tv MSNBC Live MSNBC July 3, 2017 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT
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on. axios is putting two new versions of the health care proposals to the congressional budget office over the holiday week. hoping to lower the total number of uninsured over the next decade. senate leader mitch mcconnell walking a tight rope of trying to appease the more conservative members of his conference. like ted cruz, while holding on to the moderates. meanwhile, the trump white house exerting some pressure of its own. president trump latching on to proposal from nebraska senator ben sasse, if you can't find a solution, repeal it straight up, but don't let it take effect for a year and then get a real deal done. >> we should do repeal with a delay. let's be clear, i don't want to see anybody thrown off the coverage they have now. i would want a delay so that we could get straight to work and then i think the president should call on the senate to cancel our august work period. i'm not talking about repeal only. republicans need to stop pretending that everything
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worked well in american care before '09 and '10. at the white house nbc's garre garrett haake is with us. you have new information regarding the two versions of the bill. while the rest of us have been waiting for a deal to be made that didn't happen on friday, so that a new bill could be scored something has happened. the cbo has got two new versions of the bill. tell us about this. >> hey, ali, that's what i'm hearing from the senate aide. this is parent of mcconnell's efforts of trying to find some form of calculus to get to 50 votes. my understanding of what the cbo is looking at two different updated versions of the bill. one that includes a new amendment from senators cruz and lee, two of the more conservative members. what they want to see is allow insurance providers to sell plans that are not complaint with the aca that don't have all of the essential benefits that were guaranteed under the aca in markets so long as they sell a plan there that's compliant.
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the idea is that they would let people who are younger, healthier, who maybe don't want to spend as much money on the plan buy into the system at a lower level. so you'd still get more people getting insured but getting much less for their coverage. so this is one of the two options that the cbo is looking at now. a plan that includes that amendment and a plan that doesn't. when i spoke to someone in senator mcconnell's office earlier today they're going back and forth about different options here as they try to make this math work. that's sort of lining up with what we're hearing from the white house here. over the weekend, the legislative affairs director mark short was out on the tv shows. he said look, the white house is open to working with mcconnell. they like the cruz amendment. but they're not going to rule out sum porting -- supporting this entire effort up and having repeal done first as ben sasse has suggested with a long runway until it goes into effect and then a replacement plan. here's some of that conversation
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from this weekend. >> dean heller voted for that repeal effort. and it's a way to say if the replacement part is too difficult to come together let's take care of the first step and repeal. if you repealed it, come back with a replacement effort that could be more bipartisan. >> that's one of the things that republican -- at least the trump white house and folks who are allied with them sort of like about this. they can do the repeal part, keep a big part of the promise to the voters. do the repeal in one step and then maybe include these democratic voters as they try to get to the repeal part. but there's a host of political problems with going about it that way. >> lots of political problems. but interesting there's movement. we'll continue to cover it. thank you so much for being with us. garrett haake at the white house. we're not used to seeing him at the capitol. those protesting the republicans health reform bills are taking to the streets all across the country. health care workers, doctors, patients protested in southern california this afternoon. one of the medical professionals
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detailing her concerns about the bill with steve patterson. >> there's millions of people who are going to lose their insurance if the affordable care act is dismantled. if the new bill passes. so i think that for us as physicians, you know, i see this every day in clinic and hospital. there are people who were able to get on the aca and now get insurance. they get preventative kay care. now we'll have people more sick. >> joining me from texas is congressman al green. good to see you again. been a while. thank you for being with us. >> a honor to be with you, they. >> i think there are some misconceptions around here. i think ben sasse addressed it well, that health care was working just fine before obamacare and there's a misconception with democrats that there are things to fix with obamacare and that all sdemgs would like to do if they don't get this bill done is end up with a single payer system.
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so we're talking politics around each other when i think most americans just want an improved health care system. >> i absolutely agree. most americans want what i want and what the people in my district want. and that is health care and they want to make sure that they have good policies such that when they need their health care they won't find that they have a policy that they've paid much into, but will get little from. it's important that we not allow health care become wealth care. we should not rob the poor of health care to reward the rich with wealth care. this cannot become a means by which we can continue the concentration of wealth in this country. we have to make sure that people get what they want, which is good health care when they need it. >> what is the mechanical way to do this? how do we get to this place? the house and the senate have struggled remark my with getting their -- remarkably with getting their repeal and new bills through. at this point, i think you have
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a record number of republicans saying let's reach out to democrats and get something done. this may be an historic opportunity for democrats to say, okay, let's not get tied up in thinking that obamacare was so perfect it can't go through some changes. can there be a compromise? can there be a negotiated bill that has members of both parties involved? >> there can be compromise if we're not defining compromise as capitulation. people are willing to talk and i think we have to do more than talk. we have to walk the talk. we've got to be willing to start with the notion that first, we will not eliminate pre-existing conditions as a means by which persons can receive coverage. we've got to let people with pre-existing conditions have coverage. let me just mention one story to you from medicaid town hall meeting we had. there was a young man who said he was born with cancer in both eyes. he was -- it was predicted that
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he would not live nearly as long as he was and it was because of medicaid he has survived and he's able to thrive. we have to realize that there are people out there who really need this health care. and that 50 votes are not nearly as important as the millions of people who need the health care that we can provide in the richest country in the world and we can do it if we would but only recognize that pre-existing conditions have to be covered. that we have to continue to cover young people and make sure there are no caps on coverage. and make sure that everybody gets coverage that's meaningful when they need it. >> are you prepared, sir, to consider options, you know, many republicans are saying if we let this go, it will become a single payer health care system. that's one method of covering people universally. are you prepared yourself to look at other options? >> of course i am. i voted for what's called obamacare. the affordable care act because it was an option that was available to us.
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i would prefer something else but i don't get my preferences. i was born into the world that didn't cater to me. i have not always had my way. i have had to compromise. i'm where i'm am because i'm willing to compromise. i think that we both have to compromise, meaning both sides. we cannot require capitulation one side and call it compromise. each side has to give something to get something. >> president trump's voter integrity commission sending letters to secretaries of state asking them for a lot of voter information. much of which is not public. a number of secretaries of state have rejected this, and president trump tweeting that what are they hiding? i don't have the tweet in front of me. but his point is a number of states have refused to provide this information. what are they hiding? what is your take on this? >> that the president is eager to do much more to chase voter fraud that according to most
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studies is nonexistent in the united states than he is to deal with the russian intrusion into our elections. we are talking about elections in both circumstances and why he puts more emphasis on nonexistent voter fraud than he does on the russian's intrusion into our elections and into our democracy is beyond my thinking. my hope is that we'll end this chase for this voter fraud that doesn't exist and put our emphasis on the russian intrusion into our democracy. >> tell me, representative, for our audience that doesn't really comprehend why asking for more positive id is necessarily a negative thing. what's the problem with greater requirements on id for voting? >> well, let me address first this notion that you have to have an id to board a plane. you have to have an id for everything. you can board a plane if you can present yourself to be properly scrutinized properly, searched
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and then you can still board a plane. but this notion that you have to have an id. there are many people who do not have proper ids. a good many of them are from minority communities. in fact, the studies are showing that it will harm minority communities more than others. and given that a good many don't have ids, we believe that the system that allowed you to identify yourself in other credible ways is still an efficacious system. i think that allowing people to secure the ids is a wonderful thing. as long as the state pays for it. clear example. i voted without an id. it was a conditional ballot. to secure my proper id so i could have my vote counted i had to send back to the state of louisiana where i was born to get my birth certificate. i have to pay for that birth certificate. while it was a little of money for me, for a good many of the
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people here in this country it's a lot of time and effort to go through the effort. some say it was a form of poll tax when i had to pay to get that birth certificate and get that id. i showed my proper texas id to vote, but not many people have the money i have, not many people live where i'm living in life. i'm blessed so i could be a blessing to those who are less fortunate than i am. this is why i'm going to fight this notion for an id when we had other acceptable ids in the past that worked when persons don't have the proper id. >> representative al green, thank you for joining us. >> may i mention one additional thing? >> sure. >> i promise, i'll be terse. i want to mention the march, these are patriotic americans and that to be a patriotic american doesn't mean that you have to show up at a protest march with the rebel flag and a
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long gun and a belief that the south will rise again. we sang "god bless america." that was patriotic. we said the pledge of allegiance, that was patriotic. we were there to exercise our constitutional rights under the united states of america to protest. i'm grateful that you allowed me to say this and thank you. >> thank you, sir. always a pleasure to talk to you. representative al green from texas's ninth district. joining me is the acting administrator for medicare, medicaid and the affordable care act under president obama. he's from the bipartisan policy center. good to talk to you. thank you or the being with us. >> thanks for having me back on. >> you heard a lot of the conversation we had this hour that have been going on over the last few days. what is your sense of what is our next logical step is with health care as things stand. we're not sure there's a deal that the senate can get enough people on this either side to move on to with. >> i think the reason that we are in the situation we're in is
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because we have a bill that the senate's considering that is not only politically not accomplishing what folks need it to accomplish, but it's become massively unpopular. almost to the point beyond politics because people view it as threatening the way of life. generally speaking, democrats and centrist recommend cans are -- republicans are focused on increasing coverage for most people and more conservative and right leaning folks in the caucus are going to be focused on how to reduce costs. what we have in front of us now is a bill from the cbo that does neither and i think that's why they're having such a difficult time. is it doesn't accomplish the two important aims that the health policy tries to solve. >> when i study health care around the world and i study the rich country, 34 out of 35 with the exception of the united states that have a form of
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universal health care, there are a number of ways to skin this cat. they don't have to be single payer systems but the one thing all universal health care systems have in common is that they offer similar outcomes for substantially lower costs. sometimes up to 68% lower than costs per individual in the american system. is there something to that? >> there is. i think there's two things that are done in other systems that aren't done routinely in the united states that i think we all know we need to learn a lesson from. one is other countries generally speaking invest 2-1 in social programs to health care. in other words, they invest in nutrition, they invest in housing. they invest in all of the things that keep people safe and healthy, mental health, so forth. we in the united states are 1-2. we underinvest in the areas and people get sick and we have a much more expensive system. the other thing that's different, most health care systems two-thirds of the system is primary care.
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preventative care, so forth. a third is when they get sick. again we are only flipped. we invest two-thirds when people get sick. so when we take a bill that cuts 35% over the mex two de -- over the next two decades of care for the largest part of the population that's going to exasperate problems. >> we can't figure out a mathematical equation that can't result in people getting better primary care without increasing the amount we spend per individual in the united states which is -- i mean, it's as high as anywhere in the world. >> yeah. i think states can really do a job with this. i think we came close in nevada to having medicaid for all buy-in option. i'm sure that some time over the next couple of years we will see that latch on in certain states. i think we are seeing a sentiment across the country as more people examine this
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republican bill for people to want to take a step in the direction more broadly. so particularly if this bill were to pass, i think you'd be in the situation where there would be a fairly strong reaction against it. >> andy, i learn something when you're on. thank you for joining me again. senior adviser to the bipartisan policy adviser. still ahead, chris christie is now defending himself amid a wave of outrage over his time at the beach. what he's saying about the photos of him lounging in the sun hours after he ordered beaches closed to the public. plus, president trump not letting up in his war be the media. facing an uncertain future of the health care bill and a trip overseas, he's taking to twitter to call out the so-called fake media. >> the fake media is trying to silent us. but we will not let them. i'm president and they're not.
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president trump continues to take swipes at the media. the latest one against what he calls fraud news cnn. this video posted from his twitter account yesterday is an old video of the president body slamming vince mcmahon at a wwe event, but the cnn logo is edited over mcmahon's face. ron allen is in new jersey where the president is still tweeting from his golf club there. it's a holiday for some people. not for the president's twitter. ron? >> reporter: nope, it's been very busy. we haven't seen the president
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all day. we don't know if he's playing golf or what but he's prepared to head back to d.c. at some point tonight. but it's been bigger than average. i'm not quite sure how to measure this output. but anyway, the day began with a push back at his critics who have been really attacking him for that video the wrestling video. critics who called it unseemly, juvenile, who called it beneath the dignity of the office. we heard from the president at some point the fake news will be forced to discuss or great jobs numbers, strong economy, success with isis, the border and so much. then as the day went on, we heard more tweets about calls with foreign leaders and that the president is preparing for the g-20 summit in hamburg, friday and saturday of this week. tweeting about calls to the leaders of great britain, germany, france, italy, saudi arabia, china and japan. they had phone calls with the leaders of those countries last night so the message that the president is preparing for this
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summit which covers a huge wide range of issues and as much anticipation about his one-on-one meetings on the sidelines with putin and whether or not he'll bring up the election tampering that the russians did during 2016. something that the white house of course tries to steer away from. so there's that. there was mention today of a case -- a really heart breaking case in great britain of a 10-month-old boy for the parents who want to bring him to the united states for experimental treatment. i raises ethical issues, but the president said that the united states would be delighted to welcome this boy. so why the president chose this moment to intervene, the pope has as well, why he chose this moment is unclear. he will see the british prime minister theresa may in hamburg later this week as well. something they may discuss and
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that's something i would imagine she isn't happy he is talking about. a busy day for the president on a number of fronts and heads back to the white house later this evening. >> let them to know to tune for velshi and ruhle. we talk any, and job numbers, we talk those things all the time. give him a little note to do that. ron allen, thank you. >> i'll do that. >> thanks, ron. let's turn to chris christie. he defended himself today after much backlash from a series of weekend photos. he told people he and his family would be at the beach this holiday weekend so no one should be shocked by his appearance at the beach. but he was at island state park. at a time when state run beaches are closed amid a budget standoff in new jersey. south jersey reporter sidney long of the affiliate wcao, he's in trenton with more. when the government was asked at a press -- when christie was
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asked if he got some sun, he said no. then his spokesperson said he was wearing hat, which is why he didn't get sun. where is this story now? >> reporter: well, good afternoon first of all. we know that governor christie is not big on apologies so he didn't apologize for being at the beach with his family. yesterday he is defending it saying he was there for a mere 45 minutes and that he was clear also with reporters a week ago as we approached this june 30th deadline which was last friday to pass this budget that that's precisely where he would be at the beach. for two reasons. number one, it's his home. one of the perks is enjoying a state owned beach house at island beach state park. number two, he had family visiting from all over the country. so he did not apologize for planning his -- planting his toes in the sand. take a listen. >> the governor is allowed to go to his residences. i'm at my residence. i said a week ago sunday, no
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matter what happened, we were coming here as a family this weekend. this is where we live. >> reporter: now i know brian murray, the governor's chief of staff said that the optics of this simply does not look good. murray i believe backpedaled on that question when they were asked, you know, did the governor get any sun yesterday, the answer was no. today when the question was asked, well, he was wearing a shirt and a hat, he was covered up, so forth. so the governor's also, his latest approval rating the latest quinnipiac poll is about 15%. very low approval rating for the governor here in new jersey. i believe the lowest for any governor in this state. back to you. >> in the entire time that quinnipiac has been polling it's the lowest. sydney, some harsh criticism of christie's visit from the unlikely source, his second in command, the lieutenant governor. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. it was lieutenant governor who was hand picked as you know by
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governor christie and she is also running for governor at this time. she visited berkeley the area where island state park is located an she was checking on businesses who are losing money. any businesses with sundries or where people would pick up lunch to go to the beach today. and basically the governor -- the lieutenant governor says she can't speak for the governor herself. but she can say what she would do in a situation like this. and also called it pretty appalling that he was sitting on a beach that taxpayers weren't able to go to. >> right. his point is he's got a home on that beach, that's why he was there. but interesting nonetheless. thanks very much. from our affiliate there. wcau. i know it well because i spent half my time in philly. all right. up next, as congressional republicans look ahead to the tax reform a new trend is emerging in key red states. why some republican state legislatures are moving to raise taxes. ♪
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way back to february, the treasury secretary made a bold prediction about tax reform by the august recess. that's not happening. but when congress gets around to the tax reform the issue of cutting taxes is a huge point of contention. he wants huge tax cuts, but strangely in the last few weeks traditional red states like kansas, south carolina and tennessee have all been raising taxes leaving some people to wonder how deep these potential tax cuts are going to be. i'm joined by msnbc contributor and political writer for "the new york times," jeremy peters who wrote how low can taxes go? outside washington, republicans find limits. good to see you. kansas was the site of a remarkable experiment to lower taxes, to prove to people who said trickle down economics don't work anymore. that they actually will work.
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kansas tried it. louisiana tried it. in both cases, it didn't work and they have had to reverse course. >> that's exactly right. this was held up by the governor in kansas, sam brownback, as a -- as what conservative governance could do. what conservatives could deliver if they were given control of the executive and legislative branches. he said that president trump and the republican congress should follow suit and one of the most extraordinary set backs we have seen to conservative economic policy the tax cuts were largely repealed a few months ago. and what you have right now and not only that, the situation in tennessee and in south carolina where conservatives are agreeing to raise taxes and in some cases like in south carolina, rejecting a series of tax cuts that were supposed to go along with the tax increases. so there is indeed a sense that that's only so far you can go, only so much you can cut and get tangible economic benefits from.
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>> when i talk to art laffer or grover norquist about this, it's because the tax cuts weren't good enough, weren't deep enough. there are tax cuts on income tax, but not on this or that. so their point is no, the idea that if you lower taxes on people, they will take the money they save and spend it in a way that's stimulating to the economy is still correct. nobody's just done it the right way. >> maybe but if you look at where tax rates were when republicans and president reagan cut them consider. >> much higher. >> you're looking at income tax rates that were approaching 70% in some cases. >> when you go from 70 to 45 or -- that's big piece of money that you'll go buy a car or a washing machine or do something with in a way different from 36% to 35% or whatever. >> there's not much more flood you can draw from the stone a lot of economists would a argue and some of the people i
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interviewed including reagan's top advisers is saying largely what the income tax cuts supply-side economists wanted to see in place back then, that it's all been accomplished. you can't really do all that much more with cutting individual income tax rates today. and i think that that's going to be a tough realization for a lot of republicans as they approach tax reform on capitol hill in the weeks ahead. >> let me ask you this, jeremy. americans don't want to pay the taxes they pay. there's a sense we pay high taxes. people say that all the time. are we suggesting this is as low as we can go or ways in which the taxes that they pay to the state and federal government can be lower over time? >> no, i think they'll go lower. with republicans in congress of both houses of congress and the white house, i think you'll likely get some type of cut. i think the question is not that.
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it's what is the economic benefit from that at this point and right now you're having a lot of economists say that the benefit will not be that great and indeed it may come as a -- at a steep cost. a cost to the deficit. it will have to be paid for somehow and how that is republicans have yet to explain. let's not forget that art laffer and stephen moore two of the consultants with kansas have helped president trump devise his economic policy. and they said the same thing, back in kansas that steve mnuchin is saying now, the tax cuts would pay for themselves and that's not the case in kansas. >> if it doesn't stimulate the rate that you want it to you end up with a bigger deficit and that's a big problem for states. great conversation. wonkier than i usually get to do on tv so i'm thankful for it. jeremy peters, "new york times" reporter and msnbc contributor. still ahead a major step in
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the war against isis. iraqi troops are pushing deeper into the city of mosul. richard engel will take us inside the fight to reclaim that city. that's up next. you doyou'll see whatet but in you're really made of. after five hours of spinning and one unfortunate ride on the gravitron, your grandkids spot a 6 foot banana that you need to win. in that moment, you'll be happy you partnered with a humana care manager and got your health back on track. because that banana isn't coming home with you until that bell sings. great things are ahead of you
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ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. happening now in iraq. u.s. backed forces are in the final stage of fully liberating the city of mosul. the islamic state's former iraqi capital. isis militants however are desperately of striking back. this morning female suicide bombers targeted soldiers in the city killing at least 15 people in two separate attacks. and this comes just days after iraqi forces took this site. the grand al nuri where a caliphate was proclaimed three years ago. richard engel is in mosul with more. >> reporter: we're now in the center of the old city in mosul and this is the front line in the war against isis. you can see there's smoke rising from almost everywhere in the skylines.
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most of that is where there have been air strikes called in by u.s. forces. americans are backing up this operation but it is iraqi troops like this man right here who are doing the front line fighting. they are clearinghouse to house. and we have seen difficult fighting. when you go into some of to houses they're booby-trapped. we have been with some of the soldiers who are not with us because they were injured in the fighting and had to be evacuated from here. it is a tough fight. but iraqis say with the american support they're winning it. they said there's only a little bit and as fighters they were hostages. now as the iraqis are advancing, it is opening the way for some of the civilians to leave the area and the american commanders
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we have been speaking to think think this operation could be finished in a matter of days. >> oh, the magic words from richard engel, could be finished in a couple of days. pushing then out of a strong hold is important to the overall defeat. but how close are we actually? malcolm nance is a terrorism analyst and the author of "defeating isis." malcolm -- first of all, that last mile that richard engel is talking about. the just a few days. the barbaric stuff that isis has been doing in the last 72 hours including today, they're welding people using the metal gates in their houses, welding people inside their homes. these suicide bombers attacked. they're not -- this is not easy. the last mile is never easy. >> no, it's not. and this is house to house warfare. and, you know, urban warfare is difficult. i have been in urban warfare. what you're talking about is
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urban warfare and the last tightest section of the city, mosul, with civilians in the way and isis determined to kill. they're sending out female suicide bombers. black widows we call them. they're sending out children suicide bombers and using human shields. isis is finished in mosul. they know it. they're all wearing suicide bomb belts and all are going to die in the city. but they're making the last stand to take whatever blood they can. >> they're a death cult. when people talk about them as being islamic fundamentalists i remind people that people who believe in islam are not part of a death cult. 's not part of the -- it's not part of the religion to think you're meant to die in battle. if they're prepared to die they're prepared to die which makes it hard to get them out of the last few houses. >> sure. absolutely. you know, for isis this is the equivalent of iwo jima. they are trapped.
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the us fors surround them on all sides. awful they can do is kill themselves, or die in combat trying to kill the iraqi forces. let me -- richard engel made a great point. this is an iraqi fight. the iraqis have a hundred thousand forces surrounding and occupying that city of every branch. they have good ground war fighters now. anybody who was -- >> you say now. because a few years ago they cut and ran. that's why isis got the territory it got in iraq. so this is a different, better trained, more determined force they're going to defeat them in the end. >> they're going to defeat them within the next few days. that will be it for isis in iraq, but you know the iraqi militia forces and the iraqi army, they're determined not just to push to the iraqi/syrian border they may cross it since isis eliminated it. they're determined to get rid of isis in its entirety. >> right. that border was at its best, it
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was berms and fences. when isis took over that area between iraq and syria there's no border there. they have some check points, but there's easy to do. malcolm, one thing, i asked an hour ago, does the end of isis having territorial space and they still have a lot of it in syria, that still has to be dealt with, but that is coming to an end as well. when that's gone, does it have a material effect on terrorism if isis doesn't have physical land over which to govern? >> well, that's very difficult to project. because isis as a command post, as a central organization will be eliminated in iraq and syria. but isis has been transitioning over the last year into another form. what we call a ghost caliphate. that's where they keep their materials and their propaganda out into cyberspace and are pushing these self-starting $0 attacks like you saw in london,
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like you saw in europe and france. and with that, you're still going to have terrorism. but you're talking about a group that will cease to exist as a main force body and it will still be around in very small pockets like in afghanistan and somalia and with boko haram in nigeria. but they have to dissipate. but you're talking about 45,000 of the hard core will be dead with the exception of the wives. we don't know what's going to happen with that refugee flow that may allow or may infiltrate themselves back into europe and maybe a completely different column of terrorism. >> malcolm, thanks so much. malcolm nance. coming up, despite distractions of attacking media, president trump is facing a consequential week ahead. he's set to head to the g-20 summit in hamburg. he's finally going to meet face-to-face with vladimir putin and how the white house is preparing for that big meeting, coming up. ♪
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ahead of the g-20 summit starting on friday in germany, donald trump and angela merkel may have their own meeting. a spokesman for the german chancellor said. it will likely take place on thursday evening. a meeting between donald trump and vladimir putin will take place at the summit and the kremlin and the white house are working out details. g-20 countries are responsible for more than three quarters of global trade and two-thirds of the world's population.
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garrett haake and matt bradley are joining me now to look ahead. it has been a mess of a week at the white house between health care, something that was supposed to be energy week. and all of that. they have got this to plan for this week. how's it going? >> well, the white house is trying very hard to get and stay focused on this trip ahead of the president's departure on wednesday. the president has been up at bed minister, new jersey, not here at the white house. sort of seg regaited from the distractions of the past week. he's been focus on the calls with the foreign leaders. he has spoken to leaders from china and japan this morning france, italy and germany. all g20 members. all of whom there's significant business frankly with the chinese and japanese leaders. focused in some good measure on north korea. a threat to all three countries and one that the president has tried to address jointly with both of those nations. we have gotten readouts from the calls with the french, italian and german leaders but the
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german relationship is so important and off to something of a fraught start with merkel being upset about the president pulling out of the paris accord. we know that's something that the president will be and we know that's something that white house aides are keenly aware they need to be ready for when the president arrives this week. >> you talk about a fraught start to the relationship, and the same with macron. although he seems to have done something about that in inviting trump to bastille day, and how is this, given the tweeting going on? i remember back to the nato meeting, where those leaders were in awe of president trump and not necessarily in a good way. >> reporter: well, when it comes to president trump meeting with european leaders, the tweet storm of the past couple of days will be the least of his
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worries. you know, just like the american public, these global leaders have gotten used to the kind of unapplica unpredictable behavior that comes from donald trump. but when he comes to europe, he can expect a political elite here. a lot of these leaders were parrying and fending off what they consider to be their trump style, right wing populist insurgencies within their own country, and that is no longer the case. angela merkel as you mentioned, she expects to win big come september or at least maintain her position, and macron has won big in his election, and moves onto the parliament and get a huge majority in that parliament. we're talking about two global leaders who have taken up the mantle of the barack obama elite
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that donald trump and so many of his followers are constantly maligning. it's so emboldened. >> there were small examples in the netherlands and austria and they weren't ready until it happened in france. france has had a very horrible history with right wing governments so they step back from that, but at this point, that's an interesting point you make. there is a sense of empowerment by these more liberal in the european sense, democracies when dealing with president trump. does it help them in the end though? because this is still a president trump who has been tepid in his commitments to nato, which is what a lot of these european countries are most concerned about. >> when he was last addressed, he scolded them very publicly about how they weren't living up to their commitments with defense with nato. we're talking about a 2% g.d.p. that's supposed to go toward
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defense spending and he publicly scolded these leaders for not doing, that but look in just the past couple of months. all of these -- manuel macron and angela merkel have so many points to be gained by publicly beating up on donald trump. as garrett mentioned, we can expect angela merkel to come down on trump had when it comes the environment. macron has come down and appealed to climate scientists and said they didn't feel welcome in america. she should come to france. this is the kind of talk that america does -- that the american president would do when speaking to the leader of third world dictatorships. passing the norms of diplomacy. we're talking about -- go ahead. >> garrett, when presidents in general, this president in particular, goes overseas, he sometimes enjoys that more than
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when he is here. he gets to control the agenda more, and control the reporters that talk, and he likes to do so in a position of strength. this health care loss, again, the ability to not have a bill or inability to have a bill by friday that the cbo could look at and find a real bill and agreement, what is the white house going to try to get done in the three days preceding the first meeting to try and make president trump look like he is there are talking to other world leaders from a position of strength? >> with the senate out, that's easier because you don't have the distraction of fighting on capitol hill. matt said something about the scolding in the last meeting. we'll see the flip side. the president is also going to poland which has been this central european country that conservatives love to love. poland has been a steadfast major ally and they have presence in afghanistan. we expect the president to
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praise the polish people and thank them in america's dual wars over the last decade and show european leaders, there was scolding last time, but this is what we would like to see. we would like the see france and germany step up in more of that polish role, and he is expected to get a warm welcome there, and as you know, the president feeds off the reaction he gets from crowds and from people who react to him positively. and that's going to be a big part of this trip too. that welcome he is expected to get in poland. >> and matt bradley, specifically with respect to the united kingdom, that's unusual in that that relationship has been a little bit better since theresa may and post brexit. >> i think a lot of european leaders will be learning a very serious, very somber lesson from theresa may's sperexperience. remember, she saw the populist movement make a big gain here. they got brexit, and that was the same kind of right wing
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populism that brought trump to power. theresa may tried to cozy up with donald trump very publicly in a way and try to move to the right to spun juonge up the pop tay, and in the recent election, she was badly beaten back by voters that didn't like her cozying up to trump in a public way. >> great to talk to you. garrett hank, and matt bradley for us in london. we're taking a quick break. we'll be right back. or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember.
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twitter, on facebook, on instagram @alivelshi. i appreciate when you take the time the send in your observations, criticisms. in the meantime, thank you for watching. if fst monday, it's a special edition of "mtp daily," and it starts right now. good evening, i'm chuck todd here in washington, and welcome to "mtp daily." we're about halfway through the year, and on the eve of independence day, we'll focus on a different kind of freedom this country affords us. it's the freedom of the press. we avoid this naval gazing, but we look at the creeping lack of trust in institutions in the unt can, and one of the institutions is the media. everyone has seen the president's tweets
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