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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  March 25, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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nd may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. good afternoon, it's 1:00 in the east, 10:00 out west. here's what's happening. senator lindsey graham facing his constituents in columbia, south carolina. let's listen in. >> bankrupt the country by 2042. let me tell you what i would do. i would ask lindsey graham to pay more medicare premiums than we're currently asking him to pay.
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why? because i can afford it and my aunt can't. i'm not going to tax the rich to fix a problem they can't fix. i will ask wealthy people to pay more into medicare and take less from social security because these programs are worth saving. let me tell you about my life. when i was in college, i lost both of my parents by the time i was 22. my sister, darlene, was 13. she's here with me today. we lost our businesses when my mom and dad got sick. we owned a liquor store a pool room and a beer joint and we had insurance that didn't cover us very well. i know what it's like to get sick and be under insurehead. we moved in with a uncle and aunt. we got about $350 check from social security to help us survivor from my parents' contribution. i'm now 61, i'll be 62. i am in good shape financially.
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i've been well-blessed. i will pay more into medicare and take less from social security because i know why people need it. now, if everybody in the country is willing to ask people like me to pay a little more and take a little less, it will fix this. to young people, we cannot -- we got to adjust the age of retirement one more time. doing it over a long period of time to take the pressure of these trust funds. if we don't do that, then i'm not worth a damn to you. what good is it to have senators and congressmen who won't address the problems you face. my generation, we've had it pretty damn good. i worry about the next generation of young americans who are going to have to pay off more debt than we could -- they will ever be able to pay. let's go on with the idea of fixing the budget but not talk about things that won't get
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us -- >> beth, there were some rowdy moments to be fair. >> yeah, we've been here for about half an hour. the first part of the town hall was very rowdy. senator graham came in ready to talk to these constituents and they had a lot of questions about trump taxes, about judge gorsuch and his nomination to the supreme court about possible collusion between the trump kpa campaign and russia. he talked about the healthcare bill yesterday and said he'll call for another way. let's take a listen. >> i don't think one party is going to be able to fix this by themselves. so here's what i think should happen next. i think the president should reach out to democrats. i should reach out to democrats and we should say let's take a shot at doing this together.
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because it ain't working it doing it by ourselves. >> we're going to stay and listen to some more of what senator graham has to say on russia, the budget, the taxes, you hear folks booing. >> we'll continue to break in if it warrants. thank you for your reporting there. let's go to nbc's kelly o'donnell at the white house. it sounds like the president is tweeting already this morning, kind of jumping back in the relationshring in healthcare? >> he was. it's important to point out where beth is. that's a state, south carolina, where president trump won with 55% of the vote. and as she pointed out those questions have been pretty critical so far of some of the trump policies. this is an interesting time for republicans who are out there in the field talking to americans. and for the white house that is trying to figure out the next step. yes, the president did tweet about trying to come together to work with democrats, to have something good for the people.
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notably he ended his tweet with don't worry. many americans might find that a tough one because it is a subject that is so personal, can be so expensive. we've seen how politically difficult it is to deal with healthcare. making changes to the obamacare law or the rupeal and replace effort that went no where yesterday. one of the big choices on the national stage about healthcare from the far left is bernie sanders. he would like a single payer system, meaning government insurance program like medicare for everyone of every age. he's long talked about that as being an answer to some of these issues. that didn't get him to the white house. but it's something he talked about. he was asked about president trump, the fallout from all of this and what should happen next, here is senator bernie sanders. >> it makes me nervous that the president of the united states is apparently working and hoping
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that a major federal plan will fail. i hope he doesn't sabotage it. >> reporter: he raises the question of perhaps by doing nothing or taking administrative steps that the new health and human services secretary tom price could take with his authority, could that further some of the cost increases and some of the difficulties for the healthcare law known as obamacare. that's to be seen. this issue, which many expected would be moving in a different direction, the pruesumption tha republicans could get something passed and be on the way to developing a new policy, now whether you're on the right or the left, lawmakers are trying to figure out what those next steps will be. for the white house, i think there's a sense of perhaps putting this on hold, at least in terms of their sort of front page ideas and turning to tax reform. something that many americans may want to hear if they would be up for a tax cut. the corporate taxes also something they're talking about.
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we'll have to see if yesterday's defeat on capitol hill will have any impact on how the trump administration and top republicans go forward with other things on their agenda. >> certainly is the big question this morning -- this afternoon i should say. thank you for talking with me on this saturday. let's bring in elise jordan and a columnist for time, and peter erso a huffington post contributor who has worked for three democratic administrations. good afternoon to both of you. let me start with this town hall with senator lindsey graham in south carolina. were you able to listen in? it was rowdy at the beginning, let me get your take. >> i was, you know, it was surprising he -- senator graham went in immediately saying that we had to have some kind of bipartisan solution to healthcare. speaking about how president trump had indicated that was going to be his attitude going forward. and then senator graham pledged
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to also support that process. it's something that he would be someone who would be more emenabeme amenable to reaching across the aisle to reach a solution. definitely was indicating that the party isn't completely giving up. >> i have to say, this man, puts himself in front of these people. in the beginning they were booing and it was a bit rowdy. he still talks to them. there are a lot of people who believe these are the town halls that swayed what happened where ultimately they didn't vote. >> exactly. you know, upside down world we're living in. the fact that i'm sitting here nodding with great hope to what lindsey graham is saying about the healthcare condition of this country, suggests maybe there is an opportunity. the losers yesterday, beyond the obvious political ones were the american people. obamacare is in trouble in various states. and so it needs fixing.
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trump said at the press conference yesterday i'm just going to let it die and we'll walk away like a petulant 7-year-old who didn't win the marble game. and democrats sighed relief that maybe that will save senate seats and pick up house seats. who is acting on behalf of america? seems like lindsey graham is. >> that's what i was going to ask you. should we be concerned? i have three children, okay, let's say, you know, something doesn't go my way. you're going to be hurt anyway, once you're falling down and crying i'll be back. do you put them in harm's way? a lot of people felt like it's going to implode, come back when you need me. >> the president is embracing -- in the short term he seemed to immediately want to blame democrats for the failure of the bill, which is pretty laughable because he has the majority, he has both houses, we have the white house, republicans should have been able to do this. he failed in his first big test as the master negotiator.
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taking that business acumen to washington. he wasn't able to deliver. so in the immediate aftermath was quick to just blame the democrats. now i think there is an understanding that nothing is going to get done unless some democrats are brought into the process. >> it's like your reading my notes. peter let me play a clip quickly and i'll let you react. take a listen. >> i think the losers are nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. because now they own obamacare, they own it. 100% own it. and this is not a republican healthcare, this is not anything but a democrat healthcare. >> peter, how do you respond to that? >> it's what i said earlier, this is a spoiled little brat that's willing to let the conditions of america, particularly the healthcare of millions and millions of americans just lie by the
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wayside. just get devastated. how about a novel idea where the president says why don't we go around to america and listen to what people need. both democrats and republicans. >> is that fair? >> i think that there actually is an opportunity for there to be some kind of moving in the drek direction of a bipartisan consensus because the american people are frustrated with their healthca options. the country is crying for change. you look at how the economy is fundamenlly changing with less people are increasingly being offered insurance by employers, as the economy transitioned to more of a gig economy, i think it's becoming inevitable. this is something that's very hard for me to concede as someone who tends to lean libertarian that there is going to have to be a little more government involvement. >> in the long run could this be failure for the president or a plus? >> it is a failure for the president. >> could it be a plus in the
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long run? >> i don't know if it can be primarily because i think he's the primary obstacle. it's certainly a big loss for trump and ryan in their peaceful coexistence treaty that just got shredded. and also, frankly, for trump in his tax cuts as well as his infrastructure spending. this is going to make it much more difficult because, remember, they were counting on basically the savings, taking the money out of the pocket of millions of americans on healthcare and putting it into tax cuts and infrastructure. in the short term this is a big loss. >> what about you? could there be a plus in that he doesn't have to own, you know, this healthcare at this point? or obamacare? >> i think the consequences would have been worse for president trump if this actually had been implemented and it was -- it wasn't -- i mean it wasn't going to go through the senate. i think that this bill that was so flawed. actually, became policy wasn't going to happen. but, you know if it had it
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wouldn't have been good for president trump because it would have impacted so many of his supporters. >> what does this do for the rest of his agenda going forward? >> hopefully it was a learning experience and it taught him that he has to know what is is in the policy that he's pushing. you know, he couldn't -- he was trying to cruise through this process by weight of his personality and couldn't explain what he was trying to sell and that wasn't enough for those critical votes he needed to actually pass the bill. >> good discussion. elise jordan and peter emerson thank you for talking to me. we'll have more from that town hall with senator lindsey graham. we're keeping an eye on this for you. that cause nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. for relief beyond the nose. flonase.
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. all is quiet on capitol hill right now. nearly 24 hours after the republicans pulled their healthcare bill. now, to how the story is playing out in the papers. healthcare overhaul doa is how the hartford current is covering it. calli take a look at the gainesville sun in florida. death blow was how the cape cod times put a spin on the demise. the bakersfield paper, can the gop govern? joining me is a former trump campaign senior advisor. good afternoon, to you. >> hey. >> president trump appeared to be very commalm in his comments >> i think he's disappointed.
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there were no winners on friday, despite some of the press releases from the extreme right and extreme left. america lost. we all lost. i'm on obamacare. luckily i can afford it but my costs continue to go up dramatically ever year. my hometown where i'm from in southern ohio. most people frankly can't afford it. so we're all hurting. a big loss for america. >> somebody said that perhaps it's a bit of relief for president trump because he doesn't have to own it. do you believe that? >> well, no, i do think he owns it. i think he wants to own it. he understands the problem. the big issue is, people in washington want to play politics withhis issue instead of trying to fix it. and so you know, the way it works in washington a crisis has to get bigger and more hurtful to all of us before they come together to do something about it. that's unfortunate. >> walk me through his management style.
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when he's talking about the prediction that obamacare is going to explode. we're talking about families here. his job as a leader to manage it, keep crucial programs from falling apart. that comment rubbed people the wrong way. >> it is exploding. we're seeing premium increases of, you know, dramatically -- >> it was the nonchalant attitude. i think a lot of people -- >> i think, unfortunately, in washington, both in the house and the senate, you know, there just isn't -- the alarm bells are not going off and the american people need to make them feel what we're all feeling that these costs are unbearable and unsustainable. >> do you think he feels that or do you think it was a little bit nonchalant? i think a lot of people felt that there wasn't any pain. >> i think he feels it. i think he's the only one in washington who is feeling it. everybody else wants to play politics. >> do you think he learned a lesson on his first political
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test and do you think he'll have a different strategy moving forward and if so, what would that be? >> i don't think there's any doubt that he's wisier through this process. it was a failure of strategy and tactics. al clear now that perhaps the tax bill should have been first. now we're going to take all these battle scars into the tax bill which is not helpful. it still happened but not helpful. the strategy of never bringing the freedom caucus into the fold at the beginning, only bringing them in at the end was a bad strategy. those were his decisions. it was bad strategy. >> on wednesday, house speer ryan spoke to hugh hewitt, can you take a listen and we'll talk? >> we're talking about hundreds of billions a year throughout the country. this is so much bigger by orders of magnitude than welfare reform. let me describe exactly what this bill does for conservatives. this is why i'm excited about it and this is why i think people
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need to see the forest for the trees we are defederalizing an entitlement and capping its growth rate. >> is this why ryan couldn't get moderate republicans on board? going after an entitlement a step too far? >> that kind of rhetoric is not helpful, period. i mean, it might be helpful to the conservative policy wonks in town. what we want to hear is how does this plan reduce my cost. my family pays $2,100 a month for our coverage in d.c. there are some families who can't. what are we doing to actually see the premiums go down instead of up. that's what people want to hear, not about entitlements or burden on medicaid. if you want to sell it to the public you've got to sell it on
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reduced cost. >> challenge is it wasn't rhetoric, it was in the bill. a lot of people say they didn't sell it right or talk to the public. the reality is perhaps it was just the content itself that they didn't like. >> if you bring a bill to the floor that has 16%, 18% support nationally you shouldn't be surprised that it fails. it was bad idea. >> before i let you go i want to ask you about the president's claim of wire tapping. let me let you take a listen to another clip here. >> i've been very clear there was no -- matter of fact i made very clear on this for many weeks now. there was no wire tapping of trump tower that didn't happen. it appears like this was all legal. okay. it looks like it was all legal surveillance from what i can tell. until we get the documents i won't know for sure. >> so with that said why is the president continuing to make these claims? >> because here's the problem. here's what we know, not only
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were these inconsequential surveillance picked up. someone transcribed them. someone unmasked them on the other end of the phone and some leaked them to the media which is another felony. what started out as a normal intelligence process got politicized. we know the transcripts of the calls have been floated around to the press in washington. it exists. someone was listening. the question now is, who was it and how did the sources get unmasked. and who in the heck released it to the media. these are real felonies, i think we'lprably be needing a special prosecutor. >> what do you make of the request for president trump to apologize for accusing him of specifically wire tapping? >> well, i mean, somebody was -- they were listening, i don't know what the word wire tapping means. someone has recordings of the calls, transcripts of the calls,
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and they identified the party that was not supposed to be and it was released to the media. to most americans, that's wire tapping. whether the source was -- target was donald trump or somebody else, that's a different story. but the real felonies here were that these calls were transcribed, they were unmasked and then they were distributed to the media. that's a triple felony. >> i have to leave it there, thank you for your time. >> thank you. the president says obamacare will explode. could democrats and republicans reach out to each other before that happens? i'll ask about this at the bottom of the hour. grown man now.
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president trump sayshe democrats own obamacare and it's going to explode. is it really in trouble? i'll talk with a member of the house budget committee about what can be done to improve obamacare.
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welcome back.
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this is what we're monitoring. london the scene of a large rally to oppose brexit. britain will begin its exit from the e.u. thousands showed their support for the e.u. funeral services are being held in new york for a paramedic who was ran over by her own ambulance. while the suspect got into the ambulance, and started driving off, striking the paramedic. he was arrested and charged. some nine million people in parts of the southeast are bracing for a potentially overnight torrential rain hit little rock arkansas following violent weather that destroyed several hoemobile homes. president trump tasting major failure in the collapse of
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the republican healthcare bill. today we're gauging reaction of his supporters, let's go to vaughan hillyard. he's in salina, kansas, what have you heard there in the heartland? >> reporter: i want to get to the point you were talking about. after listening to lindsey graham, go as far to suggest a bipartisan healthcare plan could be in the works. after being on the road, places like oklahoma, texas, louisiana, trump can't heountry here in te would be heart to tell the difference between a trump and clint clinton supporter. i got here to kansas and i want you to play a sound bite for a woman. this is what she said about the healthcare bill that was put on hold yesterday. >> i think it was a good thing that they put it on hold as long as that's what they're doing. i'd like to see them revisit it
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and work with it some more before they pass anything. my concern was the fact that i didn't feel it was going to bring the overall cost of healthcare down. what we have now isn't doing that either. so this plan that was proposed definitely didn't look like it was ever going to do that. i think we need to make that a major focus. >> reporter: yearly payment and premiums would be $3,200 a year for her. she's part of the working uninsured. she doesn't qualify for medicaid and she didn't find the value in paying that high of a premium. i was down in texas two days ago talking with a woman who owns she has a cafe. she didn't have the funds to pay for premiums. you hear this from state to state, town to town. at least lindsey graham is holding a town hall.
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in these communities they haven't had the chance to express questions, expression concerns. one of the things constantly i hear, they weren't even sure what this bill was or where it was going or what the impacts were and they had concerns. >> i grew up in wichita kansas we definitely hear what they have to say. thank you for your reporting today. still ahead president trump is ready to move on. republicans are recovering and regrouping after pulling a healthcare bill before it went to a house vote. in his remarks yesterday, the president said a bipartisan bill w will come out of the defeat. >> i'll tell you what going to come out of it. i believe a better bill. there were things in this bill i didn't particularly love. and i think it's a better bill. we could have things i would have liked more. if we had bipartisan i think we
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could have a healthcare bill that would be the ultimate. and i think the democrats know that, also. and someday in the not too distant future that will happen. >> joining me now congresswoman who sits on the house budget committee. good afternoon to you. >> good afternoon to you. >> will democrats come to the president to work on a bipartisan plan? >> well, first of all, let me just say that this -- the reason that there was a spectacular failure on the part of the republicans yesterday is because hundreds of thousands of people across the country got a great lesson on the -- on obamacare and also on what the devastating bill that was really about that the republicans proposed. we as democrats have been going to the republicans for seven years and saying we are fully aware that obamacare is not perfect. it's far from perfect. there are a number of serious
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problems we would like to work with you to solve. and they said absolutely no. by the time they were done, this bill was so malicious, would have not only thrown off 24 million people and charged 50 to 64-year-olds this ridiculous age tax. but it would have taken basic essential benefits in healthcare. like emergency rooms and maternity care. it was just a horrible bill and people saw that. so yes, we are more than willing to sit down and say we want to make sure people can not only afford their premiums, but have access to healthcare without huge out of pocket costs. we've always been ready to go. we'll see if the republicans want to do it or if the president who is known to be somewhat vindictive sometimes wants to see now obamacare implode, explode. >> i'm glad you just mentioned
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that. it leads me to what i was about to show you, this tweet, i don't know if you've seen it. obamacare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for the people. don't worry, it's going to explode. what are the weakness and the challenges he says, you know, democrats, you know, i'm willing to work with them and sends a tweet like that? >> well, a number of insurers have left the market. and so there are few choices for people. we could fix that, for example, with a public option in places where there's only one insurance company. we could do things like the president has suggested, negotiate for lower prices through medicaid. their bill actually -- medicare rather. their bill actually srtened the life of the medicare trust fund. there are lots of things that we could do in order to make it work for people. we want to. but, you know, we certainly
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don't want to take away the enormous successes that were there. the preexisting conditions, which, their bill challenged the preexisting conditions. people could have been thrown off their healthcare. and so, you know, if he's waiting for the obamacare to explode, i'm just wondering if he's trying to figure out ways to make that happen rather than really work with us. >> he says, you know, any failures to the healthcare are owned by the democrats and democrats alone. what's your response to that. >> that it's our fault? oh, you know, they own everything right now. they have the white house. they have a huge majority in the house. they've got the senate. to blame the democrats is not even credible. and most people i think have to just laugh at that. now they have it. and it's theirs to do. but we are willing to provide votes if they're willing to sit down and actually work out the
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problems. so far, we just haven't seen it. seven years, and we still haven't seen it. i want to tell you, you know, if anybody comes up to me now and says, does it really matter if you contact your legislator? look what happened yesterday, people get it. they understood more about the legislation than the president did. he said nobody knew how complicated healthcare was. well, we knew. >> that and all these town halls. i can't tell you how many town halls we've covered all around the country. the president said something yesterday that grabbed our attention. i wanted to play it and get your take. >> i said the other day, when president obama left, '17, he knew he wasn't going to be here. '17 is going to be a bad year for obamacare. very, very bad. you've going to have explosive
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premium increases. and your deductibles are so high, people don't even get to use it. >> what do you make of that allegation, essentially, it was doomed from the start and this was the year for it, it was going to happen after president obama was out of office? when i heard that i thought whoa. >> what's remarkable in this hyperpartisan era, only 17% of americans in the quinnipiac poll said they want today repeal obamacare. there was actually, you know, consensus around the country that it would be worse to repeal obamacare. and certainly planned parenthood, 80% once they learned the money doesn't go to abortion, they support planned parenthood which was the funding was eliminated in their bill. the american people overall approve of obamacare. and it's not -- 2017 has been the year where there's been this
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tremendous reversal. in 2009 they were chasing democrats around, including me, yelling about obamacare. in 2017, they're saying huh-uh. do not repeal it. let's fix it. >> do you think there's a public expectation of some sort of government run healthcare? >> well, i do think that we should have a public option, a medicare-like plan that people could buy in places where there's only one insurer or insurer don't want to be so there actually would be a plan. i personally, i am for medicare for all kind of system. i think it would be the most efficient. maybe sometime we'll get there i hope sooner rather than later. but the meantime, i think there are ways that we could satisfy most of the republicans. we could satisfy trump who by the way, at one point said he was for a universal healthcare
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system. a kind of medicare for all system. maybe we can talk to him about that. >> i have to leave it there. good discussion, thank you for your time on this saturday. >> thanks so much. coming up, a list that won't make president trump too happy. and next hour, the inside story of president trump's interview with time magazine and his claim of having good instincts. i joined the army in july of '98. i did active duty 11 years. and two in the reserves. our 18 year old was in an accident.
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or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at i don't think one party's going to be able to fix this by themselves. so here's what i think should happen next. i think the president should reach out to democrats. i should reach out to democrats. and we should say let's take a shot at doing this together. because it ain't working it doing it by ourselves. >> why is it okay to have a hearing for judge gorsuch when president trump is under fbi
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criminal investigation? >> i find it pretty odd that when hillary clinton was under fbi investigation, none of you said she can't run. i find the double standard of the left when it comes to judges pretty off base. >> a boisterous crowd for senator lindsey graham in columbia, south carolina. it's still underway. it was scheduled to finish up about 15 minutes ago. joining me now is a reporter for the los angeles times. good afternoon to both of you. >> good afternoon. >> it's interesting listening to both of those sound bites it felt like i was watching a boxing match. the second one was like hillary clinton this and i was like oh,
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watching a match. do you think the washington in general misses the point when it comes to understanding really how important healthcare is to so many people on both sides of the aisle? >> no, i think they understand that enormously. that's why it was so difficult to pass this repeal and replace effort. republicans really wanted -- they didn't necessarily want to go it alone on this whole matter. but the problem was the second you add repealing what would be a repairing of obamacare democrats aren't going to vote for it. democrats won't touch it. >> do you think the gop will give up for t push to repeal and replace? >> they're not going to ae to do anything. that's the problem. that's the problem. donald trump said you got one shot, here it is. take it or leave it. they left it. and so it was very interesting -- people are asking
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who are the big winners who are the big losers out of this whole thing. i think one of the big losers is the freedom caucus. because when donald trump said yeah, we need to invite more democrats to be a part of this, i'm going to reach out to them. that meant a lot of the things the freedom caucus didn't want to have in a repeal and replace bill will likely have to be there. >> your take? >> for seven years we've heard republicans talking about repealing the bill. the fact they weren't able to get it done is amazing. donald trump ran as the best negotiator in the world. he could make deals. this was his first major test. he failed and i wonder what it means for the rest of his agenda. >> with that said, is there any upside to pulling this healthcare bill? >> i'm not sure. i think it was sort of an embarrassment. if you looked at house speaker paul ryan's press conference
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yesterday, i thought his statement was very telling where he said, you know, we've been the party of opposition now we need to be the party of governing. we're trying to figure that out. i think that's going to be interesting to watch, you know, how they maneuver over the next months and years. >> go ahead. >> i wanted to add that speaker ryan did give that press conference, but you should have seen the guys, the women and men filing out of this last minute hasty closed door meeting where paul ryan made that announcement. lawmakers were despondent. they were lugubrious. they were stunned this is something they've been fighting for for so long. how do they go home and tell their constituents among our own party we couldn't vote to repeal obamacare. this really was a one party ise. >> lugubrious, that's a good word by the way. i want to play what "the washington post" robert costa told my colleague kate snow on how he learned about the
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republican setback. this is after answering a blocked call. take a listen. >> the president called me and said look, i'm pulling the bill, i just made the decision and wanted you to know. he walked through why he thought that he didn't blame speaker ryan. is he clearly didn't have thetat trump adjusting to washington, disappointed that his health care vote is not coming up, but self aware that this is a moment for him where he has to react and figure out a way forward on a lot of different front. >> what come ydo you make of th approach? >> for president trump to call up a report, it's very unusual, but -- i take that back. not president trump. but for a president to call a reporter and say i pulled the bill, for president trump looking at his history and how he would deal with the media in new york city, i think that it was completely natural for him to do that. and it's interesting because
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president trump -- this is what one republican said, you know, you have your go-to people. and then when you find out that your go-to people get up and leave, you don't go to them anymore. and that is what president trump likely learned from this whole situation is that he can't trust those people who are necessarily supporting him during the campaign because they were intractable and they wouldn't support that effort in the end. so like i said, the freedom caucus, they might have had a victory this one, but that didn't mean -- this just opens up a lot of opportunities for donald trump to reach out to democrats and get bipartisan deals and say listen, we can afford to lose 20 some odd republican votes because we have democrats making up the difference. >> speaking of it, let me switch gears a bit. neil gorsuch, so many talked about will democrats filibuster. how do you see this playing out? >> i think democrats are in a tough spot because their base wants them to filibuster. their base is angry about
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merrick garland who never had a hearing. and so because of that anger, they are facing pressure from their base. but at the same time, this nominee, he would replace antonin scalia. so this wouldn't change the balance of the court right/left. it would be pretty much where things were. we have a couple more supreme court justices who might retire, something might happen, and people wonder if democrats should really save the fight. if you have to replace ruth bader ginsburg, should you save your fight for that nominee battle. so they're in a tough spot, but chuck schumer has already indicated that he will lead a filibuster. >> and i think she has it. i mean, the person who is really in the toughest position here is mitch mcconnell because mitch mcconnell does not want to trigger this so-called nuclear option. he does not want to have to do it. because look what happened when harry reid did that for the cabinet officials. when he got rid of that filibuster and said you only
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need 51 people, 51 votes to approve a cabinet office, well, look what happened with trump's cabinet. they flew through. nobody could filibuster them. so that's what mitch mcconnell does not want to set that precedent so that a democrat becomes president, you know, who knows what -- and then there is a democratic congress, the republicans wouldn't have any recourse to filibuster. >> this is a good discussion. thank you for your time. and just so you know, this is how great our team is. lugubri lugubrious. more thanf mournful, idismal or gloonmy. >> members walking out of that closed door briefing with paul ryan. >> i'm using it next saturday, so you wait for it. thank you guys for your time. i'll be looking forward to our next work next saturday.
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president trump probably won't look too kindly on a police of the world's top leaders. it includes politicians, business leaders and entertainer, but no donald trump on a list that includes angela merkel, samantha b and even lebron james. that wraps up this hour. keir simmons takes over the coverage. in the next hour, question expect to hear from mike pence who is meeting with small you business leaders in charleston. have a good day.
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hello. i'm keir simmons at msnbc head ghaurs new york. we're minutes from hearing from mike pence who has traveled to west virginia to meet with businesses leaders. these will be the vice president's first public comments since the decision yesterday to pull their health care bill.


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