tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 10, 2017 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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police saying that the car can had been sitting in an area where vehicles are not allowed. when offices approached, the driver took off at a high rate speed and crashed into a walled. the driver was arrested at the scene. police said it is still unclear if the crash was deliberate or not. of course we'll keep an eye on that. also breaking news out afghanistan where three u.s. soldiers were killed and a fourth wounded a ter after afgn soldier opened fire on them. they call it an insider attack. it took place this nangarhar province. u.s. troops have been fighting against extremist factions. rots saying that the afghan sold yes was a taliban hill tant who infiltrated the afghan army. in march another afghan soldier was killed of a at theafter he
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and wounded three soldiers in that incident. courtney is following the latest. and what we saw just within the recent hours was an unfortunate increase there two to three u.s. soldiers that died because this insider attack. what are you hearing now, what he's the latest? >> that's right. in addition bely thong officials that i spoke with said that it was four total casualties, two american sold yeses w s oldiers. and the number now three killed, one injured. we don't know the extent of the injuries of the fourth individual. as you said, it was an afghan cha commando in nangarhar province, a province playigued by isis in the past year or two. but the u.s. military have really taken the fight to them taking out of the fighters there in the last six months or so. of course there is also a taliban presence there and as you mentioned in the lead-in,
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the taliban have claimed sponsibility sayin that this wasers who infiltrated to carry out this kind attack. we've seen an uptick in violence specifically in this district area. and just earlier this year, the u.s. dropped a 21,000 pound bomb on a large extensive isis tunnel complex there. and at the end april, two u.s. army rangers were killed during a nighttime raid there this something that the u.s. military later announced was likely friendly fire. so we've seen an uptick of violence there. takes it is a remind he that there is a war going on in afghanistan and not just the problem the taliban.he that there is a war going on in afghanistan and not just the problem the taliban. now there is also this isis presence there in the east. >> thank you so much with that unfortunate that the breaking news. joining us now, keldly oly o'do live in new jersey with the
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president. and what are we hearing from the white house about this incident is this. >> reporter: we've heard there senior advise hes who say that the president has been briefed on and ongoing basis with the facts as they are unfolding from his national security team. he has members the national security down on still with him as he's here this new jersey for the weekend. and separately, the president's so the more public face the administration today, vice president mike pence in milwaukee was speaking todaynd he began his remarks acknowledging that he and the president were both briefed and he gent this to tdn't get this detail, but he said in part that on his way to wisconsin theoss of american service members took place this afghanistan and while the details would be fort coming, he said when heros fall, americans grieve and our thoughts and prayers are with the families of these american heros. so although vice president mike pence didn't have the particular, was not prepared to
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talk with t talk about the circumstances, he certainly acknowledged that they were killed and he wanted to publicly reach out on behalf of the administration. of course mike pence has a son who is a marine, so he is a blue star family as we say with a son on active duty and the vice president out this public whereas president trump does not have any public schedule. it is possible that we would still hear there him via official statement perhaps even a tweet acknowledging this, but advisers who i checked in with said that he's getting on going updates on the specifics as he spends part his weekend here in new jersey. >> kelly o'donnell with the president with the very latest and reaction there. thank you so much. joining us now, former senior adviser to the national securities adviser during the obama administration. thank you for joining us today. what are you learning about this
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situation that is of note as we're getting the details this still? >> and first thing i'll say is that i want to offer my condolences to the families everyone impacted. this is a horrific incident and as we know, there have been many these before. i hope that there will be less going forward. he had a horrible attack this kabul just a few weeks ago. i started my career in iraq, 2007 to 2008. i think anyone that has served in a war zone knows the situation on the ground is always incredibly dynamic and difficult. i think what we really need to keep in mind is that president trump is expected to release a new afghanistan strategy any day. i served for four years on the national security council and if i was there today, i'd strongly urge the president to ask himself thefollowing question. are the security risks against the united states significant enough that we are going to put at risk u.s. personnel on the
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ground in afghanistan. if the answer to that question is yes, i think there are two things that president trump really needs to think hard about over the next couple days we've releases his strategy. the first is we need to fully resource our mission in afghanistan. as you know, our combat mission ended december 31, 2014, but we still have about 8,000 troops there this in a variety capacities, mainly train, advise and assist. and then we also have a counter tr terrorism team there. so how many additional troops do we need and for what function, question number one. but question number two, what is the foreign assistance program look like? president trump announced a budget and in the words of lindsey graham, this budget would dwut our soft power capacity. if therd is serious about stability in afghanistan, we need to fully fund the state department, u.s. agency for international development. everybody agrees that the civilian prence is equally as
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important as the hild taker presen military presence. >> and then the vacuum if we do krau withdraw. the insider attacks, and unfortunately, we're reporting on that today. how can these be stopped? if at all. >> i wish i could tell you that there is an easy fix. i think one critical thing to think about is the role pakistan in this scenario. the taliban has the capacity to infiltrate the afghan national security forces. these attacks have been happening largelyoff the course the almost 16 year presence on the groundin afghanistan. i would advise to think about a strategy for getting pakistan more positively involved in helping the taliban not get access to the arms that they need, the funding that they need andfighters. >> thank you so much for that perspective.
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again, we'll stay on top the three u.s. soldiers killed. we'll of course keep you updated as we get more information. now to the world popular culture. it has lost one of its biggest heros. adam west has died. west laid bruce wayne in the television series that ran from 19 1966 to 1968 and lived on for decades this syndication. this more recent years, he guest starred as himself on several shows including "big bang theory." adam west was 88 years old. president trump saying that he would testi under oath about his meeting with james comey. but could that happen? ing
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comey's testimony is heating up today. president trump saying he is willing to testify under oath. take a listen. >> would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version? >> 100%. who would ask a plan to pledge allegiance under oath is this i hard ? i hardly know the man. no, i didn't say that and i didn't say the other. >> so if robert muld yeller wan to speak with you -- >> i'd tell him what i told you. >> president trump tried to spin comey's testimony as vindicating him and while at the same time questioning his honesty. >> no collusion, no obstruction, he's a heleaker. james comey confirmed a lot of what i said and some of the things that he said just weren't true. there t >> the back and forth over what was said could be solved if tapes actually do exist. the president continues to be coy on whether he recorded it.
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>> do tapes exist your conversations with him? >> i'll tell you about that maybe sometime this the they're future. >> assign to be hinting that there are conversations. >> i'm not hinting. i'll tell you in a short time. >> when will you tell us? >> a fairly short period time. >> are there tapes, sir? >> you will be very disappointed when you hear the answer. don't worry. >> the commiees giving the president until june 23 to turn over any tapes that might exist, all this coming after the testimony taking aim directly at the president's actions over the russia investigation. >> the administration then chose to demaim fame me and more importantly the fbi by saying that the organization was this disarray, that it was poorly led, that the workforce had lost confidence in its leader. those were lies plain he aand simple. >> what was it with that meeting that led you to determine that
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you needed to start putting down a written record? >> the nature the person. so why did he kick everybody out of the oval office? why are would kick the attorney general, the president, the achiev chief of staff out to talk to me if it is about something else? >> quite frankly the president has informed around 6 billion people that he's not real fond of this investigation do you think there is a difference in that? >> yes. >> okay. >> a big difference in kicking superior officers out the oval officer, look the fbi director in the eye and saying hope you let this go. i think if the agents as good as they are heard the president of the united states did that, it is a real risk of a chilling effect on their work. >> joining me now, a white house columnist, a military analyst and former federal prosecutor. nile, let's start but. what is the latest reporting that you have is this we have of course learned that james comey
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had given the memo to the columbia law rofgs or has bea p asked to hand over those help knows. and we understand that come monday the senate intel committee will be dealing with this situation of the columbia law rofgs or. what else are you hearing? >> well, what i'm hearing there sources in and around the white house is that they are many them dismayed by what happened at the conference that you have just shown. some people had accepted that comey's testimony was very damaging, but they were hoped that they were about to get some kind of respite because it was overwith and bob mueller's probe was expected to last many months and they were hoping no leaks from that this the middle of that, the president gives some of the comments you've just spoken about and now we're into this debate about will he test tie und
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testify under oath, is he accusing comey per jjuryperjury. all of that storm is back in the center of the political atmosphere and it lays waste to many of the hopes that republicans had to move forward with more of the agenda upon which president trump had been elected. >> and what we're reelecting on are the public comments being made by jim comey. there was also the time frame an hour where he was also giving testimony, but it was closed. and what we're understanding here from jeff stein of "newsweek" is iave he gave us d very general in terms owhat was made available in public, in other words no specific leaks, just a general description that there was inintelligence that w discussed. what do you think was said in the private heating? >> based on comey's publ
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testimonpublic testimony, we can speculate. comey wouldn't go into details around some of the specifics related to the flynn investigation or evidence related to the investigation aspect of russia collusion and whether or not certain associates were or were not under investigation and for what reason. so he sort of painted a broad picture but he wouldn't deld of into toes areas publicly because it probably involved classified information, phone call, intercepted communications things that would not be part of the open hearing. i think the interesting thing is while comey didn't really present a smoke gun or vindicate tri trump, he did steer the committee to look at the demoment where everyone was kicked out of the room to discuss that matter. and i also think that he presented the case for the fact that they do have strong leads on the collusion investigation. he just wasn't going into the evidence publicly. but i'm sure that the committee
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heard more this a private setting. >> and a poe otential here is w sort legal paramount jim comey faced. based on what we learned, and i want to get your reaction to that very question when we look at that, caleb. and i'll go to what tom devine told the "washington post." saying that another federal law may apply to comey. u.s. code title 18 section 151 that makes it a federal offense to anyone who with the intent to retaliate takes any action harmful to any person. including interference with the lawful employment or liverly hood of any person for provide to go a law enforcement officer any truthful toinformation relating to the commission ever feder of federal offense does comey face any legal peril because of
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this? >> section 151 is this the family obstruction statutes. i do not see it applying to comey. i think that comey testified that he was quite careful to draft the memos that he ultimately gave to dan richthan this ric richman. obviously not having seen the memos and not knowing their contents precisely, it's difficult to say. but i certainly don't see it. typically obstruction in this case, the obstruction statutes that we've all been talking about, have to do with attempting to interfere with or impede an investigation. certainly not clear to me that comey did anything of the sort. so i don't see tremendous legal jen jeopardy in his future. >> what happens on monday when
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the law professor according to politico will have to answer, if you will, to where are these help h help kn memos are and what is in them? >> we don't know whether with he will give the memos up as far as i'm aware. i think we don't expect there to be anything in those he memos t has not been publicly discussed so far as the germane elements in all of this. and i think it does perhaps help the president with some his supporters in trying to hdy t huddy the waters, in trying to portray james comey as less of a boy scout because it does raise this question what exactly was he trying to do by facilitating this information. but i take the other guest's point, i don't see any real evidence that it rises to the level of a leak or legally improper behavior which is what
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some on the president's legal team have been trying to suggest. >> and some of what james comey said here was related obviously to the russian hacking effort. and that he said it was done with overwhelming technical efforts. those were his words. what stood out to you agains a former cia military analyst this what he said about the russian hacking effort? >> what stood out to me is how firm and conclusive he was in his responses. he didn't elaborate. he had very high confidence. we know this from the public record on this, there was consensus across the intelligence agencies and it seems that there is pretty clear confirmati bind the scenes. i do think it is interesting, this has been framed as a he said/a said/he said. and president trump himself actually hasn't said what he said. he just rye futured comey's version events. so at the press conference yesterday, i really think there was an opportunity to follow up. he said comey wasn't telling the truth, but nobody pressed him on
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then what was the kincontent ofe conversation. why did you kick those people out the room it's more like he said and then a rebuttal with no actual counter narrative on what was discussed which makes me question the veracity of president trump's statements because usually the human nature response if somebody is saying that something was said and you're refuturie infuting it, y have an alternative version of even events. >> as you were hearing probably from president trump's lawyer, not happy, don't believe that james comey was telling the truth. is there any legal steps that they might take that you're watching against james comey? >> there is nothing that they can take. the president's private lawyer is not a law enforcement officer. the entity that can charge perjury is the department of justice. in this case, you know, that would be bob mueller. but it's very easy for a lawyer to say, oh, the other guy lied. i mean, that is a common defense
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and that is the defense that we've seen from donald trump in his capacity as a litigant in defamation cases when he has been sued for definite taamatio. he has repeatedly said the other side lied. in fact this two of the cases against him, sexual harassment contexts, his defense has been, well, nobody could really take my statements seriously enough for them to be defamation because i just bluster. the he used that defense this both. so in this case, if you wanted to try the same approach here with the koecomey encounter, noe would have taken it seriously when i said i hope this goes away, i think obstruction is a different context and i think these conversations are a very different context and i don't think that defense is going to fly. >> thank you all.
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in st. paul, minnesota, several people have been detained after a fight broke out. the march was peaceful until anti-sharia protesters exchanged angry words with counter protestors. the march is backed by anti-muslim activist group is being held in numerous cities targeting islamic law and refugees. as we continue our hour, these are the top stories that we're looking at. police saying that there are thousand eignow eight people injured when a car crashed into a crowd at a train station. police say the car had been sitting in an area where vehicles are not allowed.
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when oicers roached, the driverook off at a high rate of speed and crashed into a wall. the driver was arrested. amsterdam police say the incident does not appear intentional and that the driver may have been feeling unwell at the time of the crash. also three u.s. soldiers killed and shot in afghanistan. two others wounded by an afghan soldier during a joint military operation. the attack happening in the n k nangarhar rprovince. we're keeping our eyes on that breaking story. the white house also saying that president trump has been briefed and is monitoring the situation in afghanistan as he spends the weekend at his home in new jersey. and a war of words between the president and james comey, that continues. trump raised eyebrows, calling comey a leaker and liar are saying he would be 100% willing to test tie before congress.
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the faith tand gaeme compaf coalition wraps up tonight. mike pence will deliver the key note address. ali vitali is there. what have yyou been learning an what is the tempo like? >> reporter: our security sweep just ended. and a lot of people are excited to hear what the vice president has to say. you and i have pabapain been tag about this, but the cros not deterred from what they are hear trgt comey testimo ing from the comey testimony. they are looking to hear the bread and birth what has made him a conservative darling. this group is receptive to that message that high pressure has brought on the campaign trail and vice president, the true
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conservativism, bringing back jobs, but making it conservative friendly and he's always been someone who is on message, he's a good soldier for this administration and always very good messenger for what america first means for these conservatives. >> and one the questions might be will they stay faithful to president trump as the vice president is there given recent testimony and the response there after this tin the rose garden. >> reporter: and this is the place that trump came on the day that comey was of it itestifyin. and they were largely receptive, cheering for all the things that he's done to bring back jobs, to bolster conservative values. he did make hooves for religious liberty earlier. so this is a group of people with him in the terms of the actions that they have already taken so mike pence is here to tout that and leave it to the
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media to cover the comey verse are cityalleged ties to russia. they are here to hear the red meat conservative are civil that mike pence can bring to the stump and a lot these gatherings. >> all right. thank you so much. james comey's testimony still the talk of the town in washington. democratic be and republican members of congress join me next to discuss where the controversy goes from here.
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washington is still feeling the after shocks of james comey's testimony accusations flying of it is hones dishonesty. >> the president is new to government, so he probably wasn't steeped in the long running protocols that established the relationships between doj, fbi and white houses. he's just new to this. so i think what i got out of
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that testimony is we now know why he was so frustrated when the fbi director told him three times that there is no investigation of him, yet that speculation was allowed to continue. so obviously we now know why he was frustrated. >> joining me now don meyer, democrat from virginia. your reaction to those comments. >> i think they are thiare naiv. this man isrd president of the united states and presented himself as having the capability of making america great again. comey that the strong skcase fo obstruction ever justice. he showed us that there was clear attempt when trump cleared the room.ever justice. he showed us that there was clear attempt when trump cleared the room. he established a quid pro quo saying are you loyal to me, we have this hope of getting rid of the investigation on flynn. and there was clear consequence, when comey didn't do it, he got fired. and the president tweeted right
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away that is why he got fired. >> your thought now that there is new leadership on the house intelligence committee and as you know a lot of in-fighting, a lot of verse zer cicontroversy. house intel committee just asking to copies of those james comey help hoes that we've been talking about so much. do you have faith in the house intelligence committee and its ability to move forward for its investigation? >> i do. once devin nunes took himself out of the equation, mike conway from texas and certainly adam schiff, they seem to be working very well in a bipartisan matter just you as senators burr and waern a warner are doing on the senate side. but it is also good that we have a special prosecutor. >> i was talking to peter welch and he was saying that democrats here need to come up with ideas based on the voters that were unsatisfied, dissatisfied i should say with where the
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country was going and that they cannot depend on the way he was calling it the trump than taman. do you agree? >> i do agree. i think we have a responsibility to fight back when trump does the wrong thing. for example i'm fascinated by this notion that in a little while he will tell us about the tapes. but we can't and do not want to be the party of no, certainly not a party of obstruction. we have a responsibility to find ways to bring the country forward again and again. >> so what might be one of those ideas? >> i think the biggest thing that we have to do is that not everyone is sharing in the 74 hones months of job growth that we've had, that those folks that have been left out by industrial agriculture, by manufacturing being overwhelmed by technology, being those folks that are displaced especially 50 plus we really have to find ways to make them feel secure again and hopeful again.
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>> is james comey according to what the president is saying a liar and a leaker? >> i don't think so at all. certainly -- comeyhe "new york s only after he was fired. he was careful that there was no classified information on that. and the president says that element be 100% vindicated. i'm fascinated about why the tapes if they exist aren't available right now. it's pretty curious that they will come sometime later. >> congress than don byer, thank you. i want to bring in lee zeldin from new york, house foreign affairs committee. i want to get your perspective on what has been said so far. what do you make of leader ryan's statement that the president is new to this? >> well, he clearly isn't a
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politician as far as how to word those interactions between the president and the fbi director. if every single thing that the fbi director was true, you could find numerous things that you would point out that should have been said differently it at all. i believe it's important for the department of justice and the fbi to maintain the independence that it needs to conduct whatever investigations is taking place at anytime. and you could say that the language used and nature of the interactions harm that desire for the necessary independence. so from that standpoint, be the president is not a poll tesch are shan and he worded some things dliflt than i would. >> tom brokaw as you know said that in rooireaction, he said t ran as a big with time exec, not an apprentice. and as you look at that, this is the president of the united
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states. it is the office the president here. you can still say he's new to this because he did run as an experienced business person. >> well, i would say he is new to this. same thing would have applied if we were six months in and we were talking about a prior administration with regards to different policy statements that were that. you could see evidence in the way that the administration is staffed up. so from that standpoint, i mean he's getting close to that of that year point. i think it's just a matter of observatioraerhan any type an excuse. and i think what the speaker said as it relates to the frustration that the president must feel as he keeps getting reassured that he's not the target of the investigation, he wants that to come out publicpu, i think that is a pretty reasonable request and a reasonable place to be frustr e frustrat frustrated. >> would that be your dream team around president trump is this does ev?
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does he have the right people? there he has -- he has a different way operating. i've been inside of the ceo where they will set up their office, their desk in the middle of a very busy office. other ceos will striucture thei business very differently. as long at the end the day that you're getting the recommendation from the people around you of how to do with a crisis and you're making the right decision. but i would say every single administration was structured differently. as far as who this president has surrounded himself with, if he believes that it's the right chemistry to him to be able to make the best decisions possible for his priorities and the issues facing our country, god bless him. it's certainly a different structure than i might have. but then again, as i go through each administration, i'm sure i would find different strengths and weaknesses of the people surrounding the president. >> representative, i can see you're staying away from that one to the moment at least in
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terms of does he have the right team around him. your thought on conservative he van mcmullen. he ran to president in 20167. and he was saying that when he looked at some of those on the right and how they are dealing with the russia connection question, that they did the right thing and he was saying yes, during the intel committee testimony that republicans handled it the right way in terms of their questioning and dealing with james comey. but he said there is also opportunities where asome on th right can do better. what is your thought? >> as far as these interactions, every member of the house have different styles of how to ask their questions. i had a chance to watch most of the hearing. i do think that the senators dif the aisle to try to maintain poise. obviously different biases with regards to the question sets. i believe russia is anned a ver
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a ed a saadversary of our country and i'm concerned about cybersecurity and i believe cybersecurity goes a just analy connection with the e-mail hacks. so for republicans, for conservatives, i think some of the issues that people on the left might prioritize, some of these issues republicans have beenitizing as well to a long time, but there is a disconnect. de devin nunes says one of the biggest flaws is not throwing the intentions of vladimir putin. and that was coming from him over a year ago. so maybe there could be a better communication going on between both parties, we'd have a better shot at unity as a nation. >> and quickly you heard the breaking news we were covering out of afghanistan.
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sense y since you sit on the house foreign affairs committee, any thought you have on that. the >> well certainly it's important that the government of afghanistan can can do more to stabilize halilize their govern control more territory and defeat those terrorist threats that exist where you saw this attack take place. so this is a very real threat at we face wherever we engage in coalition operations, where in-fill administration can tafi. >> sir, thank you so much. gist one wejust one week af terror attack this is london, a major shakeup. two of theresa may's top aides have resigned. the latest on that ahead.
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a big victory heading into brexit negotiations upcoming. and now two of her top aides have steped down. all this as her country continues to deal with the fallout from the terror attack just one week ago today. british police releasing new information about the weapons used in that attack which left eight dead and 50 people injured. lucy kafanov in london was covering that to us live last weekend. and first bring us the latest information on the investigation. >> we're learning that this could have been a much deadlier attack. the suspected ringleader, he apparently tried to rent a 7.5 ton truck. if you recall the attacks in nice, that is the scale of what they were aiming for. he went online to on try to rent a big truck but payment didn't go through so plan b was that van. and inside the van they found
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mole to have dock be tails, bho have hole taf cocktails and blow torches. anpolice releasing images of a pink kitchen knife of three found on each of the attackers. this was a very unusual knife. ernesto brand, 12 inches long. ceramic. one had a leather strap in order to keep it on the attacker's wrist. police are asking for help. they want to find out where they may have come from. it could provide a crucial lead in their investigation. here in london, life slowly returning to normal. the red cross calling for people to come together and unite a week after the attacks urging people to visit bars and restaurants in a show of force. we're already seeing that happening. the pubs full in true london spirit. >> that is great to hear. also you have the headline of the prime minister theresa may losing two of her top aides. >> yeah, the knives are out for theresa may herself. her top aides. the decision to have the snap
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poll was a huge gamble. it backfired. she thought she'd come out with a stronger hand. instead lost her majority. she looks weak. brexit negotiations up in the air. her party now has to get help from the small party from northern ireland, the dup. they want big favors in change for any votes they get. so this is a very shaky alliance and one that may not hold up. theresa may says she's not going anywhere but her position looking weak. >> she's not going to step down but she was, if that were to happen. thank you so much. >> she wrote in the daily mail. yeah. >> appreciate it. thank you so much. coming up, the fallout after fbi director james comey's testimony on capitol hill. how are people reacting outside of washington on what happened. we go to los angeles. 238 do you play? ♪ ♪
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before congress on thursday. and now we're hearing reaction from people across the country about whether comey or president trump is more believable. >> the clear message is that you should not continue with this investigation. >> where there's smoke, there's fire. and the fact that he would make a very specific request to have everybody else leave the office so that he would be alone with comey, for me, speaks volumes. >> joining us now, jinah kim in the country's most populous state. what are folks saying about what they saw on thursday? >> well, you know, we are in california, which went to hillary clinton back in november. we're in los angeles, which tends to vote very democratic. so it was a little refreshing to hear the next set of people. one was a woman who just recently moved from england which is having its own set of political crises and another visiting from kansas city. here's what they had to say.
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>> i'm not used to hearing such top officials making those kind of statements. it's quite mind blowing really to hear someone say that the president is a liar. yeah, it's -- british politicians, i don't think they would mince their words like that. they wouldn't come out with such statements. >> i think the media is still trying to divide the country, and i just think we need to move on and the most important thing is getting jobs and our economy going. you don't know who to believe anymore. he's saying he said this and he's saying he said this so i don't take any of it for reality because you don't know who to believe anymore. >> and richard, i don't know if you have any thoughts about what that man had to say. essentially he was saying, look, if -- there was a local police investigation about something that somebody did, we wouldn't be listening to three-hour testimonies about that. let washington figure out its own issues. let them do their own investigation and we need to
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focus on the bottom line that matters for most average americans which is jobs, health care, education and so forth. i don't know how you feel about that but i thought maybe he had a point. >> jinah kim, thank you. talking to everyday folks there in los angeles. that does it for me on msnbc. you can follow me on social media. stay with us for much more news and the next hour. francis rivera is live with the latest on the breaking news from afghanistan. wherever you are. burn. "burn." is that what the kids are saying now? i'm so bored, i'm dead. you can always compare rates on oh, that's nice, dear. but could you compare camping trips? because this one would win. all i want to do is enjoy nature and peace and quiet! it's not about winning. it's about helping people find a great rate even if it's not with progressive. -ugh. insurance. -when i said "peace and quiet," did you hear, "talk more and disappoint me"? ♪ do do do do ♪ skiddly do do ♪ camping with the family ♪ [ flame whooshes ] p3 it's meat, cheese and nuts. i keep my protein interesting. oh yea, me too. i have cheese and uh these herbs.
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