tv MSNBC Live MSNBC April 2, 2017 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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confirmed this week. how that happens really depends on our democratic friends. >> it's highly, highly unlikely he'll get 60. the other big topic, the russian investigation is all about politics and can real answers be found. >> don't look at me, don't look at russia. there's nothing to see here. >> if we're really going going to get to the bottom of these things it's ready really got to be done in by part san fashion. plus breaking news, a state of emergency in south america after a small avalanche of water sweeps through a small city. we begin with politics. u.n. ambassador nikki haley pushing back on critics who feel president trump has not been tough enough on russia. here's what she said this morning. >> there's no love or anything going on with russia right now. they get that we're getting our strength back, we're getting our voice back p, and we're starting to lead again.
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the president has not once called me and said don't beat up on russia, don't call -- >> but he sjt beating up on russia. is he -- >> i am. i'm beating up on russia. >> does he need to? >> of course he's got a lot of things he's doing but he's not stopping me from beating up on russia. >> as white house deals with the fallout of mike flynn's request for immunity, a spokesperson for the kremlin says he has no worries what mike flynn might say if and when he testifies. >> are you concerned about anything he might say about his contacts with russia? >> no. we're not. any blamings that russia could have been doing is slender. >> meanwhile here's what he told my colleague chuck todd on "meet the press" this morning. >> it's not necessary based on
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what we know now. we've got a bipartisan investigation under way. it ee called the insenate intelligence committee. think i they clearly laid out they're going wherever the facts take them. we don't need yet another investigation. we know the fbi is looking at it from their perspective. it's being handle appropriately and will be handled well. >> let's get some reaction from the white house. kelly o'donnell is stand i by. we know that he's tweeting. what also is he saying? >> he did use his twitter feed to deal with this issue relating to russia. this is the president's way of trying to say the russian connections if there are any between his associates and operatives are not where people should be focused but on the fact there's some kind of
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intelligence he suggestions. that's the big argument. this has been such a contentious issue we saw the whole drama play out with the house intelligence committee and their top republican leader devin nunes came, saw the material. out of the protocol of that committee and them adam schiff, came and looked at the same material. there's answers about this coming from the white house first from the deputy press secretary who says there was no attempt to keep adam schiff responsible. >>. >> not that i'm aware of at all. i think the bigger point is there's something there. we'd love to come see it which is exactly what we said. it turns out if there's something of substance for him to know about, we want him to
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see it. frarjly i think if there wasn't something of sub stns, he would have walked out that moment from the white house and come out and declared that this was a big waste of time and a big dog and pony show. he didn't do that. he doesn't do that. it's very telling in what he probably saw on friday. >> it certainly is an attempt to disstrakts it to hide the origin of the materials, to hide the white house hand. the question is, okay, why. and i think the answer to the question is this effort to point the congress in other directions, basically saying don't look at me, don't look at russia, there's nothing to see here. i would tell people whenever the pretty used the word fake, it ought to set off alarm bells. >> so that tension is still there, alex, between democrats and republicans on h issue. there won't be any quick answers. we know that what's happening takes time and will largely be done out of public view and the
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senate committee, it will also take months. tomorrow they're going to begin the first of their interviews behind closed doors, investigative-type interviews, not a hearing, to help them plot their strategy about all of these different buckets of russia questions, the interference during the campaign, which include some of the cyber attacks as well as any contacts that might have existed between trump associates and russian operatives. today is the president not only tweeting about russia and the surveillance issue, he talked about health care. 's notable because we had thought the president was ready to move away from the health care considerations after such a big disaster with not being able to pass the repeal bill. today the president is on the golf course with rand paul of kentucky and the budget director mick mulvaney. rand paul was very much against that bill that went nowhere, so
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we're told by white house aides that among the things they're talking about while they're playing golf is health care. so maybe that's not quite so over yet. alex? >> i think you're absolutely right, kelly o'donnell, at the white house. thank you for that. let's break this all down with my political panel. welcome to you both. sabrina, to you first. when we talked to mitch o'connell with "meet the press," here's what he had to say. >> what i will tell you iseil gorsuch will be confirmed this wheel. filibustering is a rather recent phenomenon started by your next guest chuck schumer after bush 43 got elected president. >> that was the implication there. at the same time the republicans threaten the nuclear option, so how do you see this playing out? >> i think it really comes down
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to those democrats facing re-election in 2018 and whether they make the calculus that joining filibuster will ultimately hurt their prospects, especially in a state carried by donald trump, which is why you have joe manchin of west virginia and heidi heitkamp of north carolina being the two who sads they will continue to vote for kneel gore such. others will be michael bennett of colorado, john tester of montana and joe donnelly of indiana who could also decide there's no upside to blocking this particular supreme court nominee. i think they're under a lot of pressure at the same time from liberals who certainly want them to hold that seat vacant, who believe at the end of the day, anyone appointed by donald trump will not fit on the iej local cat trip of the party and that could force mitch mcconnell. >> potential long-term
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implications, what are they if the republicans trigger the nuclear option and what about the poijtd should we be putting all our eggs in one basket. is this something we should be looking to given that antonin scalia was a moderate conservative? >> clearly neil gorsuch, the way of the conservative, is not really outside the mainstream. the problem for democrats he carries the taint of trump. to sabrina's point she's right right. there is no percentage for a democratic senator. no advantage in saying i voted to confirm a trump nominee to supreme court. now, if the nuclear option is triggered, obviously that means its is in future easier for whatever party has it and that's the whole debate. whether that was a good or bad thing. >> okay.
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sabrina, also making headlines, trump turning on his own party and trump's meade kra director now urging a primary tee feet for one free thom congressman, that being justin amash. why do this? why is the president motivated to take on members of his own party? >> i think it's not own only nonproductive to take on your own party and why the health care plan failed is because donald trump is unable to secure support from members of the freedom caucus in part because e was using intimidation tactics in privacy meetings and he wasn't taken seriously the concerns offered by the republican leaders in the house. so you also have to keep in mind, the replacement plan only pulled at 18%. when it comes to the president using the bully pulpit, whether you're a moderate republican or
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from a conservative district, chances are your constituents didn't vote for this plan. the moderates are not on the side of the president. you don't want to pick fights with members of your own party if you're going to come back to the table and try to to this again? >> what does this do? does it provide an opening for democrats? >> i think it does. independent voters don't to like unified parties. they think if parties are squabbling with themselves, how can they run a country. i think the perspective active san opening for the democrats and they want to further exacerbate the republican tensions as best they can. democrats certainly breathed a huge sigh of relief with the attempt to approve obamacare. the these tensions continue and if they continue into the 2018 midterm elections, i think
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democrats h be more than happy to coin doing battle. >> thank you so much. appreciate that. there's a new call for an independent probe of the trump campaigns with russian ties. but this time it's from a republican lawmaker. >> this is why we need this for the committee, martha. every time we turn around, another shoe drops from the centipede, and we need to examine all aspects. president trump's priorities and other priorities that exist. >> congressman, welcome in. i see who you're rooting for. to you not believe your committee can investigate in a nonpartisan way? >> sure, it could and it could
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with a simple act of a phone call by chairman nunes. all he has to to is pick up the phone, call the committee back together, share that what he knows from this by be czar handed back-and-forth with the white house thing. also begin to s&p some documents which will help us get at the truth and i have used as an example, we need to see paul manafort's tax records, his bank statements, his e-mail records and his phone records in order to find out some of what may be the money laundering charges that were in the new york media outlet. so one phone call, we could get this back on track. >> barring that happening you're among the chairman recusing himself to try to ensure a fair investigation. are you reassured at all to even some degree now that ranking member adam schiff has got an chance to see the same documents he has? >> you know, alex, i feel like i'm watching this all play out
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in 3-d. the truth of the matter is with his early morning tweets and bizarre behavior, it's though they want us to look everywhere but that where we should look. let's just remind everybody. h is about the russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and thor is for the truth about whether or not there were trump operatives or people within the trump orbit who coordinated or colluded with the russians and furthered that objective. most importantly, let's remember, the russians haven't stopped this. they will to it in france, in germany, and russian again. russia wants western democracies weaker so they can be stronger and so their billionaire oligarchs can be richer. >> how did you react when you heard chairman nunes got his
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sources from within the white house? what do you make of that? >> ham-handed. i said that earlier. he should have shared that earlier with the ranking manyship and all the members of the ranking committee. it takes us off focus. i'm remembering by a dog from "up" who keeps getting disstraktsed by a squirrel. we're not goej ing to do it. >> how do you commit to the public that your commity's investigation is fair and that this is not just all about politics. >> we can only do this in time and only if chairman nunes will live up to his responsibility and get us back on track. but, alex, remember, it's not just about the house committee. the senate committee begins in earnest and it looks very impressive. the fbi is investigating this. you know what we haven't talked about?
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i wouldn't be surprised if the prosecutors are going to look into this, the whole sorted affair. >> thank you so much for your time and insights. enjoy the game monday night. >> go,izatiizatio zags. coming up, the nur surprise with the president trump's sweep next. i don't get it. i use whitening toothpaste. what do you use? crest whitestrips you should try them! whitening toothpaste only works on the surface. but crest whitestrips safely work below the enamel surface ... to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste you used the whitestrips i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. would you pass the tissue test? see for yourself with crest whitestrips. they are the way to whiten.
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what should we do about north korea? >> no longer take the excuses from china that they're concerned too. they need to show us how concerned they are. they need to put pressure on north korea. the only country that can stop north korea is china. >> and if china doesn't cooperate? >> oh, no. china has to cooperate. >> that was nikki haley, u.s.
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ambassador. her comments come just days before chinese president joins. so, mark, with a welcome to you, let's get right to it. how exactly is china getting there? what is the role here? how is it happening? >> well, jared kushner has established a very busy channel of communication with china's ambassador to washington. they've exchanged a lot of e-mails. he has actually sent jared kushner suggestions for what a joint statement could look like that the two countries could issue after the meetings with president trump and president xi. they were also the two that
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cooked up the meeting. so i think the chinese have concluded that jared kushner is the most efficient way to get to the president. the chinese president is always expert at trying to find the most efficient ways to establish influence with the white house. it's kind of note worthy that this is the one that makes the most sense. >> we saw the president. he said the upcoming meeting is going to be very difficult. he pointed to the massive trade deficits and job losses. so what do they each want from each other? >> president xi above all wants to establish a relationship with the new american president that got off on tough footing if you recall a couple of months ago and then publicly questions whether he was going to adhere to the principle of one china. so i think the chinese want to take the measure of president trump, and for them being
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welcomed by his club at florida confers kind of a prestige to the president of china. if you recall the prime minister of japan was also hotted by the president in mar a la fwoe. so that's, you know, in the chinese sense, it's important. it gives the chinese president face. on the american side as nikki haley said earlier, the push will be to exextract a pledge from china, that they'll use north korea to try to get them to curb their nuclear and ballistic missile programs. we'll seethat works or not. >> i want to turn to an article. who are they and why are that so important to the trump administration? >> these are diplomats, career diplomats, who have served in multiple administrations. i focused on these three because
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each of them were appointed to highly visible important jobs, in some cases doing very sensitive work. the nature of the work and the roles they've played have made them valuable even in the trump administration. they came in determining to clean house. and yet for different reasons, each has proven to be valuable and playing important roles. >> but with no attempted to remove them by anybody? >> it's not quite that clear. in the case of lempert, it has been hard for her in part because there are people in the right wing and israel and the american jewish community who identify her with the policies o the previous administration that
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were viewed as being tough on isra israel. but he has concluded, h gentleman, jason greenblat that she is valuable. knows players and those on the palestinian side and he's asked her to stay on and help investigation. >> okay. from "the new york times." come see us again. >> thank you very much. greeting the president, house supporters and opponents, how they think mr. trump is handling the job so far. what powers the digital world? communication.
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new york. breaking news. an avalanche of water has swept through a small city killing at least 200 people. rescue workers are searching through debris and pulling apart rocks to try to find people missing or injured. it's happened in moccoa near the border of ecuador. coming up in the next hour we're going to talk with a red cross official and get the latest. msnbc has been on the road gauging reaction across towns in trump country. we went to somerville, north carolina, this weekend. talk to us about what the residents are saying. >> good morning, alex. we're in south carolina this morning. we've been to several town halls. this is the flower festival to try to gauge some thoughts on where the trump administration
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is right now politically in the minds of the people. we've been from colorado to kansas, across the country and back on the east coast and particularly wanted to ask about russia and whether that's changed our opinion about the trump administration at all. here's what a few of them said this morning. >> that's bucket malarkey. i don't believe none f that grab. they fweefb to blame somebody. >> i feel like they've photo bring our country together as a whole and focus on more reality and work on name calling and ridiculing each other and fighting. >> i worked all my life since i was 15 and you've got to do what's right for us. it's not the people who have. it's the people who are in the middle. you know, i'm a middle of the road person and income. >> she says still focus on the broader agenda. for a lo lot of these people they're correctional officers,
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waitresses, power washers, people who voted on trump. they say this is malarkey the democrats put forward in order to take away from the efforts of jobs and veterans affairs. they said, yes, the trump 5d ministration may be something but when it comes town to something, a lot of them are saying, we still want tup. if you look at his approval rating, they want him week after week. nine out of ten republicans stand by donald trump. what we're hearing from people is tup is not a legitimate president. their issues are still very much legitimate, which is something we have not heard democrats come forward and put their own policy path forward which a lot of these people note. they say, republicans and democrats should be teaming up to work with donald trump to push his agenda forward. alex? >> okay. so, vaughn, here folks are talking about russia. that may not be something that affects them in their daily
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lives. to you get the sense that they're appreciating donald trump as president because of things he has accomplished or intends to that will change the way they go about their days? >> i think you said intends to is the exact word. if you look a the approval ratings of donald trump, even speaker ryan up in wisconsin, donald trump is far and above away from where the approval ratings are at. they said, republicans and democratsty not put their own two feet forward in order to pass deal that donald trump put forward as part of his agenda that okay. vaughn hillier in south carolina. thank you so much. well, the trump administration is turning up the heat on sanctuary cities, those who refuse to hold them in custody until federal officers arrive now stand to lose federal funding in keeping with president trump's executive order. with us now is texas attorney general ken paxton who supports
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the order. good morning, nice to see you. only one mayor is changing in court. here's one of his arguments. >> the tenth amount of the constitution says that the federal government cannot specify how local governments must go about enforcing federal law, yet that is exactly what the president's order does. >> that was not in your state, my mistake. it was in the city of seattle there. what do you say to that? >> it's federal law. they're obligated to follow the law. we have a bill based on the same problems. we have a sheriff who will not enforce federal and state law and we're concerned about the safety of our citizens. >> i want to question you about
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the safety in your cities. are you worried that the immigration laws will erode trust, people within immigrant communities and thereby thwart theable for police fighting crime and trying to get thing done in those communities? >> my greater concern is the fact that the sheriff is releasing illegals who have been convicted of crimes in the community when she's supposed to be releasing the federal agents. so as somebody who spends a lot of time, i don't see any upside to that particular policy. i don't see how it benefits citizens who have committed illegal crimes staying in our county. >> again, back to those within our community who tried to work on the trust and not have suspicious behavior from those there to help them get rid of crime in that community, you don't worry that this law will erode that. >> i'm more concerned about the safety of my citizens in released convicted felons and
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other criminals in our community who otherwise should not be in our community. there are other ways to solve the crime problem than having people stay there. >> is this all in reference to the lawsuit in dallas where the immigrants in ta state, they've sued the city, claiming a violation of the fourth amendment? >> so what i'm referencing is what's going on in travis county where our sheriff is an elected official. her obligation is to follow the federal and state law and she's refusing to to that. it's what's motivated our legislature to react. i think it's our legislature who will handle that and potentially some of that legislation actually imposed some kind of penalties on elected officials who don't know the law. >> certainly you do know the law and violation of the fourth amend is what it's all about in the city of dallas, that people are being held without warrants. there's not enough probable cause there. to you have any concerns about
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that? >> i have not seen any situation where that's occurred. if that's occurring, we'll address that. what we're addressing in texas and what i think the administration is addressing is this commonplace problem we're starting to experience where we have cities and municipalities. that's what we're trying to address. >> do you think this goes all the way up to the supreme court? >> you know, who knows. it certainly could. it could be an issue we see ultimately by a full court. yeah, i think it's very possible you see that. >> all right. texas attorney general ken paxton. thank you for your time, sir. >> you too. thank you. >> thank you. coming up, ivanka trump's new role in the white house and how unusual it is to have family working the west wing and how he weighs in on the free speech and how some of his rallies got rough last summer.
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officially serving as an unpaid family employee in the white house which means she eastbound by government ethic standards including a law prohibiting conflicts of interest. a move comes after they cried foul. her official title is now assistant to the president. but how unprecedent is this? msnbc's savannah sellers is going to join us and give us answers the all of this. have we seen this before? >> actually we have seen this. we've been reporting all week on the new official white house. west wing office. she will not be taking a salary although she is eligible for it. i went and talked and asked real people what they thought about this. is this crossing the line, is this nepotism, or would they want their own daughter advising them. here's what i heard. >> i don't really have an issue. there's been many times in the past it's been done in other administrations. >> i think it's nepotism at the
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highest level. if i took one of my two daughters and said, hey, we're going to give them a job about it would be considered as whole will appropriate. >> daddy, i have a problem, you can help me? >> it seems like it could be a little problematic. wh what are her qualifications other than she's the president's daughter. >> it's right down the middle. sort of three categories. either not being okay with it, being okay with it or because it's ivanka and they want her influence. first son or daughter influence is not something new. going back a little bit, julie nixon eisenhower, she was instrumental in nixon's campaign. she was sort of tasked with speaking. also an ma roosevelt, another first daughter who played a
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pivotal role in her father's presidency. she was very important in the last years of president roosevelt's presidency. she started traveling when her father could not or her father would choose her instead, for examp example, many the conference to yalta. john eisenhower also and he did accept a salary. there's an even more recent and relevant example. let's take a listen. >> the most relevant parallel here between ivanka trump having an official office in west wing and having an official title is actually to the example in early 1993 of first lady hillary rodham clinton being given a west wing office and being tasked with heading president clinton's health care reform
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effort. >> so you heard very similar to ivanka, the west wing office, given a real task. she also did not accept a salary. but some think of hillary clinton as a government servant where ivanka was not. but they work very closely. they have their whole life where her business has been under the trump umbrella. what's really interesting is we get at nepotism. if you look at this, the higher you get up to 7, the better. that means no influence of nepoti nepotism. enormous at 1. the u.s., we fall in about the middle. we' we're closer to influence than no influchbls we fall in the middle amongst countries all over the world. and finally one thing i was hearing from people is they were frustrated by it because they feel that in the real world this would not be okay. they would not be able to give
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their son or daughter a job. now what is actually very interesting, i looked at some census data, and actually 22% of americans by the age of 30 will actually be worker for same employer at the same time as their father. 6% will work at the employer their father left. >> this is so interesting. i mean i love it. you've ton such exhaustive research and put a perspective on it. 22 today, i think that's anecdotally for sure. thanks for that. >> president trump commented a short time ago. does he have a point or is he just trying to deflect attention. tastes. honey, what do you want for dinner tonight? oh, whatever you're making. cheesy chipotle pork quesadillas? mmmm... ravioli lasagna bake? yeah, i don't know... grilled white chicken...
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were involved. an investigation is being conducted by the fbi into possible coordination with the trump campaign. that is really, i think, among the most serious business the country has serious business the country has to do right now. and the white house seems to be toing everything it can to point in other directions and say do not look here. there is nothing to see here. >> that was adam schiff, ranking member on the house sbel where she knows committee, accusing the trump administration of trying to deflect attention away from the probe into its ties to russia. let's bring in howard dean and susan. hi, guys. good to see you on a sunday. >> hello. >> susan, how do you respond to that? is the white house really try ing to interfere? >> they're tryi ining deflect a making -- on their own agenda. the it is taking away from the issue of these leaked documents,
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which should never have been done and the unmasking of american citizens. they actually have a good argument and one that they could go forward if they would just stop getting in their own way and if donald trump would just stop tweeting about it. >> let's go to what happened a short time ago, the real story turns out to be surveillance and leaking. find the leakers. does he have a point, howard? kind of seems like trump associate, maybe the president himself, were surveilled. so isn't it important to know why how? >> yes, it is important to know and no, he doesn't have a point. this is the classic, the classic diversionary tactic. the issue here is not if there are washington leaks. there were a lot during the obama administration. people always complain about them. the real issue is what susan said it was. have the russians done something to undermine the electoral
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process in the united states and does as it looks, mean that trump was helped deliberately by this. i was astonish eed this week wh we found the russians hacked into jeb bush and marco rubio's campaign. i agree with susan. he's not going to get away from this if if fbi does their job. zpl appears that americans really care about it. susan, is there legitimate reason to believe that nunes cannot run a fair investigation? >> well, i think he basically has one more shot leading this investigation. that means he has to basically come clean with all of the members of his committee, let them see everything he shared with congressman schiff. have another open hearing, go back to the agenda, because before all of this started with
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him going to the white house, there seem ed to be b some good bipartisan support. so, i think that that would be his best bet. otherwise, people are just going to look at the senate right now, which is going forward in a good bipartisan fashion. >> do you think that is proba e possible? you can't undue what is done. there seems to be a a lot of tension and fair amount of bad blood between the side there is on the house intel committee. >> it's with committee members and including republicans. there are a lot of republicans who are very frustrated with with the press conference that nunes had prior going white house and after going to the white house. they didn't want him to do that. now, he has to actually mend fences with everybody. build up some trust and i do think he could be given just one more chance to do it right. but if he doesn't get these public hearings done quickly, if he doesn't share the intel with the rest of the committee on monday or tuesday, he's then going to be ineffective.
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>> look, howard, the russia questions. they've been hanging over the president even before he took office and only seem to be growing. can he make them go away. >> well, depends what the truth is is. my problem b is that i actually think there's a lot more there there. because putin is doing this all over the west. this is his attempt to undue what we would call liberal democracy. he's not in the american sense liberal, but a democracy based on maximum input from citizens and he doesn't like those, so his major aim is to disrupt the west and the best way is to make america weak. so, if that's the case, this isn't going to go away until we find out what the truth is. i have to disagree with soouns. i think nunes is done. i think the hois how's may be done partly because the way they're made u. most of the stuff that gets done is going to get done in the senate.
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because of the 60-vote rule and i do think warner and burr are running so far what i peer peers to be b pretty good nonpartisan process. nunes is not going get a second chance. he looked like a clown. >> can we take a look at all the controversies, you've got michael flynn. obama surveillance claims. all this, isn't it going to hurt his ability to govern if it hasn't already? >> i'll argue the problem is his ability not to hire enough people at the lower ranks. he has not goat goth his deputy secretaries in place. his white house lizes. government running. that's what we needed to do. these investigations could be a prop for the rest of his term. i don't know the answer to that, but i know that one the things he can do to help himself is to start running this government and run ining it effectively an working on the things he can control krol and not hurting himself with out of control tweets. >> got to wonder why he hasn't
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hired more people. loyally the front and center in any of the hiring he will have. but there are hundreds of positions still open. >> thousands in fact. i think you mean the hundreds that require senate confirmation. what's so staggering, when you have to think of the work the senate has to do. >> so, michael flynn's immunity request. do you think he gets it and if he does, how significant is it? >> not yet. this isn't about michael flynn. this is routine fbi process. they're not going to give him immunity unless they know basically why they want the immunity. flynn and his lawyer, who's very cler clever, is wave iing this around. flynn has done stuff that's om semirelated. for him not to register as a foreign agent then after the fact, reveal he got a huge amount of money from the turkish government, which doesn't have much to do with what's going with russia, that's a major violation. so far, the fbi is going to have
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to find a whole lot more that they want. in order to give him immunity. >> susan, does he get snit. >> i agree with the governor. not at this point. he hasn't shown he has worth getting immunity for. yes, the it's what the lawyers should do and he should ask for immunity to go forward, but his own words have come back to haunt him all week. it is in fact embarrassing. >> all right, guys, we'll end on a note of agreement there. thank you so much. always good to see you. >> thank you. >> some help for flint after the city's devastating water crisis, but will it be enough? don't let dust and allergens get between you and life's beautiful moments. flonase allergy relief delivers more complete relief. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause all your symptoms, including nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. so you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6>1 changes everything.
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