tv MTP Daily MSNBC May 26, 2017 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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part of what we need to see is that this is not just a, a disagreement around personalities. this is around content. people are tired of the democratic party being the republican party in blue. which is what you're doing if you're running around the archie bunker vote. let us become elephants with donkey skin on. >> all right. we're cutting into chuck's time. thank you so much. that does it for this hour. i'm nicole wallace. m. "mtp daily." >> you have to let the rev finish. amen to him. if it's friday, the u.s.'s russia war room will be up and running soon. tonight, as the president returns to washington, we are learning just how close to home the filibuster's russia investigation is getting. we'll talk on former cia
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director leon panetta in an exclusive one-on-one. plus a big republican win in big sky country. greg gianforte wins in spite of the assault charge. >> for that i'm sorry. >> but the democrats made huge gains so which party is truly feeling good today? later, the 2016 mexielection th never ends. >> they may even call you a nasty woman. >> this is "mtp daily" and it starts right now. good evening. i'm chuck todd in washington. tomorrow is welcome back to washington, mr. president, and welcome back to the chaos that you left behind. you want to get a sense of what
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he is coming back to? just look back at what he left. >> mr. president, i would like the get your reaction to deputy attorney general rod rosenstein's decision to appoint a special counsel. >> the entire thing has been a witch hunt. believe me, there's no collusion. >> did you at any time urge director james comey to close or to back down the investigation into michael flynn? >> no, no. next question. >> all of that was the day before the president left town. folks, the president's first overseas trip then gave him and his staff a welcome vacation from the russia feeding frenzy. the trim started fairly well but it is arguably ending in a trumpian fog thanks on guess what? russia. the russia issue was thrust back in the spotlight in the second half of the president's trip abroad and it will likely dominate conversation tomorrow when he gets home but for different reasons. yesterday he met with leaders in brussels where the issue of
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russian sanctions was raised. the president said that the issue on russian sanctions was that we don't have one. gary cohn said we don't have a position. now the former ambassador of russia called that answer embarrassing. today, gary cohn offered a clarification. >> let me make one clarification from yesterday. i may not have answered the question -- i thought it answered it very clearly but let me say, we're not lowering our soongss russia. if anything we on look to get tougher. i don't want there to be any confusion on that topic. my fault. i should have clarified. >> a fittingly strange way to cap off the european portion of the trim which has arguably turned into a bit of a problem, or border line disaster. the president shoved the president of montenegro. he berated our allies are, he
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didn't reaffirm the core principles of nato. he criticized on trade, and to make it even stranger, the white house confirmed those comments and then suggested mr. trump never said they will. the president landed in a bit of hot water with britain's prime minister. by the way, the tough talk on nato politically will play pretty well with much of the president's base but still adding to uncomfortable ties in europe. all of this chaos with our european allies is adding to the how tough we'll be on russia. and speaking of russia, as you know, nbc news, we've been recording that jared kushner, president trump's are senior adviser, has come under scrutiny in the russia investigation. so tomorrow the president comes home to that. and the chaos he left behind. the fbi firing, the allegations of medling with the russia probe, will be waiting for him too. the white house realize this is
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and they're readying up for a war on all of this. ments before we came to air, the white house is indeed setting up a war room on russia. as aides prepare for what they're describing as a new reality after the appointment of bob mueller, the special counsel. joining me is leon panetta. former secretary of defense, form he director of the cia, a form he chief of staff to a please lls to deal with a special counsel. by the way, he was always member of counsel. and did i say an aide to a republican president, too? gals to see you. we're going to start in backward chronological order. i'll start first and foremost with the nato speech that the president made and the discomfort that our european allies have. but at the same time, is there any part of what the president did in delivering, i guess, if
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you wanted to be generous, tough love to natoal pies could be effective? >> at least in my experience, if a president is going to make points that may be uncomfortable with the people you're talking with, you usually make those points in private. not in public. in public you reaffirm the alliance. and i think it would have been better to reaffirm the nato alliance, that we abide by article 5, and make it clear that we stand with the nato alliance and with the history that it has provided and providing security to europe against russia. >> are you concern that had the perception that the president
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isn't necessarily fully on board when it comes to, say, estonia, that will tempt vladimir putin to testthat? >> that's the concern. i think one of the things putin has since, in the last few years, that the united states is weak in responding to russia. so he's been taking advantage of it. whether in crimea or the ukraine or syria or in these intelligence attacks against the united states, trying to interfere with our elections. he is obviously been very aggressive. if he reads the tone of this meeting, as somehow raising a question as to whether the united states will stand with article 5, and will stand with our nato allies, that could be trouble for the future. >> all right. let me move now to put on your intelligence hat.
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the potential that it was actually fake intelligence, or fake potential e-mails that motivated then fbi director comey to essentially take the decision process over whether to prosecute, or the announcement of the decision on the clinton part of e-mail investigation, to essentially take that away from the justice department and what is, the "washington post" and cnn are reporting that it is, that they thought it probably wasn't true. that there was somehow justice department collusion with the clinton campaign. but they were concerned about it anyway. how troubling is it if the fbi is making decisions about fake intelligence if they know it is fake intelligence? >> what wre hearing is the most convoluted reasoning i've ever heard from the fbi.
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i cannot imagine that the fbi would allow something that they knew was fake and was something that the russians were trying to do, that they would allow to it influence what would happen with the fbi on an investigation. that doesn't make sense to me. >> i know you didn't work directly with director comey. does this sound like a way he would operate? >> no. it really doesn't. based on his reputation. based on the kind of integrity that i think he's shown throughout his career. in terms of calling issues the way he sees them. and that's usually the way the fbi operates. normally if the fbi determines there is a violation of law, or evidence to prove a violation of law, that's what they say and that's what they go with. they don't try to manipulate a
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presentation based on something they know to be fake. i don't get that. >> i guess, look. my concern is i feel as if any fbi investigation now becomes tainted in the eyes of many in the public. could we be at a point where even if there is a definitive charge that is made by bob mueller, the special counsel, or by the fbi, that you'll have a lot of the public questioning and not believe it because there seems to be such concern over how the fbi operates? >> i think this proves that the regss were very successle to undermine credibility in our basic institutions. if anything, russiaas taken a lot of satisfaction over listening to how they were able to manipulate the fbi with regard to an investigation.
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this is disturbing. in terms of our national security that the wrugss so successful at being able to influence what happened in this country and it is for that reason that we are dealing with a very serious national security issue, and we have an obligation to the american people to determine what happened and how we prevent it from happening in the future. >> now put your former white house chief of staff hat on. when you became chief of staff in the clinton white house, there was an outside investigation that was rattling the white house a little bit. you were brought in to write supervision. they are now setting up a war room. what's the best way to do this? how do you compartmentalize as
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an investigation? >> well, the most important thing in this situation is not to let an investigation totally dominate everything that is happening in the white house. the president of the united states has a responsibility to deal with a lot of issues confronting this country. he has an agenda that he wants to get through the congress. he is dealing with foreign affairs issues. he is dealing with crisis. that's what the president ought to focus. if this investigation dominates a white house and has everybody running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to deal with that, this creates chaos. the best thing to do is to put this investigation into a separate area. if they're establishing a war room, that's fine. to be able to focus on it. he has lawyers to deal with it. the best thing is to separate it
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from the responsibilities of presidency. allow the investigation to go its course and do your job as president of the united states. >> well, give some advice to reince priebus. you probably had a president that would fume at something the special counsel did, that would fume at media coverage, that would want to respond. and we have since heard stories about how angry then president clinton would get at aspects of things. obviously wednesday that president trump is upset. he hasn't kept it under wraps. how hard was that for to you keep it under wraps for bill clinton? >> well, presidents are human beings and they react emotionally to issues that bother them. and president clinton was no different i'm sure from other presidents, including president trump, with regard to those kinds of issues. but you are president of the united states. and your first responsibility is to be president. it is not to react emotionally
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to issues that pop up every day. so my responsibility as chief of staff is to focus on the issue, what does the president want to emphasize on that particular day? is it an education issue? a foreign affairs issue? going on a trip? focus only issue. because if you simply allow the president to react emotionally to what concerns him, then will be the headline the for day. and that will hurt his agenda. >> what's your interpretation after trumsirst tri overseas? >> i've said this before. i've said ts before. i think it is a tale of two presidencies. on national security i feel like he has a pretty good team working for him. they do present positions more in line with the traditional
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positions the united states ought to be taking. and he does seem to be listening to they will of the sometimes not all the time but at least most of the time. on the domestic side of it, i don't see that. i don't see anybody who has political experience. who has experience running a white house. i sense that there is a lot of competing centers of power within the white house and it is creating a chaotic back ground to try to support the president of the united states. if that continues, i think this presidency is going to be chaotic into the future. >> as i said at the top, i wanted to use different parts of your resume to and you about different parts of it now. the final one was dealing with our coarsening politics. later in the show i'll indicate that patient zero in our polarized politics may have been something took place while you were in congress.
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the dispute over what was known as the bloody eighth. the indiana eighth district. it took over a year to decide who won. sometimes we like the say, the good old days. compare that moment. was that the moment that deteriorated relationships and it sort of launched gingrich? do you buy that was patient zero here? >> no, not necessarily. i think there are a lot of factors that play, that created this divisiveness that we see today. part of it was the way newt gingrich handled himself and went after the institution o the congress. the whole issue with the house bank, the whole issue dealing with this election. more importantly, i think, the attacks that were made that were
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really undermining the relationship between democrats and republican that's had historically created bipartisanship. add to that money, the sound bites of the media, add to that a lot of other issues and that's the result we have today. a very divided country. a very partisan washington. and a very dysfunctional washington in terms of governing. >> well, i didn't want to limit the to a sound bite. that's why we did 15 minutes with you. i won't bother with all the titles. just one of the washington wisemen who is wise enough to know he should be living on the west coast. thank you. >> thank you, chuck, thank you. >> coming up, republicans held on. ♪ this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail
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controversy and the political environment, the republicans won another special election one day after their candidate was charged with misdemeanor assault. the democrat rob quist got 44% and a libertarian got 6%. it was only after he won and after polls closed that gianforte apologized for allegedly assaulting a reporter who tried to ask him about health care. >> i took an action that i can't take back. i'm not proud of what happened. i should not have responded in the way that i did. and for that i'm sorry. >> and you're forgiven. >> i should not have treated that report per way. and for that, i'm sorry, mr. ben jacobs. that's not the person that i am and it is not the way i'll lead in this state. >> remember when you take the oath of office to pre serve and protect the constitution, you know what that first amendment is. who should be happy tonight?
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the democrats who came closer to winning than that past election or the republican that's had to win a usually safe seat but came out on top in the end? and what does that tell us about 2018? bp engineered a fleet of 32 brand new ships with advanced technology, so we can make sure oil and gas get where they need to go safely. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. i count on my dell small for tech advice. with one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and
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i get back to business. ♪ ♪ welcome back. trump in trouble, intel leaks, fbi confusion, russian probes, montana body slams. we have a lot to talk about with our panel. the president comes home after a brief respite from the russian feeding frenzy here in washington, to right back into it. we have our weekly story about a white house shake-up. i say this because every week there's speculation about it. but they clearly want to reorganize themselves around this war room.
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>> i doubt that will be what happens. while he was there, this idea that james comey might have ooktd what he thought, what he knew was to be a fake document that was possibly leaked. that his administration continues to have all these issues with russia, that we're still talking about now. jared kushner becoming one of the central people looked at by the fbi. including the chaos created abroad when he was talking about very bad guys. >> they're having to do a lot of explaining. >> i'm finding it hard to keep traffic everything jared kushner is responsible for. middle east peace, domestic policy, reinventing government. now he'll be running the war room. >> i think, you listen to leon
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panetta. the clinton white house when faced with these challenges, established separate structures. i think that's important to keep in mind if they want any responsibility as they handle investigatio investigations. >> you've done this for various clients, we know la the right answers is. the answer is se-discipline. >> two issues, one is as former secretary panet pointed out, they have a process for foreign policy. if they have a process for domestic policy, any kind of regular process, it has not been evident since he took office. so now they're trying to develop a new process. and they already don't have a process. so i think that's a huge challenge. more to the point, the discipline that will be needed starts with the please has given us real-time tapes with his tweets. what i'm thinking, what my
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motivations are. >> you don't need on subpoena anything. he just tells you. >> it is not like a cover-up. he said lester holt on the network why he fired james comey. >> and to hear leon panetta saying he needs to be someone more disciplined, not as emotional, someone who is not concerned every single day with what's happening. i was thinking, we're talking about president trump. clearly that won't happen. what he will need is what the clinton white house did. new people, new blood. the people with him are so close to him, and so loyal. i have no idea. >> if write him, i would move the white house to another time zone. i think keeping him away from cable news has helped his tweets. >> absolutely. the president has had his calendar filled. he is jetting from country to
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country. >> getting rest. of course, you can't do that when knees washington and he insists on having unstructured time when he is in washington and that leads to these pr blow-ups. >> i brought it one leon panetta. it seems to me more than ever, what motivated james comey? the credibility of e fbi is at stake. does it not? either the fbi was duped or he did not pursue the alarming allegation. >> my ploddest prediction is the day he goes, probably in front of senate intelligence committee will be the day that washington stops, except perhaps a certain tweeter in chief. >> i think everybody watches. he a lot of questions to answer. i think the credibility of the
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intelligence, of the fbi, the credibility of the are government at large is very much in question. >> it is a series. this latest news has sent him back. probably by the time he testifies in public, he'll be back. the run down, you mentioned the intel leaks. i thought to myself, just another day in donald trump's washington. >> will the public, if the fbi comes to a definitive conclusion, i'm concerned there will be a large chunk of the country. >> as much as we talk about the polarizing effect of this country, i think when it comes to the stock market, it is going up and down with different
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populations. i think that makes everybody mad. the idea that the fbi, the revered institution that we think will keep us protected, that will do all this stuff, that they could be doomed by the russians, that says so much about this country and about where we are. >> the most troubling aspect of this. their just as frustrated. >> mueller is there now and you have an independent voice. if we have reached the point in our media culture that no matter what is concluded, you won't have people. they sort of expected it. >> we expected with the media over the last ten years. >> but they had that situation even before. the reality is they had grave doubts about the clinton investigation. public hs grave doubts about the
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fbi. >> based on the clinton investigation too. >> that's correct. talk about not pleasing anybody and feeling like you've done the right thing. but at the end of the day, the way that mueller handles this, and he does have bipartisan support. the way that heandles it will put everything that happened before hand very much in stark contrast. >> i think we're all hopeful that he can do this. we're going to look at the next key races on the or icon. hey, man. oh! nice man cave!
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you know the saying, if it's sunday, it's meet the press. i'm going to talk with john kelly and bob corker. we have a lot to discuss, the president overseas, terrorist attacks, et cetera. then there's my conversation with mitch landrieu. the process of removing four confederate era statues. this is a divisive move to many southerners. what do you say to they will? this has become more polarized. >> first of all, i didn't start the civil war and i didn't start
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the racial divide that this country has had. i simply recognize for the people that we still have it and that the monuments in place were really signs of oppression for 67% of my city that is forced to walk by them. and i found morally offensive. so it didn't make any sense. there didn't have anything to do with politics. >> you'll be able to see a lot more of that on sunday. "meet the press." but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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elections so far, kansas, georgia part one, we'll get part two in june, and montana. they have yet to notch a win. june 6, a house run in california. june 20, in south carolina and georgia. south carolina replaces mick mulvany and the georgia contest is the one most people have been focused on, the race to replace tom price, the hhs secretary. on august 15, there will be primaries in alabama to finish out the material of jeff sessions. then november 7th is this year's election day. gubernatorial races in both new jersey and virginia. finally, december 12 will be the alabama special election, full run-off there. and that brings us to the 2018 mid terms. the two independents in maine and vermont who caucus with the democrats. that's why they're in light blue. so it is a long st for
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democrats to take senate majority. in the house, they would need to flip 24 seats. a tall order but something that can be pulled off in a relatively modest wave of election. joining me now, the senior editor of the cook political report. and nathan gonzalez is the editor and publisher of of insider elections. let me start with montana. basics. what did you take away from it? >> well, i think that you talked about the trend. i think it is possible for democrats to lose these elections and have the momentum at the same time. it is true, don't look too much into any one special election when you take a step back and look at all of them. i would throw in the post inauguration marches, town hall protests, the energy and enthusiasm in georgia 6, a 30-year-old staffer is raising over $20 million. the democrats have the momentum and that's an important factor. >> jennifer, you and i have been doing this a long time.
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compare memorial day now compared to memorial day of 2009 to memorial day of 1993. what does it feel like now? >> you do feel a democratic energy. we're seeing some interesting things in the senate. here we are, the end of may. there's not one senate retirement that has been announced. and going back to 2006, almost all retirements have been announced. >> and this year we would have expected democrat retirements. that means democrats feel good about running. >> they do feel good about it. we're not seeing major announcements from republicans. there have only been a couple. we will see what july looks like. july is apply test about how recruiting is going. how people get in. you see the deadlines. so yeah, a lot of energy, a little panic on the republican side. no question about that. >> let's talk about the democratic side. do they have a problem with the
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dccc? i say this because they seem to only go half into montana. and they went in just enough to please activists but not enough to please activists and it was not enough to make a difference. and speaker ryan's pack is why greg gianforte survived. >> they're in a difficult spot about having to balance, yes, we want to challenge everywhere. as many places as possible. does that mean going all in or spending millions of dollars. >> they don't look like they want to be one. >> even though fundraising is going better, even on the candidate side. they're still dealing with a finite amount of money. to say, why didn't you -- they're still looking for winnable races. this is an equation about where can you maximize your funds? and their data coming into the show to show that it was not a close race. so why dump money in is part of mindset. >> all right. let's dig in. the impact of the next few
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special elections. the impact it has is usually on perception of whether it is a good environment to run or not. you've been saying we have had a surprisingly lack of retirement announcements. on the house side, too. do you expect that to change basically, people watching georgia? could georgia be that trigger point that either gets, becomes a winfall for candidates recruitingwise or stops the momentum in. >> i don't see georgia being winfall in the house. i'm not sure they will take that seriously. the winfaull, you might see it in the gubernatorial race in november. i think democrats are pretty well positioned to win in new jersey. virginia will be close but the democrats pull that off, electing yet another democratic governor, i think that helps. and then you have alabama. >> the weird wild senate the election. i don't know if it will tell us
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anything about the environment. >> absolutely. but i think that there are enough republican candidates there. a run-off state. if they force a run-off, and that democrat suddenly looks more competitive than any democrat ought to be in a statewide race in alabama, that i think may be the thing that really fillips. democrats only have nine targets in the senate. one of them being alabama of theon one state up, nevada, that hillary clinton carried. the next vulnerable one is jeff flake in arizona which trump carried by 4. the next is ted cruz in texas which trump carried by 9. the remaining six seats, trump carried by healthy double digits. so there aren't a lot of targets. so we start to see some bizarre things going on in places like alabama. then it gets interesting. >> the thing about special
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elections is there's something you can take from each of them to win the race. if john ossoff wins in georgia, they can say he raised all that money and every house candidate won't raise $20 million. that's true but that doesn't mean that republicans don't have a fundamental problem this cycle. >> house retirements. i have to be impress that had they've limited them so far. >> history tells us there will be more. august recess, coming out, we could see more. i went back to the 2010 cycle. >> it is the sweet spot. >> the 2010 cycle, wasn't until the fall like the two democrats in tennessee retired. so right now, ross lehtinen is the big one. >> well, we will continue to overcover and overanalyze these
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one election at a time. we'll see a lot more to come. up next, tugly state of american politics and the race that may have started it all. time's up, insufficient prenatal care. and administrative paperwork... your days of drowning people are numbered. same goes for you, budget overruns. and rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. we're coming for you, too. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. brtry new flonase sensimists. allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only block one. new flonase sensimist changes everything.
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bp uses flir cameras - a new thermal imagining technology - to inspect difficult-to-reach pipelines, so we can detect leaks before humans can see them. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. . welcome back. i'm obsessed stwil the ugliness and toxicity of our politics of the some of the us can point to this. the virus hit in the race in
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indiana's eighth congressional district. it was so ugly and so emotional it became as the bloody eighth. don't adjust your television sets. we are going to use some vintage television. it was frank mcclosky being challenged by richard mcintyre. here's 1985 nbc news correspondent jamie. >> the problem both men claim they won. at first, mcclosky had the numbers. it was mcintyre. then mcclosky. then mcintyre again. >> after some sparring, the democratic controlled house ordered the counting of some 5,000 or so votes that had been uncounted for technical reasons. the winner by a grand total of 4 votes. it was good enough for speaker tip o'neill and his democrat making jort. they seated mcclosky and the house unseated themselves and wauktd out in protest.
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the republican anger led to night gingrich house minority cleared and what followed was the win at all costs attitude that we see today. republicans believe democrats are winning at all costs. democrats believe republicans are doing it this way and remember all this happened in 1984. before robert bourque, before clarnls thomas, monica, wmd, you lie, you know, we now know where it all started. does anyone have an idea where it might end? look closely. hidden in every swing, every chip, and every putt, is data that can make the difference between winning and losing. the microsoft cloud helps the pga tour turn countless points of data into insights that
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time for the lid. our panel is back anita, michelle, andr. montana, what did we just experience? and what do you take away from it? market yu, look, i am not done with the -- i think it's kind of lame that he apologized after he won. i'm sorry, it doesn't -- >> it was lame. he was lame. >> you know, you talked about the bloody 8. this is the whacky at large.
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both candidates were extremely flawed. that's why you see gianforte in a republican state getting 50%. it's not something to write home about. quist, on the other hand, was also a mess. he had a stack of opposition research that reached to my shoulders. interesting take away for me, sanders campaigned for quist. >> right. >> and quist lost. now, sanders is not campaigning for ossoff in georgia, and ossoff looks like he's going to win. >> that's an interesting -- what do you make of that? >> i just point out you can't get two more different districts than montana and suburban atlanta. >> the country is politically distinct. the new south versus the rural upper midwest. >> which is one of the reasons people such as me which think georgia we ought to be paying attention. make three very quick points about montana. first of all, speaker ryan gets a huge amount of credit for saying, i'm not going to let
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this become a psychological blow to my caucus and putting -- they ended up spending 6, $7 million. >> 16 to 1 pac wise as far as speaker versus nancy pelosi. >> they did what they needed to do. second point which is the downside for speaker ryan, this is a republican candidate in a state that donald trump carried by 20 points who could not take a position on the health care bill. i mean, refused to take a position because it is so unpopular in a deep red rural state like montana and who when he was asked about the cbo score, not exactly a gotcha, kind of lost it. the third thing i would point out is that the tension between kind of the grassroots democrats and the washington democrats, you're never going to have a race that belter illustrates it than this one i think. >> no doubt. democrats need to realize republicans can keep the grassroots and the establishment were fighting, you know, it ended up biting them. >> i of course want to talk
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about body-slamming because to me as a working journalist who has to be in people's faces asking tough questions, the fact it is at all acceptable somebody can be body slammed and be elected and given only apologize after you've won the election, to me is disgusting and it's this idea i think is going to be an escalation and it says a lot about where we are as a country. it says where we are heading. as a reporter i'm thinking about myself is it politically acceptable for someone to put their hands on me. we don't like them anyway. i came back from rural mississippi trying to do some reporting on poverty. people are getting so angry they think they're going to be physically assaulting people because they don't agree with whatever "the new york times" printed that morning. we're getting into scary territory here. i think both sides in have something to do with it. i would say bernie sanders also told people the media was lying, that we were not covering things correctly. and i think we're getting into a space where people are not just
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not trusting us. there is palpable anger toward reporters. >> to me, i'm not saying the burden is on the populist. i think the burden is on the leadership to sort of stand up and say this is enough. it's not who we are. >> we talk about the course of our politics. i believe politics is downstream from culture. these trends that we're seeing, they're apparent. it's -- if you flip your phone and you go onto social media, this is much larger than one special election in a house race in montana. it has to do with our inability to control ourselves. and i think what the solution for that is may be beyond politics. >> mark sanford put it as eloquently as anybody has in the washington post this morning, anita. he basically said, look, a, it's weird out there right now. >> no question. >> you and i experience a lot of weirdness covering these things. but that there is this sense of a permission slip that anything
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goes. and he attributed it to the president. this is republican mark sanford attributing it to the president, not some whacky left wing pundit. >> this is mark sanford who also probably was the most eloquent person in denouncing the monopoly money budget that the president decides to send up to congress this week as well. this is a mark sanford that many of us are surprised to find, you know, ourselves agreeing with a great deal of the time. chuck, youknow, the republican party has had a history, though, of using the presence of foil going back to richard nixon and spiro ag knew who i think did describe you as -- also if you recall -- >> miscellaneous footsie putters pat buchanan. >> in 1998, they set up the press in the dan quail event, they miked the crowd so when reporters were asking quayle was asking them. you think about what sara palin
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did in 2008. they're taking it to a level, the president is taking it to i ae a level that is scary. >> democrats did it, too. covering the clinton campaign and sanders campaign, they were not saying the press is amazing people and they're here to tell the truth. they were also very angry at reporters. i think they contributed to it, too. >> unfortunately i'm out of time and i wanted to bring up matthew's favorite topic since you wrote about it so well, the 2016 campaign was still going on today. [ laughter ] >> hillary clinton and trump's rnc responding to each other. anyway, thank you the three of you. exactly. this may 2016 broadcast. thank you. we'll be right back. there's nothing traditional about my small business so when
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call today. comcast business. built for business. that's all we have for tonight. if it's sunday catch meet the press on your local nbc station. for the record with greta starts right now. my good friend chris january si giannising. >> i'm chris giannising in for greta. can jared kushner over see the white house war room on russia if he himself is under scrutiny? can a team of warriors vet each and every tweet from president trump? sounds like they're going to try. both plans being looked at tonight at the white house. we're going to get in-depth on both of them later in the hour. but we start with explosive new criticism coming from both the left and the right just as trump tries to reboot his presidency. from the left, hilla
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