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tv   MSNBC Joy Reid  MSNBC  July 1, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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joy reid is next. have a great night. ♪ if there isn't a combined repeal and replace plan, i'm writing a letter to the president this morning urging him to call on us to separate them. every republican in the u.s. senate except for one has already voted for repeal in the past. let's do that first. if we can't do them together, let's do as much repeal as we can and then let's have the president ask us to cancel our august work period and stay here and work on replace separate 37. just minutes after republican senator ben sasse proposed repeal and delay, "fox and friends" number one fan tweeted his endorsement. "if republican senators aren't able to pass what they are working on now they should immediately repeal and then
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replace at a later date." a few things about that. republicans will, one, likely need 60 votes to wholesale repeal the aca. that's ten more votes than the 50 votes they haven't been able to get for their proposed bill. two, just repealing the aca would leave 33 million million more people uninsured than under the current law. that's even worse than the senate version of trumpcare, which would leave 22 million more uninsured. three, re pealing obamacare without having a replacement ready would likely further destabilize the insurance markets and lead to even more insurers pulling out of the exchanges. and four, who actually believes republicans would ever get around to the replace part? joining me now republican strategist christopher metzler, jonathan cone of the huffington post, and tommy binion, director of congressional relations for the heritage foundation. i'm going to start with you, tommy, and dispense with this idea of just repealing altogether obamacare because that would send the entire
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market into chaos, right? >> i don't think so. i think the markets would respond the way we expect a free market to respond. we know that free markets bring competition between firms when they're competing for your business, they're going to offer a better product at a lower price. part of the reasons premiums have gone up so high is because of obamacare. i expect premiums to get a lot cheaper if obamacare were to be repealed. i think what we're seeing from the president with that tweet, with his statement that if repeal and replace doesn't happen, he's still committed to keeping his campaign promise. president trump is absolutely committed to keeping that promise and all of his campaign promises. but no, i don't think that we should expect the insurance markets to collapse. >> really? >> if republicans do what they say they're going to do. >> if there was a robust market to insure the people who were added to the insurance rolls under the medicaid expansion, these are basically the working poor, people at 125% of the poverty rate, if there was such a robust market to offer them insurance then why wasn't it there before obamacare? >> well, if we're speaking about those people on medicaid -- >> we are.
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>> -- the cbo assumes some would leave medicaid, but medicaid is free. >> what? >> they're required to be on it under obamacare. and the cbo assumes some of them would leave despite -- >> not leave, no, no. lose -- i'm sorry. they would not leave. this is not people voluntarily saying, you know, i choose to go uninsured. it's people losing their health insurance, essentially not having health insurance anymore. i want to get into -- >> under the senate bill nobody -- >> under the senate bill 22 million people would lose their health insurance. the bulk would be because of cuts to medicaid. i want to go specifically into it because i want to make sure people really understand it because there are two different buckets of insured. there are about 10 million people who buy in the non-group market. that's who you and the republicans are legislating for, just them. the 10 million people who buy insurance under obamacare. so if we talk about those people, the new bill that they are -- the republicans are proposing would essentially force -- this is a great piece that the nbc news did a great analysis of this and it essentially said the bill would
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require people to pay higher premiums -- this is the non-group people, to buy a private plan that's similar to what's already under obamacare. so they'd have to pay higher premiums to get what they get under obamacare now. and then it would reduce spending on the subsidies and distribute them in a way that encourages people to instead purchase a high deductible plan with lower premiums. people with lower premiums are just stuck with a high deductible plan. you think that's better? >> no, not in that specific case. >> that is for the non-group market. that's what would happen. >> well, the cbo said late this week that this bill would actually drive the cost of premiums down by about 30%. >> for people who are getting -- right, they would drive the cost of premiums down for people who were then pushed into high deductible plans. you pay a lower premium, but when it comes time to use your insurance, you're paying a much higher deductible. that's exactly what the cbo said. >> what those people will have under the senate bill is more choice. we know when they have more choices they're going to exercise that choice. >> that's a great bumper sticker. that's a great bumper sticker. because remember we're still only talking about non-group market --
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>> but that's true. >> hold on. you're basically saying if people can buy more junk insurance, insurance that really doesn't cover much, insurance that has low premiums but -- >> insurance that covers the things they want. >> that are basic things. and most people like the services that they're getting under obamacare, the free mammograms, et cetera -- >> i think most people want to pick the services they get, not have the federal government -- >> would they also pick to be uninsured? because you keep on saying that people would voluntarily disenroll from insurance. and there's no -- would you voluntarily disenroll from insurance? >> i didn't say that. the cbo said it. >> no, the cbo said they would lose insurance. said very specifically they would lose insurance. >> they said a few million would voluntarily leave -- >> lose their insurance. and the only people who would voluntarily dis-enroll and the only people who actually again get lower premiums are people who don't want to pay the penalty under obamacare and therefore disenroll because they didn't want to buy insurance. that's a tiny fraction of the american people. of that 10 million you're talking about maybe a couple of million people. and then it also says at the same time that when you take away the subsidies from people
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low-income seniors would be hurt the most. sfwlt subsidies under the senate bill -- >> hold on. the biggest spikes in uninsurance, and i'm just saying what the cbo said, the biggest spikes in uninsurance come from older low-income customers who would also have the hardest time finding affordable insurance. what do you think? >> look, if we're talking about the cbo, let's just think about how they did predicting -- >> no, no, answer my question. we don't have time to talk about the cbo's methods. do you think it's a valuable trade-off to have lower income people, the oldest and lowest income people have the hardest time finding insurance and be the most likely, the biggest spikes in losing their insurance? do you think that's a fair trade-off? >> i don't think that's what will happen under the senate bill. >> that's what the cbo says will happen. >> i don't believe them. >> let's go to jonathan cone -- why shouldn't they? because they were spot-on in the number of people who would get insurance. they had a different mix -- >> no, they weren't spot-on. they were incredibly wrong about it. they were wrong about how much it would cost and who would be insured. >> they were not. health costs have gone down and number of people overall have gotten insurance correct. the mix of people who got it in
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the non-group market versus the 72 million on the medicaid, the mix is what they got wrong. i want to get jonathan chone in here. because the thing we know about this idea that is floating through the senate, and this is aside from them saying we'll repeal the whole thing. is there's a one for one trade-off taking place here. approximately $700 million in tax cuts that go overwhelmingly to not just the top 1% but the top 0.1%, so $700 billion in tax cuts for them. for $700 billion in cuts to medicaid. and that is the equivalent, essentially, of having the top 400 richest households in america, okay, the top 400 richest people in america, their tax cut is the equivalent to medicaid for arkansas, alaska, west virginia and nevada combined. is that a fair trade-off in any way in your mind, mr. cohen? >> so, i mean, look, whether it's a fair trade-off, that's a value judgment, right?
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some people would say it's fair, some people would say it's not. but i think that's exactly the right way to think about this. and you know, we talk about health care, there's so many moving pieces. you were just talking with your guest about the mandate and the effects of the subsidies and where it all -- and there's some dispute over where -- you know, how this piece affects that piece and how many people are voluntarily dropping coverage or whatever. but the key thing to remember to pan out just like you did to say, look, this is taking a trillion dollars away from programs that help people pay their medical bills. it's coming out of medicaid. it's coming out of subsidies to help people buy private insurance. if you take that much money out of federal health care programs, a trillion dollars over ten years, one way or another you are telling millions of people they are not going to be able to pay their medical bills. it's just a reality. that is what we are looking at with this bill. and that is why this bill is so hard to pass because every time you look at it they tinker with the pieces, they move a little money here, they move a little money there, but at the end of the day there are millions of people who won't have health
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insurance, there are millions oof people who will have health insurance but will have even higher deductibles than today. you know, obamacare's not perfect. everybody admits that. it needs improvement in a lot of areas. but relative to what we have today, pass the senate bill, pass the house bill, you will have substantially more americans, in the millions, who will be struggling relative to today. >> mr. binion. >> it's faulty logic to say every dollar the federal government spends on health insurance is the only dollar that could help people. we know from 200 years of american history that the free market and free enterprise delivers the best products. why would we take that out of the health care market? >> you're giving us theoreticals when we're telling you if you take the absolute dollars that you spend to cover people with medicaid, to give people insurance cards and you reduce that by a trillion, that if you -- i mean, in absolute dollars that means fewer people can be helped by the program. if you repeal the medicaid
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expansion, everyone who was added to medicaid because of the expansion comes off medicaid because the expansion isn't there. the theoreticals about the free market don't give people health care. i want to come to -- it doesn't give people health care for you to talk about the free market. talk about the free market makes you feel good. it doesn't give people a medical card. >> the government won't solve all of our problems. >> then why weren't those people insured -- why weren't those people insured under the free market before obamacare? >> more people will be insured if health insurance -- >> why weren't those people insured under the free market system we had before obamacare? >> many of them could have been and chose not to. they weren't insured until the government forced them to be. >> then were did they sign up? you're saying people wouldn't have wanted the medicaid -- they wouldn't have taken med sxaid had an insurance card to go to the doctor if they -- it ends the expansion. >> no, it doesn't. no it does not. >> okay. that's actually not true. let's come to chris metzler.
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because what we're doing -- i love talking with ali velshi about this. i wish he was here but he's having a life. and what he i think pointed out this week which was so important and i think so fundamental to this debate we're having politically is that when we talk about health care we tend to lump everything in together. there really are two health care markets. there's the nongroup -- the three, the non-group market. people who buy their own insurance, small business people, people who really a lot of times i've met don't like obamacare because for them some of their costs have gone up. in some regions, we have a map shows in a few regions i think 38 counties there's only one insurer. so in some cases non-group people have suffered. that needs to be fixed. that's about 10 million people. then you've got the bulk of americans who get their insurance the way i do, through your employer. >> yeah. >> and they only benefitted from obamacare through important things like free mammograms, services they were able to get, keeping your kids on which my kids are still on my insurance. and then you've got this third group of about 72 million people who are on medicaid. they are sort of the big elephant in the room because if
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you hurt them it's such a much bigger market. why don't republicans ever legislate for that group? why is that group always getting punitive measures and that 10 million always getting catered to? >> well, i think your analysis is absolutely right. if you're talking about -- i'm the ceo of a health care firm. and so for me the senate bill just simply does not address those issues. i'm a free market guy. i believe in free markets. however, the discussion at this point is in fact very theoretical. when i see people walking into my urgent care who cannot afford insurance, that's the concern. as a small business we are also looking at reimbursements. the reimbursements simply are not high enough. >> for medicaid. >> for medicaid. they're not high enough. so i think if -- part of the reason this bill has not passed, this bill is not ready to go anywhere. >> yeah. >> at this point.
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>> so you are -- because you are a republican. >> yes. >> a small business owner and a free marketer, a free marketeer. tell mr. binion if you could because he has a theoretical idea about what would happen if you undid obamacare and you're living it in the real world running a health care company. >> yeah. >> in your view if you repealed obamacare in total what would happen? >> if you repealed obamacare in total, essentially what will happen, remember the auto bailouts, remember all of those kinds of things? >> yeah. >> if you take it just completely off the table, then we're going to end up having to bail out hospitals, emergency rooms, because that's where people are going to end up. >> right. >> and so that's a part of the discussion. the debate within republican circles is you have the folks who are essentially saying you haven't gone far enough with this bill. >> right. >> then you also have some conversation around, well, you know, we need to work together
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to get this done. so from my perspective, if in fact you were simply to take it off the table, you're going to have a lot of people. and from a straight political standpoint a lot of those people are going to be the president's supporters, the president's base. >> yeah. >> that's what's going to happen. i live this every day. so i can't have a theoretical conversation about this because i live this every day. >> mr. binion. >> every american lives this every day. and what their personal experience with obamacare has been is that the cost of their health insurance premiums have gone up. >> you cannot speak for every american when you say that. that's a blanket statement about the people that you know and you talk to. i just have somebody sitting here at the table who's in the health care business. don't speak for all americans about what's happened. there are -- there's data that shows what's happened to costs. >> that it's gone up. >> insurance always goes up. insurance premiums go up. hello. it's what they do every year. jonathan cohn, i'm going to give
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you the last word. have you ever known a year in american history in your adult life when insurance premiums on an annual basis have gone down? >> no. i mean, look, there are winners and -- >> the cbo says this bill will make them go down. maybe next year. >> no. for people that buy high deductible plans, the small tiny slice of the public who you only see. you don't see anyone else. the rest of the people are invisible to you because you're thinking about that wealthy affluent business owner who doesn't want to buy insurance for their employees. and yeah, maybe they hate obamacare. but what about everyone else? i'm sorry. i was trying to give jonathan cohn the last word. go ahead, jonathan. >> i was going to say there are winners and losers in all of these policies. there are certainly people under obamacare paying more, there are a lot of people paying less. and the key is what you said if you go to the senate bill, look what happens, the true premiums eventually come down but that is because the insurance covers less. if i told you i was going to trade your cadillac in for a bicycle, you'd save money by, you know, paying for the bicycle, but that doesn't mean you've gotten a better product for going around. >> i have gone way over time, so
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i'm going to stop. christopher mettsler will be back. jonathan cohn and tommy binion, thank you for the spirited debate. appreciate it. >> thanks a lot. >> coming up, trump's personal attorney might need some legal help of his own. that's next.
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he takes the action that they also by the way recommended and now he's being investigated by the department of justice because the special counsel under the special counsel regulations reports still to the department of justice, not an independent counsel. so he's being investigated for taking the action that the attorney general and deputy attorney general recommended him to take by the agency who recommended the termination. so that's the constitutional threshold question here. that's why as i said no investigation -- >> what's the question?
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i mean, you stated some facts. first of all, you've now said he is being investigated after saying that you didn't -- >> no. >> you just said -- >> no, he's not being investigated. >> you just said he's being investigated. >> exchanges like that one on sunday morning talk shows have transformed donald trump's personal attorney jay sekulow from fox news fixture to bona fide star in the reality show that is the trump presidency. over the years sekulow built a media empire that fights for conservative causes. but according to the "guardian" the businesses are bankrolled in part by sekulow's christian charity, case, christians against secular evangelism, and its affiliate the american center for law and justice, qi doled out more than $60 million to sekulow, members of his family and their businesses. both groups are now under scrutiny by the attorneys general of north carolina and new york. msnbc reached out to sekulow for comment but we did not hear back. but a spokesman for sekulow told
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the "guardian" the financial arrangements between the aclj, case and related entities are reviewed by independent compensation experts have been determined to be reasonable. joining me are charlie pierce, writer at large for esquire magazine and frank schafer, author of the book "why i am an atheist who believes in god." thank you guys both for being here. charlie, i'm going to start with you, though. there were some instructions the "guardian" was able to find for the telemarketers trying to raise money for the aclj, which sounds like the aclu, i think it was meant to, and what people would say to them if people didn't have the money. and it's a little bit -- let me see if i can find one here. this is actually -- let's do some of the pitches. five, this is cut five. "islamic extremists are headed in your direction and you are most likely the main target," sekulow himself told people in a recorded message used in fund-raising calls during 2011. telemarketers were instructed to tell people who initially said they could not donate that
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islamist extremists will succeed if we don't do something right away. if the person resisted the second time the script said to tell them "it sounds like you really want to help." what do you make of this tactic? >> first of all, joy, you're very good at that. you could have a second career reading those. >> will you send me money? >> who knows? look, from selling indulgences and saints' heads to jim bakker and the 700 club to ralph reid's weird connections to jack abramoff, christianity has always been a fine environment for eager entrepreneurs. but this bunch, i mean, that's a lot of dough they're talking about. >> yeah. >> and they seem to be pitching themselves at the elderly and the terrified, or the terrified elderly. and that i find not exactly consummate with the gospel. >> not quite what jesus preached. >> no. >> frank schafer, you come from this world. and i'm wondering why this is so effective. you think about the fact these are people making exorbitant
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sums of money. let's just look at some of the family members. mr. sekulow's brother gary, the c.o.o. and cfo of case, $2.6 million for him. adam sekulow, his nephew, $518,000. logan sekulow, his son, $471,000. jordan sekulow, his other son, $137,000 according to the "washington post." and just overall out of $229 million raised by these organizations between 2011 to 2015 $5.5 million going to members of the family, $23 million to their firms. why do people in the christian community not see this, notice this and why are they not offended by it? >> well, joy, it's part of the fallout of the culture wars. and they have decided that everyone is the enemy. it's the same with donald trump when he talks about any story that is against him is fake news. they assume when they hear things like this somehow this is the liberal media again saying things that are not true. they have built a system around themselves to guarantee only seeing one point of view.
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you have to understand my father francis schaefer was one of the founders of the religious right. and i met with pat robertson back in the days when jay sekulow was a kid hanging around, he had recently converted from judaism to christianity and he saw an opportunity to join 24 band of grifters, these folks who are essentially con artists. and it amazes me some 30 years later now that i've long been out of the movement, as you know, to see how these kind of people find out other. i mean, look, go figure, pat robertson's sidekick who started a bunch of legal foundations to essentially con evangelicals into sending money so he could save america from liberals now is the defense counsel for this con artist president who either is selling you bad steaks or a non-university university, it's just stunning how these guys belong together. it would all be sort of a sick joke on evangelical christians and the 81% of white evangelicals who voted for trump except for one thing, it shows
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such bad judgment on the part of this idiot president of ours that once again you really have to say do you know who you just hired? was it someone you saw on fox for two minutes and liked because he was kissing up to you? or do you know that he is just another ralph reed con man donald trump type himself? he's like you, donald. he's as much of a con man as you. get yourself a real lawyer. >> it's interesting because there are a lot of similarities. i mean, you had donald trump, the brilliant work in "the washington post" of david farenhold uncovering some of the scamming nature of some trump charities, and a legal times article in 2005 revealed that in 2001 one of sekulow's non-profit organizations paid 2.3-plus million dollars to purchase two homes that were used primarily by sekulow and his wife. the same non-profit also subsidized a third home that he uses in north carolina. and meanwhile, they were telling
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people, the telemarketers were telling people that sekulow actually works for people for free. the american center for law and justice is basically the anti-aclu and jay sekulow is the chief counsel of the american center for law and justice. he never charges for services and he is our best shot at protecting our religious freedom in the nation today is one of the call sheets. they paid $21 million to non-profit legal firms owned by jay sekulow. your witness, charlie pearce. >> oh, well, as i said, you know, i think what american television christianity needs is a reformation. it needs some stick-swinging prophets to go in there and explain to these people that you have moved far beyond your original mission. if you want to sell aluminum siding to people, go sell aluminum siding to people, but don't sell the gospel like it's swampland in florida. >> yeah. and i mean, frank, you've also seen jay sekulow and others delve into the seth rich conspiracy theory, doubting russia hacked our election. so he's getting into the politics of it too. is there a way to break the
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evangelical community from this sort of right wing kind of world where whatever somebody like a jay sekulow says they will buy it and keep voting for the donald trumps. >> back in the day, joy, when my dad was really along with c. everett koop who game ronald reagan's surgeon general and me who produced a series of films called "whatever happened to the human race," which started the evangelical anti-abortion movement, we were concerned with real issues back in those days. but like that proverbial fraud that slowly gets boiled to death as you turn it up one degree an hour, the evangelicals have gone from being concerned with saving babies, and i'm not talking now about the pro-life issue as an issue but just as an example to being concerned with carrying out the koch brothers' agenda on energy policy because that's part of the big business that has taken over the republican party. look, i have a handwritten note from ronald reagan lamenting my father's death. i knew the bush family. i used to stay with jack kemp in washington. and whatever you used to say about ronald reagan or bush sr.
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or jack kemp, they were idealists. in their own way. they were true politicians, statesmen. i disagree with a lot of the politics now as i look back, but these were not con artists who were starting nepotistic family businesses whether it's called trump or jay sekulow's ripoff of evangelicals or pat robertson who himself has become a billionaire with all his garbage on television talking about stopping hurricanes and all the rest. what he's really been doing is building an empire that wound up owning mining interests in apartheid south africa at one point. so you've got to understand these folks are grifters. get it through your head. donald trump is a grifter and he is in bed with other grifters. the trump children would understand the sekulow children perfectly as ivanka goes off to get a chinese patent on her product so she can sell them in china when no one else can get them. these folks are grifters. forget politics. ronald reagan would hate this
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whole crew. richard nixon would hate this whole crew. they are taking the republican brand and destroying it. and someone who knew leading republicans in the 1980s though i consider myself a liberal now, i'm going to vote democrat, the fact is i come from that background. and these guys would be unrecognizable to those people. >> yeah. frank schaeffer, i'm going to have to have you come back. thank you very much. and charlie pierce will come back in a little bit. thank you both very much. >> thank you. >> up next, will the base of the democratic party get a seat at the table? don't go away. noo introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades text "blades" to gillette on demand text to reorder blades with gillette on demand... ...and get $3 off your first order
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i got a chance to sit down this week with tom perez, chairman of the dnc. that interview is next. don't go anywhere. ♪ at johnson's we care about safety as much as you do. that's why we meet or exceed
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welcome back to "a.m. joy." earlier this week i spoke with democratic party chair tom perez. we touched on the dnc's efforts to reach out to women of color.
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perez responded to a recent open letter penned by activists and leaders raising concerns about the dnc's commitment to putting members of the party's most loyal base in leadership positions. take a look. >> first of all, the letter was really important. and i agree with the basic premise which is that the democratic party has to up our game. we have to do a better job of addressing and including and engaging the african-american women community. and we haven't done that in the past. and our goal is to win elections. and to win elections in ways that are consistent with our proud values of inclusion. so we had a very good conversation and it was the beginning, it's not the end. and what we need to do we're working together for instance there were a couple of ideas that were put forth, we've got elections coming up in virginia and new jersey, and we talked about how can we target opportunities there in some of the state races for state
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legislature where there may be african-american women running in those races and we can perhaps invest resources to help them win. because that's exactly what we're about. we're about winning elections. we talked also about what we have to do at the dnc to make sure everything we do from hiring to procurement to our engagement reflects our values of inclusion, opportunity, diversity and equity. and so i'm very appreciative both of the letter and of the conversation. and i'll be the first to admit that we have more work to do. >> and joining me now to discuss that and more of our interview is political strategist l. joy williams and glenda carr, co-founder of higher heights for america. l. joy, i'm going to start with you. the fearsome l. joy williams at the table with me. the letter that was written, it comes off the fact when you look
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at presidential elections, we'll just look at the last one, african-american women are far and away the most loyal constituency of the democratic party. black women went 89 -- or african-americans totally went 89, 8 for trump, but black women were like 94% for hillary clinton. in the meeting that you had with tom perez, did you get the sense that perez and the dnc now understand the gravity of the situation? >> well, we had a meeting. and, you know, like the chairman said, it's the beginning of the process. and our beginning of the process was actually raising our voices, you know, which i said on the show before. closed mouths don't get fed. and we will continue to raise our voices until the party gets it right. and so in this meeting this week it was the beginning, i think they've taken the first initial step, which is recognizing that they have a problem. i don't get the sense that they understand yet the complexity and the depth of the problem, but i think they will very soon.
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>> yeah. i mean, glen da, one of the sort of glaring things that came out of the dnc race not only that tom perez won and he was the establishment choice, he was the person that the sort of writ large establishment preferred and of course he won. but also black women did not wind up in the leadership at least that we could see. they're saying they have a c.o.o. i think who's a black woman. but the key staff positions did not go to black women. do you get the sense that the party understands that that might have been a mistake? >> well, i have to say one, you know, we thank the chairman for sitting down. i mean, literally, joy ann, women who signed that letter from across the country came to the meeting to show the importance. women flew from california, from mississippi. 31 black women signed that letter. 24 of them attended the meeting about the sense of urgency. so he is fairly new into leadership. this is the first time in decades that we've had this much change in leadership at the top
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of the dnc. he has started hiring -- there are black women in leadership. you know, our concern as we move forward is integrating a real conversation about black women's leadership across the board, both in elected office he still has some appointment opportunities and he has some hiring opportunities. the party spent over $1.8 billion in this last election cycle. so the question about if we're going to truly value black women and center them in a pathway forward, it's the investment in ensuring that we have hired black women that have strategic and decision-making authority to have seats at the table. it's not just about having black women having black men stake, it's about having their leadership value their input one as a member of elected staff, as a member of elected leadership. and more importantly to whom that they are responsible for which are the members of the party across this country. >> l joy, you are a strategist
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among other great things and, you know, one of the things that is very glaring if you work in democratic politics is how white and male, particularly at the consultant level, the people with the money, when you give your money to a candidate a lot of that money goes into the hands of consultants who make money quite frankly selling tv ads. those people at that level are very white and male. the people who make decisions about how the campaign's direction will go also very white and male. how does one change that in a party whose constituency is so black and female? >> yeah, we call them blue shirts. so from a campaign perspective just to give a little dig in the weeds, you're correct. what happens is the larger contract sort of that number that glinda mentioned, the millions of dollars that are spent in the campaign cycle go to these larger firms that are mainly male, mainly white. and eventually things will trickle down to people of color in pieces. the pieces are usually go out in the field in october pieces and we'll give you $5,000 or $10,000 here. >> get us in the church piece. >> get us in the church piece or
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whatever from here. or piece off. it's not just individual consultants but it's institutions as well because how much you spend in terms of black media on advertising as well. so if you have a deep investment in your base of voters for african-americans and african-american women, how much money are you spending in ads on our media and investing that way, which helps build our institutions which also then creates jobs. so at the foundation the democratic party has to embody the values it says it wants the country to have. so if you say you want an inclusive country, you say you want a diverse country, if it says that you want to see people of color, women and children invested in and supported, then the party needs to demonstrate that in how they operate at the very base level from everyone who opens the door when you arrive to the contracts and the messaging that you send. >> yeah. and, you know, glynda, we had this conversation about the democratic party both because it is the choice out of nine of ten african-americans, but also because in some ways it feels
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like sort of the only way to go because the republican party's messaging has been quite different. and i think for a lot of african-americans has felt sort of, you know, hostile, right? at least at particularly in this last election cycle. so you're talking about the democratic party, but even if you get outside of the parties, is there from what you've been able to tell a national infrastructure to do a massive voter registration and voter protection campaign? because we know that also disproportionately affects black women and african-americans in general. >> i think we all agree that we need to strengthen the infrastructure across this country. ultimately black women are the foundation to any winning coalition. currently, you know, as you mentioned joy ann that black women overwhelmingly are registered and vote democratic, but we are the foundation to any winning coalition. and currently that foundation is cracking. and for me that's concerning because black women when i woke up on november 9th continued to vote to move this country forward.
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in addition, in a time when progressives lost at the top of the ticket to the bottom of the ticket black women on the ballot broke through. we elected the largest number of black women in congress. and as you know in this politically toxic time, many of those women like u.s. senator kamala harris and representative maxine waters and the 20 black women that serve in congress are the conscience of this country and are holding the values of their constituency and putting forth progressive values and progressive messaging and progressive leadership. so we need to invest in what is the quickest and the most valued return on investment that you can see, which is insuring that black women's voices are heard from the voting booth to elected office. so we need to build infrastructures outside of the party. there are many groups like higher heights and collective pac and many of the other growing organizations like color change that are doing that work on the ground. but the investments need to be deeper and longer so we can connect with every black woman and family across this country. >> yep.
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democrats are sort of looking for wins, a lot of black women won on that 2016 ballot. if you're looking for something to feel good about if you're a democrat and think we lost everything. oh, my god, everything is lost, everything is destroyed. no, there were a couple things. l joy williams will be back. thank you, glynda carr. appreciate it. and you can watch the full interview with tom perez on our facebook page. at amjoyshow. still to come, return of who won the week. more "am joy" after the break. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪
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joy williams and chris metzler are going to tell me who won the week.
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>> grown hip-hop fans won the week. >> no they didn't. >> why? we won the week because we have a new album to listen to. >> that we can't get our hands on because we don't have title. >> why you ain't got title? >> because i'm slow. >> okay. so grown hip-hop, i would say won the week because we have something new to listen to. do you remember the anticipation of a new album coming out and wait and see. so it is too soon to do a deep analysis of each of the lyrics. >> we're talking jay-z of course. >> right. but just the appreciation to be excited about a release and be able to listen to it and not -- and just embrace the growth that an artist has and then the growth of the culture over all. >> absolutely. >> so i would say that we won the week because we got something new for the holiday weekend. >> props to jay-z. ly get title, i promise. just businey. a big fan. chris who won the week? >> the american people won the week. in large part because of the
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health care disaster bill was not slammed down our throat. so the person people won the -- the american people won the opportunity to have more reasoned discussion. >> isn't it interesting that everyone sort of fumes about donald trump's erratic whacky tweeting but in a way he's sort of saving the republic. because he's preventing his party from doing anything. let's go to charlie pierson that note. >> i'm not going there. >> you have to earn a living. charlie pierce, you don't have to earn a living. you're a writing. >> that is true. i'm independently wealthy and i like the anticipation of an al bum and i could [ inaudible ]. you know who won the week. congresswoman barbara lee won the week because she managed to get the repeal for the authorization of military force voted on in 2001 through the house appropriations committee which means we'll have a debate in the congress about whether or not we want to be at war for the
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foreseeable future. and she has fought a long and lonely fight on this. >> she has. >> and not only did she get it passed, but she got spontaneous applause. >> see what happens when black women lead. >> it is amazing. we should be debating whether we go to war. and barbara lee is a great choice. brian careham who is the washington correspondent for play boy did something that i've been waiting for journalists to do in the briefing room and this is what he did and how he did it. >> you are implying to everybody right now and with those words this administration has done that as well, why in the name of heches, any one of us are replace if we don't get it right the audience has the opportunity to turn the children or not read us. you have been elected to serve for four years there is no option other than that. we're here to ask you questions. >> right. >> you're here to provide the answers and what you just does is inflammatory to people all
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over the country who look at it and say see once again the president is right and everybody out here is fake media and everybody in this room is trying to do their job. >> i disagree completely. if anything has been inflamed, it is the dishonesty that often takes place by the news media. >> charlie pierce was a vicarious and thrilling moment for every journalist in america. >> it absolutely was. and the better part of it for me was watching sarah huckabee sanders flub dub her way in the general direction of an answer. she never quite got there. >> she never wins the week. >> a long slog for what was semi recognizable english. >> i can't wait until her saturday night profile is flushed out and she gets a proper send up and then props to serena williams who had the cover of vanity fair and it is
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interesting, vanity fair, and things like teen vogue, alternative places of getting hard news are actually winning. >> yeah. i actually love this and embrace it as a young person being able to have magazine that sort of gave me the information that i needed that was relevant to what was going on in the world so our critical sources sort of back then. and so i actually enjoy it. i have inturns in my office now who are saying they are reading and seeing this stuff and it connects cot work they want to see and the things they want to do in their studies and that they want to see that the brands that they support are doing. so they are connecting it to their pocket book. >> and chris, can this reach republicans in these sort of non-straight news outlets, can it ever penetrate? >> no. [ laughter ] >> this is why i love chris. because he does not mince words. words don't get mince. you won the week with that
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powder blue suit. suits win the week. thank you to l joy williams and charlie pierce and next time you could laugh with us. join us tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern for more "am joy." that guy karm will be on us, we'll have the angry reporter right here on msnbc. bye. remote moisture sensors use a reliable network to tell them when and where to water. so that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. china. oh ... he got there. that's the power of and.
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