tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 2, 2017 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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congressman jim renacci for his take. airline leaders on the hill testifying about customer rights and service. how the industry is handling its baggage. good morning, everyone. great to be back this hour. i'm stephanie ruhle, sitting in our headquarters in new york. we have to begin this hour with fiery new rhetoric today from north korea. state media there is accusing the u.s. of, quote, pushing the situation on the korean peninsula closer to the brink -- are you listening -- of nuclear war. that as a controversial u.s.-missile system becomes live in south korea. all of this after president trump opened the door to a possible future meeting with north korea's leader, kim jong-un. >> if it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, i would
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absolutely. i would be honored to do it. >> we're going to break this sucker down. we have all of this covered with our nbc correspondents at the white house and around the world. i want to take you first to the korean peninsula where kelly cobiella is in seoul standing by. kelly, i want to slow this thing down. north korea is issuing new threats, saying there is a, quote, reduce the whole of the u.s. mainland to ruins. that's what they could potentially do. reduce the u.s. to ruins. >> yeah. new rhetoric, intense rhetoric from north korea today. there are a couple of reasons for that. north korea, in fact, today, stephanie, interestingly, saying that the u.s. is being rhetoric. here's their problem. first of all, it is this anti-nuclear -- sorry -- anti-missile defense system in south korea, which has now gone operational, according to the u.s. military. they say that it can now shoot
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down a -- or intercept a north korean missile. the other thing that has them angry today are these continued u.s. military drills with allies, south korea and japan. the annual exercises actually ended on sunday, but the u.s. military still pretty active here. in fact, yesterday, they sent twoombers over the korean peninsula. and this really, really angered the north koreans. the u.s. military says, look, this is a routine military exercise. it's not directed at any one country. the south koreans counteracted that today and said, actually, it's a deterrent to north korea. and it is a response to the threat of north korea's continuing of their nuclear and missile programs. so this is really irked the north koreans today. they are lashing out about it. >> we know there has been huge reaction here to president trump saying he'd be honored to meet
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with kim jong-un. what's the reaction over there? >> no reaction at all from the north koreans. they're not talking about it. we know they haven't been open to dialogue, certainly since president trump took office. they fired off a number of missile tests since he took office. no reaction there. the south koreans are actually being pretty quiet, too. no official statement at all from them. this does sort of play into this mindset that picks up steam here, that they're getting confused messages from the administration. yesterday, a lot of the local papers, there's a lot of talk of this, of the risk of trump. the fact that with a he says and what he means may not be the same thing. confused messages. worries about is this a military buildup, a policy of containment and isolation, or is it reaching out to north korea? a confused message on the part of the south koreans. >> thanks, kelly, in seoul,
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south korea. i want to move to the white house where peter alexander stands by. foreign policy experts have been shocked in the last 24 hours, hearing president trump say he'd be honored to meet with kim jong-un. the white house, among down playing lots of things, are trying to down play this. can they? >> the bottom line here, stephanie, is that the president believes his deal making skills would even apply to those conversations and deals to be made with the decembnorth korea. sean spicer tried to clarify the comments, saying the meeting, if there were to be a meeting, would only happen under certain conditions that had to exist right now. most notably, north korea curtailing its provocative behavior in that region. obviously, we haven't seen any curtailment lately. most notably, the fact there was another ballistic missile test within the last week. so the white house trying to suggest that this was his willingness to have
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conversations like that, but only under different circumstances. they point to the president saying this would only happen under the right circumstances. nonetheless, it has a lot of people, including john mccain, a republican leader on the hill, saying there is no reason to grant legitimacy to some of the world's worst actors. >> an actor that president trump also called a smart cookie. again, it might be negotiating tactics. president trump is also going to have a phone call in an hour and a half with vladimir putin. do we have any idea what they'll be talking about? >> we reached out to the white house. the conversation will likely include the topic os of syria, the war against isis, certainly north korea, you'd expect, to be an issue the two men would discuss, as well. this is notable. it is the third time that president trump has had a conversation with russian president vladimir putin since president trump took office here. it is also notably the first time the two have spoken since president trump said in a news conference not long ago that the
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relationship between the two countries reached an all-time low. also the first time the two of them have talked since the air strikes in syria where the president basically directed accusations at russia, saying in effect they were not doing enough and they were supporting syria's role in this civil war. >> all right. thanks, peter. you have a lot of work to do today. you better rest up before the press conference. i know sean spicer is psyched to see you. joining me now, former spokesperson for the u.s. mission to the u.n. during the obama administration. and former eer ambassador sama power. and former staff director for the house intelligence committee, michael allen. president trump, some of his advisers have said obama, his strategy didn't work as it relates to some foreign leaders, some foreign aersaries so, yes, the president has been silent as far as speaking out against some of these other human rights violators, but it
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is part of his strategy. obama strategy didn't work. >> regarding north korea, you know, the obama strategy didn't work, right? it was this strategic patience, if you will. the idea was to ramp up sanctions slowly. but i don't think that the obama administration was particularly looking for something very heated with north korea, very intense. they were much more know kfocus iran. there are examples from the iran play pobook the trump administration could deploy vees a -- vis-a-vis iran. >> like what? >> two kinds of sanctions. the oil sanctions and secondary sanctions, which are sanctions placed against financial institutions that do business with entities that are already sanctioned by the u.s. government. the obama administration didn't want to pursue that because they were concerned about upsetting and undermining the relationship with china. however, a chinese bank did do
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business with iran and was targeted for secondary sanctions and the chinese government was incredibly cooperative. >> michael, you want to weigh in here? president trump fancies himself a faster dpoesht eer negotiato. he thinks he can handle guys like putin, duterte, kim jong n jong-un. >> it was classic trump to say i am a people person, of course i'll get in the room with him and try to make good. but, look, this is never going to happen. too many things have to happen for these two leaders to be able to meet. i was a little disappointed by this digression because, i mean, i agree, the thing we need to do going forward is put north korea in severe financial isolation like the bush and obama administrations did against iran. we have to induce the world to isolate them financially. not only by barring and/or sanctioning chinese banks who
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seem to do business in the united states, if they're also doing business with north korea, but also we have to run a multi-year information and intelligence effort to identify the right banks and the right money laundering nodes so we can put them out of business. i think that's the only way at this late stage we're going to get some of the cooperation out of a north korean regime. >> given what an impact that would have on china or china's involvement here, do you think trump is going to do anything like that, hagar? >> i do. i think there is a lot of room left to sanction north korea. even cuba is more sanctioned than north korea is. in fact, there's an example that dates all the way back to 2005. proving that north korea is susceptible to sanctions. the treasury department back then placed financial measures against a bank that was facilitating transactions for the north korean regime.
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the authorities took the bank over and froze $25 million of north korean regime assets, which is not a lot in the world of proliferation financing. when the six-party talks took place a year later under the bush administration, the one piece that the north koreans were insistent on was the lifting of financial measures against that bank. it affected them. it affected their ability to move transactions internationally. they really didn't like it. ultimately, it became part of the agreement. so i think they're susceptible and i think secretary of state tillerson made it clear in his statement at the u.n. security council on friday that the administration would purr sisue additional sanctions and want everybody along for the ride. >> are we overplaying how offensive or inappropriate it is for president trump to say he'd be honored to meet with kim jong-un? are we splitting hairs here? is there an argument to be made, that he'd be honored to represent the united states? i mean, he is in a very, very difficult position.
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are we being more critical than we need to be in a situation that no one else has been able to solve? >> yeah, maybe a little bit. look, it definitely raises eyebrows and definitely is worthy of conversation, but, look, i think the main point, the main thing trump should be credited with, and we've talked about this in the bush and obama administrations for -- and even back to clinton, is that we have got to put north korea as the number one issue in our bilateral relationship with china. i really don't think it's been the number one issue for obama, for bush or even back to president clinton. if the north koreans are fearful that the chinese are going to cooperate with us to sanction banks and to cut off their access to the international financial system, you might finally see some north korean cooperation. it's not that it's not without risk. there may be risk attended to this, but this is an idea whose
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time has come. this is an issue that we cannot avoid anymore due to their progress. so rev got to get moving quickly on a financial isolation program. >> as george w bush said, this is not the time for strategic patience. hagar and michael, thank you so much. i want to share a bit of news that europe doesn't like to hear. the state department issued a travel alert for americans anywhere in europe just ahead of the summer travel season. this would be a huge blow to the european economy. the alert warns u.s. citizens of an ongoing threat of terrorist attacks on the continent, saying extremists could strike at any time with little or no warning. you remember the attack in nice last summer. the state department says travelers should be vigilant at crowded locations like tourist hot spots, travel hubs, hotels and high-profile events. the alert cites recent attacks by isis and al qaeda but does not mention any specific intelligence suggesting an attack in the future. americans are urged to check
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american embassies for security updates. next, a new report says president trump's son-in-law and most senior adviser, jared kushner, did not disclose significant business ties. did he violate rules? i'll be speaking live to the reporter who broke the story. plus, republicans have no margin of error in a revived push for health care. where the boat stands right now and why the momentum appears to be going in a wrong direction for the gop. and the sticking point in the health care legislation, preexisting conditions. what the gop bill really says about the issue and how people with preexisting conditions could be priced out of proper care. just because you have access doesn't mean you can afford it. that topic last night bringing late night host jimmy kimmel to a very personal story and to tears. >> before 2014, if you were born with congenital heart disease like my son was, there was a good chance you'd never be able
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to get health insurance because you had a preexisting condition. if your baby is going to die and doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make. you seek audience. yes, wise man. i'm confident in my credit score... just not about protecting it. confidence is a state of mind. find it in the free creditwise app from capital one. by providing your credit report, and alerts to changes, creditwise can give you credit....wiseness. if that's all, i'd like to get back to my chai tea. don't you mean tai chi? you tell me, greg. you tell me. what's in your wallet?
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talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ hey you've gotta see this. cno.n. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it's going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i'm gonna just go back to doing what i was doing.
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bill up to 21. 16 are still undecided. a short time ago, gop leaders tried to reassure those concerned about the main sticking point, coverage for people with preexisting conditions. >> the purpose of our bill is to get more choices, to lower prices while preserving the protections for preexisting conditions. so that is a very important thing. we're excited about this policy. we're making very good progress with our members and our president has been instrumental in that. >> nbc's mike joins me from the hill. president trump is indicating even he is not on board with the plan. what is the latest? >> you know, it really makes it tough on gop leaders here. evidently, they're going backwards in this vote count here, trying to pass, trying to get a victory from what was a defeat, of course, back in march, having to pull that bill from the floor. actually, never making it to the floor. they made tweaks here and adjustments. conservatives are happy, or
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happier than they were. it's moderates they're having a problem here. you mentioned fred upton, a senior member, influential member from the western part of michigan along the shores of lake michigan. he announcing today on local radio he's not voting for it, as well. meanwhile, president trump, as vice president pence was up here yesterday, as leadership was huddled behind closed doors, president trump in an interview with bloomberg news made their lives more difficult. he said essentially that the bill -- we'll read it. i want it to be good for sick people. it's not in its final form right now. he said during an oval office interview monday with bloomberg news. it will be every bit as good on preexisting conditions as obamacare. the key phrase there, not in its final form. the trouble with that is leadership is trying to get republican members -- there are no democrats voting for this -- to walk the plank essentially, to vote for a bill they know is going to be changed radically if
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brought up at all in the senate. so they're going to stick their neck it out, go out on a limb to mix metaphors and may not see any political gain from this at all. meanwhile, the most controversial provision is the preexisting conditions. republicans essentially in order to mull fi conservatives, said the states can apply for a waiver to the federal government so they don't have to follow federal guidelines in allowing those with preexisting conditions to get health insurance. critics say it'll raise the premiums to a cost that's astronomic astronomical. >> we need to point out, tates may be able to apply for the waiver but applications may be denied. to president trump's quote, where he said, sick people are going to be taken care of, the new plan in its final form will be every bit as good as obamacare, we need to point out in its form right now, it is not every bit as good for people with preexisting conditions. thank you, michael.
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mike joining us from the hill. we're going to take a break. next, united ceo oscar munoz testifies on the hill about customer service after the video showing a passenger being dragged off a flight that caused a public relations disaster. what legislators want to do to protect your rights as a passenger. interesting. we're now in an administration focusing on deregulation. police are changing their story in the shooting death of a 15-year-old african-american teenager in texas. we'll have both versions and an update on the investigation.
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welcome back. you're watching msnbc. we've got breaking news. the former south carolina police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man two years ago has reportedly reached a plea deal a week before his federal civil rights trial was set to begin. video from april 2015 shows officer michael shooting walter scott at least five times in the back as scott ran from the officer. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams is live in d.c. with more. what can you tell us? >> this is going to be a significant thing if it happens
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according to the initial plan by the lawyers here, what they say is michael slager will agree to plead guilty to some of the federal civil rights charges that were filed against him the last year, and that this will resolve not only the federal case but also will prevent the state from seeking to try him again. he was tried for murder on state charges but the jury couldn't reach agreement on a verdict in december, so a mistrial was declared. the state had said it was going to try to prosecute him again on murder or manslaughter charges. now, apparently, that's not going to happen as part ofhis umbrella plea agreement. so when he comes to court this afternoon at 2:30, according to legal officials who are familiar with the proposed agreement here, he will plead guilty to some of the remaining federal civil rights charges. now, those could be serious because when the federal charges were filed last year, the civil rights charges, at least on two of the counts, it could result in life in prison. but presumably, the sentence
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will be shorter than that, or there would be no motivation to agree to a plea here. so we should know exactly how it works when he comes to court this afternoon at 2:30. this is a good example of why the federal government steps into these cases. the state had already filed its charges. last year, about a year ago, the federal government filed its own separate federal civil rights charges. that case remained in the background. that's a typical strategy the federal government follows in these cases, stephanie. you have the federal case as a sort of a back burner case that could be used if something happens and state case collapses. that's what happened here. so it looks like this will all be resolved here and we'll know in a couple of hours what he'll plead guilty to. we won't know for several more months what the sentence is. >> thanks. peter williams. and classes are scheduled to resume this morning at the university of texas austin following a deadly stabbing spree. that tops our stories where we
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get a look around the news nation. police say 21-year-old white began attacking people with a large hunting knife in broad daylight yesterday. 19-year-old harrison brown was killed. three others were injured. white is in custody as investigators work to determine his motive. in a reversal from a texas police department after one of its officers shot and killed a 15-year-old boy. the police chief admits an officer fired as a car that was driving away, not toward him. the chief says police video contradicts what officials originally claimed. 15-year-old jordan edwards was killed inside the car with four teens leaving a house party. officers arrived to investigate a complaint of underage drinking before the shooting. the officer is on administrative duty as the department investigates. my heart goes out to that family. numerous may day labor righ rallies were relatively
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peacef across the country and the world but some turned violent in the west. in portland, oregon, police arrested more than two dozen people on what officials call a riot. officials say protesters threw smoke bombs, molotov cocktails and other things at police. another riot occurred after protesters smashed windows. nine people were arrested. this morning, your favorite tv shows will remain on the air after a strike by the writers guild was averted. negotiations between the guild and studios continued past midnight until a new three-year deal was reached. the deal is expected to include wage increases. this morning, the ceo of united airlines apologized again, this time to congress during his testimony about the violent removal of a passenger from a united flight. the video showing officers dragging dr. david dao went viral and sparked global
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outrage. today, lawmakers demanded answers from the ceo. >> i'd like to again apologize to dr. dao, to his family, to every person on that flight. further, i'm personally sorry for the fact that my immediate response and the response of our airline was inadequate to that moment. no customer, no individual should ever be treated the way mr. dao was. as ceo at the end of the day, that is on me. >> munoz told the house transportation committee his airline will do better. united has already changed policies on how it deals with customers and deals with overbooking. president trump is insisting the gop health care plan will include coverage for people with preexisting conditions. here's what he said on sunday. >> one of the things discussed, preexisting was optional for the states. >> in one of the fixes. they're changing it. >> not permanent. >> of course. >> it's in development, sir.
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it is going to be preexisting for everybody -- >> this has evolved over a period of three or four weeks. now, we really have a good bill. i think they could have voted on friday. i said just relax. don't worry about this phony 100-day thing. >> i'm going to get some perspective on this now from capitol hill. republican congressman jim renacci of ohio joins me now. he serves on the budget and house ways and means committees. congressman, you supported the bill in its original form. you're supporting it again. why do you think other republicans of the gop are not? >> well, first off, obamacare, the affordable care act will not be able to continue to move forward. we're already seeing collapses and exchanges. we have to do something. >> put that aside, this specific bill at hand, why are you supporting it and others are not? what's the sticking point for others? >> well, i'm not sure. you'll have to talk to them. i know as i looked at this bill, this gets us back to a point where we can start to repeal and
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repair the affordable care act. it is a starting point, not a finishing point. it is a beginning, not an end. >> but how do people vote blind faith on a starting point? you don't have a cbo score. >> well, it is a process. look, we know it is going to pass out of the house at some point in time and go to the senate, come back to the house and the senate. there are opportunities to change it, amend it, fix it, get it better. but if the process just stalls, nothing gets done. i'm a big believer we have to follow a process. i want to see it get out of the house. it has a lot of good provisions. it's not the most perfect bill, but nothing is going to be perfect. let's move it forward. let's get it to the senate. let's let the senate change some things which they are going to do. before we finish and vote for the bill, the final bill will have all the information. >> help me understand though, why not make it better now? if you're talking to your kids, you'd say, put your very best foot forward. when we think about sick people, the president said in his remarks on sunday, for people with preexisting conditions, this bill, this plan will take
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care of people every bit as well as obamacare did. for people with preexisting conditions, that's not the case as it stands. >> well, stephanie, first off, when you're talking to children, it's just now. down here, there's 435 members, which i've learned is frustra frustrating for me as a businessman who used to make those decisions by himself. here, you have to bring compromise together. you have to bring 435 people together. you have to bring people willing to make some compromise to move bills forward. so do i think it is the best and perfect? no. but when you have 435 people and you have a political system in the middle of it, it's the best we can get today to move it forward. it will get better as it gets to the senate. it'll even get better as it becomes a final bill. >> as it relates to cost, this republican plan could put some sick people in these high risk pools as a way of continuing coverage. aarp has evaluated it and said these high risk pools, if they start in 2019, average premiums
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for people with preexisting conditions would be about $25,000 a year. that doesn't seem accessible. that seems like no, you won't be covered. >> one thing i've learned about washington, too, in my short six-year tenure is every time you put something out, everyone has a reason of why or why not you should vote for something. in the end, we have to make the health care system better. i think this does. i also am a big believer in moving it out of the one size fits off federal mentality to the individual states. if a governor wants to change this -- the plans and go for a waiver, then he or she will have certain requirements to meet the waiver. part of that waiver requirement, they'll have to have the high risk pool so nobody will lose coverage. coverage will continue. that's the thing we have to make sure people understand. now, might it change? might even be better. when you have 50 states with an opportunity to waiver -- by the way, none of the states may take the waiver but at least they have the opportunity to do it. at least they have the
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opportunity to bring costs down. one of the biggest issues we have today, stephanie, is people are paying too much. they're not able to get their coverage because of high deductibles. the system isn't working today. i can give you countless issues where it is not working, from family members to friends to constituents. it is not working. so we have to make it better. >> then why not tweak it? why not improve it? why shred it up? clearly, trying to start over appears to be difficult. why not work with democrats on improving the system that exists? >> well, i've said all along we need to work together to get some things done. we need to take a look at it. let's face it, i was also in the construction industry. sometimes when you leave pieces of a building up, it costs more to repair and replace. sometimes it is better to start over. i think we're keeping the basic foundations in there but moving it forward. that's the best way to move forward. otherwise, what you're going to have is arguments about every little piece inside this bill. let's keep this, eliminate this.
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435 people, you know as well as i do, it becomes a very difficult process. we need to move it forward. >> indeed it does. congressman, thanks for sharing your thoughts this morning. >> thank you, stephanie. right now, in the white house rose garden, president trump is set to host the commander in chief trophy presentation. we're going to be watching to see if the president comments on developments on capitol hill, including the funding of the government and the health care bill. we know he already tweeted this morning. some say he was tweeting back at rush limbaugh. he's busy these days. we'll be right back. whoever threw it has to go get it. not me! somebody will get it... ♪ (dog barking) anyone can dream. making it a reality is the hard part. from the b-2 to the upcoming b-21, northrop grumman stealth bombers give america an advantage in a turbulent world. and we're looking for a few dreamers to join us.
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welcome back. i'm stephanie ruhle. a new report claims jared kushner, adviser and son-in-law to president trump, failed to disclose his ties to several businesses and financial institutions that are worth many r than $1 billion. the wall street journal says it discovered kushner is part owner of a real estate start-up and loans for more than a dozen lenders to properties and companies he partly owns. one of the writers of the article joins me now. break it down. what'd you learn? >> on his financial disclosure form, he doesn't identify a start-up company, and his business partners in that start-up company include george sorros, goldman sachs. there's a swathe of people. we also found all these loans for more than 20 lenders on properties he co-owns. the concern here with the lack
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of disclosure is that some of these business connections could potentially affect his impartiality. the public shouldn't be kept in the dark about conflicts of interest. >> the white house said from the beginning as it relates to all of these, we're not breaking the law. you get what you get and don't get upset. is there any law being broken here? >> not necessarily a law being broken at all. what his lawyers say is that these forms regularly get updated. that the connection to the start-up will be disclosed in a form that's currently being cleared. it is not necessarily laws being problem broken, but ethics experts say the best practice is all these are disclosed. >> if best practices are not being conducted, then what? across the board, whether it's ivanka trump getting three chinese trademarks and sitting next to the president of china
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four hours later, that's happening.vested himself from the businesses. when he said his sons are running the business, i hear them talking about the president's foreign policy initiative. what is different about this, or are we adding this to the list? >> i thinks it is adding to the concern. we have this administration that's certainly one of the wealthiest in recent history, if not the most wealthy, and so mr. kushner, like his father-in-law, he has his vast, very, very complicated business interests. they're not being put in a blind trust. i think the result of that, as you say, is there are all these different connections. there are going to be these ongoing concerns about whether those connections are being fully disclosed, whether they're influencing what the government is doing. i think, certainly, the job of us as the media is to look at these, to try to bring them out to the open. >> thank you so much. you'll want to catch this piece
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in the "wall street journal." thanks a lot. next, president trump's manic monday. seriously, dude. it has been described as along the most bizarre 24 hours in presidential history. from questioning the civil war to suggesting proposals favored by democrats. how his series of seemingly offhanded remarks are impacting the stock market and leaving his aides puzzled. like walking. hey, honey. dad, where's the car? thought we'd walk. he's counting steps. walk, move and earn money... goal! dad... hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. look at this dad, he's got some moves! money you can use on out-of-pocket medical expenses. he's ok, yeah! unitedhealthcare adult 7+ promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. (ray) the difference has been incredible.
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welcome back. i'm stephanie ruhle. now time for our daily briefings on politics. the nbc political team points out there may be some regret at the white house over president trump's series of recent interviews. one of the headlines today, quote, trump's doozy of a monday. it seems to be among the most bizarre recent 24 hours in american presidential history. in case you haven't been paying attention to news, i am honored to give you a quick look at what this is talking about. >> this is a very ominous look because of the red button. >> what does that get you? >> get you a coke or a pepsi. >> you're the president of the united states. you said he was sick and bad
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because he -- >> you can take it any way you want. >> i'm asking you because you don't want it to be fake news. i want to hear it from president trump. >> you don't have to ask me. >> why not? >> i have my own opinions. you can have your own opinions. >> i want to know your opinions. you're the president of the united states. >> that's enough. thank you. >> chew on that one. nbc news senior pitical editor mark murray joins me now. i tried hard not to let our hair get set on fire every day and try to walk through this. we know that the president is a different kind of guy. he does not have a history as a politician. but yesterday, politico quoted a presidential historian as saying, quote, it was just surreal disarray and a confused mental state from the president. i know you can't get inside the mind of president trump, but what was the strike thategy behl that noise? >> stephanie, i think it was trump being trump. the same kind of trump we ended up seeing during the primary
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season when he was battling 17 other republicans for the republican presidential nomination. in that case, making just an avalanche of news and whether the news was controversial, conflicting, confusing, that benefitted him because it stole the spotlight away. it is another question when you're president of the united states trying to make policy, trying to reassure allies, trying to get legislation through capitol hill, on having so much news out there that sometimes gives you whiplash. sometimes makes you say, what's going on here? if that is actually effective or not. but stephanie, i think what is true is that trump is doing what he likes to do. talk to the news media. i think we are getting so many different types of pieces of news that makes it really hard to govern. >> mark, doesn't he have a different goal? back in the campaign when there were 17 other candidates, his goal was to keep all of the eyes on him and the attention on him. now he's got the attention. what he also has to have is accountability. this is a time he's also making
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a case to have the senior advisers around him that he does. for example, his daughter ivanka trump, his son-in-law, jared, who are considered the trump whisperers. we've been told at the end of the 100 days, we should bewhi r whisperers. we were told we should be lucky he has senior advisers. he doesn't have mike flynn. he has jared and ivanka there to help him find the center. where is the center? without it, if this is just trump being trump, why have people with no political or government expertise around him, if they can't keep him in line? >> you raise really good points, particularly on just being able to staff and get good advice. what i would say and i'm not a presidential historian but i love hearing and reading them. every president has to adapt. they come into this tough job. it throws you different curve balls. for john kennedy it was the bay of pigs. had to adapt after that fiasco. the successful presidents are the ones who were able to adapt after their problems and the
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crises they end up facing and we are now 103 days into president trump's tenure. we have to see him adapt, what kind of adaptations he makes or if any come. to me, that's what i'm most focused on. >> i want to share sound about what he had to say about kim jong-un yesterday. as it relates to other presidential candidates insulting them saying positives or negatives now we are talking about positive remarks about foreign leaders, adversaries, chronic human rights violators. take a listen. >> okay. >> he's very threatening. he's a big threat to the world. we are probably not safe over here. if he gets the long range missiles, we are not safe either. if it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, i would absolutely -- i would be honored to do it. >> to me what's so disjointed is in one interview he says we may
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not be safe dealing with north korea. on the other hand, saying i would be honored to meet with him under the right conditions. again, every president has missteps. for barack obama it was the red line when it comes to syria. to be able to have a clear, coherent strategy to the american people, to our allies, even our adversaries, here is our approach to north korea. from those interviews there really is an approach. >> from those interviews, the argument to be made that the president was making a pivot. we know over the weekend at that rally he made a speech that was reminiscent of who president trump was on the campaign trail. the nationalist message. whether it was his speech at the rally on saturday night or what he's said for the last 24 hours, the argument president trump was now listening to these new senior advisers and finding a more moderate tone. have we given up on the thought of the pivot? >> it's possible. i just look at the situation with china.
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all of the sudden during the rhetoric on the campaign trail even in the transition, the rhetoric was incredibly tough. all of the sudden you have the president of the united states sit down with xi of china and president trump speaks glowingly of china even at a rally. there are instances where he's completely changed. i think the question is what he ends up learning and the more intractable positions going forward. >> i will jump in. president trump is now in the rose garden, speaking at the commander in chief trophy ceremony to the air force football team. take a look. >> very, very special. [ applause ] i also want to welcome the acting secretary of the air force, lisa desprow and the air force chief of staff general david goldfine. thank you. thank you. [ applause ] the cadets here represent not
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only the future of the air force but the future of our country their skill, dedication, loyalty and patriotism represent the very best of america. thanks especially to the air force academy superintendent, lieutenant-general michelle johnson, and for your outstanding stewardship. you have been truly outstanding. we appreciate it so much. [ applause ] developing leaders, character -- i mean, so many things are developed at the academy. it's really an amazing, amazing job they do. we all join the very proud and distinguished heritage of the long blue line. you know what that is, fellows. that's a long, big, beautiful blue line. i would also like to welcome several members of congress who are here today including maybe just stand up for a second.
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doug lamborn. hi, doug. [ applause ] ted poe. ted? thank you, ted. ted. don bacon. hi, don. [ applause ] doug collins. and my friend martha mcsally who, by the way, can maybe fly a plane better than anybody u here. she's the real deal, ght, martha? she's tough. she likes a plane i will mention in a moment. she specifically likes a certain aircraft. thank you very much. how's health care coming, folks? all right? we're moving along? all right. i think it's time now, right? right? they know it's time. thank you. thank you for being here. we are also pleased to be joined by the secretary of veterans affairs who is doing an incredible job with the veterans. thank you, david. [ applause ] taking care of our veterans for
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me, and this has been one of my absolute highest priorities, and the highest priority just about of the administration and david is working tirelessly to deliver the care our veterans so richly deserve and it should have happened years ago. it's happening right now. thank you very much. our treasury secretary steven mnuchin is here as well. he's determined to bring jobs and prosperity back to the united states. he's really doing some very great service with a very complicated set of circumstances. it's working out well. so thank you very much. [ applause ] finally, and in this particular case, david and steven and congressfolks, we have to say this. we are truly and deeply proud to welcome the falcons of the
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united states air force academy to the white house. most importantly. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations to you all. coach calhoun, you and your team had quite a season. like good air force guys, you flew under the radar to victory. we are buying a lot of those under the radar planes. in fact, you can fly over the radar. you're still not going to detect them. they cost a lot of money. i'll tell you that. this week our republican team had its own victory under the radar. that's a very important thing for the men and women of the united states military. it's a very important thing for the people of our country. in our new budget, and it's been a very hotly contested budget because, as you know, we have to go through a long and rigorous process. but we have ended years of painful cuts to our military and
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just achieved a $21 billion increase in defense spending. [ cheers and applause ] and we didn't do any touting like the democrats did, by the way. not only did we achieve this massive and needed increase in defense, we did so without having to put in place an equal increase in nondefense spending, breaking the so-called parity rule that was breaking the budget and degrading our military. that's not happening anymore. that i can tell you with surety. so you're going to have the money we need and the equipment we need. there will never be a time, i will tell you this, when we will be spending more money. we are doing the necessary money. we are going to have the finest equipment of time whether it's airplanes, ships, equipment
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in general. that we have ever had in the history of our country. we are taking care of our military and we are not going to go back to what we were doing for the last long period of time. our military is going to be taken care of. that, i promise you. thank you. thank you, folks. [ applause ] with this major investment in america's national defense, a core campaign promise of mine, we are at last reversing years of military cuts and showing our determination and resolve to the entire world. and believe me, the entire world is watching. and we have resolved like never, ever before. these long awaited increases will make america more safe and more secure and give our amazing service members the tools, equipment, training and resources they need and they very much deserve. to top that, we achieved the
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single largest increase in border security, funding in ten years. so we have more money now for the border than we have gotten in ten years. the democrats didn't tell you that. they forgot in their notes. they forgot to tell you that. with enough money to make a down payment on the border wall. i think they will go back and check their papers. this includes swiftly replacing ineffective and failing fencing and walls with an unbreakable barrier. so we are putting up a lot of new walls in certain areas. we are putting up a tremendous amount of money to fix the existing structures that we have, some of which we can keep into the future. they are in good shape, but we have to bring them back to the highest level. we'll be doing that with this payment. make no mistake, we are
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