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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  April 3, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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the fact they're going to war over this shows the split. this is where he is paying the check for some of the twes and the things he said since the inauguration. i think on inauguration day, there might have been some democrats who said guy looks strong. let's play ball with him. >> all right. that does it for me. i'm in for steve kornacki. katy tur is in for chuck. if it's monday, chaos clouds. chaos in the capital. what the democratic filibuster of the gorsuch supreme court nomination could predict about the future of the trump agenda. >> i will not support judge gorsuch's nomination in the judiciary committee. >> plus the art of diplomacy. >> we'll be friends for a long, long period of time. president trump's embrace kicks off a high stakes week of international dealings.
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and the pelosi factor thoufl republican fear of the minority leader has been driving the election had decisions for a decade and counting. this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. >> good evening. i'm in for chuck todd. we begin with the presidency in peril that now confronts a chain reaction of chaos and dysfunction at home amid newly escalating threat of nuclear hostilities abroad. this is escalating state of chaos that president trump now confronts and what is arguably his weakest moment so far as president. everywhere you turn, things are a mess. the u.s. senate now stands on the brink as republicans try on deliver the president a much needed victory after a disaster ow couple of weeks. president trump has publicly urged republicans to invoke the
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so-called nuclear option to elimina eliminate, if judge gorsuch can't get the 60 votes needed to overcome the blockade. today the white house suggested his stance has not changed. this afternoon democrats secured enough votes to filibuster the nomination which makes nuclear showdown inevitable in the senate later this week. if invoked, could it forever change the senate's identity from a body that demands come promise and bipartisan to a body where a simple majority rules. chaos, frustration and animosity is gripping both parties. republicans are still reeling from the revolt of their right flank which deraid the health care plan and democrats are wondering whether to declare an all-out war on this administration. government funding runs out later this month, by the way.
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meanwhile the government with the assault on the last one as it tries change the subject away from the fbi's investigation into trump's campaign. sean spicer highlighted the report in bloomberg that susan rice attempted on unmask the identities of certain peel connected to the president's transition and campaign. some republicans are urging the public not to lose sight of the big picture. we're having some sound issues but we'll get you the sound bites later on. the senate is at war with it self. a fractured house and the current white house is fighting the last white house. all under the back drop of a brewing nuclear crisis in the u.s. rt telling lester holt that the dictator is prepared to strike
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the united states and its allies. over the weekend, trump sounded an aggressive and confrontational tone telling the financial times, if china is not going to solve north korea, we will. i'm joined by congressman brooks who is a member of the house freedom caucus. thank you for joining us. do you have confidence in president trump's ability and temperament to lead? >> well, i think it is too early to have a firm judgment one way or the other. there are some things president trump has done. particularly with border security that i'm very much in favor of. you have some other things dealing with regulatory reform that hopefully will free up the american economy to explode and increase wains for american citizens, while improving the labor participation rate which is pretty much at a low since the 1970s. so there are some things i'm very encouraged about. but as in politics, you'll have agreements and disagreements.
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that's the nature of it. >> the president has been will singling out, saying they were the buns derailed this health care plan. stayingreedom caucus will hurt the entire republican agenda if they don't get on the team and fast. we must fight them and the dems in 2018. that is in addition to him saying that if they don't do that, if they don't get on board, he will work the democrats. how do you feel about him going of a your colleagues? >> well, i'm proud to have helped take whatever credit i'm deserving of for having helped kill a bad piece of completion would significantly increase health care had goifts 15 to 20% over and above obamacare. so if the president wants to give me credit for helping keep the premiums lower than they would otherwise be, i'm more than happy to accept that responsibility. i'm also more than happy to accept responsibility for helping to stop what would be
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the largest republican welfare program in the history of the republican party, that in turn would put some tens of millions of americans who are not now on welfare, on welfare. with the political damage associated with that and long term elections and the outcome of elections coupled with the tax increases that would be notes pay for this new welfare program. so i'm quite comfortable accepting that responsibility. i would say that i think it is counter productive. for them to be attacking and on another occasion, the freedom caucus members, and i think that's reflected by his polling numbers which have been on the decline. one thing to have a disagreement between a republican president and democrats. i think the general public expected that and it doesn't change your standing with the american people. when you start attack your own folks, you would expect and
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you're seeing deterioration. >> the freedom caucus is not afraid of him. why should anyone else be afraid of him? >> it is not a matter of us and the house of representatives. it is whether legislation is good or bad. we're approaching this from a public policy standpoint and i'm quite confident that we can do much better with health care reform than we're doing and the bill that we at least temporarily have successfully been able to put off. i'm very proud of that. >> you'll be home runner trying to stop a governmental shutdown later this month. are you confident the president can work democrats to keep that from happening sf and do you even want him to work democrats on that? >> i'm comfortable with the president working with whomever he believes it is necessary to work to further his belief in what is best for our country. the nature of politics is that
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we have disagreements in the best interests of the country. i would expect president trump to act as necessary. my job as a united states congressman is to be, to exercise my own judgment on what i think is best for the people i represent in the state of alabama and also for the united states of america. so that kind of tension, that's normal in a political process. it is a lot better than what you see being resolved in these other countries that resort to violence. >> there's infighting in the republican party, within the democratic party, within congress as a whole. the president is going after the republican party, he's going after the democrats, he's going of a the past white house. if were you somebody looking at this from the outside, would you think that this president has the credibility to lead on a world stage? >> i can't answer for the per spepgss world leaders and other countries may have of the united states generally or this
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president or the previous president or the previous president to that. different world leaders will have different perceptions. it depends on where you're hurrying a nation with regard to the world leader. i'm quite confident that faith in the united states is still very good around the planet. that's because of our involvement over decades over decades and even centuries. that is what has made america a great nation. and i'm proud of our armed services and what they have done at the request of so many nations around the world to help protect freedom in those nations. to help stop barberism in those nations. our role, helping to preserve freedom, to promoter democracy, i think that's to the credit of our country. >> do you believe this country will be able to further that?
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and secondly would you trust a president is under investigation? >> i don't know the details of that investigation and at some point i hope that director comey will explain it. lets wait and see. then i think we can evaluate. at this point in time he is the president of the united states and i think it behoos all americans to give the president of the united states the been fist doubt. particular particularly in so far as relationships. >> if the president were hillary clinton, would you say the same? >> we saw her misrepresent the truth with happened in benghazi and libya. we also --
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>> respectfully, president trump has misrepresented the truth so many times yargs count them on my two hands. we also saw the clintons get payment of $500,000 at approximately the same time that the secretary of state's office was approving the sale of american uranium to russian interests. >> that had to be approved by seven different agencies including an independent agency. >> okay well hillary clinton has been in the public sphere much longer than donald trump has. donald trump has been in governmental office for two months. and hillary clinton was in office for years and years and years. in fact, decades. and it is that kind of track record that allows me to form a judgment. >> but he is also -- >> you ask me the same question a decade from now and i'll be able to share my viewpoint about donald trump. >> in the two months that he has been there, he's brought up annul of things don't have any evidence to support it. that includes voter fraud, president obama wiretapping his phones. i mean, he has said a lot of
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things that are not true. a lot of things that are not true. so it doesn't seem like your argument holds water in that respectful. >> let's wait six to 12 months. th of those issues will have been more fully explored. >> do you think there was voter fraud? massive voting fraud? that he would have won the popularer vote without this voting fraud? >> i'm not familiar with evidence that would support that to the degree it has been clald. has there been voting fraud, definitely. and i can give exam wills, one example, the state of alabama was forced to disregard our voting policy that's required proof of citizenship before we could register to vote in the state of alabama. that was done by a federal court in the washington, d.c. area, and because of that, that inhibited our ability to limit our elections to american citizens. how many was it? i don't know. but it opened the doors very,
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very broadly. not only alabama but other states for registrations to vote by illegal aliens. and unfortunately, we don't have enough data and evidence to be able to get into the details, more so than what we have already. but in the state of virginia, there have been plenty of studies that have concluded annul of illegal aliens have participated in, large numbers have participated in elections in the state of virginia where they have analyzed it on a county by county basis, often dealing with who can serve on inju juries. >> president trump said that 3 to 5 million people voted illegally in this election. that would have changed him winning the popular vote. that's quite a large number. i have to leave it there, sir. >> i think that's probably on the high side. but that's n the same tng as saying there is no voting frau >> thank you, congressman brooks. i appreciate your time. let me bring in my panel.
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and heather is the president of progressive think tank. susan, i'll start with you. the congressman was trying very hard to try to say that hillary clinton would be in a different category than donald trump because she served so long and in his words has lied so frequently. this president has been in office now for a little over two months. or is it three months now? >> 71 days. >> a little over two months. and he has lied a number of times. so what will it take for the republican party to say, listen, enough is enough. we can't keep doing this. we can't keep allowing hill to go off on these rants. >> well, it is very difficult for republicans right now. they do want to support a republican president who does share a lot of their common goals. and whether it is -- granted the
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reform of health care didn't go the way everyone wanted it to but at leaf he brought it up. the current supreme court justice inspect another thing the republicans are looking for. when it comes to the economy, the president has an agenda that is sxllock and step with tunnel. now we have to deal with his person sxalt the behavior trends. republicans never know when he will drop another tweet on their head. that's what they most fear as they're going forward. with the budget, with infrastructure. they just don't know which way they're going to go. and they have to figure it out. it is really time for republicans to start realizing that they are going to have to force their own agenda and work the house and the senate are going to have to boring together. and hopefully the president will see fit to move forward on some of those ideas. >> is this chaos sustain schnabel especially when we are facing the threat of north korea? >> this is important. sno
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north korea is an example of a chlenge he hasn't had before. an externally made crisis. what we are seeing is his own tweets and squabbles and there's a theory that he is doing on it purpose for a distraction. but north korea is not someone else's problem. it is his problem. and he can't do those things. it is really on his lap to figure out. and it will be a real test for the people who like that he messes with washington and messes with the press to see if they also enjoy the same kind of behavior when nuclears are on the line of. >> what we're seeing is the democrats fighting with each other about how to go about fighting this president. tweeting to see how everyone will react. who is the adult in the room? >> i think the adults in the room are the american people. right? hundreds of thousands of showed
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up at town halls. that's not that entertaining thing to do with your tuesday night. and said, many of them, people who voted for president trump or who are independent who's said, i'm looked at what is in this health care bill. i'm following what's going on in russia. i'll putting my country ahead of any partisan allegiance i might have. and i'm saying what's going on from the muslim ban to the deportations which are not even popular in red states for there to be a deportation only approach. there's a common sense center in this country that is far outside of what the partisan squabbling is showing. 91% of trump voters wanted him to nominate someone to the supreme court who would be open reversing citizens united and putting limits on big money in politics. 91% of trump voters. but of course he went the far right, even farther right than scalia on this issue, chamber of
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commerce federalist society lawyer. there's actually a ground swell of people who wanted a pop list vision, who wanted this, and they're not being served by this president. >> the president did say who he would nominate. he gave out a list and he appointed someone from that list. please stay with us. we'll come back to you a little later in the hour. coming up, the senate showdown gets underway. the supreme court nominee neil gorsuch cox this be the end of the filibuster as we know it?
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a north korean defector tells lester holt that kim jong-un is prepared to user nuclear weapons against tuesday. he says it is the only way he can guarantee his power. he said kim is obsessed with obtaini obtaining nukes. meanwhile, president trump will host the chinese president at mar-a-lago. and he said he will discuss north korea during the visit. sing coming to power, he's conducted more missile tests. lester holt will be reporting from south korea tonight and tomorrow night. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced,
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our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something... set it free. see you around, giulia ♪ the u.s. senate is charging
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straight for a nuclear showdown this week. legislatively, not literally. it will likely affect supreme court for the foreseeable future. president trump picked neil gorsuch, advanced to the senate judiciary nomination. >> i cannot support advancing this nomination. >> that's why i will not be supporting judge gorsuch's nomination. >> this afternoon the full body of senate democrats passed their number needed to sustain a filibuster. that is now at 42. while four democrats have said they'll vote to break a filibuster. gorsuch needed eight votes from the democrats. now it is up to mitch mcconnell to decide if he wants to use the so called nuclear sxopgs blow up senate rules to push it through.
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republicans had chocked all this up to had democratic partisanship. >> today the filibuster is once again largely the invention of chuck schumer and the far left. >> there isn't any justice that a replican will put forth that they would get his, that they would support of. >> our democratic colleagues will not accept that president trump won. he did. when you win the white house, you have the ability to appoint people to the supreme court. >> never before has there been a partisan filibuster attempt of a supreme court nominee. and never before has the so-called nuclear option been used to try to pass one through. joining me now, democratic senator, from hawaii, a member of the senate judiciary committee. thank you for joining us. >> aloha. >> why do this now? why decide to filibuster judge gorsuch? is this the place you want to and pend this political capital?
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>> we have to fight battles that are worth fighting. and judge gorsuch is not going to be a justice. should he be confirmed for all the people. because he will be right in there with the roberts court supporting corporate interests over individual rights. so we can't support this person. try as we might to ascertain his judicial philosophy, he said it is irrelevant. >> do you believe though that this will change balance of power that was already on the court while justice scalia was alive? >> if he does get confirmed? >> i think that he will be a very, very conservative justice. this is why the federalist society and the heritage foundation not only had him on their list but they spent over $10 million getting him confirmed. and so he is just going to continue to take the court to a far right kind of a posture.
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and that's not good for minorities in our country. rt women, muslims, lgbtq community, children. you name it. any minority population should be very, very concerned about the continual move of the supreme court to support not our individual rights, but corporate interests. >> president trump was pretty trans parent about this. he gave out a list of the number of judges that he would consider if we to win for the supreme court. and that is what an in large part got him elected. when we were on the campaign trail, his voters said they were very concerned about the supreme court. this is him following through on a campaign promise. republicans say that democrats get their choices when they're in charge and it is time for a republican to get their choice when they have a republican president. >> how they can say that with a straight face after they blocked
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had judge garland's nomination. this is first time this has happened. they completely, unilaterally, mitch mcconnell just said we won't give judge garland the time of day. >> are you ready, if you block this, if mitch mcconnell does not use the nuclear option, are you ready to have this court sit vacant for years to come? >> well, there are some who have said they're willing to keep this seat vacant if hillary clinton would have gotten elected. let us hope cooler heads will prevail. that we gary the supreme court. has the court that will be making decisions for years to come. let us hope cooler heads minds are prevail. >> respectfully here, what i'm hearing from you is, very similar to what i hear from republicans which is, they did it first and they did that over here and what about garland or
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these judges we said yes to. a lot of finger pointing back and forth. one of your colleagues even said, two wrongs don't make a right when it comes to invoking the nuclear option. do you feel like it's time to move past this to get things done for the american people? especially at a time when the presidency is so chaotic and disruptive. >> i'm not taking the position i am against judge gorsuch because he is nominated by trump. it is because of what his positions are. as i can glean from his cases and the positions he's taken. there is a pattern to his decisions where he will go out of his way to have a narrow decision, like the boy who
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needed a special education and he interpreted the law that is supposed to enable kids like that to get adequate education so narrowly that even the robert court could not accept that. so this pattern of narrowly confinding legislation in ways that do not protect individual vits a clear pattern of judge gorsuch. that's why i am against him. this is not a matter of two wrongs making a right. >> if mitch mcconnell invokes the nuclear option because democrats filibustering, that will break the deliberative process of the senate. it will break the bipartisan nature of the senate. the founding fathers hope there'd would be compromises there. that's why 60 votes were needed to pass anything. if he does that, are you going to feel comfortable forcing him to do so? >> nobody is forcing hill to do anything. nobody forced him to
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unilaterally decide that garland wouldn't get a hearing. >> are you comfortable playing a game of political chicken? how about i put it that way? >> that's up to the supreme court. he has said no matter what happens, he intends to get judge gorsuch confirmed. we still have a loss of processes. that's why the senate is what it is. that's why the senate is not the house. that so many things precede on the pace it is of 60 votes. i doubt very much the senators want to get rid of that for everything. that will make the house, the senate, the house, with all due respect to the house. >> the we appreciate your time. thank you. still ahead, we'll dig further into how president trump's leadership crisis affects the world.
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. president trump made good on a promise regarding his paycheck. sean spicer announced the president is donating his first quarter salary to the national park service. spicer presented the interior swekt a check for more than $78,000. he said the money will be put toward maintenance of the 25 national battlefield sites. more "mtp daily" just ahead. first the market wrap.
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>> stocks closing lower across the board. the dow falling by 13 points. the s&p down 3. the nasdaq off by 17 points. tesla has beaten ford becoming the second largest u.s. automaker in investor value. it is now worth $47 billion. general motors still leads the pack. rising hole allowed many owners to tap into the growing equity in their homes. $570 billion was pulled last year with millennials leading the pack. that's it from cnbc. first in business worldwide. microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. there are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. with the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever befor if we can detect new viruses before they read, we may someday prevent outbreaks
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welcome back. we mentioned president trump's practice of leadership by chaos, isn't only affecting his agenda at home. it also affects way he is viewed around the globe. today kicks off a week of
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diplomacy. just today president trump hosted the controversial egyptian president at the white house. a leader accused of human rights abuses and a leader the obama administration never even invited to washington. but someone who president trump said today is doing a, quote, fantastic job. meantime his son-in-law jared kushner is in iraq, with the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. that is helping before rex tillerson visits the country. more than 70 days into the trump presidency, there are a lot of unknowns about the president's foreign policy. the white house isn't giving any impression that will change any time soon. joining me, anybody has burns, under secretary of state. and a former ambassador to nato and greece. he served in the george w. bush, clinton, and george h.w. bush administrations. thank you for joining us.
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>> i want to read you something that trump said to the financial times. i am not the united states of the past where we tell you where we are going to hit in the middle east. or they say, i used it in the speeches. we will be attack mosul in four months. a month later, we'll be attack in three months, in two months, inne month. why are they talking? he ran on this idea that he would be unpredictable. they parroted when it you interviewed them. does that bori does that work in the world stage? unpredictability with our adversaries like al qaeda and the islamic state, that's a good thing. not to telegraph our moves. with tallize, they count on it. with the germ ans, angela merkel was looking for solidity to
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contain putin. she hasn't gotten that. he met them halfway in a way that wouldn't represent u.s. interests. with china too, with this big summit in mar-a-lago at the end of the week, china is looking for a sebls of how the work the administration. the signature issue was climate change between president xi jinping and president obama. now president trump has taken that off the table because of the paris climate change accord. with allies and other big powers in the world, reliability, consistency, dependability, the credibility of your word. that's what makes american presseses successful. if you don't have that, sometimes unsuccessful. >> does he have the credibility of his word? especially when we get after tweet after tweet that lacks any proof. >> he's made this outland he shall claims that president obama somehow ordered the wiretapping of president trump
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and the trump organization. it seem to absolutely untrue. that story has been knocked down by james comey and everyone else. and yet he keeps making that assertion. in a true international crisis with his the american president has to stand up and ask the world for assistance or to be understood, will people believe him? i think that's an early casualty of this presidency. >> so you say the allies are looking for stability. what are our enemies thinking? >> well, i think first of all, we have very few end ms. in the world but the islamic state is one. al qaeda is a second. with the iraqi earl and i hope soon will be in syria, going against the islamic state there. that's mainly a military battle. it is important that the american president, president trump, have a good relationship with the iraqi leadership. and i think the trump administration has done okay on that so far.
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i think it has been less solid with our allies in asia and you're. the president has tended to downplay our lingss. tole, that's the source of american strength in the world. our alliances. so i think the trump administration needs the reassure the allies, and not just keep focusing on the terrorism issue. for instance, the survivability of the you're penal unieuropean. >> how does donald trump navigate it? it is one of the biggest existential threats u.s. faces. >> no question. one of the most difficult problems he faces, the meeting with xi jinping will be critical. president trump has tweeted and let people know tha he wants chinese cooperation on this. sns diplomacy, rather than a long leader publicly, he tweets, pressuring lank merkel in an
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election year, quiet diplomacy sometimes works better. i think president trump would be well advised to dial back many of these tweets, engage in more traditional diplomacy through phone calls and meetings, relying on his secretary of state realm tillerson to carry these privately. he'll be much more successful in that fashion. >> thank you. we appreciate your time. up next, play ball. stay tuned.
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in honor of baseball's opening day, go dodgers, we look at some of the first presidents to throw out the first pitch on opening day. >> this was william howard taft in 1912. taft was a semi-pro pitcher in since when he started getting knocked out of box too often, he quit and went into politics. here's woodrow wilson. 1913. great to see, isn't it? warren harding here with babe ruth. he owned a club in ohio. herbert hoover in 1929 good arm, mr. president. franklin roosevelt threw out the ball eight times but he never threw it very far. harry truman was also a pitcher as kid. a south paw. then his eyesight fade and he needed thick glasses so he became an umpire. figures, doesn't it?
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dwight eisenhower, ike. he once passed up opening day for a round of golf. caused a great political stir. got a toss, john kennedy. he was a red sox fan. kennedy really has them shagging after the ball. lbj always took a crowd of politicians with him to the ballpark. watchful you will see why t washington senators usually und up ithe center. you don't let anything
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time for the lid. guys, let's talk about neil gorsuch. is it a good idea for democrats to and pend other political capital blocking this judge? it is not going to change anything with scalia. >> well, democrats haven't got a choice. i think their base demands that they show some spine on this. >> does base demand it? do democratic voters really care about this? >> absolutely. citizens united, they can't stop
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him. i think they have to show they tried as hard as they could. nu the filibuster and it will be good for democrats in the long term. >> why would it be good for democrats? >> it's an arcane certainty rule, used in instances, legislation it wasn't meant to over the years. it prevents accountability, a pretty good case for getting rid of it. if you're in the majority you get your chance to do something. if voters like it, you stay in the majority and if not, it's their turn. >> a simple majority, 51 votes. >> the fear this is a become the house then and you don't have legislation that requires true bipartisan support. a 51-49 is not really necessary. that's where you really see strong support. just kind of -- exactly. >> we're already there. we're already there. >> i know we are.
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>> they have the majority. >> i respect your point of view on that. i think it's a mistake for the democrats to force this issue especially now. i understand what you're saying about the left. at the same time, this is early. this is early 2017. you can come back from a vote and yet not blow up the whole tradition of the senate and work it gets done. i understand. what's worse about this when it comes to gorsuch. i am someone who thought justice garland should have been give an hearing and an up or down vote. i understand how the democrats are still really upset about it. he is imminently qualified. republicans voted for sotomayor and kagan. some didn't. at least they got a fair -- president obama won, he gets to pick and the same thing should be held for donald trump. >> heather, you did testify against neil gorsuch, but do you think it's a good idea to do away with the rules that
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essentially would force this body to work together? >> i testified against neil gorsuch and had the honor to do so. i did it basically on one topic. there are a lot of different topics that could be talked about with his record and how of the mainstream he is. i focused on the issue of money and politics. i want to give a little bit of pause what we're calling bipartisan. we call a lot of things very partisan because the rlicans in congress and democrats in congress don't agree. so often, othe core issues there is a bipartisanship outside of the congress that is much stronger than what we're talking about in washington. for example, money and politics. the whole time it was crazy, i was talking to a set of republican senators whose own constituents were against them on this issue pro citizen united and pro corporate money and politics. we have the day before the hearing i was at theunanimously
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this stingy standard of education judge gorsuch went out of his way to rule for, for a child with autism. i had his dad on the panel next to me. these kind of issues gorsuch's nomination are raise, workers' rights, corporate rights, money and politics are ones where there is a bipartisan majority, just outside the lobbying of the federalist society and heritage. >> is there hope if they don't use the nuclear option and the president does nominate somebody else it will be somebody more acceptable than maybe neil gorsuch was? >> that's the idea, you could have the response be we are forced to do the nuclear option, what about we change the nominee. >> that's never going to happen see. i think there could be republican nominees old school republicans. >> that will never happen. what i think is interesting if they go nuclear now it's what doesonald trump do if he gets another supreme court justice pick. >> and who does he pick?
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>> who does he pick, versus if they do it right and they don't have to go through this process he may be a little more responsible in his next choice. >> nick, what do you think? >> he meets the constitutional standards for the office, so did the guy obama nominated, right? what we are having right now, basically a situation it requires party control of the senate to approve court nomin nominees. we have gone a long way from the nomination. basically a patriot's job, forever your party is on the court you can get it. it's a reminder. >> and that donald trump campaigned with a list of supreme court nominees he promised to choose from should he get the office. there's nothing to indicate whatsoever he would deviate from that list if he had to choose somebody else and it could potentially be someone with a voting record democrats like even less than they did. i'm going to leave it there because we ran out of time. i want to talk about fake news.
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we ran out of time. do it next time. thank you, guys, for being here. after the break, who's afraid of new hampshi nancy pelosi? stay tuned. so how old do you want to be when you retire? uhh, i was thinking around 70. alright, and before that? you mean after that? no, i'm talking before that. do you have things you want to do before you retire? oh yeah sure... ok, like what? but i thought we were supposed to be talking about investing for retirement? we're absolutely doing that. but there's no law you can't make the most of today. what do you want to do? i'd really like to run with the bulls. wow. yea. hope you're fast. i am.
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2:58 pm
in case you missed it, every hero needs a villain. in case you missed it, nancy pelosi is still that villain for republicans. for the last years, the gop has used her to nationalize races
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and a cardboard cutout on her on a comeback tour and he won. in georgia, a democrat is making head way in the solidly republican district. even president trump senior advisor, steve bannon says, quote, ossoff is running a smart campaign. that has republicans worried. running this ad against ossoff in the atlanta suburb. >> he's using dishonest ads to hide is liberal values. the truth is nancy pelosi's friends are bank rolling ossoff's campaign. >> trump won this by two points and with a rocky outlook, nancy pelosi remains the recognizable republican figure republicans are happy to attach to any democrat regardless of their ideology.
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that will do it for me tomorrow. you can find me on wit ir or facebook and we will be back with more "mtp daily." now, hey, greta. >> hey there. the united arab of emirates arranged a secret meeting with someone close. he had no formal role in the transition but his sisters, betsy devos. prince himself a major trump donor. he visited trump transition offices back in december. one of the journalists who broke this story joins us. tell me, where was this meeting and why was this meeting? >> so this meeting happened in a set of islands in the middle of the indian ocean weeks before


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