tv MSNBC Live MSNBC March 13, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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thanks for watching this hour of "msnbc live." i think we're headed inside tomorrow. i'm hallie jackson. but now to ali velshi. >> tomorrow the big storm is coming. it's a time to be in short sleeves. today is deadline today. the justice department must determine whether president trump's explosive and so far unsubstantiated wiretapping allegation is true. >> and the congressional budget
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office is expect to say who it will cover. and bracing for a blizzard, more than 120 million people are facing what it likely to be the biggest storm of season, as much as two feet of snow expected in some places as travelers prepare for crippling conditions. good morning, i'm ali velshi in new york. we're told to expect video in the meeting. before the meeting the president tweeted morning obamacare is imploding, it is a disaster. 2017 will be the worst year yet by far. republicans will come together and save the day. today we expect to get those highly anticipated numbers from the nonpartisan congressional budget off, the cbo, on how much
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the gop health care plan will cost, how many people could lose their health insurance and how much premiums could change. today is also the deadline for the trump administration to provide evidence requested bit house intelligence committee to back up the president's still unproven claims that his phones at trump tower were tapped by former president obama. >> he brought it up. he has the power to clary, w not? >> we're well aware of the deadline and we're glad that it's happening. >> that this morning from the counselor to the president, kellyanne conway, after top republicans were pressed on the issue on the sunday shows. >> the president has one of two choices, either retract or provide the information that the american people deserve. >> do you have any reason to think that this charge is true?
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>> i have no reason to believe that the charge is true. >> have you seen anything to suggest there were wiretaps? >> no. >> peter alexander joins us live from the white house. what do you we know? will the white house provide proof for the president's still unsubstantiated claim that president obama ordered trump power to be bugged or wiretapped? >> we were playing some of those clips from kellyanne conway today, she was on multiple programs this morning and on multiple occasions said she did not have that evidence now, that she was satisfied and happy, in her words, that the house intelligence committee was investigate, this, though it's unclear whether there would be any real sanction from the house committee would get. but kellyanne conway also breathed new life into this entire storyline this weekend when asked about this issue. take a listen. >> do you know whether trump
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tower was wiretapped? >> what i can say is there are many ways to surveil each other unfortunately. there was an article this week that talked about how you can surveil someone through their phones, certainly through their television sets. any number of different ways. microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera. we know that is just a fact of modern life. >> so beware of your microwave. the cia director said this weekend of the wikileaks, they denied these tools were used against americans. kellyanne conway said her response was about surveillance articles in news generally. their head line, she insists is just wrong. >> put it on the shoulders of
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president obama saying that in fact he -- >> i always get up close to mic microwaves and my wife tells me not do that. maybe it because she knows somebody is surveilling me through the microwave. we are expecting maybe today to get the congressional budget office score. what do you think's happening? is the white house looking forward to that? arthey bracing for it to say mething that they don't want it to say? >> i wouldn't say bracing for it. they've sort of taken out a series of preemptive strikes against it, perhaps. we heard from sean spicer, in an effort to devalidate we heard from the budget director mick mulvaney saying the congressional budget office was wrong in the way it scared
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they're anticipating the cbo's findings a lot about the fact that this is going to be costly and that it may cost people their coverage. instead of dealing with those numbers, they'ring to preemptively hit out at it. >> kasie hunt joins us live. let's start with wiretap claim. devin nunes and adam schiff jointly asking the white house to provide evidence to back up that claim by today. any clue as to whether the white house will do it? and if they don't, what happens? >> at this point pete williams reported that the department of justice is studying the letter. it not clear there would
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really be any consequences if in ct this deadline is not met. there is, at this point, no threat in that letter we know from aides familiar with its contents that says, okay,if you don't us this information, we're going to take y action or we're going to subpoena this information or anything like that. the house is out of session today. they will be back in time for tomorrow. but the question of course then becomes what happens in that public hearing set for a week from today where jim comey will appear? and what happens as well with senator lindsey graham and his subcommittee? >> so it's a matter of when, not if. someone will get it at some point. >> reporter: in theory, yes. >> well hedged.
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>> some prominent republicans are saying the current health care bill is dead on arrival once it gets to the senate. listen to this. >> from ryan, obamacare-lite, he will not have the votes. >> i would say to my friends in the house of representatives had whom i serve do, not walk the plank and vote for a bill that will not pass the senate and then have to face the consequences of that bill. >> vice president pence has said the bill is a framework. is it likely it will be revised? >> you have a freedom caucus that wants the bill to be more conservative and tom cotton, the senator from arkansas, who probably would have been with those conservative how guys were he still a member in the house is now a senator in arkansas working with a governor in
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arkansas who is trying to figure out how to pay for people who have medicaid. that's the dynamic in the senate. that's why you have speaker ryan saying this is the only bill that can pass both houses of congress. there's still a lot of question marks over in the senate. >> kasie, good to talk to you. >>ifies to see you. >> several former u.s. attorneys forced to resign by the trump administration friday are speaking out. tom mishman called is abrupt and shocking yesterday. on friday attorney general jeff sessions asked 46 u.s. attorneys appointed by president obama to resign. 47 had already stepped down. while the order was sudden, it's not unusual for a new president to replace the u.s. attorneys. in 1993, u.s. attorney general janet reno demanded the
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resignations of all 93 u.s. attorneys when bill clinton took office. jeff sessions, by the way, was one of those. and also was my next guest, michael mi you had already made plans to leave but you were able to stay on for about three weeks beyond jan crawford greenburg et reasonio's request for your resignation. how does this latest request of the trump administration compare for you? >> i think it was a little rough, a little abrupt but the president and the attorney general are within their rights to do what they did. i wouldn't have handled it this way but mr. fishman and
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mr. preet bharara should have been ready for this situation. >> he was at trump power and he emerged and said -- that sound like season going back on their word. >> the fact that on short notice is a little tough but they isn't have the thourt why is this a normal course of action? zit very important regardless of who the president is, when you're a united states attorney, all politics stop at the door. that rule applies whether there's a republican or democrat at the white house. and so nevertheless, sir, when i was united states attorney for george h.w. bush, he had
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priorities, protecting the environment, going after bank fraud, going after drug dellers. as a result, as an appointee of president bush, that's are my prourts. >> but can you -- as u.s. attorneys, do you not have the ability to pivot in those ways when priorities change under different administrations? >> absolutely. and you -- the united states attorney as presidentially appointed has an obligation. but nevertheless, if the president articulates certain goals, you should be focusing on those goals. >> michael mckay, thank y for joining us.
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one of the u.s. attorneys asked to resign this this kd weekend is getting a lot of attenti attention, preet bharara. me met with donald trump at trump tower and said they had a deal in place for him to stay on. but on friday he was told to resign like the others. he refused and on saturday morning he tweeted that he did not resign, he was fired. now a new piece claims preet bharara's firing could be a big win for rupert murdoch, which is being investigated by the office that preet bharara held.
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>> it appeared that bharara was able to stay on. if that was not true, that would have been corrected. so what happened? >> as your previous guest pointed out, trump changed his mind ahe's within his right to do that. sean hannity went on fox news and called for donald trump to purge all the hold yefovers froe justice department. and then the the white house went and said that all 47 would resign. now the lawyer to replace preet bharara is mark mukasey, who is the lawyer for roger ailes. so boil this down.
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the man who was representing roger ailes and rupert murdoch is coming out on top. zit not th >> it's not that sean hannity was just a -- he was a completely a part of getting trump elected to the white house. and what was this investigation into fox news all about? >> so really what we know is a federal grand jury has been empanelled to hear evidence that fox news did not properlyly disclose the payments for sexual allegations and that they
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obtained and a new prosecutor will have to make a decision about whether to continue this investigation into trump's prebacker. will the new prosecutor change priorities to vet trump's ally. >> they would actively have to decide to close the investigation. >> that will be interesting to watch. national affairs editor at "new york magazine" and msnbc contributor. coming up, we're expecting new video from the white house at any moment. and we'll aware also ahead -- >> you cannot rebuild why are civilization with somebody else's babies. >> a new round
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a . >> the president has said there will be a blood bath in 2018 if this isn't passed through the house and senate. >> i do believe if we don't keep our word to the people who sent us here, yeah. the most important thing for a person like myself who runs for office and tells the people we're asking to hire us this is what i'll do if i get elected and then if you don't do tht, you're breaki your word. >> now, the zop bill gegop billf the individual mandate and gets rid of premium subsidies and instead offers americans tax credits to help by health insurance, though studies we done indicates the tax credits are not as much as the subsidies. jason, good to see you.
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thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> the first question is about cost, how much will it cost taxpayers? we'll know more when the cbo this bill scores this bill. >> my guess is net the cost is zero. going to have tax cuts for one group of people and that's going to be paid for by health care cuts by another group of people. so it's the redistribution. >> tax cuts go to people who earn more than $200,000, whether it's through regular income for
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investment income. the trump administration seems to be attacking the cbo, preparing itself maybe for news it doesn't want to get. the cbo, their scores, evaluation, are they to be trusted? >> the cbo isn't perfect but what the cbo is is unbiased. sometimes their numbers are a little too high, sometimes they're a little too low. on average, if you go with they will you'll be a lot more right than if you go with a press secretary. the department of treasury and hhs have people that can do these estimates as well. if the administration doesn't like the cbo estimates, they could released estimates produced by their own career staff -- >> i want to see as many estimates as possible and compare and contrast and try and give my viewers an answer on this. let's start with you on this a
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little bit. compare the options americans had under obamacare to what they'll have under in health care bill. we described it as eliminating the mandate and the subsidies they had and instead giving people tax credits. it will me what sense that makes to you. >> yeah, you don't need a cbo to say if you get rid of a mandate and you cut subsidies for health insurance by over $600 billion over the next decade, you're going to have fewer people covered, people are going to face higher premiums and people are going to get skinnier plans with, for example, higher tax deductibles. cbo can help us figure out just how many millions of people will lose health insurance, just how many thousands of dollars your insurance will go up. >> there a. >>t says it will hit trump
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supporters especially hard. that's who you're supposed to be helping with health care. >> i saw that study and it seemed plausible to me because the tax credits of a flat amount of money. if you need more help because you're a lower income, you don't get any more money from them. one old people get hit twice, one because they're allowed to and then high cost areas ba tles a no adjustment for that as well. >> jason, i don't know how the weather is going to affect it but the fed is supposed to start a two-day meeting tomorrow, culminating in washington with an announcement that many of us are expecting to a rate hike. what's your sense of how americans should think about this right now, a rate hike? >> i think the fed has done a very good job.
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you have unemployment rate at 4.7%, inflation at just about 2%. that is exactly what congress instructed the fed to do. it delivered on it. personally i'd like to see them running the economy a little bit hotter to maybe get the unemployment rate down a little bit more and more importantly get wage growth up. i think even with this rate hike, rates will still be in an expansionary stance. >> meaning it's still in a place where you're encouraging the economy to grow, borrow money and do things. >> exactly. the fed funds rate would still be less than 1%, which is instead of very, very expansionary, it just very expansionary and i think that's appropriate and good. >> coming up next, i was just talking to jason about this, a
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potentially his totoric blizzar some places could see as much as two feet of s the latest forecast is next. various: (shouting) heigh! ho! ( ♪ ) it's off to work we go! woman: on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs. and each job created by the energy industry supports two others in the community. altogether, the industry supports over 9 million jobs nationwide. these are jobs that natural gas is helping make happen, all while reducing america's emissions. energy lives here.
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we are one week away from the start of spring but today millions in the northeast are bracing for a likely blizzard, the biggest storm of the season is expected to hit the east coast by midnight tonight. part of the storm has already landed in the midwest, prompting hundreds of flight cancellations today. this storm will join a storm system in the south to form a nor'easter that's expected to strike all along the east coast from washington, d.c. to maine. bill karins is here. you know i'm a weather denier and i assume they're not going to happen and i never dress for them. zit march 14th tomorrow! >> we got teased with the warm conditions. this snow won't melt until the end of march or even april in some cases.
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what's going to happen is we're mentioning the two storms. typically we would on get like one storm. so this one is going to dip down and come up like this. at the same time, we have a will the -- lot of moisture out of florida and it going to come pine and that's where we're going to get our blizzard. as we go through about midnight, that's when the storm really starts to blow up and produc --u notice the pink? that's a foot of snow. it all known new england. >> then this area is really going to be the bulls eye. we're thinking 4 to 7 in d.c. changing to a sloppy mess tomorrow. philadelphia about 8 to 10.
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if you stay all snow, philly, you could get higher than that. new york 12 to 18. if it's all snow, new york city could easily see 18 to 20 inches. hartford could be a the bulls eye. and in boston, there's a little mixing so that's why your numbers are a little bit slower. don't be on the road in pennsylvania eastern. it going to to snow just starting to get really heavy in boston. new york city will be ending by about 2 p.m. and then we shift it nth wards after that. the other story is when we get the nor'easters, it's 60 mile-an-hour wind new york joke. could get power outages. the biggest deal is obviously
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the real quick, how long to melt this stuff the know to warm up in the northeast any time soon. sfwit always good for prmt i do like you, though, bill. thank you so much. >> a deadly car bombing in somalia. more than six were killed and several injured in an explosion near a hotel in mogadishu. just before that blast, a suicide bomber blew up a military bus full of explosives at the military check point south of the capital. >> in spa after officials say,
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the man accused of jumping the white house fence last week is expected in pb on the sought frounds of the white house on tried. officials say tran claimed to have an appointment with the president, was carrying mays in his backpack and has no criminal history. a new reports if that happens, then what is the democrat be industry who sits on one of the committees investigating russian meddling in the election. .. ...i'm on... ...and on... ...and on.n... that's why i... ...make time for myself... ...and give my body some love... ...with aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.
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so his house was rebuilt, good as new. the big bad wolf now has a job on a wind farm. call geico and see how easy it is to switch and save on homeowners insurance. one week from today the house intelligence committee will hold its first public hearing on russia's suspected interference in the 2016 presidential election. meantime democrats on the panel are threatening to abandon the process if it get mired down in the political process. congresswoman, thank you for being with us. >> it's a pleasure to be with you. >> democrats and some republicans have called for an
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independent special prosecutoror. theow best to congratulations. >> well, i think it's important for american people to see in plane and clear bright light that everybody a for the american people about the integrity of their government has been blocked. and democrats on the judiciary committee and on homeland security, of which i am a member, are interested in rolling back the covers, if you will, to pursue hearings, briefings, none of those have occurred at this point. the justice department has not responded. a isn't a letter to the chairman
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of the judiciary and security for a number of investigations, one involving the idea of the executive order, the wiretapping and then the russian issue we sought to have documents come from the why is it was voted down on a party line vote with democrats voting for the lef use so to answer your question, it is persistence. we believe this is not a partisan, u. it is an issue that the american people deserve to have answered. what happened in the election and what is happening with this administration now? >> i don't have the list to show you but notably absent is the
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form does that qualify as enough to have democrats walk away from the process or is it more val unl prp. >> well, i have great faith in the members of the intelligence community. ne have been in many classified briefings and they understand the twts and rns. and i believe that the hearing list should be a list that is bipartisan, meaning that there should be input from the minority. this is an investigation. this is an open hearing on a sore, a cancerous sore that has plagued the election and really plagued this administration since the inauguration. one incident after another, capping it off with the president attacking a former president, charging him with a criminal felony, which obviously is relevant to the judiciary committee because we deal with the crimes as well as dealing with high crimes and misdemeanor that come under a question of
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impeachment if obviously the past president is not in office but if such allegations prove to be false. so i have faith in the intelligence committee members who if ne don't believe that the hearing is going to be one of substantial, is going to partly answer as much as you can do in a nonclassified hearing, then it is not the case. and we must pursue and persist other types of investigations in order to make this government transparent, open it up to the american people but most of all, ali, i think it's important to protect the constitution, the integrity of the three branches of government, the integrity of the election, many of these things fall under the constitution and if we don't show the american people that we're serious about it, then what are we doing in this most important role as a members of congress, a member of the executive or frankly as a member of the judiciary.
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>> your colleague, representative steve king, set off a controversy when he retweeted a cartoon showing an intery immigration character from the netherlands say being "he understands that culture and dem graphics are our destiny. we can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies." when he was asked to expand, here's what he he said. >> i said the same thing to the germans years ago, any population that isn't willing to have enough babies to rebuild themselves. you've got to keep your birth rate up. this western civilization is a superior civilization. >> congresswoman, what are your thoughts about that?
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>> well, out of respect for you i'll answer but i'm really speechless. i don't think the congressman knows where he is or what country is or what he defines as western civilization. it means every baby that does not fall within his standard, those of us that are descendants of african slaves, our hispanic brothers and sisters or maybe those who come from eastern europe are unacceptable and are casting aspersions on his so-called western civilization. it is a racist, unbelievable statement that should not have come out of the mouth of a member of the united states congress who has as their very core the principles of our constitution that indicates that we are all created equal, that
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is the declaration of independence and the constitution then confirms that document by the bill of rights and many other statutes that have been added to ensure all people in this country have the dignity of citizenship and are part of this nation. that means the western civilization has become an expanded definition of values, not of race, not of ethnicity but of values, what you believe in and that is mostly a democracy that allows everyone to be free and to be heard. i'm saddened by the comments. i hope my friend and colleague alters his statement and respond to the question that being part of a western civilization is not a racist civilization. if he wants to join another civilization of singular, monolithic race and background, this is not the country to be in and i don't think europe is the place to be. in fact, the world is becoming
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more and more diverse in many, many other parts of this country, excuse me, of this world, and i am blessed to live in a changing world that welcomes so many people with so many diverse talents that can make this world, not just this nation, a better place to be in and to enhance the lives and opportunities of the yet unbor generation and those generaon here today that will continue to lead this world and our nation into greater places. >> congresswoman sheila jackson lee, i think we'll leave it right there. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up, the nbc political team says team trump is making health care promises it probably can't keep. kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin
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to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. back with our daily briefing on politics. over the weekend top trump administration officials made promises about the republican health care efforts that our first read teams say they may not be able to keep. joining me now is nbc news senior political editor mark murray. mark, good to talk to you. good to see you. let's hear from health and human services secretary tom price, who is supposed to be ushering this thing through.
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this is what he said and i want to also hear from omb director mike mulvaney. >> i firmly believe that nobody will be worse off financially in the process that we're going through. >> just pause you spend less money on something doesn't mean it can't get better. >> you can't put everything you want in that legislation because if you did -- >> he's still talking but now we're done. what do you think? >> well you know particularly hhs secretary tom price's remark that no one will be worse off financially, ali, you and i know these kind of big pieces on health care legislation have tradeoffs on winners and losers, and there are also estimates showing people who live in rural areas who might be older and poorer aren't going to get the financial help they currently have under the affordable care act. we end up getting the congressional budget office estimate today or tomorrow it will be interesting to see if the words come back to haunt the trump administration.
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>> i'm glad your numbers back up wh i've been studying. people earning over $200,000 will be better off because there's a tax break that they are, there's a tax they had under obamacare that is going away. it does seem people will be paying more. mark thanks very much for that. >> thanks, ali. coming up, joe biden is back. the former vice president makes an emotional return to public life in his first major address since leaving the white house. what he says about his life saving mission and his one regret. we're live at austin, texas, coming up next. active duty 11 y. and two in the reserves. our 18 year old was in an accident. when i call usaa it was that voice asking me, "is your daughter ok?" that's where i felt relief. it actually helped to know that somebody else cared and wanted make sure that i was okay. that was really great. we're the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. call today to talk about your insurance needs.
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bookg.yeah. former vice president joe biden has delivered his first major speech since leaving office. biden galvanized members of the tech industry to help him in his fight against cancer at the annual south by southwest conference in austin, texas. yesterday things got a little political. nbc's jo ling kent joins us from the conference. >> reporter: it was a speech over 1,300 people attended here in austin. south by southwest is known for its technology innovation, even its taco trucks but so much politics this year, big debates over president trump immigration policy but former vice president joe biden encouraging people to rise above the politics to fight cancer. he also revealed his one regret, about choosing not to run for president. >> i had one regret in making
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the decision not to run, and that was i would have loved to have been the president who presided over the end of cancer. i am unwilling to postpone for one day longer the things we can do now to extend people's lives. someone in the new outfit don't think there's global warming, bad things happen, not a lot of good stuff out there in some places. i shouldn't have said it that way. it's my hope that this new administration, once it gets organized, and i'm not going facetious, the only bipartisan thing left in america is the fight against cancer. >> reporter: what do you think of the new health care bill, mr. vice president? >> not a lot. >> reporter: now vice president joe biden former vice president joe biden also saying that he really is focused on hope and collaboration. he came here to south by southwest to talk to people he
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wouldn't necessarily speak with, innovators, technologists, not just the doctors and researchers he's already working with on the cancer moonshot politics. coming up the politics continues in austin. james baker will also be speaking here in austin. ali? >> in lieu of james comey, who is not speaking there. jo, great reporting. i hope you're getting away from the politics a little bit to have some of the barbecue and take in some of the fantastic music at south by southwest. >> reporter: i hope so, too. >> talk to you later. jo ling kent for us at south by southwest in austin. thank you for watching this hour of "msnbc live." you can find me on twitter on fabook and instagram, and on snapchat @veli. right now on msnbc, chris jansing hosts "andrea mitchell reports." chris, take it away. >> thanks so much, ali. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," show your cards. today is deadline day for the trump administration to deliver to the house intelligence committee any proof to back up
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president trump's stunning but so far unsubstantiated claim that then president obama tapped his phones at trump tower. >> this is information he has. he tweeted about it. he brought it up. so he has the power to clarify. why not? >> i can't comment on the private conversations he's had with his attorney general and other officials as goes this topic but we're well aware of the deadline and glad that it's happening. the bottom line. right now capitol hill numbers crunchers are putting the final touches on their estimates of what the republican repeal of obamacare will cost. will it have republicans seeing red? >> but over the weekend before we're going to launch this sales campaign, the president sends out four tweets about his predecessor wiretapping him. did that help or hurt? >> yeah that wasn't part of the health care marketing campaign. and calm before the storm. just days after spring-like temperatures, blizzard conditions, and as much as two feetf
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