tv MSNBC Live MSNBC April 28, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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level. >> there's a chance that we could end upaving a major, major conflict with north korea. absolutely. >> this hour, we're seeing new diplomat you can moves against the regime. secretary of state rex tillerson is chairing a special meeting at the u.n. security council, pressing for new sanctions. also breaking news on capitol hill. a house vote is happening right now to decide if congress will avert a government shutdown. it is a week-long funding solution. even if they pass it, what comes next? we'll have a live, exclusive interview with new york senate democratic leader chuck schumer in moments from now. good evening, everyone. i'm ali velshi in washington. we begin with the trump administration taking the stage at the united nations, warning the global community about a potential catastrophe if action is not taken now on the north korea crisis. right now, secretary of state rex tillerson is chairing a special meeting in front of the u.n. security council in new york city where he's calling on the nations to impose new pressure on north korea to
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abandon its nuclear ambitions. >> the threat of the north korea nuclear threat on seoul or tokyo is real, and it is likely only a matter of time before north korea develops the capability to strike the u.s. mainland. we call on countries to suspend or downgrade diplomatic relations with north korea. north korea exploits its diplomatic privileges to understood its illicit nuclear programs and constraining its diplomatic activity will cut off a flow of needed resources. we must increase north korea's isolation. we must have sanctions on dprk entities and tighten those already in place. all options for responding to future provocation must remain on the table. diplomatic and financial levers of power will be back up by willingness to counternorth korea aggression with military
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action if necessary. >> these comments come just hours after president trump made that startling remark about the possibility of a, quote, major, major conflict with north korea in a interview with reuters. he warned there will be consequences if kim jong-un takes any action against south korea. north korea aired new propaganda video on its state broadcaster, purportedly of kim jong-un residing over live fire exercises earlier this week to mark the 85th anniversary of the founding of the north korean army. we have all this covered with a team of nbc reporters a an expert who used to work in the department of defense. let's begin at the white house with kristen welker. what more can you tell us about the meeting with the u.n. security council? >> secretary tillerson effectively say what we expected him to, which is that he wants to see more sanctions and stepped up pressure against north korea. he also talked about the fact that china has so far been a
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partner to the united states in terms of trying to really ramp up the heat, getting north korea to back down. take a listen to what he had to say about china. >> we must all do our share, but china, accounting for 90% of north korean trade, china alone has economic leverage over p pyongyang that is unique, and its role is therefore particularly important. the u.s. and china have held very productive exchanges on this issue. we look forward to further actions that build on what china has already done. >> we've heard this president talk about the fact that china has effectively put more pressure on north korea than we have seen in the past. we know that the president met with the leader of china, xi gin jin -- jinping several week ago. i'm told 80% of the time he was there, the two leaders were alone. they're developing a real relationship and, of course, they've had a number of phone calls in the wake of that visit.
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again, they really see china as the linchpin here. the thinking inside the white house is they favor diplomacy over military action. you heard secretary tillerson say all options are still on the table. that means that they're not ruling out striking north korea particularly if north korea were to test an icbm, a missile that could reach the u.s. >> i'm going to stay on the north korea topic a while, but i want to interrupt this discussion with more from the reuters interview, where president trump said he didn't think being president would be so hard. i just want to share with you. i know this is familiar to you and everyone else, but let's take a look at how donald trump's thoughts about being president have evolved since the campaign. >> you're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy. going to be so easy. stupidly easy to solve. nobody knew health care could be
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so complicated. trade is easy. this is more work than i thought. i thought it'd be easier. presidential is easy. you know what presidential is? i walk on. >> there are things like this that have come up with a lot of reporters, where president trump said, who thought health care would be complicated, north korea would be complicated. what do you make of this? >> it is striking he is so frank in these moments about the fact that he's been surprised, taken aback by how complicated health care was, how complicated it is to be president. ali, that's one of the reasons he got elected, because voters liked the fact that he was frank. now that he is in the oval office, what does that mean? i've been talking to officials here who say, look, he is going through some growing pains. he's acknowledging behind the scenes that what worked on the campaign trail doesn't necessarily work in the oval office. that was on display when he tried to pass health care. the fact that it was, some would
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argue, rushed through. they didn't have the votes when they demanded they wanted to see a vote on the issue. take a look at how they're handling tax reform, and that tells you all you need to know. this is a different roleout. the president taking a lead role. he'll be in pennsylvania tomorrow talking about his tax reform plan. i get the sense he is going to be campaigning on this. one senior official told me, look, the lesson from health care we learned is it is about building coalitions in congress. equally important, getting voters. the private sector to weigh in and get behind the plan. that's what ultimately gets a plan passed through a very divided congress. i think you are seeing this president make some adjustments in the wake of this first 100 days, ali. >> kristen, we'll chat with you later. good to see you. >> you, too. >> president trump now says south korea should pay for the contentious u.s. missile defense system that's been installed there, thaad. key parts of the system are in place 150 miles south of the capital to defend against north korean missiles.
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the system costs about $1 billion. kelly cobiella has been monitoring the developments from seoul, south korea. this comes along with the president talking about possible changes to the u.s.'s trade relationship with south korea. what's a reaction there to the president's comments? >> well, i think, ali, both surprise and confusion, particularly when it comes to the issue of thaad. this was a controversial deployment from the beginning. controversial locally as well as in the wider region. the u.s. and the current south korean government have been pushing hard for this, arguing it is urgently needed in the area, in the country, to protect south korea as long as the 28,000 or so u.s. military personnel stationed here. so they've been pushing very hard for it. on the other hand, you have opposition from some in the local community. in fact, when the major components were delivered earlier this week. there were protesters lining the route, trying to block the route
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at one point. the head of u.s. pacific command saying just this week that this was going to be operational within days, despite the objections from some of the local community and from both russia and china. china objects pau because they the radar on this is so powerful, it can be used to spy on them. now you have added to this mix president trump's comments that south korea should pay for the system. one south korean military official told nbc news, look, we have an agreement with the united states when it comes to this. the agreement says we provide the land, we providehe infrastructure. the u.s. provides the equipnt and handles the operational costs. he said, we're sticking with that agreement. we also heard from two of the leading presidential candidates. ali, you know the elections are about a week and a half away now. these spokespeople for the presidential candidates, one called these comments unthinkable. the other said, look, a payment
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would require approval from the national assembly. first, he said, we need to figure out what the official u.s. position is. a lot of confusion, ali. >> all right. kelly cobiella in south korea. thanks so much for that. i want to bring in kelly, a former white house and department of defense strategist. let's pick up right where kelly left off. that is that the united states is now talking -- trump thmz do is talking about renegotiating with south korea, asking them to pay for the missile defense system. this has to be confusing for the south koreans, leaning heavily on the united states from stopping this from escalating into war. >> if i would give a grade to donald trump on south korea, it'd be c for confusion. secretary tillerson's comments in new york, which is the clearest version of what the administration is trying to do in north korea, but it is undermined by the president
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shaking down our ally at the same time we're trying to build pressure on northkorea. there is an incoherent in the trump administration's korea poli policy. i think the policy is in place but they're communicating it badly. that'll be an impact on the ground. >> if you are an ally, if you're south korea and japan, for instance, in asia and you have donald trump saying, we could have a very, very bad conflict with north korea on one hand. so the threat of force versus tillerson suggesting that direct talks with north korea might be a possibility, what do the allies want? >> i think the challenge here is that we have a very complicated set of competing interesting. china has an interest and stability on the peninsula. they don't want to see the reunification of korea under a democratic government. that's their interest in the long term. they'll be willing to put so much pressure on the regime, and i think there is a creeli icreeg
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on what they want to do. and we want to see peaceful reyunification, as well. there are competing interintere. i'm concerned right now the administration is not demonstrating the agilitagility. >> 90% of north korea's business is done with china. rex tillerson asked china at the united nations and other countries to impose sanctions to be tougher on north korea. china's foreign minister said earlier today that he -- we should not focus solely on imposing sace ining sanctions a on north korea. is that important? >> it is important. the chinese are important to putting pressure on north korea. they're not the only way to do it. i think it is important the trump administration demonstrates to the chinese we're going to hold their interests at a risk. that's the only way to motivate the chinese to apply the pressure necessary to get kim jong-un to come to the
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negotiating table in a meaningful way. >> when you say it's not the nl option, if they don't trade with anybody else largely, what other options do we have on the diplomatic sanctions front? >> there's, of course, our unilateral sanctions we can employ. putting pressure on chinese banks, secondary sanctions what we call them. essentially giving chinese banks the choice of doing business with north korea and with the united states. that's the sanctioned nuclear option. >> great to see you. thank you so much. breaking news on capitol hill. house lawmakers are voting right now on legislation to prevent a government shutdown before tonight's midnight deadline. the short term funding bill would meet the lights on another week while lawmakers work out a spending package to fund the government through september when the new budget year starts. mark murray joins me now. mark, the democrats threatened to vote no on the temporary government funding pibill if th republicans brought up the health care vote. that's not happening today. are we no longer look k ing at
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shutdown? >> that's correct. a few days ago, there seemed to be a potential government shutdown due to president trump's insistent, number one, o on a border wall, and then the argument of what to do on key subsidies. both of the obstacles were removed. today's action was to be able to punt for a week, to be able to reach a deal, to dot all of the i's and cross the t's for legislation next week. sometimes, it takes a while for the house and the senate to be able to come together on one page to have the legislation out, to be observed for a 72-hour period, for the senate to move. they need a little pit more time to be able to get that done with these obstacles now removed. >> mark, the president was on a tweet storm yesterday, accusing democrats of trying to force a shutdown. democrats and republicans have to work together next week to fund the government long term. are they going to get on the
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same page, are the democrats are likely to say, if you spring up health care, we're not going along with this? >> democrats are trying to use all the leverage they have, the minority. sometimes when you're in the minority, you don't have much leverage. democrats saying you're not going to get our votes. forces republicans to make concessions or get their party completely unified. i think that's the democratic strategy going forward. as far as some of the very big budget battles, whether it's on president trump's border wall, whether it's on the obamacare subsidies, these fights aren't going away. they're being delayed. at some point, i think we're going to end up having a major confrontation. might not be this week. certainly not this week. probably not next week. down the road, over the border wall and obamacare. >> mark, good to see you. thank you. mark murray joining us on what is going on right now in congress. joining me now is ohio
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republican congressman jim re renecci. have you voted? >> i'm a believer the government should not shut down. i voted no on the bill because i'm concerned on a seven-day patch. again, we took off two weeks. now we're pushing things off seven days. i'm a business guy. i've been in business 30 years. we can stick around and work things out together. i'm a little disappointed we're kicking the can down the road. that happens all the time in washington. >> you're saying in your business, when you ran a business, you didn't shut it down when things weren't going your way? >> we worked together to get things done and stayed together until we got things done, like normal, hard working americans do every day. >> you voted no to the continuing resolution, not because you want a government shutdown but to force everybody to stay and work? >> well, i think that's one of the things the american people want to see. they want to see people working together. they want to see compromise and getting things done. we're not doing that. again, we just took 14 days off and now we come back and extend through seven days. it doesn't look right to the
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american people. it doesn't feel right to jim renacci. >> let's talk about the health care bill. where do you stand on this newly revised gop american health care proposal? >> i was a supporter of it three weeks ago. my biggest concern is we keep having these back room deals, which always concern me. we end up with an amendment that i'm not 100% aware of. and that's what happens when you have back room deals. i'm a big believer in making sure that we do our work right out in front. we have hearings, we work together to get things done. i still want to move this bill forward. i want to move it to the senate. i want the process to wocontinu to work. >> there haven't been hearings, one of the criticisms of the bill, particularly from experts, doctors, hospitals, nurses, all that kind of thing. it does seem a little ham fisted. >> look, a lot of these ideas have been around for many years. six years. some of this -- most of this is dr. price's pibill, which has bn
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around. i supported him and his bill. i do think the process has to w work, meaning you have to have hearings and bring consensus together. these are things you do in the real world, things you do in the business world and things we're not doing a good job of here. >> let's talk about the popularity of the first amendment, the american health care act. first time around, it was polling around 17% popularity. do you think this is likely to be more or less popular? you have to go back to your constituents and some of those ruckus town halls and sell it to them. >> first off, we are a divided country. when you go back home, you hear half the people saying they don't want anything touched. you hear the other half saying they want it totally dismantled. the problem is, it is going to dismantle on its own. the affordable care act cannot continue. it is a plane with wings almost coming off and it'll crash eventually. what i'm a believer in is we need to bring the plane down slowly, protect the people on
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the plane. at the same time, we have to be able to move forward and make sure we take care of the safety net, the people that are needed, that need the funding and are part of the safety net. >> i guess the issue is, i hear you, that we're a divided country and people have different views. when it comes to health care, it's not 50/50. it's not even like the election was. it's overwhelmingly in favor of, don't give me the half baked plan that came out a few weeks ago. >> the problem is, some people want a repeal and replace right now. that's bringing the plane straight down. other people want the plane to keep flying. i'm a big believer that neither should occur. we need to bring things down safely. that's why we are divided. when you say it's greater than 50%, some of the people on the right want it brought straight down. that's what the issue is today. >> congressman, great to talk to you. thanks for the time to have a conversation with me. >> thank you, ali. >> congressman jim renacci, republican congressman of ohio. breaking news. here we are, president trump just signed an executive order
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opening the drilling in the arctic and offshore drilling. >> we're pleased to welcome many members of congress and energy industry leaders to the white house. i with ana want to get them imm back over there because they're going to be voting on a lot of things. we can't spend too much time talking about drilling in the arctic, right? but we're opening it up. it is a great day for american workers and families. today, we're unleashing american energy and clearing the way for thousands and thousands of high paying, american energy jobs. our country is blessed with incredible national resources, including abundant offshore oil and natural gas reserves. but the federal government has kept 94% of these offshore areas closed for exploration and production. when they say closed, they mean closed. this deprives our country of potentially thousands and thousands of jobs and billions
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of dollars in wealth. i pledged to take action. today, i am keeping that promise. this executive order starts the process of opening offshore areas to job creating, energy exploration. it reverses the previous administration's arctic leasing ban. hear that. it reverses the previous administration's arctic leasing ban. and directs secretary zinke to allow responsible development of offshore areas that will bring revenue to our treasury and jobs to our workers. in addition, secretary zinke will be reconsidering burdensome
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regulations that slow job creation. finally, this order will enable better scientific study of our offshore resources and research that has blocked everything from happening for far too long. it doesn't get blocked for other nations. it only gets blocked for our nation. renewed offshore energy production will reduce the cost of energy, create countless new jobs and make america more secure and far more energy independent. this action is another historic step toward future development and future -- with a real future. i have to say, that's a real future with greater prosperity and security for all americans, which is what we want. so i'm very proud of the people standing behind me. i'm far less proud of the people standing in front of me. the media. but i have to tell you, this is a very important day, and i want to congratulate wilbur and ryan
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and all of the people that have worked so hard to get this put together so quickly. and it is going to lead to a lot of great wealth for our country and a lot of great jobs for our country. so god bless america. thank you very much. >> future is what we say in alaska. >> we love alaska. [ applause ] >> all right. that is president obama --
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president trump, president trump 100 days, signing an executive order that is going to open up the possibility of drilling for oil in the arctic and other areas offshore. his conversation there about how it'll unleash potential for energy exploration and make america yet a bigger power in the development of energy. more breaking news from capitol hill. shu chuck schumer is with kasie hunt for an exclusive, live interview. kasi sne. >> ali, thank you so much. mr. minority leader, thank you for being here. >> congratulations on your man raj. >> very sweet of you. >> -- marriage. >> that's nice of you. president trump said we could have a, quote, major, major conflict with north korea. should we be negotiating with the north koreans?
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>> the key to winning in north korea is china. china controls them economically. if china were to squeeze them, they'd have no choice but to back off. the way to get china to do something is not to be nice to them but hit them hard on trade. i think china has got anten awa with everything on trade, and the chinese have a pattern. they don't help us, whether it's economic or geopolitical, unless they're forced to. if we were tough on trade and then asked them to help north korea, they'd do a lot more than they're doing now. that's a contrarian view. >> would labeling them a currency manipulator help them? >> and more. they steal our intellectual property. our best companies are not allowed in china. they come here, take advantage and learn how to do it, go back to china, mass produce it and then use the currency to manipulate things to get things done here. so i've said this to the president and i thought he'd do for it, being a great
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negotiator, but he didn't. >> sticking with the topic of trade. president trump has now said he will not withdraw from nafta but rather try to negotiate it. should he have stuck with his original position and withdrawn? >> i voted against nafta. i feared what would happen would happen. now, once it is in place, to just withdraw from it probably causes more trouble but he's got to be a tough negotiator. if he is anything like he's been with china, nothing much will be accomplished, unfortunately. >> looking at his first 100 days, and i know you've been on the phone with the president personally over the course of this spending bill negotiation, do you think he is a great negotiator? >> so far not. i mean, his forays into the congress have been bad. i mean, that's why i give his 100 days -- his 100 days have been days of broken promises to the working people. he said i'm going to be against the democratic and republican
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establishes. he's a hard right special interests guy. his health care failed because it was so far to the right. his attempt to force us to take the wall nearly caused a government shutdown. his tax bill thar, they can't s it'll help the middle class at all. it helps the wealthy. you can't govern from the hard right and that's what he's doing. >> is that the only reason you think he is a bad negotiator? what is he like behind the scenes? >> he's friendly but every time he's called me, it's not been on a major subject. when i switch the subject to china, he listens and moves on to something else. i told him about infrastructure. we have a $1 trillion infrastructure bill and haven't heard a peep out of the white house. i don't know if it is lack of interest, but the things he gets involved in, thus far, he has just -- when he compares his 100 days to franklin d. roosevelt's, which changed america for a generation, passed 76 laws through the congress in 100 days, it's unreal.
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>> you threatened to potentially say that, hey, this would shut down the government if he put the border wall funding in this funding bill. >> yes. >> did he bring that up with you personally. >> i don't think he ever did. i talked to him a few times during it. my position was clear. a month ago, we said the democratic kcaucus, don't put poison bipills in the bill to bw it up. top of the list was the border wall. no one is for it and it is another broken promise. what'd he say in the campaign? mexico will pay for the wall. he hasn't tried to get mexico to pay for the wall. the american people take that $50 billion if it'll cost that, you could put broadband in every household. which do you think the american people prefer? >> last, i would like one short answer to this question. who in the democratic party can beat president trump in 2020? >> lots of people. >> lots of people. one name? >> i'm not going to pick a name. if he continues at the rate --
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>> who is the leader of the democratic party, you? >> we have a bunch of leaders. i'm the leader of the senate and try to represent the democratic party but we have a bunch of good voices. it's premature to handicap 20/20. if the president continues this way, there is a chance we could take back the senate. >> senator schumer, thank you for your time. we appreciate it. ali, back to you. >> very good. thank you so much for that great interview. kasie hunt at capitol hill with senator chuck schumer. let's talk about gdp. the first quarter gdp is out this morning showing the weakest economic growth in three years. president trump boasted his new tax plan could spur economic growth as high as 6%. is that feasible? we'll talk numbers next. beyond is a natural pet food
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0.7% compared to the last three months of 2016, the weakest quarterly showing in three years. gdp is the most comprehensive measure of the economy. cnbc's senior economic reporter steve leesman joins me now. before he clarifies, i'm going to do it. steve, it's probably a bit unfair because we measure other things compared to the year before. if you look at gdp growth compared to the same quarter a year before, it's about 1.9%. not as bad as it looks this morning. the same it was all last year. this is short of the 3% that steve mnuchin says they're trying to get to. >> that's right. i mean, i'm not sitting here putting the blame or credit to the president, in the sense that this is, you know, one month he wasn't in office. really, in a president says you'll have an effect on the economy, it'll come later. first of all, first quarter data has been anonymously weak for a
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long time. we don't know why. it is a statistical problem. it tends to bounce back in the second quarter a little more. it is very weak consumer spending at 0.3%. all the consumer sentiments we have say consumers are rosy as they could possibly be. they're off the charts optimistic. they don't appear to be spending. if we're going to get the economy growing, we have to have a consumer who is more willing to part with the dollars in his or her wallet. >> while we're being devil's advocate, we had a warm february. consumer spending for the purposes of gdp does include utilities and heating. probably spent less on heating in february. to the point that, let's say, we're running at 2% gdp growth, be generous and call it 2%, to get to 3%, it's a 50% increase in the rate at which the economy grows. that is a big deal. >> there's a lot of scepticism about the 3% figure among centrist economists on both
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sides of the aisle when it comes to their polities to ever get to 3%. here's what the key is for economic growth, how many workers you have and how many hours they work, and how productive they are. not really clear that a whole lot of washington policy can do very much, certainly not in the short run, about those things. they would say, if the president can get to 2.5% growth, it would actually be a huge accomplishment. i should think there are some things we can do better with policy that would have push growth up a little bit. but it would be wrong, i would think, to set your sights on 3% growth and the revenue that would come sounds like a recipe for a bigger deficit. >> the continuing resolution that keeps congress open for another week has just passed. 382-30. steve, to what degree does -- this bit of the government dysfunction, the idea they're there to have appropriations, to pay for things, it's actually congress's only job.
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when they can't get this right, to what degree does that affect the economy? >> we have seen in the past and actually the university of chicago started to measure this. what we've seen is that when this kind of political uncertainty goes up, markets go down. you see declines in economic growth. the shutdowns and the sequesters and all this stuff that happened during the obama years had negative, measurable effects on the economy. it would be much better if congress were to understand kind of what you said, that one of the things they can provide to the economy is stability. and living continuing resolution to continuing resolution is not a way to foster stability and the important investment planning executives need to let the economy grow. >> i want to show you a shot of what we're seeing behind us. that is president trump's helicopter departing now for andrews base. he's then going to atlanta to address the national rifle association. the helicopter has just left the
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white house. steve, thanks for great analysis on that. i appreciate that. steve leeman is cnbc's senior economics reporter. great, steady head to explain these complex issues. thanks, buddy. >> thanks, ali. next, i'll talk to steve russell about the house vote to fund the government for another week. we'll be right back. like walking. hey, honey. dad, where's the car? thought we'd walk. he's counting steps. walk, move and earn money... goal! dad... hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. look at this dad, he's got some moves! money you can use on out-of-pocket medical expenses. he's ok, yeah! unitedhealthcare
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from the hill. house passed the temporary measure by a vote of 382-30, just for a week, by the way. just keeps the government going for another week. joining me now is oklahoma congressman steve russell, a member of the armed services committee. congressman, good to see you. thanks for joining us. did you vote? >> i did. i just came off the floor. >> i talked to one of your colleagues a few minute ago who voted no to the continuing resolution. not to shut the government down but to say, you guys should stay here and get this done and a one-week extension isn't really a meaningful thing for legislators to do. how do you respond? >> i think what you'll see is an administrative extension, 72 hours, seven days, things of that nature. i think most of the members are willing to grant that little bit of extepnded time. this will allow us to get to a consolidated appropriation. many of us will be against a continued resolution should it not be an administrative extension. >> got it.
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you are on the armed services committee. i want to ask about north korea. secretary of state tillerson has been at the united nations security council today urging members to tighten the financial noose on north korea. let's listen to what he had to say. >> i urge this council to act before north korea does. we must work together to adopt a new approach and increase economic pressures on the north korean regime. >> congressman, the administration is talking about more sanctions. we've had sanctions on north korea for a very, very long time. they do almost all of their trade with china. what's the difference this time? >> i think the difference you see this time is it is a collective effort. we've been very encouraged by the positive moves we've seen with china and the things they are doing and putting into place. north korea's only ally is china. at this point, it becomes somewhat of a liability. the fact that we see collective effort with the united states, with china and great many other
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nations, that's what makes this different. >> listening to rex tillerson, his comments there, made other comments on the radio saying he'd be interested in direct talks with north korea. but at the same time, president trump uttered ominous words about north korea in an interview with reuters. let's listen to those now. >> there's a chance we could end up having a major, major conflict with north korea. absolutely. >> congressman, what do you make of this? president trump talking about a major confrontation. rex tillerson talking about dialogue and sanctions. doesn't seem orderly. >> well, look, any time you get with foreign policy going in tandem with the defense posture, there ought to be a flur ry of activity. that's the norm. any diplomatic efforts we have, we want to pursue. that said, the fact that you saw the entire national security
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team briefing both the house and the senate and our key allies, and now a move to the united nations to inform the world, it shows the serious nature of what is happening. the fact you see china moving in positive directions on this issue shows just how serious it is. kim jong-un, contrary to what many believe, i don't think he is crazy, but he is a dictator that's calculated. unfortunately, dictators often miscalculate and plunge their nations into horrific civil war with great loss of life. i think the world community is trying to avoid all of that. >> congressman, thanks for joining me. great conversation with you. >> oklahoma congressman steve russell. the bottom right of your screen is joint base andrews, president trump's helicopter, marine one, just landed there. he'll get on to air force one and head to atlanta moments from now. he is heading to the national rifle association conference. there you seema rene one touching down. just saw it leave here a few minutes ago from behind me.
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president trump will be making the move between those two aircraft and heading off. we are going to be hearing from voters in battleground north carolina about president trump's first 100 days. republicans and democrats joined together in conversation about what they think is working and what isn't. i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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all right. count down to president trump's 100th day in office. we're talking to people from both sides of the aisle in the battleground state of north carolina. chris jansing has been going around the country having conversations with people. what'd you hear in north carolina? >> they're droutroubled by the divisions in the country but acknowledge them. their own beliefs are deeply held. take a listen. give me a kouchl worcouple of w describe donald trump's first 100 days? >> couple words? good. he's done important things in that he appointed the supreme court justice. that's going the have an impact for generations. >> i think if i could put the first 100 days in one word, it would be troubling. we are focusing on keeping people out of our country when that is indeed the foundation of our country, right? >> janelle? >> hopeful, actually.
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very hopeful because i think he's been very focused on america first, on american business and small businesses. >> total disappointment. as a prior and a disabled vet and a war vet, i am insulted. i know some of the bravest men in my life that were not big mouths, they were big men. talking and doing are two different things. >> how is he doing on foreign affairs? >> i think he is coming across as strong in protecting our country and people. >> i have difficulty answering that because i don't think his foreign policy is clear. i don't think he developed an effective plan in order for us to be able to come to a plausible opinion. >> i think he surrounded himself with a lot of military people in his cabinet and i think he is depending on them. i think he will be the type of president that will not tell everything we're going to do.
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>> i'm starting to see there are a lot of people nowadays who are looking for the tiniest thread to hold on to. >> do i like everything about him, no. but nobody and nothing is all good or all bad. >> this country belongs to all of us, not just a portion of us. all of us. >> i agree with that. >> me too. >> they're really struggling to find ways for it to be up less divisive. their message to the president on day 100, stop the tweeting. >> we should keep having those conversations with people across the country. we'll be right back with some of the biggest moments of trump's first 99 days in office. sure we could travel, take it easy... but we've never been the type to just sit back...
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tomorrow is president trump's 100th day in office. there have been a lot of big moments along the way. >> at number ten, congressional address success. in his first speech to a joint session of congress, president trump gets positive reviews and a 2:00 standing ovation when he recognizes the widow of navy sale ryan owens. >> his legacy it etched into eternity. thank you.
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>> number nine, alternative facts. >> you're saying it's a falsehood, and sean spicer gave alternative facts to that. >> kellyanne conway defines the white house's relationship with the truth. >> they're not alternative facts, their falsehoods. >> number eight, no handshake. angela merkel comes to washington and gets a cold shoulder. at seven, mar-a-lago again and again and again. >> everyone wants to go to the southern white house. >> today trump spend 30% of his presidency at his foreign resort inviting foreign leaders, mingling with his members -- >> he brings people down there, this is part of being president snp. >> number six, the strike on syria. >> tonight i ordered a targeted
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military air strike on the airfield from where the chemical attack was launched. >> althoughly it was a mostly symbolic strike meant to send a message to the world. >> even beautiful babies wecruey murdered. in early morning tweets, accusing president obama of snooping on trump tower calling him a bad, or sick guy, but the fbi finds no facts to back him up. >>. >> i have no information to support those tweets. >> investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the trump campaign, the russian government, and whether or not there was any coordination between the campaign and russia's efforts. >> director james comey
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confirming they are investigating the links to russia and they have been doing so since july. he testified that moscow did attempt to help trump get elected. >> we will immediately repeal and replace obama care. >> trump's first attempt is unsuccessful. the president tries to conjole and intimidate members, but it is did not help. >> we learned a lot about loyalty. >> travel ban backlash. >> it will be strict and extreme vetting. >> marking nationwide protests leveling 109 travelers left at
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airports. >> will it go to the supreme court, we will see. >> i, neil gorsuch solemnly swear -- >> and neil gorsuch thank you for for watching this hour of msnbc. you can find me on twitter, facebook, instagram, and snapchat. we continue now with andrea mitchell reports. >> right now on a special editi edition, turning up the heat on north korea. >> there is a chance that we
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could end up having a major, major conflict with north korea, absolutely. >> as young yang unleashes a propaganda video. a mixed message, under cutting the secretary of state calling for tougher economic pressure and get it to dismantle the program policefully. >> the time has come for new pressure on north korea for us to bond this dangerous path. i urge this county till to act before north korea does. >> and work life balance as he hits the 100 day mark, donald trump opens up saying he thought his new job would be easier. >> i do miss my old life. this, i like to work, so that's not a problem, but this is actually more
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