliff into the radical left. i believe they've become fundamentally anti-american, anti-constitution. donald trump, donald trump was the first one, the first one, the republicans couldn't do it, he had the courage to stand up to the tyranny of political correctness. >> reporter: and it's that, as you describe, courage, that is what's bringing you out here today. what we saw, richard, bring so many other people out here, saw a couple hundred people come out today. we can hear people now chanting
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"usa, usa." richard? >> this despite being a very, very chilly day out there on the streets, those supporters on the streets. morgan radford, thank you so much, covering those rallies for donald trump. much more on the investigation into russia on the other side of the break. where we go from here is the big question. and the likelihood of a special prosecutor. we'll dig into that. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can.
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thanks for staying with us. lots of breaking news this hour. attorney general, we'll start with this first, jeff sessions his recusal this week highlights the oud that sll hangs over the trump team and their contacts are russian officials. here's what we know right now. as mentioned, sessions, michael flynn, jared kushner, carter page, j.d. gordon, all meeting with the russian ambassador prior to the inauguration.
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the white house saying the meeting with kushner was brief, introductory in nature and requested by the russians. we also know michael flynn once delivered a paid speech in moscow at a dinner celebrating a state-owned russian news outlet. former campaign manager paul manafort was a paid adviser to a pro-russian ukrainian president and secretary of state rex tillerson previously led energy giant, exxonmobil, which has a longstanding business relationship with russia and of course other countries and the world. russia's attempts to interfere in the 2016 election and the investigation that has spurred is the context through which we look at these very ties. fbi is currently conducting its own investigation. along with the house and senate intelligence committees. a senate judiciary subcommittee. and the house oversight committee. but there are other options as well to all of that. like a select congressional committee. or appointing a special prosecutor. so which of all of these might yield the most information and which might happen? joining me now to discuss this is azi, senior reporter with
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"politico new york" and matt wel welsh, editor at large of "reason" magazine. i want to get to what we just learned at the top of the hour, why we have breaking news right now, they changed the president's schedule. originally it was not going to be the five or six individuals at 7:30 meeting. most importantly, attorney general jeff sessions. also jeff sessions along with the head of dhs now on the schedule at 6:30. that was also just recently changed. amongst this cloud in the lead-up that i was just describing of the russian connection question here, math, what do you make of this change in schedule we just got in within the last 30 minutes? >> by all accounts donald trump was furious on friday. giving his staff the what for about jeff sessions' recusal. donald trump said to sean spicer, to reason to recuse, hours later he recused himself. he seemed to be kind on upset about that. i presume his discussion with jeff sessions tonight is going to be about the terms and the
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sort of -- the timeline of that decision and who was informed of it when. because he does seem to be put out about that. >> and one wonders, is this the first time they're having this serious sit-down about -- i said no recusal, you said i'm going to recuse myself. >> it's very clear that donald trump's priority is his image and he feels he is the best communicator of his own message. that's why he went out and berated reporters about sean spicer, like, failed to do so adequately. this is sort of donald trump saying what's the message, what are we supposed to be saying, let me tell you. >> the recusal versus resignation, is that pretty much predetermined? are we there now, it's going to be recusal and we're done? >> it seems that way. there's the recusal and it seems like donald trump wants his team to solidify, hold their ground and not give in this accusation. remember, when you get incoming fire, donald trump's response is to return it in more. >> yeah. part of that which we'll get to shortly has been the tweets so far today. matt, recusal over resignation.
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lawmakers have said we want rez resignation mostly from the left. >> from the left. democrats want s have to work who's peelable in their opposition, what does lindsey graham, bens sasse worried abo this russia thing, skeptical about trump's ties to russia, they're not convince bl on resignation. >> let's talk about the process moving forward. we have the subcommittees, the committees moving forward, intel committee, looking into this in their process. assuming those don't work, we brought up a couple of options here, there is the potential of a select congressional committee. what -- how effective do you think that might be? >> everything right now in the congress is controlled by republicans. so there is a segment of democrats, probably a large segment, and activists that are not going to accept anything that comes out of the house if that's directly controlled by republicans. you're going to have democrats saying this is unfair, going to have democrats putting forward proposals that get shot down by
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these committees and subcommittees. >> yeah. >> if it's controlled and seen as a partisan nature, one hand washington cleaning the other hand, you're going to have democrats using the word, russia, as a, you know, sort of like a pin yacata to keep hitti donald trump until there's a joint con ssensus of a special prosecutor. >> hugh hewitt, msnbc contributor, nbc contributor, as well as conserve ative colu columnist -- said a special prosecutor is probably what's next. >> you have to change the last 17 years of american political life to get a special prosecutor going. we haven't had one since kenneth starr effectieffectively, 1999 the statute lapsed. i think the select committee is the obvious thing to happen next. that usually has much more subpoena powers. usually has more of a bipartisan impr impromteur.
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has to be a new revelation except that weirdo trump associates are dissembling strangely about minor meetings with the russian ambassador that look weird. there would have to be more of, no, this person characterizes -- jeff sessions, if he is mischaracterizing a meeting that there is a tape of that we haven't heard of and that's going to come out, we're going to start getting something. there needs to be more meat for republicans to get excited about here. >> so if we move forward then in this conversation, we see based on what both of you is said is the white house besieged based on what has happened with the russian connection question, and then jeff sessions recusing himself, he's upset, not happy. is this why we're getting this flurry of tweets from president trump this morning, again, he's done this before. trying to redirect the narrative, what we might be talking about, quote/unquote, in the press here, and accusing the former president of wiretapping where he lives. >> that -- it's been an amazing morning.
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including copy editors worldwide trying to read his tweets. i presume -- he went into office calling the cia nazis. this is a pretty weird thing to go to the intelligence committee to begin with. the drip of leaks is originating from the intelligence community more than elected officials or anything like that. this i believe is in advance of whatever shoe drops next from the intelligence committee. that's where the most damning of leaks have been and they've all been there along the russian connection. i thing he's trying to preemptively discredit whatever information comes out next through intelligence leaks as laundered through the fake media. >> talking about the -- quote/unquote fake media. talking about shoes dropping. we have the reveal, at least in the last hour, of a change in the schedule for president trump, and president trump will now be having a meal with more people, most notably here was the attorney general joining him. we're just getting another note just this moment here, two senior administration sources confirming that that revised
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immigration order, some calling it an immigration ban, some calling it travel ban, some calling it muslim ban, it's expected to be signed on monday. had been delayed repeatedly. potentially because of the reports that came out from the dhs. chel maddow getting a copy of that very key report that was basically from the think tank of the dhs. we also have the other dhs report. again, these reports in essence saying the travel ban and its stated objective doesn't make sense based on dhs' own research. now we're hearing monday we're going to get this here, azi, and this might be why 6:30 p.m. we're going to see the attorney general sitting down with john kelly and the president for an hour. >> right. because the first attempt to do this failed miserably, got tied up in court, got shot down. so trump needs to sort of show that he put in more thought, more intelligence into putting this forward. now, it's unclear what it says.
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we're going to find out on monday. this is going to be the subject of legal fights but also give democrats and activists another area to focus on. remember, when there was that pullback -- >> yeah. >> -- there seemed to be this lull in this kind of travel ban, there wasn't as much for people to get excited about, thank god, this, like, russia story came forward and people had this attention to sort of go forward to. if donald trump is going to be playing defense on the russia narrative, now he's going to be moving forward on his travel ban, he's giving people very clear and particular areas to sort of focus on if they are looking to sort of pick apart his agenda. >> picking apart his agenda may be easier for critics at least, depending on the structure of this new executive order. this eo here, matt, because with those leaked reports from the department of homeland security, how will he structure this new eo? can he still say these countries, again, what rachel maddow got ahold of, says it doesn't happen from folks that come from the countries that you've outlined or any countries, it comes from those
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who are born and are cultivated here. not associated with what he says his objective is, as well as the eo, itself. >> i would be shocked in the few eo is reflective in any way with the department of homeland security analysis. >> of the two? >> yeah. the only way that it was rewritten in that i would presume it to be rewritten is on legal grounds to make sure they didn't make the terrible mistake of targeting green card holders to begin with which just completely enflamed millions of americans who got in line the right way that they were supposed to and then had their lives disrupted. so they're going to write it to make sure it doesn't look like that. the prident has a lot of constitution l l constitutional leeway to make immigration policy here. it wouldn't be too hard to write this in such a way, yes, it will inflame democratic opposition but, yes, also pass legal muster. >> pass legal muster but have a, at least so far, look at the ninth circuit, azi, a very
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active judiciary. they're following this. >> this is going to be tied up in the courts for quite a while. the president is likely to come out victorious on this but democrats are going to challenge this immediately once it comes out, no doubt about that. >> okay. thank you, both. hearty conversation. azi, thanks for being here, matt as well. again, if you're just joining us, getting the word in here within the last ten minutes according to two senior administration officials and sources, they're confirming here that that revised immigration order, what has been called a travel ban, muslim ban by those who are critical of it, it's expected to be signed on monday. this after many delays, again, on the revised travel ban/immigration ban that we've been reporting on for the last week or two and we're just getting that in within the last five minutes. also just getting in here to msnbc, that attorney general jeff sessions will be meeting
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along with the head of the department of homeland security, john kelly, with the president at 6:30 p.m. today, potentially discussing this very topic and an important issue here, how do they roll it out successfully? this after their first major policy move from this administration was held up in the courts and will be rescinded as has been said from the administration. we'll have more on all of this right here on msnbc. stay with us. we're going to it tatake a shor break. more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies. new flonase sensimist. ♪ usaa gives me the and the security just like the marines did. the process through usaa is so effortless,
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hi, richard lui in new york city. we've within comping a lot of breaking news in the first 30 minutes of the half her. to review, president trump expected now to sign a revised executive order on monday related to immigration. that travel ban that was going to be revised, if you will. this after some repeated delays. it comes about a month after an appeals court struck down that original ban. we're going to follow that. we're getting more details as
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the hour progresses and of course will be covering that in the next 30 minutes. stay with us on that just in case queue were just joining us here on msnbc. for months, the president, his campaign, and his administration denied it had any ties to russia. >> i have nothing to do with russia, to the best of my knowledge, no person that i deal with. >> did any adviser or anybody in the trump campaign have any contact with the russians who were trying to meddle in the election? >> of course not. >> can you say with 100% confidence mr. trump or anybody in his campaign had no conversations with anybody in russia during the campaign? >> no. i mean, i'm just telling you, i -- it's all phony baloney garbage. >> we won't quote him yet on that. but every day, new details do emerge about the trump team's connection to russian officials and business interests. a complicated web, as you see here, that has grown to include at least ten of trump's current and former advisers. timothy fry is a professor of
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post-soviet foreign policy at columbia university and former director at the harriman institute. i was looking at the "washington post," drawing lines on a big circle of russian government, russian businesses then the ambassador from russia to the united states. and they had almost a dozen known connections to the trump team. they also had almost half a dozen suspected links to these three russian groups that i just mentioned. i'm talking about a dozen and a half different lines. we want to show how complex this is. uncommon, in your research? >> it's very common for u.s. government officials to reach out to foreign diplomats. the sense to which the trump administration has done that on russia is really remarkable and not the extent of it, it's also the timing of some of these meetings which seem to happen right before there are, for example, changes in the plats form at the republican national
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convention and also jeff sessions met with kislyak right after -- >> ambassador kislyak. >> -- mr. clapper declared for the first time they thought the russians were behind the hacking. so why you would want to meet with the ambassador in september, the day after the director of national intelligence, went public with accusations that russia was involved in the hacking is really a very odd question, then of course, not to reveal that when you appear before the senate. >> give me the headline on the ambassador from russia to the united states. ambassador kislyak. >> so ithe's a diplomat's diplomat. like most russian diplomats he's worked iz way up through the ministry of foreign affairs. lot of experience with the u.s. he was actually a high diplomatic official in the soviet period in washington. he was also an ambassador to nato and this is his second tour in washington. >> man about town certainly, at least based on the headlines here. >> yeah, he's known for being a
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very gregarious, very friendly guy bualsoery firm and he can turn on a dime and he's very dogged about dding russian interests. it's also, though, probably important to point out that the ministry of foreign affairs in russia is held in about the same esteem right now it terms of policymaking as the state department is in the trump administration. you know, kislyak is not part of putin's inner circle despite being a longtime ambassador. >> what concern might a watcher have? you're one of those that watches russia. >> well, i mean, ambassador kislyak's job is to meet people, to gather information and to weigh people's personal characteristics and to see who can be trusted and who cannot. i'd be interested to find out whether or not there are any transcripts from the wiretaps. that would seem to me to be the only thing that could really move the needle to the point there might be a special prosecutor involved because, you know, can easily be argued that these kinds of meetings are just politics and they happen all the time. >> and, again, unknown if there
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are wiretaps. >> yeah, i don't know. >> that you're alluding to here. >> could all be innocent, but the fact there's been such an effort to not be forthcoming about them is what really gives mem pau people pause. >> timothy frye. professor at columbia university. thank you very much. >> thank you, my pleasure. >> you bet. 1,043 days and we're still counting. that's how long it's been since residents of flint, michigan, have had clean tap water to drink. despite opposition from flint's mayor, michigan has ended water subsidies. residents will now have to resume paying the full price for contaminated water that requires filtering. this despite flint telling the epa they need at least two more years to begin treating their own water. joining me now, melissa may, longtime flint resident, founder of the grassroots organization, water you fighting for. great to see you again here. you and i have touched base throughout recent months and unfortunately you and i are hoping it didn't have to be about this topic and i think you
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agree with that, melissa. >> absolutely. >> tell me first of all what does the cessation of state subsidies here mean for you and your family day to day? >> well, we are still paying the highest rates in the united states for water we can't use safely. the filters have been proven to actually grow bacteria and i'm coming off of week six of respiratory infections and double ear infections that my doctor feels is caused by the bacteria we found in my shower water so it's ridiculous we're going to have to pay $200 to $300 a month for water we can not use safely. we still can't do laundry in our house because the water smells so terrible and tears up our clothing. we're paying $160 a month to drive out of town to go to a laundromat. the only thing we use our water for is basically quick showers and flushing the toilet. >> how much is the subsidy -- >> we had to pay $300 for that. >> how much was it, the subsidy? >> the subsidy was 65%. and, again, which we thought was unfair to begin with because, you know, our water is 100%
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poisoned but they're like, okay, we'll give you 65% on your bills because you can still flush your toilet even though flushing the toilet completely ruins your pipes >> how did they explain this to you, how did they let you know about this? did you get a letter? >> no. no. that's the thing is we found out through the media. our mayor found out through the media. she didn't even though. they didn't give her noti notificati notification. so, again, they're like in two weeks we're going to cut off these credits because we think everyone is fine. we think the water's fine. again, using the faulty testing and information that none of us in flint agree with because we have to live here. of course, people out of lansing are saying, you know what, we've already done enough. if you look at the numbers from the auditor report, they were supposed to pay $2 million toward credit and it's $814,000. it's not even like they ran out of money. they said, you know what, enough is enough giving you these credits. >> i bet you you got something to say. because you have already here. flint's mayor, as you know, and governor rick snyder, they're going to be at a water infrastructure conference to talk about this very stuff in flint. are you going to be going?
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if you are, what do you want them to say? and if you're not, what do you still want them to say? >> well, for the first part, it costs $40 per person to go to this summit in flint about flint where our governor who still has not addressed the public, to talk about flint, to talk about how great things are and what a miracle things are because they're trying to say that oh, the 90th percentile is 12 parts per billion. that's still poison. they're not talking about the bacter bacteria. now i have to pay $40 to hear our governor lie about the quality of our water and brag about what a great job he did. that's ridiculous. yeah, i'm probably going to go and i doubt i will be getting my questions answered but sit there with a sign, say what about the bacteria, what about the 200 people that have died from bacterial pneumonia? talk about them. >> put on your mother hat, melissa. you got three kids. you always tell me every time we talk how they're doing. what are they saying to you about this water issue? what are they saying to you that you remember? >> my sons have to go back in
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for physical therapy. it's painful. they're not growing right. their growth plates have hardened because of the lead. they want to know why this keeps happening, why the politicians keep lying when they know, my boys know the water is not safe, burns when we take a shower, hurts to breathe. these people are saying everything is fine. my kids say, why do they lie to us? why are they still lying, mom in why do we have to set this money aside to pay for the stuff that's hurting us? >> what are their names? >> it's horrific. i mean, it's sad -- >> i'm sorry, what are your sons' names -- >> have this, like, life, this wonderful little life and they're angry. and they're sick and all their life is filled with this needles and blood tests and, you know, time out of school and they're sick. and they just want to know how these people can lie about how great things are and don't even live here. >> melissa mays, thank you so much. we're going to, of course, stay with you on this as things go forward. as always, the best of luck to you and your family and your three sons. >> thank you so much. >> all righty. it was supposed to raise
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millions of dollars for philadelphia schools and create hundreds of new jobs along the way. but now critics of the city's new tax on sodas say -- pop, depending where you're from -- say the fee could actually be a job killer. we'll explain after the break. and stephanie gosk will be with you next hour. she'll be joined by one of the members of congress calling on attorney general jeff sessions to resign. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one.
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tax just is not worth it. joining me now, "philadelphia inquirer reporter" julia caruso. thanks for being with us. >> thank you, richard. >> julia, we reached out to pepsi for a statement about the layoffs as we were preparing and says "this isn't something we take lightly or want to do. we're committed to working with our employees and the union to treat impacted individuals with the care and dignity they deserve." that's a response to the story so far. do you think these job losses will turn public opinion around here against the soda tax? >> you know, it's a good question, and i think it's sting that the industry is in part hoping will happen that people will see the impact it's having on people who worked for their company for 40 years. it's not really a question of public opinion at this point, though. i mean, the tax was passed this past summer. it went into effect in january. the question is will it survive
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a court challenge and will there be copycat taxes which is part of what the industry is very concerned about. >> yeah, industry and other industries worried about the results. the soda tax has slashed sales by 30% to 50%. depending on what we're looking at. when you look at this, are more companies going to follow pepsi's example in philadelphia here? >> it's hard to say. i talked to a shop rite owner in philadelphia, he has six stores in the city, and he said he anticipates having do some layoffs. he said he's already had to cut hours. the mayor has responded that, you know, he thinks some of this is fear mongering for some of the reasons, you know, we were just discussing. but it's not sounding good in terms of what supermarkets and other distribution plants are reporting in terms of the losses. >> yeah. >> because the 1.5 cent per ounce does kind of add up if you're buying in larger qualities -- quantities, excuse
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me. so restaurants aren't seeing an impact as large, for example, because it's a smaller part of their business, but -- >> right. >> -- distributions plants like pepsi say trucks are coming back full. >> the soda tax, at least from what we're hearing right now, early numbers, nearly $6 million raised in its first month. double the amount that they had predicted. does the mayor here have a point when he says that the revenue is needed to help struggling schools? because the numbers look pretty good here. >> well, the city expected a decrease in consumption when they planned for what they needed. and this money would all go to prekindergarten. city-funded pre-k program that would expand what existed right now and they're pointing to early enrollment numbers that show families who are living at or below the poverty line, they're pointing to the jobs that the program has created, itself, to say, you know, yeah, there's going to be some give and take here, but this is a
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program worth funding. >> all right. thank you so much, julia terruso from "the philadelphia inquirer." thanks for spending your time with us. we're following breaking news also this hour on msnbc, we have learned president trump is ex. e pe expected to sign a revised executive order on immigration. that's going to happen on monday. we got that in within the last 30 minutes. this would come a month after a federal appeals court struck down the original order. what took so long, many have been asked? one leaked memo from the department of homeland security may shine some light on that. without a scratch. maybe it was the day your baby came home. or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. every subaru is built to earn your trust. because we know what you're trusting us with. subaru. kelley blue book's most trusted brand. and best overall brand. love.
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>> we're following breaking news this hour here on msnbc. two senior trump administration officials telling nbc news a new immigration executive order will be signed on monday. we learned that in the last 30 minutes. a leaked memo from the department of homeland security exclusively obtained by the rachel maddow show seems to point to another reason.
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in it the republicans cut the president's claim that it's a matter of an -- we assess that most foreign-born likely radicalized several years after their entry into the united states. that was just part of it. lola is a huffington post contributor and mustafa is a former department of homeland security consultant. thank you both for being here. let's start with you on this, lola. we are now hearing monday is the day. >> i think it's been obvious from the gbeginning, and that's why the original order got into problems is that the case for national security just isn't there on the basis of which the white house has presented it, and it will be interesting to see if they will be able to get this one through. i think the reason why it's taken a bit more time is because they've actually been trying to get around those legal issues, but the reality is, you know, if people are not being radicalized
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before they get to the u.s., then you can't say that we're going to stop people coming in because they're coming in radicalized. it doesn't make sense. >> mustafa, what do you think? >> well, it's the same thing. the other thing is i think we're getting pushback within the administration. this memo, it wasn't just leaked. the memo was dated march 1. general kelly, who is now secretary kelly, has been in the offi office. >> is your thought that it will not address what is revealed in this dhs memo that rachel maddow got ahold of? >> it's very difficult to understand what the administration is coming from. they back into it trying to create a national security issue. this memo was done by the department of homeland security intelligence and analysis office, but it was with the state department, vcp, national
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counterterrorism center. there is consensus amongst the intelligence agencies that this is the wrong step, and the president just doesn't want to hear from them. >> okay. when you look at this, lola, there is the other dhs memo as well that said these seven countries have been outlined essentially zero. >> yeah. i mean, the issue is ihink what they said is correct, there's a politicaldeology here that the administration is sort of tacking their policies on to. that's why they're finding it difficult when they come against the reality is that there isn't really a basis because it's an idealogical issue. it's to actually say illegal immigrants, you know, terrorists and foreign-born people, we don't want them in our country, which according to some of the statistics is high up on the value system of trump supporters. i think he is trying to appeal to his base. >> talk about that reality because based on the timing, we
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have that very important report that came out on friday. they're getting word that they're still going through on monday. what do you think about the way they're thinking in the administration? >> well, the administration, you know, sometimes you wonder are they moving policy out to change the subject from something else that's happening? are they moving policy out just to satisfy their base? are they just completely inept at doing this? there's a whole range of things that we all can ponder upon, but the hard part of this is that this is putting our nation at risk. general mcmaster, who is a new national security advisor, a brilliant strategyist, he went to the president prior to his speech and said you shouldn't call it radical islamic terrorism. he refused to listen and kept it in his speech. >> thank you both for stopping by. we had a lot to cover there in a short amount of time. thank you both. have a great saturday. >> thank you. that's all from me this hour. i'll be back with you at 5:00
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p.m. eastern time. stephanie gosk picks up our coverage on the other side of the break. she'll have much more on both breaking news stories that we've been following news that jeff sessions will meet with president trump tonight in mar-a-lago. the president is expected to sign a new executive order.
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hello. i'm stephanie gosk at msnbc headquarters in new york. we start with president trump. his white house under fire for alleged ties to russia. now the president is lobbing explosive accusations of his own. he accused president obama of wiretapping trump tower during the presidential campaign, calling it "watergate and mccarthyism." a senior u.s. official tells nbc news he and others have no idea what the president is talking about. nbc news has found zero evidence of the president's clai
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