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tv   Pulse of America  MSNBC  April 16, 2017 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. ♪ no a very good sunday to you. i'm richard lui. welcome to "pulse of america." here are the stories we want to get your pulse on today. vice president pence arrives in south korea just hours after a failed north korean missile launch. will north korea try again maybe with a nuclear test and how might president trump respond? a rally by supporters of president trump ends in chaos in berkeley, california. is this another example that violent extremism is on the rise
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during the trump administration? families gathered at virginia tech university to remember loved ones lost in the massacre that took place ten years ago today. despite popular support for gun control since then, not much gets done. we want to know if lawmakers reflect your views on gun control. and that united airlines passenger drag off a plane, it was horrifying but apparently legal. do airlines have too much legal leeway in how they handle their customers? to voice your opinions on the pulse questions on this sunday, just grab your phone, laptop, digital device, whatever you've got, go to where you can participate by selecting a response and you know you can vote as often as you like throughout the show today. okay, let's start with this. on this easter sunday, 2.3 billion christians worldwide celebrate the rebirth of jesus christ. pope francis delivered the
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message at st. peters in rome. his message -- keep the faith and remain joyful despite wars, tragedies and hate in the world. president trump spent the holiday himself down at mar-a-lago with family. he attended easter services this morning. a morning that he has one eye potentially looking across the globe. at north korea's ballistic missile test. one that exploded just seconds after launch overnight. the high profile failure coming as vice president mike pence landed in seoul, south carolina, to begin a ten day trip throughout asia. when asked how the u.s. will respond, a white house foreign policy adviser told nbc news there was no need to expend resources against a failed launch. which brings us to our first question for you. first question of the day. agree or disagree, the u.s. should not respond to north korea's failed missile test? log on to for more now on this very topic, let's turn now to west palm beach, florida. that's where kelly o'donnell is
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traveling with president trump. you and i were up late talking about this. you were so clear in saying that the response at that moment was somewhat muted and coming from the defense secretary. have we heard anything else since then in response to north korea? >> well, richard, it is intentional himself that the president is not talking about this because it's one of the strategying from the white ho e house -- strategies from the white house to not add more attention to kim jong un and not elevate this to the level that would put jong un on the level that he'd find celebrated. part of the strategy is to address it and say from different areas of the administration, the department of defense and the white house, that this was an expected launch that it had been expected for weeks. they're using that anniversary
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of founders day, kim jong un's grandfather's anniversary, so they're trying to suppress interest in it by saying not a big deal. not unexpected. at the same time, they are speaking very separately about the grave threat that north korea continues to pose. so it's sort of a two track strategy. not wanting to respond to this particularly incident beyond what it was. at the same time, using a lot of different paths to try to suppress north korea's ability to expand its nuclear capability, especially in delivery systems that might ultimately within a matter of years be able to reach the west coast of the united states more gravely in the region, in asia. that's where the vice president is. he spoke about this. without addressing the specifics of the failed launch, but the larger threat when he was in seoul earlier today. >> this morning's provocation from the north is just the latest reminder of the risks each one of you faced every day in the defense of the freedom of
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the people of south korea and the defense of america in this part of the world. >> reporter: and another way we can see how the white house is addressing north korea and a top aide said this is something that the president wants to see real success and resolution on in the first year in office is how he's talking about china. today, through a tweet, you may remember as candidate trump he was very critical of china. said they had been manipulating currency. today on twitter the president describes it differently saying there is no reason to label china a currency manipulator. why would he do that when they are working with the u.s. on north korea? we'll see what happens. so there the president is trying to keep a good channel open with his new friend, president xi who was here in palm beach at the mar-a-lago visit where the presidents together spent several hours discussing north korea and more time than had been allotted in their planned schedule. that they see real potential here, especially with the u.s. trying to use economic leverage
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saying on matters like trade the u.s. and china could be better partners and trying to argue that north korea is a liability, not an asset. of course, china controls so much of north korea's economy, so they have a lot of influence in that way so president trump is trying to get that help from president xi. as we see the vice president in the region over the next ten days or so trying to reassure allies, talk about these strategies and visit u.s. troops. richard? >> kelly, thank you so much. nbc's kelly o'connell with the president in florida. now according to u.s. officials the firing of the mid range ballistic missile fizzled out almost immediately during the testing. reportedly launched from a navy based in sinpo on the country's east coast. there in the north. as kelly mentioned all this comes as vice president mike pence arrives in south korea for his asia-pacific trip. we are joined from seoul, south korea, with the very latest.
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janice? >> reporter: richard, after this massive military parade showing off missiles and hardware, north korea fired what's believed to be a medium range or submarine launched ballistic missile from the east coast. u.s. officials confirmed it up almost immediately. this is a deep embarrassment for kim jong un, happening as u.s. warships are heading to the region to deter this sort of provocation. now that north korea fired something is really not a surprise. there's been speculation for weeks that a nuclear missile test was in the works. what isn't clear is the reaction or extend of reaction particularly from the united states. president trump has said that north korea is a problem that will be dealt with. but so far on the test he's been silent with only a brief statement acknowledging the test and its failure. that was coming from the defense secretary, general james mattis. vice president pence has waded into all of this tension in the
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region. he's beginning a ten day tour here in seoul. even the vice president has barely acknowledged this latest test suggesting this is official white house policy. at least for the time being. to deny north korea the attention that it's seeking. richard? >> janice, thank you for that. in seoul, south korea, with the very latest. now north korea's overnight actions say a what of -- say a lot of what they might and can do next. john kelly explained on "meet the press." take a listen. >> in the case of north korea, you know, kinetic threat against the united states is note likely, but certainly a cyber threat. so we would raise various threat levels in the event that something happened. >> as for a u.s. potential response to any response, national security council hr
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mcmaster said everything is on the table. >> we're working with our partners and the chinese leadership to develop a range of options and the president has asked the national security council to inte grate -- integrate the department of state and other agencies to have them ready for him if the pattern of destabilizing behavior continues. and if the north korean regime refuses to denuclearize. >> joining us now, nbc news military analyst kevin barron. and we have political analyst jonathan alter, and author of the book "the center holds obama and his enemies." kevin, on this, you listened to what we heard from john kelly and hr mcmaster. is a cyber move coming next based on this failure? >> coming from the north, perhaps. you know, cyber attacks are
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happening nonstop. i'm mostly interesting who isn't doing any talking is secretary tillerson. this is very unusual. so late yesterday we get a statement from secretary mattis at the pentagon telling the country that the president is going to have nothing to say about it. see, this is a big change from the obama administration where when new secretaries came in, i remember when secretary hagel came in you wouldn't hear much from the pentagon because obama was trying to demilletaryize a lot of issues that he inherited from george bush. this time around, i think we're seeing the administration -- really find its footing with how to respond, how to talk to the public about it. before you even get to what the actual options are. all this talk about all options on the table, that's nothing new. we hear that all the time. it's true for any military situation, any security situation, ever. so mcmaster is only speaking because he happens to be in kabul on a trip -- and he had the availability with reporters. so the president is silent but so is the secretary of state who is supposed to be out in front
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of the issues if you don't want them to become a military concern. >> it appears that the administration is holding a line. president trump as well as his top men and women they're holding a line at least in messaging. >> yeah. i think what they're trying to say, both in public and in private, we saw this from the president's tweets is the ball is in china's court. which means they don't really want a military option here because there are no good military options beyond cyber war which we're already engaging in with north korea. it's not a coincidence that these missiles are failing. we have probably messed them up with our -- what they call worms. you know, we have -- we have basically infiltrated their computer systems to mess up these missile launches. that doesn't mean they won't be able to counteract that over times so it's a temporary solution. not entirely sure that's what
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caused this failure, but quite likely. other than that, our only real options are diplomatic and that means china. getting china to come down harder on the north koreans. many of the materials that are in these missiles that the south koreans are finding in the sea are chinese made. made by chinese companies. so the chinese government is going to have to crack down on the companies that are supplying the north koreans. that's the very top of the american's diplomatic agenda. then you have just other efforts to squeeze the north koreans economically which the chinese are positioned to do. from the chinese perspective, they don't want the regime to collapse because then it would be all of these refugees going from north korea into china. so china is in a bit of a tight spot. they want to isolate north korea, help out the united states in exchange for other favors. but not actually end the regime. >> kevin, if you squeeze north
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korea on one side, one might say they're like a tube of toothpaste that's going to come out on the other, other side is north korea selling its nuclear capabilities, its know how, delivery systems, weaponizations that it's been able to accomplish so far to other terrorist related state and nonstate actors. that's certainly a possibility. we know that they sell billions of dollars of this to governments like iran. >> yeah. that's true. you know, i don't hear much about that honestly. i think the real concern is the timing of how fast are they going to get to the icbm and how fast will they have the miniaturized nuclear warhead to put on top of it. that's the magic formula. there are other things that the u.s. military can do in the meantime to help deter and they have done. they have put the thaad missile defense system closer into korea. they can where i in the aircraft carrier group, that i can whattwha whatter -- maneuver things around. if a strike happens the
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retaliation options from the north are all bad and the biggest concern is seoul right there and all of these -- the south koreans and the u.s. american military personnel there. you know, south korea has wanted something more like iron dome. like the anti-rocket nets that protect israel from its neighbors. they don't have something like that and the thought is they would be overwhelmed. that the north has such artillery and a massive land army that's the biggest fear of everything. for years we have heard the united states has really tried to get the south koreans to calm it down. to don't react to these things. don't give the spark to make this happen. and that's been the concern is that that's what's changed if trump is going to continue to tweet. if mattis or the pentagon is going to add fuel to the fire and not soften it. i think the pentagon doesn't want to fight anybody, they exist to prevent that from happening, so we have to see. by trump staying out of the spotlight this weekend maybe that's a little bit of a maturity from the young administration. >> jonathan, a win for this
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administration? >> you know, i don't think the idea of like keeping score based on whether, you know, we have had a war erupt or not makes a lot of sense. it will be a big win for them if over time they're able to come up with the chinese, with the diplomatic solution. that would be very much to president trump's credit but it's way too early to give him any credit or any blame so far. >> all right, jonathan alter, kevin barron, thank you. for the first pulse question we have been asking this, agree or disagree, the u.s. should not respond to the failed missile test? first, the numbers for you. 88% agreeing with that statement. 11% disagreeing. by age, you can look at it as the age group 18 to 24 disagreeing. 25 to 34 disagreeing even more that the u.s. should not respond to what happened in north korea.
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then when we look at this breakdown based on political affiliation, you can see that democrats and independents agree. republicans a little bit more neutral. up and down on that graph there. 88% agreeing, 12% disagreeing. thank you all for participating in our pulse question. we'll have another one for you shortly. next, political disagreement turns violent in berkeley, california. a look at the groups responsible for this melee. you can make your voice heard on the second pulse question. violent extremism is on the rise under a trump administration. log on to growth? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office
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welcome back. police have arrested at least 20
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protesters involved in a pro trump rally that turned violent in berkeley, california. the supporters were holding a patriots day rally. the police showed up in rye yat gear using pepper spray and tear gas on the ground. this marked the third team that they clashed in berkeley in the last few months. agree or disagree, violent extremism is on the rise under the trump administration. go to all right, to catie beck who joins us from los angeles. you have been monitoring this story for us coming out of berkeley. part of this here, the anti-fascist movement too. what's the latest? >> as you saw, what started as a rally yesterday turned into the mob assault. it grew so out of control that police in riot gear were doing everything they could to stop the violence, but there was m e mace, axes, knives, pepper
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sprays. all types of cans with cement being thrown at people. these were some pretty brutal assaults taking place and they got out of control there at berkeley. now, as you said this is the third time since january that an event has turned violent in berkeley. and police have to be concerned about that. i mean, these are events that are scheduled, they try to do their best to prepare. but a situation like this is pretty much the worst case scenario. and as police are now trying to review the surveillance video and any type of social media video they can get their hands on, they're really trying to identify exactly who was responsible for this. holding these people accountable will be sending a message that they don't want this pattern to continue. obviously, this rally was from pro trump supporters, but it was not intended to go this way. counterprotesters showed up and of course very quickly the barrier that police had set up was breached. emotions ran high on both sides.
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here's what protesters had to say. >> you know, these people don't belong in berkeley. they're not from berkeley. they're just coming in to start something. >> these are cowards who wear masks and they want to cause problems for what reason? they're full of rage. >> police say they're reviewing that video and we do expect to have the number of arrests to go up. it's at 21 people right now arrested from the incident yesterday. >> thank you so much for that, catie beck on what happened there in berkeley. you know, the berkeley pro trump marchers faced a part of what is a growing national anti-fascist movement. also called anti-fas. this includes violence in some cases and the movement is not new to 2017. it has its roots in world war ii when there were several fascist leaders ruling in europe. the more recent spike in
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anti-fascist energy was in the 1980s which saw a drop in the activity. 2016 is seeing more reasons for this anti-fascist energy to rise again potentially. according to the southern poverty law center, hate groups in america grew to 917 from 892 in the past year. which is possibly why we have seen more antifa push back on some trump marchers who have demonstrated fascist tendencies. one punched a white nationalist richard spencer in the face during an interview. joining me is gop consultant stephanie janson and third way senior vp and cofounder of third way, matt bennett. matt, is that part of what we're seeing here in berkeley? is there this glowing anti-fascist movement that's identifying with trump supporters wholistically as
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being one opinion? >> i hope not. it's possible, but i hope not. this is a terrible way of trying to spread a political message. look, i understand the instinct to punch a guy like richard spencer. he is loathsome. but this -- this kind of conduct always fails particularly in places like the united states in the modern united states. what works is demonstrating with nonviolence. we saw that in thesi civil righ movement. it never works to meet this kind of fascist tendencies with violence. it's always counterproductive. >> and in this idea of what antifas are, stephanie, in new york city they say use all means, do not give racists or farrists a platform -- fascists a platform and if that means physicality that means physicality. >> i think at the end of the
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day, guys, here's where we are. donald trump's election did show up the following. people are angry. this nation has been deeply divided. i don't believe that donald trump is the reason we're divided, we were divided to him prior to him being election. but we see the violence, we see the anger. we are deeply divided and we fear what we don't know. so what we're seeing now is hatred and fear and anger and everybody is so angry. well, trump got elected based on that and now we're going to see it. we'll see it playing in elementary schools, college campuses and businesses. where does it end? it ends with this nation deciding that it doesn't work this way or well anymore and we need to change it. so will we? we have a to see how that -- we have to see how that plays out. >> is the messaging that comes from those who have a voice in the communities who can tamp
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down the tensions on both sides. >> i agree with you. i'm working with some local leaders right now to say that the best way to begin to change the emotional pattern we have in the united states is locally. i have been reaching out to the local elected leaders both on the republican and the democrat side. even to start hosting town hall meetings to talk about it's time to lower the temperature of everything in this nation. and begin to come together on common ground and see where we can find it. then move forward with some policy recommendations to this administration. that can be constructive and positive. >> matt -- >> so it has to start at home. >> some say 60 seconds to you on this. well, this is -- this has been done before. physicality and violence has been used before and so maybe it is appropriate. >> it never works. nobody has ever achieved anything at least in the modern era in the united states with violence. in fact, it's just the opposite when violence was visited upon the civil rights movement, that
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unraveled the kind of jim crow system in the south because of the reaction to that violence does not work. when violence was used in the '90s against the globalization, when there were protests in black masks throwing trash cans through mcdonald's windows that didn't work either. violence is counterproductive. i agree with stephanie, local leaders and national leaders together have to say, you can be passionate, but you didn't -- you can't be violent. >> many would agree with that. and the two of you do. stephanie and matt, thank you so much for dropping by today. >> thank you. >> thank you for having me. still time to weigh in on that question, agree or disagree, violent extremism is son the rise under a trump administration. log on to we have your results coming up next. are allergies holding you back?
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trump administration. our overall numbers show you here, 95% agreeing with that statement. break it down by political party, democrats, republicans and independents all agree, democrats more so. women and men agree, women more so. final scoreboard -- 94% agreeing, 6% disagreeing. violent extremism is on the rise under a trump administration. thank you all. of course for voting for that. our second pulse question. a solemn ceremony today at virginia tech university to remember the 32 people killed in the massacre there ten years ago. since then the pace of gun control has slowed. we're asking you agree or disagree -- lawmakers reflect my views on gun control? log on to you're going to be hanging out in here. so if you need anything, text me.
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even when something really unspeakable happens, something good always seems to come out of it. so the fact there's this many people here and seeing so many people hugging and being here for each other, i think that's something so good. >> a deadly rampage on the campus of virginia tech ten years ago today. thousands gathered early this morning for a campus candle light ceremony. relatives, friends and more remembering the 32 people killed and 17 injured by a lone gunman on that day. and since the massacre, instead of gun control laws in virginia becoming more strict as some might think, they have actually loosened in several ways. now in virginia, conceal carry permits from 25 states will be honored. the state's one gun a month limit was repealed. a ban on assault rifles and large capacity magazines died in committee. person to person gun sales do
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not require background checks as of yet. on the federal level, president trump recently repealed obama era regulations making it harder for the mentally ill to buy guns. in a couple of weeks, president trump will be the first u.s. president to speak at the nra convention in 34 years. that's where more details on trump's gun policy may be revealeded for the country. which brings us to the next pulse question for you. agree or disagree, lawmakers reflect my views on gun control. log on to let's bring in the -- with one pulse america. and a founder for moms demand action for gun sense in america. shannon, i was looking at the pictures remembering that day when we reported this tragedy. and just the difficulty for every single person in this country watching it. yet, we have seen despite polling showing that two-thirds
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of america according to the associated press want tighter laws, i went through virginia just there, we saw loosening. what do you think is happening here? >> there's a life or a death battle going on for gun safety in this country. and it is caring americans versus the gun lobby. and the gun lobby has a 30 year head start. you know, that horrific day at virginia tech, there were so many heroes who saved people's lives and we're not asking everyone to be a hero in this country. we're just asking them not to be silent. there are 90% of us who actually support things like stronger gun laws. and we do have something we didn't have a decade ago. we have an army of caring americans fighting for stronger gun laws in state houses and boardrooms and we need everyone watching right now to join that fight. because it is a battle in state houses across the country. >> those battles are happening. this as we're looking at here, lad, unfortunately, since then, other catastrophes. newtown as an example, and
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orlando and others. what is going to be that moment where we can answer the question, do lawmakers reflect my views on gun control, because it appears based on polling from the soeshdzed press and -- associated press and others and the one at the bottom of the screen that that's not true. >> yeah, well, one thing that i think is very positive is some of the energy that we're seeing from the indivisible movement. if you look at town halls that are happening with gop members of congress, there are some very tough questions being asked about the gun issue. richard, i don't think it will be any particular shooting. you know, i think we have seen enough horrors at this point where as shannon suggested the public is ready to act. i think what's ultimately going to push these legislators is only when they feel that their own political future is at risk. i look forward to 2018 and i think there's going to be many races there that are impacted by the gun issue in a way that i'm
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confident about. >> the question we've got here for both of you and shannon, start us off, what will the president say when he does address the nra and some might say it's pretty obvious. but there's an opportunity here and what might you hope that he might say when he does address the nra? >> well, you know, there's a reason that donald trump is the first president to speak at the nra's annual meeting and that's because they gave him more than $30 million more than any outside donor to his campaign. so they expect a return on their investment and we're already starting to see that. you know, we are seeing legislation pop like conceal carry reciprocity which is dangerous and degrades our gun safety system in america. we are seeing silencer legislation. hearing talk of executive orders to put guns in schools so these are incredibly dangerous public safety issues and, you know, it's -- nra's dream, but a nightmare for public safety. i would like to see donald trump say something about where he
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stands on these dangerous laws. you know, we unfortunately think we know, but that's also why moms demand action members are showing up at town halls across the country and asking this question of our lawmakers because ultimately this is about our representatives and our senators and not just the president. we have other ways to address this issue. >> and it's a good point made, shannon. four democratic senators supported the repeal of obama's gun legislation so it's crossing the aisle. >> if you work in the gun violen violence prevention moment, you can't let the democrats vote against you continuously in the red states. we have to put pressure on the democratic legislators to make it clear like for example in a state like montana where 80% or more of the residents agree with universal background checks, there's no excuse to vote against something like that. that's the type of position that we're going have to take in those states. >> thank you, lad everett, and
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shannon watts. appreciate it. >> thank you. we have been asking you on this day, this tenth year anniversary of what happened at virginia tech, agree or disagree, lawmakers reflect my views on gun control. the overall number, the tug of war, 94% disagreeing that lawmakers do not reflect your view. looking at the break down by education, all education groups disagree. especially the viewers with a master's degree at the bottom and a looking at a graph of the breakdown. republicans, democrats and independents agree on this for the most part. final scoreboard, 95% agree where the -- disagree with the statement, lawmakers reflect my views on gun control. thank you all for participating in that pulse question. we'll have another one for you. it was a very bad week for united airlines. next a look back at what ever
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happened to flying with the friendly skies. and your final pulse question of the day. agree or disagree -- airlines have too much legal leeway in how they handle customers. per roll more "doing chores for dad" per roll
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and you're about in to hit 'send all' on some embarrassing gas. hey, you bought gas-x®! unlike antacids, gas-x ® relieves pressure and bloating fast. huh, crisis averted. you heard them, screams that sparked worldwide outrage this past week. [ screaming ] >> oh -- >> images, sounds of dr. david dao being dragged off a united flight to make room for airline employees. that went viral. the lawyer says he lost teeth, broke his nose and suffered a concussion during the altercation. they have promised to take legal action but a hearing set for tomorrow than cancelled. both united and chicago officials agreed to preserve evidence of the incident. united is allowed to bump passengers off flights but given
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the attention that the understand dechbts has gotten so far, they're making some of its own changes. it will now ensure crews traveling on the aircraft are in their seats at least 60 minutes before departure. does some lawmakers want to see changes on a broader scale. >> i think what we do need is to take a hard look at the airlines in this country and make them much more responsive to the consumers than they currently are. >> that brings us to the fourth and final question of the day. agree or disagree -- airlines have too much legal leeway in how they handle customers? tom costello takes a look at the evolution of air travel and customer service. >> reporter: we have come a long way since the golden days of air travel. the mystique captured by leonardo dicaprio's character in "catch me if you can." ♪ come fly with me, let's fly ♪
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>> reporter: even those commercials from the '70s and '80s seem an echo from the time long past. how did we get here? packed flights, no elbow room, no meals, suspicion, short tempers. >> donald trump is your president! >> reporter: and then a week ago today, this. >> my god. no! >> reporter: dr. david dao ripped from the seat he had paid for, hospitalized with serious injuries, all to make room for a flight crew. united airlines and the city of chicago have repeatedly apologized admitting that dr. dao did nothing wrong. while his case may be an extreme example, his attorney says somehow, many airlines no longer place a premium on customer service. >> we all want to be treated in the same manner with the same respect and the same dignity that they would treat their own family members.
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>> reporter: so what happened? some of the most profound changes to aviation came after 9/11, as the airlines struggled just to survive. they cut the size of their fleets to fill every seat on planes that do fly. soon, they were charging for luggage, leg room, ticketet changes and carry on bags and fewer airlines for customers to choose between. charlie is an airline advocate and he says we share the blame. what's happened to the travel experience over the last 20 years? >> i think we can alsay that the customer -- all say that customer service has really suffered and a lot comes from the consumer's demand for lower prices. >> we all want to pay the cheapest possible to get from point "a" to "b." >> right. i have seen people change their booking plans based on 2 or $3. >> reporter: 2 million passengers every day and 26,000 flights. >> i have seen it all.
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like i have seen it all. seriously. >> reporter: heather talks about being a flight attendant for two decades and counting. she has stories that will make you think twice about booking a flight starting with the place you eat your meal. >> yes, i have seen people put their bare feet on tray tables and dirty diapers being changed. >> reporter: of course the more you pay, the more you get. but would it be possible to redesign the entire airline experience? from the moment you buy your ticket to the moment you're back home, the founder of airbnb the company that changed the hotel industry tells willie, it's possible. >> what if the plane felt more like a home in the sky, what if the experience getting there was almost seamless and frictionless? going through the airport. i think all these things are design solutions. >> reporter: after the last week, a lot of travelers might say sign me up. tom costello, washington. >> tom, thank you so much for that. it dud not take long for the united to see social media
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backlash for the video, but will the online outrage translate into action off line? maybe not f pepsi's recent experience was any indication. earlier this month, they had to pull an ad featuring kendall jenner after critics say it exploited the black lives matter protests. after it ran, only a quarter of the people thought less of the company, while 44% said they felt better about pepsi. joining me is the ceo of evergreen partners, specializing in crisis communications and reputation management. we didn't see that, at least in the data so far with pepsi. so in this case we might see that united won't see a financial backlash and maybe not need to change anything. >> i think i'm going to disagree. i think there's a big difference between united where people feel like their lives might have been in jeopardy, and drinking a pepsi. and pepsi apologized fast. i mean, that was a quick recognition that we did wrong. united is three apologies later
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and still working on trying to figure out what to do next. >> at the most extreme criticism when we look at the environment and the example of dr. david dao, the question is did the airline -- do airlines have too much leeway legally to do more than what we might experience in other consumer transactions specific to airlines now? >> i think the biggest issue is the empathy we have to feel for those employees. those are to professionals. they were asked to do something unprofessional because that was in their handbook. when a handbook becomes handcuffs and when a ceo doesn't empower his people to make the right decisions, so i'm not sure that the question is that they have too much leeway. i think the question is they're not able to execute with the leeway they have. >> is it a requirement to change the laws then? we can see they're changing company policy but do laws need to change? >> start with the culture and change the cultural and say we train you for hours, you go through six weeks of training.
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it's really more than just figuring out how to serve pretzels, guys. >> is this because we're seeing a major change in airlines across the country? they're going through large mergers. and they're still trying to get things to work out? >> they're trying to get things to work out. the competition is not real competition. and the -- everyone says, you know, if the price is low enough i'm going to switch. but united with this incident probably did what all of their advertising never could do which is make people really differentiate from their xrms and not in a good way. >> thank you very much. you still have time to weigh in on the find pulse question. agree or disagree -- airlines have too much legal leeway in how they handle customers? is where you need to go. we have your results next.
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the final question of the day, agree or disagree -- airlines have too much leeway in
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how they handle customers? 88 -- 89% agree with that statement. and then when we break it down by gender, both men and women agree. women a little bit more so there. and then by age. all groups agree although viewers under 34 years old less so. final numbers 90% agreeing with the statement, airlines have too much leeway in how they handle customers. thank you. more on the top of the hour including what's next for president trump after north korea's failed missile launch. stick around. stay with me, mr. parker. when a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. stay with me, mr. parker. the at&t network is helping first responders connect with medical teams in near real time... stay with me, mr. parker. ...saving time when it matters most. stay with me, mrs. parker.
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and bloating fast. huh, crisis averted. hi, welcome to msnbc on this sunday with the top stories at 4:00 eastern. here's what we know right now. president trump and his family wrapping up his easter weekend at mar-a-lago and touting the military a day after north korea test launched a missile that
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failed. the president tweeting this morning, our military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. frankly, we have no choice. that failed launch came a day after kim jong un paraded his military hardware for the world to see. that action coincided with vice president pence's trip to the south korean korean peninsula. a white house foreign adviser traveling with pence said there's no need to expend you resources against a failed lawn. for the latest on the situation in the korean peninsula, to the visit by vice president pence, let's go to janice jackie frar. >> reporter: richard, just after this massive military parade, north korea carried out this missile test, firing what's believed to be a medium range or submarine launched ballistic missile from the east coast. u.s. officials saying


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