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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  May 22, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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intelligence. can you imagine if that was reported by the russian media? if kislyak reported that? >> i'll let that be the last word. thank you to my panel. that does it for this hour. i'm nicole wallace. "mtp daily" starts right now. >> thank you so much. if it is monday, 5:00 p.m. means breaking news. tonight reports that the house oversight committee has documents proving michael flynn lied to investigators. plus, baggage claim. >> never mentioned the word "israel. ". >> why the president's trip abroad isn't giving him enough political privilege at home. and after flynn invokes the fifth amendment, we're counting down how many times president trump has not pleaded the fifth. >> fifth amendment. horrible, horrible. >> this is "mtp daily."
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and it starts right now. president trump is on his first foreign trim but that doesn't mean he left his problems in washington. we have breaking news right now about ousted national security adviser michael flynn. the house oversight committee ranking member democrat elijah cummings is accepteding a letter to jason chaffetz saying the committee has documents that indicate flynn lied the investigators when he was renewing his security clearance. what about? well, according to the letter, flynn told investigators, he was paid by u.s. companies when he traveled to moscow in december of 2015. that was the trim where he was pictured deeng with russian president vladimir putin. the committee said flynn's payment came from the russian state media company. rt. now separately, a u.s. official
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with direct knowledge told nbc that flynn left blank a line on his security clearance form asking him to disclose any business relationships or transitions with foreign entities. earlier we learn that had flynn will not testify before the senate intelligence committee. his lawyer confirming late today that he plans to plead the fifth. all this breaking news comes at the end of the day when president trump hoped to turn page. a day of historic photo ops including being the first sitting president to stris western wall. two weeks of bombshell negative home run headlin headlines at hole. they are still tripping up the president. in an earlier meeting with netanyahu today, it was president himself who brought up another one of the stories that are still dogging him in washington pex divulged classified information to russian officials in an oval
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office meeting. >> just so you understand, i never mentioned the word or the name israel. never mentioned it during the conversation. >> but no one ever accused the president of talking about israel with the russians. h.r. mcmaster said last week that president trump didn't know where the information he divulged came from because he was never briefed on the source. again and again we've seen this presidency plagued by crisis. almost all of it of the president's own making. >> kelly o'donnell is traveling with the president in jerusalem. the defense and foreign policy reporter at the "washington post."
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had nick ackerman, a former federal prosecutor who was an assistant federal ferld attorney in new york. so thank you all for being here. let me start with you, ken. what is this letter about in. >> this talks about michael flynn's trip to moscow in 2015. then what happened afterward when he was reapplying in 2016. investigators asked him about that trip and other business transactions and he claimed it was funded by u.s. companies. we know now it was funded by russian state media. r. tshs. he was paid $45,000 of which he received personally $35,000. so to house democrats, it is pretty clear he lied. this isn't the only misstatement. there was a security clearance form whenner you're asked to list your foreign business transactions and relationships. he left that blank. >> so he wasn't really paid by the russians. he was paid by the speaker's bureau even though they got
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money from the russians. the pushback in this letter by elijah cummings, he got air fair, he got hotel paid for by the russians. >> absolutely. that doesn't fast laugh test. when he did an interview by the "washington post," he admitted that he got paid for this trip by r.t. as well as his speaker's bureau. he's talked about having dinner with putin and wanting to work the russians about isis. it was very clear what was going on. >> even if it doesn't fast laugh test, does it fast legal test? if he says it wasn't paid by the russians. the check i got came from the speaker's bureau. >> not at all. he should have reported it. it should have been on that form. even if you think on your own mind for some reason that maybe it didn't really come from the russian government even though r.t. is owned by the russian government, he still should have put it down on that form and it is part of a pattern we've seen
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over the last few months. he lied to the fbi when he is interviewed about the meeting with the russian ambassador. he never said anything about the sanctions, the obama sanctions. so this is a guy who has a real problem with the truth. and all of that can be put together in a criminal prosecution. >> so this is a legal problem for him. >> huge. >> let me go to katie hunt. the letter came from elijah cummings. do we know, has anybody heard from chaffetz and number two, what's the next step? >> we know that he is still in utah. he will make his way, he had been expecting a call from james comey, the former fbi director about whether or not comey might be willing to testify in front of the oversight committee on wednesday. so we don't have reaction from him on this particular issue.
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of course, continuing to keep an eye out. there's been at times tension but also cooperation between cummings and chaffetz on this issue. they have at some turns gone to micro phones together, giving joint presentations around things with michael flynn. at times it has touched the trump administration that was problematic for republicans and for reporters of the president, you've sometimes seen the two of them. that would seem to be the case here. simply because cummings put out this letter independently. what we haven't seen is the document itself. that they are referring to. this report of investigation from those who were clearing michael flynn. that form that you have to fill out for that clearance has been at the heart of a lot of this discussion. whether or not we can actually see it. so far that hasn't been the case. i has not been produced. the white house has said, we
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can't give you that. there were reports that he hadn't actually filled out a separate application. still trying to see what the next turn will take on this but it does seem to be yet another small piece of information in an ever growing pile of potential problems here. >> you wrote today about the fact flynn had decided to plead the fifth. now there's an actual letter out from his lawyer explaining it. tell us about it. >> well, basically, what flynn had been asked to do by the senate intelligence committee, they wanted him to produce a list of any contacts we had russian officials over appeared of 18 months and they wanted any documents related to those conversations. his lawyers responded today saying their not going to do that. because he has a right against
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self-incrimination. they cited the fact now robert mueller is pursuing the probe as special counsel. that wasn't the case when the committee first requested the documents. they said fine, normally the fifth amendment applies to testify. by producing these documents, it is acknowledging the conversations existed. if we did that, it is a testimonial act so that's why they're saying they have the grounds to say no. he won't incriminate himself. and he asked for immunity before and wasn't given it. >> we should say taking the fifth doesn't imply guilt. >> if i were his defense lawyer, i would tell him to do exact same thing. if this was a civil case, the jury could confer guilt from taking fifth. it is only in the criminal system that we donal allow a
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jury to infer guilt. what you're saying is that i refuse to answer the question. a truthful answer would tend to be incriminating. >> in the meantime, kelly o'donnell, has there been any reaction as they're trying to turn the page away from all the russia controversies? >> no. it is fast we're in a separate orbit here as the president is on his first overseas trip. and as would you expect, the white house is trying to minimize the intrusion, if you will, of the problems left behind in washington for at least a respite as the president is pursuing foreign policy goals and relationships here. so no comments about it. and part of way they've been able to do that is to not have what would be traditional and expected opportunities for the president to take questions from the media traveling with him, or the media of the host country, where he is visiting when he was
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in saudi arabia and israel. that did not happen and certainly the kinds of questions that did not happen in washington, and the various controversy that's have been swerlg around the administration could have been put to the president. the closest we have seen is that benjamin netanyahu anticipating these questions, offered up unsolicited, it appears, we could not discern a question in the group of reporters in what became a very noisy exit. he said the prime minister, the intelligence sharing is terrific between the and u.s. israel. implicit. in was a sort of comment on the president's own stumble by speaking with the russian foreign minister and the ambassador about intelligence in an oval office meeting that we later learned, separately learned was dearrived from israeli intelligence. the president saying he 97
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mentioned israel is about as close as we've seen from the problems back home interfering in the trip. the framework of thought is the journalists who cover him all the time. they all know these problems are out there. he is trying live in the moment. it is after midnight in israel. this day is in the books. tomorrow he will visit with mahmoud abbas, the head of the palestinian authority, they will visit the holocaust museum, the israel museum, other events, and that's where the focus has been. they have a been able to with important photo ops and important meetings and gestures and symbols offent action keep some of that at bay. >> and we're not hearing from the white house, may be not surprisingly. elijah cummings has address in the past, whether or not flen was honest or who gave him the
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security clearance. he later was on the doorstep of something elijah cummings says doesn't hold water here. >> that's today's developments. hey, the obama administration gave this guy a clearance so why are you questioning us? if he misrepresented this key fact this trip, and bethe way, the pentagon is questioning whether he should have gotten permission separately to be paid by russia. if he misrepresented this, you could question, why didn't they get to the bottom of it? and how good are the security vetters in this government? >> that was a separate level of clearance under the obama administration that he would need taking this position in the trump administration. >> kasie? >> we have this new at the same
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time, reaction from this fifth amendment. this is pretty short. while we recognize general flynn's constitutional right to invoke the fifth amendment, we are disappointed he has chosen to disregard the subpoena request, for documents relevant to our investigation. here's the key part. they said we will vigorously pursue his testimony and his production of any and all pertinent materials, that you are soonlt to the committee's authority. so it sounds like, they're not going to drop this. it is important to point out, they had not actually subpoenaed general flynn's appearance. they had just requested the documents. and they spent a good chunk of time trying to explain or justify that producing these documents would be the equivalent of testifying. that of course, if you look into the particulars of the fifth
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amendment, they essentially seemed as though they needed to prove that this would amount to him testifying against himself. the simple production of the documents they asked for. we'll see if the committee will go back and again subpoena him to appear in person. >> so what do you make of it? >> a lot of hog wash. these are business records. floss fifth amendment for the records. he has to produce these. if these were personal notations, diaries, thoughts, sure, he would have a fifth amendment privilege. these are business records that have to be produced. these records that were part of the white house. part of what was submitted to the department of justice. part of whole process. >> the problem i've been talking on senate aides about this, it would require republicans and mitch mcconnell to enforce this, to vote to go to court, and that won't happen.
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>> one more thing. while all this is happening, we keep staying president has the rest of the week a foreign trip, he would like the focus to be there. one more development worth mentioning. that james comey, who is going to potentially testify before a couple of different committees, now apparently is going to talk on special prosecutor mueller before he figures out what he can and cannot say. >> there is all kinds of questions what remains classified, where will the various investigations trip over each other. and that's the underwritiriding know for all of these. to decide what they are and are not going on say. and just one more comment on the flynn documents thing. part of it is asking for documents that already exist, that may have been recorded. and it is a question of documents exist, having approved those. but part of the request was for him to make list of other calls that happened and that's the part that they're more strength
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with usually arguing. it is like keeping a diary and kind of like testimony which tloets it into a strange middle ground. it is not a hard and fast line because it is a combination of things they were asking for. >> i knew i should have gone to law school. thanks to all of you. up next, we'll get retook this breaking news on the flynn investigation. and we've rounded up five times five times president trump has taken a step against envoeking the fifth amendment. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪
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as we said, just one of the breaking news stories. michael flynn will invoke his fifth amendment right in response to a subpoena. president trump slammed the use of the fifth amendment when commenting on hillary clinton staffers. >> when you have your staff taking the fifth amendment, taking the fifth so they're not
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prosecuted, when you have the man that set up the illegal server taking the fifth, i think it is disgraceful. >> fifth amendment. the mob takes the fifth. if you're innocent, why are you taking the fifth amendment? >> fifth amendment. horrible. horrible. >> he pleaded the fifth and that was the end. we never heard about him again. >> this is like watergate. on it's worse because here, our foreign enemies were in a position to hack our most sensitive national security secrets.
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i joined the army in july of '98. our 18 year old was in an accident. when i call usaa it was that voice asking me, "is your daughter ok?" that's where i felt relief. we're the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. republicans on capitol hill are preparing for a big week. from health care to the budget. the last thing they need is for the president to become more of a liability, especially as russia investigations threaten to take focus away from their priorities. good to see you, congressman, i
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want to start with the breaking news just this hour that elijah cummings released this hour. he said there are documents in possession of the oversight committee that indicate that, that appear to indicate, that michael flynn lied to investigators who interviewed him in 2016 as part of his security clearance. if there is evidence of that, and we haven't heard from chairman chaffetz yet. does this need to be pursued? >> sure. there are a lot of qualifiers and ifs in there. i taught ethics for years. if the evidence is there, we need to do that. it is important to know that alan dershwitz has said so far there's no evidence that would lead to indictment of trump or the administration over the weekend. so there's a lot of, people have reported a lot of smoke. let's just follow the evidence and go in order. and i applaud mr. dershwitz for standing up for the rule of law
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so solidly. >> well, you said this. there is noal allegation of wrongdoing for michael flynn. nbc has record that he is a subject of an fbi investigation and with all this news today, the allegations of wrongdoing continue. is there something else to be looked at here in terms of vetting? >> i trust you guys. we have a pretty good system in the country. senator mark warner is one of the heads on the senate intelligence investigation. you have part sandal incentives. you have the main stream press looking for evidence. "the new york times," the "washington post" have been coming out one sourced documents. so i'm waiting. show me the evidence. and we're a nation of laws. not of men. known who is guilty is guilty. if you go back to comey on the clinton server, et cetera, he
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basically laid out felony charges and said you need intent. it turns out you don't need intent. i didn't hear the same amount of reporting on the $2 billion in the cleaninton foundation. while she was secretary of state, there wasn't the same aggressiveness. let's just wait until the evidence comes in. everyone is innocent until proven guilty. we should pursue the law vigorously for every person. that's just common sense, the way the american people like to see it. >> do you have a concern that so much of this, and obviously if someone was appointed by the president of the united states, rod rosenstein, decided there was a need for a special prosecutor, there has to be at least some there, there if he came to that conclusion. we're seeing this with deluge. you could call it a drip, drip, drip, depending on your perspective. there seems to be some breaking
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news with evidence almost he have day. how much is this affecting your ability to get what you want to get done? and the president is playinging this first very important foreign trip. >> a lot to unpack. in years i think. the harvard professor said there's no there, there. >> that's a single comment a single issue. previously. and he is not obviously the final -- >> you have about 40 seconds of questions. so i'm giving you a response to is there a there, there? >> what he said was, that there was a determination by rod proenls there was enough there, there that he appoint ad special prosecutor. >> specifically with respect to that story, he said there are a lot of people covering their recommendations. and he went down the list. and there are too many people protecting their opportunities end stead of providing the there, there.
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that's important to the rule of law. he said so far, there's no there, there. this is someone who probably voted for hillary. too many people protecting their recommendations instead of following the evidence. he said there is no statute you can name, and that's what you need to do. when you have someone of that stature satisfying no statute has been violated at all. that's where the bar should be. >> so he changes that tune on that, you'll go with him. >> absolutely. >> he is your level of who you will trust for all things legal. >> i trust any of you. if you right now can tell me what statute has been violated, i'm listening. can you name a statute? >> i can read to you from the letter of elijah cummings if you want to go there. i'm not a lawyer. i don't want to get into that detail. how concerned are you about what you can get done on the hill? >>ett that's the key, for the
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american people right now, economic will growth. tax cuts are one means to achieve economic growth that will provide americans with more median income and jobs. that's what we're waiting for. you're right. the distractions. we need to get away from it. the wous needs on tight yen the messaging. so we can get the america growing at 3%, 4% again. kennedy achieved it. lowered the corporate rate, got economy moving, reagan did the same thing. the american people are waiting for that. the business sector is waiting for that. if we do that, he have one will be happy again. we can move beyond the drama and that's good news we all agree on. >> congressman brat, good to see you thank you. . and if alan dershwitz wants to cut a tv ad, we know where we can go.
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the former director for media. a former adviser to senator rand paul's campaign. you two are republicans. do you take all of your legal advice from in allan dershwitz? >> certainly not. he isn't on the inside. he hasn't seen all the evidence. so just blindly saying, i'll follow anything that -- certainly an esteemed lawyer says, baffles me. >> he is an esteemed lawyer. >> this is not necessarily a lawyer that i'll just -- >> he was on the o.j. dream team. >> we have evidence that suggests that he lied about a couple different things. but is this, do you think, just a little grand standing know peggy won't get anywhere with
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it? and i'm afraid to use this term yet, there, there. >> this is really topical right now. my husband in his 2011 book about general mcchrystal and his gang of operators who surrounded him, he reported that mike flynn said then in 2010 that he had lied to get his security clearance. so this is not anything new. this has been out there. actually everyone should watch the movie based on the book will be on netflix friday. the problems with mike flynn and his credibility have been throughout in the open for many years. this goes with michael's reporting. >> but for the congress, they've been saying we'll get to the bottom of this. you just heard congressman say we ought to follow evidence. is this evidence that needs to be followed? >> absolutely. i think there are annul of places in which mike flynn is clearly vulnerable based on
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reporting. we don't know, what was the content of conversations he was having with the russians before the election, after the election, before the inauguration? and subsequently after that. so he has annul of different places where he's vulnerable. his attorneys are being really smart. what i think their going to come up against is the congress hold him in contempt and he can end up in legal trouble if he doesn't come and testify before the congress or hand over the documents so. i think there are still relevant legal questions that will come up. and i would not want to be on tv declaring there's no there, there. we don't know yet. there are a lot of details now that we do know that are very problematic for the white house and mike flynn personally. >> we don't know where this is going but we know it has been a
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distraction for the president, for this white house. then today when everything seemed to be going pretty well for the president. he was sticking to script. a lot of great photo ops where ted ability to look presidential. unasked no, question was asked. he comes out with, i want to say that i never said in the meeting with the russians, israel. no one ever said he said israel. >> and not only that. by even doing what he did, he basically acknowledged that there was that intelligence breach that had been reported. so while trump was saying, you got story wrong, what the story was that the president breached, had that intelligence breach and shared what he shouldn't have shared. in benjamin netanyahu's presence acknowledged. that that to me was the takeaway. earlier in the day, rex tillerson had a press conference on the plane where he said there would be no apology forthcoming to the israelis because of the
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intelligence braex. again, acknowledging the intelligence breach now. we know the conversation did take place in the white house. so much of the takeaway from the staff basically evaporated. >> can they get their menning together? >> no. not as long as donald trump is at the helm running operation. we've seen repeatedly, he would manage to get on message for a week or two. he would read from the teleprompter. you could see the correlation with hisser poll numbers. as long as donald trump is commanding his operation, he will keep veering off track. >> they have on stick to the truth. if you stick to the truth, you won't find yourself having to walk back an explanation that fell apart. >> thanks to all of you.
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. welcome back. more breaking news. the "washington post" reporting that president trump is moving toward hiring outside counsel to help him navigate the investigations into his campaign. wee have a lot more on that ahead. plus, the president's foreign policy focus gets fuzzy. but first the market wrap. >> thanks. the markets ending in positive
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in israel today, the president is trying to do what so many of his he predecessors have attempted. to begin work o'a peace deal in the region. >> i've heard it is one the of toughest deals of all but i have a feeling that we're going to get there eventually. i hope. >> mr. trump will meet tomorrow with palestinian president abbas to further discuss the peace
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process. the two met earlier this month when mr. abbas came to washington. this is his second stop on the trip. the first was saudi arabia where he called on arab leaders to fight terrorism. >> drive them out of your places of worship. drive them out of your communities. drive them out of your holyland. and drive them out of this earth. >> had the joint fellow at the institute of peace and the woodrow wilson for scholars, and a contributing writer for the new yorker. >> great to be with you. >> it was interesting to hear the way rex tillerson described his views. he said islam, we're not here to tell other people how to live their lives. there was a lot of stage craft. in terms of messaging, are we seeing a more moderate president
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trump? >> that's a good question. this is a man on this issue of saudi arabia charged that they threw gays off buildings and enslaved women when he was a candidate. now he is talking about doing mega deals with the saudis and having they will be the cornerstone of a counter extremist or counter message. and to help build a coalition. a kind of arab nato to deal with islamic extreme i. so what we don't know is whether he has abandoned the phrase, radical islamic terrorism, whether he has moved on and whether he is willing to embrace the idea of doing business with the very parties he was most critical of. >> sense you mentioned mega deal, let's talk about middle east peace. you said there are new reasons for hopeful are there? >> it is very difficult to see how he will overcome the same problems. what happens to the settlements?
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what are the boundaries of a new palestinian state? an even bigger question of the status of juierusalem. these issues that have been obstacles to many of hisett predecessors and it is hard to see how the current leadership in either israel or the palestinian authority will break new ground. there is always hope that there is movement on the peace process. but president trump's claim that this is a process not quite as difficult as others have described it. it may not prove to be true. >> what do you make of his visit to the western wall, praised by bibi netanyahu? some people say this is not the move of someone who wants to be able to broker a peace deal between these two sides. >> remember, he is going toer bethlehem, the birth place of jesus. this whole tour is crafted
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around seeing the three great abrahamic faiths. he goes next to the vatican. he hoped to get on mossad and give a speech there. this is a siter sacred to the israelis. because of the antiquities, it was difficult on get approval for his helicopters to land there. so the wailing wall was an obvious alternative. i think this was a symbol and it isn't more than that. >> what to expect tomorrow for his meeting with mahmoud abbas? >> well, i think he is trying on orchestrate a meeting between two leaders who have not seen each other a long time. i think he homes to bring about a meeting. whether that will herald something bigger is a much more difficult question to answer. i would not be optimistic.
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>> always good to see you. we'll have more on all the breaking news on the russia investigations. jason chaffetz tweeting moments ago, spoke with comey of the he wants to speak with special counsel prior to public testimony. hearing wednesday postponed. (microphone feedback) listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. manait's a series of is nsmart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it.
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when you look at who will fight for main street montana. >> but for him to win, he'll have to win trump voters. how will he do it? >> how did i win trump voters? >> how do you think you did it? >> in part, shoeg up and talking about the public good. in a state like montana, one of our great equalizers is public lands. another is public education. it gives everybody an opportunity. another is making sure to fight for some of those values that aren't unique to montana, that are so, so important saying i want a fair tax system. i want an economy -- >> a lot of people bank election. you can catch the entire election on our website, "meet the press".com. break through your allergies.
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panel. elise jordan. socki shockingly, another piece of breaking news from the "washington post" locked in a battle with "the new york times." this one says that trump is close. in fact, there's a list of possible lawyers for his legal team and not just one lawyer that looking at potentially hiring a team of lawyers, including elise jordan, ted olson. what do you make of it? >> that ted olson would want any part of this is surprising because he has a stellar reputation. although, he would be outside counsel, the trump white house is where republican reputations go to die these days. we've seen all the trouble people have had by hinging their credibility with this president and how he undercuts their own credibility. whatever his moment -- his morning tweet storm decides to be. it is interesting that he's choosing to pursue this. >> when you look at somebody who would be the ultimate washington insider, right, somebody who goes back to reagan and
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iran-contra, ted olson would have to be at the top of the list. >> it's a very smart move if the trump white house does this. he was one of the lawyers on bush v. gore. one of the historic supreme court case that gave us george w. bush as the president and paired up with the same lawyer he fought against in bush v. gore to see that same-sex marriage was legalized. he's run the gamut on huge cases in washington. he's an affable guy. people like him. we were talking about the communication problems this white house has. basically, one of the outside counsels in these situations ends up being a p.r. representative as much as possible. olson is well-respected, yes. republican reputations to take a beating in the white house. but as long as he stays outside, chooses his battles, speaks for the president authoritatively and for the overall white house is going to help trump. >> the worse -- as you know,
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it's somebody who won't listen to you when you say to him or her, shut up. >> that's the challenge for anyone working with the orbit of donald trump right now. i think that going forward, it's going to be really interesting to see who he puts on his team of lawyers. if it's a ted olson. i do think that would be a smart choice. it would be a surprising choice but smart. i think one. things i'm thinking when i hear that they're trying to get a team of lawyers is, didn't you tell us this was all a hoax and not a real story? >> somebody who, frapg nkly, he incredibly litigious and is used to being around lawyers. this isn't shocking for him. >> he needs a lot of lawyers. >> smart but signals that they're taking it seriously, as they should. >> we've been talking about all of this in the united states is affecting what he's doing overseas. argument can be made on one of the comments that he made today that he is making a lot of problems of his own by saying, for example, i never said israel
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in that meeting with russia. and though no one ever said he said russia, but now we have this. when he sat down one-on-one in front of cameras with the president of israel, take a listen. >> just got back from the middle east, we just got back from saudi arabia and we were treated incredibly well. and there's tremendous well, really good feeling toward israel. >> well, twitter is having quite a time with this one. when he's sitting in israel and said i just got back from the middle east. >> maybe he sees the relationship as so warm that it's also the homeland. >> i'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. he's probably tired. >> they said he's exhausted. when he said islamist and islamic and mixed them up, he said look, this is a guy who is exhausted. but again, to your point, this is a problem you could argue of his own staff's making. they decided to land and hit the
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ground running. they didn't get there ahead of time and no downtime. >> he doesn't have much of a diplomatic presence yet establishing the countries with the exception of israel. to your earlier point, i do think yes, that he stepped in it when he said that. the rest of the trip thus far has been a pretty good trip for trump. the saudis bent over backwards to say how wonderful he was. there's a 125-foot projection of trump's face on the side of the hotel where he was staying. >> everywhere they went, there were billboards of him, pictures with trump. >> that's what donald trump loves, is people praising him. i do think there are hurdles for him to overcome when you're meeting with the allies. there's a lot of the comments he makes in the closed door meetings that are off color or typical trump and will embarrass the president. i do think coming up, he has a few more in terms of this foreign trip than in saudi arabia and israel. >> let's hope they put in time
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for sleep. this is a daunting trip. no doubt about it. beth, elise, zer lena, thanks to you. you might have missed this in the flurry of breaking news. keep it here. phone with our allstate agent,
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in case you missed it, it's business as usual for at least one of the branches of government. the supreme court gave a major victory ruling that north carolina illegally relied on race when drawing two congressional districts. but the high court found that
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the state packed african-american voters into the first and 12th congressional districts to minimize their influence statewide. that's all for tonight. chuck will be back tomorrow with more mtp daily. for the record with greta starts now. hello, chris. what a night it is. we have breaking news. michael flynn, the national security adviser has just taken the 5th andment andhis might be why. because we have more breaking news. new accusations thatlynn lied to federal agents and democrats say they have the proof. the top democrat in the house oversight committee, congressman cummings writing a blistering letter to jason chaffetz. saying the committee has documents that appear to indicate that general flynn lied to the investigators who interviewed him back in 2016 as part of his security clearance renewal. now cummings lays out this timeline. it's as follows. december 2015, michael flynn attended a


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