tv First Look MSNBC May 9, 2017 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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and because it's washington, as of tonight, it's all just talk. that's our broadcast for this monday night as we start a new week. thank you for being here with us. good night from new york. michael flynn haunts the halls of congress and the trump white house as we learn that at least two people, sally yates and president obama himself warned the white house about promoting flynn. the trump administration's defense of the president's revised travel ban. later, chaos at a south florida airport. violence erupts between passengers and security after spirit airlines canceled flight flights. >> good morning, everyone. it's tuesday, may 9th. i am ayman mohyeldin.
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though flynn has been gone from the white house, sally yates testified. president obama warned president trump about michael flynn as well. nbc's peter alexander reports. >> reporter: nbc news has learned that president obama delivered that personal warning to then president-elect trump against hiring michael flynn just minutes before this joint oval office appearance. less than 48 hours after the election. >> we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed. >> reporter: at the time, flynn was already a key adviser to mr. trump. and the obama administration had fired him from his post as head of the defense intelligence agency in 2014. the white house suggesting that backstory prompted president obama's advice, which mr. trump essentially dismissed. >> it's true that the president -- president obama made it known that he wasn't exactly a fan of general flynn's, which is frankly -- shouldn't come as a surprise.
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>> reporter: but president obama's unusual move was one of two warnings the white house received about flynn, the incoming national security adviser. the other from former acting attorney general, sally yates, obama administration holdover, revealing what she told the white house publicly for the first time. gl to state the obvious, you don't want your national security adviser compromised with the russians. >> reporter: yates testified during two meetings and a phone call she warned white house counsel that flynn had misled his relations with the ambassad ambassador. >> essentially could be blackmailed by the russians. >> reporter: she said she gave the information to the white house so they could take action but was fired days later for refusing to implement the controversial travel ban.
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trump blaming the obama administration saying they gave flynn the highest security clearance. even after his firing, flynn did retain his clearance, standard procedure, renewed in 2016. multiple u.s. officials with direct knowledge tell nbc news at the time flynn never revealed he taken nearly $34,000 from russian state media to speak at this dinner in moscow, that may have kept him from getting that clearance. and he was never granted the additional security clearance he would need to be national security adviser. >> millions of people have a security clearance. it's like having a pilot's license. that doesn't mean you can fly air force one. you have the credentials, the experience and have been vetted to take on the most sensitive job in the world. >> reporter: this morning, white house officials are dismissing yates' testimony, saying nothing new was revealed and that the focus should be on the leaking of classified information. when asked whether she leaked classified info to the media, sally yates said no.
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ayman? >> peter alexander, thank you. clapper and yates weighed in to the status of the investigation on russia's impact on the presidential election and both gave little away about donald trump and any russian connections he may have. >> russia's influence activities in the run-up to the 2016 election constituted a high water mark of their long-running efforts since the 1960s, to disrupt and influence our elections, and i believe they are now embolden to continue such activities in the future, both here and around the world. and to do so even more intensely. >> are you aware of any evidence that would suggest that in the 2016 campaign anybody in the trump campaign colluded with the russian intelligence government services in an improper fashion? >> senator, my answer to that question would require me to reveal classified information and so i can't answer that. >> well, i don't get that. because he just said he issued
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the report. and he said he doesn't know of any. so, what would you know that's not in the report? >> well, i think that director clapper also said that he was unaware of the fbi counterintelligence investigation. >> general clapper, during your investigation of all things russia, did you ever find a situation where a trump business interest in russia gave you concern? >> not in the course of the preparation of the intelligence community assessment. >> since? >> i'm sorry? >> at all, any time. >> senator graham, i can't comment onthat,ecause that impact impacts an investigation. >> it wasn't enough to put into the report? >> that's correct. >> president trump sharing his thoughts on twitter in the evening, writing the biggest story today between clapper and yanes is on surveillance. quote, the russia/trump
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collusion story is a total hoax. also saying sally yates made the fake media extremely unhappy today. and director clapper reiterated what everybody, including the fake immediamedia, already knowe is no evidence of collusion with russia. the text and tweet with the image of trump surrounded by republican members of congress in the oval office. ken, thanks for joining us. want to talk about sally yates. why warn of flynn's vulnerable there? >> sally yates could not have been more blunt in her testimony about this. she felt that mike flynn lied to the white house and the white house then lied to the american public and that needed to be cleaned up. there are some things she couldn't say because it's classified. we know from our reporting that she believe flynn lied about his
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discussions with the russian ambassador, sergey ksyliak. he said that he didn't. mike pence went on national television and told the public that flynn never discussed those sanctions. but, in fact, there were fbi transcripts showing that he did. so, sally yates felt like that put flynn in a position to be blackmailed because the russians certainly knew that he discussed those sanctions and that he lied to the white house. she felt that the white house needed to know that and she testified she expected the white house to act on that information. >> i want to ask you about the timeline in all of this. shortly after flynn's firing, in fact, in february, that chief of staff reince priebus said this on "meet the press." take a listen. >> our legal counsel got a heads up from sally yates that something wasn't adding up with his story. our legal department went into a review of the situation. the legal department acame back and said that they didn't see anything wrong with what was actually said, but then we
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started thinking about whether or not michael flynn was being straight with us. >> so, what do we know about the timeline and what did the white house do with the flynn info from the time that they actually received that from sally yates until the time the washington post revealed he, in fact, had contact with the russians? >> sally yates doesn't know the whole picture there. what she does know is that white house counsel, don mcgann, one of his reactions was rather astounding. why does the justice department care whether one white house official lies to another? she answered, of course, it's a problem because mike flynn could be blackmailed. so she doesn't know what happened inside the white house. we just know from our reporting that mike flynn did his job for 18 days until the story leaked to "the washington post." and that's when the trump administration moved to fire mike flynn. >> ken delaney live for us.
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thank you. senator ted cruz had pointed questions for sally yates as well. cruz had questioned yates about refusing to implement the controversial travel ban, a move that led to her firing. >> are you familiar with -- >> not off the top of my head, no. >> whenever the president find that the entry of any alien or class of aliens into the united states would be detrimental to the interest of the united states he may, by proclamation and for any period he deems necessary suspend the entry of aliens or class of aliens or impose on the aliens any restrictions he may deem appropriate. would you agree that that is broad statutory obligation? >> i am and i'm familiar with that and an additional provision that says no person shall receive preference or be discriminated against an issueance because of rates,
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nationality or place of birth. that, i believe, was promulgated after the statute that you just quoted. >> in the department of justice history, are you aware of any interest in which the department -- and three days later the attorney general is directed to defy that policy? >> i'm not but i'm also not aware of a situation where the office of legal counsel was advised not to tell the attorney general about it until after it was over. >> thank you, miss yates. >> in a federal appeals court seems divided over the order. peppering a u.s.ustice department lawyer about the order. much of the argument appeared to hinge on donald trump's comments on the campaign trail calling for a muslim ban and whether those comments should be taken
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into can consideration. judge barbara keenan said that it was broad and had an impact on muslim. >> what in the text -- i'm looking for it. what in the text of executive order number two supports the conclusion that the aliens from these countries, these 82 million people, would be detrimental to the interest of the united states? >> i don't think what the president was saying was i know them all to be dangerous. i think he's saying i'm not certain. >> the matter will likely end up in the hands of the supreme court. senate republicans dig into the house's health care reform bill, leaders in the chamber are working to lower expectations to get a bill through the upper chamber any time soon. >> we're going to have to satisfy 51 senators and i can't tell you how long that's going to take. we're not in any -- don't have any arbitrary deadline. that's not to say we won't be
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very active and engaged. we will. we are. but it's going to take some time to get to that consensus. >> according to the "new york times" senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell warned the process will not be, quote, quick, simple or easy. "the times" added that senator orrin hatch of utah was more ominous, saying the house bill wouldn't pass the senate. still, lawmakers in both chambers are reportedly already trying to hash out some common ground. according to the huffington post, mark meadows has begun working with republicans on what changes they could live with in their bill. that could include undoing cuts to medicaid and ditching refundable tax credits as well. it's been a rough recess for some who voted in favor of the health care bill. in debuque last night, referring
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to the republican health legislation as trump care, congressman blum trying to explain the bill to constituents. >> through medicare, nothing is going to change. nothing is going to change. nothing is going to change. again, if you're currently getting your health insurance through medicaid, nothing is going to change. >> obviously, not buying it there. meanwhile in new york, democratic congressman sean patrick maloney, who represents the 18th district took the health care battle. one district over, representing by republican congressman john fasso. >> i'm sean patrick maloney. where the heck is your congressman? i heard about these guys not doing town hall meetings, it
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didn't sit well with me. it became a thing when i watched them pass this health care bill. 217 of them voted for this thing, including your congressman. and 14 of them are doing town hall meetings. if you're going to change people's health care and you're proud of it, stand up and explain it. answer basic questions. this guy should not be on some milk carton. he is your congressman. he should be here. don't take this the wrong way. i have my own district. i shouldn't be here. i love you all. i will wave to you as i drive by to my district. >> congressman faso said a scheduling conflict prevented him from attending the town hall. >> still ahead, police in
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welcome back. after following more than 3,000 leads in an investigation lasting over a year, authorities in phoenix say they've captured the serial street shooter. >> investigators worked every lead. they followed the evidence. they were thorough. they had a clear mission. bring this killer to justice and get it right. >> 23-year-old aaron saucedo is behind bars. he was already in police custody for a sepate murder charge when police were able to lk him to the string of attacks.
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he now faces an additional 26 fel nochlt. y charges, officials saying they have no idea of the motive but saying that he acted alone. >> more severe storms are expected to hit colorado today after a powerful hail storm did significant damage in the denver area yesterday. although it looks like snow that's actually hail stones blanketing the ground, as large as baseballs in some areas. there are reports of dented cars, smashed windshields and broken windows. today's severe weather is expected south of denver, putting an area of over 2 million people at risk of large hail and wind damage. for more, let's bring in nbc meteorologist bill karins. it's scary to see that accumulation of hail. >> and that was small stuff, too. >> yeah. >> we have other pictures of, literally, windshields that have been smashed out. look at this patrol car. you can see the size of the hail stones as they went through. it's one thing to have your windshield get replaced but the shingle damage and the damage on the siding of your house like
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that and car, you're talking big insurance claims and a lot of problems. this went right through downtown metro area yesterday afternoon. storms have settled down. we'll do it today and again tomorrow, too. this shows our setup across the country. in the northeast, you know you're sitting here, lingering under this storm system. it's a cold storm. that's why we had the daily clouds, ower in essentially northern new england where it snowed yeerday. storm responsible for the hail is the storm in the four corners region. this will slowly kick out into the plains, causing us more severe storms, more large hail the next few days and eventually the stormy weather will push into areas of the ohio valley. especially tomorrow, a chance for stronger storms. for today, we're very warm. st. louis gets up to 87. it's summertime here, tennessee valley all the way to the southeast. still feels like early spring chicago to boston. as far as severe storms go, they'll push into st. louis, oklahoma city, to dallas. impressive hail.
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when you see the baseball-sized hail that's the one that goes through the windshields. >> seems like late winter. i wore a scarf coming in to work. >> it's creeping upwards from my own meteorology experience. >> in january, i didn't even wear a scarf. >> okay, tough guy. >> there you go. still ahead, warriors' winning streak continues. and who is the best team in baseball? one major league franchise stakes its claim. sports is next. e*trade's powerful trading tools, give you access to in-depth analysis,
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welcome back. now time for sports. undefeated run through the second round after sweeping the jazz with a 121-95 win in game four last night. steph curry led golden state, with klay thompson adding 21. and draymond green notching a triple-double. they'll meet the rockets or spurs in the western conference final. > stanley cup hockey, penguins and capitals. scary moment as sydney crosby goes crashing head first into the boards. he missed game four with a concussion. he is slow to get up there, obviously, but skates on after the scare. meanwhile, the caps escaped the city with a 5-2 win, forcing game seven in the semi final match-up behind a pair of goals. the final will be decided
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tomorrow night in washington. let's go to baseball. year branded for rebuilding, new york yankees are the best team in baseball. yanks took it to cincinnati with a 10-4 win following a stunning 18-inning, six-hour marathon victory in chicago a day before. guess it didn't bother them. sixth straight win gives new york the best record in the league at 21-9. while it's still way too early to make late season predictions, they went on to win the world series. finally, in toronto. it's a bird, it's a plane. no, it's the blue jays kevin pillar laying out for a superman grab on a hit to center field. that's what he does, living up to his superhero nickname. his outfield heroics keep the jays on top, beating the indians 4-26789 look at that athleticism. >> he gets up and its like,
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what? >> just another day at the office for him. >> exactly. >> still ahead, passengers get rowdy after one major airline cancels multiple flights. sally yates wasn't the only one with a warning about michael flynn. turns out president obama chimed in. a naturally aspirated 5.0-liter v8 engine. a 10-speed direct-shift transmission. a meticulously crafted interior.
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mohyeldin. >> effectively put the united states back on a war footing with the taliban. the president is expected to make a final decision before the may 25th nato meeting in brussels. voters in south korea are heading to the polls to elect a new president, after park geun-hye was officially removed from office. moon jae-in is expected to be the winner. another black eye for air travel in this country. chaos erupted at a florida airport when several spirit airlines were canceled. this was video captured at ft. myers airport. in this video there on your screen, security is reportedly pinning one passenger down on the ground as the commotion of fellow travelers fills the
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terminal. and in this video, passengers and security mid scuffle after nine flights out of the airport were canceled. spirit airlines is in the middle of negotiations with the pilots' union. the company has even filed a lawsuit in federal court against some of its pilots, saying they refused to fly, which resulted in those cancellations. the company has released a statement that reads, in part, quote, we are shocked and saddened to see the videos that took place in ft. lauderdale airport this evening. this is a result of unlawful labor activity by some spirit pilots designed to disrupt spirit operations for our customers. meanwhile, the pilots' union released a statement saying, quote, for more than two years, spirit pilots have been in negotiations for a contract that provides industry-standard compensation. however the company, while generating above-industry average profit margins is proposing a compensation package that would cement its pilots at the bottom of the industry. a drama playing out in washington as well. the trump administration was warned at least twice about
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michael flynn, once by acting attorney general sally yates and once by president obama himself. it came less than 48 hours after the november election. according to three obama administration officials it was delivered when president obama and his successor sat down for a 90-minute conversation in the oval office. obama's warning was a general caution that the general was not suited to such a high-level position. and it predated the concerns inside the government about flynn's contacts with the russian ambassador. according to one official. >> president obama made it known that he wasn't exactly a fan of general flynn's. so the question that you have to ask yourself, really, if president obama was truly concerned about general flynn, why didn't he suspend general flynn's security clearance, which they had just reapproved months earlier? additionally, why did the obama administration let flynn go to russia for a paid speaking engagement and receive a fee? there were steps they could have taken if it was truly a concern, more than just a person that had
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that -- >> nbc news reports when he became national security adviser, flynn was required to security clearance under the as you misses of the cia, which vets appointees. one official with the matter tells nbc that security clearance was never actually granted before flynn was pushed out of the job. spicer argued flynn had hits, quote, reinvestigation in april of 2016, which was good enough to become national security adviser. former dni james clapper said the vetting process is much more intense than the standard security clearance. >> as for sally yates, she testified in no uncertain terms that the trump administration's top lawyers was warned that michael flynn was putting the white house at risk by concealing his discussions about sanctions with the russian ambassador. >> we began our meeting telling him that there had been press accounts of statements from the vice president and others that related conduct that mr. flynn
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had been involved in that we knew not to be the truth. the underlying conduct that general flynn had engaged in was problematic in and of itself. we were concerned that the american people had been misled about the underlying conduct and what general flynn had done. and, additionally, that we weren't the only ones that knew all of this, that the russians also knew about what general flynn had done and the russians also knew that general flynn had misled the vice president and others. not only did we believe that the russians knew this, but that they likely had proof of this information. and that created a compromised situation, a situation where the national security adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the russians. >> yates described her interactions with don mcgann, who she said asked questions about the importance of the national security adviser's conduct with the vice president.
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>> i remember that mr. mcgann asked me whether or not general flynn should be fired and i told him that really wasn't our call, that was up to them but that we were giving them this information so that they could take action. one of the questions mr. mcgann asked me when i went back over the second day was eentially why does it matter to doj if one white house official lies to another white house official? so we explained to him it was a whole lot more than that. and went back over the same concerns that we had raised with them the prior day, that the concern, first, about the underlying conduct itself, that he had lied to the vice president and others, the american public had been misled and then, importantly, that every time this lie was repeated and the misrepresentations were getting more and more specific as they were coming out, every time that happened, it increased the compromise. and, to state the obvious, you don't want your national security adviser compromised with the russians. >> flynn was fired by the white house 18 days later, after media
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reports emerged about the content of flynn's conversation wts russian ambassador. >> ask sally yates under oath if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to white house counsel. senate judiciary committee chairman chuck grassley asked. >> next question, have either of you ever been an anonymous source in a news report about matters relating to mr. trump, his associates or russia's attempt to meddle in the election? >> no. >> absolutely not. >> there you have the answer. joining us from washington, ken delaney. what was the reaction to president obama's warnings to president trump and why did the trump administration, at the time, discount those warnings? >> yasmin, as nbc news first reported, that warning occurred days after the election between
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obama and trump in a 90-minute meeting in the oval office. in fairness, it wasn't in regard to these meetings with the russian ambassador, which hadn't occurred yet. obama was conveying his general concerns about flynn. after all, the obama adnistration had fired mike flynn as head of the defense intelligence agency. and that may be the reason that the trump administration discounted this warning. that, and flynn had been saying nasty things about obama during the campaign. so the trump administration viewed it as essentially political, yasmin. >> ken, michael flynn did not disclose his payments from russian television when he got his security clearance renewed. why does this matter? what's the significance of this? >> it's really important. as you just heard from sean spicer, the white house's argument is if flynn was so bad, why didn't you guys revoke his clearance? why did you let him go to russia and take this money? according to our sources, the answer is that defense intelligence agency was not aware that mike flynn was paid
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by russian tv for that appearance when he renewed his security clearance between january and april of 2016. he should have disclosed that, our sources are telling us, and he did not. now he's under investigation by the defense department. that's the reason he got his security clearance and may not have gotten it, had he disclosed the fees. ayman? >> ken dilanian, thank you. hillary clinton's e-mails and revelations that her top staffer, huma abedin forwarded classified e-mails to her husband, anthony weiner, so that he could print them out. >> what would you do at the dni if you discovered that an employee of yours had forwarded hundreds or even thousands of e-mails to a nongovernment individual, their spouse, on a nongovernment computer?
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>> well, you know, i'm not an investigatory or prosecutorial element, but if i were aware of it, i certainly would make known to the appropriate officials that that was going on. >> would that strike you as anything ordinary? >> hopefully not. >> clapp went ono say while the situation would be difficult to prosecute, the standard procedure would involve filing a crimes report if there was sufficient evidence of a compromise. and kushner company the are apologizing for mentions kushner. at multiple events while promote ing eb5 visa program, widely criticized because it offers investors a path to obtain u.s. green cards if they invest at least $500,000 in projects that create american jobs. president trump renewed the program as part of the
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appropriations measure he signed into law last friday hours before kushner companies began their investment pitch in chiena. the company stated, quote, miss meyer wanted to make clear that her brother stepped away from the company in january and has nothing to do with this project and apologized if the mention of her brother was, in any way, interpreted as an attempt to lure investors. critics call the company's use of the visa program a stark conflict of interest for the trump white house. the white house yesterday said kushner has complied with ethics rules and the administration is evaluating the visa program. >> jared has done everything to comply with the ethics rules to make sure that had nothing to do with him, per se. he wasn't involved. and secondly, we talked before that the president is looking at how to look over the entire visa program, all the various visa programs and whether or not they are serving the purpose they intended to, whether or not we make sure we do what's in the best interest of the american worker. we'll continue to work with
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congress on that. >> kush nener stepped down in january from the kushner companies. joining us live from london, willem jeffries. >> we've got the ftse, dax from germany, the french markets all up so far this morning. the rally on wall street that ended, in the end, quite flat. volatility, though, is very interesting. the gauge that people use for volatility based on s&p 500. it's a 23-year low, the lowest it's been since 1993. some indication that people on wall street are a little less worried about the geopolitical risk they've seen out there with the election of emmanuel macron. it's not doing much for the euro. and emmanuel ma macron with
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trump in the equities market seems to be continuing, as we say here in the uk, keep calm and carry on. lewis? >> thank you so much. >> still ahead, hail that pounded parts of the west yesterday is back in the forecast today. bi karins has muc more on what areas are ie storm zone. plus this. we are in a new moment, in a pivotal moment in american history in contrast of the gentleman here, we have a president who lies all of the time. >> bernie sanders and former president jimmy carter team up for human rights but the senator wasn't the only one to sneak in a jab. we'll tell you what the former --
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white house any time soon but the clintons are showing no signs of slowing down. former president bill clinton is working with james patterson to write a book entitled "the president is missing." kimmel said those, like his son, with pre-existing conditions will struggle to get health care. bringing attention to what he has termed, quote, the jimmy kimmel test. >> president trump's contract, lowering premiums with coverage that passes the jimmy kimmel test. if we do that, we get an american plan. not democrat, not republican, an american plan. that's where we need to be. >> senator, since i am jimmy kimmel, the jimmy kimmel test should be no family should be denied medical care, emergency or otherwise, because they can't afford it. can that be the jimmy kimmel
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test? >> you're on the right track. >> he also noted the challenge will be a way to fipay for that coverage. senator bernie sanders yesterday. while it's no surprise that the former president supported hillary clinton in last year's general election, he may have inadvertent inadvertently revealed the candidate that he supported. >> a few weeks ago in the french election, first election, almost 80% of the french people voted. if we had 80% of the people voting in this country, the republican party would be a significant minority. all right? we've got to get people involved. and you do that by being honest about the real problems they face and come up with real
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solutions. >> can you all see why i voted for him? >> i think that was pretty clear. the former president did not take questions. it's really unclear if he was serious about voting for bernie sanders over hillary clinton. >> you don't often see a cartoonist kill his own creation. that's the case for pepe the frog. part of his boys club series. these days it's more known as a controversial meme co-opted by some of the alt-right. adding pepe to online database of hateful characters. unable to reclaim his character, he killed him off. you have baseball-sized hail, you better bring in nbc meteorologist bill karins. >> very impressive. denver hail storm yesterday, historic storm right over the downtown metro area. in some areas it was pea-sized.
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other areas it was baseball sized and smash thud windshields. we show you the rain or snow on the maps often. we can use our radar to determine the hail sized. baseball sized hail is shown in orange. denver area, the north side of town where we had the baseball sized, golfball-sized hail was right through the metro area. the freezing level of the thunderstorm, top of the thunderstorms below freezing, you get the ice to form. if you get 64-mile-an-hour updrafts, causing the thunderstorm to form you get golf ball sized. you would need103-mile-an-hour winds going up, vertically, not horizontally, to get baseball-sized hail. and if you fly through thunderstorms that's the turbulence you feel, the winds going in the vertical direction. temperatures have been chilly. that's the other story that's been with us from friday of last week. 37 in buffalo. we had reports of snow yesterday
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in upstate new york. so, the divided highs continue today. the northeast low keeps us cool. the warm air from texas to the southeast. it's going to stay that way. kansas city is great. memphis is great. atlanta is great. cleveland, raleigh, new york city all well below average this time of year. even as we head to the upcoming weekend, not a lot of changes. d.c., you warm up a little bit on wednesday. you're chilly. friday, 59. portland, maine, in the 50s. we're still in the 90s in florida where we're dealing with the drought and fire situation. it's not going to change until next week, monday or tuesday next week, mother's day. that's when everyone will warm up in the northeast. >> you can see the disparity between the upper part of the country and the lower. thanks for that, bill. we continue to follow that pivotal election in south korea. will voters go for the candidate accused business his
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candidate of being too close to the north? live report from seoul next. what are you doing? getting your quarter back. fountains don't earn interest, davi you know i work at ally. i was being romantic. you know what i find romantic? a robust annual percentage yield that's what i find romantic. this is literally throwing your money away. i think it's over there. that way? yeah, a little further up. what year was that quarter? what year is that one? '98 that's the one. you got it! nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. ally. do it right. let's get out of that water. ally. do it right. introducing new depend real fit briefs. now more breathable than ever. in situations like this, there's no time for distractions. it's not enough to think i'm ready. i need to know i'm ready. no matter what lies ahead. get a free sample at can lead to sleepless nights making you feel helpless. take control of your sleep with unisom® sleeptabs. you fall asleep 33% faster and wake up recharged with all the benefits of a good night's rest.
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sunday, may 21st eight seven central only on abc. welcome back. more on south korea, the country elects a new lead tore day. >> it comes after disgraced former president park geun hye was impeached and removed from office two months ago, currently in jail and awaiting trial on charges including bribery,
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extortion. moon jae-in is the heavy front-runn front-runner. the a.p. reported the election will have a higher turnout from 2012. >> joining us, nbc's janice mackey frayer. >> reporter: security will certainly be one of the issues, but south korea concerned with the issues that would concern any country in the election, the economy, jobs, youth, unemployment. we're talking agenda for the candidates. relations with the united states and certainly with north korea became an issue over the past couple months with the building tension here. the polls are open for another hour, but it is expected that moon jay in is going to be the next president of south korea. and he'll be inaugurated almost immediately. this is the first time in history that that's happened. in order to fill the political
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void since impeachment of park geun hye who is facing charges of corruption in a scandal that had the country in turmoil for months. there's also going to be a change in political agents fooer, after nine years of conservative leadership, moon is a liberal. we'll see things differently. that could affect the tone and the direction of relations with the united states, in particular because he favors negotiations with north korea and he's also convinced that the anti missile defense system that the u.s. is deploying here is not yet a done deal. >> wre also hearing more on unofficial talks between the u.s. and pyongyang. what more can you tell snus. >> these are called track two talks. some are refrg to this as 1.5 talks. very unofficial. said to be happening between u.s. and north korea in oslo, norway. we put this issue to the state department telling nbc news
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these are routine talks. they happen on a variety of topics around the world at a very low level and they happen independently of u.s. government involvement, but still, an intriguing development at a time when there is very heightened tension in u.s.-north korea relations. >> more eyes on that election, janice mackey frayer, thank you. up nkt, senator amy klobuchar checks in, does a trip to iowa signal intentions for 2020. former secretary of state condoleezza rice stops by "morning joe," just moments away.
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and will enhance the game for players and fans. the microsoft cloud turns information into insight. welcome back. before we toss it over to "morning joe," let's talk about the stories in the days ahead. polls in sth korea set to close in about an hour as people cast their vote for the country's next president. eight fraternity brothers from penn state set to be rearraigned regarding the death of a pledge. former president obama returns to the international stage set to speak in milan,
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italy on issues impacting food production like climate change. >> "morning joe" starts right now. president obama made it known he wasn't exactly a fan of general flynn's. the question you have to ask, if president obama was concerned about general flynn, why didn't he suspend general flynn's security clearance? additionally why did the obama administration let flynn go to russia for a speaking fee. if that was truly a concern more than just a person that did have bad blood. >> they fired him. they fired him. >> that's the way it works. >> you're fired. that's when omarosa has to go down to the bottom of trump tower and get in the cheesy car you put him in and they drive off into cheese land. and then
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