tv MSNBC Live MSNBC June 23, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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key republicans staaid the bill did not go far enough. a few more signaling they're not sold either. the world of the day is a name on this friday, mitch mcconnell. call eyes on him ahead of one of the most critical roll call votes of his career. can he get to the 50 votes he needs to pass it? >> there is no chance that he let it go not knowing that four senate republicans would say well, we're not quite there. >> mcconnell is on top of this, there is off of the record dialogues for them for many weeks now. >> it's not a policy debate, it's a process debate. i think he will be able to say to anyone that remains, that doesn't like it, that will be able to sigh you'll have one more shot at fixing this bill. >> president trump taking from fresh swipe at the special
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prosecutor, the special council looking at his ties calling his relationship with fired fbi director comey into question. >> and punishing putin. the "washington post" exposing astonishing information president obama received and the secret covert operation because of it. and sean spicer delivering an off camera press briefing. halle jackson is there, we'll bring you audio of those remarks when the is over. we have a great team of reporters and analysts with me to help break down these stories and more. let's start with kelly o'donnell at the white house. at this point do we know how involved president trump will be in terms of whipping votes?
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>> they're saying the president is supportive and wants to try to help members of the senate ghettoet to a yes. but don't expect the same imprint that we saw when the president are the go involvemented for round two in the house. the first attempt they pulled the bill, they went back to work, and the president really leaned in with meetings and phone calls and embracing the process along with vice president mike pence. a bit more distance this time, but they're encouraged that through negotiation and amendments they can get to something that passes. when of t one of the things to keep in mind about mitch mcconnell, who is astute of the steps that go down the line, he knew that putting this forward and drawing some negative reaction, you can make changes, people can get to a yes, and it appears more like a victory.
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there is a tactical aspect to this to trying to get health care done. a little more of a hands off approach from the white house. senators have already left washington for their home states an we'll see where that leaves them next week. >> kari, we know about the four senators that came out of the gate and said no to this bill, who else might not be on board at this point? we know that nevada senator dean heller said he will be looking at this and the effect it will have on his state. look at the moderates like susan collins. people concerned about what affect this bill may have on the
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people, in particular, on medicaid. one thing they think is worth noting is that the public opinion about this bill has really taken a turn for the negative. our latest polls shows that only 16% of the americans think the house version of this bill is a good idea and should be past. even republicans are very lukewarm. only 34% of them said this is a good idea and it should be passed. the public opinion is something that should overshadow this process. and those that want to pass this bill are hoping to get ahead of that and convince the american public now that it's the right thing to do. >> and they're set to hold a nice conference this afternoon. we're keeping a very close eye on what is staaid there. joined now by ann heyworth, and
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joan walsh. this is what kentucky senator rand paul said today on "the today show." >> if it comes down to this bill or no bill at all, would you really rather do nothing? >> i don't think the choices are bianary. they have to have at least two of the four of us. that means the bill has to get better and more to our liking. >> you know process very well, walk us through what will happen behind the scenes as the senate majority leader tries to whip up some votes. >> you can pap it out state by state. the one who's have larger constituencies of folks that really rely on some of the program that's will be modified.
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i'm firmly convinced for the better. you will see those senators on the fence. rand paul we know is very much a purist. and in an absolute world, you know, we always map our ideals on to the messy reality that we face, and i think he will have to accept that progress in the right direction is better than no progress at all. i hope people come around. >> joan, how could it be that something so wildly popular on the trail, for president trump and other lawmakers. repeal and replace. root and branch, now when you ask people, they don't steeem t be so wild. >> i think people have in their heads what should change. they all have a different idea of what should change, and donald trump campaigned on i'm
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going to make it better, i'm not going to touch medicaid, to one will lose coverage, people will lose coverage. when they try to do what he promised, they're not doing that. >> he definitely campaigned on not changing medicare, but medicaid needs reform. and he pledged it had to people, he is on the record, if someone called it up we could show you tape right now of him saying i will not touch medicaid. >> he is certainly -- i will not touch medicaid. >> no, he won't. millions of people will lose care. >> when you look at what is happening now in medicaid, it is falling apart. >> no, it's not. this bill does not protect anyone with pre-existing conditions. if you let states waive the
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essential health benefits, people with pre-existing conditions can buy insurance, but it will be massively expensive, if i need che chemotherapy or cancer drugs, the plan will be so expensive because young healthy people can buy skimpy plans. >> but they're not buying into plans because they're too expensive, joan. that's why they have funds to -- >> but it is a big reason. >> let me ask you this and i have asked it of several others. 142-page plan. a lot of it is about taxes. tanning tax, capital gains taxes, there is a retro active call to basically give folks money back that they already
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invested and generated -- why is there is a retro active capital gains tax in the bill. >> the problem with the affordable care act is that it was a trillion dollar different to the insurance industry. and that was paid for by the public. >> what about the millions of folks that got insurance coverage. >> can i just -- we are regifting the insurance companies, do you know what this bill does, obama care, the aca mandated that insurance companies had to spend 70% of their dollars on your, orphn ou care. they make corporate ceo bonuses tax deductible. >> all of those costs are passed on to the american public. the industry should be determined by the demand of the american public. when the government subsidizes
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with with regulation, it costs a lot more. it's very unpopular. >> but four special elections just took place, and the affordable care act was a big part of it, swing sdrings -- >> john ossoff -- >> i have to get to the governor, i enjoyed this conversation, i hope you both come back. thank you to both of you on this friday. barack obama broke his silence to react to the senate health care republican plan. he released a statement, less than 1,000 words, but it read simply put, if there's a chance you might get sick, get old, or start a family had this bill will do you harm. i'm joined now by steve bashir.
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we have not had you on our air yet, have you read it? i assume you have and what impact do you this it will have on voters like those in the bluegrass state. >> they ought to be ashamed of themselves for promising one thing and doing another. they are simply lying to the american people when they say no one will lose coverage and that everybody's benefits will be better. we know that is not the case, and it will not be the case with this bill. people like the mother with a child who is scared to death she can't get the prescription drugs she needs. they have a person in opioid addiction treatment right now and their dlaaughter will die i she did you want have is that. these are real people. >> they want to win, they know
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that means the other side has to lose. it is time to put people over politics again. i have a book out with that title. instead of putting their own interest in front of the public's interest. >> kentucky, when it comes to politics, i know it is a fairly small state, have you spoke to senator mcconnell or senator rand paul? >> no, i have not talked to either one of them, they don't give me their personal phone numbers but i see what they're doing from afar and they're doing what i expect to. senator paul doesn't like the bill because it doesn't take us back to the 18th century. i will take his vote to kill this bill. the public is sick and tired of
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this dysfunction where everybody just getting together and fighting among each other as opposed to an issue that ought not to be partisan. it ought to be a people issue. they are acknowledging problems with the affordable care act. >> the nbc news and wall street pool, what are some of the areas that need improvement. >> we should improve it and we should change some of it. it's like when we passed medicare, it took four or five years of tinkering, changing, and moving things around to get it to work. i think small businesses had problems with it and we ought to look at it.
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people that are just above the subsidy level. their premiums are too high. to say you're going to be doing something, it is crazy, no one believes that, that's why you have a 16% approval rating. >> they have grown at an unsustainable rate. what is your response to that. first, before we implemented it and a year into implementation. they both concluded that i could not afford not to do this program because of the economic benefit. the economic benefit, the job creation benefit. the positive budget impact it had. because we created 12,000 jobs in the first year alone when we
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signed up half a million people into expanded medicaid and the qualified health plans. this is not a budget killer, it's a positive budget impact if it is done right. >> thank you, governor. >> thank you, craig. >> up next, who do you trust more? president trump or the fired fbi direct director? there is a new poll out for where most of you seem to stand. >> also, the washington post uncovering the president's obsession with the russia probe. first, new details and some good news about the condition of congressman steve scalise. nbc news confirmed that the majority whip is now out of intensive care after being wounded in last week's shooting at a ball field in virginia. ready for some relief?
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mine was always the truth. >> a new poll that came out last hour finds that 45% of americans surveyed are more likely to believe comey's version of events around his firing. 22% likely to believe the president. 21% say they believe neither one of them, 8% say they believe both of them. this as we get a new look inside of president trump's "obsession with the russia investigation. the white house bureau chief, phillip, the construction of the hall here, in the wake of the poll we just got back.
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most of the time, the president wakes up early, just as the today show is coming on the air, he gets on the phone with one of his lawyers or one of his p pr gurus and it is just a chat about russia for him to vent. they go over the headlines and they plot their strategy against the special council and the news media, and the idea is to let him cycle through all of that early in the morning so by the time the president gets to the oval office to go to work he can to discuss more focus more on h. he does not always compartmentalize. sometimes he will rant about it to hit aides unannounced. he talks to jeff sessions in private conversations, and he
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takes to twitter as we see all of the time. >> what do we know, rather, about how this investigation or these investigations are affecting him personally. are they taking a toll on him? >> they are. we spoke to a number of the president's advisors and a number of close friends that have known him for year that's are concerned about his personal health. they feel like he looks like he gained some weight, some bags under his eyes, that he is not getting enough sleep. and concern about his well-being for those that love and respect him. they feel like this russia crowd -- it is really hanging over the presidency and the man himself. >> president trump raising questions today about special council robert mueller's
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imparitiality. >> he is very good friends with comby which is bother some, but we'll also have to see, look, there has been no on instruction, no collusion. there has been no leaking by comey. the people hired are all hillary clinton supporters. but robert rauler is an honorable man and hopefully he will come up with an honorable solution. >> the president calling mueller an honorable man, but he goes on to attack the investigation. based on the investigation, does
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it make sense that he feared the special council. >> it is something he thinks about from time to time and talks about from time to time. one thing to note there is that the question actually was should mueller rescucuse himself from investigation and he keeps staying we're going to have to see. we'll have to see if it comes time in the president's judgment for him to step aside or be removed. >> one would assume they are advising the president of the united states, that would probably not be the best idea. >> you're right, but donald trump is not someone that wants to close the door on possibilities. i know he still thinks about it. >> the white house bureau chief, have a good weekend, sir, thank you. >> thank you, you too, craig.
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>> some calling the bill obama care in reverse. obama care light, or an attack on medicaid. at the end of the day, how will it affect you if it becomes law? we'll take a look at that right after this. okay. got it. rumor confirmed. they're playing. -what? -we gotta go. -where? -san francisco. -when? -friday. we gotta go. [ tires screech ] any airline. any hotel. any time. go where you want, when you want with no blackout dates. [ muffled music coming from club. "blue monday" by new order. cheers. ] ♪ how does it feel the travel rewards credit card from bank of america. it's travel, better connected. the travel rewards credit card from bank of america.
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welcome back, i'm craig melvin here. overnight in north korea, the regime leader conditions allegations that otto was tortured. on the eve of his funeral, they claim his 22-year-old death was "a mystery." >> turns to the u.k., police considering charges including manslaughter as they continue their investigation into the tower fire in london. they say the cause of the fire was a faulty refrigerator. the death toll stands at 79. johnny depp is lighting fires because of comments he made at an concert.
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>> when is the last time a actor assassinated a president. a major contention for the gop bill is medicaid. they say it is not a replacement for medicare. it cuts president trump specificly said he would not make when he was candidate trump. >> i will not cut social security like every other american. >> save medicaid, medicare, and security without cuts, have to do it. >> former senior aide for the department of health and human services and so is dr. natalie
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azar. let me star with you, sir, the president and several lawmakers promised not to touch medicaid, what changed? i think the reality is that a lot of this, craig, is built on the need for entitlement reform and medicaid is an entitlement that is easier from a number's perspective to fix. i think a lot of republicans believe that it is not a particularly good program for beneficiaries and for quite some time have been seeking fundamental reform. that's how we got to this place. >> i think there are a number of academic studies that show that the outcome is not good. doctors are not taking the patients because the reim
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reimbursement level is too low. medicaid, as a program is a source of significant debate and really the question is can the beneficiaries be better served in a different program of coverage. >> a severely disabled 10-year-old could see payments for care limited starting in 2021. a 59-year-old man who works as an independent contractor, no longer eligible for premium subsidies, they would increase, a 32-year-old woman earning below the federal poverty level is eligible for subsidies but out of pocket is very high. >> look at just some statistics we know. one out of every child in the country is under medicaid.
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roughly 40% of chirp are covered by medicaid. not to mention insurannursing h residents. older people go through their own money, and one that runs out their qualified with medicaid. there is a child there, a holder man, a -- older man, and middle age woman, and just to point at what was said about medicaid being an efficient program, there was a phenomenally interesting report and i encourage anyone that is interested to read it that did exactly this. look at the studies from the last ten years to see what kind of effect that coverage has in health outcomes. coverage can improve health outcomes if it improves care, the report suggests that it
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does, that medicaid improves screening for cancer, hiv, high cholesterol, and everything like that. screening doesn't necessarily transsbliet decreased mortality, but they did find that by implementing these improving access to care will save tens of thousands of lives. how is that going to help the "downward spiral" that we hear so much about. >> there is a couple things to bear in mind here. this includes kids, the disabled, the populations that say these are the most sympathetic folks. the question around the senate and house legislation is what you do with the expansion population. the people that were added on to medicaid by the affordable care
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act. one of the alternative tries to do is give them subsidiies to help them purchase the health insurance so they can be in private coverage and not medicaid. it's not that they want to kick them off of medicaid, states can make the decision to continue to maintain eligibility. sure enough the house and senate does not kick people off of that coverage. that is fear mongering on the left in my mind. >> if you are a doctor in this country, are you more excited about the senate bill that you were about obama care, are you less excited? >> i'm much, much less excited. i can't even begin to tell you and i talk about this a lot on air. all of the benefits that i need my patients to have to give them
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adequate care. theirs that cost thousands of dollars a month. the idea -- i see patients that come in and historically, i have been practicing for 15 yaears, and their insurance doesn't cover x and y and i have to work around the system. >> big thanks for your time and insights. we should note there is another doctor here in the studio, can we show, this is dr. natalie's daughter in for the broadcast today. she will give us insight as well. when we come back on a friday, we'll get back to politicking, punishing russia for hacking the election, did the obama
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administration miss the mark by leaving a plan of action for team trump? and with the president refusing to acknowledge russia's role on a consistent basis, will any action be taken at all? first, breaking news out of ohio within jurors in the murder retrial of a white cincinnati police officer says they are deadlocked right now. the judge has declared a miss trial. that happened a short time ago. he was on trial for the deadly traffic stop shooting. he was unarmed. he was pulled over for missing a front license plate. his first trial also ended in a mistrial, we'll be right back. microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. there are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample.
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now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. the off camera white house press briefing has just wrapped up, what did we learn, hallie? >> let me hit a couple highlights. let me start with what we heard unfold regarding russia. they are confirming that the president is concerned about interference in the election. he believes they interfered. he says he has since had that conversation in the last few
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days and he hinted add more to come. they are looking into issues with the integrity of the investigation and that russian hackers hacked into the u.s. systems. no vote changes, no type of problem like that, but he was also asked about those staps from yesterday, as you know he does not have any oval office recordings. and i want you to listen to what sean spicer said about it. >> he said i don't think we can accept this as a full answer. the president was talking about himself and that they would like to see in writing a response that encolludes the entire white
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house. will they have a official response? >> i blooif there is a communication that we had to have by close of business today. i think the president was clear that he said he would follow up, and i think he answered it very clearly. >> so sean spicer there, and the other big topic of the day is health care. what is happening on capitol hill is a call for the president so get involved and do what he did, which maent work one on one with them. he was asked about mitch mcconnell and here is what he had to say. >> does he feel that mitch should pull the bill if he doesn't have the numbers -- >> i was not prescriptive with
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them, when they're ready to vote, they will vote. senator mcconnell wants a vote next week. the president is supportive of the bill and he wants to work with all of the americas to improve it in any way that can help facilitate that and make the a stronger bill. >> so we will see what happens in the next 24 to 48 hours. >> is this a president that will pick up the phone and try to get votes himself? >> the press secretary was asked about that. that's what we saw the dth did for the house build up of all of this, i heard sean spicer talk about how the senate numbers make that less of a full course press, right? it sounds like it is going through more of a pinprick blitz, if you will.
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i think i just made that up. >> quickly before i let you go, the voting fraud commission, am i to understand that now the commission is also going to be looking at russian interference in the election? >> so, let me sort of split this up, this is something that our team has been reporting on for weeks and weeks now. you will see more of it coming up, but a white house official talked about the voting sfrafra commission that was created after the president said he believed millions of people voted illegally. and experts said there was no evidence of that happening and now they're asking about it for how to shore up elections. so i think it is more than how
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to protect on disruptions of polling places. >> the vice president there, live, colorado springs, colorado. he is at a focus on the family event. we see vice president pence there posing for selfies with members and what appear to be members of the military there. thank you hallie jackson. that off camera briefing, audio only, just wrapping up. up next, now that the president admits the kremlin tampered with the election, will he punish putin? my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function,
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geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. i know that in the fall we were very concerned about this. it was a front burner item, lots of very good discussion about what we needed to do and at the end of the day we took the unprecedented step of going public with the intelligence so that we could tell the american people what was going on. >> former homeland security jay johnson on "morning joe" defending the obama's
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administration response to russian hacking. his comments come as the "the washington post" published in the article detailing the debate within the administration over how baste to respond. it's a fascinating piece. besides rg a range of options including sanctions and release of embarrassing information on vladimir putin, the post also reports that president obama left president trump with a covert plan to attack russia with cyber weapons in the end the administration you might remember this decided to close two russian compounds, expel 35 russian diplomats and impose new sanctions. also with us matthew miller former chief spokesman for the justice department. matt, as i red that piece and again i would encourage anyone watching or listening to read the piece. it's a fascinating look behind the curtain if you will precisely how those conversations were going down and what we knew and who knew
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what when, looking back, i know behind site's always 20/20. the administration's response was it proportional to the threat? >> so i think you have to separate into two things, one before the election and ask the question of whether they properly warned the american public and two after the election whether they properly retaliated. i think it is fair to ask whether they could've done more, whether they could've made a more fulsome public statement but they were operating under significance constraints. remember the talks that election was mired in. you had trump out rung against the rigged election he was talking about. he was casting doubt on whether the russians actually hacked into hillary clinton's e-mails, and the administration tried to get a bipartisan statement. they went up to the hill, they briefed leaders on the hill, they wanted to get a bipartisan statement both to give credibility when they made this alert to the american public and also to convince republican
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state election officials to work with them to help stop voter files from being hacked and they weren't able to get that bipartisan agreement. i think that was one of the key roadblocks they faced. it seems mitch mcconnell and others on the hill really for partisan reasons didn't want to add their name to this assessment. >> if this was a national security issue and for a lot of folks it's glaring obviously that it was, if it was a national security issue, why did the president then not just say, you know what? i got this. it's a national security issue. here's what we can do and will do instead of trying to work with lawmakers who at no point had demonstrated prior to that that they were willing to work with the administration on anything else? >> i think that's a fair question and i think, you know, i think in hind sight it's fair to say instead of putting out that written statement, they should have come up and testified on the hill, the president could have held a press conference, they could
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have banged the drum on this issue. i think that is a fair question, but again i think what you would've seen say -- republicans increasingly unwilling to believe what the president said. this was an attack on one party, the democratic party and it's nominee but this should have been viewed as an attack on the american electoral system and it seemed like only one side was willing to take it seriously. >> hans, what more have we learned about the cyberattack plan that was reported on in that article and whether president trump has made a decision on whether to use it? >> we have nothing on whether or not president trump would actually activate these cyber defenses and these cyber offenses mechanisms that the post is reporting about. whenever we talk about cyber, we have to be clear, the concept of proportionality, we don't have a road map. cyber is such a new front that were you to respond with a cyber offense as the post suggests
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that president obama left behind a lot of these bombs inside the russian infrastructures, inside their systems, that the next president could detonate, were you to do that that would likely engender a response and the u.s. systems and the u.s. own cybersecurity is not -- as we learned during the election, protected from outside interference. so when you get into the realm of both cyber defense but more importantly cyber offense it's very tricky to game out a response. thank you. i put you on the spot there, i appreciate your honesty and candor. some live pictures here. we've been having this conversation, some breaking news out west. this is a live picture here, this is nevada. we are hearing from a republican senator dean heller he is standing there with the governor of nevada. heller just announcing that he is also a no on the senate gop health care bill. he said quote, it's simply not the answer, so again he is now
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the fifth senator, the fifth senator to say he is opposed to the bill. republicans can only afford to lose two. what this means moving forward that's right after this. we'll be right back. thank you so much. thank you! so we're a go? yes! we got a yes! what does that mean for purchasing? purchase. let's do this. got it. book the flights! hai! si! si! ya! ya! ya! what does that mean for us? we can get stuff. what's it mean for shipping? ship the goods. you're a go!
11:57 am
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11:58 am
what's the best way to get v8 or a fancy juice store?s? ready, go! hi, juice universe? one large rutabaga, with eggplant... done! that's not fair. glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. over hereno!ver here! (dog barking) whoever threw it has to go get it. not me! somebody will get it... ♪ (dog barking) anyone can dream. making it a reality is the hard part. from the b-2 to the upcoming b-21, northrop grumman stealth bombers give america an advantage in a turbulent world. and we're looking for a few dreamers to join us.
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12:00 pm
weekend. good afternoon. this is just in to us. senator dean heller is going to vote no on the current formst gop health care plan and the senate meantime i haven't read the bill is no longer a valid excuse. that new senate health care plan has been out there for long enough the people are starting to demand answers and today as republicans start to modify the bill, the primary counter argument is starting to take form. the democrats plan of attack is simple, it's a tax break for the rich. but republicans are hitting back. >> it's disingenuous to say it's a tax cut for the rich. all tax cuts will benefit people who pay more in taxes before the tax cut. that's just a fact. >> give them a little relief on the backs of poor people on the backs of old people in nursing homes. >> explain that in detail. >> because they're the ones who are going to have money and services pulled out from under them by some
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