tv MSNBC Live MSNBC April 23, 2017 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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so we can get started early. mexico will be paying in some form for the badly needed border wall." here's attorney general jeff sessions this morning. >> any evidence mexico is going to pay for it? >> well, we're going to get it paid for one way or the other. i know there's $4 billion a year in excess payments, according to the department of treasury's own inspector general several years ago that are going to payments to people, tax credits, that they shouldn't get. these are mostly mexicoens, and those kind of things add up. $4 billion a year for ten years is $40 billion. there are a lot of ways we can find money to help pay for this. >> it's unclear whether the president will insist on funding a border wall in this spending bill, which congress must pass in order to avoid a government shutdown this week. meanwhile, mick mulvaney with a preview on the announcement of tax reform on dnesday might entail. >> is he unofficially hoping --
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>> wednesday is some specific governing principles, some guidance, also some indication what the rates are going to be. i don't think you're going to see something and i don't think anybody expects us to roll out bill language on wednesday. in fact, we don't want to do that. what you're going to see on wednesday for the first time is here's what our principles are. >> also new today, chief of staff reince priebus on president trump's interest in the french election, having tweeted favorably about right wing candidate marine le pen as recently as this morning. here's what priebus told chuck todd earlier. >> is he secretly hoping le pen gets the runoff? >> not at all. we have a long-term relationship that's historical with the french people and the french government. no matter who wins, that relationship is going to continue. >> and as president trump comments on the french presidential election, new polls show him to be the least popular u.s. president in modern times. "the washington post"/abc poll show 42% approve of his job
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performance. about the same in the "the wall street journal" poll, down four points since february. meanwhile, also happening now, we're learning more about that unprecedented meeting set to take place tomorrow at the white house as president trump sits down with the entire u.n. security council. let's bring in nbc's kelly o'donnell to talk about this. another welcome to you. what more can you tell us about this and put into context exactly how unprecedented this is. >> well, context is really important on this, because we've got a president who has been very critical of the united nations and we have his ambassador of the united nations nikki haley, you may recall former governor of south carolina and as a governor a lot of political savvy there. she is going to bring all 15 members of the permanent committee of the security council. and she is at present sort of in the reat a timing chairmanship of that, the president of the council at this point and other countries share that duty, so it's her time to do this and she is bringing these 15 members to
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the white house complex. they'll spend some time at blair house, meet with congressional leaders, and also be at the white house with an opportunity to meet with and have lunch with the president. this is a president who later in the year would be expected to address the general assembly, as presidents typically do, and this is a new yorker, of course, who has been in the neighborhood of the united nations for most of his adult life, but politically has been quite separate from the u.n., critical of the fact that he believes they have not done enough on some of the big issues of global threats around the world. now, it comes at a time when north korea is a hot spot that is drawing a lot of this white house's attention and other global partners, and it is important to see that china did not veto the recent attempts at a sanction towards north korea, but abstained. that is important in its -- in the symbolism and it's a gesture, so this is an important meeting to talk about issues like north korea and to build
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some personal relationships for the president with these important figures from around the world. alex? >> all right. and let's check out what's on tap for this week with the president. i know he's hinted at releasing a tax plan to some degree. are there any details you can share on that? >> no details yet. that's being kept fairly close to the vest of those top advisers who are working on it in part because it was not expected to be rolled out this week. the president on his own and certainly that's his purview said he wanted to roll it out this coming wednesday. advisers say it will be in the general principles sort of realm, meaning we'll get an idea of the kinds of rate reductions he's hoping to see for corporations and individuals, some of the goals of the plan, but it won't be a detailed legislative product, won't be all of that kind of detail, and it will take months, easily, for this to work its way through congress, but coming before the 100-day deadline, this, too, is part of the president trying to show where he wants to take the
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country, even if things aren't accomplished in the early months in office. >> also this week the president's first major budget negotiation. how's he handling that? >> this almost is something that's separate from what the president would have had to do. this is a leftover from before he was in office but he has to confront this deadline of government funding ending on the 99th day of his term, this coming friday. congress lurching towards these deadlines and what they are talking about now is the president wants to see money for the border wall and we're finding that top officials of the white house aren't going so far as to suggest the president would veto this spending package if it's put together in time because of that issue because they say there are other resources being devoted to border security. it's separate than the wall, but that is a big priority for the president who wants border funding in it, as you pointed out, he tweeted that mexico will eventually pay for it, but at a later date, so that's a big sticking point for this week.
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these things usually run right up to the deadline. they are trying to work with democrats and both chambers of the congress to come up with a spending plan that will keep the lights on and operations running beyond the 99th day of the president's term. everybody wants the government to remain open. it's a matter of how they get there. >> nice to not have it dominate our news coverage all day friday. thank you very much, kelly o'donnell from the white house. for more, we bring in josh barro, senior editor for business insider and caitlin huey-burns. guys, good to see you both. caitlyn, i'll start with you here with this new "the washington post" poll out with 56% of the people saying that the president has accomplished not much or nothing so far, at least that's the perception. is that also the reality, or is there some in between where it really matches snup. >> well, it kind of depends who you talk to. the administration is arguing they have ordered lots of reviews of things, ordered a lot
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of executive orders. they are saying those are accomplishments of themselves. you can also point to what attorney general jeff sessions is doing on immigration. i think that's kind of flying under the radar, but really impactful things that they are doing in terms of the immigration policy this administration wants to put forward, which is also very controversial, but the legislative side is key and shows the way which presidents and congress work together, there aren't any accomplishments on that front either, and while you can argue that the first 100 days is kind of this, you know, random kind of assessment, this president campaigned very heavily on accomplishing a lot by this first 100-day mark, so while the president is saying the media is kind of creating a big stir about this, that's not quite accurate. the president himself while he was campaigning sought the 100-day mark as a way to assess all of these accomplishments he wanted to get done and they haven't reached those yet, particularly health care, tax reform, and other issues. >> okay. and josh, i know you wrote this
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week trump is heading for a do-nothing presidency. we're only 100 days in, so what makes you think this is going to be a do-nothing presidency? >> the white house has demonstrated no idea to schlepper legislation for congress. the only significant achievement he has in his fst100 days is the appoinent of nl gorsuch to the supreme court and that's because all he had to do is pick a name off of a list he had already submitted before he was elected under great pressure from conservatives. they got it in writing, he filed the nomination and congress took it from there and got the guy confirmed. aside from that we saw on health care the president did not engage at all with the policy. said this is a terrific bill, you should vote for it so i can notch a win and show i won health care, and i think we're going to see the same thing on tax reform. tax reform is hard under normal circumstances because anything you should do, people talk about you should lower rates and broaden the tax base, get rid of tax preferences one group or another likes.
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that's always very hard. donald trump has shown no ability to work that sort of process through the congress and because his poll numbers are poor and we're seeing republicans under pressure in special elections, it's difficult for him to put the pressure on a republican congress that a popular republican president would be able to do. i think you'll see him do things that are necessary to keep the lights on. we will keep the government open, i don't know if we'll avoid a shutdown altogether, but in terms of major initiatives, there's no demonstrated ability by this white house to get them done. >> caitlyn, you touched on this in general, but in terms of the details, mick mulvaney is giving a different take on the president's accomplishments so far. let's take a look at this. >> what i think folks don't realize is we've signed more legislation into law in the first 100 days than anybody in the last 50 years. most are laws getting rid of other laws, regulations getting rid of other regulations. we're talking about historic accomplishments by this administration, but all anybody wants to talk about is health care. >> do you think people are
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giving the credit of they've gotten rid of legislation, gotten rid of other laws? does that count when people say you've got stuff accomplished? >> well, it depends what you judge it by. this president promised a lot of things and health care was a signature campaign pledge of this president and republicans in general over the past seven years, and so to argue that, you know, we're paying too much attention to health care is not quite accurate either. i mean, this is something that the president campaigned very vigorously on and also campaigned very vigorously on tax reform, and tteadl is getting pushed back further and further. the treasury secretary, of course, said we'll get it done by august and now is saying it's going to take a little longer. we've heard this president talk about health care, nobody knew it was this complicated, so there's also a lot of learning going on during the first 100 days when it comes to this administration, but as josh mentioned a key point, which is working with this congress, so if you're looking at legislation coming down the pike, the
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president has not yet built the coalitions that many perhaps expected him to do. he could have had opportunities with some democrats who earlier on might have been a more susceptible to working with him but are now looking at poll numbers you mentioned and there's little political incentive for democrats to work with this president. >> i'm curious about the rally in pennsylvania on saturday, also the same night at the white house correspondents' dinner. the president is skipping that. what is this, the ultimate counterprogramming here? >> counterprogramming indeed, also they are using that to say look what we've done in the first 100 days, use it as a marketing wave. this president is very focused on that kind of label, kind of bumper sticker kinds of moments, so i think they are going to use this to say, look, we are out rallying the troops, but also we know this president really feeds off that kind of energy, really likes these kinds of crowds. we haven't seen him traveling around that much, although he has visited businesses and such. i think this will be an
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opportunity to gn some momentum for himself. >> josh, something out this morning, former fox news employee alisyn camerota laid new claims of sexual harassment against roger ailes. of course, on the heels of o'reilly allegations. any idea how much farther this goes? >> well, i could imagine it going quite a bit farther. seems there was a culture at fox news that allowed this sort of behavior from the top down. i would note, though, one of the things that came out this week about why bill o'reilly got pushed out, partly pressure from executives in other divisions of 21st century fox basically saying this is bad for morale in the company. and i think part of what this demonstrates is the value of bureaucracies in protecting rights against harassment and that sort of thing. you can have a rogue culture in a family business and in the
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trump organization you saw a certain amount of that. fox is only sort of a family business. the murdoch family owns a large stake, but other business divisions, whole bureaucracy and ultimately became too much for the whole company. even though bill o'reilly and roger ailes made a lot of money to the campaign, it was unacceptable to other stakeholders in the organization. >> all the allegations against him, for the record. thank you so much, good to see you both. zwlfrmgts happening now, the final hour of voting in the first round of presidential elections in france. officials estimate voter turnout over 69%, fractionally less than at this same point in 2012. chris watching this for us from paris. welcome back. steady stream of voters. is that the case as things wine down with 45 minutes to go? >> reporter: yeah, i think people have been voting all over the country. most of the country, the polls closed at 7:00 local time.
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in the big cities here in paris and elsewhere, they'll stay open until 8:00, and then as soon as they close, based on a sampling of ballots, not exit polls, but a sampling of ballots from around the country, we'll start to have what will look more or less like definitive results. now, it's going to be possibly too close to ll, but by an hour from now we'll have a pretty good picture of at least who the top three or four people are and maybe even the top two, ones who will be in the runoff two weeks from now. >> big picture when you look at what happened in britain with the brexit, is there potential depending who gets elected the same steps could be taken and thereby cause incredible havoc, if not the dissolution of the european union? >> reporter: listen, there was a headline in one of the popular newspapers today that talked about electrical vertigo, and that is pretty much true. if marine le pen becomes president, which is a real
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possibility two weeks from now, then we're talking about the end of the european union as we know, it possibly the end of nato as we know it, the end of the atlantic alliance that's worked so well over 70 years to protect europe and also assure the security of the united states. all those things are up in the air now, and if marine le pen is elected, we're going to see a total restructuring. it's not irrelevant, by the way, she's already received as if she were a national leader by vladimir putin in moscow. so, i think we're really looking at the possibility of huge changes and huge changes to the security environment that will directly affect the united states. >> it is a big election and we thank you for watching it for us. we'll see what happens about 45 minutes from now. thank you so much, christopher dickey. it was supposed to be a democratic unity tour, but why did it border on division? that is next. there's nothing more important to me than my vacation. so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want.
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joining me now, ronnen kelly of illinois, member of the foreign affairs, oversight, and government reform committees. i want to get right to your reaction to mick mulvaney in that sound bite saying the democrats are playing politics and how it's factoring into the negotiations to avoid a government shutdown. what are your thoughts? >> well, as we all know the
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republicans are large and in charge, so it's really up to them if budget passes. no, the democrats don't want to see all of that money spent on a border wall. that is absolutely ridiculous if you look at his skinny budget as we like to call it. he's cutting so many other things that are necessary and i believe a lot of republicans feel that the cuts of the state department are too much, not funding things around health care is ridiculous, so i do think we have some allies in this fight against this budget. >> so what is the status of negotiations at this point? do you think there could be a government shutdown this week or things will get wrapped up by friday? >> i tend to be an optimist. that's how i can last in this job, so i'd like to think there will not be a shutdown, but again, it goes back to the republicans. they definitely have the numbers in the house. if they can all agree. but that doesn't always look
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likely. >> all right. >> let's get to the news about u.n. ambassador nikki haley bringing the entire u.n. security council to the white house to meet with president trump tomorrow. our andrea mitchell is calling this highly unusual, in fact, if not unprecedented. what do you think is behind this meeting? >> i think it's highly unusual, but these days there tends to be a new norm and i don't know if anything's unusual anymore. i really don't know what's behind it. it could be just window dressing to make the president look good, that he, you know, is fully aware of what's going on as far as foreign policy and that he can work well with other leaders. because sometimes we've seen that he doesn't use the best diplomacy. >> and before the break i mentioned the unity tour. i want to talk to you about that with dnc chair tom perez and senator bernie sanders. it's just wrapped up. let's take a listen to what they said at a rally yesterday. here it is. >> got to rethink the model of
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the democratic party. we need a party which is functioning not just on the east coast and the west coast, but in every state in this country. >> as the new chair of the party, i've wanted to learn the energy that he has captured across america. i want to make sure that we channel that energy, that we learn from that energy. >> so, congresswoman kelly, do you get the impression tom perez is willing to let the party adopt more progressive policies in order to win elections? >> yes, i get that impression. and especially with having keith ellerson by his side. you know, i think he's looking at the big picture and also we're supposed to be the party that has a lot of people under the umbrella and i think even though we may have some different ideas, but there is one goal and i think we want to be inclusive leaders so everyone feels they have a voice, or at
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least are listened to. >> let's look what's happening in chicago tomorrow, you know what i'm talking about, president obama will be holding his first public event since leaving office. >> i know. >> how much can democrats rely on him to help the party regain the seats they've lost in both national and local elections and once he gets back into the conversation at least, does he embody the leader of the democratic party? >> i think from what i'm told that he wants to be involved and he wants to be helpful where he can be helpful. yes, i think he is a leader of the democratic party, but because we're democrats i think we have meetom perez as a leade ellerson as a leader, we have more than one leader, but he's definitely a respected leader. >> how do you think he can be most effective? where would you like to see him put his focus? >> i think he proved he was an effective fundraiser for one thing and money's still
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important, unfortunately, too important sometimes in running for office. i think he can be effective in helping candidates raise money, helping the party raise money. >> all right, congresswoman robin kelly, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. uc berkley says ann coulter could be in grave danger if she tries to speak on campus next week as she wants. coming up, free speech versus law and order.
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poll show trump with a 12% lower as he nears that 100th day in office. joining me now, msnbc contributor, a conservative author and radio host. charlie, good to see you. do you haven explanation for this low number? >> there's two things about this. these numbers. first of all, he's holding his own base. 80-plus percent of republicans still support him. there's not a lot of buyers remorse. obviously, they have a lot of psychological investment in not thinking they've done something awful to the country, but he certainly has not moved past that and he really hasn't made any effort to move past his own base, so he's going into a crucial period of time, including this next week, where not only are you talking about tax reform and health care, they actually have to keep the lights on in the federal government and these numbers are not going to make that any easier. >> i guess you're right, those numbers, 96% in one poll said
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they would do it all over again and vote for him, so he's losing very, very little of his base, but how much do you think that his voters' perception is about policy and how much of it is just about donald trump the man that they put there into the white house? >> well, that is the key question, and ultimately i think you have to look back at the 2016 election and realize that it was not about specific policies or ideas, it was very much a cult of personality type election. and as long as he continues those broad strokes, you know, talking about making america great and going after immigrants and making america strong, the base is going to cut him off a lot of slack. donald trump, you know, frankly never showed much interest in the nuances of policy. and quite frankly, most of his supporters didn't either. >> okay. i want to get to the controversy that is surrounding ann coulter's cancelled event there at berkley. the university has extended a new invitation to speak at a
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later date but she's pushing back saying the date doesn't work, kids are going to be out in their reading periods, so not many students will be around it amounts to her freedom of speech. the school is saying this all started because of public safety concerns, so who's in the right? >> nobody is coming out of this looking well, but the only winner here is ann coulter when you think about it. she's hanging on to relevance by her fingernails right now and these college incidents are markg for her and for bigots. look, free speech ought to be nonnegotiable on a university campus. this ought to be something that should not separate right and left. i think bill maher is exactly right. there's almost a protoe fascist feel where if we don't like a person or their ideas we shut them down and we threaten them. the fact we're talking about violence on a university campus is a tragic situation, and,
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frankly, i do think that the best thing that everybody could do is let her speak, don't disrupt the event, have no violence, and then if you don't like what she has to say, refute it. and, quite frankly, it ought to be easy to refute. you answer bad ideas with other ideas, not by shutting down the speech. >> you know, you mention bill maher and for my viewers who have not seen the clip, let's show it now. here it is, everyone. >> all over the country on campuses they invite someone to speak who's not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. i feel this is the liberals version of book burning, and it's got to stop. howard dean tweeted about this, hate speech is not protected by the first amendment. yes, it is. threats are not protected by the first amendment. >> so, what are the arguments here, charlie, it's about hate speech. how do you determine what qualifies as hate speech and who has the right to make those determinations?
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>> well, that's where it gets tricky and unfortunately once you start going down the path of saying hate speech is not free speech, then you begin to redefine speech you don't like or which you disagree as hate speech and i think that's a dangerous precedent. i think bill maher is right, i think howard dean is wrong. universities exist to be places where you have a vigorous exchange of views. even views you might regard as repulsive or repelling, as many of ann coulter's ideas are. this whole notion that free speech comes -- look, if you stand up in a crowded theater and yell fire, obviously, that is not protected free speech, but if you express ideas, then i think the university ought to go that extra mile to make sure the ideas are expressed. >> always good to talk to you, thanks so much for your insights. >> thank you. overseas today, new aggressions of north korea looming over the president final day in australia, touring lol sites with his family, meeting koalas at the zoo and
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also visiting the sydney opera house, but as tensions are building over the new threat of a nuclear strike against australia. nbc's sarah james joins us from melbourne with more on that. sara, specifically the threat. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: well, alex, what happened was that the australian foreign minister had made some comments saying that australia supports the trump administration's position that all options are on the table in terms of dealing with the threat from north korea. well, north korea wasn't happy about that and i certainly don't think it helps that the vice president, u.s. vice president pence is here, so they are threatening this country with a possible nuclear strike, saying that the foreign minister spoke a load of rubbish and that the australians are zealously and blindly toeing the u.s. line. >> all right. sarah, with regard to the official response, though, from the australian leaders and vice
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president pence, do we expect anything more to come from vice president pence, or is he taking off from australia shortly? >> well, he will take off in the morning local time, just in a few hours, alex, and he has actually been quiet about this in public. i guarantee there's been conversations behind closed doors, probably during the time he was seeing the lovely koalas and visiting the opera house, but we have heard from the australian foreign minister on this. australians have not let this pass unremarked and she said north korea should spend more time dealing with its citizens who have been long suffering and not spend so much money on weapons of mass destruction. australia is not backing down. and i think what has happened is that the alliance, which was having a little bit of wear and tear, has been strengthened by the visit of the american vice president and both in public and privately the americans and the australians are saying that the visit by the vice president nt very wel and t alliance is
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closer. >> all right, sara james fro melbourne, thank you very much for the latest from there. he's on a mission, fighting to protect a precious natural resource. up next, my conversation with the most decorated u.s. olympian in history, michael phelps. and at the top of the hour, it's "meet the press." un-stop right there!
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with earth day celebrations this weekend, water conservation has been a big focus, and i talked with one of the biggest supporters both in and out of the water about it. >> so michael phelps joins me. what a pleasure, it is super exciting to talk to you about this, because you're kind of the guy to do this. look at the photo, there's the proof right there. but you are now inspiring a whole new generation to turn off the faucet. talk about what you're doing. >> so, for me, my whole career has been around water. my whole life has been around water, and, you know, i'm the global ambassador for colgate, and we're talking and trying to
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spread more knowledge about water conservation. it's something that we have to do, we have to take care of every day. when you think about it, when you brush your teeth for two minutes, you can waste up to four gallons of water if you leave it running. now as a new father, he's not brushing yet, but, you know, when he does, that's going to be something that we'll teach him, you know, water is an important part of everyone's life, and i think we all can work together to try to conserve as much as we can. >> i read bathrooms are the place. you mentioned brushing teeth. they are the place in every home where you spend more of your -- more than 50% of your water consumption. >> sure. even like something like even recently now, if i get in the shower and nicole gets in the shower, some of us will have the water on before we get in. we're wasting water. now we're to the point where we turn it on, we get right in. >> you're talking about sbg conservative in home, but people can go beyond that, too.
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>> of course. we all can do this together. this is something that's very important and we all can jump onboard. it's so simple. think about it, turn the faucet off. there are people that don't even have clean drinking water in the world, and there are people out there who are letting four gallons go down the drain while they are brushing their teeth. it's like if you think about that and you really think about it, it's just common sense. just turn it off. >> i want to quickly refer to something that happened last weekend. there was an iron man race you may have heard about it. >> johnny? >> yeah, this young man with cerebral palsy. his dad pulled him through the water and rode behind him on his bike and helped pull him through, all because of you. because of the inspiration he has followed your career. how does that make you feel and is that a weight at all for you? what you say matters, what you do matters. >> of course. that's, obviously, a big honor for me, and, you know, watching the video and having the conversation i had with him on
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the phone, it's cool because, you know, what i did was, yeah, something nobody's done before, but something i loved. it was easy for me to kind of put my mind to something i'm passionate about and you can see that in johnny. i think that's something that's special to watch, special to be a part of. he's awesome, so excited when he was on the phone, and it was a very, very cool moment. >> so you're passionate about water conservation, getting the message out. i have to ask what's next for you, because we all want to follow you. >> i won't be doing that anymore. you know, for me moving from the pool into the real world again, i'm more prepared for it this time than i was four years ago. i think i'm in a better place mentally and physically now than i washen. definitely familiwise, as well. we have our first son and, you know, i want to be able to spend as much time with him as i can. i think the hardest thing is trying to figure out what i'm doing with the competitive side. obviously, it goes into golf and
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some into business, but that competitive juice that i have when i was in the water, you know, i have to figure out where to channel it next and that's challenging, but it's the start of another chapter and something we're all looking forward to. >> you'll be on top no doubt. i'm going to be the envy of everybody this earth day weekend. phelps, thank you so much for the interview and good advice, too. >> look out on the pga tour if michael phelps is coming your way. multiple campaign staffers for hillary clinton push back on a new book about the problems that did her in in the presidential bid. the authors join me next with a response. hey, bud. you need some help? no, i'm good. come on, moe. i have to go. (vo) we always trusted our subaru impreza would be there for him someday. ok. that's it. (vo) we just didn't think someday would come so fast. see ya later, moe. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru impreza.
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november. let's bring in jonathan allen and amy parnes good to see you both. >> good to see you. >> befoi know she was working o this book before she even officially announced her run. when did she realize it was a loss prior to her approach of writing it it? >> we went it obviously not knowing what would happen, assuming toward the end that she would win. but our reporting was telling us something different. we talked to more than a hundred sources inside, some outside the campaign, but mostly inside, and they were telling us there were problems. so we started seeing a trail along the way of all these flaws and started putting it together. and while we still thought she would win, there were some problems and red flags that we were aware of. >> so, jonathan, the clinton camp has hit back at you pretty
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hard, calling the book sensation is sensationalized. how are you going to stand by that? >> we stand by our reporting, alex. >> i wouldn't expect anything different from you to be short and sweet knowing you for so many years now. is there anything that bothers you in particular when they come back and say, this, that and the other. is there any point where there is any nebulous area at all? >> not really, alex. they've got their work to do. we've obviously spoken with the book and we'll leave it at that. >> okay. amy, recently when asked to reflect on the campaign, hillary clinton said that she thought, quote, mysogeny played a role in her loss. did your report back that up? >> i think all these things played a factor. she suffered among white women, that's for sure. i think a lot of white men, male voters maybe didn't turn out for her. but it was just one factor along
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with comey, along with russia, along with evidence we point out in the book about her message and some internal dynamics that weren't quite right. there were a lot of factors here. but we detail all these things in the book, and i think it's almost too simplistic to blame one thing or another. >> so, jonathan, i want to ask you about the craziest day of the campaign. one of the big takeawaysfriday, october 7. talk about that day and what all went down. >> we talk about this in a chapter in the book entitled "red october," a reference to "hunt for red october" about the hunt for a submarine. you have quick succession, u.s. agencies determining and announcing that russia it was trying to essentially hack the u.s. election and that the dnc leaks had been perpetrated by russia, or at least driven by russia. then you have the "access
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hollywood" video of donald trump saying that awful thing about what he liked to do with women. and then thirdly, right boom-boom-boom, the third shot was wikileaks' john podesta's stolen e-mal hiemails which hap be a drip, drip, drip in the campaign. i think it was hard for people to appreciate in just that moment who was going on. in a crazy election cycle, that was the wildest couple of hours of the entire campaign. >> oh, yeah. the phrase buckle up, everybody, i heard a lot. you would think the first two you mentioned, those first two items would have helped hillary clinton, and then that last one, i guess a relevant question following up to that is how much of an impact did fbi director james comey's letter, then, have on the outcome, or was clinton already on a losing path by that point?
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jonathan? >> in fact, on that day, october 7, the clinton folks thought that the news about russia was much more important than the "access hollywood" video. they thought that donald trump was known to be a womanizer, as one of the sources we spoke to said. he used stronger language than that, but basically they thought the russia allegations would turn the american public against donald trump. not only did it prove what they had been asserting all along, that russia was trying to help donald trump, and you heard hillary clinton subsequently say that in debates essentially calling donald trump a russian puppet. but they also that that donald trump going out and having encouraged people to hack into hilly clinton's emails coupled with that showed if not collusion certainly a coincidence and confluence of interests. i think they were very surprised about the emails and the fact they had staying power.
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but in terms of the comey letter, it certainly affected the election. measuring that is difficult because there were other things going on at the same time, including announcements about obamacare premium spikes. but clearly jim comey had an effect on the election. the question is why was it -- what were the factors that led that to be possible for him to have such an effect at the end? >> another factor, i guess, a drip in the drip-drip-drip. amy, i would love to hear from you a story or scene in the book that people may not have heard about but that you found interesting. >> i think there was probably a moment in the campaign where there was a commercial that needed to be shot, an ad for bernie sanders, and basically they prepare the script for him, he needs to basically say, i'm with her, and he refuses to do so. and he says, that's so phony. that kind of speaks to the tension that was there that developed in the primary and
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never really amounted to much in the general election. >> all right. well, guys, jonathan allen, amy parnes, co-author of "shattered." i'm alex witt. up next "meet the press." nosy neighbor with a keen sense of smell... glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses n't notice the tra. be happy. it's glad.
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♪ i'm dr. kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. ♪ energy lives here. this sunday president trump and the first 100 days. he is rejecting the deadline calling it a ridiculous standard, while at the same time rushing to meet it. >> no administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days. >> there's no big legislative victory like repealing obamacare. >> we were very close. >> but the president got his man on the supreme court. >> the most important thing is appointing people to the united states supreme course. >> reince priebus, house democratic leader nancy
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