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tv   Politics Nation With Al Sharpton  MSNBC  May 21, 2017 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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or expand your office and taken whatever c next. find out how american express cas and seices can help prepare you for growth at good morning, and welcome to politicsnation. president trump is in saudi arabia this morning, and in the next hour he's expected to deliver a speech aimed at muslims around the world. he's expected to urge muslim unity in the fight against terrorism. msnbc will carry that speech live. trump arrived yesterday as he began his first foreign trip as
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president. on the campaign trail, trump criticized saudi arabia often for policies on gays and women and possible involvement in 9/11. as we await the speech, we start today by asking can president trump reset his image with the muslim world? can he shift from his past rhetoric about islam? joining me now j retired colonel jack jacobs, steve clemmons, and jonathan allen. thank you all for being with me. >> good morning. >> let me go to you, colonel jaco jacobs. it's a trip that is set to try and call for unity and against
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terrorism. and then the first thing he does is a big arms deal with saudi arabia. i mean, we see the pomp and ceremony, a warm reception that they did not give president obama, and then an arms deal. how do you read this? >> well, the it's no change from the way it's been for many administrations. we've been close to saudi arabia for a long, long time. and far away from its principle adversary, iran, certainly since 1979. we've been selling arms to them for a long time. i remember being in various schools in the army basic, a general staff and so on, and we had saudi exchange officers in our classes, and just about all of the saudi air force has been trained by the united states. the long-time ambassador saudi
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ambassador to the united states, prince bandar was educated in the united states and learned to fly here. so we've had a very close relationship with these guys for a long time. and the -- we've thrown our lot in with the saudis and against iran and have been doing so for decades. >> jonathan, what i'm going after here is despite all of this rhetoric during the campaign of we need to do things differently, and condemning the saudis even by name, then candidate trump saying what they were doing wrong to women, saying what they were doing wrong to gays. even saying and inferring that they may have been involved in
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dmec 9/11, and he's considering selling arms to them as we've done all along. no change here. no real exit from what was already done. in fact, continuation with a warm embrace, almost like let's continue the tradition of arms deal and other things with the saudis, and we'll even give you a kiss at the airport. >> well, a medal will always help improve relations. i think colonel jacobs is right. look at the debates from the early 80s about providing weapons to saudi arabia and joe biden being concerned about them falling into the wrong hands, potentially. i think that nobody in middle east is going to be under the impression that donald trump didn't mean anything that he said on the campaign trail, but to the exthe teent that he's leg
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in office about the necessity to keep alliances strong, particularly those w -- wit countries that are basically helping you a lot of ways. to the exte that he's learning in office, i think most people in the foreign policy establishment would say that's a good thing. >> let me go here. here's president trump earlier today talking about relationship with saudi arabia. >> we've been friends for a long time. and the relationship is extremely good. we have some very serious discussions right now going on. and one of the things that we will discuss is the purchase of lots of beautiful military equipment, because nobody makes it like the united states. >> so he talks about the arms deal, steve. talks about a great relationship which contrast with his rhetoric during the campaign, but jonathan says no one in the middle east believed his
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rhetoric or believed he meant what he said. how will it play back in the united states if at all? will it play to his core constituents who may have believed him, and how will this continued relationship with saudi arabia play when clearly their policies with gays and women are something that we seriously question in this country at least most americans? >> well, i think to quote donald trump when he commented on health care, it's going to be complicated for him. this is a defining trip, a defining moment for donald trump. this is the first country he visited outside the united states during his presidential tenure. it will long be referred to as what messages was he sending? there seem to be two elements. one is the arms deal which donald trump has linked to jobs. and also the oil and infrastructure investment deals that were part of a package of
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things that were announced and referred to yesterday by rex tillerson, of course, the former ceo of exxon mobile. you'll have the fossil fuel crowd in america. you'll have some on the jobs side tied to this. it's a cynical side, if you will. not necessarily the kind of industries, information industry we're talking act, but that will be an element of it. i think broadly in terms of the human rights issues, an element where we've seen excerpts of the speech donald trump is going to give today. in the speech he says we're not here to lecture you, to tell you how to live and what to do. we'll have a principled realism in our approach. i find that are remarkable approach. we do have concerns about human rights. he's been meeting leaders of states where they engage in muslim beheadings. the suppression of minorities and the suppression of democratic activists and various
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other groups inside these countries. and we're not saying anything about those. donald trump is basically ak -- >> isn't that a very serious questionable disay of havior, to come out and say we're not going to lecture you, we're not going to talk about your misogyny, beheading people, as steve referred to, your dealing with political opposition, your being autocrats and in many ways leaning toward, if not, in fact, death spots. we're not going to talk about that, but we're going to do business with you, because we want to make sure that we all go against some of the forces that all of us disagree must be opposed, but we're willing to
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overlook the fact that in many cases you behave just as badly as some of the elements, not all, but some of the elements that we are united against? isn't that really the height of hypocrisy, and setting a different standard in how we deal with international partners? >> it certainly is a major break from the obama administration where human rights were really part of the basket or one of the baskets of things that american diplomats talked about for years. i think it's a break from the george w. bush administration where human rights was discussed and often a priority. depending on the country that you're dealing with, and the politics on the ground. at the same time, the it's not terribly shocking. the policy regardless of the rhetoric has been pretty consistent with saudi arabia. i think donald trump on the campaign trail talked about human rights because he felt like there was an opportunity to
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hit hillary clinton back a little bit on the campaign trail, and try to point out where she had relationships in countries with bad humanitarian rights records, rather than him actually believing in that, and certainly when business interests collide with human rights abuses, donald trump's past suggests that he will always favor business over holding people responsible for human rights abuses. >> colonel, i'm coming to you. i want to ask steve this before i let him go. you know, we're waiting. we'll hear him speak. he's going from some of what has been released, hoos going to address the bar barrism of isis, and others. but it just seems to me to be a little less than what we should want to say, yeah, i talked about bigotry. i talked about misogyny. i talked about homo phobia, but
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wink, wink, everybody knew i was kidding. everybody knew i was teasing. what kind of moral authority does that give the united states as he goes on this so-called reset mission? >> well, he's a very complicated messenger for this message. it also implies that many of these states have not been engaged in trying to deal with both domestic sources of terrorism within their own countries and then fighting it in places like iraq and syria. these countries have a lot of complexities in them. they're not all on the same page with each other. donald trump who has been a champion of islamaphobia during his campaign is a very flawed messenger to go and basically counsel these states on what to do. another element which we have not been talking openly about is saudi arabia and the united states are not on the same side of things when it comes to who
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we're fund and supporting inside syria. the saudis have been supporting nefarious players that mak it uncomfortae. i think a lot of this is being papered over as somehow if we were all good and fought barbaric elements, all the differences would disappear. it's a platitude that will evaporate and disappear quickly after he departs, i think. >> thank you. coming up, we'll go life the to saudi arabia to hear more about the trip and talk to an expert in saudi matters. will the muslim world allow president trump to lecture them on terrorism? we'll be right back. this is "politicsnation" on msnbc. anything, text me. anything, text me. do you play? ♪ ♪
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we are back. let's go to saudi arabia where hallie jackson is traveling with the president. in less than an hour, president trump is set to deliver a speech to the muslim world. what do we know about it? >> yeah. this is going to be really the highlight, sort of the main event of his trip here to saudi arabia over the last couple of days. we expect the president to begin speaking to this conference of leaders in the middle east in probably the next hour or so. we'll be bringing it to you live on msnbc when it happens. this is significant. it's something white house aides have been talking about. the president is not going to, at least in the prepared excerpts that the white house just released to us, talk about something we heard him say a lot which is radical islamic
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terrorism, the phrase talking about the spes fis thety of using that language. instead, he's going to say the muslim world needs to essentially unite against extremism and confront the crisis of islamist extremism and the groups it inspires. it may seem like semantics, but it could represent the softening of language from president trump repeatedly but prior during his campaign as well. this speech, according to senior administration officials, is intended the to basically bring together the muslim world against isis. the president here said the in the next couple of weeks, he wants to hold a news conference with the members of the media to talk about theight against isis. we'll see how it's received b folks here in saudi arabia. this is a president who has made clear his position on, again, radical islamic terrorism. so the phrasing that he will use
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today will be important. thank you. let me ask you keep us updated. thank you very much. so the president reportedly looking to reset relations with the muslim world. how will he do that? to answer that, i'm joined by al i shahavi, and back with us, jack jacobs and jonathan allen. ali, let me ask you to give us -- enlighten us on the the president and saudi arabia. despite the rhetoric during the campaign where as i've mentioned a couple of times this morning, he attacked some of their policies, he really had a cordial relationship with them prior to that, and even there
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was some business interest. what can you shed light on for us about precampaign trump in saudi? >> okay. if you can just permit me to make a comment on the previous segment. you know, president obama visited saudi arabia four times duringis presidency. sold saudi arabia $115 million worth of arms. he would not have done that if he didn't think saudi arabia wasn't make progress in the area of human rights. president obama wasn't stupid. he could see things clearly. the big difference between saudi arabia and president obama was in his attitude to iran. because saudi arabia found president obama to be somewhat naive inover lo overlooking nef activities around the middle east in his quest to sign --
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>> i don't want to get into a debate on that. i think president obama was verbal about dealing with some of the progress he wanted to see made about human rights and about challenging that that move forward. that is totally absent so far from what we're seeing in the prepared remarks of president trump. >> well, yes, but at the end of the day you have to look at what he did also. >> since you raised it, let's give the whole contrast. but give me -- enlighten me on mr. trump and his relationship to saudi arabia. >> well, i will. there is actually a zero business relationship between president trump and saudi arabia. rumors came out of companies in the campaign, but then it was shown that those companies were never established in saudi arab arabia. he has no investments or hotels or anything whatsoever in saudi
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arabia. what's interesting is he has pivoted strongly from where he was on the campaign. and i think you credit that to the responsibilities of the presidency, to the quality of his secretary of defense, his national security adviser, his secretary of state. and the fact that underlying this is a 50-year rationship through democratic and republican presidents between saudi arabia and the united states that has been a very close, very strategic and has cooperated on every 4relevel. i think what he's doing simply confirming that despite what he said on the campaign. >> well, jonathan, can you buy that? i mean, that all of a sudden he has an enlightenment and growth in less than four months as president from the kind of attacks and just about visit ree yawl that he talked about with saudi arabia.
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now he's had enlightenment and his team was able to bring him there? they haven't been able to bring him in any other areas of maturity in the white house. >> i'm not sure there's been a huge epiphany, but i think obviously he's been advised and counc counselled, and it sounds like he's at least realized on a practical level that it's counterproductive for him to talk the way he did on the campaign trail about people he's going to want to have alliances with. that includes the saudi government at this point, and it certainly includes a large portion of the muslim world and of the arab world. you can't go in there and be offensive to people and then ask them for help in the fight on terrorism. that said, even with the excerpts of this speech, it's certainly in a different place than you would have heard in the last administration or even from george w. bush in terms of the way that he phrases the idea of
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alliances between the west and the arab and muslim worlds in fighting terrorism. this is not somebody who has come to the place of what i would say is a fairly consistent at least on a rhetorical message from bush and obama. >> i think what i'm getting at is i think absolutely you cannot fight terrorism and isis and all without having alliances. but i think that what i'm really driving at here is that when a hillary clinton or barack obama did dha, he attacked them. i think a lot of the more than public needs to understand that he's doing what he attacked others for doing, and they did it, and he's doing it maybe for the right reasons, but he really took them to task for doing exactly what he appears to be inching toward doing. >> yeah. i think there are two things at
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work here, and they were mentioned earlier. the first is that there's a perception that one acts differently overseas and the rhetoric is muchifferent when you're here domestically. and relat to that, is this notion. and it's an assumption, that trump's base in the united states understands that he's got to act differently overseas. they've already made a commitment to him and his het rick, and it almost doesn't matter what he says when he's outside the united states, because they know -- >> excuse me one minute. here's the president arriving at the conference in saudi arabia. again, he'll be addressing them in about an hour or so, and this is a conference that has brought together 50 islamic leaders around the middle east, and it
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will be a significant development to hear president trump address leaders of the muslim world. particularly in light of his past statements and present challenges around among other things, the so-called muslim ban and other things he has proposed here in the united states. he is now arriving, and will be addressing this gathering. a significant gathering. and the world will be watching to see what he will say, what he will not say, and what will be the reaction to the muslim world. certainly no challenge, no small challenge here. let me go back to my panel quickly. ali, let me ask you, what is it that mr. trump has to try to do
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in this speech today realistically, what can he try to achieve and what is expected? how will it be gauged by people around the world? >> look, it's a scripted speech, and i think the more important thing is that he's giving it. so really, irrespective of the nuances that he's going to express, i think the speech has leaked, and it looks quite balanced, and frankly, everybody that he will be addressing among the leaders agrees with him. you to fight radicalism. saudi arabia is on the front line of fighting it despite what the cynics think. i think symbolism is important. that's the big value coming from this speech. >> all right. thank you all. i'm going to ask jonathan allen to stick around. when we come back, the last of four confederate monuments has been removed in new orleans.
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that's the power of and. we want to update you on a few stories we've been closely covering here on "politicsnation". earlier this week a jury acquitted a white police officer betty shelby in the shooting death of terrence crutcher, an unarmed black man. it happened in tulsa last year in and counter that should have been a routine traffic matter, but went too far. here is terrence's twin sister after the verdict. >> his hands were up. terrence was not an imminent threat. terrence did not attack her. terrence did not charge at her.
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terrence was not the aggressor. betty shelby was the aggressor. bet thety shelby had the gun. betty shelby was following him with his hands up. betty shelby murdered my brother, and after she murdered my brother, all of the offers involved with the tulsa police department tried to cover for her. >> i was there last week to support the family, and now with this verdict in which yet another police officer was exonerated in the death of an unarmed person of color, there is again a reason to continue to demand greater transparency from local authorities. meanwhile we learned that the department of justice has launched an investigation into the police shooting death of unarmed black teenager jordan edwards in texas which occurred
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just three weeks ago. officer roy oliver who has since been fired, and arrested, is facing murder charges in connection with the shooting. and in new orleans, just two days ago, the last of four monuments of confederacy era leaders was removed. a statue of general robert h. lee who was defiantly facg north with his arms crossed was lifted by a crane from it pedestal late friday. here's the new orleans mayor, mitch landru. >> these statues are not just innocent remembrances of a benign history. these dmonuments ignore the deah and the enslavement and terror that it actually stood for. >> i say good for him. good for the city of new
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orleans. and good for the country. you may have heard the national board of naacp voted friday to dismiss their president. t just three years after putting him in charge. i have a lot to say about that at the end of this show. after the break back to saudi arabia and president trump's first foreign trip in less than an hour he will give a speech addressing the muslim world. but also the president has a message to america. he says this trip will be good for american jobs. but is this just a distraction from the questions about russia? that's next.
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president trump has left on this international trip amid series of new developments here in the u.s. two of them happening within minutes of him boarding air force one in washington. "the washington post" reporting that the russia and the russia investigation has identified a senior aide, someone close to the president, as a significant person of interest. and "the new york times" with the report that president trump told russian officials in the oval last week that fbi director comey was, quote, crazy and a real nut job. now we learn that james comey is ready to break his silence, accepting an invitation to testify in open session before the senate intelligence
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committee at some point after memorial day. with us now? two political strategists, democrat peter emerson and republican adolfo franco, and jonathan allen. let me go to you, adolfo. the president is going the to a middle east trip at a time when things are fever pitch around the russian investigation. how do you deal with the fact that it has been identified now that there is a person of interest in this investigation that works close with the president now in the white house? not talking about flynn here. someone now in the white house, and that the president would say a day after firing fbi director comey, to russians, that he was a nut jo you're talking to russian
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diplomats about the fbi director that you just fired. how do you deal with this? >> well, first of all, this trip, of course, has been planned for a long period of time. and it's a very important trip to meet with our allies in the middle east. the president goes onto brussels for a major nato address and then to the vatican. this is this has been going on for a long period of time. so there's no connection between -- >> i'm not suggesting that at all. >> okay. but the two items that you a person of interest, of course, we know this is now an investigation that's going on. there is a person of interest. it does not mean there's anything there other than there is a person of interest. there have been allegations throughout -- i have yet to see any evidence of collusion or anything of that kind with the campaign. i don't think anybody has been able to demonstrate anything concretely. lastly, your point about fbi
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director comey who has managed to, as you know, managed to disappoint everybody. for the president to say something off the cuff like this, it is donald trump. we're looking at him through the prizm of conventional policy makers in washington, and that he's not. that's been some appeal to many people in the united states, and secondly, it is who he is. i'm not sure that is anything other than an off the cuff remark with nothing to suggest that there's anything illegal about making such a remark to the russian ambassador. frankly, to anybody else, that's his opinion of director comey, and frankly, one shared by many people. >> well, peter, i mean, i don't think i sa it was illegal. i just thought it was interesting that he would say to the russians, calling the united states fbi director he fired a nut job, and i don't know if the
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it's illegal or not. a lot of us would question whether it was appropriate given who he was talking to. no one is saying this trip wasn't planned a long time ago, but you also cannot avoid the fact that there is a lot of heat here at home, a lot of questions, and are we wrong to raise those questions because he's on a trip that was planned long ago? >> no. because actually we're a nation of laws. we have a constitution, so the gentleman just pointed out that in terms of the facts, that's why we now have a special council. i was an adviser in 1973 during the impeach m. there wasn't a presumption of guilt. the facts were found. the president is hoping this trip will distract.
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my concern is with the launching of the missile by korea, we could be looking sot some conflict available to the president that would in some way galvanize the american people behind him. that's my concern. >> your concern is they'll create or would lean forward an international crisis to avoid their domestic problem? >> presidents do it. and presidents would much prefer to be overseas once they get elected than hear domestically. it's in our history. yes, that is a concern. i think first and foremost, i want the facts as our colleagues do around the world, and most importantly, i think now republicans are also calling for the facts. >> i'm coming to you, jonathan. adolfo, you cannot avoid the fact that there are a lot of people saying what you just heard said here by peter, that there are those that want to see those in the white house, those
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close to this president, want to see a war, and politically it would put the country in a different place, and you can't ignore the fact that as you say, you haven't seen the evidence yet, but we heard the drum beat on everyone from hillary clinton to erik holder, and never saw the evidence, so when it's the other way around, i don't think you all should get too defensive. >> i'm not getting defensive. but i'm telling you, i've been around washington for 35 years as well. i've heard the drum beat back and forth whether republican or democrat. that's right. get to the facts. i just haven't seen any of the facts. i've seen a lot of baseless allegations or people's memos that supposedly something happened, something was said. but we haven't seen the facts. you're right. we'll get to the facts. but the suggestion that now president trump is responsible for north korea launching a missile and somehow he's looking for a distraction, my friend,
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the world events continue whether we like them or not. i think the president needs to deal with north korea. the president has planned this trip. i wanted to underscore that -- for a long period of time. and not that anyone is suggesting in this program -- >> i want you to stay with us. we need to take a quick break. i want him to respond, emerson. i want to bring jonathan in, and i think we need to really discuss it. that's what we do on this show.
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and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you we're back. still with me peter emerson and
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adolfo franco and jonathan allen. you wanted to respond, peter, that when adolfo said there were no facts he'd seen yet. >> simply we haven't established the facts on russian intervention, the collusion, perhaps money laundering. but we have established a fact that this president is incapable of really telling the truth and sticking with it. i wrote a piece last july. his capacity to contradict himself not just in a day but in the same sentence is extraordinary. and so whether it be the promise of jobs that haven't occurred. the other day he talked about ford creating thousands of jobs. the same day that ford announced it was cutting $10,010,000 jobs. >> what does that -- >> just a second.
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let me go to jonathan. the fact that he's now come out that the president himself said that he questioned whether he was under investigation by the fbi director comey, he said himself this. we don't need a tape. he told lester holt this on tape. the fact that there are white house memos saying that there was certain statements made, this whole thing of calling the former, the same fbi director, former fbi director comey a nut job, they released that. that's a fact, and the fact that we are told that mr. comey in copious notes said he asked him in the oval office about flynn. these are facts about whether they reach a bar of legality or illegality, those are facts. politics of that is damaging to at least a lot of republicans
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that have been closely associated with him that are now saying well, let's see where this goes. >> if you were teaching a class on the presidency 101 for new presidents, you would say presidents you would say you can get away with almost anything, you can launch a war unit latly these days, drone strike american citizens overseas legally, but the one thing you don't want to play with the is obstruction of justice. we haven't talked about that yet but we've been touching on it. twice now the president of the united states has acknowledged, once in an interview with lester holt and then again in the notes that have come out from his meing wi ambassador kiselak and foreign minister lavrov, he has connected the firing of director comey to this russia investigation went he has the deputy attorney general and the attorney general make the case it was about comey's handling of the hillary clinton situation. so there is at least an acknowledgment of donald trump's that the russian investigation had something to do with the
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comey firing. now, is it possible he was lying to lester holt and possible that he was lying to the russians? of course those things are possible, but if you were a prosecutor looking into that you'd have to put those statements out to, you know, either if you were an impeachment prosecutor in the house of representatives or -- you'd have to put those out. >> that's my point, jonathan. we're talking about whether or not justice was obstructed. we're talk about whether he had interfered with an investigation. and we got it from mr. trump. i mean, whether he was lying or not, he'll have to prove he was lying. he said it. and that's why this will in many ways blew up to where it was this week. i'm the last one to say he doesn't lie, but he's going to have to prove he was lying when he said what he said to lester holt and what but in the white house memos. i have to leave it there. thank you. thank you all. up next, for my final
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thoughts, president trump may be overseas but the struggle at home continues. i'll explain in a moment. p, hea. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. at planters, we put fresh roawhich has its, guys, know anything about this missing inventory? wasn'te! the cheeks don't lie, chet... irresistibly planters.
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on friday the national board of the naacp announced it had removed its present, cornell brooks, from that office after three years. i have nothing but respect for reverend brooks. he has been a fine and in my opinion kranlous leader and i've enjoyed working with him as president of national action network as we have partnered with the naacp. but i also, as i talked to the chairman of the naacp on the phone friday afrnoon, said that i, nationa action network and others would continue working with the naacp, we need them now more than ever, and we cannot let the media and the
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cynics get in the way of their goal, their missions, their need and the needs of all of us in the civil rights community. let's not forget while we go through all of this rhetoric and all this what are we going to do now, we have an attorney general that has said the voting rights bill was an intrusion and has withdrawn from voting rights cases. we have an attorney general over the justice department that has ended the move toward commuting the long sentences of nonviolent drug offenders and that has said police reform know that is in many ways hurting the feelings of many of the police around the country in terms of their morale. we have real challenges around employment. we have real challenges when alabama just friday voted not to remove confederate statues. we need the naacp. we can debate whether we need
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young or old leaders. the one before, cornell brooks, was young. others have been old. what we need is the fight with vision and commitment. kr age, charisma, has nothing to do with effectiveness. don't t people distract us. keep our eye on the prize. and we need to keep doingt together. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next sunday. nosy neighbor with a keen sense of smell... glad bag, full of trash. what happens next?
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6:00 am
can we at least analyze customer traffic? can we push the offer online? brian, i just had a quick question. brian? brian... legacy technology can handcuff any company. but "yes" is here. you're saying the new app will go live monday?! yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. good morning, everybody. good to have you with me. i'm thomas roberts. breaking news this hour, big news for president trump. anytime he'll be delivering this major speech in saudi arabia. it is framed as a message to muslim world and it will touch upon the fight against terrorism. we're looking at live imamgs from a short time ago. the president arriving to the king abdullah international convention center. this is where he is meeting with a group of islamic


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