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tv   AM Joy  MSNBC  June 4, 2017 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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it can improve virtually every aspect of society and the economy. that's the opportunity of our generation. the next industrial revolution. that's why dell technologies runs live with sap. i'm appalled and furious that these cowardly terrorists would deliberately target innocent londoners and bystanders enjoying their saturday night. one of the things these terrorists want to do is disrupt our way of life. they want to stop us enjoying mingling and mixing on a saturday night in the heart of london having a good time. they want to stop us voting on thursday in the general elections and enjoying the democracy we have. we can't let them do that. we can't let them win. >> good morning and welcome to a.m. joy.
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that was the london mayor today condemning t attack that left seven dead and 48 injured in the heart of the british capital on saturday. a van veered off the road an on to the sidewalk ramming into pedestrians. then the attackers drove on to nearby burrow market with three men jumped out of the van and used knives to attack people. police shot and killed the attackers within eight minutes of the start of the rampage. no group has yet claimed responsibility. in response, donald trump did something extraordinary for an american president in the face of an ally in distress. he berated london's mayor on twitter this morning writing, at least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and mayor of london says there is no reason to be alarmed! >> joining me now is lucy. lucy, can you give us an update
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of where things stand as of now. >> reporter: i will, joy. but i want to get to a response we heard from the london mayor in response to donald trump's tweets through a spokesman saying we have more important things to do right now than to respond to donald trump's ill-informed tweets. obviously, those more important things are this ongoing investigation into response to the deadly attacks yesterday eveni evening. forensic investigators combing through the crime scene. but the primary focus is on the attackers themselves, what may have motivated them, who they may have been working with. we saw massive police activity in the suburb in east london about 30inutesrom where i am. 12 people arrested for multiple raids in that area and more properties are being searched as we speak. that gives us a clue, joy, that the authorities do have a pretty good sense of who these
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attackers were. they're probably reaching out to all of their own contacts, seeking clues about what organizations they may or may not have been affiliated with, what motivated them and perhaps more importantly whether they had any accomplices, any other potential threats that could put the public at risk. we did here from the prime minister who spoke out not just about this attack but it came out on the heels of the manchester attack. we saw the westminster attack, eerily similar to this. saying these attacks are not connected by common networks. she said they are bound together by what she calls evil ideology of muslim extremism. but at this stage, it is a live investigation. we're not getting any more details from the authorities about whether any groups, any larger networks were associated
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with these three men who have been killed by the police. but they are certainly leaving no stone unturned as they investigate. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. now i want to bring in my panel. thank you all. i want to come to you first. we put up tt series of aacks britain. we had march 21st, the palace of westminster, sex dead and isis claimed responsibility on that one. the manchester arena bombing at the concert and isis claiming responsibility. 23 dead, including the attacker and then the june 3rd london attacks. while there is no claim of responsibility here, you do have an election coming up in britain coming up within the next week. you just had the concert attack when you had ariana grande there and there is going to be a
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renewal of that concert in manchester. do you see in this attack the thread of it being something isis related? >> you never know how connected this could be to isis or a larger terror network within europe or outside of europe. but what's interesting is that isis has preached these kind of attac attacks. they preach ramming attacks, stabbing attacks. they feature that in videos and showing their operatives applying it on captured individuals. but also looking at the larger picture, isis does want to make itself relevant in any capacity. so whether the attack the orchestrated or inspired by isis, isis wants to make itself feel present. so if we see a claim of responsibility from isis for this kind of attack, it is not clear whether isis would say we directed this attack for something like -- you know, it is still not clear. but isis does claim responsibility for attacks it did not orchestrate. this is something to keep in
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mind as well. >> right. we saw the orlando attack. there is no clear le between any sort of training but sometimes people claim it to make themselves seem more important. and the other issue here, too, is you had at one point the sort of isis threat was seen as drawing people from where they live, where london or from, you know, belgium or wherever they're from and telling them to come to where isis is fighting in syria and there has seemed to have been a shift in tactics saying, no, stay where you are and do something horrible. is that accurate? >> yeah, it's absolutely accurate because let's just put something on the table right now. isis in iraq and syria is finished. they are on their last leg. they are in their okinawa moment. all of the men that have gone there are dying. so they have shifted to a strategy call eed jihad in plac where they want you to remain in
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your country and be inspired. that is all the videos and inspiration materials they left on line and they will still have mentally unstability people, people who want to, you know, make a name for themselves claim these attacks and use those inspirational tools in order to carry out terror. >> and, jack, you look at the way that london has responded, the resiliency of not only the citizens in london, but the leadership there as well. we heard a response of the london mayor to donald trump's really rather unprecedented attack on him, attack on an ally. and w this additionally from his twitter feed. he said we are all shocked and angry today, but this is our city. we will never let these cowards win. is that the way to respond the most effectively to entities like isis? >> i think the most important issue is a philosophical one,
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yes. the idea you can come at this with bombs is something that fails dramatically. we're seeing that in northern iraq and syria. but what's pushing them out and what created traction for al-qaeda was that overreaction from the west. we saw what the united states did in iraq, afghanistan and elsewhere, and the problem is it it actually created more terrorists than it killed. we can make a lot of bombs. we can make a lot of bullets and kill a lot of people. but the problem is we will create more enemies than we take down and we always need to remember that. >> i want to let you sort of evaluate the prime minister, who is running for re-election next week, actually. this was theresa may this morning. >> we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face. as terrorism breeds terrorism and perpetrators are inspired to attack, not only the basis of
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carefully constructed plots of years of planning and training and not even at loan attackers radicalized on line but by copying one another and often using the crudest of means of atck. >> and what is the proper response to that because indeed you have a cosmopolitan city like london where you have lots of freedom of movement. there is not an obvious way to stop something like this happening. >> no, there is not. and i think in some ways we have to think about it like school shootings in the united states. when you have available ideologies out there, they are going to be appealing to people who are mentally ill or extremely angry. you can't keep everybody away from every weapon. you can't ban people from drives cars or vans. you can't keep guns out of people's hands. these things will happen. and i think that essentially the way to manage them, there is no silver bullet. we have to be doing good
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detective work. we have to be getting communities to collaborate to raise the alarm when somebody is acting weird and acting in a way that seems like they might be planning some kind of attack. we have to not overreact. i think that's a fundamental point. that is what terrorists want. that's why we call them terrorists and the more we reward them by going, oh, my god, you have struck a terrible blow at our society, the more we think this is a good idea for other people. you get famous, people panic. whereas the more we say this is awful, you're mentally ill and a criminal, the more we reduce the temptation. >> that happened in new york, a draw for people who want to commit insane acts. but you also had in portland almost a mirror imagine of this kind of attack. somebody with a knife
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radicalized against mlims as opposed to radicalized in the other direction. so'm interested in the way that our president responded to this, donald trump. he went on a tweet storm about the attacks in london. we'll just put up a couple of them. he said do you notice we're not having a gun debate now? we must stop being politically correct and get down to business of security for our people. if we don't get smart, it will only be worse. we need the courts to give us back our rights. we need the travel ban assen e level of safety. >> it is ratcheting up the fear. but let me just say as a muslim american because most americans don't get to see us after these attacks talk about these things. i can share what i'm seeing on facebook from muslims around the world. first of all, there is prayers. our hearts go out to the victims.
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we despise them. they have nothing to do with islam. they are the enemies of islam. they are not going to be in paradise. they are in the hell burning forever. they invoke islam, define it, kill people in the name of our faith and then we suffer a backlash like in portland. we've had five mosques burned down under suspicious circumstances. they are not of their community or faith. manchester we know someone in that community turned them. in orlando a fellow muslim turned them into the fbi. just to be clear, we want to see them killed and neutralized more than people of other faiths want to see them killed and neutralized. just so it is clears from muslim point of view, these are despicable people whose agenda is evil, not islam. they are enemies of islam. >> we thank you for being here because that's exactly the reason we wanted to have you here because it is important to hear about the muslim community
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itself. my guests will all be back. leaders from the united kingdom responded with calm resolve. >> the who of our country needs to come together to take this on and we need to live our lives not in a series of separated, segregated communities, but as one truly united kingdom. >> elections are a wonderful thing. and that's one of these things these terrorists hate and one of the things we can do is show we are not going to be coward by voting and showing the importance of our democracy, civ civilties and human rights. >> when we come back, more on how the american president chose to react. that's next.
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in using the london attacks to promote his political agenda. last night his first response on twitter to the london attacks was to retweet the drudge report, calling the incident a terror attack, although as nbc news reported authorities had not confirmed any details about the incident. his next response before tweeting a pledge of u.s. support to the u.k. was this, we need to be smart, vigilant and tough. we need the courts to give us back our rights. we need the travel ban as an extra level of safety. trump asked the supreme court to revive his travel ban after it was suspended by federal judges in hawaii and maryland. back with me our panel and joining the panel is former state department spokesman and michael steel, msnbc political analyst and former chair of the rnc. let's talk about this trump reaction, michael steel. typically american presidents, the first knee jerk response is
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to say w stand wit our friends and allies in london. that's usually the first respse you see out of an american president of either party. this president did not do that. your thoughts? >> the president has a particular agenda that he wants addressed and it is the one he wants right in front of the supreme court. so that was his focus and his priority was to remind -- two things, one was to remind the court he wants them to look at this matter and more importantly to a base of supporters out there that this is a fight that we're all too familiar with and we want to, quote, protect the american way of life by putting in place this particular travel ban. here is the problem. he's referred to it as the very thing that the courts have rebelled against, and that is this concept of a travel ban. so he has not done himself good before the supreme court in my view. he's made it more difficult to make the argument that it is not based on religion or segregating out a particular group of culture of people.
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so at the one hand, the president thinks he's helping himself, but at the other probably the long-term could wind up biting him. >> dean, you are a brilliant guy and a lawyer. >> yes. >> you know, my first thought was, oh, dude, you probably don't read law fair blog. because the big argument over the supreme court and how it will decide on the travel ban is whether or not the court can use the statements made by trump and his fellow colleagues during the campaign. whether these past statements were operative. even if they threw all tse out today, they now could use his statement on the day of the london attacks, reasserting the very thing they say is not true, that it is a muslim travel ban. >> besides breitbart and drudge, i don't think donald trump reads anything else. now, we don't know where the
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attackers are from london. we know the one from manchester was born in the u.k. you know, the circuit court of appeals decision came down. the chief judge said, this executive order drips with racial discrimination and they use the words of donald trump on the campaign trail, islam hates us. we have to ban all muslims. that's the right decision. when we are looking at the voter id laws on the face they were neutral. you look at discriminatory intent. it was clear this is what this ban was about, an anti-muslim ban because his base, 65% of republicans -- >> so even if he wins on the argument his campaign statements are inoperative, his statements this morning on twitter -- anyway. i don't think he understands that. i want to play for you susan rice who was on this week responding to that very question
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of whether or not banning all muslims from entering the united states would do any good. take a listen. >> there is really no evidence to suggest that by banning muslims or banning muslims from a particular set of six countries that we would make ourselves here in the united states safer. and th's, beeve, one of the major reasonshy the courts thus far have b very skeptical of the travel ban. more over, i think there is a very real risk that by sigmatizing and isolating muslims from particular counties and muslims in general that we alienate the very communities here in the united states whose cooperation we most need to detect and prevent these home grown extremists from being able to carry out attacks. >> your thoughts? >> well, it is very interesting that she mentions data and evidence because that is something clearly lack anything this administration in their
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responses to not just terror but other domestic attacks. the data shows the uptick in domestic terror is from white see prum cy that is not somethie president has chosen to address. he has harped on the attacks on -- by -- by the isis terrorists overseas at the expense of standing with our allies. there is nothing to say he offered condolences to the victims directly, which is generally the first line of response that you have on day one of a terrorist attack and you also then offer resours d support to the people in the area. instead, he chose to attack the mayor of london in one of his tweets saying that -- taking one of his quotes not only out of
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context but also calling him essentially an idiot when this guy is realing along with his city and needs our support. it is interesting to see he attacked him but not theresa may. attacking the mayor, the first muslim mayor of a major city in the west and that is very interesting to note, that that is the line of direction that president trump took. >> yeah. i'm sure that's completely a coincidence that he only attacked the first muslim mayor and not tereheresa may. you have two pieces here. you have the fact that donald trump is once again reasserting that banning an entire religious class would end the stabbing attack when we have evidence that a stabbing attack could happen if muslims were all beamed up in space. so that's not true. but on the other hand the increased attacks against muslims, the increased fear in these communities.
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also, can that possibly help for those communities to be helpful to law enforcement? >> you're absolutely on point. if you look at data as we mentioned, look at the orlando shooting, the worst mass shooting in u.s. history, was not done by an immigrant. it was by people born and raised in this country. we can go on and a litany attacks took place and has nothing to d with people traveling overseas, but i think there has been a uptick in attacks by white nationalists they call it sometimes and i think that is largely a backlash from some of what we've heard throughout the campaign, you know, prior to president trump being elected and he played directly into the play book of both isis and white supreme cysts. it is something definitely to know. one thing if i were to note also is that the muslim community has stood, you know, alongside law
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enforcement for a very long time. they have turned a number of individuals to law enforcement multiple times. i heard once the statistic 45 times that tips the fbi received were from the muslim community. so definitely worth noting. >> when we look at the isis leaders when they are trying to recruit and radicalize they will say the west hates us. donald trump is saying islam hates us. donald trump is radicalizing good americans the same way isis is. it is time we wake up to it and donald trump stop this. >> to that point f the muslim community feels increasingly demonized in london or the united states, doesn't that increase the possibility of radicalization? >> yeah, sure. it increases it. it also creates terrorists. this sategy came directly from
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e mind of to sa ma bin laden himself. he carried out the 9/11 attacks to an effort to get the united states to attack the muslim world, to bring in military forces and to change the mindset of the muslim world to see there is a clash of civilizations between him and the west. now we have an administration that also believes in bin law din's lash of civilizations and believes the muslim world is at fault, not this one million of a percent of radical cultists. terrorists are just going to be regenerated by the tens of thousands. >> yeah. thank you so much. we'll be back later in the show. and next chris joins us live to talk about thursday's u.k. election. it is still happening. stay with us. (vo) pro plan bright mind
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all of the major political parties have briefly suspended campaigning but prime minister theresa may rejected calls to delay the voting. >> as a mark of respect, the two political parties have suspended our national campaigning for today, but violence can never be allowed to disrupt the democratic process, so those campaigns will resume in full tomorrow andhe general election will go ahead as planned on thursday. >> and joining me now from paris is christopher digky. chris, i'm struck by two things. a general sense of resolve out of great britain in the wake of these terror attacks but also there hasn't much difference we can see between the two parties. neither are being alarmist about islam. neither are attacking the
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religious minorities. they are saying britain is resolved. >> you are not reading it wrong. that is the tone of what they're saying. but even the clip you played from theresa may's clip today indicates there is a serious rethink going on, at least in the conservative government, about how to deal with the muslim communities of great britain. you know, here in france we are very conscious in fact difference. here in france the whole idea of integration has been to bring muslims into society, not to let them be isolated, not to let them be autonomous groups within the nation. while in great britain it is unusual to find muslim girls marrying nonmuslim men. their communities are tightly knit and often very close communities. i think theresa may is talking about changing that. the reason why it was like that
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is because you could rely on that community, oen led by religious figures to deliver votes and that has in some ways corrupted the system in great britain. to all of that is now being questioned by theresa may and a lot of that organization went to support labor. so i suspect there is going to be a very strong movement to the extent there wasn't already by muslim voters in britain toward labor and we could see the impact in the election already by some polls, what used to be a 21% difference between theresa may and jeremy corbin, the labor leader has strunk to one or two points. >> this this country it is thought that any kind of terrorist attack, anything with the word muslim in it tends to help the conservative party. in britain a trump party. do you see any chance that these three successive attacks will in
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any way benefit the conservatives or rile up the u.k. side? >> well, it's certainly conceivable it will benefit the conservatives. it is not likely it is going to benefit spent force. they shot their wad with a brexit vote and then it turned out they lied about a lot of the key elements as they were arguing for brexit. yes, you're right. the law and order vote may go to the tourés, but theresa may has a problem, he was the home secretary, the interior minister, if you wi she was in charge of law and order. and so have three terrorist attacks in three months doesn't look good. >> we will be watching. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> and we will bring you the latest on london as it happens, but up next the threat facing the entire world. don't go away. enemy into an ally?
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>> welcome back. we're continuing to monitor the latest on the terror attacks in london. right now we turn to another story that made international headlines this week. donald trump's decision to take the united states out of the paris climate agreement. >> the paris climate accord is simply the latest example of washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the united states. to the exclusive benefit of other countries. leaving american workers who i love and taxpayers to absorb the cost. we don't want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore. i was elected to represent the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. >> and joining me now, former senior epa official and founder
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of next gen climate. we will talk about pittsburgh in a little bit. but i want to start about john carry, former presidential secretary of state. was on "meet the press" this morning and he had a response to donald trump's decision to pull out of the paris accords on the basis he could actually get a better deal by pulling out. take a listen. >> when donald trump says to the world, well, we're going to negotiate a better deal, i mean, you know, he's got to go out and find a better deal, that's like o.j. simpson saying he's going to go out and find the real killer. everybody knows he isn't going to do that because he doesn't believe in it. if he didn't believe in it, you wouldn't pull out of paris. >> president trump has knowed no desire to do anything beneficial to climate or to environmental issues. actually, what they have shown is a deconstruction of those
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basic protections that are necessary to protect all of the residents of our country and for our most vulnerable communities they have been clear. when someone shows you who they are, believe them and i believe him when he says that he does not care about our most vulnerable communities. >> do you believe your former colleagues at the epa believe the president believes in the science. >> he has shown he does not. so i think it will be hard pressed to find someone who did. >> our ambassador to the united nations was put on the spot and asked that very question because nobody has been able to definitively answer whether donald trump believes climate change is real, that it is a real thing. here she is attempting to answer that question, sort of. >> i just want to be clear on this. you are not willing to acknowledge that calling climate change a chinese hoax is just a big box of crazy. >> president trump believes the
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climate a changing and he beliefs pollutants are part of that equation. so that is the fact. that is where we are. that's where it stands. >> do you buy that, tom? >> i don't think it matters, and i don't want to speculate about what's going on inside donald trump's brain. what i can see are donald trump's actions which are very, very consistent, which is to encourage pollution and act suicide if there is no such thing as climate change and try to promote fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emission. i don't care what he thinks. >> the question of course is what now the rest of the country is going to do. you have had a few mayors, several mayors, governors et cetera decides maybe it is time to ignore what is happening in the white house and take action on their own. itself mayor was right out of the gate said in response to donald trump's statement he represents pittsburgh and not paris. in fact, hillary clinton received over 80% of the vote in pittsburgh and pittsburgh stands
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with the world and will follow the world paris agreement. i had a chance to review the lieutenant governor. california is now part of a compact that will follow the paris agreement guidelines despite donald trump. >> remember, this is the economy that's out performing every other. >> right. >> the president wants 3% gdp growth, come to california. not despite, but because of the strategies. 2.3 million jobs in the last seven years as we have been implementing these strategies, so this nonsense that somehow these proposals and principals are going to hurt your economy belies the facts on the ground here in the nation's largest economy. >> are there any factors to back up the idea that trying to control climate change, that the strategies to try to roll it back hurt the economy? >> no. it aually benefits the economy. i'm glad to see 180 mayors have come together to say that if the
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president will not lead in this space, that they will. he also is missing a great opportunity around creating economic opportunities also. so it's really a shame. >> yeah. >> to see him not thinking in a very progressive and forward thinking way that will benefit our country for decades to come. >> tom, just the facts on the ground, so the jobs created by coal which donald trump thinks he could bring back the coal industry, as of 2016, the coal industry created 160,000 jobs. the solar industry created 373,000 jobs, more than twice as much. let's go to the coal industry jobs 2012 versus 2016. they have gone from 90,000 to 50,000 jobs. meanwhile, the united states remains the largest carbon plu tor, not just in the world but in history. you can see us there at the top of the chart. is there any truth to the argument that trying to control
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climate change would destroy the economy or that you can bring back coal as the answer to america's economic needs? >> there is no truth to that. the fact of the matter is and american business is fighting to get this message out, that the cost lines have crossed and renewables in storage are cheaper than fossil fuels. from here on out, regardless of what the administration says, we're moving to a clean energy economy. the question is how fast and how do we take care of workers who are displaced by thehange in technology? that is somethin tha very important. but the fact of the matter is progress is moving on. we're going to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and we're going to create jobs as we do it. we have to rebuild america in a clean way. >> we will continue this conversation. thank you both for being here. coming up in our next hour, singer ariana grande stands with london and stands up to terrorism while donald trump circles the wagons.
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i'm tired of the lies that are coming out of the trump administration. and i'm tired of the -- the russian connection that they keep trying to deny. oh, well, we forgot about this one. >> thousands of people gathered for protests across the country on saturday. the call for an independent investigation into trump's ties to russia. the march organizers said they wanted to, quote, let our elected leaders know that americans want answers. the fired fbi director james comey set to testify in front of the senate intelligence
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committee on thursday perhaps we'll have more answers by the end of this coming week. joining us now to discuss the never ending russia-gate matters. congresswoman maxime waters. regarding the truth and the peop who came out to demand your answers phone the russia-gate probe. the pushback, are the republicans saying the democrats are making a mistake to focus so much on russia when most americans would rather hear about jobs in the economy. how do you respond to that? >> well, we do both. absolutely, democrats talking about jobs and the economy. and we're pushing back on this president's budget that's undermining all of our cities and our towns. and they're cutting back on social security disability. the program which provides oil for those people living in real cold climates in the wintertime, all of our fragile seniors are going to be denied based on this
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budget. so, we talk about the budget. we talk about job creation. where is his infrastructure item that he promised in the budget? he doesn't have any infrastructure program, obama presented infrastructure program that created a lot of jobs. we want that, but we're also going to continue to talk about how this president and his allies, i believe, and others believe, colluded with the russians to undermine our democracy. and we're not going to stop talking about it. because this is extremely important to the future of this country. and so we do both. >> and let me play you a little bit of the d.c. march, linda at the d.c. march. >> oftentimes, people think we come out here because we're talking directly to the president. we're not talk to get president. we are sending a message when you go back to your district you
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better be saying the right things or you'll be voted out of office in 2017. the message is not our main focus. this is about creating a resistance that's go be to be hyper local in the communities and manifested in 2018. >> councilwoman, i asked a similar question when i was in california, you know, about the senate, whether or not when elizabeth warren is in the senate for climate, privately expressed more about russia than willing to express publicly. lind sa said is this more about hyper focus. your colleagues on the republican side of the aisle, do you hear the same let me of alarm and concern over the russia interference in the election that you express publicly? >> well, i talk with different individuals in a private way. and some of them are -- you now, they're just wary of having to
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be quiet. they think that eventually, the truth is going to come out. they don't like a lot of what their president is doing, but they're not swimming to be public about it. they're not willing to oppose him at this point. but they want the investigations to go forward. and they believe the truth will come out. so, we have some of them who are just anxiously waiting for all of this to beonfronted in ways that will unveil the truth. >> and do you feel that there's any truth to sort of the other kind of subnarrative that you do hear sometimes out there when you talk to republicans that having jim comey take over the investigation essentially kind of took congress -- took congress out of the game? and now republicans have put everything off on to mueller -- sorry, not jim comey, but robert mueller, they can put everything off on the robert mueller investigation and deny responsibility for? >> well, i'm not so sure i see it that way. as you know, with comey it had just gotten so controversial.
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you know, after he started the investigation, the second investigation, on hillary clinton, so many of us were just disappointed and did not know why he did that. and now there's a question of whether or not there were fake documents that he had in his possession. and then when he was fired, we thought, oh, this is a terrible thing. he shouldn't be fired by the president in the middle of this investigation. and, so, all of us really wanted an independent commission to be in charge of this investigation. we haven't been able to get that. so, we are placing a lot of hopes in mueller. and we're also still placing some hopes in the senate intelligence committee. i've given up absolutely on the house intelligence committee. nunez is crazy. he doesn't make good sense. just as he ran up to the white house in the middle of the night trying to protect the president, when the president told a lie about being under surveillance and wiretapped by the president,
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now, he's issuing subpoenas, without the cooperation of democrats. he's supposed to have recused himself. he has no business involved in this. i think that whole committee should be disbanded. >> it's very cumbersome. we do want to follow up. we're almost out of time. i have to ask you about an exchange with a young turks reporter michael tracy. >> when you say russia is not a friend was obama forcing cooperation with syria and try to get a -- >> you and i have a different agenda, young man. i'm out to impeach this president. get that straight. i'm out to impeach the president. i'm not going to be diverted by people who are obama haters. you think -- >> whoo! >> okay, there you go. she pushed me aside. >> and despite that laughter, he then, michael tracy is went on twitter and claimed that you
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shoved him. your response? >> well, if you take a look at the video, you can see that's not true. you know, the right wing have all of these people harassing me, following me around, trying to intimidate me. and, you know, i'm surrounded oftentimes, or met on several occasions at an event like this by different ones of them. they want me to go away. but, joy, i'm not going anywhere. they can't intimidate me. i'm not afraid of them. and, certainly, you know, this 125-pound woman is not around pushing these big men. so, he just lied. you look at the video, it shows you, there was no pushing. i walked away from him. so, they're going to continue harassing me. but that's okay. i'm accustomed to being harassed. and i'm not afraid of them. and i'm going to continue to speak my mind and the way that i do. i'm calling for the impeachment of this president, and i want the faco come out to confirm that they colluded with the
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kremlin and with putin. >> you're one tough lady. congresswoman maxime waters, we always love talking with you. thank you for being here. >> thank you, i appreciate so much. i'm going to keep going. >> we know that. don't forget to follow congresswoman maxime waters @maxiellwaters. in the wake of two terrorist attacks, americans stand arm in around with britain but maybe not the americans you'd think. joy to the break. i love you, couch.
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since the emergence of the threat for islamist inspired terrorism our country has made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public. but it is time to say enough is enough. everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. but when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things
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need to change. >> good morning. welcome back to "am joy." the investigation into last night's terrorist attacks in london goes on with the investigation of 12 people in east london. today, seven people died and 48 injured in that attack, which began when a van struck pedestris on london bridge. continued when three men leapt out of the vehicle and began stabbing people at barings as a restaurants at nearby borough market. no group has claimed responsibility. the london attack comes just two weeks after a suicide bomber killed 22 people at an ariana grande concert in man chest per. tonight, grande and a host of artists are scheduled to headline a one love benefits convert. grande's show promoter has promised that the show will go on even after last night's attack tweeting today's one love manchester benefit concert will
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not only continue but will do so with great purpose." joining us from manchester is knicks's kelly cobiella. let's talk about that concert that will continue in defiance and go on today. >> reporter: yeah, joy, this morning, manchester police came out straight away and said, look, this event is not going to be cancelled in wake of what happens in london. we are going forward to it. there's another charity soccer event happening about a mile from here. we're talking about 130,000 people in this immediate vicinity. a huge number of crowds to watch over and keep safe. so what police have done, they've brought in officers from other forces, fromther cities. they've absolutely blanketed the area with police presence. a very high, very visible presence. for officers, you can probably see on the street behind me, one of the entrances to this event. they've also closed off this street. there are huge crowds coming in
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here. they're lining up at the gates waiting to get into this event which starts in another few hours. so, in order to make this area safe, they've closed the roads around this event, sort of ringing it all the way around with police officers. they've also told people, for example, not to bring bags. they said searches will be incredibly extensive. they're going to look in every single bag you bring. just to make things simple, don't carry anything around with you. and that seems to have made people feel a little bit more comfortable. really the idea, joy, the concept behind this is just flooding the place with a massive presence. not talking about numbers. not making those facts public. but just showing an incredible police presence. particularly, like i said, at the exits, at the gates here, joy. >> yeah, incredible resiliency there in london. one of the things i wanted to ask you about, kelly. jonathan karl is affording on the possibility ever donald trump actually traveling to
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great britain next week. you know there's an election taking place next week, thursday. if that report turns out to be true, what kind of reception might the president of the united states expect to get in london? >> reporter: well, i think he can expect to get a warm reception at 10 downing street, the prime minister's residence and from the prime minister herself and her government. but beyond that, not quite so welcoming. he is a very divisive figure in this country and throughout europe because of his stance on nature together, on climate change. and so many other issues. in fact, he got into quite a back and forth with the mayor sadik khan almost a year ago, maybe more than a year ago now. i spoke to the mayor of london at the time about that. i asked him if he would be willing to invite the then candidate trump to the united kingdom and meet him if he were to come here. he said absolutely. i'd love to educate him on muslim community and what the us in muslim community is about.
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but i think that situation would be very different today, joy. this is a country that's going through quite a bit. three terrorist attacks within three months. it's a very sensitive topic. and president trump is not particularly supportive here, joy. >> thank you very much. nbc's kelly cobiella in manchester, appreciate it. joining me now dean about be ab show. and tamron, i know you're in london. donald trump not popular across europe. and now he has added to this former attacks on sadik khan, the first muslim mayor of new attas on the mayor. he tweeted at least seven dead and 48 wounds in terror attack. mayor of london says, quote, no reason to be alarmed. the mayor of london had quite a sharp response to that. he said the follow he has more
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important things to do than responding to donald trump ill informed tweet. his reaction urging people not to be alarmed when they saw more armed officers on the streets. your thoughts, tamron? >> right. your tweet, joy, that the wonderful president, i'm saying that facetiously, of course, he tweeted last night when everything was unfolding was that we needed to protect our borders. and if you know, the manchester bomber, he was born and raised in manchester. so, we now have a network of over 12 people who have been arrested. three dead here in london. and i would probably guess that not all of them are immigrants. the question is, number one, how do we keep people safe here? everybody is finally scared, i think. and of course, the people of london don't want to say is that. you're not going to hear that on the bbc. i'm not trying to sound as an alarmist, if you will. but people are finally saying that they are scared because it
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seems like so much of this is random. there are multiple people, somewhere is this go be oing on. all over the city, you hear alarms, controlled bombings taking place and people are finally scared. >> malcolm, that's obviously a reaction when people are afraid in a situation like this with three attn some rapid succession. and yet, the reaction of folks in manchester putting on the concert with ariana grande has really been defiant, saying we're still going forward. the arist herself, ms. grande was visiting hospitals, visiting victims of the manchester attack. showing a real solidarity with the people of england. is that the right kind of response and is that the kind of response that most thwarts terrorist groups like isis? >> well, absolutely. i mean, the renowned british stiff upper lip and stoicism, is
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something could be found in the u.s. with 10 people killed it is not going to kill 350 million people. it's not an attack on our way of life, unless we make it an attack on our way of life. the terrorists want to us behave that way. they want us to be influenced by their actions. they want us to go into more armed military conflicts and never get out the ideology that inspires them, the more that we play that game, the more that they win. >> and, dean, you know, the other thing that does seem to me that going all the way back on to osama bin laden as malcolm made the point in the earlier hour, the other thing that terrorists want is for these countries to isolate. and increase the isolation of their own muslim communities so they can create sort of a petri dish to grow more for militants for their side? >> certainly the idea that
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marginalization can lead to radicalism. and the backlash, where you're told by the leader of the country we hate your religion, we hate you, all of a sudden, the subject of isis resonates more. i think donald trump might go to the uk, he didn't go to portland when two were killed by white supremacists. he didn't come to new york in march. or muslims around this country where their mosques burned down. and other community, jewish, the latino have had hate crimes since elected. america doesn't play into the base. this guy -- i try not to curse -- so it is despicable how he's playing politics with people's lives and using terrorism -- just after orlando a year ago, as a candidate saying this was a terrorist
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attack before he knew. and dem onnized hillary clinton. he hocked her for saying that. >> and tamron, it's a stark difference even from george b. bush responded by waging a war against an entirely uninvolved country iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11. even despite that, you never heard the rhetoric out of the bush administration that was anti-muslim. as a matter of fact the then republican president went out of his way to say islam is a way of appeasement to hold ramadan in the white house. thisresident went out of his way to dohe opposite. there was no ramadan acknowledgement by this administration sass has been the case since george w. bush. so that change. is that the result of the republican party moving in a ready cal directi radical direction or a donald trump phenomenon? >> it's both. it's definitely the
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radicalization of the parties. i was on another network where it was -- people feel that all the time, that watched what i had to say, because i believe that islam was not an entire religion of terrorists. and i think it's very, very scary, because, yes, there are 3,000 of people of interest in london or the uk. 3,000, g compared to billions, peaceful loving muslims. and it's really unfortunates that we have a president who is busy spewing hates and making people afraid of mex chance and muslims and anybody who isn't white and who doesn't sit behind a computer all day and tweet. those are the safe people because they're staying at home behind their computers. anybody else who say different skin color or that's not orange or white should be feared. and it's absolutely despicable. and the people in london also see that. i was in manchester yesterday.
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i'm in london now. i've been in the uk for two weeks. the people here are very, very much against the rhetoric that donald trump is sng. >> and malcolm even if you couldn't appl to the conscious of the united states, give them advice, is what donald trump doing productive? >> well, his counterterrorism policy? we can't seem to understand or find what his counterterrorism policy is. as of right now, everything that's happening within the u.s. government is essentially the obama administration policy continuing, other than the rhetoric that comes outlets s e tweets. none of this is productive. none of this will keep us safe. as a former member of the u.s. intelligence committee i've dedicated my entire life to trying to bring ration, thought and facts to the debate, so that we can be more efficient in defeating our enemies. right now, we're going to be
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fuel, our enemies, every one of these tweets encourages isis. every one of these negative statements and ignoring the muslim world, 1.6 billion people completely delights isis. donald trump needs to general mattis in there and try to defense him that safety comes with knowledge. in this case, all we're going to get out of this is more individual people inspired. >> dean, malcolm and tamara, we'll all be back with more on the latest in london after the break. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most award luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer.
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do extraordinary screening, but a greats deal more effort has to go into the building of community, of reaching out and working with these entities, with these sectors of society. so that there's not as significant a gap as there is in many parts of the world, not just in britain. >> we are back with breaking news coverage of the deadly terrorist attack in london which left seven dead and 48 injured. that was former secretary of state john kerry offering his condolences. deny about deane obeidallah is back with me. and let's go around and talk to each of you. i'll start with you. we just heard from john kerry talking about what workin, and let's have one more clip of john kerry talking about russia in the united kingdom. take a listen.
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>> they've had a longstanding problem with respect to greater levels of alienation, a harder time assimilating into the broader society. a lack of similar opportunity. so there are a lot of ingredients. and i'm going to leave it to her and to them to sort that out, particularly five days before an election. >> and naire, by her, he met theresa may. part of the challenge to miss may was that she was the home secretary, so a lot of this lands at her door step. w do you suppose that these successive attacks may impact the response of the british government and could it impact that election? >> well, there's certainly the political response. and that is maintaining
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elections. there are have been calling to suspend the elections, but i'm glad that theresa may has come out and said that the elections need to continue particularly in time that the terrorists are trying to undermine their actions. there's also the social side that she mentioned the intolerance for extremism. that has become a challenge for communities particularly in the g ghettoization of it. within that, we've found saudi influence. a very extremist interpretation of islam has been allowed to invade the thinking of other muslim communities. and that's going to be a challenge, particularly for the united states. as donald trump just cut a billion-dollar arms deal with the saudi arabia government. i mean, the saudis have been -- their ideology has been a challenge for muslims around the
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world. and it doesn't seem that president trump has been able to square the circle on that. >> yeah, jack price, it does seem conspicuous that donald trump made great friended with t friends with the saudis. he didn't have much to say about that? >> no, you're absolutely right. the problem is, isis has never been an existential threat. the only thing that gives them powe is when the united states and the west goes after them and does things abo that anti-muslim. anti-middle east. anti-race. all. other issues that we've seen. it's the overreaction of the west that we've constantly seen. there's another piece to this. the other side of the problem is united states historically, not just with this president, but previously, we love supporting totalitarian dictators. hence, a $110 billion deal with the saudis. what we did with mubarak in
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egypt. and we love to have strongmen that stomp down on their people. but the reaction over time, the impact over time is what we're seeing now. you're going to see the people push back. they push back against their own. they push back against the west and the united states because they know it's the united states who put them in power. it's the united states that's overthrown certain democratically supported governments in those regions. and we put our own people in. i think under those circumstances,s, frankly, not a shock that people are angry. we need to recalibrate who we are, what we're doing and remember what we stand for and not just use it as a bumper sticker. >> one of our greatest allies was with great britain. i want to play mark warner, on cnn this morning, talking about one of those reactions that you've seen. and there's the reassertion by the trump administration that there should be a travel ban and
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britain's reaction. listen to mark warner. >> there is no specific threat against united states. but obviously, we've seen our stngest ally hit three times. our hearts and thoughts and prayers go out to them. but i think what you're seeing in britain is resoluteness, but also a recognition agency the british went through three decades of ira-related terrorism they'll area on. new mexico w in many ways that's what we need to do. >> that sounds the way american presidents respond but that's not how donald trump responded to attacks in london. >> that's right. if donald trump's goal was to increase the risk ever terrorism in the united states he couldn't have been doing a better job. >> i'm sorry, i have to break in. we want to go to london where authorities are giving an update into the investigation on last night's terror attack. >> -- there, of course, remains
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mump more to do. we are making significant progress now in identifying the three attackers and confirming the fact that there were no other aspects at the scene when the attack was carried out. work is ongoing to understand more about them. about their connections and in fact whether they were assisted or supported by anyone else. as i think you're aware, the search is ongoing in east london and 12 arrests have already been made. there's clearly more to do, and we will work relentlessly to get to the facts. we have established that the venues during the attack was a white van that was receny hired by one of the attackers. as our understanding grows we now understand that london bridge started the attack as he went from north to south over the river and then to a public place a few minutes later. the man landed the pavement and
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collided with pedestrians before armed with knives continued into the buorough market area and stabbing people. it was confirmed that eight firearms officers discharged their weapons. officials were subject by investigation and an initial assessment is in the region of 50 rounds. 50 bullets were fired by those eight officers. the three attackers were shot dead. the situation that these officers were confronted with is critical. a matter of life and death. three armed men wearing what appeared to be suicide belts. they had already attacked and killed in the public and had to be stopped immediately. indeed, i'm not surprised that when faced with what they must have feared were three suicide bombers. the officers fired a impressive
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amount to be of complete confidence that they neutralize the threat that those men posed. i'm humbled by the bravery of officers who rushed towards the suicide bombers thinking only of others. as the officers continue fronted the terrorists, a member of the public also suffered a gunshot wound. although the injuries are not critically major, they're receiving medical attempt and we are, of course, being updated on that. seven people having been killed in addition to the three attackers work to inform the next kin of the victims is ongoing. and this may take some time as we believe some of the victims are from abroad. on top of that, we have 36 people in the hospital, suffering from a range of injuries. some of these are extremely serious and 21 remain until critical condition. you will have heard today about the british transport police who sustained injuries in the attack
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responding to the incident. i've confirmed those are not due to those based on the borough, who suffered that attack. fortunately, he has not suffered life-threatening injuries. he remains in the hospital. the investigation team is taking statements from hundreds of witnesses and put it on the incident to make contact with the police. a cordon is in place around london bridge and borough market area. and we encourage the public to avoid the area while the investigation continues. this is going to have some impact on travel arrangements in the first part of tomorrow morning. we ask everyone to check with their travel operators and seek alternate routes where necessary. now, the public can expect t see additional police both armed and unarmed, across the capital over the forthcoming days and the coming events are being
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reviewed. you'll also see increased visible measures in order to keep the public safe on london's bridges. finally, i ask the public to remain calm or vigilant, if you see anything suspicious, no matter how insignificant you think it might be be, call the police. 999. or 0800, 789-321. i'll take a couple questions. -- >> that's mark rowley, he's the assistant commissioner for the metropolitan police giving a news conference updating the situation in london. seven dead, 48 injured. 21 people in the hospital in critical condition. and assistant commissioner rowley noting that cordons will remain in place around london bridge and the borough market where the attacks took place and warning britons not to be warned
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by and expect additional police. we know there's a concert in manchester, 2:00 eastern standard time. london certainly on high alert. certainly a calm and measured response to what we're seeing in london. we'll keep monitoring that number. if there's anything that's newsworthy, we'll bring it to you. and i interrupted you in midsentence. i'm going to allow you to fin efinish your thought and whether or not it's helpful- >> i can finish that thought. i actually wanted to draw attention to something you were talking about in the first hour, joy. trump wanting to talk about the travel ban. with we need a travel ban to protect us. obviously, i actually think bans like that make it worse because it sends a pretty clear message to angry distressed people
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around the world that the u.s. doesn't care about you, or problems or enemy. interesting thing, we were talking about the u.s. withdrawal from the paris accord, about the threat of climate change. ironically if we think that the biggest fear of terrorism in the united states is angry or disaaffected people, climate change is going to make that 1 million times worth. most cities in the middle east will be literally too hot for humans to live in. climate change is going to feel unbelievable. refugee flow that is going to make the syrian refugee crisis look like small potatoes. if we care about the longer effect, we should be doing our best to the impact on climate change, not fixating on pulling out of the paris accord, having travel bans. it's the exact wrong thing to do. >> it's an accident poinexcelle
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dean. rosa makes a good point. >> certainly, 2015, the department of defense had a study that came out about security involved with the paris acco. so it's stunning. >> that's why the secretary of defense and secretary of state rex tillerson who came from exxon are voted for staying in. thank you guys very much. coming up, dear leader ism in the gop. the lovefest between donald trump and his covfefe of friends. stay with us. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer that goes beyond assuming beingredients are safe...ood
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thanks to president donald trump america is back. >> this is an extraordinarily successful and historic nine-day trip the president took. >> i'm thankful for your fortitude, your courage and your steadfastness as you serve and lead our country. >> our commander in chief, the pillar of strength and a true advocate for america. >> quote, in the short space of three days, trump carried out a semi revolution.
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>> well, you know there has been a semi revolution of sorts since trump walked into the white house, no, not suddenly that there are jobs, jobs, jobs, and a great wall or america is great again. did trump embarrass the united states during his saudi orbs and nato-shoving world tour? no, his trip was historic. is backing out of paris climate accord a disastrous idea that tracked american global ship. no way, trump struck a great blow in pittsburgh. trump demeaned his own staff as "the washington post" suggested -- of course not. in the wording of the white house speaokesperson, he is amazing and an amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than they
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thought possible. on any given team, his loyal team will dawn their rose-colored classes. and the dear leader donald trump is the biggest most broad shoulder shouldered savior of covfefe, a word he tweeted himself with his giant fingers are. joining me now, thank you all for being here. i have to start with the covfefe thing. it's riculous, 's annoying that it took so much of our mind spa over the last couple days. i want to get your take on this as a republican strategist. donald trump weirdly types a typo with covfefe. looked like he trailed off and never completed it. we all have tweets that we misspell. he has fun with it and sends a tweet wednesday morning after
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the first tweet was taken down he writes who can figure out the true meaning of covfefe, question mark, question mark, enjoy. even he thinks it's ridiculous. item number one, reddit, trump supporters on reddit decided to go on and denounce stupid liberals, stupid libs not knowing that covfefe is arabic for i will stand up. and all of these are saying the liberals are too dumb to realize he typed on purpose and has a meaning. "the new york times" asks an actual professor of arabic at nyu whether or not covfefe is arabic for anything. he made a good faith expert to see whether the misplaced translation may have come from. he repeated the word covfefe before finally laughing i'm sorry, come on, no, it's not. the last item, the spokesperson
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for the president of the united states, sean spicer, in his official cavity as a taxpayer paid spokesperson for the president of the united states responded to this ridiculousness with this. >> do you think people suld concerned that the presint posted somewhat of an incoherent tweet last night and that it then stayed up for hours? >> no. >> why did it stay up so long? is no one watching this? >> no, i think the president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant like -- >> what does that mean? >> like? kevin, are you in the small group of people who know exactly what the president meant? and is that normal behavior, an american democratic presidential administration? >> it's silliness. people say well, he was actually using the arabic word. he just came from the arab world where lhe could have used it an he doesn't use it. i've never known donald trump to speak arabic in any way shape or
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form. with the infusive forms that all of his aides are saying on the record, that's a smoke screen. he's like al bundy talking about the four touchdowns he scored for polk high. he can't stop reliving his one great achievement. but when you actually stop talking to these aides off camera, they say this guy -- there's something off there, he's doing all of these mistakes. >> michelle, look, there's a narcissistic personality type that needs to be praised that needs the praise to be extra effusive. this is the greatest president in history. the crowds were the greatest. there's a need for that? and then there are followers who do it. why are so many people on the right willing to do it? >> well, i think in the case of hope hicks and sean spicer, they realized they have one job, and they work for one person. and their job basically is to make trump happy.
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right now, he's very frustrated and upset. his presidency is being slammed in the newspapers. on tv. he doesn't like that. so sean spicer and hope are creating this ultimate reality where things are amazing. everything is great. everything is perfect. and they know that they're jobs are not that secure. trump is not very loyal to people who are not his family. they know if they make the wrong mistake, they're going to be on the chopping block. they're willing to push out garsing statements to safe guard their jobs. in terms of supporters, a lot of supporters are die-hard. they will stay and find it. >> i want to add to the panel the former breitbart media consultant. it's great to have you and michelle here who understand that world. it seems like that trumpism is also bannonism. there's a dear leaderism to it
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that might be bannonite, too. steven miller who was seen as a bannon ally before he jumped ship to krishner's team, this is what he said back in february talking about the travel ban reaction to it. >> our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see, as we begin to take further actions that the powers of the president, to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned. >> that struck most people, kurt, as creepy. >> and never seen on tv again. >> but inside of breitbart world. inside of the trump die-hard base, how is that kind of talk received? >> well, it's expected. again, this mirrors what you would expect from a dictatorial regime. a mandate that there are efuses over the top for their beloved leader. even in the face of making a
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mistake, even something as minor ace typo on a tweet, there's a mind-set that you never accept or did anything wrong. you're never at fault. that's very steve bannon like. never allowing anyone to pressure you to do anything that you should have to do. and the fact that everyone should except what you have to say because you said it and never question that. >> and it was seen by a lot of people, evan, kind of the guardian, the dignity of the white house even if donald trump goes offer the rails. it sposed to be mike pence, heupposed to be the one that's got more dignity, right? this is mike pence praising in iowa on saturday at the joni ernst annual roast. this is mr. pence. >> let me say from my heart as the proud father of a united states marine, i couldn't be more grateful to be vice president to a president who cares owe deeply about the men and women of the armed forces of the united states of america. congress, in fact, understand the president's leadership with
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your senator's support just 35s35s passed the largest increase in military spending in nearly ten years. >> they genuinely loved each other. when he would speak about him he genuinely praised him a lot. you never saw this autocratic country 11 fopraise for effusiv praise. >> mike pence is already married to donald trump by virtue of being on the ticket with him. i think what you're seeing from the trump/pence administration now they're turning towards the base because independents are abandoning them. democrats weren't really there to begin with. the few that were are moving away. they're starting to see cracks in the trump base. that's why he pulled out of the paris accord. they need to have that support to stave off any negative repercussions to try to hold on as much as possible to win again in 2020. >> to michelle and then to kurt.
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somebody that we used to have on the show from time to time, boris epstein is now working for sinclair broadcasting which is a very large broadcast outfit that broadcasts local news around the country. this is a tweet earlier today that trump aide carried state message on local news about reducing press access in the white house. boris is now giving dispatches on local news where he spouts the president's same effusive praise on local news. is that where this is headed? that the breitbart brand is going to be proliferated to many unsuspecting news people? >> i think so. i think this is not just going to be limited to breitbart news. this is going to continue to grow and there are other people who are now on tv and who are -- trump basically spokespeople. going back to what you're saying, why do people believe some of this stuff, why do they defend trump? the reason why, trump and the media have done a good job of
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delegitimizing it. and spicer saying, no, he actually speaks arabic. they're going with what breitbart says and trump says. >> as a media consultant, what do you think the chances of this propaganda and dear leaderism around the country? >> i think to build up on what they've built in places like breitbart to a local level. this is from day one attacked the media, they've done the enemy. they've done the you cannot believe what they say. they draw this to the local level, the grassroots level. that's where the support is deepest. that's where they reinforced the message that they need to look elsewhere for information. remember, during the campaign, there was all of this talk watching tv should trump lose with bannon and other pigfigure. they didn't give up on that
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idea, the only chance they have it is a direct to consumer platform to drive the message without the militia filter of t national media. >> and for folks that may have 3 million people watching a show. broadcast news is exponentially bigger. you may be talking about where people don't hear what donald trump does that's negative they only hear praise. that's all over the country on your local news. that is happening. evan, michelle and kurt, thank you very much. coming up -- the latest on donald trump's tax returns. stay with us. ♪
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we have some muz on donald trump's tax returns. no trump taxes any time soon. there's more "a.m. joy" after the break.
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if we're having a gin and tonic and hanging out with britain women offend these people so much, i'll do it more not less, that what makes london the best city in the world. >> being londoners expressing resolve in the wake of a terror attack. back with me malcolm nance, i'll start with you, ally of donald trump was on fox and friends this morning and this is his response to the terror attack. >> if there's not action, then the calls for internment will grow. we have over 300,000 people on a known terrorist list and watching and monitoring their activities but a further 20,000 people who are persons of interest, namely they are linked in some way to extremist organizations. and unless we see the government getting tough you'll see public
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calls for those 3,000 to be arrest the. >> i should note clayton morris said earlier in the show we had a couple of guests mention the term internment, i found reprehencible but on behalf of the network, all of us find that reprehencible here at fox. your response? >> i'm not sure that word is actually reprehensible, it's crazy. did the british lose all of the history books in the liaries? i recall the troubs with the irish republican army and government of the united kingdom that went on since 1917, cost thousands and thousands and thousands of people dead and
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they did do internment. if nigel farage remembers anything, he should call the mays prison and the problem it caused. it cannot be taken out root and branch by force. this is a counter ideology war and he needs to get on the train or he's going to create more terrorists than he ever thought possible. >> rosa brooks, is this the reason he has become marginalized? >> clearly. we tried internment during world war ii and rounded up thousands of completely innocent japanese americans and put them in prison for years out of fear, out of an overreaction due to fear. it would be a terrible, terrible tragedy and absolutely handing a victory to extremist terrorists around the world if we were to overreact in a similar way, either in the uk or here. >> a member of the group targeted by such a policy.
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are there real fears of that? >> i hope there's free wi-fi in the camps, the only upside i can think of. the supreme court decision upholding is still valid law and article one gives the president power to suspend habeas corp. nigel farage may be on a limb, not far from donald trump and steve bannon and what's in the white house right now. that 60% of those interned were born in america, the japanese like myself. i could be eligible for camp and it's frightening and possible with donald trump. >> we have the muslim ban or travel ban we're calling it about to be litigated in the supreme court so that question is going to be answered soon. great panel today, malcom and rosa, thank you for being here, don't forget 2:00 that concert with ariana grande.
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that's our show for today. be sure to join us, for the latest on the terror attacks in london. stay with msnbc. ♪ everything your family touches sticks with them. sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a
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9:00 am
. new word on the arrests on the terror attack in london. 21 people remain in critical condition reright now. good to have you with me, everybody, i'm thomas roberts at nbc world headquarters in new york. police are sweeping through parts of london on the search for anyone in connection to last night's deadly terror attack. it started on the london bridge. we have new video of the bridge incident, people running in fear of their lives after the attack. a car veered off the road on the sidewalk hitting pedestrians and then three attackers fled a van starting to attack people on


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