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tv   Lockup Cincinnati Extended Stay  MSNBC  March 11, 2017 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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just pulled that out of there. >> a jail shakedown recovers a huge stash of contraband. >> this might be a first more me. >> me and my boyfriend were out one night and whatever he did is what landed us in here. >> a young couple is charged where robbery and murder. >> i know what i did and did not do. and i kid not kill anybody. >> as judgment day approaches, one of their lives might depend
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on the choices of another. >> i have to choose my codefendant or i have to choose my son. >> this city might as well be called snitch-nati, that's basically what's going on. a whole lot of snitching. >> check mate. ♪ >> located on the banks of the ohio river, cincinnati has been called the queen city. and while its skyline might shine like a crown, it has recently been tarnished by a disturbing development. after a brief drop the homicide rate in cincinnati is now back to about five times the national average. the whole region has felt the impact.
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especially the city's jail t hamilton county justice center. >> the population has gotten a lot more dangerous. we are holding on to the worst of the worst. gun violence in cincinnati is a problem. it is a big problem. the number of people that are incarcerated in here have shown violence in some way shape or form. >> most of the 1300 men in the jail are only charged with crimes and awaiting trial or the resolution of their cases. male inmates charged with murder are held in four separate units known as murder pods. it is possible some of these inmates will never be on the streets of cincinnati again. but david bell has found a way to bring a little bit of the streets to them. >> this is right here is the cincinnati version of monopoly. >> it's actually the street version. there is some drugs, some drug sales going on.
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>> knees the chance cards. breaking news. drive by reported. don't know how many got hid. each one of them came up off 2,000 dollars. police on your as, go go go. collect 500. >> bell has been in jail for three years. awaiting charges for attempted murder, aggravated robbery and aggravated burglary to which he has pled not guilty. >> there's only one get out of jail free card and that's snitching. this really. this ain't a game. this is the only one get out of jail free card. you got to be able to tell them something. ♪ terrorist life is my motto. it is what i live by. every day i wake up i do what i want to do. i live how i want. i cherish by my definition. my eyes closed permanently i
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want everybody know i got the terrorist life. it's my first member and last message. cherish life. >> and now bell's life is on the line. he faces the possibility of a death penalty for two separate robbery screams he carried out with his female partner three years earlier. the last ended up with one dead and another wounded. >> she gone. thank you. >> after years of legal delays bell's trial so set to begin in ha new weeks. >> i feel good. at the end of the the day i know what i did and did not do. and i did not kill anybody. i did not shoot anybody. and i'm leaving it in the hands of the jurors. >> bell says even if those jurors choose the death penalty,
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he is not concerned. >> the street life is a death penalty. it is only a matter of time if you make the wrong move or anything can go wrong. so it is no different for real. it is no different. >> check mate. no you knocked over your king. you surrendered. yeah. that's check mate right there. >> 21 year annishia smith was arrested with bell the night of the killing and charged with murder, attempted murder, two counts of aggravated robbery and burglary, their cases were separated early on. and she is housed in the women's section of the jail and pled not guilty to all charges. >> me and by boyfriend we were out one night and he just made a stop and whatever he did is what he did. and that landed us in here. for the three years that i've
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been here, i seen a lot of people come and go. and usually it is the same faces, same people over and over. and sometimes i get upset because i'm wondering like why can't i get a second chance. i had a good childhood. as long as your grades were good in school they gave us whatever we asked for. i didn't drink, smoking or nothing like that. i did stuff like bowling, movies, travel with my family. >> she met david bell at the bowling alley just days after he had been released from prison for a bank robbery position. >> i'm always attracted to the person that stands out the most. and he was the most popular person at the party. everyone knew who he was and everybody was like all over him. >> and your guys were together for how long? >> about six months. >> did he have a lot of money? >> he did have a lot of money. >> did you ever question where that money was coming from?
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>> i knew. i knew where his money was coming from. i knew what he was doing to get it. but i didn't think it would effect me. so i didn't care. i mean there were red flags and warning bells ringing they chose to ignore. but it's like the forbidden fruit. you pick it and you eat it anyway. >> prosecutors say bell and smith work together on two separate robberies. both times letting smith set up a fake date with a man so a this bell could rob him. the first was robbed of a handgun, which bell allegedly used in the second robbery to murder one man and wound another. bell says he wasn't the shooter and refuses to say who was. however he does admit to the robberies. >> it was that greed for something i didn't even need. but the greed got in the way. >> smith won't say much about the night of the murder. but is says she was in the car when it happened. >> i was waiting for him to come out.
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but he didn't. so the police end upcoming instead. >> both bell and smith were arrested trying to flee the scene. and the alleged murder weapon was found nearby. >> when i first this case i scratched my name and david bell's name into a desk in the first cell that i was in when i was an intake. >> smith says she and bell wrote letters for the first year in jail. >> i was communicating with him at first. but then when i came to my senses and thought about everything, when everything hit me, that's when i stopped. >> smith says she stopped in part because she felt like bell was trying to urge her not to testify against him. >> he told me several times not to say something or told me what to say. but i did my best to refrain from discussing the case. because whatever i'm would say probably could come back to haunt me later on. >> bell says he now expects smith will take a deal and
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testify against him. but that it won't be a complete story. >> she trying to paint herself as innocent like she didn't know what was going on and everything. she lying. >> bell says not only did smith know about the robbery, she played a big part in pulling them off. >> you would have never seen her coming. she was 18, about to graduate. she came off as innocent. that's easiest way to get robbed. through a female. you might think like you just about to kick it with a girl. you know, chill, probably get some. and you don't know like it's a dude in the closet waiting on you. you would never see it coming. it could happen to anybody. >> coming up a rookie deputy makes one of the largest contraband busts the jail has ever seen. >> honestly i don't know how he got this much contraband in here. >> and later -- >> when i realized how severe this was, it's like our whole
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life stopped. >> -- annishia smith gets a look at the life she's missing.
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the hamilton county justice center in cincinnati has been seeing some new faces lately. but they belong to those applying handcuffs, not wearing them. the jail recently ended a hiring freeze put in place due to economic concerns. but attracting qualified men and women can be challenging. >> unfortunately boys and girls don't grow up saying i want to be a corrections officer. everybody wants to be a police officer. and so did i, you know. but once you get into the environment and you gain a certain expertise and you understand that this environment takes skill, courage and everything that it takes to be out on the street and more, a lot of them find out that they
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have actually found their niche here in the jail. >> one of the jail's newest officers is deputy burke. who is only 8 months into the job. >> i'm the rookie. i know it. they know it. they know old facts and know when if new people come in. i get called the rookie every day but it doesn't bother me. >> clark you need is have your shirt on. your shirt. your uniform. >> i don't come here to make the inmates stay miserable. i come here to do my job and go home. and if they mess up i'm going to look for it. and i'm going to see if i can catch them. >> while paroling the murder pods burke think he's done just that. >> smelled some spoke in b pod. >> after he smelled smoke he pulled two inmates out. >> inmate bell and kirkendal
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were walking through satellite port i noticed inmate bell messing with something in his pants. i particularly kept an eye on that and as we kept walking i noticed a small baggy of tobacco product and rolling papers had fallen out of his leg. right now i'm just looking for any kind of evidence of more tobacco or anything. any kind of contraband. just check here and make sure there is nothing. >> where are some of the places they hide this? >> i found a couple different spots. but like i just pulled that out of there. and they just had that stuffed in there. so -- and that right there, no idea how they got that much stuff, but.
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now i'm just looking for the light. i mean that is a pretty substantial amount. one cigarette in here is worth probably between 5 and $10 in commissary value. honestly i don't know how he got this much contraband in here. take him down, do a strip search. found this inside of here. >> look at you, man. >> i looked for the lighter. i thought about just ripping the mattress and see if we could find it. >> it's already ripped anyway. >> yeah. >> right there. >> oh.
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>> another bag of tobacco. found another bag. we found another bag of tobacco. >> lebron james of corrections right here. >> oh he blushing too. >> i'm fine. i'm big on lebron james. >> i'm mr. lou burke. that's what's up. >> though it was found in his mattress, bell says he's never seen the tobacco before. >> the magician of the year because he made something pop up in my mat that i didn't even know what i was in my mat. so he like chris angel. >> so you're saying all this tobacco in your mat was not yours. >> i wish i would have known it was in my mat. i swear i wish i would have. i ain't never seen nothing like that.
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and this is the mat that was given to me. i didn't know that was in there. i don't know. it like a conspiracy to me. >> get cells on them. and they're both going to lock-in. interviewed and see if we can find out how they got all this mess in. i'm going take all this to the office with me. let me know when your report is done. and they're both going to lock in. >> do they need to get strip searched? i haven't found the lighter. that's what i'm looking for. >> take them away. to be searched. >> while bell and other inmate are taken away to be searched, sergeant sparks takes the tobacco down to sergeant keaton, the head of the jail's investigative services unit. it will be up to him and his team to determine where the tobacco came from as well as what punishment kirkendal and bell might face.
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>> inside the mattress in the murder pod in one of the mattresses on fifth and one. in the pod. and it's all packaged up really nice. that's a lot. >> i've been here almost 25 years. and i've -- i mean i've seen tobacco. but this might be a first for me. >> looks like -- >> of course the individual whose bedding this was found in will face in house charges. we could possibly have criminal charges. but we don't know yet until the investigation's been completed. >> coming up, as the tobacco investigation proceeds. >> that is about 3, $4,000 right there, man. >> david bell might be bigger problems in court. >> are you going to testify? >> i don't want to try to bring the next person down just to get myself up.
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but at the end of the day you have to do what's best for you.
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most of the inmates in the
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most of the inmates in the hamilton county justice center in cincinnati, ohio come in straight from an arrest on the streets. >> cincinnati. [ expletive ]. >> brown. >> but deandre brown has been temporarily transferred here from state prison. and the transition hasn't been an easy one for him. >> take a man out after system he's been used to doing for years and you just throw him into another system just like all right you're going back to the county jail. this is not easy. this is -- this is horrible. >> brown was convicted of aggravated murder 28 years earlier for his role in beating a man to death and is still serving a 30 years to life sentence in prison. >> i was responsible for taking a life.
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i'm not a murderer. i did some stupid [ expletive ] but i didn't intend to kill nobody. >> brown is at the jail now to go to court due to a crime he committed at age 19. he was convicted of sexual battery. back then there were no laws requiring sex offenders to register. because he is eligible for parole in two years, he was recently informed he must register and has hired a lawyer to fight that ruling. >> i didn't register the first time i got out of prison. the fist time. there was no reason for me to say. there was no laws or whatever budget now there are laws. >> brown says the hardest thing about being back in jail is having a window with a view. being able to look out a window and see freedom so close but knowing you probably not gonna be out there for the next decade or so. sometime -- honestly sometime i wish that window wasn't even there. that makes it harder, looking out a prison window.
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you don't see nothing outside of the prisons's walls. once you get in prison and you get away from that you learn not to worry about it because it's not there and in your face. but once it's like a little kid with candy. they see it and they gonna want it. i see it and i want it. and all that's doing now is making me sad. >> david bell longs to return to his life on the street as well. >> when i look out this window, it is like my mind open up. i can see the world moving around me. i want to go back out there and move with the world. while i'm in here i'm standing still but out there i'm moving with the world. in here it's dead time. out there that's where i'm alive at. >> it's possible bell will never be alive out there again. he's facing the possibility of the death penalty for a murder that occurred during a home
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invasion robbery. his trial begins in days. but first bell has problems to deal with inside the jail. three days earlier deputy burke searched bell's mattress and found one of the largest stashes of tobacco officers ever seen in the jail. >> that is a whole lot. >> the special investigation unit is looking into how the tobacco got into the facility. but in the mean thyme the jail has handed down punishment. kirkendal got five days in the a segregation for being in a cell that wasn't his. david bell got ten days for possession of contraband and five days segregation. during the segregation he will lose all privileges and be confined to a single cell 23 hours a day. >> what's 15 days compared to three years. no matter where you at it's all the same.
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it's just how you do your time. >> bell initially denied the tobacco wasn't his. he now tells a different story. >> yeah it was mine. it was mine. when it come to everybody else i can't really speak on them or who was involved or if it was somebody else involved. but of course some money got to be getting made off of it. because that's a whole lot. >> how much is one rolled cigarette? >> a name brand cigarette probably go anywhere from 5, 6, $7 in here by itself. >> how can you trade in currency when there is no currency in jail? it seems like standard currency ends up being commissary. >> i don't really want to expose the system how it works but people do have money on their books that can be released. so they can transfer it off of their books and send it to where you want it to go.
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like maybe somebody on the streets. that was about 5, 6, $700 right there in cigarettes by itself. so off the loose tobacco, that's about 3, $4,000 right there, man. that's about 3 or $4,000. >> how does one get all of this tobacco? >> no i can't speak on how i got it. it just popped up. it just appeared out of nowhere. there is a lot of different ways for tobacco or any other substance to enter this jail from court, from inmates that work outside. it is a lot of loopholes. but the jail has to be ran like that. because people do have certain rights. so people have to go to rec and bump into other people and then they have to go to court. it is no telling when this stuff is going down.
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it is going to be hard to figure out but i don't see them being able to fix it. >> coming up, the jail's investigation continues. >> maybe it wasn't an inmate that brought it in. maybe it is something that works on the inside here.
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♪ at the hamilton county justice center in cincinnati, ohio, rock deputy burke recently found one of the largest stashes of tobacco ever discovered in the jail when he searched david bell's mattress. >> i'm mr. lou burke. that's what's up. >> now the jail's specialty investigative unit is look at how the contraband got into the facility. >> i've been here 25 years and i've never seen this amount of tobacco or cigarettes come into the facility. my first inclination is that maybe it wasn't an inmate that brought it. in maybe it is somebody that works on the inside here. so that is why this investigation is going to be continued further with our internal affairs section. we were able to determine, you know, mr. bell did indeed have the contraband on him and in his cell. but we're still investigating
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how the contraband got into the facility. i conducted ten interviews, eight of them were of the individuals that were housed in the same pod that mr. bell was in. also interviewed the two porters that work up there. we were able to determine a few little things. but not one of the inmates would tell us where the tobacco or the other items had come from. >> those guys in there, i'm proud of them. >> that's how we do it in here, you feel me? >> they solid. they ain't snitching. they live by the code. so they'll be all right man. i wish'em luck. >> there are no criminal charges that we can place on mr. bell right now. tobacco is not a criminal charge. now if it would have been an illegal substance such as marijuana or heroin, then we would have pursued criminal charges against mr. bell. >> though bell won't face criminal charges he is serving 15 days in disciplinary segregation, where he's confined to a single cell 23 hours a day and loses all privileges.
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>> i'm looking at it in a positive aspect. i got 15 days to think and better myself. it don't matter where they put me. >> but now bell's time in segregation is interrupted. his trial has started. >> i've been waiting for this moment for three years. >> what was it like seeing your family today. >> it's real rare for me to get emotional. but my mom is one of the people that touched my heart. so when i saw her cry, that did something to me. it made me cry because we been through a whole lot. >> bell could get the death penalty for a home invasion murder he allegedly carried out with annishia smith. and testifying against bell to better her own situation is still an option for smith. >> when you go to court, what is going to happen? you going to testify?
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>> if they ask me to testify and all that, i'm still thinking. because i don't want to try to bring the next person down just to get myself up. because i'm not that type of person. but at the end of the day, you have to do what's best for you. i have to think about my son, what's best for me and what's best for him. it is like a choice. i have to choose my codefendant or have to choose my son. >> because of the jail's policy of the non contact visits smith hasn't been able to touch her four-year-old son in the three years she's been at the jail. but it's been regular visits from him and her mother that's kept her motivated. >> it's tough to see him growing up. kids change. he was here last week and he asked me why am i in jail. i just told him the bad people arrested me and brought me here. and now the good people got get me out. >> and today amariye has come for a visit along with his grandmother shannon.
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>> who are you seeing, ma'am? >> annishia smith. >> when annishia went to jail, i didn't give it a second thought about raising my grandson. i went and i got him. and he's been with me ever since. this is not how i planned on spending my 40s. i was more so thinking the kids were going to be grown. it was going to be easier. i'm gonna be able to sit back and relax. see my grand kids on sundays. none of that's true. he's getting ready to turn five this year. and she's been here ever since he was one. and this is the only real contact he's had as far as mother and child goes with his mother, that he can remember. so it's very important to get to see her.
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>> hey mommy. >> hey. >> visits mean a lot. but at the same time i hate him to see me through a glass. because i know that even though he dent say it that he want a hug and he want to touch me, reach out. and i want to reach out to him too. >> petsmart. >> at petsmart? >> yeah. fat cats at petsmart. >> what else did they have? >> a big fat bird. >> and a bird. >> you want a rat? >> a rat? but you got a cat. you cat gonna eat your rat? you got to tell mama and papa to get it. he want a rat the cat gonna eat the rat. >> i'm taking care of you, him and the cat. this situation when i realized how severe this was, it's like
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our whole life stopped. everything that we had planned, everything we wanted to do just -- is -- this is hard. i can tell this is wearing on you right now? >> what you say? >> this is getting to you. >> mommy. what's getting to me? >> it will be okay. >> i know. i'm fine. >> i didn't graduate. and i wanted all my kids to graduate and to see them graduate. and let them know that it's better things out there. that you don't have to struggle like i had to struggle to raise them. you know, and to see what she's
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facing is just -- it's a tough situation. it's crazy. but you got to stay strong. remember, regardless of what go on. you still got amariye. you still got to be here for him. >> i know. >> you got to understand something. you might not be able to be there physically for him but you can be there emotionally and mentally. >> i know. >> it's all good. tell her you love her. say bye-bye. >> bye-bye. >> get your book, get your glass. tell her bye.
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coming up annishia smith changes her story. >> i pretty much was in the car for a majority of the time. but there was a time that night that i was in the house. >> and it could have a major impact on david bell's case.
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at the hamilton county justice center in cincinnati a large stash of tobacco was recently found in the mattress of inmate david bell. they are still investigating how that got into the facility and the woman who runs the jail says that requires looking at all possible suspects including the jail. >> the odds are you find one or
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two individuals that cross that line every now and then. so we did look outside of that inmate perimeter to find as to how it was getting in. i think we have a good idea how it got in. certain people were scrutinized. certainly people don't even realize they are being scrutinized. months down the road we may find out how that got in here and that's just due to diligence. >> and david bell just completed his 15 days segregation. and he's now moved into another pod reserved for those charged or convicted of murder. >> the murder pod, they banned me in the south building after getting caught from all that stuff. >> and bell has found a new chess partner in deandre brown. >> every time i play this it make me think. and that is what take many game interesting because you sit back
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and try to see what he trying to do and see if you can counter and then you attack. you can have the game won and make one mistake and lose. manage it just right and you should be able to succeed. but if you screw up you pretty much lose everything. you lose everything, you know. >> for the past three years, bell has been well aware of all he could lose. he is charged with aggravated murder. he could face the death penalty if found guilty. >> i don't feel like you lost if you learned a lesson from it. i don't care what it is. what type of loss it is, if you learn a lesson from it it's a win in my book. so -- but i still ain't learn how to beat them yet. >> david is a strong individual. he gonna be all right. his mind is where it need to be. to be able to deal with the
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county jail for three years? you got to be strong to do that. i'm drying about three months and he did three years. >> good move, good move. >> brown has spend the last 28 years in prison for murder and knows what likely awaits bell if he's convicted. >> where he going is pretty much where i'm coming from. you got to stay focused. no matter how bad it get, you can't give up. you got to keep pushing. >> god to be careful how you move for real. >> but bell might be out of moves in his trial. with the closing arguments made the jury is now deliberating, but not before the prosecution called on a key witness. >> i had a lot of reasons why i decided to tell what happened. but i did know that it would help me. what good is it for me to just keep sitting here trying to
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cover for him when everybody already know the truth? it is just going to get me in even more trouble. >> annishia, she got on the stand and lied on me. >> what did annishia say? >> a whole lot of lies. just a lot of lies. i can't remember everything but first she tried to say she scared and afraid of me. i was very controlling and jealous boyfriend and all this one stuff. >> what did she say about your involvement in the crime? >> oh she tried to put it all on me. >> as part of her testimony, it was revealed that smith had more knowledge of the crime than she had previously stated, including whether or not she was inside the house the night of the murder. >> you told me last time that you were just in the car the whole time. >> i pretty much was in the car for majority of the time. but there was a time that night that i was in the house. >> according to her testimony smith was in the house with the
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victims as part of the fake date she had sent up and then sent bell text messages with descriptions of the items in the house and who was inside. prosecutors say bell responded with these text message, indicating his intention to dill victims. >> when somebody tell you they about to do something like that you don't really think oh are they about to go -- i didn't believe that that's what the outcome was going to be that night. the main thing that makes me feel guilty and i regret is not calling the police. because i could have prevented this all. and i know that i'm guilty for not putting a stop to it. and also i did lie and cover for him. i should never have covered in the first place. i feel like i made the right choice by testifying. because at the end of the day, it all boils down to my son. and i should be out there with
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him instead of being in here trying to cover for somebody. >> she a snitch. she a snitch and i hate that about her. i would have never did this to her. no matter what. >> checkmate. coming up -- >> we are back on the record for the jury trial of the state of ohio versus david bell -- >> the verdict for david bell. >> is that what you were expecting? >> no, it's not what i was expecting.
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i love cincinnati, but at the end of the day from what i'm seeing, this city might as well be called snitch-innati. because that's basically what's going on, a whole lot of
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snitching. >> david bell has been at the hamilton county justice center in cincinnati, ohio, for the past three years awaiting trial for charges including aggravated murder, attempted murder and aggravated robbery. to his dismay, annishia smith who allegedly was with him during the crimes recently decided to testify against him in the case. >> i should have never covered for him in the first place. >> she a snitch. she a snitch and i hate that about her. >> now it appears her testimony along with other evidence against him, like his dna on the murder weapon, had an impact. >> the jury came back with a verdict of guilty on all the counts, all the charges. >> is that what you were expecting? >> no, it's not what i was expecting. i was really shocked. because i thought maybe i would get found guilty on some charges and not others. but yeah, i got found guilty of everything.
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>> smith says she's not surprised with the outcome. >> based on the evidence it was appropriate for him to be found guilty. i mean it was a no-brainer what the outcome was going to be. and i think that he knew what the outcome was going to be. but by him being a man anyway, you know, they have pride issues. so if he his feeling hurt or pain he east probably not wearing it on the outside. >> you're now a convicted murderer. >> yep. >> have you thought about that? >> yep. >> what's it feel like? >> i was already basically labeled as the convicted murderer when i came in the charge. >> so now? >> so now it's just official. >> it doesn't bother you? >> nope. >> why is that? >> because i know i'm gonna get out one day. it's not that i don't care. it's that i already -- i'm past this moment, i'm thinking of the future. >> but bell's future is in the hands of the same 12 jurors who just convicted him.
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he will now return to court to find out his sentence. the best case is 25 years to life. worst case, the death penalty. >> all rise. >> i think they might give me 30 to life. i don't want to say 25 to live and jinx it. >> we are back on the record for the jury trial of the state of ohio versus david bell. >> i'm really not sure what he's going to be sentenced to, but i do hope and pray that it's not the dead penalty. because i don't wish that on anyone. >> we the jury being duly empanelled and sworn do thereby find that the aggravating circumstances the defendant was found guilty of committing does not outweigh the mitigating factors presented in this case by proof beyond a reasonable doubt. we therefore unanimously find that the sentence of life in prisonment without the possibility of parole should be imposed upon david bell. signed, all 12 jurors with the foreperson in the 12th spot.
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>> at this time, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, you are excused from your duties on this jury. and you are no longer under sequestration. thank you so much for your service. >> all rise. >> even with the news that he'll spend the rest of his life locked up, bell says he views it as a victory of sorts. >> when i was sitting in the courtroom, i almost died. like i almost was sentenced to death. it just gave me an adrenaline rush for real. like -- i don't know, it was funny for real. >> why funny? that sounds scary. >> because the prosecutors were just so thirsty just basically trying to kill me. they probably mad, oh, we didn't get him. but now i'm still alive so what can they do, man? what can they do? i'm still alive.
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>> my mom told me that david had got life. i'm not sure if i'm gonna be sentenced based off of how he sentenced. worst case scenario is i would have to go to prison for a few years. but i don't believe that it will be, you know, drastic. >> i hope annishia get out. she got a son out there. so she need to get out. >> do you forgive her? >> no. >> if he was worried or he was stressed, he didn't show it. i mean, it's like he accepted it. he got a road ahead of him. he got a bumpy road ahead of him. >> when that day come i'm gone, when they see cherish life on my eyelids. they gonna know oh yeah he went through a situation where he really cherished life.
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>> i'm happy that i can finally put this stage of my situation behind me and get onto the next one, and right now i have life without parole. i know i'm not getting out any time soon. but my definition of freedom is different. as long as i'm alive, i can pretty much take anything that comes my way.
12:00 am
due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. just had an assault with injuries to the inmate. >> after an inmate is assaulted. >> the blood came out when his head struck the floor. >> the jail identifies a suspect. >> he is a bully. he likes to prey on the weak. >> but the violence doesn't stop there. >> he sucker punched me. >> this ain't the first time you assaulted anybody. >> what is the evidence? >> it's scary. >> there are people over there that have hunter tattoos on th


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