tv MSNBC Live MSNBC May 6, 2017 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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♪ ♪ take on the mainstream. introducing nissan's new midnight edition. ♪ very good saturday to you. i'm richard lui in new york. new revelations today about former national security advisor michael flynn and his ties to russia. reports are saying flynn was warned by senior officials within the trump administration about the potential risks from having contact with russian ambassador prior to the election. that warning coming just one month before flynn was fired after speaking with the russian ambassador. as the gop health care bill now
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heads to the senate, question is will the republicans' victory be short lived? just two days after the bill passed the house republican lawmakers are feeling concerned about the future of their health care. in the final hours of the french election hackers leak e-mails and sensitive documents from emanuel macron's campaign as he appears to be heading to victory. what it will mean for the final outcome of the election. but we're going to start this hour for you now with the explosive new report rather that shows that donald trump's own transition team that they tried to stop former a chief mike flynn from a move that ultimately helped cost him his job. flynn's call with russian ambassador sergei kislyak also raised new questions about how closely the trump team could have been working with russia amid campaign hacking allegations. "the washington post" says flynn was warned by senior members of president trump's transition team about the risks of his contacts with the russian ambassador. nbc's kelly o'donnell is near
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the president's home for the weekend in new jersey covering this story for us right now, kelly. and it really is this timeline, isn't it, according to "the washington post," kelly, where they're saying flynn was warned about contacting russian officials and then there was a contact with russian officials a month later. >> well, you have to set the scene a bit. working to try to set up a new administration. and in the foreign policy shop in the transition there were concerns as some of those who had looked at the department of defense and nato who had expertise saw interactions with someone higher up in the organization, michael flynn at the time who'd been a long-time advisor to the president, a retired three-star general, they had concerns that he was interacting with the russian ambassador who is rumored to be attached to the russian intelligence. of course he's a diplomat, but there are belief in the u.s. community that he may have ties to russia's intelligence.
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so any contact between a top level trump advisor and the russian ambassador would be monitored by u.s. intelligence. and given the fact that flynn had his own experience as being the head of the defense intelligence agency thrks small group within the foreign policy shop at the transition was puzzled, concerned, distressed over the fact that they thought flynn might not understand the full spectrum of risk if he interacted with the russian ambassador. so they went to the obama administration still in charge at that time, asked for a cia report on the russian ambassador, sergei kislyak, to give flynn a better understanding of how he would be monitored if he was interacting with the russian ambassador. then we jump ahead and we find out, okay, now they're inside the white house and in fact it was a conversation that flynn had with the russian ambassador where he did not fully disclose to the white house to the vice president that they had talked about russian sanctions. and that is ultimately what led to flynn's departure from the white house.
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now, the white house is not commenting on this today. i've reached out to officials and they just want some separation. but what it does is it gives us a window inside what was happening in the transition, where there were concerns and red flags about michael flynn going back several months. richard. >> which will all factor into the ongoing investigations into this russian connection question. kelly, thank you so much. nbc's kelly o'donnell with the president there in new jersey. we're also following this other big story today, and that is health care, and trump care. on thursday the house passing its all important bill. it's not expected to be in session next week given that members are out in their hometowns and facing constituents. as they face the constituents there in their hometown, republican congressman tom reed for instance of new york is doing that today. he's facing a packed house at several public events where he is defending his vote to repeal obamacare. many residents there are showing up to protest that decision. >> try to put together an
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insurance policy that excludes about everything and sell it for $42 a month. and that's great as long as you stay healthy. what is the point where you have to answer, yes, we've lowered it but we didn't take away the value of the insurance? >> msnbc senior editor of politics beth fouy in new york where senator reed was wrapping up his third town hall of the day. last we were speaking you were saying trump voters there in addition to those critics which we did hear in that little bit of sound that we just played very passionate but earlier seemed to be a bit quieter. did it ramp up over the course of that final town hall? >> they did, richard. it did start off a little quiet. the first one we went to this morning was very rowdy right from the beginning. the second one kind of got off to a bit of a slower start. but then it got very passionate because in part as you say there were trump voters here. in the first town hall we went to there really weren't. and here there were. so there were clashes between
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those who were very upset with congressman reed for voting for that ahca, that gop trump care as we're now calling it. and we heard from them exclusively in the morning. and then today the folks that were here and upset about the health care plan were met by trump supporters and reed supporters who pushed back quite a lot. we also heard from a guy that i don't know if he was a trump supporter or a reed supporter but he got up and said as somebody who was on the obamacare exchanges he was paying over $1,000 a month for his premium and $11,000 a year in deductibles. so the aca really wasn't working for him. he said to congressman reed, look, i need you to come up with a plan that brings my premiums down but covers everything i need to be covered. it was a really interesting moment. a very candid moment from a guy who seemed not all that political. just somebody who wanted his plan to be better than it is now. >> what were some of the criticisms a concerns about what we're calling trump care right now, pre-existing conditions has certainly been a headline that we have gone
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through. analysis showing that prices can go up for those who have pre-existing conditions, certain details within the new trump care bill does give some difficulty for those with pre-existing conditions. some saying it doesn't even cover them at all in fact. >> yeah. that was the number one thing that people were bringing up here. and congressman reed kept insisting, no, the new legislation will cover pre-existing conditions. he says that's the law of the land. that's not going to change. what people here were asking him was at what cost. sure, if people can have coverage for pre-existing conditions but is that going to really jack up the price of my plan? under the aca pre-existing conditions don't change the price of the plan. and so everybody here is very worried. those who have people in their family with pre-existing conditions that they're just not going to be able to afford what comes next with this new gop health care, richard. >> so reed is one of those few, and you were remarking on this earlier in your reporting that it did decide to hold a town hall today, holding three of
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them, but with some political risk, right? because there's always the election coming up. and the fact that his district they did go for trump by 15 points, the question is support for president trump and his agenda, you know, degrading there, 15 could become 5, who knows. >> yep. we believe that congressman reed is the only gop congressman having town hall meetings this weekend. so we definitely wanted to be here for that. but you're right, this is a very red district, a very, very trump heavy district. and when i asked congressman reed in an interview is he worried that there's going to be political ramifications for him and for others and his party for embracing this new disruption to people's health care, here's what he had to say. >> i'll let the politics take care of itself because we know that the affordable care act is collapsing as we speak. i know 40% premium increase notices are going out here in our community here in the next couple of weeks. where people aren't having access to care because copays
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and deductibles are going up. at least i can look people in the face and say i was part of the effort to try to fix this, i was part of the effort to try to advance the cause when it comes to health care in america. >> so there you have it, richard, politics are going to take care of themselves. we'll see what's going to happen to congressman reed and other republicans. >> yeah, we'll see how the senate reacts to that statement too. beth fouhy there in new york. thank you so much. senator brown of ohio tweeted out that more than 90 of the pre-existing conditions he says could cost you big money if trump care is passed because insurance companies would be free to hike up premiums. they range from anxiety to breast cancer and down syndrome on that list. joining us now, kelcey snell, jul jul jul julia ainsly. we finished by talking about political peril, so let's continue with that, kelcy.
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is there great peril now as we move towards 2018. the cook polical report just switching 20 of their estimations, 20 seats, districts that now favor towards democrats. if that's any indication that is political peril for the house. >> yeah, you know, democrats have long said that they wanted to fight out the next election in the suburbs. that's where they thought they were going to fight out the election this last time around. but this time they think they got an even bigger upper hand because as we saw yesterday when they passed the bill there was this kind of celebration happening. for democrats singing na na na na hey hey good-bye and waving at republicans suggesting they won't be here after the next election because they think people are going to say the things that you're taking away are just too much. it's often said here in washington that it is much easier to pass a benefit than it is to take it away. >> right. >> because people notice when you take something out of their pocket. >> yeah. that was said when the aca when
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it became in action, if you will, came to be in effect that it would be absolutely impossible to reverse things as you're intimating there, kelsey, it does appear to take things away. julia, would you agree with that? >> absolutely. these house democrats know what it's like to lose seats after a major health care vote. same thing happened to them in 2010. and they are saying good-bye to republicans that they think are going to have political ramifications. and they're obviously going to be following what's happening in town halls like what we saw in new york today. they want to see how voters are responding to the vote. >> yeah. >> and what kind of pressure that can put on the senate when they take this vote next. obviously the senate has a much more deliberative process. they want to take a slower time. they want to get a cbo score for the bill so they know what it would cost taxpayers. but they also would perhaps change a lot of the language in it including around pre-existing conditions. and in that may not suit with some of the more conservative
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house members who finally got onboard with this third try at repealing obamacare. >> so, kelsey, is this basically a lot of members saying i promise and i campaigned on repealing obamacare and therefore this is, if you will, the best i can get right now so i better follow through with that. in addition to that is it also because for, again, as they look at the budget and the tax plan they've got to save some money somewhere. and this is also part of that. your thought. >> yeah, this is as much about tax reform as it is about health care, but i spoke with mark meadows, hooe the chairman of the conservative freedom caucus. >> right. >> he was an architect of one of the amendments added on at the end. he told me he had an epiphany, i don't know when he felt this, but he realized he had to go to the table and negotiate because he spent seven years -- spent his entire political career campaigning on the idea that he was gointo repea obamacare. and he ft like if they didn't take this vote, if they didn't
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do something now, then he should just go home. and i think there are a lot of members who feel that way who genuinely feel that they ran on this and they believe very much that that's what their voters want. and there seems to be a little bit of a disconnect with people who are saying that, you know, this isn't what my voters want. and they may have asked some very vulnerable republicans to walk the plank here. >> julia, what's going to happen in the senate? >> well, we know that the senate is going to want their say in this. they've seen this process play out between the white house and the house. and it is time for them to have their say. >> yeah. >> senate republicans are much more moderate bunch. they are not going to want to include some of these provisions so it allows states to opt out of the pre-existing condition clause or allow insurers to charge people with pre-existing conditions more money. they know that they have six years in a term. they don't need that political
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pressure on them in the same way that a lot of people in the house do to try to make their political career in just a two-year break. >> right. and statewide again not just the districts which can be leaning very one way or the other. they have the full state to vote on whether they should return to congress. thank you so much. good conversation kelsey and yule ja, have a great afternoon. >> thanks for having me. >> and more on the health care bill coming up when i'm joined by former hhs secretary kathleen sebelius. her reaction to the house vote to repeal and replace. that's ahead this hour. plus this, the french election in the final stretch. emanuel macron though currently with a large lead over his opponent with just hours to go. and as the final vote nears his campaign says he was a victim of a massive cyber attack. more on that. to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time
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and welcome back. tomorrow voters in france will choose a new president while dealing with allegations that centrist candidate emanuel macron was cyber hacked. macron's campaign says there were leaks of e-mails, accounting information, contracts, false documents, this all happening online ahead of the election battle with his candidate -- with his opponent rather marine le pen. the campaign says it's a significant leak, it happened just before midnight in france. macron cannot talk about it because the alleged leak happened just before statutory blackout began. macron's team says the hacking is similar to the russian cyber attack in the 2016 presidential election. nbc's matt bradley has more for us. matt. >> thanks, richard. the release last night of those hacked e-mails have dealt a body blow to a presidential campaign
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here in france that many had already seen as deeply acrimonious. it's actually starting to follow an uncanny pattern that looks a lot like what we saw in the united states last summer. that's when the dnc was hacked by what intelligence agencies in america suspect were russian hackers tied with the gru, the russian intelligence agency. and just a couple of weeks ago there was a japanese security firm that published a report that named macron's campaign as among so of those entities throughout europe and the united states who had been hacked by fancy bear, also known as apt28. that's a hacking group that u.s. intelligence agencies and some in europe believe is connected to the russian gru. but it's not just the hacking that's making a lot of people here in france think that this campaign is beginning to resemble the deeply divisive campaign that happened in america last summer. remember, we're now starting to see violent protests, sophomoric language at some of these debates, and everyon emanuel man
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came out a few days ago and accused marine le pen, his opponent, of fake news. there's a lot to reminisce about in this vote happening tomorrow. >> matt, thank you so much there from paris, france. i want to bring in msnbc's malcolm nance, author of "the plot to hack america" certainly the right guy to have on a day like this and for folks in france they're asking a lot of questions that we've asked before. let me start with this, malcolm, who's fancy bear? who is this group that they believe did this hack? >> well, you know, the designations that you're hearing, atp28, which stands for advanced persistent threat 28 is nicknamed by crowd strike fancy bear. and it's not actually a group. it's a series of cyber malware in systems that are put together to collect intelligence and steal information from various
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groups. and it was the same system that was used in the hack of the dnc. and it is in other agencies including france television, the german bundes. and they collect this data. it's all brought back to servers in russian military intelligence headquarters, the gru. there's another group called cozy bear, which is associated with the russia's intelligence agency the fsb. but it doesn't matter. all of these malware systems they put into place, they are national assets designed to steal information and to use them as weapon systems against the western democracies. >> anything you're taking away so the profile that posted all the stolen stuff is called m leaks and they put it on paste bin. any significance to either of those pieces of information? >> well, m leaks is it stands for the name of the group for macron's french political party.
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>> right. >> but these are just repositories and hash tags that are just used in order to disseminate the stolen information. this information was, again, massive. this was not something that one individual can do. it was all done in native french. it appears to have been curated in some cases appears to use fake propaganda, fake documents inserted into a stream of real documents. all of these things are designed to damage macron. >> now, you said big, 14 gigabytes, right, of e-mails there? some 70,000 files we understand according to one analysis. >> yeah. >> you're saying this is a big bunch of stuff. >> well, when you consider that each e-mail is about, you know, 4 or 5 kilabytes for those of us remember that thrks is tens of thousands of documents, photos, images, chats, all these things
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vacuumed up by a foreign intelligence agency then put out on the deep web and appears to have even some americans are involved in this associated with the alt-right have put up hash tags and are now disseminating this in an effort to get marine le pen, the right wing candidate, the alleged to be a holocaust denier who is a close associate of vladimir putin, she is literally in the pocket of vladimir putin -- >> supported by vladimir putin, that's right. in public. and we got to go. this stuff could be aimed at bigger targets too, right? they go after power plants and other things you've said, very quickly, malcolm. >> sure. they've actually done that. they've used -- atp28 has used malware like black energy to shut down three ukrainian power plants. when you cut off power, you kill people. so, you know, right now we're using them seen as cyber weapons systems against politics. they could easily be turned into a weapons systems against people. >> malcolm, as always, great
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summaries and hitting straight to the point. malcolm nance for us on this latest attack coming out of france. appreciate it, my friend. >> thank you. >> up next, a look at the wide ranging impact the new health care bill could have as it gets through the senate. i'll be joined by the person who implemented obamacare, former hhs secretary kathleen sebelius. whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me.
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to help you find the next amazing version of yourself. it's time to unleash your secret weapon. it's there, right under your nose. get to your best smile up to 50% faster. visit to get started today. i'm richard lui at msnbc headquarters in new york. here's what we're watching at the bottom of the hour here at msnbc. former national security advisor michael flynn back in the headlines again. new reports say the former advisor was warned by trump transition officials about his contacts with russia's ambassador, this happening weeks before the call that then forced him to resign. today's kentucky derby looks to be a bit of a muddy one. after rain passed through the area making for sloppy conditions on the track, folks are probably still going to enjoy the event though. unlike in years past this year's derby actually a clear favorite,
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but always dreaming is the 4-to-1 pre-race favorite. irish warcry is a second choice at 5-to-1, always fun names. republicans are getting ready to take the next step in their long march to obamacare repeal, but house minority leader nancy pelosi says the new bill simply buys them a first class ticket on a titanic. >> the republicans will now see what they gave their name to, they put their name next to you're paying more for less. and we'll make sure that the public is aware of that. i think they walk the plank. they were, i don't know, duped into walking the plank for a bill that will not become law. the trickledown crowd is now having a beer party in the rose garden. >> well, it was not exactly a beer party in the rose garden, but the atmosphere as you can see here festive and full of relief. >> i said let's do this, let's go out, just short little shots
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for each one of us and say how good this plan is. we don't have to talk about this unbelievable victory, wasn't it unbelievable, so we don't have to say it again, but it's going to be an unbelievable victory actually when we get it through the senate and there's so much spirit there. >> the kind of spirit in which the senate receives this new bill still uncertain. one thing we know is the president feels he's fulfilling his promise to kill the affordable care act. >> the insurance companies are fleeing. it's been a catastrophe. it's obviously it's failing. it's dead. it's essentially dead. if we don't pay lots of ransom money over to the insurance companies, it would die immediately. >> joining us now, kathleen sebelius serving as -- who served as rather secretary of health and human services under the obama administration, also the key implementer of obamacare. before that she was the democratic governor of kansas. thank you for being with us here, secretary. you saw our leadup to your introduction here. do you believe it's effectively
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dead? >> well, i don't think obamacare is dead at all. and i think the 12 million 200,000 americans who signed up for marketplace coverage this year also don't think it's dead. what has happened, richard, in the last six months is that the trump administration has done everything they possibly can to destabilize what is still a new market. insurance companies have three years of enrollment. they now know what the trend lines look like. they now know who's likely to sign up. and since really november all the signals have been we won't tell you what the rules are, we won't tell you if you'll be repaid for the subsidies that 60% of the signups rely on. we won't tell you if we will enforce the law, enforce the penalty, the tax penalty for those who could afford coverage but don't buy it. those are key elements to make
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insurance companies who have to file rates pretty quickly say i'm not so sure i can file a rate in 2018, tell me what the rules will be. and they still haven't done it. >> and as you know, the criticisms have been heard by you included last time you and i spoke you did admit that obamacare could use some tweaking here. and i think the number that you gave me is something like -- >> oh, you bet. >> 20% or 25%, you would change. . there's saying those who would support trumpcare what it's being called right now is look at the insurance companies like aetna, for instance, leaving the system, leaving obamacare. why are they leaving? and doesn't that say something about what needs to happen because fewer choices, higher prices. >> absolutely, fewer choices, higher prices. there is absolutely nothing in this new legislation that will change that trend line. and what i think we're going to look at and, again, congress
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voted, the house of representatives with the speaker of the house in the lead grinning ear-to-ear voted on a bill that they have no ide how many people will lose coverage. the earlier bill we knew 24 million americans would lose their insurance coverage thrks one is likely to be worse, but we don't know. and they have no idea what it costs because the congressional budget office hasn't yet scored the bill, hasn't told the members who voted on this legislation how many people and what it costs. what people want is their out of pocket costs to go down. nothing in the bill does that. they want prices to overall come down. nothing in the bill does that. they want prescription drug prices to go down. there's no talk about prescription drugs. all the bill is aiming to do is make it more difficult for those with lower incomes, make it more difficult for those who are older and make it much more difficult potentially for those
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individuals who have a pre-existing health condition to buy insurance coverage. so if you're younger, if you're wealthy, if you're healthy, this is probably pretty good legislation. but those aren't the folks who really need and want health insurance. >> they're saying release the regulation on a federal level, let's go local, right? you've heard that. let the markets on a local level figure out the right happy balance. you don't agree with that, i imagine. >> well, richard, in the decades before obamacare was passed, the president signed the law in 2010, we had decades of market rule. we had decades where insurance companies in states across the country got to pick and choose who they wanted to cover in the individual market and who they didn't. they could lock people out. they could price people out. and it happened every day. most of us, and i'm a former insurance commissioner, i was commissioner at that time, ran high risk pools.
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wildly expensive very ineffective because people could not afford that kind of coverage. people couldn't get insurance. so by the time the president signed the law we had one out of six americans with no insurance coverage at all. and i want to make it clear that insurance health insurance does not mean you get good health care. we know that. but having no insurance almost guarantees that you don't get the right care, you don't get preventive care, you don't get your diseases taken care of, you can't buy prescription drugs. we also know that. so this bill rolls back what were finally insurance companies rules that said you can't pick and choose any longer, you have to sell across the board and you have to sell a policy that's really an insurance policy. you must compete on price and you must compete on service. and people need to know what's in their policies. >> and one of the things that they will learn going forward is that implementing as you were
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part of took many years and removing all of those details though everything's connected in this system may p just as difficult. but we will see if it even makes it to that point. thank you so much former secretary of health kathleen sebelius for stepping by. >> good to talk to you, richard. >> all righty. concerns about an anti-immigrant bill in texas and how it could be a repeat of history. the emotional plea that lawmakers made to try to protect immigrants and how those communities are reacting to the new law. and a quick programming note, be sure to watch former president barack obama receive the profile and courage award at the jfk library in boston. that happens tomorrow night. our live msnbc coverage begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern hosted by chris matthews. nitrites or artificial preservatives. now it's good for us all. like those who like. sweet those who prefer heat. sfx - a breath of air and those who just love meat. oscar mayer deli fresh. sweet! on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree.
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people. what makes this especially painful -- >> democrats mary gonzalez and gene woo you saw there gave emotional testimony wednesday pointing out deputizing local police to question children and adults who were not on their immigration status was repeati history, that history they were talking about rings today on this saturday. these images depict a view of the times when the chinese immigration, the exclusion act, was signed 135 years ago today. the first sentence of the act reads this, in the opinion of the government of the united states the coming of chinese laborers to this country endangers the good order of certain localities within the territory. it goes on, this chinese exclusion act of 1882 was the first and only major federal legislation to outlaw a specific ethnic group. it was a backwards thank you for this group. just years earlier this very
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group finished building the railroad that links west and east coasts. notice the celebratory last spike photo of the railroad. if you look carefully, there are no chinese laborers in this celebration. included instead, the gang leaders who whipped and treated the chinese like slaves, historians say. that law signed by president chester arthur was finally repealed six decades later in 1943. then 130 years after its signing in 2012 an official apology. >> expressing the regret of the house of representatives for the passage of laws that adversely effected the chinese in the united states including the chinese exclusion act. >> no matter what side of the aisle we sit on, congress can make amends for the past no matter how long ago those violations occurred. >> and now the president's current efforts, president trump, on two immigration executive orders it worries critics the country is repeating history. muslims and latinos the target
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in 2017. let's bring in democratic state representative gene woo of texas who fought the legislation. representative, that speech we played at the top has gone viral, it's been viewed some 11 million times on facebook alone. why is this resonating? why did this bring you to such an emotional peak while you were standing on the floor? you and mary gonzalez. >> you know, i think we have all been dreading this day. we knew this bill was coming. but i wasn't even really planning to speak at the time. and the thoughts of the district that i represent and all the wonderful people that live in my area, the immigrants, some of them who are citizens, some are visa holders, some are undocumented, they are the ones who have helped make this country great. they work unbelievable hours. they pour their blood, sweat and tears into making our state great, making our nation great.
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and this bill treated them like they were trash to be thrown away. >> what's next for the law? >> well, right now it's headed to the governor's desk. and i think if everybody who thinks this is a bad idea they need to contact governor abbott and tell him not to sign this bill because it goes too far and deputizes our law enforcement to make them immigration official. it creates an arizona-style show me your papers type of law that arizona has eventually bked away from. and has shown tt has dramatic effects not just on the undocumented population but on the entire immigration population as a whole. >> supporters of the law as you know here, representative, say why shouldn't police enforce the law of the land? >> well, for one simple fact, our local law enforcement officers are not immigration officials. immigration law is a very complex law. even immigration doesn't always know what someone's status is.
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they have to double check and triple check their paperwork to see. immigration is very complex, our local law enforcement is simply not trained to do it. there is no amount of training other than sort of putting them through the immigration system to make our local law enforcement officers competent in enforcing immigration law. it's just that simple. >> it was mentioned by you and others that this was reminiscent of internment camps in world war ii for americans, those americans of japanese descent specifically. how is this law reminiscent of that and the exclusion act which i was mentioning moments ago? >> absolutely. one of the things that really struck home for me was that the idea that our nation, the nation that, you know, i love and the people who live in my district love, this nation has often used immigrants as a scapegoat, as a punching bag for the woes of society. that we take people who have worked so hard to build the americ dreamople whoave worked so hard to make this
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country great and use them and beat them up because we're scared. beat them up because they have irrational fears. and use them as just a scapegoat to beat up because they don't understand what's going on. and, you know, what drove me nuts is that we've done this before in the chinese exclusion act in the internment of japanese americans because we felt we were doing the right thing because our people at home were scared. >> all right. thank you so much state representative gene wu, i appreciate your time. one note here on programming, we did invite members who supported the bill to join this discussion but none of them that we contacted agreed to come on air with us. two years after the shooting death of his girlfriend on live tv, a former news anchor is now running for office to honor her memory, chris hearst will join me next to talk about his run for the virginia house of representatives and how he plans
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a former news anchor making a drastic life change to honor his late girlfriend by running for political office. it's been nearly two years since news reporter allison parker and cameraman adam ward were fatally shot while conducting an interview. that happened live on television. now chris hearst, parker's boyfriend at the time, is running for the state house of delegates in virginia. he's hoping to reduce gun violence and to prevent similar gun-related tragedies from repeating. joining us now is chris hearst, former news anchor and democratic candidate for virginia's house of delegates for the 12th district. chris, thanks for joining us. >> good to bwith you. >> thanks for being here. you are doing this for your girlfriend. this is why you have changed careers. you now want to run for office and basically do what you have been covering over the years and
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that's politicos in your state. >> yeah, sure, it is a little bit different than certainly the track that i expected for myself in my life. i am partly doing this to show what i think one person can do in response to tragedy. but i am really motivated to run for office to try to help and serve the people of the southwest virginia who gave me so much strength and love and support in my time of need. i had opportunities to leave this area and go pursue other opportunities. but this is home for me. and i didn't want to leave all of the people who gave me so much strength and support. >> now, along the way here as you pursue this new career you'll be running against josef yost, a three-term republican whose friend was killed in the virginia tech shooting. this is largely for you about gun ownership, the nra endorsing your opponent in 2015. how are you going to be going forward with your platform with regard to gun violence and gun
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ownership? >> well, one of the most disappointing things about my campaign so far has been the insistence on people sometimes in the media as well to say that i am only running to try to reduce as well to say i'm only running to reduce gun violence. i covered so many issues and allison and i were interested in so many different subjects that impacted virginia families during our time in journalism fop say i'd be reduced to only one issue i care about is incorrect. certainly a lot of work to do to prevent homicide and suicide by gun, but here in the 12th district, the families that i'm talking with are interested in making sure that virginia properly funds its education system, that we expand medicaid and have more health care access for virginians and do more to try to create new economic development and industry in an area that has not seen a lot of growth over theast few decades. president trump was endorsed by e nra and speaks highly of them. does this make it difficult for you as democrats do try to move
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into office now and also a person who doesn't have any political experience. the nra is going to try to do whatever they can to make sure that i don't win. it helps try to stop a narrative that i think other families and victims of gun violence are trying to pursue, which is that when some tragedy happens to you, you don't have to stand in a corner and take it. you don't have to grieve in a way our society tells us to grieve. you can get back up and with help and support from people in your community you can move forward and try to make a difference. that's why we've been able to get so much support around the district, around the state and around the country as well with many individuals choosing to invest in our campaign because they really think that we have something special going on here in southwest virginia in blacksburg. >> chris, the story has it, it was last fall, you were reporting on a shooting at a rail car factory. the camera turned off.
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you cried because a year earlier, allison was gunned down. you were using the same truck that allison was actually using when she lost her life. what do you think she'd say to you now? >> i think she'd be incredibly proud. what she would say to me is probably a lot of critiques and suggestions on how to run my campaign in a way that she'd want it to be run. i feel her with me all the time. she was determined in her set of beliefs and her convictions and her desire to eventually become a news director. she wanted to teach the new j p generation of journalists how to do the job with integrity. she'd be pleased to know i'm trying to do something for the people of southwest virginia where she's from originally and that i knew i couldn't stay at the television station any longer, in part because of the story you just mentioned but didn't want to leave here. i didn't want to leave home so what could i do that would put me in a position to give a voice to the voiceless. and this has been a very
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purposeful, meaningful path so far. >> she'd be proud. this hurst -- >> i believe so. >> thank you, sir. we'll be right back. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums there's nothing more than my so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. gets it.
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18 penn state fraternity brothers are facing criminal charges for allegedly hazing a student who later died at a pledge party. morgan radford has that for us. >> reporter: 18 college students now facing criminal charges. members of the beta theta pi fraternity arraigned friday after a drunk member fell down the stairs of their frat house and died. >> flagrant disobedience of the law. >> reporter: the charges come three months after 19-year-old timothy piazza participated in a pledge night event called the gauntlet. >> they made the pledges run from station to station and drink enormous amounts of alcohol. >> reporter: prosecutors say
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video shows pause piazza fell e stairs. a defense lawyer for one of the members says the frat brothers never intended to hurt their friend. >> there has to be some form of intent. we think that is not present in this case. >> reporter: the next morning, investigators say when piazza wouldn't wake up almost 12 hours later, the frat brothers called 911. >> some of them described that he looked dead. well, some of them googled things like what to do with a head injury. >> piazza died at the hospital. 18 members and the fraternity itself now face charges ranging from aggravated assault to hazing. eight of them charged with involuntary manslaughter. >> involuntary manslaughter is one of the lower level offenses related to a death. it doesn't mean you tried to kill someone or wanted to but it does mean that you had a role in causing someone's death. >> reporter: the fraternity has since disbanded the chapter calling the charges incredibly disheartening. penn state promised aggressive
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measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring. assurances that in little peace to the family of a 19-year-old sophomore. >> ts didot have to happen. no parent should have to deal with this. >> morgan radford with that report. that wraps up our coverage this hour. i'm richard lui. my colleague yasmin vossoughian picks up our coverage after the break. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything,
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