tv MSNBC Live MSNBC April 29, 2017 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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good morning from msnbc headquarters in wad. as the clock is striking 100 days to mark the first benchmark of the trump administration, the president expected to sol wroot with a rally in pennsylvania. he's making headlines with a series of new interviews including this self-assessment. >> i don't think anybody has ever done this much in 100 days.
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>> it's some of the president's other remarks geding headlines, including health care, russia and his life before entering the white house. as this as the government avoids a shutdown, but it's only for a week. what happens next? plus -- >> i'm going to end up paying more than i p in taxtion right no >> that's what the president claims ability taxes under his new proposal. will that really happen? more specifically, what about your taxes? will you pay less. north korea testing the white house with another missile launch. what happened this go-round leaves critical questions. all that right here and right now on msnbc live in washington, d.c. great to have you with me this morning. we begin with president trump on defense after the pentagon announced it's opening a formal investigation into former national security adviser for the president, michael flynn. >> i do feel badly for him. he served the country, he was a
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general. just remember he was approved by the obama administration at the highest level. when they say we didn't vet, well, obama i guess didn't vet because he was approved at the high e highest level of security by the obama administration. >> democrats are fighting back with senate minority leader chuck schumer telling cnn on friday that the investigation into flynn and other trump campaign associates is far from over. >> if the trump campaign colluded with russia, that's very, very serious stuff. there's all kinds of money trails here. we saw this with flynn, manafort probably has a money trail. i think this is going to lead to serious, serious stuff. >> all right. so another different point to talk about here today. new polling which shows just two in ten americans believe president trump is very likely to pass his health care reform bill, but number 45 says he is not worried by the polls.
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>> it took 17 months to get obamacare approved. what we're talking about is far better than obamacare. it's an incredible bill, and we have a good shot at getting it approved by the house, and i tell them, i said look,look, the hundred days, don't worry about it. you don'have t take the vote today. take it next week, two ex-three weeks. >> even though he's out of office, president obama is taking the assault on his health plan not lightly n. an event in new york on thursday, obama said the affordable care act is more popular than the current president. that current president holding a rally in harrisburg to mark his first 100 days. for more let's go to nbc's kelly o'donnell at the white house. it is day 1000. it's a day to look at the reflection of the president's record so far. let's talk about that. do you think he's going to address any of these criticisms
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tonight in harrisburg? >> reporter: thomas, i think he probably will because he loves to use critics as sort of a call and return with his audiences at rallies. a day 1000 is something the president and top advisers described in dismissive ways, an artificial standard, not really revealing about what a presidency can become. historians will acknowledge that 100 days is just a snapshot and doesn't necessarily determine the success or lack thereof of a presidency. but for donald trump, 15 weeks in office doesn't sound quite as magical as 100 days. it has been fraught with some challenges, some controversies and always the superlatives of how he describes what he has done and what he still hopes to do, saying he's been one of the mo busy and accomplished presidents early on. historians will judge that. but one of the places, thomas, where he is most comfortable is in a rally setting. we have a bit of that with his visit to the national rifle association on friday, and expect more tonight, picking
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harrisburg as the place to mark his 100th day, and expect to hear some strong words about democrats. >> reporter: despite all the attention around trump's 100 days in office, friday at the national rifle association convention, the president relished his inner candidate. >> november 8th. wasn't that a great evening? do you remember that evening? >> reporter: embraced by the nra audience, president trump jabbed at a possible 2020 opponent with his campaign trail insult of progressive senator elizabeth warren. >> no, sir, no thank you. ma'am, perhaps ma'am. it may be pocahontas, remember that. >> reporter: he used the address to the gun lobby to criticize his predecessor. >> the eight-year assault on your second amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end. >> reporter: the start of the trump administration, a mix of confidence -- >> it's a false standard, 100
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days, but i will tell you, i don't think anybody has done what we've been able to do in a hundred days. >> reporter: and controversy. after rolling out his outline for big tax cuts, the president said critics are wrong that he would benefit most. >> i'm going to end up paying more than i pay right now in taxes. i will pay more than i pay right now. the reason i'm going to pay more is because i lose all the deductions. >> reporter: of course, one of the great mysteries about what the president will or won't pay is that he does not release his tax returns. that's been the subject of on going controversy. he indicates that he would pay more because of the loss of deductions, but he and his family would also benefit from a lower rate and the elimination of the estate tax if the outline presented by the trump administration ever becomes law. we know that's a very long process, probably well into next year, but it's a snapshot of where they'd like to go. today the president will also sign an executive order when he's in pennsylvania, and this
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will have to do with starting a review of all the trade agreements. that's a first step in trying to do some of the things he said were most important to his supporters during the campaign, and that's addressing fairness for american workers by looking at trade agreements. that's how he will mark day 100. the vice president will join him in harrisburg, pennsylvania, as well. i think, thomas, we can expect there will be plenty of good red meat for conservatives who will turn out for him, review of the 100 days and i'm sure some expectations about what he still hopes to do in office, and maybe a little media bashing as well. we'll have to see how that goes. >> a cornucopia of things to follow, kelly o'donnell at the white house, thank you. happening right now, the defense department revealing where that ballistic missile test happened within north korea. it was launched a few miles north of the capital of pyongyang. this is the ninth missile test since the president took office. nbc's kelly cobiella is in
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seoul, south korea, with the latest on the story. what more do we know about the test other than it was unsuccessful? >> reporter: thomas, thi was an obvious yet another failure f north korea, but it did send a message, and the timing was very important with this. this came just a short while after the united nations -- that united nations meeting chaired by secretary of state rex tillerson on friday. and this morning we're already hearing from south korea and other allies saying this was an obvious violation of united nations resolutions. south korea saying that north korea is playing with fire in front of the world saying this is yet another display of its bill lidge reinans and recklessness. president trump tweeting, north korea disrespected the wishes of china and its highly respected president when it launched, though unsuccessfully, a missile
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today. bad. so the timing absolutely has been noticed. u.s. specific command say they detected this launch at 5:33 a.m. local time this morning. that would have been about 4:33 p.m., 4:33 in the afternoon, yesterday afternoon in new york. two military officials tell nbc news it looks as if this was a medium range ballistic missile, possibly the same kind test launched a couple times earlier this month. both of those tests failed. this missile flew for a couple of minutes, these officials say, and they say then broke up in mid air about 20 miles from the launch site. so far no comment whatsoever from north korea on this failed launch. thomas? >> our kelly koeb area reporting in seoul, south korea. thank you. back here at home and the plans for the president's tax cut, treasury secretary steve mnuchin said the goal is creating jobs and firming up
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economic growth. it features a dramatic slash in the corporate tax rate to 15%. feta brackets for individual filers and repealing alternative minimum and estate taxes on the wealthy. some analysts calculated that trump would kben fit from those repeals having paid $38 million in alternative minimum tax in 2005. here is what he had to say about that in a most recent interview. >> i'm going to end up paying more than i pay right now in taxes. i will pay more than i pay right now. the reason i'm going to pay more is because i lose all the deductions. they have deductions on top of deductions. they have hundreds and hundreds of pages -- >> joining me now issian niche alcindor and katherine rampell. katherine, nice to have tv time with you. let's talk about the tax plan.
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you wrote it's full of dumb ideas. first, really what's your opinion. break it down. why do you think these ideas are not the smartest for most americans? >> look, there are a lot of problems with this plan, to the extent you can call it a plan. it's really a few bullet points with a lot of details missing. but basically it's going to be very costly. it will have to be deficit financed, so stimulus when unemployment is at 4.5%. thers a lot of things in this plan that don't quite make sense like the pledge to eliminate tax breaks that favor the wealthy followed by several bullet points of things that help the wealthy including repealing the estate tax, as you mentioned. the thing i think is most destructive in this plan is actually a proposal to lower pass-through -- the rate of taxes on pass-through income which is basically like
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partnerships, sole proprietorships. the reason this is a problem is it creates a huge incentive for high-wage workers to basically incorporate themselves because it would have the highest -- >> llc. >> yes, a self-llc, because the highest tax rate for the individual income tax will be under his plan 35%. but if you're a company, if you can call yourself a company, it's 15%. this is going to lead to a huge tax sheltering bonanza. we saw something very similar happen in kansas where you had zero percent tax rates for pass-through entities. lots of workers started calling themselves companies and basically dodging taxes and putting a huge hole in the budget there. >> a crafty way for people to get big fat paychecks to avoid having to kick in what they're supposed to to the federal government based on what the rates are currently.
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mich the committee for responble federal budgets, a bipartisan group, they estimate the tax cut would reduce revenue by roughly $3 to $7 trillion over the next decade. where we stand right now as a nation, how do we afford that? >> that's a big question the president is going to have to answer. i think that's why in some ways this was such a vague tax plan. they realize they'll have to go into intense negotiations with congress. this is the moment of reckoning for fiscally conservative republicans. for years and years they talked about the fact that they don't want to add to the deficit and they're very much into saving the government money and trying to really have us almost be bound with the budget, even though it's very far from doing that. now they would have to endorse a plan that almost every single bipartisan or even partisan groups say would add to the deficit. while the president says we would make up with this with growth, people who worked for the reagan administration, the
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bush administration, all of them say that's simply not going to happen. >> when we think about the overview of what the trump administration would like to get done, katherine, and the lingo being used about reform, do you think reform can really happen? specifically right now we're just talking about cuts. reform is a much deeper, complex push at trying to do something with the way our tax system currently exists. >> right. tax reform is very challenging because reform means broadening the base. it means getting rid of lots of loopholes, deductions, credits, each and every one of which has a constituency that benefits from it. if you reform the tax code, that means you lower rates, but you get rid of these basic carve-outs all over the place. they're going to face a lot of political opposition to do. it's much easier to just cut tax rates and say, okay, we're not going to challenge all these interest groups that benefit
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from various kinds of deductions. of course, the problem with that plan, as we've discussed, is that, if you only cut taxes and don't do actual reform, you end up costing a lot of money which means not only are you going to face opposition potentially from fiscal conservatives, but also you may not be able to get this plan through because of complicated senate rules. basically you can't increase deficits beyond the ten-year budget window, so you have to do reform or you have to sunset the plan. >> when it comes to the cuts, yamiche, republicans will say we're going to give cuts to these big dogs because they're the job creators, they're going to get more people working that will then pay into the tax system, and that broadens the base of revenue collection. is that true? >> it's really tough to say if that's true. a lot of people that i've talked to, including i would say bipartisan groups say private citizens are not going to fix the deficit problem, even if you give businesses and people that are doctors who then turn themselves into companies so
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they can get a better tax cut, that doctor isn't going to somehow upstart the economy. i was in ohio for three days with dr. ben carson, secretary of hud, and he was out there saying something very similar, saying the rich are really going to be what supplements these cuts to hud. the idea is while the government pulls back, that somehow individuals in good faith and th amecan will is going to somehow jump start the economy and also going to help low income people get affordable housing. really most people say that's really -- it's an argument that's really hard to make and an argument that isn't logical because the federal government is going to be the place where people are going to be looking for to fund the big dollar things, and private individuals aren't going to somehow jump start the economy. >> yamiche and catherine, great to see you both. thank you for your time. >> thank you. what are voters saying after 100 days of trump? the surprise answer from several in a state that voted for the
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welcome back everybody. it is the 100th day for the trump administration. we're live from washington where i'm reporting. with no major legislative wins to his name, are trump supporters still on board for what this administration and what this president represents? i want to bring in elise jordan msnbc analyst and columnist for "time." you've been in texas, talking with voters from across the spectrum, what is the reaction from trump supporters specifically to how he's done so far at the 100-day mark? >> i went down to tks twks lord ashcroft polls, a british polling outfit.
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we went down to see what trump supporters and what hillary clinton supporters felt coming up on this 100-day mark. we went to san antonio and hughes toond met with those from all political persuasions. trump supporters are enthused, excited and engaged and feel this president is delivering on the promises he made. they believe he already is making the country great again and he's increasing jobs and they like his recent strike in syria, it was very popular. >> perception is reality. yes, he may have gotten a pop out of what happened in syria, but as we think about what's happened here in d.c. and legislative accomplishments, they've been really hard, the approval rating for trump as we look at that, we've talked -- he's basically the lowest approved president in modern history at this point. since he was sworn in, he's never really come above 45%, never fallen below 35%. trump basically falls within
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that same range in the campaign, yet we hear him say just yesterday at the speech at the nra, he went over the electoral college map and talking about how he was able to win states that did not typically turn red before. in speaking to these supporters, do they think trump is ready for prime time and that he's doing a good job or that there is a problem within his administration, the people he is surrounding himself with and they can't get things through congress, i mean can't get things through the house and onto the senate? >> this is a division between trump supporters and even trump opponents. people cannot decide if he has a plan, if he has some master plan and master strategy and he's this brilliant tactician or if he really is making it up on the fly. you know, that is something that really is quite a sticking point. people just can't figure out, is
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he -- among opponents they're asking is he crazy or crazy like a fox? the one trait that all the voters i talked to -- this was surprising because it really was the one universal pick that people agreeupon. they really are ready for this president to stop twting. even trump supporters feel the tweets are destabilizing, especially when it comes to foreign policy, and they would like to see him put down his twitter and to not be tweeting all the time. >> isn't that so funny, to think about -- it's a great social media tool, but i guess the juvenile aspect that it casts on the president, that people think this is a bad reflection on the way he communicates the things that he says about really important issues. certainly what we have going on in the world right now with north korea and other hot spots. was there a point, though, that -- for the supporters any way that would be a bridge too far if the president is not
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delivering, say, on the economy, for example? >> i think if we did happen to go into another recession, certainly that would lessen trump's support probably. really you see his supporters digging in and doubling down on their support for president trump. there is such a sense of persecution from the media and from elites who judge them for voting and supporting president trump that now there's really a sense of validation that their guys in office, they're sticking by him, they're going to give him a chance. he's in a new position. he's not a politician. so they understand and are giving him space. they believe there is a necessary learning curve. they just want to give him time tosucceed. so i think that -- i do not see their support dampening any time in the near future. >> clinton supporters that you spoke to, were they able to talk on this topic without expletives
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and talk in ways that was intellectually honest about what they feel with this president or was it just they're damn mad? >> a pretty striking contrast between two sets of voters. it it's 'em mat tick, clinton supporters, i was surprised in how they did concede in that hillary clinton was not the ideal candidate. they feel perhaps bernie sanders would have faired better against donald trump. they admit -- they ready admit she had a lot of flaws and shortcomings. but at the same time they're having such a hard time dealing with president trump's win because of the assumption there was interference by the russians on donald trump's behalf, and they do not see any ang by congress or the president to address what happened with the russian interference in the f l fall.
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of course, trump supporters dismiss russian interference as fake news. >> that is interesting, the divide right there. elise, good to have you back from texas, thank you for the perspective. >> thank you. in the past 100 day, thousands of marches- excuse me -- hundreds of marches, now we have thousands showing up specifically for climate change. here is a live look at what is taking place in washington, d.c. on the mall. you'll hear why some think the march today is really going to make a difference for our planet.
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hi everybody, welcome back. i'm thomas roberts at our msnbc bureau in washington, d.c. this, as we report and mark the 100th day of president trump, his administration. this is what we're watching for you, something right here, tens of thousands of people in d.c. about to brave sweltering heat and potential thunderstorms in protest of president trump's actions on climate change or
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lack thereof actions. the people's climate march kicking off in d.c. in a couple hours. people already out in the streets in force. they're organizing dozens of marches across the country, and the world for that matter. nbc's anthony terrell is in d.c. and joins usow. hait gotten busier? we know there are high profile folks like the former vice president showing up today. >> reporter: that's right, thomas. more and more elected officials are showing up as well as more marchers, you have scientists, environmentalists, children, and you also have organizations like the league of conservation voters. i have somebody from this organization who directs policy and lobbying efforts. we've seen many marches, one last weekend. what happens after this march? >> the people's climate march is such an important opportunity for people to make their voice heard but also just the beginning. people need to go home, call their member of congress, write to them, show um in their office
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and tell them they marched for climate justice and they expect them to stand up to donald trump and act on climate. >> reporter: trump's first 100 days here, how is it different than the previous eight years under president obama. >> we've seen an unbelievable outpouring to what trump is doing. our members are fired up, people are fired up. donald trump has been the most anti environmental, anti public health president we've seen. the league gave him an f for his first 100 days. we want to make sure this carries through to election day. people who live in new jersey and virginia, 2018 a huge opportunity to vote for climate champions. >> thank you very much. we'rwaing for elected officials to address the crowd. then we'll march down pennsylvania avenue and surround the white house and send a message to president trump. at the end, the washington monument over my shoulder is
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going to be rallies, songs and some art as well. >> weatherwise it's warm right now. thunderstorms are expect ed. >> people are bringing ponchos as well. 90-plus degrees. the hottest temperature in this region was 91 degrees in 1974. we may be reaching that, thomas. >> stay dry. hopefully it will help the people overheated a little bit. we'll check back with you later in the day. nbc's anthony terrell. questions about nepotism aren't going away 100 days into this administration, actually they're growing. we'll look at that and the doubts from folks about how donald trump has surrounded himself with family influencers in the oval office.
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protests from opponents and since taking office back in january, trump relied heavily on executive orders for his agenda with no major legislative victories. i want to bring in eddie glaude from the center for african-american studies. he's also the author of "exodus." we know after the election you said trump needed to rejune nye the country after the, quote, unleashing of ugliness during this election. do you think we've made any advances under president trump, or is this still an us against them mentality currently? >> well, i think it's reasonable to conclude that he hasaid by any measure to unify the country. i think there are legitimate reasons out there to be concerned about his ideology, the interesting that drive his understanding of governance, his
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unpredictability, not only across the world with regards to north korea, trade policies with regards to mexico and canada but also domestically. when we look at the tax plan or the bullet points, however we want to describe it, this will disproportionately affect the wealthy. when we think about health care -- i mean across the board. there's still the ugliness. recently he referred to senator elizabeth warren as pocahontas. >> that was yesterday. >> yesterday. there's nothing about the first 100 days to suggest he's interested in governing the entire country. he seems to be interested in what donald trump is interested in. >> does the left have an interest in unifying? most of the folks i've had on this morning that are left leaning or progressives, and i've asked them for a reflection of what is a positive thing that president trump has done, they all say fired up democrats. they don't give him any type of praise for a single thing he's
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done for the entire country, for america, or even a nod of something abroad. it's basically the fact they have been given a purpose. democrats are focused. >> i'm not a partisan in terms of the democratic party. i'm to the left of most of the leadership of the party. it is true that i think donald trump has excited the base, everyday ordinary mayor kangs are engaged in the political process in ways i haven't seen in my lifetime, in some ways since i was a young man back in the reagan years. i think it's very important, thomas, that we have to ask ourselves the question what does it mean to support donald trump? what does it mean for us to wish that he is successful? i don't want him to be successful with regards to health care. i don't want him to be successful with regards to immigration policy, i don't want him successful in deconstructing the administrative state. what i'm more interested in --
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donald trump was elected as someone who would in some ways transform the circumstances of everyday ordinary working people, folks out there busting their behind, trying daily to make ends meet. so we can look at all the other stuff he's doing. what we need to ask ourselves is has he improved the circumstances of every day working people, those folks who are getting up every day, working eight hours, 12 hours a day, 40 hours, 60 hours a week trying to pay their mortgage, trying to put food on the table, has he improved their circumstances? what we see by any measure, and i'm a professor, so this is the first part of the marking period. what we see is he's not doing too well. >> when we think about yesterday and that speech that donald trump gave in georgia to the nra, basically he was looking ahead, not just talking about what was accomplished so far to this point, but looking ahead to 2020 and to your point about the clip about elizabeth warren,
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take a listen. >> i have a feeling in the next election you're going to be swamped with candidates, but not going to be wasting your time. you'll have plenty of those democrats coming over and you're going to say no, sir, no thank you -- no, ma'am, perhaps ma'am. it may be pocahontas. remember that. >> this was donald trump at an nra event, the pro-gun group calling elizabeth warren pocahontas, native americans. this would be like going to a pro smallpox rally and being really happy. when we think about the language that needs to happen and that we look for from a president, there's some people that say this wills the new normal, other people say we don't have to accept the new normal. where do you fall? >> i think it reveals his character. one of the things we work hard at doing is not to generalize from a person's posion t a
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conclusion that they're not jus a decent human being, that they're decent. i think there's enough evidence out there to suggest that there are noxious views that an mate donald trump's understanding of the world. here is one clear example. it is beyond the pale that the president of the, quote, unquote, free world can say to a sitting senator that she is pocahontas, can refer to her in that way. i think it belittled not only trump, but it also belittled the office of the presidency. i think over these last hundred days, what we have witnessed, not simply in this instance, thomas, but across the -- since he's been elected, since january, that in some ways we have chosen someone to lead the country who i think falls short by every measure, by every measure. >> if the joke didn't play, trump wouldn't use it. the audience basically also has some fault there.
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>> right. in other words, trump is just simply an exaggerated indication of the rot that's in us. >> when we think about the administration and the folks that donald trump has surrounded himself with. of course there are family members with jared kushner and ivanka trump, going on the white house roster as an assistant to the president. it's an unpaid role but she gets a paid chief of staff and other staffers. recently she appeared the women's 20 summit in germany. other powerful world leaders were there like christine lagarde and angela merkel. do you think there is a problem with nepotism and there is no way to currently solve it because this administration has found the loophole to put these people within spitting distance of the oval office? >> it's such a problem. i mean when you look at lagarde and you look at merkel and think of all the things they've done,
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whether you agree with them or not, you know they've earned their position to be there, that they've done the work. they've run up against patriarchy, fought sexism and reached the pinnacle of their careers and earned that position. then you see ivanka trump there and you say why? what experience does she bring to the table? and i think this has something to do with this, a long-standing myth in this country that meritocracy is the order of the day, you work hard, do the work you're supposed to do and earn your position. what we've seen since trump has been elected is that's not the case. you're born with money, you can buy your way into positions and then you can appoint the people that you're close to, and in some ways you may even rob the coffers blind. i think to have jared kushner and ivanka trump sitting with lagarde and merkel, traveling and doing all these things, i don't know what warrants them being in these positions? what is their experience and why
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should we trust them there? that's a question we need to ask. whatever good follows nepotism, it's still nepotism. nepotism to my mind isn't a good thing. >> we know president obama caught flak for having his mother-in-law there for her in the white house taking care of the girls, also getting plum ambassador assignments. >> the swamp is the swamp no matter who occupies it. >> it's super swampy right now, a muggy 90 degrees here in washington, d.c. eddie glaude, thank you, sir. >> thank you. on the job, new reaction to the president's assessment of being in the white house and how it compares to his old life. big differences here coming up next on "am joy." actor rob reiner and others grade the president so fare as commander-in-chi
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russia's story was made up because they were embarrassed by their loss. think had this tremendous loss, like nobody's ever seen before. >> president trump in a brand new interview downplaying the current russia investigation. and that comment comes less than 48 hours after the pentagon launched an investigation into former national security adviser michael flynn for any type of alleged russian ties and compromised behavior for accepting foreign payments as a foreign agent. joining me is jillian melcher, political editor at heat street and senior fellow at the independent women's independent forum a daily beast coluist.
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jonathan, there could be an element of revenge in the russia probe as the president says. at the very least he's able to kind of push people in another direction while that investigation goes on. but is he right that there's a type of revenge aspect in all of this? >> no, i don't think so. there are very, very troubling indications of efforts by the russians to sbauk our presidential election. whether they had the influence on the outcome is debatable, but even the attempt to do so is a huge story, not trumped up as revenge for a loss. and you know, this was a big story even before the election, and if it turns out that there was any kind of collusion with trump forces it will, of course, be even a hajjer story. >> jillian, what do you make of
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the fact that the white house is downplaying its own poor vet of michael flynn kicking it back to the obama administration when let's just remind everybody, 2014, president obama fired flynn and flynn then became just a more outspoken critic of the president. that's the only reason why donald trump was tracted to him in the first place was that he was a critic of president obama. >> yeah, well, i think the collusion question is key here. it's the key question. but i think trump kind of opened himself up to it. it's not just with flynn, look at paul man for the who i kind contemptible. if he advised yanukovych in you crane. i met people in the square while he was shooting at them firing into it. that's the kind of person that manafort allied himself with. at minimum, this is poor judgment and consequences of poor judgment when you surround yourself with people like that. >> a lot of people have questions about this and it only
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puts pssure on president trump who havi somrowing pains taking on his new role. and did he admit in a different interview just recently as he looked over the past 100 days he misses his old life. take a listen. >> i loved my previous life. i loved my previous life. had i so many things going. i -- i actually, this is more work than in my previous life. i thought it would be easier. i thought it was more of a -- i'm a details oriented person, i think you would say that. but i do miss my old life. this, i like to work so that's not a problem. but this is actually more work. >> all right. so jillian, let employee ask you first. a lot of people will be infuriated by certain statements there. some people will think that's refreshingly honest. >> yeah. >> truthfully, all presidents miss their former lives. he certainly had no idea what he was getting into but what is your take on that statement.
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>> first of all, it cracks me up. i didn't know that backhanded humor was a thing. this is an admission of humility and the challenges of the office. that's a really positive thing for trump. we're certainly seeing him changing his opinion on some things, letting the realities of the office shape his policy and i view that as unequivocally positive. >> jonathan, do you feel the same way? i mean, obviously he gets to insert his old life at mar-a-lago and some other trump joints as much ase can. what do you make of that honesty? >> i'm not willing, unlike jillian, to put drt and humility in the same sentence at least not gualeet she said that's the closest thing we've gotten to some type of hubris. i don't think it was categorized as trump humility. >> point taken. so trump came in saying during the campaign i alone can do this. that was his line at the convention. and then he said you're going to
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get so tired of winning, you won't even believe it. we're going to just win, win, win, and i'm going to do a, b, c, d, e, f, g, on my first day in office and didn't do any of them. and he found out health care was actually a complicated subject. who knew? so this is kind of in the department of pathetic that he actually thought that being president of the united states was going to be an easier job than slapping his name on buildings. >> well, he came in trying to be the disruptor and reorganize things. so reorganization of d.c. is a little bit tough. great to see you. that's going to do it for me. coming up next, new details on the investigation into former trump national security adviser michael flynn. i'm thomas roberts. great to have you with me. i'll see you tomorrow right here 9:00 a.m. eastern.
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