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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  March 26, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at hey there, good day, everyone. i'm alex witt at msnbc world head quarters in new york. it is high noon in the east, 9:00 a.m. in the west and day 66 of the trump administration and it's marked by a series of combative voices today on critical issues for the white house. we have new reaction today from roger stone, one of president trump's former advisers just days after offering to testify before the house intel committee for its investigation into possible ties between the trump
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campaign and russia. >> i have requested that that be in a public section -- session. let's have this testimony, george. in other words, you have a bunch of congressmen here who i believe have defamed me. i saw demagoguery, fearmongering, red baiting and half-truths, in many cases just flat-out lies. in america, we're supposed to have a chance to see the evidence against us and face our accusers. i'm very anxious to do that. if mr. page and mr. manafort do the same thing, frankly, i think the whole russian thing that starts as a clinton press release is finally put to bed. there is no collusion, at least none that i know about in donald trump's campaign for president. now ranking member adam schiff made no mention of stone's letter to the committee but ramped up his criticism of chairman devin nunes.
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>> the chairman has to make a decision whether to act as a surrogate of the white house as he did during the campaign and the transition or to lead an independent and credible investigation. i hope he chooses the latter. >> congressman trey gowdy is defending chairman nunes' decision to cancel a session this tuesday in order to bring back james comey and mike rogers for a private meeting. >> why are we satisfied with every other facet of culture having series of investigations done confidentiality, the grand jury, judges meeting with attorneys and police officers interviewing suspects. all of that is done confidentially and we are more than satisfied with those investigations and yet when it comes to congress we think we ought to have a public hearing. a hundred times those two witnesses said they could not answer the question in that setting, why in the hell would
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we go back to that setting if the witnesses can't answer the questions? >> meanwhile, white house chief of staff reince priebus is shutting down accusations that president trump coordinated with a tv host who called paul ryan as speaker just after hours the president plugged his show on twitter. >> does the president want paul ryan to resign as speaker? >> well, first of all, i will go on record we do love judge janeane and so does the president. i think it was more coincidental, chris. >> oh, come on. >> i did not talk to the president about the tweet. i'm just telling you the truth. there was no pre-planning here. >> why would he say watch her and then that's the first thing out of her mouth? >> because he loves judge janeane and he wants to do judge janeane a favor. >> does he want paul ryan to step down? >> no, he doesn't. >> the president tweeted democrat depps are smiling in d.c. that the freedom caucus with the help of club for growth
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and heritage, have saved planned parenthood and obamacare. but two republican lawmakers including one from the freedom caucus stand by their decision to oppose the health plan. here are chairman dent and mike lee. >> were trying to placate the right on other issues all to play kate people who were not going to vote, and that is really what happened. >> devoting 17 legislative days to a bill and then walking away from it because it hasn't passed within 17 legislative days makes no sense especially when this is something that we've been campaigning on for seven years. >> all right. let ate bring in nbc's kelly o'donnell is at the white house for us. with a good sunday to you, kelly, what more are we hearing today? >> reporter: well thsh, this is real challenge for the white house, how do they recover from a setback on health care?
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what we're hearing from the president and top administration officials is they are moving on and want to go on to tax reform and tax cuts as a policy. will they have the same troubles because they weren't able to get their own republicans onboard? the policy agenda is one thing that is raising questions and they are a little beaten up after what happened on capitol hill. then there is the nagging question of this russia issue. was there any collusion? are there investigations going on? russia's sort of a catch-all term for a number of distinctive different issues that have come up. we are still waiting for some resolution from the president on what did he really mean about that tweet accusing the former president barack obama of wiretapping? now in the days since we've heard them say wiretapping is a much more generic term, broader surveillance. we've seen the house republican chair of the intelligence community suggest there's something there, that there was incidental collection of people around the president. so a lot of things -- a lot of smoke, not a lot of facts yet. today the chief of staff to the
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president reince priebus was asked about where things stand when it comes to this issue of surveillance. >> people in the trump transition were unknowingly surveillanced and illegally unmasked on documents which is what is being alleged out there i think it's a big problem and ultimately president trump will be proven correct. >> does the president believe that this was a concerted effort by the obama administration to sweep up this intelligence and to leak it to undercut the trump presidency? >> there's potentially something very wrong here, but i'm not going to go any further than that other than to say that i think the documents that the intelligence committees have apparently asked for from all of these different agencies that they're collecting and reviewing will tell the story. >> so leaving open the possibility there is more here and sort of the assertion that the president tweeted something and that some facts will fall
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along down the line to support that. that's part of why this has been so confusing and you're dealing with issues that have to do with classified information and with the regular and legal surveillance of foreign dignitaries and foreign agents who are in the united states that's done as a matter of course. the u.s. does it. other countries do it, as well. it is possible that other names associated with the new president could be swept up in that. the issue of unmasking is to say in those official intelligence reports is an individual not the subject of any investigation and not doing anything wrong identified by their actual name. typically, they are masked. so unmasking makes it possible to know who is on that conversation. that is a sensitive issue. we just don't know whom in this whole process was involved in that. one big clue is that michael flynn's name, the former national security adviser who resigned amid all of this russia flap, his name was somehow unmasked.
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so today we're getting still more smoke, not a whole lot of new information on the surveillance question and of course, it's coming at a time when the white house is dealing with other big issues, a setback on health care, something they promised to do and have want been able to deliver on for all of those constituents, voters and supporters out there who thought the president would be able to repeal the health care law, obamacare. alex? >> all right. kelly o'donnell ae white house. thank you very much for that comprehensive report. let's stay in washington and bring in the democrat of california and also member of the house foreign affairs committee and the congressional black caucus. also nice to see you, madam. >> thank you. >> you heard reince priebus, you heard the sound bite there still stating there was surveillance on the trump camp. what is your take? >> when all of this is said and done this will go on the list of lies that trump has told over the years. this will be along with the 3 million illegal voters, the protesters after 9/11 or rather
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the people that were celebrating after 9/11. at some point we hope that he stops this type of behavior. i think it will be very interesting to see what happens in the intel committee this week, but i really think that one of the first things that needs to happen is nunes needs to step down. i think he's shown that he can't handle this position. he's conflicted and if they don't want an independent investigation then they sure better show up the investigation that's happening so far in the house. >> may i ask you though, if there is no there there, why in the world would the white house keep pushing this? >> you know, you have to ask yourself that about a whole lot of issues. the other day trump said the democrats were responsible for trumpcare failing when everyone knows democratic votes weren't even needed. they never even approached the democrats. you have to ask yourself why he continues to inflict wounds on himself over and over again and then he doubles down, and it makes him look really bad. you know, what's the explanation
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for that behavior? >> what about the fact that we have paul manafort, carter page and roger stone all agreeing to be interviewed by the house intel committee and do you think with that interview it will be enough and questions will be answered? >> i don't think it will be enough and the only way i can look at this and i'm not on the intel committee and i think they're all running forward because at some point someone's going to want to cut a deal and they'll want to cut a deal with the fbi. when the fbi director said there is an ongoing investigation then all of those guys especially manafort. manafort has a very long, suspicious history in terms of his involvement with russia, his promoting the russian billionaires to make sure that putin was viewed favorably, his involvement in the trump campaign. i think there is a whole lot of there there, and i believe they're all stepping forward in hopes that someone can make a deal. i wouldn't be surprised if they all tried to make a deal. >> congressman adam schiff, he's
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out there a lot and he's talking about the circumstantial evidence connecting the trump campaign to russia in some way. do you think going out in public and talking about it is the best thing or should the committee just kind of try to do its work and try to stay above the partisanship or has chairman nunes' actions made that impossible? >> i absolute she believe his actions have made it impossible, but at this point in time there is no other way to hand them than an independent investigation. this needs to happen outside of congress. i mean, you have the chair tainted in the house and the chair tainted in the senate. you remember, they spoke to the press on behalf of the administration. i think they are both conflicted and there needs to be an independent investigation. we need people like colin powell. we need former representative howard berman. there are so many people out there on a bipartisan basis that should really do this work. this is very, very serious and i don't think the house is capable of doing it. >> do you think it is an uphill battle to get an independent investigation? >> i do think it's an uphill battle, but at some point in
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time as information comes forward, i think, you know, you are liable to see some of the republicans distancing themselves from trump. i mean, we went through watergate. we went through nixon and people defended nixon up until a certain point. at the end of the day the republicans went to nixon and said hey, either you step down or we're going to impeach you and i know that we're far from that, but i do think at a certain point in time this is going to cause problems for the republicans who are blindly defending trump, and i don't think he'll do the same for them, by the way. >> we mentioned there in my intro before you that you're a member of the congressional black caucus and you are only one of six members who met with the president recently. what can you tell us about that meeting in terms of the reception and the dialogue you had with the president? i've read that it was described his path was one more of law and order whereas your members there at the cbc said let's look at opportunity and perhaps some are jobs or things like that. did you come to agreements?
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>> i think it would be a stretch to say we came to agreements. the reason w went to meet with him we wanted to answer a question. remember, he raised during the campaign what do african-americans have to lose? we wanted to tell him we have a lot to lose, and in fact, in the first two months of his administration we've already lost a lot. if you look at the budget, a budget is reflection of his values and the way he has cut certain agencies that will have detrimental impact in african-american communities. he cut the epa. what will happen the next time there is a flint crisis? he cut education and he wants vouchers which is privatizing public education. the way he rolled back consent decrees in baltimore and chicago. taking the federal government out of the voting rights lawsuit. we wanted to tell him that african-americans have already lost a lot. we want this to stop. i think it was an important first step. there wasn't a lot of dialogue and basically, we did presentations and he listened and what we said is we wanted to follow up with members of his
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cabinet. we lift him with a 100-page document that had african-american history because we thought that would be helpful to him and we left him a series of pieces of legislation that we believe are solutions. so we didn't go there to fight. we went there to tell him, though, that he needs to stop talking about, and describing the african-american community in such negative terms and learn to work with people. >> no doubt, you'll havemore conversations and meetings with him from the cbc. >> karen bass, as always, good to talk with you. we have breaking news to share, the cincinnati police department just wrapping up a news conference in the aftermath of a deadly shooting overnight at a crowded nightclub. >> last night at about 1:30 a.m. our emergency communications section began receiving calls that shots had been fired with injuries inside the cameo's nightclub located at 4601 kellogg avenue in district 2.
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as the nht unfolded and the initial investigation began it was determined that the bar was very crowded. approximately a couple of hundred people, and what we know at this point in the investigation, several local men got into some type of dispute inside the bar and it escalated into shots being fired. from several individuals. >> nbc's scott newell is in cincinnati with more for us. with a welcome to you, that last part there, multiple individuals involved. that is what has changed, right? it's gone from being a single shooter to now multiple shooters? >> reporter: that's right, and we also learned a total of 16 people were shot, one dead, 15 injured. some of those injuries serious. the deceased, by the way, his identity is brian spikes, 26
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years old and we don't know where he is from. they talked about the altercation that took place in there. this is a place, at the cameo which is right behind me. this is a place where they provide their own security and if somebody comes in they can wand them to determine if they have weapons and outside there are some off-duty cincinnati police officers who take care of the parking lot. what we understand, though is that at 1:15 or 1:30, somewhere in between that shots rang out and multiple people were shooting in this case. howultiple guns got into this club we don' know and the police are trying to figure that out, as well. in terms of suspects that's another thing. who are the suspects in this case? several people are still in the hospital with serious injury. some people have already been treated and have gone home with minor injuries. police are trying to figure out perhaps the suspects are in the hospital, perhaps they've been
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released and perhaps nobody was injured and none of the suspects were injured. i want to explain, too, that initially people were worried about terrorism as being a motive in this, but police say they pretty well ruled terrorism out. >> scott, very quickly. is there reason to believe this was an altercation before they got to the cameo nightclub that escalated or did it originate there? do they know? >> reporter: there have been reports that we haven't been able to confirm that there was perhaps an altercation some time before, but we don't know, but it could be that happened before that got carried into the nightclub or could have just started there. >> a lot more to come on this. thank you so much from cincinnati. >> let's head back to politics after the break. could the collapse of the gop healthcare plan lead to a shake-up in the white house. you will hear from the central figure in that drama .. he's the one. (vo) was meant to be. and love always keeps you safe. we're fine.
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are you in trouble? >> i'm not in any trouble. i've got a great relationship with the president. we talk all of the time. in fact, just before coming on the set he gave me a call. these are -- this is gossip hounds and it's always going to happen and i don't really care about it. >> white house chief of staff reince priebus thi morning denying reportsis job is in jeopardy after a republican healthcare bill failed. joining me now terra palmieri and jennifer peters from "the new york times." always good to see you. we'll go ladies, first, tara. you were the first to get it out saying a source close to the president says he's being advised to replace reince and his open to possibility health care was last straw. your reaction from what you heard from reince. >> i'm not surprised, but i know
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the president is being advised and one of my sources was one of those advisers saying that he should look for another chief of staff. reince was billed as the person who could deal with the house and the senate and he's very close to ryan and mitch mcconnell and this isn't his only failure. you saw the travel ban rollout and there were barely any appointees going through the senate and you have a bare bones staff in the federal government right now on top of a slew of other issues and reince is hanging on and trump is not the type of person to accept blame and who is the most senior person there inside of the white house who was supposed to deal with the team that essentially, you know, failed trump? reince priebus. >> jeremy, similar reporting from new york times this is what it said on friday evening, a somewhat shell shocked president retreated to the white house residence to grieve and assign blame and in a search for
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scapegoats, he asked his advisers, repeatedly, whose fault is this? increasingly, that blame has fall own reince priebus. why does this matter? >> there has always been this lingering mistrust of priebus since day one when he was going to be named chief of staff and you had a chorus of outrage from the right from the deepest conservative element of the republican party that rieince priebus was not to be trusted and he was an establishment insider and the very type of republan thatrump ran against and wanted to run out of the party, but trump needs establishment players likehat in his cabinet because he is not in full control of the party, if anything with these last 48, 72 hours have shown us is that the republican party is fractured and it's not just the far right that is in trouble. i mean, you have moderates who broke off from this. you have members of party leadership who broke off on healthcare. it's really in disarray. >> what about reince priebus who
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reacted to tv host judge janeane piro's comments where she called on house speaker paul ryan to resign. here's what reince priebus said. >> does he want him to step down? >> no, he doesn't, and he's talked to paul ryan yesterday for about an hour. he believes what he said in the oval office on friday. he doesn't blame paul ryan. in fact, he thought paul ryan worked really hard and he enjoys his relationship with paul ryan and thinks paul ryan is a great speaker of the house. none of that has changed. i think this is more of a personal relationship the president l president helping out a friend. >> he goes to twitter to say anything he wants about anyone. is it too far-fetched that he would try to send a message through pirro or a promotional tweet to help out a friend. >> how often do you see trump promoting anyone, but himself? not too often. he uses twit tore tater to take
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down. i've never seen him tweet for any show except "fox & friends" because it's the show that defends him. thwas some coordination and i don't think th was much of a coincidence. i've heard other theories from people close to paul ryan, but you know, if he -- if he was promoting a saturday night fox news show. how many people are watching fox news on saturday night? >> what's your take, jeremy o this? >> i think it's important to understand this criticism of paul ryan and the criticism of reince priebus as coming from the same place and that's this element in the republican party that is deeply dissatisfied with the establishment players that they feel have hung around and impeded trump's agenda. so it's -- it's really this lingering mistrust that you're dealing with here, alex, and i do think that while that's a very real and palpable and it's bubbling up, it hasn't quite
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reached trump yet and i think that we have to wait until the next battle comes over tax reform, over immigration, over trade. pick whatever issue they decide to tackle next and see how that goes, and i think that if it doesn't get resolved in a way that the president is satisfied with then -- then heads are going to roll and they're going to be calls for ryan even louder than they are now to step down and probably for reince priebus, as well. >> to both of you, jeremy, i'll let you go here first, how much do you think the fallout from the failure of the health care bill will affect the ability to pass tax reform which is the next batter up? >> this is something you hear paul ryan say, and anti-tax advocas like grover norquist arguing that this has somehow imperiled tax reform. i think tax reform was always going to be complicated and you have broad agreement that rates need to come down for individuals and the code needs
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to be flattened out and reforming the tax code itself is an enormously complicated process and if they really can't get their act together to march in lockstep on an issue that they have promised to complete for voters for the last seven years, i don't see how tax reform is going to be much easier. >> quick thoughts from you, tara? >> i would have to agree with him on that. no one's been able to reform tax -- the tax code in over three decades. so what makes him think that they'll be able to do that now especially when you're seeing such a fractured party and there's very little agreement on tax code right now and they were hoping to get some momentum and juice from the health care repeal to move forward on tax code. so without that, i think it will be an even tougher battle, and i think if trump doesn't start seeing results we'll, like, jeremy said will start rea ranging of his own team. >> tara palmeri and jeremy peters, always good to see you
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both. why long time confidant roger stone is set to talk about allegations of russian collusion.
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there's something for everyone and everyone's invited. so come in soon. welcome back, everyone. i'm alex witt here at msnbc world headquarters in new york, at the half hour here's what we're monitoring for you. president trump's former campaign manager roger stone denying his involvement in russian collusion. stone says he's volunteering to testify before an open hearing with the house intel committee to clear it all up including questions about his tweet promising that problems for clinton campaign ceo john podesta were coming. >> i've never made any reference to john podesta's email. there were a dozen stories about his -- >> you said trust me, it will soon be podesta's time in the barrel. that was your tweet and two months later -- >> correct, but george, does it is a #wikileaks, #assange? he said stone predicted that his emails would be hacked.
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no, i didn't. i never said anything of the kind. >> let's bring in former vermont governor howard dean and former chairman of the democratic national committee and susan del pedel percio. he's saying this is one big coincidence. is it possible? >> if these guys have to testify under oath -- if they go before the committee and don't testify under oath is a total waste of anybody's time. if he has to testify under oath to that he's going to be in major, major trouble and so will the rest of them. >> so, wait, if they go voluntarily do they not potentially have to testify under oath? >> well, you know, nunes has been basically a shield for trump this whole time and he'll do everything he can to wiggle his way out of this and wiggle trump's way out of this. yes, the democrats need to insist that they be under oath and it's not a quote, unquote,
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infoal hearing or something of that sort . my guess is stone will refuse to testify under oath because if he does, lying under oath to a kong re congressional committee. >> he's in the minority. >> he speaks loudly which he has been doing. >> yeah. >> susan, you have roger stone making sure to request this testimony take place in an open setting. why is that? could it have anything to do with the protections against publicly disclosing classified information? >> no, not so much is that roger stone loves the attention. he voluntarily offered up his testimony to the -- for the hearing because he was going to probably be subpoenaed if he didn't offer it up. that was a smart pr play. he will continue to continue with his pr plays and by asking for it to be public testimony he'll continue to have his name out there and that's exactly what roger likes. >> so, governor, after the intel
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committee hearing on monday you had a couple more. you had former trump advisers, paul manafort and carter page volunteered to testify in the russian investigation. what is the strategy here? big picture, do you sense there say coordination with the trump administration? would it matter if there is coordination? >> i think they're probably trying to get their stories straight, but again, if they testify under oath to something that's not true, there is a pretty good chance comey will find out and i think also commey has a dossier around them and no way of knowing how much of that he's shared with the intel committee behind closed doors. these guys are in trouble. this is not a good thing. i agree with susan and that's great insight. of course, they're doing this because they're going to get subpoenaed anyway, although again, nunes controls the subpoena power. >> yeah, but if they didn't -- just to follow up on the govern's point, if they didn't subpoena, then you'dave democrats like schiff calling for them to be subpoenaed and then you have a whole other
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battle that would just really make what's already a messy situation even worse. >> so governor, what are the ramifications of perjuring themselves? >> well, that's a felony punishable by imprisonment and that's usually what actually happens. susan can correct me if i'm mistaken, but i think that's what sent scooter libby to jail. it wasn't something that he actually did. i think it was perjury, but i'm not sure, is that correct? >> yes, that is correct. >> yeah. >> susan, we've been listening to white house chief of staff reince priebus who has vowed this morning that president trump's claims of being surveilled by the obama administration are going to prove to be true. let's take a look at this. >> the president, except the conclusion from all sides that president obama did not wiretap trump tower during the campaign and is he ready to apologize? >> well, first of all. the answer is no, but -- >> no, he doesn't accept it. >> no.
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and i don't accept it. the fact is reports have come out for many, many months now that people on the trump campaign, transition team were surveillanced by potentially some intelligence group. >> can i ask you -- >> ultimately, president trump will be proven correct. >> and we had seen house intel committee chairman devin nunes walk back some of his claims on friday saying he isn't sure that the reports that he saw proved that monitoring took place. is this a politically dangerous narrative to continue to defend? >> i was just going to add on to that, though, it is dgerous because president trump basically said thatresident obama wiretapped him or put him under surveillance. everyone has come out and basically said that is false. it is untrue. it would also happen to be illegal and a felony. what has probably happened is where did donald trump have his transition team? at trump tower. he had world leaders, ambassadors, all sorts of people
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coming in to see him. of course, by the nature of intelligence gathering, those people were followed there and were some of trump's staffers probably collected in that? yes. the big question and the one that the republicans will probably hold their hat on was why were they unmasked? why did their names become public in a conversation that wasn't necessary? so that's what everyone is looking at right now and that's the meaning of this, so, yes, was trump tower under surveillance sometimes absolutely if you have the russian ambassador, for example, that brought down mike flynn. that being said, that doesn't mean donald trump was surveilleded by president obama. >> right. >> also, this is -- go ahead. >> let me just add something very quickly to that. over the weekend we saw that mike flynn took a lot of money from the erdogan administration in turkey and sat down with senior americans in the intelligence committee and formerly in the intelligence committee and discussed a plot to kidnap gulen and send him
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back to turkey. >> that's the -- so the reason for this stuff, and susan's right, what happened probably is first of all, obama had nothing to do with any of this. second of all, what's probably going on is there are people inside the trump admintrn or transition team tha were, in fa, dlcolluding with foreign powers that were swept up and that's what these guys are so worried about because if that's the case they were breaking the law. >> i want to quickly ask you about reince priebus having called it a coincidence asking people to watch fox news that the host called on house speaker paul ryan to step down. >> right. >> how likely was it that he was helping out a friend as had been described or he knew what was going to be said and he was trying to point people to that show for the informational purposes? >> look, i don't try to pretend to read donald trump's mind, but i have to go with the latter rather than the former.
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this is really going to get tough, and the tax reform piece will be fascinating because i want to see if those very conservative people who want to balance the budget are willing to run up a huge deficit in order to do quote, unquote tax reform and the tax reform has to be paid for and they'll use the their 300 billion that obama would save in order to partly pay for tax reform. now what are they going to do? >> susan, quickly with regard to the president tweeting having people watch a fox news show, what's behind that? >> i'm not sure, donald trump has taken out the freedom caucus on twitter and he's made reference to the janeane pirro show and donald trump is looking to spread the blame around a little bit and convolute the issue and at the end of the day he's not going to go against speaker ryan and call for his ouster. >> susan del percio, and howard dean, thanks, guys. some of your child's favorite retail stores could be
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brick and mortar operations are taking a big hit in the u.s. major retail stores are set to close across this country in the next couple of months with thousands expected to lose their jobs. so who's to blame? msnbc's savannah sellers has more on this. savannah, this is a real mess for folks all across the country. what's going on? >> it is, alex. president trump has placed an importance on american js throughout his campaign and now in his presidency. just this week from keeping ford jobs from going to mexico was awesome and just yesterday vice president pence stressed the topic. let's take a listen. >> we're moving forward. next up we'll get back to the president's three-part agenda, jobs, jobs and jobs for every american. >> folks, the era of slow growth is over, and a new era of american growth and jobs has already begun.
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>> but what about retail? several major retail companies are closing doors on hundreds of locations. jc penney announce just this week they're closing 138 stores nationwide. most of those will be closing in june and that will ultimately affect more than 6,000 employees. what's interesting is that while president trump and vp pence have been strong on these jobs, a lot of these stores are closing in counties that voted for trump, the overwhelming majority. let's take a look at texas, this is the state with the most closures of jc penney's. there are 92 total locations in the state and they are going to be nine closures and that's what the dots are referencing over here and seven of those nine closures are in counties that went for trump. next up, the next highest closures are in the state of minnesota. there are 25 jc penneys there now and out of the eight that will be closing again, that's what these red dots are, seven of those even in this blue state, seven of those were in counties that went for trump
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otherig chain that's closing down is kmart and sears. that is owned by sears holding to both of them, 150 stores will be affected and again, a lot of these stores are already closing affecting again, thousands of jobs. let's take a look, first up at michigan. that's the highest number of kmarts that will be closing across the country. they have 38 loecations in the state currently. ten of them are closing, again, the red dots and only four in trump counties and the heavy concentration is in detroit which we know for the auto industry. the next highest closures will be in the state of florida. 39 kmarts there in the state now. there will be nine closing and eight of those are actually in trump counties. so we really are seeing these stores closing most frequently in those red states and the jobs going with them. these companies say they want to invest in their online businesses since that's where the consumer is, and brick and mortar is starting to go away
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and they will not be able to keep the same number of jobs and jc penney is offering the early retirement options and that's not accounting for the employees that is not eligible for that. >> this is the president who said i'll create jobs, jobs, jobs and all of the counties that voted for him there is a depletion of jobs because of the closing of the stores. >> and the retail industry hasn't been discussed that much there and interesng we're startingo see the change. >> savannah sellers, we'll see you next weekend. rex tillerson's crucial trip to the east. >> the central argument democrats are taking from the judge gorsuch hearing to try to stop his confirmation to the supreme court.
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secretary of state rex tillerson will attend friday's meeting of nato foreign ministers in brussels. previous reports that he would skip the event had shaken u.s. allies. what's still unclear is whether the secretary will take a traveling group of reporters with him. during his trip to asia earlier this month he chose to take one single american journalist and with me now is that journalist erin mcpike, chief white house correspondent for "the journal review" and a good friend of this broadcast. good to see you. i want to get right to rex tillerson. he's new to public life and new to being on the world stage. w was he when it came to interacting with world leaders. he's going to speak about policy. do you think he has a full grasp of the job? >> i don't yet think he has a full grasp of the job, but i also think he's learning on the job, but he's going to do the job his way and that's one thing we should watch out for. he was with exxonmobil for 41
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years, his entire career. he is used to not doing public facing and to doing deals in rooms behind closed doors without the press there and that is how he's approaching this job. kind of whether we like it or not. a lot of washington and a lot of the press corps wants to see him do the job like john kerry did the job because he gave so much access and was so public facing and rex tillerson is not going to do that. i don't think he has much patience for what washington wants and given my questioning of him and asking him if he understood the public nature of the job and how people expect him to act he didn't seem like he was willing to change course yet. >> john kerry came from position of being the chair of the senate foreign relations committee. >> and ran for president. don't forget that. >> couldn't forget that. >> there has been a lot of talk about how the state department seems a little diminished under his administration. other departments like, you have
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defense, homeland security and they seem to be more valued and prioritized by the president. does the secretary address any of those concerns? >> one of the things i asked him because he alking to president trump every single day whether he goes into the oval office and meets with him, has a meal with him or talks to him by phone. he is touching donald trump in some way every single day, and when i was surprised when i asked him had they talked about staffing because for a long time he couldn't get a deputy through with assistant secretaries and undersecretaries that they still have to fill out. we haven't gotten around yet to talking about staffing and i was pretty surprised by that, but what i think they're talking about is different hot spots in the world. that's what it sounds like, that they're trying to figure out their approach to a number of different countries, but they haven't talked about what the state department will look like in the months to come yet, and that, i think, should surprise some people. >> what about in the interview where tillerson defended the president for essentially
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embarrassing nato countries into paying more. how do you think that sits with the allies who have sent their troops to fight and die alongside americans and war zones? >> quite frankly, alex, that was one of the things that surprised me the most when he said that and you are the first person who has asked me about that. when he said that, i thought that that would make huge news and it really hasn't, but some other things in that interview made bigger news, but the fact that he said it to me twice, that president trump embarrassed other countries into spending more on their defense was a pretty big line from him, that he's defending the president's style, and i don't know that on eye agree with you. i think other allies if they're looking at that line are a little surprised by it. it's their way of doing diplomacy that they're trying to get other countries to step up some, but i don't know that it's a diplomatic way of addressing the situation. >> i want to read you something else, a quote that he told you.
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i didn't want this job. i didn't seek this job. >> right. >> and he goes on to reveal my wife told me i'm supposed to do this. what does a comment like that do to morale at the state department that the man in charge doesn't even really want to be there? >> that's a great question, and i think that's a question that we should go to the state department with. i mean, obviously, we're hearing from a number of career officials anonymously saying they're not sure what they should be doing right now. the atlantic, obviously, had a pretty big piece on that about a month or so ago. i think if you read between the lines on that particular comment, he also said that he was asked by donald trump to be secretary of state at the end of his very first conversation with him. he had not met him before the election, and i think the reason that he took it, he was going to retire this month, he said, as well, was that he needed to step up and do something because a lot of people who donald trump were asking to do things weren't stepping up. obviously, there's a big portion of the republican party that was
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against donald trump and he thought for the good of the country, i think i need to step up. i think that's how you read that comment. erin mcpike, good to talk with you. >> thanks. why taxpayers are shelling out a whole lot more to keep the trump family safe. that's ahead. , there's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something... set it free. see you around, giulia ♪ but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how.
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