tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 1, 2017 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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and a good saturday to you, i'm keir simmons at msnbc world headquarters in new york. president trump is spending the weekend at his golf club in new jersey. the president also looking ahead to his second overseas trip since taking office. that will be the g20 summit in germany next week, a summit that will include a meeting with russian president vladimir putin. more on that meeting later this hour. president trump, though, also dealing with domestic issues this weekend. republicans' failure to repeal and replace obamacare before their holiday recess. and the refusal of nearly half of the states to hand over confidential voter data to the white house. panel investigating alleged voter fraud. but we begin in new jersey.
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president donald trump and his family sending their fourth of july holiday at his bed minister golf club. no breakthrough from congress on health care reform. the president offered a suggestion on twitter. "if republican senators are unable to pass what they are now working on, they should immediately repeal and then replace at a later date." senate majority leader mitch mcconnell responded last night that republicans are going to stick with their current plan. also, the white house is facing strong opposition from several states to a request for voter data from the 2016 election. data that would be used by the president's voter fraud commission. nbc's kelly o'donnell joins us here trump's golf club in new jersey. kelly, what is the president's response to that? >> reporter: well, the president is frustrated when it comes to both of those topics, health care, and the issues on supposed voting irregularities. if we talk health care first, the president, throughout that twitter suggestion of if republicans are sort of stalled,
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then try just repealing, mitch mcconnell, who runs this process, is saying no to that in a big way even though he's been unable to get his republican conference to fall in line, to get on the same page, to come up with their own idea. they are many votes short of a plan to put together a new health insurance model, a new structure. so, the problem for mitch mcconnell is with an election next year, the notion of just repealing would certainly expose his members to more criticism. that's not helpful. it also takes time to do it and so while the twitter suggestions from the president may get the dialogue going, mitch mcconnell is going to try to run this his own way. the problem is they have hit big speed bumps. we don't know if they, over the course of these days, when they're in their home states, still making phone calls, staffers working together, if they can get anywhere on health care. the odds are very long as it stands right now. so the president, frustrated by that because he promised it and so did all republicans. and then, keir, when it goes to
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the voter froaud issue, the president has alleged voter fraud. he has claimed there may be millions of votes in the last november election that were improperly cast. he, of course, lost the popular vote, but he won the electoral college by a sizable, comfortable margin. but he was behind in the popular vote and so he formed this commission to look at alleged irregularities across the country in voting systems and in the voter rolls. the problem is there's been no real proof of any widespread voter fraud. there are instances in certain states where there are improper registrations, there are problems with machines, things like that, but nothing on the scale that the president has alleged. so he created this commission, one of the requests of the commission is to say to all the state secretaries of state who run the elections, turn over your voter registration information. that also set off alarm bells. democrats say this could lead to voter suppression, knocking
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people off the voting roles, making it impossible for people to vote and even republicans are saying this should be handled by states. this is sensitive information, people's names, addresses, social security numbers and although it's publicly available information, they don't want to put it into a national database so the president is being rebuffed by many states over his election commission. >> all right, nbc's kelly o'donnell in bridge water, new jersey. thank you, my friend. more legal challenges facing president trump's revised travel ban affecting citizens from six muslim majority countries. portions of the ban went into effect thursday night after the supreme court lifted lower court injunctions and agreed to give it a full review in the fall. the latest call to action coming from the state of hawaii. it argues the list of close family member exemptions is too restrictive, banning grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and others. there's already been one change to the executive order, fiances of u.s. citizens have been approved, added to the approved list, allowing them to apply for visa travel to the u.s. well, joining me now is karen
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tomlin, legal director of the national immigration center, which opposes the ban. karen, let's talk first of all about grandmothers. have you ever met a grandmother who is a threat to u.s. security? >> no. i've never met a grandmother who was a threat to u.s. security, nor have i met many people who wouldn't consider their grandparents close family members. >> right. i mean, my mother was an irish catholic grandmother. she knew about, you know, oppression from the british, so i guess grandmothers aren't exempt from that kind of treatment, but it's a good point, though, isn't it, because it seems as if, would you say, that some of the -- these rules look quite arbitrary. >> i would go further than that. i would say that the manner in which the trump administration is choosing to implement the supreme court's mandate is preposterous and it shows, once again, that when they're given
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any opportunity, what they're actually trying to do is implement a xenophobic and anti-islam agenda. the supreme court said that the ban could not be applied to close family members. the notion that originally this administration was going to exclude both feiances and grandparents and frankly absurd. it shows the reason they've been pushing this muslim ban from day one. >> we have the new injunction that you have put before the court in hawaii. what is their -- is it correct that the trump administration is improperly interpreting the supreme court's ruling that only close family members can enter the country? >> yes. we think it's absolutely correct. the state of hawaii, an hour before the ban went into place, filed paperwork in the court in hawaii saying what the administration is doing violates this supreme court's mandate. last night, we filed paperwork as well on behalf of our clients, refugee serving
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organizations to say the way the administration is choosing to implement the supreme court's order also flies in the face of what this supreme court said with respect to refugees. and we'll have real human consequences. >> right but see, i guess some folks would say the supreme court is going to consider this. you're just using the law to play politics. >> i'm not using the law to play politics. i think that you have to look at what's happening today to real humans, to real people, to real families, to individuals who have been all the way gone through a process by the united states government to be considered refugees and were cleared and promised that they were able to come to this country. this government is saying, we won't even allow those folks after july 6 to come in. and it's a really question of what kind of country we want to be. do we want to be the kind of country that discriminates against people based on where they're from and how they choose to pray. >> would you accept, though,
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that the list of countries that the white house has put out previously, that that is a list of countries where there are extremists, iran, for example, is a state sponsor of terrorism. >> as a kid growing up in the united states, you know, i was taught that one of the principles we have in this country is that we judge folks as individuals and not as a group. so, to look at any of the countries on the list and say they have a civil war, they have certain individuals who engage in terrorism, and then decide to paint the entire country with that same brush, really violates the principles that this country was founded on and that we have taught our kids. >> yeah, the administration argues that it's not a ban, a delay for 90 days for visitors, 120 days for refugees. is that reasonable? >> i mean, i would say tell that to the folks whose grandparents are excluded.
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>> back to the point about the grandmothers. okay, karen, legal director efor the national immigration center, thank you for joining us. >> thanks so much, keir. a new twist in the ongoing russia probe raising questions about the actions of former trump national security adviser mike flynn during last year's campaign. the "wall street journal" reports republican operative peter smith tried to gain access to the e-mails he believed were stolen from hillary clinton's private server. the journal reports smith working independently from the trump campaign contacted hacking groups, including some believed to be tied to russia on several occasions. he implied that he was working with flynn, who at the time was serving as a senior adviser to trump. peter smith died in may. flynn had no comment on the journal's story. joining me now, tara miller, former cia military analyst and senior policy adviser at the counterextremism project. tara, what do you make of the journal's report on the possible
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smith connection to flynn. >> i think the journal report was extremely interesting. all roads always seem to lead back to general flynn and i think this is going to be a constant problem for the trump administration as this investigation continues. we've seen flynn be the center of this investigation initially. we've seen him be the center of comey's testimony in terms of trump pressuring to let flynn go, and making other people leave the room. and now we see another story where there's a republican operative who claims to have ties to flynn. again, we haven't heard flynn's side of the story on this but the claim that the operative was in touch with flynn on this does seem to suggest some sort of coordination or cooperation with what may have been a russian hacking group, even if they didn't actually end up obtaining these e-mails, it seems like there's evidence that they were working in coordination with hacking organizations, including those with ties to russia, and it seems that this operative was at least claiming to have ties to individuals very close to trump. >> because i guess the crucial question is, do you think that this sides towards conspiracy?
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was there a collusion here or are we looking at, you know, independent actors who are doing things that perhaps aren't known about or aren't directed from the center of the campaign? >> you raise a really good point and from the beginning of this investigation, i've been trying to say that collusion can occur along a pespectrum. it doesn't necessarily need to be an orchestrated plot. it could be that independent actors were engaging in this, russian operative perhaps if the story proves to be valid, but if that republican operative was then coordinating with the trump administration on this and if general flynn was involved in this, and if there was coordination or sort of an operative playing a middle role, a go-between, between the russians and general flynn in order to give trump campaign associates some form of plausible deniability with regard to direct contacts with the russians, that would be problematic. it wouldn't suggest an orchestrated plot that was conceived in the brain trust of
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the campaign, but it would still, in my mind, demonstrate some level of collusion. so i think the senate intelligence committee is going to be very interested in delving into this and i think on the house side as well as robert muler and his investigation. >> and as we all know, sometimes it's the cover-up, if there was a cover-up, so are we getting closer, just a little bit close every to why trump appeared to work so hard to protect flynn? >> sure. so, we don't know if this is just one narrative amongst other potential narratives that were also going on during the campaign but it seems that the "wall street journal" piece is significant because it gives us a sense as to what the investigation might be honing in on in terms of what they think was happening between potential campaign associates and republican operatives and connections with the russians. again, you have to show that somebody on the campaign itself or general flynn or that somebody close to trump knew that this was going on, was sort of complicit in this going on, and that has not fully been shown yet. we only have one side of the story here, and that side
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suggests that the operative was claiming ties to trump associates, but we haven't heard from general flynn yet and i think that is really the critical part of this story, is flynn -- does he have more to tell and if he does, is he going to tell it. >> and tara, what about word that the house intelligence committee is threatening the white house with subpoenas if they don't cooperate into the investigation related to meetings with former fbi director james comey. >> i think that is to be expected. i think you're going to see subpoenas not just about documents but in terms of cooperation with white house officials. i think that's why you see the white house team lawyering up in many cases. you saw bipartisan consensus on the committees on the issue of a deadline on the tapes. you're seeing bipartisan consensus out of the senate intel committee in terms of pressing the administration to be forthcoming about many of these meetings so i think if there's a silver lining in any of this, it's that we've seen capitol hill at least in terms of the investigation for capitol hill be quite bipartisan in some of these requests and i think that bodes well both in combination with the bipartisan nature on the hill and mueller's side of the equation.
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>> in one two words, if you are in the white house right now, how worried are you? >> i mean, if you're not involved in any of this, you shouldn't be worried but you're probably going to be dealing with this a lot of distracting you from your policy work. many people are going to need to lawyer up. if you were part of this, if you were in touch with this republican operative, if you're general flynn and this was a cooperative arrangement, you probably have a lot o worry about but i think general flynn already knows that, given he knows he's the subject of an investigation already. >> all right, senior policy adviser to counterextremism, thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. well, we'll turn back to the health care debate after the break. will republicans feel the heat from their constituents this fourth of july weekend for failing to repeal and replace obamacare yet? and would they face even more scrutiny from them if they agreed to work with democrats on a replacement plan? that's after the break.
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a senate vote on health care legislation was postponed this week when majority leader mitch mcconnell could not gather enough support among his fellow republicans. on twitter, president trump said, if republican senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediately repeal and then replace at a later date. according to a recent npr/pbs/marist poll, 17% of americans believe congress should let health care stand as it is. 46% say change it so it does more and 25% say, repeal it completely. joining me now is editor and the chief of the hill and leslie clark, senior congressional correspondent. bob, if the president's suggestion is the political equivalent of saying, let's just throw a ticking time bomb into the political mix and see what happens, go figure, mitch
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mcconnell said, i don't think so. >> yeah. mitch mcconnell's not a big fan of the president's tweets, and republicans, i mean, in the beginning of the week, they were -- trump was doing well. he got a big win at the supreme court, looked like health care was going to get through, and then by the end of the week, they don't get health care. he's fighting with "morning joe" hosts, so mitch mcconnell has got, i think, radically change this bill. it's not popular. they had an opportunity to make it a lot more popular than the house passed bill. they didn't. they really just made some tweaks to this bill. so i think in order to get the votes, they got to go back to the drawing board because they are not close to getting the votes. >> and leslie, what would be the practical effect of just repealing obamacare and replacing it later, given that you wouldn't know whether you really were going to be able to replace it. >> i think the problem for them is that repealing could look like they're just throwing people off their health insurance, although they say it would be a delay of a year. but they wouldn't have a plan and they've obviously shown, with the current situation, that
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they're having great deal of pain coming to -- coming to some conclusion. >> yeah. bob, republican lawmakers, some of them anyway, say it may soon be time to negotiate with democrats. that has a whole bunch of new political issues attached to it, doesn't it? >> yeah. i just don't see that happening any time soon. i mean, remember, we have -- republicans do have all of july to get this done. mitch mcconnell has said, listen, democrats are not cooperating, there's been no bipartisan talk between and she his counterpart, chuck schumer, so i think that might happen but it's not going to happen any time soon. republicans want to muscle this through. the problem is they can only get two defections and if you look at the votes, i mean, rand paul is almost a certain no. susan collins is almost a certain no. and then off lot of other maybe no's, and they don't have a lot of yes's and that's why i think that just putting more money for opioid programs is not going to get the vote of someone like rob portman. they're going to have to do more
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than just throw money at certain programs. dean heller is up for reelection in nevada. it seems like he's a firm no. the governor, a lot of governors don't like this bill, including john kasich in ohio so that's the problem for these senators is that their governors are openly criticizing this bill and that's why i think this bill has got on revamped. >> leslie, i'm constantly aware in these conversations that we end up looking as if we're having, you know, an inside the beltway discussion. but republicans are going home this weekend. what are they going to learn when they get there and meet ordinary folks? >> right, well, i think for a lot of them are going to try to stay as far away as they can from ordinary folks. i mean, quite frankly -- >> is that smart? >> i'm not so sure if it's smart, but i think they do not want a repeat of being yelled at in front of tv cameras in town halls. they would argue that a lot of those people are people who wouldn't vote for them in the first place and are, you know, paid protesters and not going to support them. so, i don't think they want that
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sort of coverage. >> i was going to ask you, you know, at those town halls, are you really looking at democrats shouting at republicans? >> yeah. i mean, that's what the republicans would tell you is that they're people who are, like, bussed in. but those people are their constituents as well, and that sort of speaks to the difficulty that senators have. house members had a hard enough time getting this passed and they represent small districts that are much more, you know, partisan. senators represent entire states, so they represent democrats, they represent republicans, and they represent independent voters as well. >> yeah. hey, bob, people are watching at home, many of them, and saying what does this mean for me. we're at the halfway point on the congressional calendar. health care, tax reform, what is actually going to happen? >> well, you know, i think right now, any time you bet against a bill, you usually win and it doesn't look like -- i think the chances of the senate betting a bill through are less than 50/50. >> to be clear for people watching at home, you're saying
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your life isn't going to change very much, these guys are deadlocks. >> i think they're deadlocked for the moment but politics as you know changes very quickly, so they can change the bill but remember, even if they get it through the senate, then they have to talk with the house and the house may have to accept the senate version but can they get the votes in the house and senate. even if it gets through the senate, it's got a long way to go. but republicans can't just say, oh, well, forget it. they have campaigned on this for seven years. the problem is they didn't have a replacement plan during those seven years and now they're paying the price for that. >> you're agreeing, leslie. >> absolutely, to everything that he said. as mitch mcconnell and -- but i would not also count out mitch mcconnell as, you know, the house had trouble get thating t bill passed, they pulled it. they came back. same thing is happening in the senate. people have said to me that if anybody can do it, mitch mcconnell can find a way to do it but it looks really difficult and -- but they're up against answering to a campaign promise that they've been making for seven years. >> all right.
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bob and leslie, that was great. thank you. thanks for joining me. up next, request denied, an attempt to get confidential voter information for the president's voter fraud commission causes a backlash. what's the real reason behind the request? is it an effort to back up his claims about voter fraud during the presidential election?
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welcome back. many state election officials are pushing back against a request by president trump's voter fraud commission for detailed personal information about voters in every state. this morning, the president responded, tweeting, "numerous states are refusing to give information to the very distinguished voter fraud panel. what are they trying to hide?" nbc's peter alexander has more on this controversy. >> reporter: growing backlash against a sweeping request if president trump's commission. >> this is an outrageous attempt by this administration to suppress voters, to disenfranchise voters. >> reporter: that outrage following this letter asking all
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50 states to provide their voter data, names, addresses, dates of birth, party affiliations, and even in some cases, the last four digits of social security numbers. >> will rhode island comply with this request? >> no. first of all, i think this is an alarming request. i don't know where it's coming from. >> reporter: from mississippi's republican secretary of state, my reply would be they can go jump in the gulf of mexico and mississippi is a great state to launch from. the request comes from the commission's vice chair, kansas secretary of state kris kobach. >> my question is, what are they afraid after? we're going to analyze it and present that information to the public. >> reporter: the white house calling criticism of the commission a political stunt t. administration's move is months in the making. after losing the popular vote to hillary clinton, president trump has alleged, without proof, that 3 to 5 million people voted illegally. >> the commission does not exist to prove or disprove anything the president said in january. >> reporter: voting rights
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advocates question the entire process. >> not only should voters be skeptical of the results but they should be extremely, you know, circumspect about the collection of this data and how it's going to be handled. >> reporter: peter alexander, nbc news, the white house. next, a look ahead to president trump's g20 summit next week in germany. the president planning to meet with vladimir putin. the potential ramifications of that meeting when we come back. but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and
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i'm keir simmons, here's what we're watching this hour. prurch and his family are spending this extended independence day weekend at bedminster golf club in new jersey. he will briefly travel back to washington, d.c., tonight to attend an event at the kennedy center. in little rock, arkansas, people were injured at a nightclub. some kind of a dispute led to the exchange of gunshots. some of the wounded were
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trampled. all of the victims are expected to survive. and new jersey governor chris christie ordered a statement government shutdown after lawmakers failed to pass a budget. christie closed nonessential government offices as well as parks and beaches with the fourth of july holiday near. tens of thousands of state employees will be furloughed. now, preparations are underway for president trump's visit to hamburg, germany. the president and russian president vladimir putin are scheduled to meet but the administration down played the meeting as one of the many the president will take part in, in two days. trump heads to the g20 summit amid international concern over his abilities to handle foreign affairs. just 22% expressed confidence in the president to do the right thing with it comes to international events. that's a sharp contrast to the final years of barack obama's presidency, with 64% expressing confidence. the data from the pew research center pold 37 nations and found that low global confidence for president trump has led to lower ratings for the u.s.
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joining me now is editor at large for the atlantic and msnbc contributor steve clemens. >> good to be with you. >> good to be here with you and imagine i'm the president. i know i don't look like him, but imagine i am. >> it's a little bit of resemblance there. >> tell me what you would advise me to do in that meeting with president putin and what do you think the president will actually do. >> go in prepared, talk to the excellent people like general mattis who's his secretary of defense, rex tillerson, h.r. mcmaster and others, go in with a plan, know what you're trying to achieve, know what you're not going to give away and go in prepared. ad hoc meetings that look like donald trump is just winging it give russia the advantage and not only that, do they give vladimir putin the advantage, because this is a big, high-stakes board game that we're going to see in hamburg, and putin is playing against the u.s., the u.s. is playing against europe is other places and this is going to send a confidence crisis right down the middle of europe and what does putin most want?
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to split the transatlantic relationship and that's why donald trump needs to beef up, study up and orchestrate with his own administration, which he hasn't been doing. >> two things. first, personal chemistry is often crucial in these meetings. >> right. >> and one argument in favor of the president is that he is unpredictable so don't those two things mitigate towards the idea of just going into this meeting and seeing what happens is a good strategy. >> we know that he's highly susceptible to flattery. we know he's highly skuusceptib, that his vanity of wanting to feel stroked and important and just an amazing moment for america and the world, i bet vladimir putin knows this and he has studied up with his team. and he's going to come up with a package of thing that just stroke the ego of donald trump. trump is going to have to be, if he succeeds in my book, is going to have to figure out how he demonstrates some resistance to that. >> yeah. i mean, as a british guy, someone who loves this country, you'll be seeing what i'm seeing, which is that around the
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world, the perception plays to the stereotypes that people have about america around the world. >> maybe donald trump goes in and basically gut punches putin and just says, you know, stop what you're doing in syria, stop harassing our diplomats in moscow, stop trying to create fissures between our relationships and try to become more constructive. i doubt that's going to happen. but it could happen, right? you say where he's unpredictable. the problem is, he's not unpredictable. he's predictably doing the things over and over again that give a lot of the strategic class in washington pause and give allies, you know, this is being hosted by angela merkel. she's trying to basically hold commitments on climate change together, commitments on global trade and try to preserve a sense that the transatlantic relationship is still whole and secure while vladimir putin is trying to divide it. and donald trump is making that hard for her. >> do the russians, do the germans, angela merkel, do these governments, do they have teams
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advising them on things like the president's psychology, how to deal with him on that level, and how you can get what you want when you get into a meeting with him? >> look, everyone is being told every single world leader is saying, find a way to stroke his ego. find a way to give him something or do something. when prime minister abe met with him, he gave him a golf club that hid grandfather had shared at golf with president eisenhower. it's vanity, gift giving. trump is transactional and he wants to feel important, good in the moment. he's a deep narcissist and so they've learned that about the president's psychology. they also know that they can't trust a nikki haley at the u.n. or a jim mattis at the pentagon to actually carry the president's views so the complication here is that the normal interactions you would have with the broader national security apparatus are ineffective in communicating the dna and direction of the president trump presidency as donald trump himself personally, that creates a real problem for them. and they don't know how to prepare for that aspect of it.
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>> and when there is this much noise about issues like russia, we miss other things but that's what happens and we were talking outside. >> xi jinping. i think china right now is, if you read the state media, furious with the united states, and maybe that's just the way it has to go because we've sanctioned a couple of players, a chinese bank, a chinese shipping company and two chinese individuals for potential laundering activity related to north korea. china is exploding about it. no one's paying attention. they may very well all be in the long but china's decided to put up a dividing line there and deciding now, after the supposed great, wonderful, warm and cuddly meeting that xi jinping had with donald trump in mar-a-lago, there's clearly more and more distance between china and the united states, and i think that xi jinping is going to need to demonstrate that distance at the g20. we haven't been paying attention to it but watch that meeting. that's the meeting that i think will be surprising. >> does it matter, do the president's popularity ratings
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around the world that are low, does that matter ma? >> well, popularity rises and falls. the bigger issue is credibility and i think that we're seeing in the decline of popularity is a palpable lack of trust in the united states by allies. the axis support is nigeria, the philippines, vietnam, russia, and israel. kind of an odd collection of allies, if you will. >> that's you're saying that's the -- >> those are the countries in the pew research center trust in which donald trump is -- has the highest rating. that's not a way -- that's not a way to move global problems, solve global problems. >> except that of course america has huge numbers of military around the world, bases in countries that you haven't mentioned there. other kinds of power. >> for instance, i interviewed the foreign ministers of poland and hungary recently, particularly in poland, who said that after the kind of unusual nato summit in which donald trump refused to say that we
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support the article v of the u.n. all for one and one for all, he said, look, we've got u.s. troops in poland so actions speak louder than words. we don't have any loss of faith in the president. he said that on stage and i take him at his word but at the same time, there is doubt that in the dark days other countries have, other allies of the united states have, they wonder, given all the things donald trump has said, whether the united states will really be with them or not. there's not been that kind of doubt before. so, that is now, when it comes to war planning, when it comes to thinking about how you're going to solve problems, when it comes to crises that will happen in the world, these countries are downgrading what they expect from the united states. i think that makes the entire world more fragile. >> i will be there among the protests. >> i'll be watching you in the tear gas in hamburg. i'm going to watch from right here. >> steve clemons, thanks very much. up next, how england is remembering princess diana. and stephanie goff will be here with the story of iraqi forces closing in on isis and
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princess diana is being remembered today on what would have been her 56th birthday. next month will mark 20 years since her death. her sons are rededicating her grave this weekend following extensive republic extensive renovation at the site. diana's resting place became a source of controversy after critics suggested it was being neglected. now to london where thousands of protesters are marching on parliament. their anger aimed at prime minister theresa may and her conservative left government. residents are protesting her economic policy, blaming public service cuts in part for the horrific apartment fire that killed at least 80 people just over two weeks ago. nbc's matt bradley joins us from london. hey, my brother, how are you. >> reporter: hey, how are you, keir. >> well, my friend. how are they making the connection between the government policies and this
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tragic fire? >> reporter: well, keir, that's certainly something that all these participants are trying to do. they're trying to sort of claim kinship between the grenfell fire and the austerity policies. that's basically what we would know as reduced pay by the government and less taxes. it's a normal conservative platform. but while there's no real smoking gun connecting the actual fire in grenfell tower with the austerity policies of the past decade, it did contribute to what a lot of people in this rally, and there were thousands there today, consider to be a lot of additional inequality within the british government, within the british system, and the lack of pay for social workers like firemen, like ambulance workers. you know, one of the things that jeremy corbyn came out and said was that it was disingenuous of some of these tory politicians to praise these rescue workers while at the same time voting to cap their pay. jeremy corbyn was a major
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speaker in downtown london. take a listen to what he said. >> a lot of people, we don't know the total number, lost their lives in a wholly preventable event. we have to learn the lessons quickly. and that's why i've written to the prime minister, urging a very quick inquiry into grenfell and a deeper, wider inquiry into housing and housing conditions all across the country. and the effects of austerity on local government's ability to deal with the crisis. >> reporter: now of course keir, he sounds outraged by jeremy corbyn is the leader of the labour party, the opposition to the conservatives led by theresa may. he's kind of the man of the hour. he's just been getting a lot of victories in the past two weeks. he managed to get a huge electoral windfall in recent elections, and this upswell of outrage over theresa may and the austerity policies that are being protested against today have managed to push him back into something of a celebrity status. he's been treated like a rock star today and across the country. >> yeah, british bernie sanders.
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and meanwhile, we're hearing that the protesters are also singling out trump, their opposition to president trump. how is that playing out? do you think, on a wider scale, you can make a connection between the opposition they're seeing there and the kind of politics we're seeing here? >> reporter: well, i mean, keir, there's no obviously real connection between donald trump and the austerity policies here, but donald trump is such a toxic name here, he's so widely hated, and not just among the types of liberals and leftists who would go out for a march like this, but just among the population at large, and he's actually supposed to visit britain for a state visit. that means the full pomp and circumstance, all the royal colors brought out for him in the next couple of months, and that has made prime minister theresa may extremely unpopular. now these anti-austerity protests today are basically
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anti-tory, anti-conservative, anti-theresa may protests and that's why we're seeing trump's likeness and some of the hateful language about his upcoming visit. the same group that organized this protest will be organizing an anti-trump protest in early october and you can expect to see numbers far outpacing what you saw today in downtown london. >> okay, nbc's matt bradley, the american guy in london talking to the british guy in new york. thanks very much, my friend. well, las vegas may be the country's gambling capital but sin city may soon be known for another guilty pleasure. >> i want to tell the world that watch out, this is the new amsterdam.
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recreational marijuana became legal to buy in nevada today. marijuana dispensaries will start popping up all over the state as nevada braces for a spike in demand for legal pot but that doesn't mean it's going to be a free for all. nbc's gadi schwartz reports on a whole list of rules for marijuana in sin city.
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>> reporter: beyond the flashing lights of the strip are the new grow lights of what could become nevada's latest crash crop. >> when you have cannabis that's this level of quality, it really sells itself. >> reporter: by saturday morning, nevada will become the fifth state to allow the sale of pot for are recreational use. >> on behalf of nevada, i want to tell the world that watch out, this is the new amsterdam. >> we have chocolate bars, cookies, brownies, macaroons, dark chocolate bars. >> reporter: this man owns a dispensary closest to the vegas strip. >> everything's going to change. it's not going to be weird to consume an edible or smoke a vape, you know. >> reporter: nevada could quickly become the country's pot capital. more than 45 million tourists already flock to las vegas every year. the state's 10% marijuana tax is expected to raise an estimated $ $60 million annually, most of it going towards education. >> nevada is 48th, 49th or 50th in education so i think it will the help the future of nevada's
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economy by getting some better education to our youth. >> reporter: but there are house rules. you have to be 21 and over. you can only have an ounce of weed. the potency of edibles are regulated and you can only consume it in private spaces, which means no hotels, casinos, bars or on the street. also, because it's still illegal on the federal level, you can't carry it across state lines. opponents are concerned about a potential increase in drugged driving, and they say those who live in nevada year round are being forgotten. >> nobody wants a pot shop next to their kid's school or in their main street of their community. >> reporter: but people like robert say las vegas is a perfect place for marijuana. >> i think it's great because we have the best restaurants in the world, so you can, you know, get high and medicate and go eat great food. >> reporter: california, massachusetts, and maine have also recently passed laws allowing recreational marijuana. pot advocates now hoping that what happens in vegas spreads across the rest of the united states. >> nbc's gadi schwartz, thank
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you. let's bring in reed wilson, national correspondent for the hill. reed, for months, a.g. jeff sessions has planned to crack down on marijuana, even in states where the drug the legal. >> this is going to be the long-term debate that happens on the federalist level. you know, republicans were really into states' rights during the obama administration. are they going to be as into states' rights when liberal states like california and massachusetts and washington, oregon, colorado go with legal marijuana? that's going to be -- the obama administration struck a deal with those states under what was called the cold memo and effectively they told u.s. attorneys, leave those states alone in terms of marijuana crimes and marijuana issues at all. now, you know, the justice department is considering whether or not to roll back those particular -- that particular agreement, and that could set up a pretty massive clash. the interesting thing, though, is in congress, there is a measure that has gotten more and
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more votes over the last few years to prevent the justice department from enforcing marijuana laws in those legalization states, and as more and more states opt for legalization, even republicans from those states are backing that particular rider, largely because republicans don't want the justice department suing their states, whether it's over anything from, you know, coal regulation or oil drilling to marijuana. >> how much money is nevada expected to make from its marijuana sales and from the tourism it may bring in? >> the state has anticipated raising about $60 million in revenue over the first two years of legalized sales. but i followed this debate as it's happened in washington and oregon and colorado and alaska, the four other states where legalization has happened and in all four of those states, the initial estimates of how much revenue a state can expect have been very low. all four states have busted through their revenue estimates. so, you know, i think nevada's state legislators are going to
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have a couple million extra dollars to spend that they didn't anticipate. >> $60 million. that's quite a counterpoint to, for states, to jeff sessions' view, isn't it? >> well, it's something that states are considering, but legalization experts, the people who support legalization, even they caution that states should not be rushing into legalization just for the revenue of this. they should be doing it, the supporters say, to roll back what they call prohibition, to sort of end what has been a driver of crime and a, you know, a growing prison population. chasing the money is not a really good idea here. even the supporters of legalization say that. >> marijuana prohibition. that's an interesting perspective. reed wilson, thank you very much. >> you got it. all right. that's all for me this saturday. i'm keir simmons. thanks for watching. stephanie gosk picks up our coverage from here, including an interview with one of the state officials who is refusing to turn over voting records to the
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12:00 pm
hello, everyone. i'm stephanie gosk at msnbc headquarters in new york. on this long holiday weekend, president trump is at his golf club in bedminster, new jersey, but it won't be all r and r. just yesterday, his suggestion to repeal and replace obamacare later was rejected by senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. also, several states are refusing to turn over sensitive voter information to the white house. >> this is an outrageous attempt by this administration to suppress voters, to disenfranchise voters, and get personal information which is a violation of personal property rights, individual liberties, we will not comply. we're also following the latest developments out of little rock, arkansas, where 25 people were shot at a nightclub overnight. but we begin in
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