tv MTP Daily MSNBC March 14, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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number one seed, these are your number one seeds this year. and of course, these are the longest shots ever to make the final four. only four double digit seeds ever made the final four. doesn't listen to me, i'm 0-217 lifetime in the pools. that's a rough estimate. ntp daily starts right now. if it's tuesday, does the republican health care plan need to be resuscitated? tonight, promises, promises, can the republican health care bill deliver on all of it's big promises? >> i think the president's goal is to provide insurance -- to make insurance available to everybody, yes. >> we'll hear from one of the bill's arted defenders on the hill. plus trumpism versus ryanism. >> trump wants to call it ryancare, ryan wants to call it trumpcare, it's classic abbot and cost tell low, if it's so
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good, why don't they want their names on it? >> can they shuffle? the chairman of the democratic caucus weighs in. and strike zone. what are the consequences of the new autonomy on drone strikes? this is mtp daily, and it starts right now. good evening, i'm katy tur in a snowy new york. in for chuck todd today. welcome to mtp daily. in politics, what's bigger than a promise from your president? they are backing a plan that could break those promises. so what now for the white house and the gop? just moments ago, president trump was scheduled to have a call with speaker of the house paul ryan and majority leader
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kevin mccarthy to plot a way forward amid the drama. and this afternoon, skeptical gop senators, including ted cruz are meeting at the white house to try and hammer out a compromise. earlier today at the white house press briefing sean spicer was pressed on this subject multiple times. here is some of that exchange. >> president trump has said that under his plan there will be insurance for everybody. how do you square that with the cbo numbers andishat a promise he can keep? >> the cbo number, a record that doesn't match-up with the ability to count people. pretty good at dollars, not as good as people. when you look at the additional phases or prongs of this whole comprehensive approach, that actually changes the equation a lot. it's looking at one piece of a three-part plan. >> will the white house commit that after these phases two and three, if they are implemented, if they are offered publicly that there will be health care for everybody?
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>> if everyone who wants to get health care, the financial ability to get it is what the president is trying to achieve through this. and this is the system that will get them there. tom cotton is dismissing it as mythical legislation. that will fail in the senate. spicer's comments today come amid a slew of promises that the white house has made about their health care plan. you heard one mentioned in that clip, just five days before taking office, president trump vowed for health insurance with everybody. there was a philosophy that if you can't pay for it, you don't get it. it was a promise echoed by his top white house aids. >> those relying on coverage will not lose it. that promise stands? >> yes, it does. >> but according to to the cbo, 24 million people will lose
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coverage over a span of ten years under the white house-backed plan. here's another white house promise. >> i firmly believe that nobody will be worse off financially in the process that we're going through. >> but according to to the cbo, premiums are going to spike 20 to 25% for older americans under the gop pl. here's another white house promise. >> you're going to stay on medicaid, covered on and employee-sponsored plan, you're going to continue to be covered under the employee-sponsored plan. >> it will drop and medicaid spending will decline by $880 billion. i'm joined now by republican congressman kevin brady of texas who is the chairman of the very powerful house and means
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committee. why are you standing by this plan? >> because it delivers on our promise to give people affordable care that's personalized for them. not for washington, and that's what cbo said. we also promised we are going to make sure americans aren't murdered by the nearly $1 trillion of taxes on their jobs, on their health care plans and on the economy. we also said restoring control out of washington, restoring it to the states and the individuals so they could choose a plan that's right for them, that's why this plan is so important and by the way, while we are doing it, americans have said we don't want to be forced into buying health care we can't forward and can't use. confirm that in the report -- >> let me ask you about what the -- >> hold on. cbo said next year when the obamacare stays just as it is today, medicaid just as it is
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today, 11 million americans who no longer are forced into health care are saying, thanks, but no thanks, i don't want to be there anymore. it confirms what americans can be saying all along. the. >> if it's such a great plan, why would 24 million people walk away from it? >> ask the question why? why they'd walk away from it. >> reporter: it's the gop plan. why are they walking away from dp. >> exactly right. >> or are they being forced out? >> no, ma'am, if you'll let me answer your we, i will. cbo had an answer for that question, why don't they want to be covered? and the sans they aren't forced into buying health care they don't want, don't need, and can't use. the bulk of americans who won't be covered are because they choose not to be covered. starting as early as next year. who will be covered are those
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today, in fact, who've found a way to be exempted from obamacare and high premiums. who with a personal credit they can use to take from job to job, state to state, home to start a business or raise a family. choose a plan that's right for them, whether they're very young or very old. those are the americans who are going to have opportunity to have access that frankly they don't have today. >> $1700 for health care, under the gop plan, that person would be paying over $14,000 for health care. how is it affordable for that person? >> well, under those assumptions it wouldn't be. those assumptions aren't good. look cbo made it's best faith effort to figure out who might
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or might not be covered. that's a challenge. even more challenging are the premiums because they only got look at one part of this picture. they didn't get ahance because of the way this bill's going forward without phase two or phase three. truly look at the low cost, innovative personalized plans that states can approve going forward. in senior's premiums skyrocketed -- >> according to this plan are going to skyrocket. >> well and i respectfully disagree -- >> one part of the cbo and tout it and say it's totally on the money. talking about -- >> no, and i didn't say that. what i said was -- >> in your statement. >> cbo had to estimate two major things. coverage and premium costs.
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we think they had more information to be able to try to do their best on coverage. the premiums are very tough to assess and they will tell you, it is very difficult to get it right there. so, what i'm saying is, i think one is much more challenging for them to estimate and i still believe at the end daft day with the right tax credit to buy real authentic health care that we can help people of all ages get the health care they need and deserve. >> let's talk about promises. in the gop-backed plan, everybody will not be insured. so how do you square that circle? are house republicans just not on the same page as president obama? >> nowhere close.
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>> every american who wants to have health care getting a chance to do that. whether you're at work through job, government program, but in this area, for those who don't get at work, oftentimes small business people and people work for small businesses as well as entrepreneurs and families between jobs, they will all have access to health care in a personal credit to buy the plan that's right for them. >> i believe he said specifically they would have health care period, not access -- >> bring on his promises. >> i don't remember him ever saying -- >> i think the president is delivering as well as republicans. no few you're looking for some kind of metric that says if government can force you into the most expensive plans with the most expensive subsidies and frankly you can't use it because the out of pocket costs are so high for seniors and others, frankly that, american public's already weighed in. they don't want that anymore. >>t abt the other prise that the president made? he wouldn't make cuts to entitlements, social security, medicare, medicaid, quite a bit of money is cut from medicaid in
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the gop plan. >> well, and here's why. because for the first time governors will have the choice to actually apply med daddy to their state, to design it for their communities, not the way washington wants to do it over time -- >> that does go against what the president promised. >> but that doesn't mean there is anything less than higher quality care. what it means is washington won't be telling governors you have to do it our way, because we know, there's a difference between manhattan, kansas, and manhattan, new york city, and nrk should be designed differently to reach families in those comment community. >> kevin brady, thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you. there's ban noticeable divide within the gop on how to handle the cbo score. some are bashing the agency's credibility, others as you just saw are touting aspects of it at least. >> i think if you read this report, i'm encouraged by it and and exceeded my expectations.
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which is does not do enough to drive down premiums. >> i'm encouraged, this is only phase one of the three phases. people are going to have more choice. more people are going to be encouraged around the health care. and the health care they choose to have. >> we disagree with the report that was put out. we believe that our plan will cover more individuals a at lower cost and give them the choices that they want for the coverage that they want for themselves and for their family. not that the government forces them to buy. >> joining me now, democratic congressman joe crowley of new york. he's the chairman of the house democratic caucus. congressman, thank you for joining us. and left democrats holding the bag. do you think he has a point to say that? >> i think enacting this bill would be worse than letting
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obamacare implode. the fact is we'd have 24 million people under the republican plan that would lose insurance over the next ten years. that's catastrophic. >> but the law isn't working as democrats had promised it to work. you want to answer the phone? >> it's not mine. >> the law isn't working as it was certainly advertised. keep the doctor that they wanted to keep. and, you know, there's been some issues with the courts. the law isn't working as it stands. what are the democrats going to do? just fight for it until they can't fight for it any longer? >> katy, interestingly enough, you mentioned the courts, the republicans brought the lawsuits. >> democrats aren't helping make our bill work? >> well the reality is, they haven't asked us for help. they never came to us --
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>> do they need to come to you to ask? hey listen, i've got an idea and let me propose something for this plan. is that the way it works in congress and one has to ask nicely for help. >> katy, typically when you're in the minority, you don't really have the ability to initiate, at least on the floor. that's controlled by the republican majority. and when they were putting together their plan in the secret, in the darkroom and we were down looking for the bill, it was under lock and key with security guards. capitol police guarding the room, we asked for an opportunity to review the bill. they denied it to us. upon reading it, we realized just how bad the bill is and how the cbo score comes out, it was what we were saying all along. 24 million americans that's not a responsible answer. >> we to want make it better. we haven't had a partner quite frankly we were in the minority then, but the republicans
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continuously for 60 votes, voted to repeal, without replacing, they never offered a plan to replace it. they scuttled together to try to figure out something in the very last minute here because they were under pressure. it's not even what president trump has supported quite frankly. so, you know, we're not going to apologize for people will suffer. >> off point that the republicans spent eight years saying no to this bill and vowing to take it down. it sounds like the democrats are in much of the same position right now, vowing to take the republican health care bill down. you criticize them for not coming up with their own plan. can't that same criticism be lobbed at you? where is your plan to fix things? >> we believe, we believe that passing this bill -- you know, some of the issues surrounding the affordable care act. it would be worse to pass this bill. you know -- >> but why not come up with your own plan that says here is how we are going to fix it?
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and present it to the american people and say, hey listen, here's what we're going to do, here's how we think question make it better. we want you to see our plan so you can go to your congressman if they're republican or democrat. >> the reality is we have to work with the republican colleagues. if they ask us to come into the room. and right now, we went to a mark-up last week for a 19, 18 ways and means committee, the e energy and commerce committee. we tried. we offered memt aemts they were turned down over and over again. it was accepted by the republican side of the aisle. >> take this as your opportunity to reach tout to your fellow republicans. what would you like to see this bill have? >> look, what i would like to see is a bill that would pass, that would help all of us be
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able to afford insurance. pass a bill that helps us really bend the cost curve. keep those costs coming down. you know, the rate of insurance has gone up, but it's gone up slower than any type in the past 20 years. we have to continue to help keep that cost down. we have make sure that whatever is passed, gives people more coverage for less costs. that's our goal. right now under the republican bill, it will cost more for them to get less. and that's simply unacceptable. >> if that happened, would the democratic caucus vote for that? >> we have said over and over again, repeatedly, i've said it. if they present a plan that covers more americans, that lowers the cost and gives them real comprehensive coverage, not fake coverage, we would support that. i will support that. >> and what if you were to go to the white house and the letter to the white house saying we'd like to come up with a plan that meets your standards, president trump, one of universal health care, one where you do not cut entitlements, how do you think that's going to be received? have you tried that? >> well, you know, the president
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has said that. he also said he wants to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical industry on the price of prescription drugs, yet we don't have any of that in the bill. and he says he loves this bill. he loves this bill. it is not about universal coverage. it's not about making sure that every american who wants coverage will have coverage. now they're saying it's about access. they tend to emphasize different words depending on the week we're discussing this issue. the one thing we do know, this is a very, very, complicated issue. it was complicated seven years ago when we enacted this law. it's as complicated today and i'm glad the president is realizing that. >> thank you, congressman crowley for joining us this afternoon. coming up, we'll dig deeper into the republican rift on health care. and look at why no matter who wins, house speaker paul ryan might still lose. stay tuned. dear predictable, there's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced.
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does not respond to a letter requesting evidence of president trump's wiretapping accusations. >> if they don't honor this request and give us an answer, then, i would say that we need a joint select committee because their regular order is not working. that's not the only slightly vailed threat coming from capitol hill these days. late yesterday, the republican spokesman for the house intelligence committee says the committee could use a quote compulsory process if it does not hear from the justice department about evidence on wiretapping before the march 20th hearing. meaning, subpoenas could be on their way. the white house has yet to produce any proof from any internal sources on where the president's accusation about wiretapping came from. white house press secretary spooirs said today the president thinks he will be proven right by the justice department's evidence. >> i think there is significant reporting about surveillance techniques that have existed throughout the 2016 election.
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i'll leave it up to them to issue eir report, but i think he feels very confident that we'll ultimately come of this. we'll vindicate him. ♪ ♪ everyone deserves attention, whether you've saved a lot or just a little. at pnc investments, we believe you're more than just a number. so we provide personal financial advice for every retirement investor. i just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax. now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem...
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show me the carfax. start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the all-new welcome back to mtp daily. it's easy to assume the gop health care bill won't get many, if any democratic votes. as we just laid out at the top of the show with congressman brady, it's also revealing deep fault lines within the republican party. republican leaders have to decide if they want to please nationalists, traditional conservatives, tea partiers, or moderates. and right now, it seems like they're pleasing no one. so let's bring in tonight's panel. elise jordan is msnbc political analyst and contributor to time magazine. worked for senator rand paul as well. hairnld ford jr., professor of public policy at the university of michigan, and ozzy, senr reporter at welcome guys. for first off, i want to get some response to chairman brady
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and joe crowley a moment ago. the democrats are saying the republicans are refusing to work with them. they're not asking for their help. and, harold, i'm going to does this to you, you were there. this drives me bonkers. it drives people i know bonkers, why do you need to be asked for help? do you have to walk and ask nicely and please help us or can the democrats, even though they're in the minority, go and say hey listen, we'd like to help you make this bill something that we would all be pleased to pass. >> i think democrats, first of all, i like that approach. that's an approach i tried to embrace and live out and resemble when i was in congress. i'm not convinced that's going to happen here. democrats believe republicans are flailing and watch them flail -- >> isn't that the problem with washington? isn't that what people voted against. >> before president obama left office, he agreed that one of the things that the obamacare, the affordable care act lacked was a public option. he thought they could create some of the competition to ensure that people would have
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more than one option which in three out of five states now, people have signing up on the affordable care act. but i don't sense that's going to come right away. if i were there, i would be urging pelosi and schumer to offer that and make clear, look, we to want fix this, you guys don't to want fix it and when you decide you want to fix it as opposed to abolishing some things or hold up and honor a campaign pledge, we'll work with you. travel down this route, we're going to stand over here. it seems like that's where they are right now. >> where does this bill stand right now? the gop bill. >> it is going to split the republican party. you're going to have the freedom caucus that wanted to be more conservative, you're going to have moderates that are going to look at the cbo report and say, there are too many people that are going to lose their insurance, and they want to change it. and they're going to want to make it more what have obamacare is owas, and then you're going to have democrats who a going to see the republican party in a lot of trouble, and they're going to stand back and let it happen. >> but it's -- >> the other faction i'm watching closely is the trump white house.
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because they have somewhat thrown their support behind this bill. you have press secretary sean spicer coming out in support, but he's saying no, no, no, we don't to want call it trumpcare. which is to be labeled with the name and they would be perfectly happy to see paul ryan fail. >> well something that's also telling speaking of that is what breitbart released today which is the audio of paul ryan, right after the access hollywood tape came out, paul ryan saying that he would not support donald trump. he had -- we knew he said that, but the add joe what's new, take a listen. >> basically two things that i want to make really clear, as for myself as your speaker, i am not going to defend trump, not now, not in the future. look, you guys know i have real concerns with our nominee. this is going to be a turbulent month. many of you on this call are facing tough reelections. some of you are not. but with respect to donald trump, i would encourage you to do what you think is best and do what you feel you need to do.
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>> you know, i've reporting this as a number of folks outside of the white house are trying to get in to president trump's ear through bannon and others to say that you've got to ditch paul ryan on this. and paul ryan's -- this ryancare is not worth it. it's going to go down the tank. is this breitbart's not so subtle way of reminding president trump that ryan didn't have his back, so he shouldn't have his. >> i think so. and that i think it's important to remember that president trump is really a post ideology president. ideology president. we don't know, he's not going to go off with the freedom caucus and take a stand to cut the deficit. he on the campaign stump was more in favor of universal health care. you look at all the news outlets that president trump follows closely. breitbart you've got gateway pundit. you've got news max, you have chris rudy, his friend and ally writing an op-ed in support of getting with the democrats, donald trumping the freedom caucus and going for a more bipartisan reform.
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>> yeah, which i found to be extremely notable because chris does have the ear of donald trump. and he talked about how, you know, take aspects of ryancare bill, forget about the freedom caucus, they're never going to get on board with anything, and then go to the democrats and say we need o you to work with the republicans. and when you both come to us with a bipartisan plan, then, i will look at it, and question go forward. harold, is that a viable option for democrats? >> i think so so. i think it's a viable option for the president. and ultimately something's going to happen with obamacare. there needs to be some change. and in advertise premise, on it's foundation, it's a good thing, but there's no doubt. too many states have a single option, and as a result, you don't have the competitive forces working to lower prices and lower premiums. you have to have something to change that. it's the only way it's going to change if you want to do it under this president is to work with him. now where democrats are going to find allies are in the senate. you have 18 republicans now who have come forward and said they can't support ryancare, trumpcare, whatever you choose. why? because many don't like the cuts to medicaid and medicare.
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democrats have some allies, at least so room to work with people. they're going to have their problem in the house. and trump is going to have to abandon the freedom caucus, but if that happens, how does ryan stay on his speaker? if he aligns himself with democrats -- >> how does that happen? >> well, if donald trump lets ryancare go forward and fail, he gets to come in and assort of pick up the pieces, come in as the great deal maker, and he can possibly extend an olive branch to democrats that want to see something take place. and you know, if ryan is sort of the sack official lamb, like ion't think donald trump is going to lose a moment's sleep about that. >> i don't think donald trump's base would react negatively. him working with the democrats. i think they would be all for it. i think that if there was some common ground to be found led by donald trump, then something a bill like this to replace or to fix obamacare, whatever you want to call it could gain a head of steam. >> this would be transformation until. if he found allies with
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democrats and passed this for his presidency, we're not three months in here. what are we, 55, 5 of days in, if he's able to accomplish this in the first 90 to 100 days. i'm 46, i don't remember a time when you had this kind of activity, this whirlwind of activity and a president able to bring parties together to change something dramatic. >> i wouldn't call it a reset if he did than it could be a start of a reset going forward. i'm going to have to leave this here for now. you guys are coming back. good conversation as always. still ahead, president trump gives the cia more power over drone strikes. what it means for the future of the fight against isis. stay tuned.
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welcome back. millions on the east coast are digging out of a late winter storm that swept up the i-95 corridor. storm watches and warnings are still in effect throughout upstate new york and new england after the storm brought hazardous conditions up the mid-atlantic coast. from virginia to maine, more than 156,000 are currently without power. blizzard warning was cancelled here in new york city, but the city did get about five inches of snow. jut state though, areas are seeing more than a foot of snow. the nation's capitol saw just over two inches of snow. not enough to sled down capitol hill which by the way was just recently legalized. but it was enough for the house to have a snow day. no day off for the senate side. and president trump did keep his scheduled meeting at the white house with saudi arabia's defense minister, but today's
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much anticipated meeting with german chancellor angela merkel shifted to friday. more mtp daily ahead. but first, we have the cnbc market wrap. > . >> certainly no snow here. markets ending down as investors wait on a decision from the federal reserve. the dow dropped 44 points, s&p lost eight, the nasdaq fell 19 points. small business optimism remains at record high levels according to a report from the national federation of independent business. however, 44% of small business owners say finding skilled workers is a top concern. and american airlines will begin offering free meals in the main cabin of select cross country flights beginning may 1st. customers will be offered a continental breakfast or boxed meal with a sandwich. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. d the securiy just like the marines did. at one point, i did change to a different company with car insurance, and i was not happy with the customer service.
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the u.s. targets terrorists. senior u.s. officials are telling nbc news that the trump administration is moving ahead with plans to make it easier for the cia and the military to target terrorists with drone strikes, even if it means tolerating more civilian casualties. the wall street journal first broke the story last night that the white house was handing over the power to conduct lethal strikes to the cia and military with no requirement for presidential sign-off. shane, welcome, first question, why? what's the strategy in giving the cia more power like this? >> well i think the cia has wanted for some time to have the ability to pull the trigger on
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the drone strikes. people will remember years ago cia was doing a lot of strikes in pakistan especially and was quite successful at that. in recent years, the obama administration reigned in the agency and allowed it to assist in finding targets, these terrorists that they wanted to take, but leaving the actual pulling of the trigger to the military to conduct because there's more oversight of that process, that was the logic, and there's a chain of command in place. so i think that the agency has for some time wanted to take the strikes themselves. they're deeply involved in the tracking of these suspects and are providing much of the intelligence that's used when the military actually just comes in and performs the last step. >> but the obama decision was also at least in part because of human rights groups were worried about civilian casualties, correct? >> that's right. certainly there was a higher threshold that was put in place when the cia was operating outside a traditional war zones that there had to be a near certainty that there would be no
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civilian loss of life in any of those strikes. and the obama administration really did that in response to human rights groups and wanting to set standards and really high thresholds for how the strikes were done in the future. because the thinking was, we're going to hand this off to another administration. and we to want leave some really clear policy and seem rigger to this process for whoever comes next. of course, subsequent administration can and is rolling back some of those restrictions that were put in place. >> what is the policy right now when it comes to civilians? >> right now, the cia still has to adhere to that very high standard. the military has a bit of a lower threshold when it's operating in traditional war zones, but as we were finding from our sources and you all are reporting as well. the thresholds are going to come down perhaps across the board so you won't to to have near certainty that no civilians will be killed. that could lead to more innocent bystanders being killed in the strikes. >> given that in 2015, a drone strike accidentally killed the
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u.s. civilian and an italian civilian in pakistan, do you see any decent coming from the decision? anything from republicans potentially or democrats going to say hey, pull back. >> i think yeah, you're probably going to see pushback for sure on this on the hill and people i've been talking to on that question have said they do have concerns about these changes that may be in store. and they don't want to see these thresholds lowered. it is important to remember though that when the military and the cia do operate and take these strikes, they do have a very high threshold for making sure there are no civilian casualties. and when they occur, they go back and figure out what went wrong. this will be read by many groups as kind of a lowering of the bar for these strikes and that will cause a lot of concern. >> what is the benefit here for the trump administration? >> i think the benefit for them is that the administration can say look, we are giving more power to the military and to the intelligence agencies to go out and conduct these strikes, and what we're not doing is trying to micromanage that process from the white house.
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there was a lot of criticism that these targets, these people that they were trying to hit were getting bottlenecked in an approval process that went out to the president in some cases, president obama. so the administration will be able to say we're allowing the experts and the operators in the field who are conducting this work on a regular basis to have more autonomy to get the job done rather than being overseen by people in the white house who are perhaps maybe who are sitting on the process too closely. >> in year's past before president obama issued new policy guidance, the cia routinely carried out drone strikes without explicit presidential sign-off. did the cia retain that authority after the new policy, but simply didn't use it often or did they get new authority here? >> well, what we're finding now, they have new authority here to conduct lethal strike themselves to pull the trigger, but after around 2013 when new policy guidance was issued by the white house, any so-called high value target and individual of great importance to a terrorist organization at the cia wanted to hit, they had to give
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presidential approval to do that and go through a committee of the president's national security advisors. so over the past three years, what we've seen is this process really tighten up and the threshold going up and being more oversight of this by policy makers and not just leaving this to the agency to conduct on it's own or with, you know, relatively less input from the white house. >> well,oes that maybe allow donald trump to skirt accountability on his own for this? >> well, it'll be interesting to see how they actually address that because the cia does not routinely disclose the strikes that it takes. so if he is giving more authority to the cia to pull the trigger, the question is going to be, well how are people going to account for what the agency is doing? it operates under covert authorities which is different from the military where many of these strikes and these activities are publicly reported. so i think the white house is going to have to explain how it is that there is still accountability in that process if the cia is even seen as being
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given a greater role even if it doesn't take it. and of course how will we know because they don't report the strikes? the white house is going to have to explain that, i think. >> and if we do knee something went wrong, if we find out that something went wrong, will donald trump be able to say listen, i didn't know about it. this was not my responsibility? that was a decision made by the cia. we're going to have to find out how the white house follows up. shane harris, thank you. >> thanks a lot. and grading a political road trip. mtp daily style. stay tuned. ( ♪ ) upstate new york is a good place to pursue your dreams. at vicarious visions, i get to be creative, work with awesome people, and we get to make great games. ( ♪ ) what i like about the area, feels like everybody knows each other. and i can go to my local coffee shop and they know who i am. it's really cool. new york state is filled with bright minds like lisa's. to find the companies and talent of tomorrow, search for our page, jobsinnewyorkstate on linkedin. search fthisur page, this
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welcome back. you know what we like to say around here at mtp daily, if it's tuesday, someone's voting somewhere. today the somewhere is new hampshire. local elections were scheduled for today for things like town selectman, town clerk, school boards, and other measures. but when election day also falls on the day a giant nor'easter blazes through the region, blanketing the state in snow, the situation can get a little hairy. when the weather forecast predicted a storm, secretary of state bill gardner said the election date couldn't be moved. governor chris strongly recommended that the elections go on saying that towns would be postponing them at risk to voters suppression lawsuits. in the end, many took that risk and decided to postpone voting citing safety concerns over the weather, not wedding. other towns pressed on braving the snowy downpours to live free and vote. we'll be right back. dear predictable,
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time now for the lid. let's bring back our panel. elise jordan, hairnld our panel. i want to talk about wiretapping, but i want to get one other aspect of healthcare oumt of our system before we move on. single payer, why not have single payer in this country? >> i don't think it's off the table with the trump administration. i really don't. donald trump professs support of it in the past. and here you look at steve bannon's philosophy, he really is all about the middle class in talking about workers, you know the bailouts, and how it really you know screwed overworkers. so i don't think it's off the table completely with this administration. >> culturally, we're different. aspects of single payer i like. we are countries where you know three-quarters or more of dollars spent on health care, the last 12, 18 months of life. if you go to a single payer, you compromise, the system will make different choices. we as a culture have to make
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different choices. >> some kids with single payers, though, have healthier people for longer. >> you need a salesman to sell that idea. donald trump could potentially be that salesman, it's not democrats that are holding it up. it is republican voters and people who lined up for him that i think are the biggest obstacles. >> so if donald trump had like the ability to truly transcend another president in this respect, i think donald trump has shown that his political acan you men, his skill -- acumen, his still is unparallelled. he is not someone born and raised in politics and you know managed to essentially win an election on his own. he doesn't ho his success to everyone. i'm never going to underestimate him when it comes to selling himself or a product. >> i don't think that's a bad -- >> innovation is we heard about this and medical breakthroughs you would have we heard, we'd probably go down the path. there are a couple things you'd
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have to tinker with. >> you can't just go from obamacare total repeal to, oh, let's have universal health care. i think that's too quick of of a mental jump. >> that would be a remarkable change of pace, talk about president trump on the one hand having a great opportunity to do something completely different. on the other hand, being completely different, accusing the former president of wiretapping. we haven't seen any evidence of this he can take on both side of the spectrum, can't he? >> you really never know where this president is going to come out an any given day on any given issue. that's certainly. >> the most outrageous one? >> exactly. this one being incredibly fact-free, here you watched over i guess it's just been over a week and how his very surrogates have tried to back pedal this and play it off as a joke. i'm sorry, i don't think we should be defameing former presidents as a joke. >> are my former colleagues a
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joke? >> we have gone to i'm not a crook too i'm not a joke. sean spicer saying you can't take him literally, you have to translate what he's saying. this is all a purposeful distraction from the white house. you make an accusation, throw it against the wall, you have people verify what you say and you walk it back. >> where is the respect for the oval of the? what is the respect of the american people? >> there happy birthday ha diminution of that for the current president to investigate the former president and say the group investigating, can you give us the evidence that you had, that gives us a starting point, because we don't know where to start. so it has been a disrespect not only in the office and i've never seen anything quite like it where the president would do this to a former president and wed end up being consumed with it and he's not held to his own moral standard, which is i can't say this without having evidence accusing a former president there are only 45 of us here. let me not do this. so it's a disrespect to the office and a slight to the american people that he would
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allow this to go on. i feel bad for spice tore an extent, he goes out every day and tries to defend the indefensible in many ways. >> the doj is asking them to produce everyday of the president's claims, they don't have it yet, at least, thank you, guy, for joining me today. after the break, why did the republican and democrat cross the road? stay tuned.
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in case you missed it, roadtrips are a grand tradition in this country and so are political stunts and today two texas congressmen are reving up both. democrat beto o'remark and republican will we heard are traveling from san antonio, texas to d.c. they say they're taking this thelma and louise style to beat the blizzard, they're trying to break through partisan gridloc and set stuck in actual gridlock. they are checking the boxes on all the classic roadtrip iconography. first have you the great tunes [ music playing [ music playing ] >> the texas tribune reports that johnny cash, john denver and willie nelson made their roadtrip play list. we approve. second, fast food, a roadtrip isn't a roadtrip without a drive through. >> yes, miranda.
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we would like so there's going to be -- we will pay for the same? can we do fit two different bags, it will bees dwrer for us? >> it's the part where nay argue whether diet dr. pepper tastes loo ticks real thing or no. next on the road list, a must have list, a little drama. they got a ticket at u.t.. everybody knows it's not a real roadtrip if you don't meet a few characters along the way. >> how are you? >> evan smith. >> chuck todd. >> how are you? >> i like you got like car head. >> this is perpetual head for me. >> chuck todd is our favorite character, of course. that's all for tonight. we will be back tomorrow with more "mtp daily." "for the record" starts now the get grta. >> trump care or obamacare? a new debate as the white house tries to spin, spin, spin, from that rough score card for the ceo. is someone trying to start a fight with speaker ryan and
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trump, some folks wonder whether it has anything to do with trump adviser steve bannon. plus, even more heated on the president, the ultimatum, not from the democrats, president trump's lindsey graham is demanding the fbi producing y everyday for a wiretap. he sets that deadline for tomorrow afternoon. so what happens if the fbi refuses to comply? all hands on deck at the white house, fighting for the gop health care bill. late today, president trump working the phone, strategizing with paul ryan and house leader kevin mccarthy. meanwhile, spawn spicer is battling the white house press core. spicer insisting the office report is dead wrong and the new gop bill would not leave next year 14 million uninsured t
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