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tv   First Look  MSNBC  April 19, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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thing for which something that was a scandal in the nixon white house now seems quaint in comparison to what we're living through right now as day-to-day trump news. that does it for us tonight. now it's time for "the last no administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days that includes our military, on the border, on trade, on regulation, on law enforcement. we love our law enforcement. and on government reform. >> the president almost 100 days and i've already done so much. read to me again from the list of my accomplishments. >> of course, sir. nominated neil gorsuch. >> got to love that list. >> on the road again, president trump highlights his accomplishments during a stop in sconsin. but it comes as a growing number of republicans distance
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themselves from him. plus, headed for a runoff. democrat jon ossoff falls short in the special election and president trump is claiming some of the credit there. >> and the nationwide manhunt for the suspected cleveland shooter comes to an end and police are crediting a concerned citizen. good morning. it is wednesday, april 19. richard lui is in with us. and another health scare for the nation's oldest living president to report here. the office of george h.w. bush says he was admitted to houston methodist hospital on friday with th wi with that pneumonia. he was admitted for two weeks back in january and at one point was moved into the intensive care unit. this latest case they say is mild and it has been treated and resolved, but we're told he will
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stay in the hospital until he regains his strength. we last saw president trump bush when president-elect tweeted this photo of his visit where he of course brought him a pair of socks. >> president trump was up and tweeting after midnight as a special election in georgia headed to a runoff there. now the health and human services secretary. finishing with 48.3% of the vote, jon ossoff fell about 4300 votes short of the 50% needed to avoid a runoff and win outright. with more than 193,000 people taking part, voter turnout was high for a special election at 43.4% near the regular levels for a midterm. ossoff will face republican karen handel in the runoff. he raised $8.3 million, four times the next closest candidate. as opponents sou s sought to maa
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referendum on the president. and the president tweeted on that, mostly attacking the democrat ossoff. he tweeted despite major money, fake media support and 11 republican sdcandidates, big r n with runoff in georgia. glad to be of help. this just minutes after ossoff told supporters they were the big winners. >> there is no doubt that this is already a victory for the ages. we have defied the odds. we have shattered expectations. so bring it on. >> the republican nominee in georgia's sixth district special election is a familiar face. karen handel was elected in 2006 and then lost two other statewide campaigns for governor and u.s. senator in the 2010 and 2014 primaries.
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a former have not at the susan g. komen foundation, she resigned over the organization's relationship with planned parenthood. handel is a supporter of the president's but said she intends to focus more on the district than national issues and said she is ready to unite the party. >> you're looking at the top republican vote getter, y'all. tomorrow we start the campaign anew. and it is imperative that all of us as republicans come together in unity. >> the trump administration is blaming bad guidance from the pentagon for its false claims on the whereabouts of a u.s. warship. so it all started on april 9s the tensions between the u.s. annorth korea were intensifying. the navy made the rare announcement it was canceling planned exercises if australia wouldn't send the uss carl vinson and the battle group to the western pacific. however the u.s. never canceled its plans for australia. so for more than a week, the
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administration led the american people and its allies to believe that the battleship was indeed ready to face down a potential threat when it was actually 3500 miles away in the indian ocean. >> putting the strike carrier group in the sea of japan, is that also a messaging circumstance or is that simply protective for our allies? >> a carrier group is several things. the forward deployment is deterrence, presence, prudent. but it does a lot of things. >> why the carrier strike force to the korean peninsula? >> well, it's prudent to do it, isn't it? north korea has been engaged in a pattern of provocative behavior. this is a rogue regime that is now a nuclear capable regime. and president xi and president trump agreed that that is unacceptable, that what must happen is the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. so the president has asked us to
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be prepared to give him a full range of options to remove that threat to the american people and to our allies and partners in the region. >> you redirected navy ships to go toward the korean peninsula. what are we doing right now in terms of north korea? >> you never know, do you? you never know. >> that's all you're going to say? >> i don't want to talk about it. we are sending an armada, very powerful. >> she's on her way up there because that's where we thought it was most prudent to have her at this time. there is not a specific demand signal or specific reason why we're sending her up there. >> it's just unusual for us to know about a ship movement in advance. that is what got everyone's attention. so why was that? why was it put out in advance, just to signal to north korea that there would be a show of presence there? >> i believe it's because she was originally headed in one direction for an exercise and we
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canceled our role in that exercise and that's what became public, so we had to explain why she wasn't in that exercise. >> now the pentagon says the strike group, quote, was able to complete a curtailed period of previously scheduled training with australia. defense officials say carl vinson is now just heading to the western pacific and expected to arrive sometime next week. three people have died for himming a shooting spree in prez know, california and investigators are looking into whether it was a hate crime. a total of 16 shots were fired. the three victims are white men. fresno police say the suspected gunman cory mohammed shouted alley being ak babeing a alley being a bar but they don't believe it was terrorism related. sxwl based on our investigation, this is solely based on race. >> according to police, mohammed had posted anti-white and
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anti-government sentiments on social media in addition to yesterday's killings, police say h mohammed was also suspected in the shooting of a security guard about that. a man accused of killing a trainer and posting the individuvideo to facebook has come to an end. steve stevens o stephens shot himself after a police pursuit. >> reporter: the nationwide manhunt for the killer steve stephens came to a dramatic end here in erie, pennsylvania just after 11:00 a.m. >> i was scared. and now i'm actually relieved. >> reporter: a worker recognized stephens at this mcdonald's drive-thru where the manager said he ordered mcnuggets and fries. but they stalled. >> told him it would be a minute for his fries, which if wasn't really, we were just trying to make sure she got in contact with the state police and he didn't want to wait.
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>> reporter: stephens spelled off but after a short chase, investigators say he shot and killed himself. >> there are a lot of questions i'm sure that not only the family but the city in general would have had for steve. >> reporter: authorities had been scouring the area about 100 miles from cleveland since sunday. >> knowing that he was a gambler and there was a casino in close proximity to where we located him today, we were doing patrols through the casino, all the local hotels, restaurants throughout the last 48 hours. >> reporter: police say stephens murdered 74-year-old robert godwin at random in brought daylight on easter sunday and posted chilling video of his crime on facebook. >> she's the reason why this is about to happen to you. >> reporter: where he also blamed his ex-girlfriend for his actions. seconds after the blood shed -- came the more filed calls for help. >> warm, what's your address? >> lord have mercy. oh, my god.arm, what's your add?
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>> lord have mercy. oh, my god.rm, what's your addr? >> lord have mercy. oh, my god.m, what's your addre? >> lord have mercy. oh, my god., what's your addres? >> lord have mercy. oh, my god. what's your address? >> lord have mercy. oh, my god.what's your address? >> lord have mercy. oh, my god. >> ask him if he's breathing. >> is he breathe something. >> lost everything out here. >> reporter: stephens had no criminal history, but had filed for bankruptcy, he'd worked for almost a decade at a mental health agency and was a youth mentor. >> he was a sweet man at heart. >> reporter: jason was stevens' fraternity brother. he said his old friend had called him minutes before the shooting. >> he told me to call him back once i saw the facebook post but he did not answer. rorter: as robert god woin oig's family prepares his funeral, his daughte says they feel an overwhelming sadness and called his father's killer a coward. >> that was ghab gabe guttierez reporting there. mark zuckerberg is extending sympathies. the social media site has faced krilt civil. t criticism. the video was posted for nearly two hours before being removed.
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mark zuckerberg vowed do more. >> we have a lot more to do here. and we're reminded of this this week by the tragedy in cleveland. and our hearts go out to the family and friends of robert godwin sr. and we have a lot of work and we will keep doing all we can to prevent tragedies like this from happening. turning to politics now, a growing number of republican lawmakers are working to distance themselves from president trump as they face constituents at town hall events. during one of these events yesterday, senator james lankford called on reports to release his tax returns and said he promised he would and that he should keep his promise. fellow republican senator joni ernst went further refusing to hold back while answering several questions on his policies and character.
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>> i think that we have a president that has a number of flaws. i would say i support more of the policies. i don't support every policy but there are policies that i support. with the trips to florida, i do wish that he would spend more time in washington, d.c. that's what we have the white house for and we would love to see more of those state department visits in washington, d.c. i think it's smart that he does business in wasngton, d.c. >> shouldn't he be the first o to bring his company back and manufacture his products here? >> i do think we need to bring manufacturing back to the united states. and i would love to see that. maybe he puts his money where his mouth is and brings some of those jobs here. so whether it's manufacturing or otherwise, it would be nice to see that investment in american jobs. >> and congress returns from
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recess next week. well, still ahead in the wake of brexit, british prime minister theresa may has called for a snap election and now the house of commons will vote on whether to approve that plan. and plus ivanka trump under fire despite stepping away from her brand, accusations concerning conflicts of interest still following her. those stories and a check on weather when we come right back.
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welcome back. in just a couple hours, britain's parliament will vote on whether to hold early elections after theresa may's surprise announcement on the proposal. may announced the snap election seeking to hold it on june 8 less than two months away. the prime minister's conservative party is ahead of the main opposition labour party in opinion polls right now.
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yesterday she cited divisions in parliament for her decision as britain prepares to negotiate its exit from the european union. >> if we do not hold a general election now, their political game playing will continue. and the negotiations with the european union will reach their most difficult stage in the are not run up to the next scheduled election. division in westminster will risk our ability to make a successive brexit and it will cause damaging uncertainty and instability to the country. so we need a general election and we need one now. because we have at this moment a oneoff chance to get to this while the european union agrees its negotiating position and before the detailed talks begin. >> that announcement by may marks a change of heart for the prime minister who had previously said she would not seek an early election. let's get a check on your weather now with bill karins.
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bill, some severe weather in the mid western part of the country and still unseasonably warm in the southeast. >> those are the two big stories. we had a break from the severe weather yesterday, it returns to the central plains today. but it's a murky weather pattern, too. not a lot of sunshine today through north carolina, virginia. some rain showers around washington, d.c. and richmond. so bring the umbrella from roanoke to virginia beach. even charlotte and raleigh chances of showers. thunderstorms have formed between omaha and kansas city and drifting toward des moines. this is not your severe weather threat. that is a separate system. the sun will come out and we'll get new storms this afternoon. so here is the man that shows the risk areas for today. this is the risk of severe thunderstorms. and when you get up to the enhanced risk, des moines to the quad cities. that is the greatest threat of severe storms and large hail looks to be the problem, maybe baseball-sized hail, too. so in all 18 million people, mostly because we're including big cities like kansas city and chicago in this, and your threat
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in chicago looks to be pretty late. so here is the timing of everything. this is as we go through this morning, we watch rain through the dakotas and then the thunderstorms break out. but items late today. kansas city the storms heading towards you. and then for chicago, looks like two rounds of storm, one overnight and one with a front early the morning. so maybe one or two tornados will be the worst of it. so today's forecast, 80 in oklahoma city, look at st. louis, 86 degrees. chicago, you're on the cool side of the front, 65. and it's much cooler today boston to new york, we have the marine influence, winds off the cold ocean waters and that's why it will only be in the low 50s compared to the warm day yesterday. atlanta looking okay at 82. so again, not a severe weather outbreak, but enough to pay attention. kansas city, chicago, and everywhere in between. >> do you have humidity in the midwest and south or not so much yet? >> not much yet. still comfortable.
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still ahead, an all-star outfielder gets suspended, a rude gesture from one nba player and all the highlights from the stanley cup playoffs. g more important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it. they offer free cancellation, in case i decide to go from kid-friendly to kid-free. now i can start relaxing even before the vacation begins. your vacation is very important. that's why makes finding the right hotel for the right price easy. visit now to find out why we're booking.yeah
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even way out here? why pause a spontaneous moment? cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. welcome back. time for sports. let's start in the nba western conference. clippers hosting the jazz in game two. jordan posting a double double with blake griffin leading the way scoring 24 points on the
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night. and l.a. would not be undone this time at the buzzer, kn knotting the series at a game a piece with the win over utah. moving east to boston, bulls take down the top seeded celtics in a second straight game to go up 2-0 in the series. dwyane wade and jimmy butler each with 22 while rondo was just a rebound shy everof a tri double. bulls run away with it in the fourth quarter. up north to toronto, raptors split their series with the bucks with the win in game two last night. lowry returned to form for toronto scoring 22 points and r turning now stanley cup hockey, after being blanked by the oilers in games two and three, sharks fight back with a 7-0
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win. it evens up the series in game four last night. and in new york city, the rangers in their series against the canadiens in game four ending a six game losing streak at home in the playoffs with a 2-1 win last night. and in columbus, ohio the blue jackets stave off elimination with a 5-4 victory over pittsburgh last night. columbus still trails in the series 3-1. and that penguins loss only added to an already bad day for pittsburgh sports fans after the pirates receive some had very unsettling news. star li starling marte tested positive for drugs. and marte in a statement voiced
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his, quote, embarrassment and helplessness for a mistake brought on by neglect and lack of knowledge. while he'll be eligible to return to the field after the all-star break in mid-july, he will not be available to the pites should they make the playoffs. and finally, let's go to the college diamond. e university of kentucky pulled off one of baseball's toughest plays against louisville last night. >> flare to left. rex will make the catch. he has a decent arm. the throw to the plate. got him. the throw to third. got him there. >> got to love that. the wildcats end the second inning with a 7-2-6 triple play. that is a tough one. they go on to win it 11-7. >> that was awesome to watch. how often does that happen. >> two good arms. >> good for them. still ahead, president trump promising some wig wins just ahead of his 100 day mark. plus homeland security
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secretary tom kelly hasjohn kele immigration laws or shut up. those stories and more next. okay, so what's our latest data say? our customer is a 21-year-old female. heavily into basketball. wait. data just changed... now she's into disc sports. ah, no she's not. since when? since now. she's into tai chi. she found disc sports too stressful. hold on. let me ask you this... what's she gonna like six months from now? who do we have on aerial karate? steve. steve. steve. and alexis. uh, no. just steve. just steve. just steve. live business, powered by sap. when you run live, you run simple. (vo) more "dper rollres for mom" bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty the quicker picker upper
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welcome back. i'm alex witt. richard lui and lewis derg door of is here. former president george h.w. bush is in the hospital recovering from what we're told is a mild case of pneumonia.
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he was admitted on friday after a persistent cough kept him from getting prer rest. it is his second hospital stay this year. he was admitted for two weeks back in january. we're told the pneumonia has been treated. the closely watched election in georgia is going a runoff as jon ossoff came up short. ossoff won 48.1%, about 4300 votes shy out of the 193,000 cast from winning outright. republican karen handel, georgia's former secretary of state, also advances to the runoff capturing nearly 20% of the vote. it could be an expensive and high profile race. ossoff raised $8 million in the ire of president trump who targeted him on twitter. and the trump administration
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has notified congress whether to break the terms of the deal with iran. secretary of state rex tillerson says iran is holding up its end of the bargain, but the country remain as leading state sponsor of terrorism. the review will determine if lifting sanctions against iran is in the u.s. national interests. the trump administration is blaming bad guy answer from tid claims about the location of the carl vinson. they made the rare announcement that they were canceling planned exercises with australia and would send to the west pacific, but turns out the u.s. never canceled plans with australia, so for more than a week the administration and led the allies to believe that the battleship was ready to face down a potential threat from north korea when it was actually 3500 miles away not in the pacific but in the indian ocean. >> why the carrier strike force to the korean peninsula? >> well, it's prudent to do it,
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isn't it? north korea has been engaged in a pattern of provocative be schaffer. this behavior. is is a rogue regime that is nuclear capable.haffer. behavior. this is a rogue regime that is nuclear capable.ffer. behavior. this is a rogue regime that is nuclear capable. what must happen is that denuclearization of the korean peninsula. so the president has asked us to be prepared to give him a full range of options to remove that threat to the american people and to our allies and partners in the region. >> you redirected navy ships to go toward the korean peninsula. what are we doing right now in terms of north korea? >> you never know, do you. you never know. >> that's all you're going to say? >> i don't want to talk about it. we are sending an armada, very powerful. >> she's just on her way up there but that's where we thought it was most prudent to have her at this time. there is not a specific gladema
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sick natur signal or specific reason. >> it's unusual to know about it in advance. so why was that, i mean why was it put out in advance, was it just to signal to north korea that there would be a show of presence there? >> i believe it was because she was originally headed in one direction for an exercise and we canceled our role in that exercise and that is what became public. so we had to explain why she wasn't in that exercise. >> now the pentagon says the strike group, quote, was able to complete a curtailed period of previously scheduled training with australia. defense officials say the carl vinson is just now heading to the western pacific and is expected to arrive sometime next week. and the president and vice president appear to be toning down the receipt 20r rihetoric korea. vice president this morning spoke of diplomacy. >> the policy of the united states will be to continue to work diligently with japan, our
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allies across the region, china and wider world to bring economic and diplomatic pressure beaon the rime in north korea. and we will do so until they abandon their nuclear and ballistic missile programs. >> hopefully he wants peace and we want peace and that will be the end determination. but we'll have to see what happens. >> and with the 100 day mark looming, president trump was back out on the road yesterday with a spring through kenosha, wisconsin to tout his buy american hire american and test his message on his opening months promising tax reform very soon pending approval of a health care bill. >> we're also working with congress on tax reform and simplification and we're on time if we get that health care approval. so press every one of your congressmen, press everybody. because we want to get that approval. and it just makes the tax reform easier and it makes it better.
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it will make it steeper, it will be bigger. and that's what we want to do. so we're in good shape on tax reform. we have the concept of the plan. we'll be announcing it very soon. but health care, we have to get the health care taken care of. and as soon as health care is taken care of, we will march very quickly. we'll surprise you. rice, ste right, steve move? he also targeted the visa program that he says drives down wages. he promised action on infrastructure and taxes. >> we'll be making big investments in rebuilding our military and repairing our badly depleted infrastructure. and that will happen soon, also. big infrastructure bill. probably use it with something
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else that's little bit harder to get approved in order to get that approved. but infrastructure is coming and it's coming fast. >> and department of homeland security is continuing to crack down on undocumented workers in the united states. "usa today" is reporting federal agents have deported the first dreamer back to his nature difference count native country of mexico, after president trump pledged to protect undocumented immigrants who arrived as children keeping intact the program put in place by president obama. john kelly spoke in against ever t defense ever the agency yesterday. when asked about the people who serve the department and the criticism those officials can receive from lawmakers, he did not mince words. >> for too long men and women in my department have been political pawns. they are often ridiculed and insulted by public officials and convicted in the court of public
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opinion on unfounded testimony of street spokespersons. if lawmakers do not like the laws that we are charged to enforce, that we are sworn to enforce, then they should have the courage and the skill to change those laws. otherwise they should shut up and support the men and women on the front lines. >> some have r. saying the secretary's comments took a similarly dark tone to the one in president trump's inauguration address. at one point comparing threats today to the ones the u.s. faced at the time of 9/11. the nationwide manhunt for a suspect accused of shooting a stranger and posting video of the killing to facebook has come to an end. according to pennsylvania state police, 37-year-old steve stephens shot and killed himself after a pursuit in erie, pennsylvania. stephens had been on the run since easter sunday. authorities had received nearly 400 tips from across the country and were offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to his capture. it was ultimately a mcbe donald's drive-thru aendant
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that spotted stephens after he pulled up and ordered mcnuggets and french fries. quick thinking employees tried to stall him. >> basically told him it would be a minute for his fridays which it wasn't, we were just trying to make sure that she got in contact with the state police. from what my supervisor told me, it looked like he was a little nerved up, and didn't want to wait and said he had to go. >> stephens left that mcdonalds, but officers spotted him and leading to a brief chase that ended with stephens shooting and killing himself. cleveland's chief of police said he was grateful the hunt was over. >> this started with one tragedy and ended with another person taking their own life. and loss of life is a loss of life. we would like to have brought stephens in peacefully and talk to him to find out exactly why this happened. because there may be other people out there that are in similar situations that we can
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help by finding out why he did what he did and what kind of drove him to this. >> unfortunately, this weekend's shooting in cleveland is not the only violent crime captured and shared on social media. these days different sites are struggling with how to sensor who is posted online. miguel almaguer has that story for us. >> she's the reason why this is about to happen to you. >> reporter: the killing in cleveland is just the latest performed for an audience on social media. among the many crimes, the torture of a mentally challenged teen and a shoot-out with police. the world's largest social media platform accused of failing to take action on graphic content. the cleveland murder suspect's video was up for more than two hours before facebook shut it down. mark zuckerberg admitted there is a problem. >> we have a lot of work and we will keep doing all we can to prevent tragedies like this from happening. >> reporter: the company adding in a statement this is a
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horrific crime and we do not allow this kind of content on facebook. facebook is the largest but not the only social media provider encouraging users to stream live. the newest way to build an audience and boost revenue. they now use algorithms, editors and users to help flag objectionable content. >> when facebook launched facebook liver about a year ago, mark zuckerberg said he wanted to reflect humanity at its most visceral and raw. so be careful what you ask for. >> reporter: while facebook can be exploited to empower criminals, citizens have also used it as a tool to seek justice. >> please don't tell me my boyfriend just went like that. >> reporter: diamond reynolds showed the world when her boyfriend was gunned down by police. >> i want the people to determine who was right and who was wrong. >> reporter: but this violence carried out for a crowd going viral. prompting outrage and questions over how to stop it. >> miguel almaguer with that
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sty for us. still ahead, we're following multiple reports that fox could be just days away from parting ways with bill o'reilly and one of the reports is coming from within the fox family. plus the ceo of united now explaining why no one will lose their job over that infamous dragging incident. we can't stay here!
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use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. you got next? chase. helping you master what's now and what's next. o'reilly's days are looking bleak as he faces another accusation of sexual harassment. representatives for fox and o'reilly have begun discussions abt an exit strategy from the network. nbc news has not confirmed those reports. the network's parent company will hold a routine board meeting tomorrow where according to one of cnn's sources
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controversy will be a primary topic. new york magazine is reporting that 21st century fox ceo james murder dork a murdoch and his brother are making a case for o'reilly to be ousted from the network. their father is resisting the call and no final decision has been made as of yet. but attorney lisa bloom announced she is representing a new client who is accusing o'reilly of sexual and racial harassment. bloom did not reveal the identity of the new client but said that she called the hotline fox news set up last night to investigate claims against o'reilly. an attorney for o'reilly released a series of statements yesterday saying it is outrageous that an allegation from an anonymous person about something that purportedly happened almost a decade ago is being treated as fax especially where there is obviously an orchestrated campaign by activists and lawyers to destroy mr. o'reilly and enrich themselves through publicity driven donations. bill o'reilly has been subjected to a brutal campaign of
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character assassination that is unprecedented in post-mccart post-mccarthyist america. this law firm has uncovered evidence that the smear campaign is being orchestrated by far left organizations bent on destroying o'reilly for political and financial reasons. that evidence will be put fort shortly and it is ir refutable. new ethics questions for ivanka trump after the chinese government gave preliminary approval to three of her trademarks. the trademarks give ivanka trump's company exclusive rights to sell ivanka brand goods and services in the country. on april 6, the first daughter and her husband senior white house aide jared kushner sat next to the chinese president for dinner at mar-a-lago. critics say the deal points to how difficult it is for ivanka to separate business from politics. criminal conflict of interest laws prohibit federal officials from participating in government matters that could impact their own financial interests or that
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of their spouse. ivanka trump still owns the brand, but has sifted the brand's assets to a family run trust while pledging to recuse herself from issues that present conflicts. in response her attorney says since she resigned her position, ivanka has had no involvement with trademark applications submitted by the business. the federal ethics rules do not require you to recuse from any matter concerning a foreign country just because a business that you have an owner ship interest in has a trademark application pend being theing t. the ivanka trump brand is booming. the associated press reports sales hit record levels this year and is actively working to expand its global footprint applying for at least nine new trademarks internationally. let's turn to business and update on the united airlines dragging incident. nancy, united ceo says that no one will be fired. that is hard to believe. >> well, the message from an
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apologetic ceo yesterday was the buck stops here. oscar munoz saying no one will be fired because he described it as a system failure across several areas which means they do not believe that anyone needs to be dismissed for this incident. the company was apologetic though in issuing earnings that were better than expected, nevertheless the stock did fall yesterday around 4% following those earnings showing investors remain nervous, although the company did try to ease some of the concerns saying that they were moving quickly to change booking policies. and elsewhere, keep an eye on the global markets today because it was a bit of a rough ride for the dow jes industrial age closing down by about 110 points yesterday. this was largely due to goldman sachs reporting a rare earnings miss, that led the stock and accounted for near 74 points of that drop. we are expectin ining a slight
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recovery this morning. however globally we're still watching some mixed results here in europe for equities as investors remain cautious with the french elections kicking off later this weekend and now we are hearing the uk ministers voting for that snap election call from the prime minister. so stay tuned for more updates on that. back to you for now. >> all right. thanks so much on. let's get a check on your weather now with bill karins. bill, it's april, but it does feel like summer in the southern half of the country. >> and it has for a while, too. and the warm temperatures are really starting to add up. we'll get to that in a second. we have one area of severe weather, and we have showers and rain through virginia. so washington, d.c., richmond, light shower weather towards you. grab the umbrella has you head out. same for you charlotte, raleigh. so for today, later this afternoon, isolated severe weather not an outbreak, but a couple tornadoes poshl. the one thing we will see and i'll show you these pictures tomorrow, we'll get maybe baseball-sized hail, so could get structural damage out of
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that on cars or even roof damage. so even kansas city and chicago are in slight risk. airports could have minor problems. now we're talking about the warmth. temperatures in the 80s today and they have been in the 80s for it seems like the entire spring. st. louis, oklahoma city, dallas, right through atlanta, and now these numbers are adding up. we just got the march numbers in. these are the records that we're on. this is abnormally warm. this isn't trying to convince you of anything. we're in the warmest 12 month peri that we've had and we're now in the 24th warmest period that we've had. we're now in the 36th warmest. these are all the streaks that we have going just showing you how the climate has been changing. now 48 months in a row, warmest period that we've had. it's been impressively warm. and it goes through march. looks like we're in for one of
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the top ten warmest aprils, too. >> like you said, those are the facts, right? >> the facts. not pushing anyone's opinion. still ahead, the u.s. and russia have another run-in in the skies. we'll tell you what the pentagon is saying. and just moments ago, britain's prime minister wants to have her country's general election in a bid to strengthen her hand in brexit on negotiations. the road can change in an instant. but with lightning fast shifts and dynamic track-tuned suspension, what the road demands, the elivers. experience high performance through high technology, in the lexus gs 350 and gs turbo. experience amazing. dry mouth can affect how your mouth feels and how you feel. discover act dry mouth, specially formulated
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to soothe and moisturize your mouth. and try new act dry mouth spray for relief when you need it. and try new act dry mouth spray ...i got what you need.♪.. ♪i'll be your i'll, i'll... sarah? cleaning up.
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welcome back. the pentagon says the u.s. scrambled two f-22 fighter jets yesterday to intercept two russian bombers that breached airspace around the u.s. and canada. this is the first time russian bombers have been off the alaskan coast since 2015, but have flown mr. the area about 60 times since 2007. britain's parliament is set to vote this morning on whether to hold elections in just under two months. that move comes after prime minister theresa may's surprise proposal yesterday as britain prepares to negotiate its exit from the european union. joining me, nbc news chief correspondent bill neely. the motivation here is the big question, why she moved up the date. >> never trust a politician they say. she said over and over again i won't call a snap election. guess what?
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she said she did it reluctantly. two reasons. first of all, remember, she is an unelected prime minister, chosen from within the ranks of her british conservative ruling party. she wants an opportunity to conduct the brexit negotiations, to steer britain out of the european union in the way she wants, not in the way some of the hardliners principally we within her own party wants. this is political tunism. she has a narrow mory in parliament, just 17 seats. she want to increase that. if you judge by the newspapers this morning, we've got the "times" in front of me, may heads for election, landslide it says. "the sunday" newspaper says this will kill off the opposition party. theresa may thinks this election, likely to be given the
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green light by parliament today and will be held in seven weeks' time will give her the majority she wants. richard, alex. >> thank you for that, bill. up next on "morning joe," we're live in georgia with reaction to last night's special election ending in a run off. >> dnc chairman perez gives us his first run down of the morning. "morning joe" is just moments away.
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before we toss over to "morning joe," we'll bring you a check on the stories in the day ahead. >> ben carson will speak as a memorial ceremony for the 22nd anniversary of the oklahoma city bombing. the department lost 35 employees in the 1995 terror attack. >> meanwhile, president trump is set to welcome special guests to the white house. that's where we find nbc's hallie jackson with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. this morning president trump is become at the white house after that quick campaign style road trip out to wisconsin where he unveiled that new executive order on buy american, hire
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american. today he's expected to sign a bill into law that helps protect veterans care and also welcoming the new england patriots here to washington. >> tom brady is really terrific. >> fantastic. >> thanks to hallie jackson for that report. >> that's a wrap for us, i'm alex witt alongside richard lui and louis burgdorf. "morning joe" starts roit now from d.c. >> there is no doubt that this is already a victory for the ages. we have defied the odds. we have shattered expectations. so bring it on. >> he didn't win outright, and he may not win the runoff, but democrats in georgia think they just made a big statement about president trump. >> no, actually they did not. >> their party's candidate for


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