tv MSNBC Live MSNBC April 2, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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developing stories including more on russia. a poll showing over half of americans say they do want an independent inquiry of the links between trump and russia. more than 60% say this is concerning for what it actually means for our democracy. couple that with the former national security adviser, mike flynn, offering testimony in exchange for immunity. now, today. vladimir putin spokesman claiming there is actually nothing to uncover. >> are you concerned about anything he might say about his contacts with russia? >> no. we are not. any blamings that russia could have been interfering in domestic affairs of the united states is slander. >> peskov saying that an allegation regarding the russian government's involvement in the recent killing of an opposition lawmaker is absurd. how will these events affect the already rocky path ahead for the trump administration?
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joining me now is ron klain, a former senior aide to president clinton, matt miller who worked at the department of justice for eric holder and maya wiley, vice president for social justice at the new school and former counsel to mayor de blasio. a lot of you have experience in government and how scandals can grow and mutate. ron, what do you make of the most recent thing with russia basically putting its people out brazenly on american television, which is their right, even as all the allegations pile up and we see reports of the russian lawmakers assassinated and targeted and thrown off a building. >> as you alluded to in an earlier segment, ari, the russians are engaged in active measures to try to corrupt our democracy, to try to break apart our democracy in this country and other western democracies around the world. so the fact that their
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spokespeople are out advancing that message, advancing propaganda, should be no surprise to people. of the many sad things -- and there are many sad things in the first 70 days of the trump administration -- i don't think there is anything sadder than seeing our government, our great democracy, aligning itself with these horrible forces of intolerance, of anti-liberalism. they're trying to destroy democracies around the world. >> then you go to how this all works in government, matt. substantively, procedural. rhetorically, the trump white house has done everything it could to make it look like its defending russia in all this. there hasn't been a pause or we welcome the facts that come or are cooperating. quite the opposite. i won't list the litany, matt. listen to john mccain, no liberal critic, explaining why this all piles up to needing an independent committee. >> this is why we need a select committee, martha. every time we turn around,
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another shoe drops from this centipede. >> matt. >> yeah. senator mccain is right. the trump's embrace of russia goes back to before he was president, goes back to the campaign. and what's surprising politically a little bit is that he hasn't recognized, you know -- you would think that if you are in the middle of this kind of scandal where you are under investigation for potentially coordinating with russia intelligence to try to steer the election to you when they're all of his famous comments during the campaign, you would think they would take a politically smart path. just have the president come out and say one tough thing about vladimir putin and it would go a long ways for them politically and they're not willing to do that. i think it has something to do with trump, who he is. he likes to be flattered. he likes the way that vladimir putin has said nice things about him. i think it has something to do with he doesn't want to admit that his campaign did get the help from russia because he
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knows that leads to questions about his legitimacy that he is very, very sensitive to. >> i think this is an important part of what trump has to do right now. he has to say that, actually, i am the president of the united states and of all americans and i'm going to come forward. i'm going to come clean. i'm going to cooperate. instead, he sends tweets that suggest that somehow this is a witch hunt against his administration. we have to remember that both his attorney general, jeff sessions, whose office introduced carter page. former campaign manager, paul manafort. so many connections right now to a folks actually talking to a russian ambassador and allegations that there were communications between carter page that he was supposed to pass on to trump that he was going to, in fact, get rewarded
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if sanctions against russia were lifted which is essentially what was hand-delivered to president trump a week before being forced to resign. the facts look very bad, and trump has to confront them head-on. i actually don't think he can quite frankly at this point. >> the foreign policy implications of that are profound. ron, to give folks who don't follow all this on the year by year the context. here is the committee to protect journalists. non-partisan. independent. journalists killed in russia all the way back from '92. nothing new about the targeting. that's why it's not obviously a democracy. it's an authoritarian society. you look at that simple piece of public knowledge, ron. i'm going to cite a republican. this is not necessarily a partisan issue. marco rubio pressing rex tillerson on those public facts and what they mean about this government. he has his own ties to russia and was incoming secretary of state. take a listen, ron.
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>> mr. tillerson, do you believe that vladimir putin and his cronies are responsible for ordering the murder of countless dissents, journalists and political opponents? >> i do not have sufficient information to make that claim, but i am not willing to make conclusions on what is only publicly available or have been publicly reported. >> this is classified, mr. tillerson. these people are dead. >> ron, what do you make of the exchange now two months later with what we know? >> the senate should never have confirmed rex tillerson. it's sad that marco rubio voted to confirm rex tillerson after giving those answers. this goes back to what maya said before. it's all the people around trump who have these ties to russia. mr. tillerson made a lot of money doing business in russia. former senator sessions now attorney general and his team have ties to russia. when you put it together it lays at the president's doorstep. when it has been laid at his
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doorstep his answers have been disappointing. he was asked about these crimes. russia has committed, killing journalists. instead of deploring it, condemning it, he said, oh, our country is not so innocent either. that idea that we're going to lower our human rights and civil sights standards, lower our civil liberties standards to russia's level as a way of getting along with russia is a deplorable concept. that's what the president has said to defend his friends and allies in russia. >> we covered this last hour. there is so much. the other thing that's brand-new and hasn't been on tv yet, maya. we were debating out this outreach on obamacare from president trump is going to work. new sound of rand paul, a big critic. he was a roadblock, maybe striking a balance. maybe donald trump finding in personal diplomacy what he couldn't find on the house floor. rand paul, brand-new, after
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golfing with trump. >> great day with the president today. we did talk about some health care reform. i think the sides are getting closer together, and i remain very optimistic that we will get an obamacare repeal. thanks. >> maya. >> hard to believe. >> you don't buy it. >> i don't buy it. i buy that there are conversations happening and the republicans feel a lot of heat to get a win on something they crashed and burned dramatically on. unless you have something to address the fact that the previous plan was going to literally take tax credits from those earning $200,000 or less a year and essentially give a give-back of $7 million a year to the top 400 earning americans in the country and leave 24 million americans without health insurance, i think that's a tall order. >> the numbers don't lie. what did you think also of rand paul's sunglasses? >> i thought they were quite interesting and not going to get him over the edge when it comes to support for this bill. >> you're not throwing any shade over there. >> i have a lot of shade to
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throw, but rand paul is not worth my shade. >> control room saying you need to wrap. sometimes they say need to wrap. i was interested in your take. maya wiley. good sport and knowledgeable lawyer. matt, ron. thank you for your expertise. tonight, millions of young people mobilized in 2016 not only for hillary clinton as some think but many for president trump. now we'll hear directly from them about what they think. and as always, we have ari's inbox. but first, stay with us. the point growing up trump, right up after the break. and one more segment.
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investigation. he has certainly called the independence of his committee into question but as a legal concept he hasn't triggered the traditional causes for recusal like say a financial link to the outcome of the inquiry. here is how one ethics professor quoted it. it does not create a legal basis for seeking recusal. there is a strong political argument for recusal. the argument that he has fractured the bipartisan relationship of the committee was spoken on by adam schiff. >> i think it rises to the level of recusal. >> ann chapel. who takes flynn up on this immunity? right now, nobody. the congressional committee saying it's not on the table at the moment and that it's too early for prosecutors in the criminal case to hand out immunity deals. last question from lana. can a regular citizen sue a fez ral agency? the answer, sure.
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there is a federal law that empowers a private citizen to sue for injury or loss of property or death for any wrongful act committed by a government employee. those are the answers for the inbox this week. get your question in next week if you e-mail me or tweet me right now at the #thepoint. after the next break, we have the special that i have been plugging all day, growing up trump, hearing directly from a new generation of leaders. first we'll talk to the young activists in the resistance against trump. that's after the break. then we'll hear from young people energized by the new president, followed by a discussion among all of them together. i promise you guys it will be unlike anything else on tv tonight. they'll call back. no one knows your ford better than ford and ford service.
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lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana®. ask your doctor about it by name. welcome back. as promised we turn to something a little different. in a moment, we'll hear from young people forging their political identities in the trump era. let me tell you why we're doing this on "the point." one shortcoming of political journalism is representation. we can't hear from anybody and sometimes we hear from almost
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nobody. elections involving tens of millions of people when you think about it, get narrated by dozens of people. younger americans are under represented. they will literally live with the consequences of today's politics longer than the rest of us, whether that's debt, prosperity, war or peace. the media also spins a lot of narratives about the new generation, that they're apathetic. even though the turnout was historically high in 2016 or this they're monolithic when we find great diversity in their views and actions. we hear that they're in the streets against trump when several young blocs were split. white women under 30 with college degrees, backing trump and clinton at the same right. young white women without degrees broke for trump. clinton slipped with youth, dropping about five points. there are two areas where data shows young voters are a lot like their parents, race remains
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a huge dividing line. white young voters broke for trump by five points. minorities more for clinton. for a generation growing up on facebook, snapchat, and trump's twitter. skepticism of major news media running high less than 20% of americans saying they trust the news media, i guess that's us. and that's a view they hold regardless of race or party. is that a response to media failures or all the alternatives online or growing up on a president who often attacks the press more than his opponents? we don't need to speculate today. we'll ask them. we have young leaders from the trump movement we'll hear from in a minute. first, right here some folks leading the resistance. now, let me go ahead and introduce everybody. we're going to bring back them all together, i should mention, for a joint panel in a few segments. first when we talk to trump resistance voters. richie torres youngest elected official in new york representing the bronx. imani editor in chief of muslim
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girl a social justice activist and blare, founder of equality for here. zena maxwell. former aide to hillary clinton's campaign. thank you for doing this, you guys. i think it will be something different and interesting. show of hands. how many since the election have been at a march or protest? how many have done it in march, in the last month? staying high. richie, as our young elected official, what do you think of the street part of this which is different in social justice than just going to the voting booth? >> it shows that change has both an inside and outside game and puts the myth of millennial apathy to rest because donald trump's election set off a wave of demonstrations. there were millions of americans who participated in the women's march, not only in washington, d.c., but in every major city across the country. those demonstrations were largely driven by millennials. >> you are shaking your head. go ahead. >> well, i just think that, you
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know, it was so powerful to see the women's march but also to acknowledge the amount of people who have been participating in the marches. i have been involved in black lives matter style movements and in that type of activism so i'm excited to see the uniting of forces of people who might have been more on the fence in terms of participating in activism. i wish there was more reliance on the wisdom of those who have been doing it but i'm excited to see the momentum of people in the streets, people bringing pizzas to the protests and coming out and supporting. >> you contrast that as someone who uses music. hillary clinton had a lot of musicians out. i don't know whether it helped or hurt her. we'll play a little bit of lady gaga, who was big for her on the campaign trail. take a listen. >> it's an honor tonight for me to say, a 30-year-old woman from an italian-american immigrant family -- [ cheers and applause ]
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-- that i am with her! [ cheers and applause ] >> but as i mentioned, she did worse among young people. >> well, i think that, you know, i believe that just being a musician necessarily, because i like your music doesn't necessarily mean that i am somebody that's going to like or agree with your political thing. celebrity just to be a celebrity is not something that is going to guarantee somebody as a vote. i think you have to be intelligent and understand the issues and be issue driven. people look for people who have been out there. if you haven't been on the front lines of the protests and movements and just get out there to say you're getting behind a political candidate i kind of wonder how serious i can take you if i haven't seen you being on the front line of some of the issues in the first place. >> imani. >> honestly, the statistics about white women voters doesn't surprise me too much. we really have to consider whose
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backs the past election fell on. it was entirely people of color. it was our livelihoods that were thrown under the bus in the debates and the discussions taking place. many of us were excluded from the conversations. a lot of people are saying that one of the positives from trump's presidency is that it's rallied people together. it's gotten a lot of people in the streets. you could have asked a person of color prior to the elections if racism was still a thing and they would have gladly answered the question without this. >> yeah. i think the election showed that young people want to participate in this -- in politics and get out in the streets and do activism. they were doing that before the 2016 election. that's going to continue no matter -- that was going to continue even if hillary clinton had been elected president. what i think trump does is create a catalyst and really a sense of urgency that you have no choice but to get into the streets and continue your activism. >> absolutely. i think that, you know, even if hillary had won, and a lot of people like to imagine what it would be like and that it would
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be this wonderful fantasyland but there were a lot of issues with her policy platform. i think we'd still be doing this work. the segment is "growing up trump," but we grew up obama and there were still a variety of issues to fight against. that would be the case whether or not trump was in office. i just think there is more energy behind it now. >> there may be more energy. one of the things we'll talk with the trump folks coming up next is that young people who were trump supporters were far more enthusiastic. listen to donald trump talk about his young support and what he believed was bernie overlap. >> i'll go a step further. i think a lot of the young people with bernie sanders will come to my side. they want jobs. they say what's happening. bernie sanders and i agree on one thing, trade. that we don't know what we're doing on trade. the difference is i'll make great deals out of it. he doesn't know what to do. >> i don't necessarily agree that his voters were energized and hillary's weren't. to me, in my community, what i saw was people energized mainly because, like, our lives are on
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the line. you know what i'm saying? trump's rhetoric has actually led to people being killed right now in the united states of america, whether you -- we're here in new york city where a guy came to specifically target a black man and killed him, you know what i'm saying? as i walk the street i have to understand that. i don't necessarily think that just because trump was a celebrity on "the apprentice" this somehow meant more people were energized by him or younger people were energized by him and not by hillary. i dismiss that. i don't agree with that. >> imani what's the message to people who are newly engaged if they weren't excited before november? >> it's important to center the voices of people who are being impacted by the policies. this is truly an opportunity to elevate narratives that are on the line right now and have been marginalized. with the current politics taking place around us and it's important to make sure movements are led by those people, that we're giving space to their voices and in ways that are
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contributive to the moment. >> richie how old were you when you were first elected in new york? >> 25. >> in a rush. what's changed for you since then? >> the stakes are much higher. we have a president now who is intent on dismantling the social safety net. in the new york city council i chair the new york city housing authority. that's the very first program that the trump administration has targeted for budget cuts. immediately, $75 million worth of budget cuts. which will translate into more elevated breakdowns in public housing. the stakes are much higher than before. >> last question for each of you. we are doing dialogue and have trump folks coming up next. what would you want to hear from them next? >> i just want to hear a good reason why they're supporting trump. i haven't heard one yet. i want to hear one. >> i don't want to hear alternative facts. i want to hear real facts and real reasons why you would
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support somebody with a rhetoric like trump. >> i am optimistic that they want to convert to our cause. >> you're here for conversion. proselytizing is hard. >> optimistically i would like to hear a rejection of the normalization of racism that we're seeing but again, high hopes. >> this is television. we always have high hopes. >> i want to know how they were able to overlook the "access hollywood" tape that broke late in the campaign cycle. how can you vote for someone who has spoken like that on the record? >> we're going to have their questions for you as well. right back with more of this special. stay with us. researchers of technologies that one day, you will. some call them the best of the best. some call them veterans. we call them our team.
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welcome back to "the point" our special on young activist leaders. in the trump era. we spoke to a group on the resistance side and now we'll hear from young activists who say they are energized by one of the biggest political upsets in history. they saw a new leader who could change our politics. christen tate, author of government gone wild. ellie, a future law student who took a semester off school to be
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a traveling aide on the trump campaign. paul anthony, leader of the new york state young republicans and nicole hart. new events chair of the new york state young republicans. thank you all for being here. let me start out by asking you starting on this side, what is the best thing you think donald trump has done so far as president from a young american perspective? >> so far i would say the most important thing he has done is to order the start of the wall. i think that's very important to secure our border. we need to protect our citizens, and we need to know who is coming in and out of the country. >> yeah. i think he has done the best job in getting people more involved in the political process. less people are watches videos and signing up with the county legislators. >> i love that donald trump is deconstructing the administrative state. we've sold out to a bunch of technocrats and now donald trump is beginning to roll it back so that the government can serve the people. >> you know, this was an election about jobs. over 30% of young americans still live with their parents.
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i am looking forward to him injecting some life back into our economy, lowering the tax rate, and getting young people back to work. getting good jobs. >> let me put up something that a lot of people don't realize in terms of donald trump's success with young people. i mentioned this earlier. it's striking. the excitement on candidates for young american voters, right. donald trump supporters here, 32% basically told pollsters they were very excited. only 18% of clinton's young supporters there, under 30 millennials, excited. does that surprise any of you? or what do you make of it? >> doesn't surprise me at all. i think that we see on the democratic side there have been more efforts to try to go to the base and get grass roots. that's why you need george soros to get the grass roots moving. on the republican side it's genuine and people are excited about president donald trump. >> i am not surprised at all. donald trump is bold, brash, he is not afraid to address problems that everyone knows are true but many have been too
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afraid to address in the past. not only did he over-perform with young people but also minority communities. he got a larger percentage of the black, his spannic did muslim wheat than obama did in 2012. for far too long democrats have taken young and minority votes for granted while offering little in the way of policies that lift up those communities. >> paul, do you agree? what do you hear from people when you tell them that you are a trump backer? >> it's crazy. i honestly -- my father forbid me interest saying insults i received on social media. literally i think this is a great opportunity for people to really get involved. not really a big fan of listening to the static. i am an advocate of winston churchill when he said you won't get to your destination if you stop to throw rocks at the dogs barki ba barking at you. >> this was a trump supporter recently talking about plants
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closing. laurie clements who works as a meat cutteder. >> it's getting to the point where, if things don't turn around, the doors will close. and it's going to hurt a lot of people. i want to see him do what he says he is going to do. make america great again. the people of this country have lost a lot of faith in this -- in their government. the government has done a lot of things that weren't for the people. >> ellie, what specifically do you think he's done to create jobs in the united states? >> he signed an executive action to get regulatory reform started. he has empowered heads of agencies to start the reform to ignite and unleash jobs prosperity and great things in america. we're excited about it. >> you can't tell yet whether that's creating jobs. >> well, sure. the thing is that you have such an entrenched state, the federal bureaucracy is so marred with the democratic laws that have been put on the books over the last eight years. it will take time. we're only two months in.
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i think president trump has started with encouraging signs. like i said, it will only get better from here. >> on the dialogue, and next we'll bring everyone out and have a joint discussion. but when you heard some of the questions there at the end of the segment with the resistance, starting with you, nicole, did you have a response or did you think anything was a fair criticism of president trump? >> i wouldn't say i necessarily think it's fair. i think we are all very diverse people here. there has been a lot of negative talk about trump supporters, and i think it's all very false. we are very open-minded and we support everyone. i think we all just want what's best for the country. >> i agree. it's literally unfair for you to justify and label someone based upon the worst of donald trump's rhetoric. i heard a lot about protesting and not too much on how people are getting involved and changing direction and taking the initiative individually to make america great. >> on the point, it's no secret. a lot of discussion of race and those issues. one thing from "fortune" magazine on the way donald trump has engaged folks.
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the quote. trump giving us the wink-wink. editor of a white supremacist website after trump retweeted two other white genocide theorists within a minute. it isn't statistically possible that two back-to-back could be random. it could only be deliberate. the stats there being that at least 75 users were wrapped up in the hash tag. what do you make of that, any of you, because that's been a persistent criticism as well as birtherism. there are young people who don't identify as being excited by that part of his appeal but it was there. >> one thing i don't think the president has gotten enough contract for is an executive action he signed to move the initiative from the department of education to the white house and assigned white house staff to work on it. something president obama didn't do. he took a lot of heat for this from outside groups because it was stuffed in the education department. now it's a priority of the administration. i think we need to give the
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president more credit for some of the things he's been doing. >> i think i heard from the liberal panel a lot of talk about rhetoric, right. i don't like some of the stuff that trump has said, but liberals have this obsession with diverting attention away from actual policies that matter and on to fluff and rhetoric. i am sick of talking about rhetoric. let's talk about policies here. >> do you think the words are pc? i mean, one of the -- >> trump is politically incorrect. that's why everyone loves him. >> we're going to bring you together but we wanted to hear everyone first. some felt the "access hollywood" tape which exposed that language. >> i did not like the "access hollywood" tape, trust me. i care more about the job market, the economy, getting a good health care system in place than i do about a 2005 tape of a conversation that trump had in private. >> let me play a little bit of donald trump in the closing of the campaign, which is very interesting to look back at. you all say you were excited by him. you all were with him, right? and this was a time period when a lot of the country wrote him
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off, wrongly. just at the mark of was he likely to win, could he win. a lot of people who had their smart money, thought they knew what they were talking off. you obviously didn't. hear was donald trump in the mood, defendanconfident, in pena where people said he couldn't win and dissing hillary clinton for relying on the celebrity thing which comes up a lot. >> i didn't have to bring j.lo or jay z. i'm here all by myself. just me. no guitar, no piano, nothing. you know what we do have, and it's all of us, all the same. we all have great ideas and great vision for our country. >> i think that hillary clinton steered away from getting involved to actually talk about policies. she was bringing people in like lebron james, j.lo. >> what did it say to you? >> i think it's offensive and pandering, like bringing a
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bottle of hot sauce on the air waves. >> you felt that it wasn't her connecting with the community but more assuming that, what, that that would validate her? >> i feel like she was trying to assume an identity and trying to be young and hip. like my 50-year-old aunt coming in and say, hey, paul, what's popping, what's cool? it didn't look natural. >> did you remember that night? >> i was there in pennsylvania. i remember just the energy and intimacy of the event and those events across the country, that everybody in the room really felt like they had the opportunity to do something that they could never have the opportunity to do again for the rest of their lives. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and they did it. >> we'll do a quick break before the finale. did you all coordinate the red? >> no. >> just happened. >> i guess republicans truly are united. >> when you are on brand, you're on brand. we've heard differing viewpoints on the trump presidency from these generations of voices. conversation is not over. the most important part comes next. having heard from both sides, we
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. welcome back to the point. we've heard from two young passionate groups about their hopes and fears for the trump presidency. one group wants to stop the trump agenda and the other hoping to see the president fulfill the promises he made. here on "the point" "growing up trump" we've brought them all together. blare, what did you think of what you heard from the young trump supporters behind you? >> i think that, you know, one thing i want to say is that, with trump saying something in private, integrity is about not what you do in public but what you do in private. we want a president with integrity, and i don't feel that's something we have right now. >> you don't feel the president trump today has integrity. >> i do not. >> ellie. >> one thing we need to understand going forward is that people really don't care about
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these certain issues we try to make touch points. i think i heard the word nothing burger once on your shows. this is more of the same. people voted on the merits and want to hear about jobs and infrastructure and immigration. >> imani. >> trump has the support he does because fear-mongering is the political equivalent of click bait. it will obviously work and energize people. we've been throwing entire minority communities that are already targeted under the bus because, what, we want to talk about jobs? what's the tradeoff. we are literally saying that we can sacrifice an entire part of the fabric of our society just to continue elevating an already privileged part of america. >> i would like to say that this is something that's really been happening in america before donald trump's presidency, it's not really about white people attacking black people or dominicans attacking haitians, it's happening amongst ourselves. black people are attacking each other much more than the
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caucasian community is. >> more people are doing more across racial lines, across gender. we don't necessarily have a traditional set of values. the millennial generation is the most diverse and progressive in history. we'll get in the streets, run for office and make change in our electoral process. >> nicole, look at the issues as a young woman excited by donald trump. these are issues people under 30 care about. stress about finances. 64%. student loans, 79%. big impact. thinking you have to tap into whatever little you have saved for retirement because things are so bad. what do you think donald trump is doing for that? >> he has already talked about lowering taxes. he is reducing federal regulation. he has made a law that says for every regulation that is proposed they have to get rid of two. that helps businesses. you know. as millennials, we have kind of gotten used to the fact that it's difficult to find work, and i think that's a shame because
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that's not the way the country has always been. >> you're shaking your head. >> you're talking about jobs. this president came out against a livable wage. this is a president who -- it's easy to say rhetoric is rhetoric when the rhetoric is not directed towards you. >> minimum wage doesn't help. that just makes businesses able to hire fewer people. i am half hispanic. i have a lot of friends. black friends, jewish friends. they all want good jobs, not bad jobs. you do that by making an economy that's flourishing and making it easier for entrepreneurs to hire people. we want to get the government off the back of people who are creating jobs in this country. that's what trump wants to do. >> this is the same rhetoric that we heard under george w. bush, and the whole economy almost really collapsed internationally. he did so bad on the economy that he wasn't even invited to the last two republican conventions. >> something in medicine they
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all eatra jennics. a lot of the liberal policies are well intentioned. you think of minimum wage and it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling but it actually hurts small businesses and hurts for people looking for jobs. >> it helps people working at a minimum wage to have food for the families. >> ones who are able to keep jobs. look at what's happening at mcdonald's. they're putting in machines in place of human workers because it's too expensive to keep hiring people. liberals don't understand the difference between good intention and good policy. >> richie. >> so far, the trump transition shows every sign of governing incompetently. the president promised a health care plan that would cover everyone and instead put forward a health care plan that, according to the republican-picked congressional budget office would cost 24 million americans their health insurance. he was going to cut medicaid by $800 billion and literally redistribute it for tax cuts for the rich. >> a show of hands.
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how many of you at one point since 22 have been on your parents' health care plans. paula, that's something you would worry about if they do repeal. as you know, there is a big movement to repeal the whole thing. >> i think it's going to be -- it will be a really big disaster if we don't replace it with something that works. i work in an emergency department and we have a labor act where we can't turn away a patient no matter if they can pay for health insurance or if they have it or their ability to pay. i will feel the brunt of this. >> do you think donald trump understands health care when he said no one knew it was this complex. >> i have the utmost confidence in his ability to surround himself with people who know health care. donald trump is our president, the representative, not the person with all the answers. it's up to us to reach out through our congressmen to help him make the best decision that works for us. >> nicole mentioned the wall. how about the two swings on the
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travel ban. none of it is implemented because it was blocked in the courts because of the way they rolled it out. does it concern you from a competence perspective? >> i don't think necessarily. i think, necessarily. i think, you know, he's working on it. it's a very new administration, and i have confidence in donald trump that he will get everything done that he said he would. >> yeah, you know, the first rollout, or the first version of that plan was not well thought out. that's why they reintroduced it. but this -- everyone understands what this is about. this is about keeping us safe. people have seen what's happened in paris, what's happened in europe. we don't want that here. so i think people understand, yeah, the first version of that bill was not great, but the intention behind that bill are known and i think they are working on it to iron out some of the problems. >> several people look like they want -- down the line here. down the line. we'll get a response from chris as well. go ahead. >> i think that the propensity for americans to say, oh, this makes us safe, you're ignoring the fact we're not safe. we have mass shootings at a rate that no other country sees.
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it's ridiculous. to say we have some foreign i e inenemy of a different religion that's coming in to harm us, it's completely unfounded. we have violence in america and it's perpetuated by people who look just like the president. >> paul. >> my previous statement, i honestly think black-on-black crime is underreported. we want to shed light about a police officer killing a black man, but we have cities such as chicago where it's normal, you don't put it in newspapers anymore. >> it's on the news all the time. the violence in chicago is definitely in the news. black people who kill other black people go to jail. >> absolutely. >> the reason black lives matter in the streets is there's no accountability for when police kill black people. that's the conversation black lives matters is having. not about the violence in the inner city. >> i'm a strong advocate of the black community telling each other that black lives matter, you have other options opposed to being ridiculed by being called white, for being able to talk and articulate your thoughts in a professional way. you is other options on the street as opposed to what's being pushed to you on the airwaves. >> do you think donald trump hit
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the right balance in the campaign that, yes, police risk their lives and their lives matter but a lot of black men according to the data are shot down in ways that other groups aren't? the data does show that. >> i believe he could have done much, much moreget ing the proper liaison to direct the message. >> i want to know where the all lives matter crew is. where's the all lives matter crew when we're talking about building a wall and keeping people out? a wall that the united states is going to pay for. your taxpayer dollars will pay for. when it's, you know, white supremaci supremacists, committing violence, we don't see trump tweet about everything else but he doesn't tweet about that. >> we don't even see that when a white child gets killed by police. >> right. girls are missing in d.c., we don't hear the all lives matter crew. you're talking about turning somebody away at a hospital that doesn't have health care. i thought this was a country based on christian values. is that the type of society we want? >> you want to talk about all lives matter, i think the one thing that trump can do, we
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haven't spoken about yet that will help all lives, bring in school choice. in inner cities plagued with violence, you're seeing minority children affected by poor education at a higher rate than all other children. that's because they're not afforded the opportunity to go to the school of their choice. you have these democrat politicians like obama sending their own kids to expensive private schools in limos while they deprive minority communities of school choice. these public schools are failing. >> the limo might be a security thing. >> right. >> go ahead, richie. >> immigration, one of the darkest moments in american history was when the united states turned away jewish refugees fleeing nazi germany. as a result, many of those refugees died in the holocaust. now we find ourselves treating syrian refugees with the same heartlessness that we did gy refugees a few decades ago. what's supposed to distinguish the united states is the idea all of us can become american regardless of whether we're born here. right?
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imgragmigration is the heart at we are as a country. donald trump is an attack on the american ideal. >> here's thing, almost humorously you were talking about good intentions versus good policy yet we spent the last five minutes listing out all these failed policies that trump has attempted to enact within his first 100 days alone that have obviously been embarrassing at how badly they have been. and the thing is, i don't care what kind of friends you have. if you're friends with muslims or black people or whoever, if you're supporting someone who is exploiting those communities in order to get to where he wants to be, in a position of power, then that is you renouncing our american values. like, if we're talking about bad policies, we're at a historic low, not only with the approval ratings that trump is suffering from right now on a national scale, but also the travel ban, i.e. the muslim ban, implemented solely to dis criminacriminate a religious background from end urg our k entering our country. >> go ahead. >> as a jew, i find it astounding the myriad ways
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democrats find ways to connect what happened in the haolocaust to what's going on today. the syrian refugee crisis is absolutely not comparable to what happened with jewish refugees. what's encouraging is the fact that donald trump, president donald trump, has indicated that he wants to put up safe zoens in syria. let's make sure it's safe there. >> i'm hearing a lo t of anger and fear from the left and i think to blame for that, we can point our fingers at the media that has gone out of its way to completely kind of, you know, distort a lot of trump's policies, for example, the muslim ban. it's not a muslim ban. >> you're in a setting by at least one media news organization. >> right. >> that's tried to give -- >> no, no, exactly. i'm so appreciative of that. but i think one great example is this notion that his travel ban is a muslim ban. the most populist muslim countries in the world are not emp on this list. >> for political reasons. yet again, how is it we have an exception for the muslim ban for people who come from a christian
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background? >> which was changed in the second ban. >> i was going to say in regards to the kusht political climate, a lot of people are so divided right now. a lot of people are in campaign mode. i tried to work for president trump. almost as if they're being twha2008 obama haters. >> the reason people don't want to work with trump, it's not because people are comparing to the holocaust for tragedy reasons. we're comparing to the hall c t holocaust, future generations are going to ask how we let this happen, the same way we're asking how the holocaust took place. >> richie, briefly? >> during the election, he said he wants to ban muslims. we're only judging him by his own words. >> we're going to take a quick break, and a final word after this. is not a marathon it's a series of smart choices. like using glucerna to replace one meal or snack a day. glucerna products have up to 15 grams of protein to help manage hunger and carbsteady, unique blends of slow release carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes.
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i really appreciate you guys. i think this was yuuseful to he. that it is "for the point." i'm ari melber. if you have further questions, e-mail me at and joy reid is next. most people don't take well to being bullied. >> do you think that this is -- is this an actual negotiates tactic by the president? or do you think this is a constructive way to do it? >> i mean, it's constructive in fifth grade, but it may allow a child to get his way but that's not the way the government works. >> already overcast in washington, d.c., friday but justin amash cast di
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